Let us hear your best suggestions for a name for our new city!! If we pick one of your suggestions...we'll be sending a Fromania! Bricks Teddy Bear your way!
No one has said it yet so I'm voting for SPUPLR-Ville which is located deep in the heart of The Fromaniation! Looks like a super awesome family project. Really wish I had the space for my own city...maybe when my kids are grown and moved out, lol. The real dilemma happens when you are completely outta space. Do you start a new city? Or demolish old buildings for new ones? 🤔🤔🤔 Love the plans...can't wait to see the completed work!!!
SPUPLR-Ville; that's a fun one!! Definitely high up there on our list! We are narrowing in on a final name, for sure! Yeah; running out of space is a real issue! There have been 'talks' about doing away with the homeschool table set-up and making it City 2.0 in the next year or two; haha. We truly are crazy.
Let us hear your best suggestions for a name for our new city!! If we pick one of your suggestions...we'll be sending a Fromania! Bricks Teddy Bear your way!
FROMANIA is a good name all by itself! It has kind of an imperial vibe but I think that’s the best fit.
You aren't wrong! Simply Fromania isn't a bad city name! Hopefully we finalize the name soon!!
I love the idea of Fromaniaville
It's not a bad name at all! Hopefully we will be 'voting' on our final name as a family soon!
Can't wait to see it!
We are so excited to get it together. Though, I ran the numbers on the cost of tiles that I need to order for the roads and sidewalks. Ouch. haha!
No one has said it yet so I'm voting for SPUPLR-Ville which is located deep in the heart of The Fromaniation! Looks like a super awesome family project. Really wish I had the space for my own city...maybe when my kids are grown and moved out, lol. The real dilemma happens when you are completely outta space. Do you start a new city? Or demolish old buildings for new ones? 🤔🤔🤔 Love the plans...can't wait to see the completed work!!!
SPUPLR-Ville; that's a fun one!! Definitely high up there on our list! We are narrowing in on a final name, for sure! Yeah; running out of space is a real issue! There have been 'talks' about doing away with the homeschool table set-up and making it City 2.0 in the next year or two; haha. We truly are crazy.
@@FromaniaBricks oh fa sho! Who needs school? We don't need no... education! We just need our LEGO knolls! Hahaha.