Yas I was waiting for this video I’m going back to Greece this summer and the weather there is melting so YAS Queen 👑 thank you so much 💕 I live in USA but going to Greece 🇬🇷 every summer
Hola muchachos✌🏼✌🏼 I’m so use to the extreme hot weather but I think the skin just gets use to it. I have very dry skin and I need to use something really light the most full coverage foundation I have is the fenty pro filter and looks heavy. For the beach I use under Eye corrector peach, a matte lipstick and lila b cream blush that is it.
Hello gorgeous! I am Mexican, but have been living in Europe for 2 decades (French beau). I’m glad you had a good time in Mexico. I love your videos, especially when you are out and about in Paris. 💖
Andreea I really want to thank you. I’m a senior in highschool in the US. Because of COVID 19, my senior year, homecoming, prom, and graduation were lost or diminished. Your videos have helped me make it through the pandemic even though I was sad about my senior year. I just got my driver’s license and accepted the college I’ll go to, and I hope I keep watching your videos into adulthood.
So sorry to hear of your senior year! I am in us too and it’s been so hard! Congrats on your drivers license and college! It will get better and I agree Andreea’s videos have made this pandemic easier for us! Hang in there it will get better!💕
Im so sorry but hey college is fun so study hard but also party (be safe) and just enjoy your freedom and life. You are about to start on an amazing adventure so maybe its ok that you had to chill during the pandemic because you will be well rested for all of those late nights in college whether its at a library... or a club...ahem;). Good luck to you.
It's okay sweetheart, you'll get to do all the things that you hoped you'd do this year eventually 💝💝 and well done to you for managing to stay positive at this time! Congratulations in advance on your graduation doll 💐💐💐😘😘
I live on a Caribbean island and what I do is apply a hydrating primer, allow it to set in for 2 mins, then apply a thin layer of a translucent matte setting powder to Tzone and around the hairline where I sweat, then apply a matte foundation. The concealer etc. doesnt really seem to matter but I finish with Ben Nye final seal setting spray. Always have a tissue to blot if you happen to sweat or get oily. My makeup usually lasts for a good 5 hrs before needing to blot.
Miami here: I thank you from the depths of my sweaty self! It’s “spring” here and between the sunscreen and the mask wearing, I’ve almost given up! Curly hair also big problem here!
It's been hot and humid in Boston (in the high 80s)! I tried your techniques today with different products and I'm happy to report that I did not melt. I feel so ready for the Boston summers. Thank you!!
It's really hot and humid where I live aswell , 43 degree Celsius , for makeup we usually don't do much , maybe lipstick, if we're going somewhere fancy ,it's usually concealer applied to specific areas we want to hide , concealer is usually the same shade as our face , some eyeshadow , blush ,lipstick and mascara. That's all
Hello Andrea, hope you read this. I’m not from Mexico (but I was in Cancun, Tulum and PlayaDelCRmen a few years ago) , I’m from Colombia, from a very hot, humid city named Barranquilla (SofiaVergara and Shakira are from here too). I think this video is mostly for the people who aren’t familiar with our weather. Off course, as you said, in this moment it isn’t so hot as can be 🤪, so just imagine. I grown with the philosophy of the matte skin. Everybody in this part of the world wants a matte skin, and everybody thinks that their skin is oily AF. It isn’t true always, is more common the combination and the normal skin. Most os the time people use a lot of aggressive formulas forkeep the oils out and dont hydrate, even sometimes dont use spf, just because they think that would be worst. I learned a lot here in TH-cam and thanks to that now I’m very happy with the results after of years with “oily” skin, acne prone, acne scars, blackheads and sensitive skin. Let me share with all what I found useful in case you live in same conditions: 1. Look for appropriate textures for your skincare. After wash your face is better if you use toner, essence, and/or serum. These 3 types of textures are lighter on the skin and you can take advantage of that without greasy feeling. Choose 2 of these 3 products, one with antioxidant and another one for hydration. For example in my case, I use an Hydrating Toner and a VitaminC essence in the day. 2. Always choose the right SPF for the right moment. The SPF you use in the city is not the same for the beach, pool and sports. When you are near of the ocean and pool, and more when you are near of the Equator Paralel, the sun is more aggresive and you should use something we call BLOQUEADOR DE PANTALLA, I dont know how to say that in english. The spf we use daily in city wont protect you well in these situations and the damage could be hard. About SPF in daily use, choose DryTouch formulas if you had hydration in your routine, some brands have great textures that actually, can be your primer for makeup. If dont, you could use an hydrating SPF formula. 3. Here, people love powder makeup on everything, actually the powder is one of the first makeup products a girl uses in Latinoamerica. On daily basis people usually dont use foundation, however if you use it, choose very well your shade and keep it light (I found a good one in Sephora, the brand is Stellar or Colourpop HyaluronicAcid foundation I think oerform excellent bc oily skin loves HA), then use liquid concelear. Dont powder yet! If I’m going to be outside all day I use a tiny ammount of a semimatte lipstick and use it in the cheeks very light. Now use a slighly ammount of powder blush to set the cheeks, a slightly ammount of bronzer or countour (if you need), and just tillthis moment, I use with very light hand and a large no dense brush, a translucent powder just inthe areas I didnt apply the other powders. Then a setting spray, let sit, check you dont have big drops, and then without take product, just with the same brush you use for powder you can sligtlhy check the Tzone. 4. Through the day use blotting papers and if you can, keep a small bottle of a refreshing mist to refresh makeup and you could use a makeup sponge to absorb excess. A good idea can be a powder SPF to reapply protection and set again makeup without being cakey. 5. Good skin is everything so the priority is your skincare routine is complete and enough, dont avoid to do it for the fear of oils, actually, if your skin isnt well hydrated, produces more and more oils. Sooo sorry for this large post but, I would appreciate some information in the past when I was very lost with all these matters. Hope can be usefull for all who needs it. Kisses! P.D. I use Dior Backstage in special occasions and is the most wonderful foundation for me, lasts all night and more. P.D. #2 Andre you are the only youtuber I know who says that sponge gives you more coverage than a brush for foundations. For real! And when you do it its true, but the rest of the works its the opposites, mostly of youtubers consider the sojnge absorb product and, bc the brush doesnt, the brush gives you more coverage. How crazy is this difference! Have you heard this before? Would be nice a video where you answer these types of myths orthe way you use makeup instead the majority of people does! Hugs for you dear!
Thank you for this post, very informative!!! I’m from LA, and luckily it’s mostly dry heat out here. However I do have a very oily skin and in summer it’s a struggle for me. I gave up on wearing foundation in summer. Just a tinted sunblock - LaRoche Posay Effaclar SPF50. It gives me decent coverage and sun protection. Love from LA ❤️
Ordering that blotting paper now! Great video, super agree with all this. I’m from the Philippines and melting is just part of our day. When we travel abroad, that’s when my makeup stays and we can use all the products we want. Otherwise, everything should be minimal and waterproof. More of these videos please!
Finally! I don't know what it is, but I feel like "I can do anything what I want" every time I watching your videos. Thank You so much for your content! ❤️
I’m Mexican !!! Professional makeup artist, and I use macs face and body foundation for brides, sometimes mixed in with the huda foundation. No prep No primer It just builds up :) Off course only for SPECIAL occasions. Love u so much 🤍🤍🤍
I'm from México and I love it. Also, so happy that you went and see a tiny litte bit of my culture, it is so much more than that. Ps. Love your content and your essence 🥰
Hi everyone, it's really lovely to see how we all met here on this channel from all over the globe. Beauty is truly international. Thank you Andreea for this video. Will definitely use mascara primer as from humidity I look like a panda. Never a good look!
OMG! I live in India and it's really hot here. I just posted a video on my channel about my summer makeup routine and I feel so VALIDATED. I can't believe my steps actually matched the ones you mentioned here. I'm crying and I feel so proud as well.
Very informative, like always! The Double Wear foundation is actually the product that convinced me that professional are something else & worth the money! I will forever love it. It is perfect.
I really enjoyed this video and how you were able to adapt to the beautiful weather of Tulum. I am from Texas and I use some of the products you mentioned and recommend for the same reasoning. Your video content really shows how much passion and enjoyment you have as an artist!! love the detailed examples you shared to explain others watching! Cheers from Houston!
I have been searching for years for a video just like this! I live in Florida and I sweat a lot naturally, but I also love makeup. Thank you so much! I Cannot wait to try this!
I live in a tropical country and have always struggled finding a long lasting eyeliner. Have tried so many, but the one that last the longest and I truly swear by it is the Mac Liquidlast eye liner. I can even swim with it in this heat and humidity and it stays. No smudge, no line on the top lid. It’s perfect!
Kvd tattoo liners are amazing and the Benefit 24 hour one pencil is great! I come froma very hot and humid weather and my eyelids are extremely oily. These never fail me!
You'll see that was the best choice you've made! I haven't wore foundation in at least 5 years! Such a blessing! I live in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It's so hot here that no creams stay on our faces hahahahahahah
Thank you so much for these wonderful skincare and makeup tips Andrea! I moved to Singapore last year and have been struggling to combat my constant breakout from the weather - all my past routines just did not work. Also love how you included the eyeshadow routine even if you wouldn't necessarily do it yourself - I live that pop of color on my lids lol
For low cost options about eyeliner: rimmel has a really good one (the "exxagerate") in black while if you like colored types, the sephora range is really good and last all day (it's waterproof so I use it also in the very hot italian summer) 🥰🥰
STILA HIDE AND CHIC!!!!! Been looking for something for heat and humidity for 30 years!! Holy GRAIL!!! Skin like, light to medium. Doesn’t feel like a mask!! Doesn’t settle in my wrinkles! All day lasting! Love your videos by the way. LOVE!!!!
Such a great video! Thank you for making it because even though I’m not in a very humid climate I ALWAYS have very oily skin. I try to see it as an advantage now that I’m in my late 50’s (omg!) but finding makeup that will do what you explained it really always the challenge for me. Thank you again!
Ali I enjoyed this🌺I think the important thing is to try not to wear foundation or concealer and allow your skin to breath. Do your eyes and do your lips but maintain your skin care regime. Blessing to everyone here 🧡🍑🙌🏻Lisa
My face feels GROSS without foundation. I wear foundation that breaths but keeps out the nasty gritty feeling I get in the heat in the woods and the country.
Mrs Robert’s, You are so cute. I think your the first person in over 36 years that has said that. Most tell me they can not wait to get it off their skin and once they stop wearing it can never go back. With that said just take great care of your canvas. Blessings and love you commented. Have a blessed day 🍑🙌🏻Lisa
@@mrsroberts9212 Well I can tell you after looking at skin for over 36 years, foundation and concealer is one of the main causes of aging and acne besides the sun. So good , that you are going light🙌🏻 Have a blessed evening Mrs Robert’s 🍑🙌🏻Lisa
Hello from Southeast Texas! We are hot and humid, especially in the summertime. That all nighter spray is awesome, and you are pretty right on with what works. Thank you so much!
Great to see your 'final look' fantastic ! Plus, first video from anyone experiencing a hot/humid climate. I live in tropical Australia & sick & tired of all éxperts' living in Northern climates, thank you....
This is my problem year round. I live in France. My hair and face are drenched with sweat whenever I clean my flat, go grocery shopping or even walk. I only ever sweat from my face. This is a real nightmare. I'm very pale to begin with, with extra sensitive skin and sometimes acne. I use Urban Decay's all nighter but it's not enough. I dread summer. Any tips please?
No foundation, Greek girls ☺️ concealer, spot conceal and powder. I dont use any skincare during the day either and putring on sun screen is even a struggle but a must. Ελλαδάρα!!! Wouldnt change it though ❤️❤️❤️
@@mariagkialpis2977 Επειδή το δέρμα μου έχει αρκετά σημαδακια δεν μπορώ να μην βάζω make up δυστυχώς. Νομιζω ότι της estee lauder είναι αρκετά καλό αν και λίγο βαρύ για μένα για το καλοκαίρι.Επισης πολύ καλό είναι και της avon το power stay. Δεν το περίμενα αλλά κρατάει όλη μέρα και δεν γυαλίζει το δέρμα!❤
Thank you so much for this video! I live in Tennessee and our summers get super hot and HUMID! I've never known what to do if I want to look a little more cha-bang throughout the day. This is super helpful!
A makeup artist once told me that she did the wedding makeup for the bridal party in Brazil. It was a hot day. She applied Milk of Magnesia for the base primer all over the face. Then went on to use foundation, etc. She said it worked like a charm❤️
Always can count on this lovely lady with the best technique and advice ❤️. I've watched other influencers the last couple of days about makeup in the hot weather, and yours is by far the best. 😘😘😘
OMG, this video is so useful to me. I live in Florida, and the humidity here is next level. Nobody explained the make up for humid weather like you did! Kudos to you!
Big fan from Mexico here! So happy you were able to visit the magical and breathtaking Tulum and appreciated our culture. Thanks for the tips in this video: super useful for us!
100% Mexican! Born and raised in Mexico City, now I reside in northern USA. So glad you enjoyed visiting, you will always be welcome in Mexico. Hopefully you have an opportunity to visit again, it’s a vast country with a rich culture and the cuisine is different through out the nation!
Me : glaring at all my 30-something tube of matte lipsticks while living in a tropical weather. 😳😳😳😳 Hot humid and sun all year long. At least I got two things right : ELDW foundation dan UD all nighter.
Thank you so much! I'm a pale English person living in Thailand, and have always had troublesome skin. Have implemented some of these tips in last 2 days and already see an improvement. I've definitely been applying too much moisturiser for a start! Your videos are great.
Love 💗 your videos!!! Especially the walking tours when you go shopping through Paris. I want to visit. Love the fashion there! I’m in hot humid Florida!!!
Video idea: best foundations (specific tones) for olive undertoned skin, both warm and cool, from fair to deep, all skin types. It’s such a hard task to manage, endless testing, foundation graveyard growing. 🙄 Since you have olive undertone and lots of experience with different products, it would be so nice. 😊
Finally! A comprehensive tutorial on make up for very humid weather. I live in Hawaii, I am Hawaiian Latin and I like to wear make up and yes it always comes off or I am constantly powdering my face. I can’t wait to try your suggestions. Thank you very much.
So fun to see your take on makeup for hot/humid weather. I'm a life long Texan and grew up in Houston (which is like 80% humidity most of the year) and now live in Dallas where it's only slightly less humid haha. So I've learned how to make my hair and makeup last in hot weather by default and I definitely agree, less is more when it's the very hot and humid summer months...I can't be bothered with a full on face!
I love Andrea but I’m sorry... most people living in humid/hot weather can’t afford buying this high end make up brands. It’s more about drugstores. I was in India and I struggled with my make up... incredible humidity. I was melting lol
OMG Finally!! I love this, I'm going to try it out next time I do my makeup. I've been waiting for a video on makeup for humid and hot weather because I live in the land of the eternal summer, Cali, Colombia, and experimenting with make up has the terrible tendency to go horribly wrong, I've picked up some things you mentioned, but I'm definitely following your tips more closely now! Thank you! I hope you do more videos like this in the future!
I'm from Mexico, one of my favorites places is Tulum, I'm glad u have the opportunity to be there. I have followed u for almost one year¡ I really like your videos¡¡
Glad you & Alex are back & had a wonderful time. I live near Atlanta, GA. It is hot & humid! I struggle the most with my hair getting frizzy. It is even worse near the beach. It’s fine, limp...ugh! You have beautiful hair. I loved this makeup look...
Thanks so much for this video, I live in Puerto Rico and it is always hot and humid. I would see tutorials of makeup that were always looking to hydrate and duwey look, but for hot places that doesn't always work, this video is perfect, it addressed my needs for living in such humid place. So again, thanks a million!
Hi Andreea. I’m not leaving in a humid place ( maybe just a couple of days in the summer) but still enjoying your videos. I just discovered your channel recently. Keep up the good job and thank you.
This video is so educational!! Thank you so much for going so depth and giving examples.. have a combination of oily skin and will use these tips this summer.
I like how you went & talked about the treatment you had previously done on your skin the day before .. I would love a full video on what other treatments you have done for your skin !!! It’s about time i get started!! Lol
Florida here and Fenty is a good option. Or a CC cream like the Laura mercies oil free. & powder in the tzone. Glad you had fun in Mexico, thanks for this video!
Hola Andreea! I'm from the very tip of Texas that borders Mexico and YES, the humidity is ridiculous especially in the summer. Wearing foundation can get tricky but thank you so much for the tip about spreading the foundation in a more thin layer using a brush instead of a beauty blender.
Clinique Clinical Serum Foundation...sweat proof, waterproof, humidity proof. I live in CA and it gets hot and this makeup does not move or cake. It has 25 spf, resurfaces, evens, and brightens the skin the more you wear it. It has a satin silky finish, so it is not matte and not dewy. I LOVE IT! I wear it everyday. I promise you for hot days this is a champion product. The concealer is just as reliable. Just wanted to suggest it because it deserves a look.
This video was just the info I’ve been searching for. I live in south Florida and the hot humid weather makes my face so oily. I’ve been searching for the right products so I’ll be trying some of these. Thank you.
THIS!! i needed this video desperately. I live in Bangladesh, and the summers are scorching and no matter how low I put the Aircon, I still sweat like a pig and my makeup gets sooo cakey . thank you so much for understanding what we needed.
Thanks so much. I am going to an outdoor wedding in 85 humid heat and I have oily skin. This video helped me understand what to do, to look better throughout the day. You’re the best!
So happy your back! Let me tell you I purchased a Sephora Spring Sale order and your videos are dangerous for me - purchased Sonoya bush, Charolette Tilbury Dancefloor Princess, Iconic Nude...I could go on.... Love your makeup videos!! Looking forward to your next fashion video too!
I live in Tulum and have been waiting forever for someone to tell me what makeup will stay on the face. The humidity and dew point is off the charts here. Thank you.
I just moved to Texas in the USA, and I found this video so much fun and helpful! Thank you! I also love Mexico! It's always been so nice and nummy! 🌞🌮
I live in a very hot and humid environment, and this is how I normally apply my makeup. Watching you give those tips reassured me that I’m doing a decent job.
Thank you Andreaa from Atlanta Ga! Much appreciated video! Congratulations on your new apartment, I’m so jealous, the background is gorgeous. I so miss Paris, I can’t wait to go back!!!
Hello, Andreea. I am living in Thailand, which is hot and very humid. I personally have all problems you mentioned, especially with mascara. Now I know about mascara primer, which I am willing to try. Thank you so much for all tips and suggestions. Always enjoy watching your video.
Hi Andrea! Thanks for this video. ❣ It was very informative. I live in Puerto Rico and the weather is hot and humid all year long. I have to deal with that everyday I want to go out. Now I'm working from home so I don't do make up often. But when I do, I love glam. So I use foundation in a lighter way in a daytime activity, bit more coverage on night time. I like using Shiseido Synchro Skin Self- Refreshing Foundation, Armani Luminos Silk or Physicians Formula Healthy Skin lightly set it with Laura Mercier Translucent Setting Powder. Sometimes I set with setting spray. You will love coming to Puerto Rico. Think about it in the next getaway. White sand clear beaches, good food, music and lot of diversity.
Dear Andreea, thank you so much for your gorgeous videos! I enjoy every single video you take for us! Thank you that you invest so much time, love and passion in it! It’s so authentic! Just love it! I live in Spain on Isla Bonita Palma de Mallorca and very soon it’s going to be really hot so it was really useful to know which foundation is the best for hot seasons cause it’s always a BIG THING which should I use in summer! Thank you again! P.S. Since I follow you I have changed my make up routine and I am just so happy to know all of the tricks you show us day by day! A huge THANK YOU again!
I live in Taiwan, and it is so hot and humid here in the summer! This was the perfect tutorial to watch as we move into the warmer season here. Thank you ❤
Oh I love that you posted this. I'm in florida and it's never cold but for a day or to in winter then it goes back to being hot 🥵 now summer is starting and it's getting very hot.
In humid climates I always use the tinted version of Anthelios by La Roche Posay instead of a foundation. It gives a little bit of coverage, has a matte finish and protects the skin from the sun. Love your videos, keep up the great work!
I was very excited when you mentioned you will do one because I live in Egypt and summer here became just loads of humidity, Thank you 🙏 and I appreciate your honesty & sincerity ♥️
My body temperature always run hot & so usually by the time I’m finished applying all of my makeup, I’m soaked! I basically soak off most of my makeup before I even leave my house! It’s such a drag! I am going to try your recommendations to hopefully see if this will work for me! Thank you for all of your informative tutorials!! Very much appreciate them! I’m a new subscriber to your channel & I’m so happy that I’ve found you!
Hi Andreea! I live in super warm and super humid all year round Singapore! I tried a lot of products, often times I just use a portion of them and then had to change but recently my skin is loving the Fenty Pro Filt'r Soft Matte Foundation. Its light to medium coverage and I just add in more layer when I need to. Last all day and very minimal transfer to my mask. Feels very light too. Loving all your videos and IG stories. Kisses😘😘😘
I loved the look. I live in south Florida where it is hot and humid everyday. I love to do my makeup everyday. I have oily lids and use urban decay anti aging eyeshadow primer but very little and my eyeshadow never creases. It stays on beautifully all day! Very little powder using you tips and I have combination skin. I do not find it necessary to blott my skin because of your tips! It has allowed me to have my makeup on all day with no worries! So it is possible to wear your makeup all day in hot humid climates. Thx Andreea!🥰
Hi everyone, here are all the products mentioned in the video:
Yas I was waiting for this video I’m going back to Greece this summer and the weather there is melting so YAS Queen 👑 thank you so much 💕 I live in USA but going to Greece 🇬🇷 every summer
Hola muchachos✌🏼✌🏼 I’m so use to the extreme hot weather but I think the skin just gets use to it. I have very dry skin and I need to use something really light the most full coverage foundation I have is the fenty pro filter and looks heavy. For the beach I use under Eye corrector peach, a matte lipstick and lila b cream blush that is it.
Hello gorgeous! I am Mexican, but have been living in Europe for 2 decades (French beau). I’m glad you had a good time in Mexico. I love your videos, especially when you are out and about in Paris. 💖
@@NERE1223 Really, you use makeup for the beach?
Yeeeeiiii ! Im from México! Sonora ❤
Finally someone has come up, with a make up tutorial that truly reflects the struggles of make up in our weather. Thank you!
Andreea I really want to thank you. I’m a senior in highschool in the US. Because of COVID 19, my senior year, homecoming, prom, and graduation were lost or diminished. Your videos have helped me make it through the pandemic even though I was sad about my senior year. I just got my driver’s license and accepted the college I’ll go to, and I hope I keep watching your videos into adulthood.
So sorry to hear of your senior year! I am in us too and it’s been so hard! Congrats on your drivers license and college! It will get better and I agree Andreea’s videos have made this pandemic easier for us! Hang in there it will get better!💕
My son is also a senior. Tough year for you kiddos. Congratulations on getting into college! 👍❤
Im so sorry but hey college is fun so study hard but also party (be safe) and just enjoy your freedom and life. You are about to start on an amazing adventure so maybe its ok that you had to chill during the pandemic because you will be well rested for all of those late nights in college whether its at a library... or a club...ahem;). Good luck to you.
It's okay sweetheart, you'll get to do all the things that you hoped you'd do this year eventually 💝💝 and well done to you for managing to stay positive at this time! Congratulations in advance on your graduation doll 💐💐💐😘😘
I've been watching her videos since I started med school. I graduate next year :') best of luck in college!
The video AMERICA LATINA was waiting for! 🤣 Yessss even normal skin gets oily in humid weather!
I have just found out why I don't like wear foundation! Humid weather makes every product wierd!
Yasss girl
Yes! Totally!
I have up on foundation a long time ago! I only wear concealer nowadays
I am Mexican!!! Soooo glad you liked our country, we love you too, hope to have you come back 🤍🤍
I live on a Caribbean island and what I do is apply a hydrating primer, allow it to set in for 2 mins, then apply a thin layer of a translucent matte setting powder to Tzone and around the hairline where I sweat, then apply a matte foundation. The concealer etc. doesnt really seem to matter but I finish with Ben Nye final seal setting spray. Always have a tissue to blot if you happen to sweat or get oily. My makeup usually lasts for a good 5 hrs before needing to blot.
Celeste Roberts, thank you!!
Great tips 😊
Miami here: I thank you from the depths of my sweaty self! It’s “spring” here and between the sunscreen and the mask wearing, I’ve almost given up! Curly hair also big problem here!
So excited for this! I'm in Florida and it's starting to get disgustingly humid.
@@isabelab6851 Same :) Small world
I live in Brazil, and oh boy, here everything melts
It's been hot and humid in Boston (in the high 80s)! I tried your techniques today with different products and I'm happy to report that I did not melt. I feel so ready for the Boston summers. Thank you!!
It's really hot and humid where I live aswell , 43 degree Celsius , for makeup we usually don't do much , maybe lipstick, if we're going somewhere fancy ,it's usually concealer applied to specific areas we want to hide , concealer is usually the same shade as our face , some eyeshadow , blush ,lipstick and mascara. That's all
Hello Andrea, hope you read this.
I’m not from Mexico (but I was in Cancun, Tulum and PlayaDelCRmen a few years ago) , I’m from Colombia, from a very hot, humid city named Barranquilla (SofiaVergara and Shakira are from here too).
I think this video is mostly for the people who aren’t familiar with our weather. Off course, as you said, in this moment it isn’t so hot as can be 🤪, so just imagine. I grown with the philosophy of the matte skin. Everybody in this part of the world wants a matte skin, and everybody thinks that their skin is oily AF. It isn’t true always, is more common the combination and the normal skin. Most os the time people use a lot of aggressive formulas forkeep the oils out and dont hydrate, even sometimes dont use spf, just because they think that would be worst.
I learned a lot here in TH-cam and thanks to that now I’m very happy with the results after of years with “oily” skin, acne prone, acne scars, blackheads and sensitive skin. Let me share with all what I found useful in case you live in same conditions:
1. Look for appropriate textures for your skincare. After wash your face is better if you use toner, essence, and/or serum. These 3 types of textures are lighter on the skin and you can take advantage of that without greasy feeling. Choose 2 of these 3 products, one with antioxidant and another one for hydration. For example in my case, I use an Hydrating Toner and a VitaminC essence in the day.
2. Always choose the right SPF for the right moment. The SPF you use in the city is not the same for the beach, pool and sports. When you are near of the ocean and pool, and more when you are near of the Equator Paralel, the sun is more aggresive and you should use something we call BLOQUEADOR DE PANTALLA, I dont know how to say that in english. The spf we use daily in city wont protect you well in these situations and the damage could be hard. About SPF in daily use, choose DryTouch formulas if you had hydration in your routine, some brands have great textures that actually, can be your primer for makeup. If dont, you could use an hydrating SPF formula.
3. Here, people love powder makeup on everything, actually the powder is one of the first makeup products a girl uses in Latinoamerica. On daily basis people usually dont use foundation, however if you use it, choose very well your shade and keep it light (I found a good one in Sephora, the brand is Stellar or Colourpop HyaluronicAcid foundation I think oerform excellent bc oily skin loves HA), then use liquid concelear. Dont powder yet! If I’m going to be outside all day I use a tiny ammount of a semimatte lipstick and use it in the cheeks very light. Now use a slighly ammount of powder blush to set the cheeks, a slightly ammount of bronzer or countour (if you need), and just tillthis moment, I use with very light hand and a large no dense brush, a translucent powder just inthe areas I didnt apply the other powders. Then a setting spray, let sit, check you dont have big drops, and then without take product, just with the same brush you use for powder you can sligtlhy check the Tzone.
4. Through the day use blotting papers and if you can, keep a small bottle of a refreshing mist to refresh makeup and you could use a makeup sponge to absorb excess. A good idea can be a powder SPF to reapply protection and set again makeup without being cakey.
5. Good skin is everything so the priority is your skincare routine is complete and enough, dont avoid to do it for the fear of oils, actually, if your skin isnt well hydrated, produces more and more oils.
Sooo sorry for this large post but, I would appreciate some information in the past when I was very lost with all these matters. Hope can be usefull for all who needs it.
P.D. I use Dior Backstage in special occasions and is the most wonderful foundation for me, lasts all night and more.
P.D. #2 Andre you are the only youtuber I know who says that sponge gives you more coverage than a brush for foundations. For real! And when you do it its true, but the rest of the works its the opposites, mostly of youtubers consider the sojnge absorb product and, bc the brush doesnt, the brush gives you more coverage. How crazy is this difference! Have you heard this before?
Would be nice a video where you answer these types of myths orthe way you use makeup instead the majority of people does!
Hugs for you dear!
Hola Athina, saludos de otra Colombiana desde USA.
Thank you for this post, very informative!!! I’m from LA, and luckily it’s mostly dry heat out here. However I do have a very oily skin and in summer it’s a struggle for me. I gave up on wearing foundation in summer. Just a tinted sunblock - LaRoche Posay Effaclar SPF50. It gives me decent coverage and sun protection. Love from LA ❤️
Hola que bloqueador de pantalla recomiendas?
@@glroiamorales7436 Hola querida! Un abrazo!
@@karinam4488 hugs dear! 🤩
Ordering that blotting paper now! Great video, super agree with all this. I’m from the Philippines and melting is just part of our day. When we travel abroad, that’s when my makeup stays and we can use all the products we want. Otherwise, everything should be minimal and waterproof. More of these videos please!
Finally! I don't know what it is, but I feel like "I can do anything what I want" every time I watching your videos. Thank You so much for your content! ❤️
OMG!!!!!! I can't explain how much I loved this look. The eyes are looking summer ready. Perfect bronze sunkissed eyes
I’m Mexican !!! Professional makeup artist, and I use macs face and body foundation for brides, sometimes mixed in with the huda foundation.
No prep
No primer
It just builds up :)
Off course only for SPECIAL occasions.
Love u so much 🤍🤍🤍
I'm from México and I love it. Also, so happy that you went and see a tiny litte bit of my culture, it is so much more than that. Ps. Love your content and your essence 🥰
I leave in Greece and I have to tell you that this salad is one of the many very tasty recipes we have in Greece :)
What is it called? I want to cook that.🥰
Hi everyone, it's really lovely to see how we all met here on this channel from all over the globe. Beauty is truly international. Thank you Andreea for this video. Will definitely use mascara primer as from humidity I look like a panda. Never a good look!
OMG! I live in India and it's really hot here. I just posted a video on my channel about my summer makeup routine and I feel so VALIDATED. I can't believe my steps actually matched the ones you mentioned here. I'm crying and I feel so proud as well.
Hi priyanka! Would love to see that video. Please post the link here 🙂 a makeup beginner from another hot climate...pakistan 🙂
Very informative, like always! The Double Wear foundation is actually the product that convinced me that professional are something else & worth the money! I will forever love it. It is perfect.
I really enjoyed this video and how you were able to adapt to the beautiful weather of Tulum.
I am from Texas and I use some of the products you mentioned and recommend for the same reasoning. Your video content really shows how much passion and enjoyment you have as an artist!! love the detailed examples you shared to explain others watching! Cheers from Houston!
I have been searching for years for a video just like this! I live in Florida and I sweat a lot naturally, but I also love makeup. Thank you so much! I Cannot wait to try this!
Very helpful. I live in Greece and double wear is definitely my choice for foundation.
I live in a tropical country and have always struggled finding a long lasting eyeliner. Have tried so many, but the one that last the longest and I truly swear by it is the Mac Liquidlast eye liner. I can even swim with it in this heat and humidity and it stays. No smudge, no line on the top lid. It’s perfect!
Kvd tattoo liners are amazing and the Benefit 24 hour one pencil is great! I come froma very hot and humid weather and my eyelids are extremely oily. These never fail me!
Thank you, I live in Florida. It gets hot and humid most of the year. I tried not to use foundation
You'll see that was the best choice you've made! I haven't wore foundation in at least 5 years! Such a blessing! I live in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It's so hot here that no creams stay on our faces hahahahahahah
Thank you so much for these wonderful skincare and makeup tips Andrea! I moved to Singapore last year and have been struggling to combat my constant breakout from the weather - all my past routines just did not work. Also love how you included the eyeshadow routine even if you wouldn't necessarily do it yourself - I live that pop of color on my lids lol
For low cost options about eyeliner: rimmel has a really good one (the "exxagerate") in black while if you like colored types, the sephora range is really good and last all day (it's waterproof so I use it also in the very hot italian summer) 🥰🥰
STILA HIDE AND CHIC!!!!! Been looking for something for heat and humidity for 30 years!! Holy GRAIL!!!
Skin like, light to medium. Doesn’t feel like a mask!! Doesn’t settle in my wrinkles! All day lasting!
Love your videos by the way. LOVE!!!!
I live in florida and i need this almost all the time. I love the change of background.
I am a proud Mexican from Mexico City and got married in Tulum. I’m so glad you enjoyed your time there!
Hi Andrea thank you for visiting Mexico 🇲🇽 ❤️🤍 you’re welcome all the time... our country is your country 🙂🇲🇽
Such a great video! Thank you for making it because even though I’m not in a very humid climate I ALWAYS have very oily skin. I try to see it as an advantage now that I’m in my late 50’s (omg!) but finding makeup that will do what you explained it really always the challenge for me. Thank you again!
Ali I enjoyed this🌺I think the important thing is to try not to wear foundation or concealer and allow your skin to breath. Do your eyes and do your lips but maintain your skin care regime. Blessing to everyone here 🧡🍑🙌🏻Lisa
My face feels GROSS without foundation. I wear foundation that breaths but keeps out the nasty gritty feeling I get in the heat in the woods and the country.
Mrs Robert’s,
You are so cute.
I think your the first person in over 36 years that has said that. Most tell me they can not wait to get it off their skin and once they stop wearing it can never go back. With that said just take great care of your canvas. Blessings and love you commented. Have a blessed day 🍑🙌🏻Lisa
@@PeachesSkinCare although seeing my skin is a must. I hate matte or full coverage, the feel and the look.
Well I can tell you after looking at skin for over 36 years, foundation and concealer is one of the main causes of aging and acne besides the sun. So good , that you are going light🙌🏻
Have a blessed evening Mrs Robert’s 🍑🙌🏻Lisa
Hello from Southeast Texas! We are hot and humid, especially in the summertime. That all nighter spray is awesome, and you are pretty right on with what works. Thank you so much!
Thank you! Can you film a video How you do make up without foundation?
Great to see your 'final look' fantastic ! Plus, first video from anyone experiencing a hot/humid climate.
I live in tropical Australia & sick & tired of all éxperts' living in Northern climates, thank you....
This is my problem year round. I live in France. My hair and face are drenched with sweat whenever I clean my flat, go grocery shopping or even walk. I only ever sweat from my face. This is a real nightmare. I'm very pale to begin with, with extra sensitive skin and sometimes acne. I use Urban Decay's all nighter but it's not enough. I dread summer. Any tips please?
That's so beautiful and simple look. Very natural and glowy looking.
Now you know what is like to live in Greece!!Our face is melting and we have to wear a mask too!!!🤣🤣
Εφιάλτης!!!!! Ποιο foundation χρησιμοποιείς;
Πες τα .. το urban decay setting spray είναι σωτήριο .. για το καλοκαίρι 😂
No foundation, Greek girls ☺️ concealer, spot conceal and powder. I dont use any skincare during the day either and putring on sun screen is even a struggle but a must. Ελλαδάρα!!! Wouldnt change it though ❤️❤️❤️
Same in south Spain 😂
@@mariagkialpis2977 Επειδή το δέρμα μου έχει αρκετά σημαδακια δεν μπορώ να μην βάζω make up δυστυχώς. Νομιζω ότι της estee lauder είναι αρκετά καλό αν και λίγο βαρύ για μένα για το καλοκαίρι.Επισης πολύ καλό είναι και της avon το power stay. Δεν το περίμενα αλλά κρατάει όλη μέρα και δεν γυαλίζει το δέρμα!❤
Thank you so much for this video! I live in Tennessee and our summers get super hot and HUMID! I've never known what to do if I want to look a little more cha-bang throughout the day. This is super helpful!
A makeup artist once told me that she did the wedding makeup for the bridal party in Brazil. It was a hot day. She applied Milk of Magnesia for the base primer all over the face. Then went on to use foundation, etc. She said it worked like a charm❤️
Always can count on this lovely lady with the best technique and advice ❤️. I've watched other influencers the last couple of days about makeup in the hot weather, and yours is by far the best. 😘😘😘
You should do a story time video about Tulum and the scorpion🙈. The whole experience show pictures and mini videos 👏🏼👏🏼
OMG, this video is so useful to me. I live in Florida, and the humidity here is next level. Nobody explained the make up for humid weather like you did! Kudos to you!
I am from Russia, in winter it is very cold up to-30C, and in summer +30 😁
Big fan from Mexico here! So happy you were able to visit the magical and breathtaking Tulum and appreciated our culture. Thanks for the tips in this video: super useful for us!
Here from México
100% Mexican! Born and raised in Mexico City, now I reside in northern USA. So glad you enjoyed visiting, you will always be welcome in Mexico. Hopefully you have an opportunity to visit again, it’s a vast country with a rich culture and the cuisine is different through out the nation!
Me : glaring at all my 30-something tube of matte lipsticks while living in a tropical weather. 😳😳😳😳 Hot humid and sun all year long. At least I got two things right : ELDW foundation dan UD all nighter.
Thank you so much! I'm a pale English person living in Thailand, and have always had troublesome skin. Have implemented some of these tips in last 2 days and already see an improvement. I've definitely been applying too much moisturiser for a start! Your videos are great.
I wore Estée Lauder Doublewear when I got baptized and my makeup looked exactly the same after getting dunked in water! 👌🏼👏🏼
hahahaha good to know must try
Love 💗 your videos!!! Especially the walking tours when you go shopping through Paris. I want to visit. Love the fashion there! I’m in hot humid Florida!!!
Video idea: best foundations (specific tones) for olive undertoned skin, both warm and cool, from fair to deep, all skin types. It’s such a hard task to manage, endless testing, foundation graveyard growing. 🙄 Since you have olive undertone and lots of experience with different products, it would be so nice. 😊
I agree!!!! I have a terrible time finding correct olive undertones for foundations!! Foundation graveyard is an understatement!! 😭😭😂
Me too!
Finally! A comprehensive tutorial on make up for very humid weather. I live in Hawaii, I am Hawaiian Latin and I like to wear make up and yes it always comes off or I am constantly powdering my face. I can’t wait to try your suggestions. Thank you very much.
Love this for the gorgeous Miami weather. Need to learn to handle it
Yeah you've been away I was like where is Andrea Ali. "All the tacos" HA!
So fun to see your take on makeup for hot/humid weather. I'm a life long Texan and grew up in Houston (which is like 80% humidity most of the year) and now live in Dallas where it's only slightly less humid haha. So I've learned how to make my hair and makeup last in hot weather by default and I definitely agree, less is more when it's the very hot and humid summer months...I can't be bothered with a full on face!
I love Andrea but I’m sorry... most people living in humid/hot weather can’t afford buying this high end make up brands. It’s more about drugstores.
I was in India and I struggled with my make up... incredible humidity. I was melting lol
I do agree that cuz many of us can t afford to by this brands of make up...
I think a drugstore foundation that works well is L"Oreal true match
Love the true match for hot and humid weather, and Too Faced Born this way
OMG Finally!! I love this, I'm going to try it out next time I do my makeup. I've been waiting for a video on makeup for humid and hot weather because I live in the land of the eternal summer, Cali, Colombia, and experimenting with make up has the terrible tendency to go horribly wrong, I've picked up some things you mentioned, but I'm definitely following your tips more closely now! Thank you! I hope you do more videos like this in the future!
I'm from Mexico, one of my favorites places is Tulum, I'm glad u have the opportunity to be there. I have followed u for almost one year¡ I really like your videos¡¡
I'm from Mexico! I'm glad you enjoy your visit!
Glad you & Alex are back & had a wonderful time. I live near Atlanta, GA. It is hot & humid! I struggle the most with my hair getting frizzy. It is even worse near the beach. It’s fine, limp...ugh! You have beautiful hair. I loved this makeup look...
Thanks so much for this video, I live in Puerto Rico and it is always hot and humid. I would see tutorials of makeup that were always looking to hydrate and duwey look, but for hot places that doesn't always work, this video is perfect, it addressed my needs for living in such humid place. So again, thanks a million!
Hi Andreea. I’m not leaving in a humid place ( maybe just a couple of days in the summer) but still enjoying your videos. I just discovered your channel recently. Keep up the good job and thank you.
This video is so educational!! Thank you so much for going so depth and giving examples.. have a combination of oily skin and will use these tips this summer.
Thanks a lot for the video! So helpful! I live in Cyprus - super hot and humid weather all summer!
I moved to Virginia from California late last year. I know its going to get hot and humid here and I thank you for all the tips!
Thanks for the tips! I live in the USA state of Florida and it is very humid at least 8 months out of the year.
I like how you went & talked about the treatment you had previously done on your skin the day before .. I would love a full video on what other treatments you have done for your skin !!! It’s about time i get started!! Lol
Yes!!! I live in Florida and it has high humidity! So happy for this video!
Florida here and Fenty is a good option. Or a CC cream like the Laura mercies oil free. & powder in the tzone. Glad you had fun in Mexico, thanks for this video!
Hola Andreea! I'm from the very tip of Texas that borders Mexico and YES, the humidity is ridiculous especially in the summer. Wearing foundation can get tricky but thank you so much for the tip about spreading the foundation in a more thin layer using a brush instead of a beauty blender.
Finally! Thank you! It is so hot and humid here in the Philippines. I love you already!
Clinique Clinical Serum Foundation...sweat proof, waterproof, humidity proof. I live in CA and it gets hot and this makeup does not move or cake. It has 25 spf, resurfaces, evens, and brightens the skin the more you wear it. It has a satin silky finish, so it is not matte and not dewy.
I LOVE IT! I wear it everyday. I promise you for hot days this is a champion product. The concealer is just as reliable. Just wanted to suggest it because it deserves a look.
I am a model and TV host in India and this was much needed!!!
I started watching your videos and I’m totally obsessed. So much love from Mexico City. 🇲🇽🤍✨
This video was just the info I’ve been searching for. I live in south Florida and the hot humid weather makes my face so oily. I’ve been searching for the right products so I’ll be trying some of these. Thank you.
THIS!! i needed this video desperately. I live in Bangladesh, and the summers are scorching and no matter how low I put the Aircon, I still sweat like a pig and my makeup gets sooo cakey . thank you so much for understanding what we needed.
Thanks so much. I am going to an outdoor wedding in 85 humid heat and I have oily skin. This video helped me understand what to do, to look better throughout the day. You’re the best!
So happy your back! Let me tell you I purchased a Sephora Spring Sale order and your videos are dangerous for me - purchased Sonoya bush, Charolette Tilbury Dancefloor Princess, Iconic Nude...I could go on....
Love your makeup videos!! Looking forward to your next fashion video too!
I live in Tulum and have been waiting forever for someone to tell me what makeup will stay on the face. The humidity and dew point is off the charts here. Thank you.
I just moved to Texas in the USA, and I found this video so much fun and helpful! Thank you! I also love Mexico! It's always been so nice and nummy! 🌞🌮
I live in a very hot and humid environment, and this is how I normally apply my makeup. Watching you give those tips reassured me that I’m doing a decent job.
Thank you Andreaa from Atlanta Ga! Much appreciated video! Congratulations on your new apartment, I’m so jealous, the background is gorgeous. I so miss Paris, I can’t wait to go back!!!
Do love every tip you give us!!! I'll definitely try the tissue tip, it seems awesome!! ☺️
Hello, Andreea. I am living in Thailand, which is hot and very humid. I personally have all problems you mentioned, especially with mascara. Now I know about mascara primer, which I am willing to try.
Thank you so much for all tips and suggestions. Always enjoy watching your video.
Hi Andrea!
Thanks for this video. ❣ It was very informative.
I live in Puerto Rico and the weather is hot and humid all year long. I have to deal with that everyday I want to go out. Now I'm working from home so I don't do make up often.
But when I do, I love glam. So I use foundation in a lighter way in a daytime activity, bit more coverage on night time. I like using Shiseido Synchro Skin Self- Refreshing Foundation, Armani Luminos Silk or Physicians Formula Healthy Skin lightly set it with Laura Mercier Translucent Setting Powder. Sometimes I set with setting spray.
You will love coming to Puerto Rico. Think about it in the next getaway. White sand clear beaches, good food, music and lot of diversity.
Dear Andreea, thank you so much for your gorgeous videos! I enjoy every single video you take for us! Thank you that you invest so much time, love and passion in it! It’s so authentic! Just love it! I live in Spain on Isla Bonita Palma de Mallorca and very soon it’s going to be really hot so it was really useful to know which foundation is the best for hot seasons cause it’s always a BIG THING which should I use in summer! Thank you again!
P.S. Since I follow you I have changed my make up routine and I am just so happy to know all of the tricks you show us day by day! A huge THANK YOU again!
I live in Taiwan, and it is so hot and humid here in the summer! This was the perfect tutorial to watch as we move into the warmer season here. Thank you ❤
It did me so good to watch this video! I love Mexico, you brought me there for 20 mins or so. Thanks a lot:)
Oh I love that you posted this. I'm in florida and it's never cold but for a day or to in winter then it goes back to being hot 🥵 now summer is starting and it's getting very hot.
Hi Ali I live in Greece 🇬🇷 and you are right about the products !! I use only double wear especially in summer!! ❤️❤️❤️
In humid climates I always use the tinted version of Anthelios by La Roche Posay instead of a foundation. It gives a little bit of coverage, has a matte finish and protects the skin from the sun. Love your videos, keep up the great work!
I found you one week ago and now I’m completely addict to your videos. Guilty! You’re amazing
I was very excited when you mentioned you will do one because I live in Egypt and summer here became just loads of humidity, Thank you 🙏 and I appreciate your honesty & sincerity ♥️
My body temperature always run hot & so usually by the time I’m finished applying all of my makeup, I’m soaked! I basically soak off most of my makeup before I even leave my house!
It’s such a drag! I am going to try your recommendations to hopefully see if this will work for me! Thank you for all of your informative tutorials!! Very much appreciate them!
I’m a new subscriber to your channel & I’m so happy that I’ve found you!
Thank you for this tutorial, I live here in Florida & we’re just heading into the hot, humid, rainy season 💕
Hi Andreea! I live in super warm and super humid all year round Singapore! I tried a lot of products, often times I just use a portion of them and then had to change but recently my skin is loving the Fenty Pro Filt'r Soft Matte Foundation. Its light to medium coverage and I just add in more layer when I need to. Last all day and very minimal transfer to my mask. Feels very light too. Loving all your videos and IG stories. Kisses😘😘😘
I loved the look. I live in south Florida where it is hot and humid everyday. I love to do my makeup everyday. I have oily lids and use urban decay anti aging eyeshadow primer but very little and my eyeshadow never creases. It stays on beautifully all day! Very little powder using you tips and I have combination skin. I do not find it necessary to blott my skin because of your tips! It has allowed me to have my makeup on all day with no worries! So it is possible to wear your makeup all day in hot humid climates. Thx Andreea!🥰