When I was 10 years old, my aunt and I used to listen to this song and dance in her car. Now I'm 20 and she passed away today. I listened to this song again in her memory and imagined that she was dancing next to me. She was only 44.... She was the most loving and kindest woman. rest in peace...
@@Nabatifarzaliyeva Azeris claim everything as their own. Georgian,Turkish and Persian clothes are also very similar yet I dont see you saying anything about them. Maybe because Neighbouring countries are bound to have similarities in culture. Stop claiming Armenians stole everything.
Personally theres too many songs (over 2000+ songs) and maybe the most underrated ones come from countries that appear only once or twice in the competition? Believe it or not, Morocco of all countries appeared once, in 1980 and the song is very underrated. Id reccomend listening to it
I had totally forgotten how much I loved this until I saw it in the postcard from 2024 ESC! Im so happy to find it again!
2 ปีที่แล้ว +104
Armenian culture is so beautiful, beautiful dresses, headdress and culture. Europe loves you, please bring more ethnic songs to Eurovision. Your culture is unique and that's why we love Armenia, other countries can try and copy, but Armenia does it effortlessly. Greetings from Greece
The thing is, the public doesn't get to choose the artist or the song. We are also very limited in options. These days the music industry is not thriving as it used to 15 years ago. People have moved on with their lives while others are trying to make a living in other ways. We have one very promising artist though and I think he can be a breakthrough. Gor as a soloist is doing fabulous these days. He picks traditional Armenian poetry and mixes it with rock, throwing some folk sounds in. His vocal range has developed well. He is very respected and loved here. I hope he gets a shot as a solo entry.
Turks will never claim this is Turkish unless they have psychological problems but Azeris of course 😅😅 in 2024, we represented a cultural mixture song that includes Armenian, Balkan, Serbian cultural elements but they claimed it was all Azerbaijani 😂😂😂 To put it short, if an Armenian sings Italian opera know that Azeri will say that’s actually Azerbaijani “national” song 😂😂😂😂 they are obsesseddddddd
Ignore all the negative comments. I loved this entry from Armenia. And I’m from Azerbaijan. Music does NOT have borders or boundaries. And it is natural that Armenia and Azerbaijan musics are similar. We have been living next to each other for hundreds of years. So just chill and enjoy the Caucasian music 🇦🇿🇦🇲🇬🇪
This song used to be so popular in my country Iran, now that I'm listening to it I feel extremely nostalgic:') I remember dancing to jan jan wildly not worrying about a thing Miss my childhood:((
@@Shebisterli آهاننننن فهمیدم مشکلت کجاس:)))) خودت یورو ویژنو از کجا میشناسی:) دوست عزیز اگه این آهنگو نمیشناسی یا تو غار زندگی میکردی یا خودت ایرانی نیستی احتمالا
the costumes, the stage, the dance, the banger song, the armenian lyrics,, this is what eurovision is about. armenia is so perfectly represented by Inga & Anush, I wish they'd send someone like them again in the next years.
As a folk dancer, this is the entry I have loved the most... The originality of tradition meets the modern music and everything seems to be so synchronised... Shat lavna Hayastan, love from Greece!
Θαυμάσιο σχόλιο Κωνσταντίνα! Για τέτοιες παραστάσεις παραμένω μεγάλος EuroFan! Wonderful comment dear Konstantina! For such performances like this I'm a big EuroFan!
2009 was the first time I watched Eurovision here in America, and to see Armenia perform this - what a treat. It's fun; it's colorful; it's cultural. I've watched Eurovision every year since then and always find myself rooting for Armenia the most. This will forever be my favorite performance of all of Eurovision.
Unimportant Person It's just that you Azeris have always envied Armenians, because they have a good culture ... if you are not jealous, then why are you insulting them under the videos? If this song was written by a Azerbaijani artist why didn't Azerbaijan present it to the world, but Armenians presented it? Please explain.
Unimportant Person Look worldmaps up of 2000BC of the middle east. 2 huge nations, Armenia and Assyris. Azerbaijan is even younger than Coca Cola so pleaseeeeee don’t speak if you don’t know history okay? My frienndddd😃
Unimportant Person You don't say that you were offended, but you show it. I have already said that I have written the Truth, don't be offended, do you want me to repeat that Azerbaijan is even younger than Coca-Cola ?or did you understand?Armenians are a very old nation, they have a great and rich culture, Turks and Azeris stole a lot from them. While Azerbaijan understood what the word "culture" meant, Armenians had long since grown up in it.. so pleasee .don't argue. It's not your fault that your ancestors stole it and then deceived you that it belonged to you,and you still believe it ).If you feel very bad about the truth, I'll put that comment here (in 6 languages) as if you liked it
Unimportant Person This is my last message to you. because you don't understand that you shouldn't steal anything from someone and then say that they are the ones who stole from you (as you say now - Armenians stole this song (it's very funny)).If this song was written by a Azerbaijani artist why didn't Azerbaijan present it to the world, but Armenians presented it? Please go and think, it is enough to write here and there that this belongs to you, you will not change anything. This song was presented by Armenia and that's it..Go and steal from the culture of other countries. Or just that Armenia is closer to you ? Is it easier to take from Armenia? good luck my cheated friend🙂
@@fssaigoyeniacildi8974 Niye Türklük’ünü sorguluyorsun sen? Ben de bu şarkıyı çok beğeniyorum ve hala dinliyorum, anladığım kadarıyla sen de hala dinliyorsun ki gelip yorum yazabiliyorsun. Müzikle politik sorunları bir tuttuğunuz için zaten halklar kardeş olamıyor. Gidin de diktatör Aliyev’in Ermeni asker kellesinin önündeki aşşağılık videolarda kusun kusacağınızı!
@@sillelioglu kardeşim ben dinlemiyorum dün eurovision yazdım bu geldi kiyafet dikkatimi çekti dinledim sonra hiç girmedim ayrıca çalıntı kıyafet ve çalıntı müzikle kim bu şarkıyı beğene bilirki unutmayın bunlar ermeni ve sizde türksünüz
@@fssaigoyeniacildi8974 Ne kıyafet çalıntı ne de müzik. Sizin kültürünüz ile Ermeni kültürü benzer, tek sorun (?) bu! Karabağ Savaşı nedeniyle bu sinirinizi anlayabiliyorum ama Ermeni Halkı’nın Türk Halkı ile herhangi bir sorunu yok. Ülkeleri yöneten bu kan emici diktatörler de defolup gittikten sonra zaten siz de anlayacaksınız.
@@sillelioglu Kardeşim her hangi bi sorun yok diyorsun da, ermenilere küçüklükten türk bizim tek düşmanımızdır diyerek yetişdiriyorlar. Şarkıyı tabiki istersen dinlersin istersen beğenirsin bizim bununla ne sorunumuz ola bilir ki? Karışmak bile haddimize değil. Fakat hem şarkı ritmi çalıntı hem giysiler. Bu kadar benzerlik varsa da gelsinler bir ülke adı altında birleşip yaşayalım artık, ayrı gayrı olmasın😂😂 bu şarkı melodisi Vallaha bizim düğün şarkılarımız. Hem can can diye kısım var ki, ermenilerde böyle bi laf yok. Bu kadar tesadüf de olamaz demi?
Me too! I used to skip watching entries that were not ethnic at all. It's like, I want to see the colors and beauties of different cultured and hear their sounds, not same crap I can hear anywhere else.
@@mutluluk5696 armenia is the fourth oldest country in the world yours is 95 years old so pls tell me who has a culture less country if you don’t believe me search it up
I don't get why people are discussing about whose clothes, music instruments are these. You are living together for centuries. Having similar clothes, music instruments, food is the most normal consequence of living together. These clothes, music instruments neither totally Armenian nor totally Azerbaijani. These clothes, music instruments are parts of your beautiful region.
Thank you! Neighbouring countries are bound to have lots of similarities yet a lot of Azeris in the comments like to claim we stole the music and clothes..
I’m so proud of this performance. It makes a great sense that your country has such gifted artists with such stunning vocal possibilities. And I can’t find words to describe the beauty of Armenian national dresses, “taraz”. The performance is very native Armenian and contemporary for the time. It’s so nice to realize that your country has such a big cultural to show.
Armenia continiues to have perfect but underrated songs everyear...they slayed even 2022 and 2023 ,i hope they get a higher place this year, in my opinion, they should have been place 1 in 2009, Maybe theyre songs didnt wined eurovision, but they winned a place in our hearts❤️🇷🇴🙏🏻🇦🇲
Neil Baker lol me too (and I still am), I kept playing this and singing it for months after (and trying to sing the Armenian parts even though I don't understand Armenian) 😂
Still am in 2018. lol. it's like an ancient music festival ritual from Babylon. This is why I've loved the Eurovision, one could hear music from different cultures and peoples
I would love to see this kind of song from Armenia again. It's been a while and even though they always use traditional stuff in their entries, I think it do be great if they have song and performance like this, but with better lyrics.
Many hateful comments from Azerbaijan here. Music styles and clothes go across borders. I have visited both Azerbaijan and Armenia and I'd love for them to find peace and respect for each other. ❤
2009 was an incredible year!!!!! So many masterpieces!!!! Armenia 🇦🇲 Norway 🇳🇴 Turkey 🇹🇷 Estonia 🇪🇪 ... so many good songs!!! 12 points for Armenia 🇦🇲 10 points for Estonia 🇪🇪 9 points for Turkey 🇹🇷 8 points for Norway 🇳🇴!! From Lebanon 🇱🇧!!!
Turks origin from Mongolian mountains. They migrated to South Caucasus and the Middle East and took everything from Armenians, Greeks, and Assyrians. This is ethnic Armenian cultural outfits, and turks can go back and claim their ethnicity back to Eastern and Central Asia. they have nothing to do in the Middle East and South Caucasus.
@poppincandy Search for "Naxçıvani rəqsi". You will see that the music is adopted from the Azerbaijani dance which is composed by Tofig Guliyev. He was a famous Azerbaijani composer and composed high quality music.
@@prvinibrahimova8927 piss off, Armenian music like this has existed in Armenia longer than Azerbaijans existence. You're just here to make Armenia look bad.
Music stolen from Azerbaijan 👎👎👎👎👎 And I will not move my body. That's a cheap copy of Tofiq Quliyev's Naxçıvani. *I know because i'm an Azerbaijani and I'm glad that Azerbaijani comments are there.* Stop plagiating our songs Gaymenia 😂🖕🖕
Nel 2009 non ero ancora nato e pensavo che prima non facessero canzoni così allegre piene di spirito e sinceramente favolose poi trovai Jan Jan 🇦🇲 e mi resi conto che l'Armenia oggi nel 2024 l'Armenia è decaduta.Jan Jan 🇦🇲 si meritava di vincere bel 2009 e nel 2010 ospitare l'eurovision ma è andato così.Allora speriamo che all'eurovision 2024 l'Armenia promuova una canzone che rappresenti più quel bel paese che è l'Armenia 🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲
Sto piaggendo..noi armeni AMIAMO pazziscamente L'ITALIA e ci da emozioni buoni incontentamente e forza di vivere e soppravivere, come il vostro messaggio. Tantissimi saluti a voi. 🇦🇲🇦🇲❤❤❤❤🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹
This song has some interesting/funny history. The Azerbaijani broadcaster blurred out the number to vote for Armenia during their broadcast, yet somehow a number of Azerbaijanis managed to vote for it anyways. Somehow, the broadcaster passed along the names and information of those who voted for Armenia to the Azerbaijani state security service, who then summoned those people for suspicion of disloyalty to their country/treason (how Azerbaijan was allowed to participate after this incident is beyond me…). One of the men summoned said he voted for the song because it was more representative of Azerbaijani music than their own entry 😅 On the other side, Armenia’s jury actually gave a point to Azerbaijan that year - the only year that they have ever exchanged points.
Folklore music and traditions are very similar among the nations who were once part of Middle Eastern Empires, (Safavid, Ottoman, Qajars) they lived together for centuries. The accusations about stealing a song or traditions shows how poorly the one is educated. The song Arshakyan sisters presented is based on eastern rhymes, with dominating Armenian tunes. In case there was a plagiat, Eurovision committee would withdrew the song in the first place. These people share long history, it's normal to have similarities.
When I was 10 years old, my aunt and I used to listen to this song and dance in her car. Now I'm 20 and she passed away today. I listened to this song again in her memory and imagined that she was dancing next to me. She was only 44.... She was the most loving and kindest woman. rest in peace...
I'm sorry for you loss ❤
omg hanah ı lıved ...
So sorry for your loss! ❤
Sorry for your loss❤
God damn, 2009 was one of the strongest years in Eurovision history!! Most of the songs were such bangers
@@Nabatifarzaliyeva nobody cares 😟
One of the best years in history😍
@@Nabatifarzaliyeva Azeris claim everything as their own. Georgian,Turkish and Persian clothes are also very similar yet I dont see you saying anything about them. Maybe because Neighbouring countries are bound to have similarities in culture. Stop claiming Armenians stole everything.
@@Nabatifarzaliyeva and azerbaijan from Iran
They'll show this song in Jako's postcard (2024)!! One of my absolute favourite entries of Armenia!!!! Love from Greece
Wow! I had no idea and I’m Armenian. 😊
For me, this is the most underrated song of Eurovision history
it’s good but it’s far from underrated, it gets so much appreciation
Top10 in 2009 is like top5 in other years
Same, 2024 and still soooo amazing!
Personally theres too many songs (over 2000+ songs) and maybe the most underrated ones come from countries that appear only once or twice in the competition? Believe it or not, Morocco of all countries appeared once, in 1980 and the song is very underrated. Id reccomend listening to it
Anush and Inga, its 2024 but your performance is still giving me goosebumps. Best of the best. I was so proud of how you represented us❤
For me, this is the best song ever in Eurovision! So catchy and so vibe and i completely love it! Greetings from Sweden! 🇸🇪♥️🇦🇲
"Sister, here we go" this part is so good!
Probably the best entry from Armenia and one of the best of Eurovision. I am in love, especially with the armenian part… From Albania🇦🇱
Ju duaaa thank you 🇦🇲❤🇦🇱🇽🇰
I didn't appreciate this song as a 15yo in 2009, but it's now one of my favourite ESC entries of all time.
This is Azerbaijan Music 100%
@@gladiator7937 wtf
Wisdom comes with age.
Now I understand why Mans Zermelow chose this as his favorite song of Eurovisionin , everything about this performance is perfect
Did he really ??
@@nathaliemarty9646 yees he did
Naim V when ??
@@nathaliemarty9646 Eurovision 2016 when he interviewed loreen and few others.
@@orangebear280 is in the grand final stream
I had totally forgotten how much I loved this until I saw it in the postcard from 2024 ESC! Im so happy to find it again!
Armenian culture is so beautiful, beautiful dresses, headdress and culture. Europe loves you, please bring more ethnic songs to Eurovision. Your culture is unique and that's why we love Armenia, other countries can try and copy, but Armenia does it effortlessly. Greetings from Greece
The thing is, the public doesn't get to choose the artist or the song. We are also very limited in options. These days the music industry is not thriving as it used to 15 years ago. People have moved on with their lives while others are trying to make a living in other ways. We have one very promising artist though and I think he can be a breakthrough. Gor as a soloist is doing fabulous these days. He picks traditional Armenian poetry and mixes it with rock, throwing some folk sounds in. His vocal range has developed well. He is very respected and loved here. I hope he gets a shot as a solo entry.
Culture in this video isnt armenian. They are thief. All of the europe are thief already. Specificly greeks ☺️☺️
Armenia doesn't have a culture .They are copying Azerbaijanian culture.Even if the whole world believe in it,they can not change the truth
God damn, this is still one of my favorite songs from Eurovision! I'm from Denmark much love to you Armenia
Feel the same! I keep returning to Jan Jan, when I need a pick up! Kind greetings from Germany. :-)
If you write “Azerbaijan” instead of “Armenia” there, nothing will change, because that’s just poor copy of azeri folk Nakhchivan music😂
@@fa7285 you're pathetic
Same same!
@@fa7285You’re spreading misinformation! We’re neighbors so our culture is similar! Nakhichevan is an Armenian word by the way!
How does this song have so many dislikes, it's unique and super memorable
salty people from azerbaijan
And from turkey😂
One of my all time faves!
@@samwise29 yesss same
Turks will never claim this is Turkish unless they have psychological problems but Azeris of course 😅😅 in 2024, we represented a cultural mixture song that includes Armenian, Balkan, Serbian cultural elements but they claimed it was all Azerbaijani 😂😂😂 To put it short, if an Armenian sings Italian opera know that Azeri will say that’s actually Azerbaijani “national” song 😂😂😂😂 they are obsesseddddddd
Ignore all the negative comments. I loved this entry from Armenia. And I’m from Azerbaijan.
Music does NOT have borders or boundaries. And it is natural that Armenia and Azerbaijan musics are similar. We have been living next to each other for hundreds of years. So just chill and enjoy the Caucasian music 🇦🇿🇦🇲🇬🇪
@@ogtayguliyev4299 Ay qoyun, gözünü aç dunyaya yaxşı bax. Eşşek gelib eşşekde gedeceksen bu düynyadan
Thank you, darling. From Armenia🇦🇲🇦🇿
Finally, someone with sanity said this. Peace!
This song used to be so popular in my country Iran, now that I'm listening to it I feel extremely nostalgic:') I remember dancing to jan jan wildly not worrying about a thing
Miss my childhood:((
Wow, awesome 😍 We love you 🇦🇲❤🇮🇷
🤣🤣🤣 خایه مالو سگ گایید Dog gayided the xayemal
@@Shebisterli duuuude😂😂 نمالیدم یاد بچگیم افتادم احساساتی شدم😂💀
@@icantchangthis7572 چرا اسم ایرانو میاری؟ اصلا ایرانی میدونه یوروویژن چیه؟ تهش ارمنی تشریف دارین و یا طرفدارش از خودتون مایه بذارین
@@Shebisterli آهاننننن فهمیدم مشکلت کجاس:)))) خودت یورو ویژنو از کجا میشناسی:) دوست عزیز اگه این آهنگو نمیشناسی یا تو غار زندگی میکردی یا خودت ایرانی نیستی احتمالا
This is what Eurovision all about:promoting your nation culture
For south-eastern european countries 😂
Well this isnt Armenian culturel music it s Azerbaijani music and i m not Azerbaijani
This is actually fucking Azerbaijan culture
Armenia exists from 1500 BEFORE CHRIST, so are you going to tell me that this is azerbejan culture ?? 😂😂😂😂 don’t make me laugh, please
I thought armenian and azerbijani culture are kinda the same
Finally found the song that was stuck in my head for 10 years
This is my fave from 2009
Literally me two minutes ago. LOL!👌❤️🤭😂
Music stolen from Azerbaijan
2:37 Somehow I always get goosebumps at this part
Sister, here we go 😂
Silərəm senin party a😅
the costumes, the stage, the dance, the banger song, the armenian lyrics,, this is what eurovision is about. armenia is so perfectly represented by Inga & Anush, I wish they'd send someone like them again in the next years.
The best ever fusion of ethnic music with modern synthesized beat. An absolute Armenian Eurovision treasure.
Armond Ghazarian yes Armenia music is nice Onno Tunç is best musician
This is not armenian song or armenian culture!
@@annamuradian5065 it’s clearly Armenian culture lmao you are funny Turk to alway try to sabotage the Armenian culture
@@annamuradian5065 yes it's just stolen from Azerbaijan
@@22nd_Place_Vasil we can’t stole anything from a country who doesn’t have culture and history, this clearly Armenian culture you are funny
2:23 those vocals are so good, I get goosebumps from them every time
Same ))
As a folk dancer, this is the entry I have loved the most... The originality of tradition meets the modern music and everything seems to be so synchronised... Shat lavna Hayastan, love from Greece!
Θαυμάσιο σχόλιο Κωνσταντίνα! Για τέτοιες παραστάσεις παραμένω μεγάλος EuroFan!
Wonderful comment dear Konstantina! For such performances like this I'm a big EuroFan!
Shnorhakalutyun Greece 💞
Love from Armenia❤️
Armenia and Greece are brothers and sisters💞💘💗
This is not armenian culture or armenian song
@@annamuradian5065 հայկական, գնա ազգանունդ փոխի մի հայերին խայտառակի
This is Azerbaijan traditional dances ,music , folk and clothes not Armenian .Know this all armenian and some of them write comments truth 🇦🇿
Armenian’s best Eurovision Song ever. I am from Turkiye.
Kardeş bu azerbaycan muziği sadece ermeni nolcak iste hirsiz milet
Senin türklüyün gözüne girsin
Vatan haini dicem akpli diyecekler
Turkish best song was maNga's one. It should win. From Armenia
And We could be the same is my fav❤ Greetings🇦🇲
This helped make 2009 a very memorable Eurovision song contest for me. 🙂
bro this is azerbaijani melody Armenia like always stole it from Azərbaycan
@@elturaneyvazov5084 а ты не обкакаешься в очередной раз не проживёшь. Не присваивай нац.черты своего стада великим нациям!
@@elturaneyvazov5084 not a flopzerbaibum person claiming armenia is stealing while u stole armenian territories
@@elturaneyvazov5084 Azerbaijan is a country with only 30 years of history while Armenia has thousands of years of history.
Saçmalama lan.. Ermenistan müziği bu bal gibi.. Ne çalması
2009 was the first time I watched Eurovision here in America, and to see Armenia perform this - what a treat. It's fun; it's colorful; it's cultural. I've watched Eurovision every year since then and always find myself rooting for Armenia the most. This will forever be my favorite performance of all of Eurovision.
Unimportant Person Armenians were an older nation than Turks. This is an Armenian style.not right ? My friend
Unimportant Person It's just that you Azeris have always envied Armenians, because they have a good culture ... if you are not jealous, then why are you insulting them under the videos? If this song was written by a Azerbaijani artist why didn't Azerbaijan present it to the world, but Armenians presented it? Please explain.
Unimportant Person Look worldmaps up of 2000BC of the middle east. 2 huge nations, Armenia and Assyris. Azerbaijan is even younger than Coca Cola so pleaseeeeee don’t speak if you don’t know history okay? My frienndddd😃
Unimportant Person You don't say that you were offended, but you show it. I have already said that I have written the Truth, don't be offended, do you want me to repeat that Azerbaijan is even younger than Coca-Cola ?or did you understand?Armenians are a very old nation, they have a great and rich culture, Turks and Azeris stole a lot from them. While Azerbaijan understood what the word "culture" meant, Armenians had long since grown up in it.. so pleasee .don't argue. It's not your fault that your ancestors stole it and then deceived you that it belonged to you,and you still believe it ).If you feel very bad about the truth, I'll put that comment here (in 6 languages) as if you liked it
Unimportant Person This is my last message to you. because you don't understand that you shouldn't steal anything from someone and then say that they are the ones who stole from you (as you say now - Armenians stole this song (it's very funny)).If this song was written by a Azerbaijani artist why didn't Azerbaijan present it to the world, but Armenians presented it? Please go and think, it is enough to write here and there that this belongs to you, you will not change anything. This song was presented by Armenia and that's it..Go and steal from the culture of other countries. Or just that Armenia is closer to you ? Is it easier to take from Armenia? good luck my cheated friend🙂
11 years but I am still listening this. Beautiful!
Türkmüsün gardaş ? İsmin volkanda galiba yabancısın ?!
@@fssaigoyeniacildi8974 Niye Türklük’ünü sorguluyorsun sen? Ben de bu şarkıyı çok beğeniyorum ve hala dinliyorum, anladığım kadarıyla sen de hala dinliyorsun ki gelip yorum yazabiliyorsun.
Müzikle politik sorunları bir tuttuğunuz için zaten halklar kardeş olamıyor. Gidin de diktatör Aliyev’in Ermeni asker kellesinin önündeki aşşağılık videolarda kusun kusacağınızı!
@@sillelioglu kardeşim ben dinlemiyorum dün eurovision yazdım bu geldi kiyafet dikkatimi çekti dinledim sonra hiç girmedim ayrıca çalıntı kıyafet ve çalıntı müzikle kim bu şarkıyı beğene bilirki unutmayın bunlar ermeni ve sizde türksünüz
@@fssaigoyeniacildi8974 Ne kıyafet çalıntı ne de müzik. Sizin kültürünüz ile Ermeni kültürü benzer, tek sorun (?) bu! Karabağ Savaşı nedeniyle bu sinirinizi anlayabiliyorum ama Ermeni Halkı’nın Türk Halkı ile herhangi bir sorunu yok. Ülkeleri yöneten bu kan emici diktatörler de defolup gittikten sonra zaten siz de anlayacaksınız.
@@sillelioglu Kardeşim her hangi bi sorun yok diyorsun da, ermenilere küçüklükten türk bizim tek düşmanımızdır diyerek yetişdiriyorlar. Şarkıyı tabiki istersen dinlersin istersen beğenirsin bizim bununla ne sorunumuz ola bilir ki? Karışmak bile haddimize değil. Fakat hem şarkı ritmi çalıntı hem giysiler. Bu kadar benzerlik varsa da gelsinler bir ülke adı altında birleşip yaşayalım artık, ayrı gayrı olmasın😂😂 bu şarkı melodisi Vallaha bizim düğün şarkılarımız. Hem can can diye kısım var ki, ermenilerde böyle bi laf yok. Bu kadar tesadüf de olamaz demi?
I love when every country sing with their language and show how beautiful is it. My congrats from Spain!
Me too! I used to skip watching entries that were not ethnic at all. It's like, I want to see the colors and beauties of different cultured and hear their sounds, not same crap I can hear anywhere else.
лучший номер за все время существования этого конкурса
Да прям уж😂
Я только что услышал эту песню и так кайфанул. Молодцы победители 2009 без сомнения
even ıf I'm from Turkey, im in love with this song! Music is really universal.
Armenian culture is present so much in this entry, I LOVE IT. This is what Eurovision is about.
Culture and Armenia 😂😂😂😂
@@mutluluk5696 t*rk spotted 😂turkish culture is stolen arab, greek, kurd and armenian culture.
@@mutluluk5696 armenia is the fourth oldest country in the world yours is 95 years old so pls tell me who has a culture less country if you don’t believe me search it up
Honestly the best song in Eurovision, every year I came back to this and always makes me dance.
The strongest performance of Armenia so far. Thank you sisters
I miss songs like this in Eurovision nowadays
2020 anybody? This is a classic now 🥰
Yes ❤️🇦🇲❤️🇦🇲
Yep :)
Every youtube comment section has "[x year] anybody"?
People watch old videos in present times. Imagine that.
@@cyberzangoose16 shut up 😋
I don't get why people are discussing about whose clothes, music instruments are these. You are living together for centuries. Having similar clothes, music instruments, food is the most normal consequence of living together. These clothes, music instruments neither totally Armenian nor totally Azerbaijani. These clothes, music instruments are parts of your beautiful region.
Thank you! Neighbouring countries are bound to have lots of similarities yet a lot of Azeris in the comments like to claim we stole the music and clothes..
I love everything about this performance
Thank you
I love this performance
I'm never gonna get this and Düm Tek Tek out of my head, the songs from Eurovision 2009 go so hard
Same for me and Hora Moldova (I think. Forgot the name)
@@ksy4747 YES hora din moldova is so underrated and the most creative led backdrop
@@tookmybasspills7623 yup! Totally agree!
@@tookmybasspills7623 plus it's the ultimate hype song! Just relistened to it and was jumping up and down in my seat! So much energy!!!
Similar culture,similar music
Very good music, my favorite Eurovision song, greetings from Turkey!
There is at least few times a year when I come back to this for the last 12 years ! Brilliant 👏
Like this song badly. Big ❤from Moldova
The secret gem of that year. We love you brothers. Greetings from Greece. 🇬🇷❤️
Love from pontos❤
@Ashmi Blacksea
@Ashmi im from turkey. I know
@Ashmi pontos (Trabzon Giresun Rize...)
This comment section:
40% This is so catchy
40% Azerbaijan
10% Mans Zemerlow!
9% Other stuff
1% me
Mans Zemerlow? 😭😭😭
@@meowpoosaymeow his favorite ESC song apparently
0.1%: me and my Portugal supremacy comments 😼😼😼
They stole everything from Azerbaijani culture. Because they have nothing.😅
@@nurahyee you are the ones who steal everything cuz you have nothing no wonder why you want armenians land
I’m so proud of this performance. It makes a great sense that your country has such gifted artists with such stunning vocal possibilities. And I can’t find words to describe the beauty of Armenian national dresses, “taraz”. The performance is very native Armenian and contemporary for the time. It’s so nice to realize that your country has such a big cultural to show.
Oğurluq mahnı və geyimler
lan bunlar türklerin kültürünü çalmiş.
Bazı türklerede yazıklar olsun,nasılda yorumlar yazmışlar "love from turkey"falan
@@royallahverdiyeva Yoringmane di mahnının adı. Əvvəli eynisidi mahnının
@@a_h8525 özbək mahnısı yoringmane. Munise Rzayeva oxuyub.
@@emilibrahim6570 Bəli bilirəm. İfa edəni də bilirəm kimdi)sadəcə bu mahnının əvvəlini deyirdim ki yəni oxşuyur
2023 and this is still my favourite Eurovision song. 💙 They are so good.
Yep ... till Måneskin ;)
@@brianniac23 yeah Maneskin is good but not THIS good.
its means that you love azerbaijani music
@@HuseynZulfuqarli-bf4gk what is azerbaijan?
На Евро 24 згадали цю пісню, так я знайшла її, щоб переслухати, бо пам'ятаю, що вона тоді теж мени дуже-дуже сподобалась! Дівчата, ви круті👏👏👏❤️
Так. Гарна пісня
Armenia continiues to have perfect but underrated songs everyear...they slayed even 2022 and 2023 ,i hope they get a higher place this year, in my opinion, they should have been place 1 in 2009, Maybe theyre songs didnt wined eurovision, but they winned a place in our hearts❤️🇷🇴🙏🏻🇦🇲
Armenia was also really good in 2014 like extremely good, they were 4th that year
Thank you 💖💖 we appreciate it!! We’ll get it done and get that win one day hopefully 😉 big love 🇦🇲💖🇷🇴
Зашла в 2024. До сих пор помню.
I was obsessed with this song for months after ESC
Neil Baker lol me too (and I still am), I kept playing this and singing it for months after (and trying to sing the Armenian parts even though I don't understand Armenian) 😂
Still am in 2018. lol. it's like an ancient music festival ritual from Babylon. This is why I've loved the Eurovision, one could hear music from different cultures and peoples
Cispera Espera they have no culture this music and dress are turkish national culture
I love this song
madam marika 😂😂 no you stole our culture
I would love to see this kind of song from Armenia again. It's been a while and even though they always use traditional stuff in their entries, I think it do be great if they have song and performance like this, but with better lyrics.
@Unimportant Person i just googled it out of curiosity and they dont sound the same in any way lol
@@ЕвгенийАлтухов-ъ1р thank you lmao
@@ЕвгенийАлтухов-ъ1р all singers sound different when singing live!!
@@ЕвгенийАлтухов-ъ1р not true.They sound exactly the same,and even better.
Many hateful comments from Azerbaijan here. Music styles and clothes go across borders. I have visited both Azerbaijan and Armenia and I'd love for them to find peace and respect for each other. ❤
If they stop attacking us, we will make peace and open a new oil story, we took our land, now they are shooting from the border.
@@Ramil706X I understand. I hope you will find peace on both sides. Best wishes!
@@Timbodian1 thank you
@@Timbodian1 Another piece of music they stole from us is "Sarı Gelin " if you don't believe it, search the internet
Because they used one of our music retmic
2021 and still one of my favorites songs of ESC ever. One of the best armenia’s entrys for sure.
One of the best esc songs ever
Hello from UK! I still listen to this song all the time, this performance is glorious and magical!
Lots of Turks and Azerbaijanis whinging in this comment section cos they can't admit that this was better than their songs
this alone is better than everything azerbaijan sent to eurovision
@@zondergezicht Thats why they won xD
Fack turku,fack aserpija
Talk about slaying so hard. We need more songs like this on present-day Eurovision.
Bağcılarda kürt düğünü izliyor gibi hissettim kendimi bir an
abiiiciiiimmmmm allah seni kahr etmesinnn ne arzun varsa versin öldüm gülmekten 🤣🤣🤣 azerbaycandan selamlar
I'm Greek and I still feel like this was my country there with them! Love Armenia!
I'm a watching reminder✨
@@muguruyarr rezil turkler
@@apollonmagg4603 it looks like somebody stalked me
@@muguruyarr ne oldu canim hahahaa indeed . because u have a big mouth
Thank you brother Greece.
Still so good
One of the best song ever graced the Eurovision stage, love from Turkey ❤️❤️
Ne söylüyosun abi,bunlar ermeni.Azerbaycan giyimleri ile çıkmışkar.Umarım Azerbaycan sanmışsın .Beğenme ermeniler.
@@royaliyeva1316 yoo biliyorum çok güzel Ermeni kıyafetleri 😍😍
@@royaliyeva1316 vsdvsdfdsfdfdsfdsf
@@royaliyeva1316 napim
@@royaliyeva1316 1100 yıl aynı coğrafyada yaşayan iki milletin kültürü bir zahmet benzeşsin değil mi?
2009 was an incredible year!!!!! So many masterpieces!!!! Armenia 🇦🇲 Norway 🇳🇴 Turkey 🇹🇷 Estonia 🇪🇪 ... so many good songs!!!
12 points for Armenia 🇦🇲
10 points for Estonia 🇪🇪
9 points for Turkey 🇹🇷
8 points for Norway 🇳🇴!!
From Lebanon 🇱🇧!!!
Well there's no 9 points but thanks
We Armenians must be always proud because our nation is talented and strong enough to give us that emotions🇦🇲❤️
Wonderful even till today 2024 < Jan Jan stunning classic, the Goddesses of ARMENIA
Underrated. I love it 😜 love from 🇦🇿 I have a lot Armenian eurovision favorites by the way wish we weren’t enemies …
@@Mehmetmutlu5832akpli sen
Thanks for you being nice tell your brothers to be respectful
2019 and still coming back to listen that song! Love from Greece 🇬🇷❤
Έλα ρε πατριώτισσα!
In Istanbul? 😉🇦🇿🇹🇷
@@agaeff1780 no in Erevan 🇦🇲😉
Simply one of the greatest Eurovision entries of any country of all times.
Love from Switzerland 🇨🇭
Guys..this is my favourite Eurovision song ever😂❤
One of the best in entire Eurovision history. Wonderfull perforance that hard to belie it was live and very close to Turkish melodies.
Turks origin from Mongolian mountains. They migrated to South Caucasus and the Middle East and took everything from Armenians, Greeks, and Assyrians. This is ethnic Armenian cultural outfits, and turks can go back and claim their ethnicity back to Eastern and Central Asia. they have nothing to do in the Middle East and South Caucasus.
@Berkay Demir best turkish person i’ve ever came across. you’re a great person, have a wonderful day.
We kinda share the same culture as Greeks, Turks, Armenians and Assyrians. All Anatolian people
@Berkay Demir nah go back to Mongolia nobody likes you
@@Janine.Najarian lol how about you make us go back? we’ve been here for more than 1000 years dont worry we will be here for an another 1000 years too
Woaw great song love from Turkey 🇦🇲❤🇹🇷
Xocalı soyqırımını yadıva sal
@@cigdemkocak1238 Ermeniler Bizim Düşmanımız
One of the best Armenia's entrys ever. Simply amazing.
omg, loved it!! so anatolian!
this is what eurovision does, it shows us how similiar we are actually. love from Turkey
Sen cıddı msın? Hıc bır Turkden bunu beklemezdim
@@Nabatifarzaliyeva bu öz ölkesini yıxan gıijin biridi
@@christopher.tanujaya 🇦🇿🇹🇷💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻♥♥♥♥💖💖💖💖💖
@@christopher.tanujaya 🇦🇲🏳🌈😢🖕🏿
i was addicted to this song from my childhood and i kept singing it till now without knowing which language it is. by the way it made my childhood
From 1:29 it is armenian, before it's english
@poppincandy Search for "Naxçıvani rəqsi". You will see that the music is adopted from the Azerbaijani dance which is composed by Tofig Guliyev. He was a famous Azerbaijani composer and composed high quality music.
@@prvinibrahimova8927 no one cares get lost
@@prvinibrahimova8927 piss off, Armenian music like this has existed in Armenia longer than Azerbaijans existence. You're just here to make Armenia look bad.
Music stolen from Azerbaijan 👎👎👎👎👎
And I will not move my body. That's a cheap copy of Tofiq Quliyev's Naxçıvani.
*I know because i'm an Azerbaijani and I'm glad that Azerbaijani comments are there.*
Stop plagiating our songs Gaymenia 😂🖕🖕
10 years on and I'm still coming back to this gem.
Oh friend,this is not our culture or our song
@@annamuradian5065 nədi hər yerə eyni şeyi kopyalamısan?
@@eldarhesenov3069 what?
@@eldarhesenov3069 qardaş,çaktırma;)
this azerbaijani melody Armenia like always stole from Azərbaycan
I love this song kisses from Greece
I think this is the best ever entry from Armenia.
I adore them, this is the best way to introduce our country❤🇦🇲
İm azerbaijanian but 2024 ladaniva's song was better in my opinion
Who’s here after Ladaniva?
One of the best folk entries in ESC. Amazing voices, costumes and that entry.... goosebumps!
Not literally every azeri searching Armenia on youtube ❤ thanks and love ❤😊
you’re right 😂
Still listening to this song in 2020😍
Oh man,this song is not ours
But this song has stolen 😂 This song this culture these clothes belong to Azerbaijan culture and traditional
@@ilhamsfrlyv5807 nice lie .. God is from Azerbaijan too?
@@annamuradian5065 you are fake trash
Песня слишком сильная для Евровидения.
Still my favourite from Armenia after all this time!
One of the best entry at Eurovision Song Contest🥰
Love from Albania🇦🇱🇦🇲
Armenian culture is just so special. Love from South-Korea🇰🇷❤️🇦🇲
İt is Azerbaijan culture
@@sulhkusuazearmy269No it is Armenia culture
Love sout Korea from Armenia🇦🇲💜🇰🇷
@@sulhkusuazearmy269 не позорься
İt is Azerbaijan cultures
Mans Zermelow's fav song apparently
Yes it is i was going to type that
Did he say that?
The Ukranian Boy In this years grand final! Do you not remember? :D
+Paulius Daunys i do but what time is it at in the Grand Final
SarahThePizza lol no idea sorry :/
This is how woman empowerment looks like. ..such beautiful grace..art.
This is how you impose RESPECT..wonderfully clothes, jewellery....oooo
Nel 2009 non ero ancora nato e pensavo che prima non facessero canzoni così allegre piene di spirito e sinceramente favolose poi trovai Jan Jan 🇦🇲 e mi resi conto che l'Armenia oggi nel 2024 l'Armenia è decaduta.Jan Jan 🇦🇲 si meritava di vincere bel 2009 e nel 2010 ospitare l'eurovision ma è andato così.Allora speriamo che all'eurovision 2024 l'Armenia promuova una canzone che rappresenti più quel bel paese che è l'Armenia 🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲
Sto piaggendo..noi armeni AMIAMO pazziscamente L'ITALIA e ci da emozioni buoni incontentamente e forza di vivere e soppravivere, come il vostro messaggio. Tantissimi saluti a voi. 🇦🇲🇦🇲❤❤❤❤🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹
This song has some interesting/funny history. The Azerbaijani broadcaster blurred out the number to vote for Armenia during their broadcast, yet somehow a number of Azerbaijanis managed to vote for it anyways. Somehow, the broadcaster passed along the names and information of those who voted for Armenia to the Azerbaijani state security service, who then summoned those people for suspicion of disloyalty to their country/treason (how Azerbaijan was allowed to participate after this incident is beyond me…). One of the men summoned said he voted for the song because it was more representative of Azerbaijani music than their own entry 😅
On the other side, Armenia’s jury actually gave a point to Azerbaijan that year - the only year that they have ever exchanged points.
That’s super interesting! Do you remember where you read that? I hope someday there’s going to be peace
I am Azeri came to this page to listen to this song…please stop this fighting, just enjoy the talent of humans…
Its unfortunate that some people just want to instigate fights, especially on a beautiful song like this
We need more songs like this
way too ahead of its time.
people couldn't handle bops at that time.
Also i love armenia🇦🇲🫶
Folklore music and traditions are very similar among the nations who were once part of Middle Eastern Empires, (Safavid, Ottoman, Qajars) they lived together for centuries. The accusations about stealing a song or traditions shows how poorly the one is educated. The song Arshakyan sisters presented is based on eastern rhymes, with dominating Armenian tunes. In case there was a plagiat, Eurovision committee would withdrew the song in the first place. These people share long history, it's normal to have similarities.
They're all just mad cuz it's Armenia
Love armenia from turkey i hope we can be friend some day 🇹🇷❤🇦🇲
Help I'm addicted to this song
Great song! Art is art. Warm greetings to Armenia from Turkey...
still addicted to this song. Much love to our Armenian brothers and sisters from Greece
Thank you 😊 we love ❤️ Greece 🇬🇷
Love and Peace from ♥Azerbaijan♥
Rafaello Rafaello finally another azeri whos not starting drama with armenians
thank you!! ❤
(I'm Azeri aswell)
Azerbaijan & Armenia peace 🇦🇿🇦🇲🇹🇷❤️
I love all of these comments about peace.
Kisses from Armenia😘🤗
@@esc3634 bari ereko enkerner☺😍
Beautiful Armenian clothes ❤❤
Inga & Anush😍😍😍😍😍 Back to Eurovision
beautifull, i watched it live on tv back then. Gooo Armenia, greetings from The Netherlands