At first, i was shocked. My husband was immediately ready to cancel Christmas and said we had to get rid of our nice artificial tree with LED lights that wasn't even a year old. I, hesitated. Then God spoke to my heart: Get rid of your idols. 😳 I don't worship those could they be idols? Then God said, "do you love me more than them?"😳 Then I began to do further research into the origins of Christmas. I did know it had pagan roots, but i didn't know the details. And I also knew Yeshua wasn't born that day, but i guess I just trusted my pastors should know and Should be leading us in truth, so i partook of this Tradition. In fact, i was often on stage at church as a Worship Leader! 🤦🤦🤦 The more that I dug into the history...the more horrified I became..... horrified with MYSELF! And in a few days, i committed to cleanse my home of idols as my act of Repentance. Each item i put in the trash bin, i declared out loud, "I love YAH more!" And honestly, i feel liberated! The Torah is His Perfect Law of Liberty! I also begun to observe God's Holidays (Feast Days). I know that this Tradition has so entangled the people of God...we were duped by Satan. But i don't know how we can claim to love Him and not be immediately horrified at the truth. How do people NOT Repent? I am trying to share the Truth because I don't want people to be told Matthew 7:21-23...
I guess your pastors n church are still duped by satan. Same as so many other "churches". No wonder Yeshua's not returning soon because many are still not be saved!
A few years back we finally faced up to the truth about Easter! We were shocked. Yah designed and established Passover and man decided to change it, add to it and "improve " it! How were we so blind? We believed the lies. We started digging into all our pagan holidays. As we tossed each one, we were declaring we love Yah more.
Only be very careful to observe the commandment and the law that Moses the servant of the Lord commanded you, to love the Lord your God, and to walk in all his ways and to keep his commandments and to cling to him and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul.” Joshua 22:5
This is my favorite Xmas documentary. I watch it every year and share it will all. Many... actually most don't or won't watch it. I love celebrating YAH'S feasts!!!
How do you celebrate the feasts? The way you feel like? Do you offer food and drinks to God? Do you go to the temple since the feasts were very much all tied to the temple? Do you also keep new moons, 7th year and 50th year sabbaths? Commandments and ORDINANCES are 2 SEPARATE things! Eg: Luke 1:6 “And they were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments AND ordinances of the Lord blameless.” Ephesians 2:15 - by abolishing the law of commandments expressed IN ORDINANCES, that he might create in himself one new man in place of the two, so making peace, (Colossians 2:14) "Blotting out the handwriting of ORDINANCES that was AGAINST US, which was CONTRARY to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;" (Hebrews 7:15-16) "And it is yet far more clear, that according to the likeness of Melchisedek there arises another priest, Who has not come according to a law of a fleshly commandment, but according to the power of an endless life. Hebrews 9:1 “Then verily the first covenant had also 👉ordinances of divine service👈, and a worldly sanctuary.” (Hebrews 9:9-10) "Which was 👉symbolic👈 for the time then present, in which were 👉offered both 👉gifts👈 and sacrifices👈, that could not make him who did the 👉service perfect👈, as pertaining to the conscience; Which stood only in 👉meat and drink offerings👈, and various washings, and 👉carnal ordinances👈, imposed until the time of reformation." Now if we meditate on these scriptures, we can see what Jesus nailed to the cross, and what was contrary to him; (Ephesians 2:15) "the law of commandments contained in ordinances;" (Colossians 2:14) "the handwriting of ordinances;" (Hebrews 7:16) "the law of a fleshly commandment;" (Hebrews 9:10) "carnal ordinances;" What Jesus abolished was carnal (or fleshly) commandments and ordinances, and hand written ordinances. Carnality was what defeated people in the Old Testament, and prevented them from keeping the law. Because the blood of bulls and goats did not remove the sin from the heart (Hebrews 10:4), people were often stuck in bondage to sin (Romans 7:14-24)
@@godloves9163 Easy-Go read your Bible. G-d gave us 7 appointed feasts to celebrate. He makes it very clear on when and how it should be celebrated. You do not need the Temple to celebrate G-d's Feasts, neither do you have to incorporate pagan rituals. The Temple were meant for sacrifices. New moon is not a feast, neither is the 7th year Shemitah or the 50th year Jubilee. You would be amazed by how messianic believers celebrate these appointed feast in a Godly and Biblically sound way today in modern times, just go visit 119 ministries' website.
@@theswagmaestro1681 Who said only feasts are still required but not the sabbaths that go along with it? I did read the bible and it says the ordinances which were against us were nailed to the cross. “Take this 👉Book of the Law👈 and place it 👉beside👈 the ark of the covenant of the LORD your God. There it will remain as a 👉WITNESS AGAINST YOU👈.” Deuteronomy 31:26 Hebrews 9:1 “Then verily the first covenant had also 👉ordinances of divine service👈, and a worldly sanctuary.” (Hebrews 9:9-10) "Which was 👉symbolic👈 for the time then present, in which were 👉offered both 👉gifts👈 and sacrifices👈, that could not make him who did the 👉service perfect👈, as pertaining to the conscience; Which stood only in 👉meat and drink offerings👈, and various washings, and 👉carnal ordinances👈, 👉imposed until the time of reformation."
@@godloves9163 so what you are saying is I can now commit adultery, or dishonor my parents, or covet, or not keep shABBAt, or steal, etc...? You have freewill to do what you want, as for me and my house we will serve YeHoVaH. I'm not saved because I guard YaHs commands, I keep them BECASUE I'm saved. It's the evidence of my salvation. Rev. 14:12 says here is the patience or endurance of the saints(elect, set apart) , those who guard the commandments AND have the testimony or BELIEF in Yeshua. Belief in hebrew is SHEMA. Shema means literally to hear AND obey. It is a verb and requires action. Same as faith. True faith will always be evidenced by action(works), just like Abraham's faith was evidenced by him almost sacrificing his son. Otherwise it is dead. Yeshua took away the penalty of the law but never did away with any of it. Please take note of what Yeshua did(his example). If He knew the law would be done away with why did he command us to keep it? And why did the apostles as well as the early church(gentles too) keep shABBAt and keep the commandments? We must reconcile what Yeshua taught WITH what He DID. They must both line up, otherwise it is our understanding and interpretation that is lacking. Modern xianity is really no different then ancient phariseeism, where manmade commands are elevated to the level of YeHoVaHs commands. Big difference and big mistake. Sin is bondage, NOT YeHoVaHs commandments. YeHoVaHs commandments are NOT a burden, but a delight. I am honored to be able to know, understand, and keep them. I do realize I cant keep them all perfectly, including the Feast Days/Holy days(moedim) and that is where Yeshua, my covering, come in. It is His perfect blood sacrifice that Abba sees when he looks on me. If you love your husband Yeshua and ABBA YeHoVaH, wouldn't you want to please Him and do what He asks, what He commands? Yeshua didnt abolish the Torah as many xians preach, He fulfilled it or completed it. He magnified it. Now we live according to the Spirit or intent of the Torah and no longer just the letter. Emphasis is now on love which must accompany every command. No longer is eye for an eye tolerated. We must have love(also a verb that must have action). Yeshua actually elevated the Torah to the spiritual level as evidenced when He said if we lust after a woman in our hearts we are guilty of adultery. Same holds true for all the commands. Those same commandments will be written on our(belivers) hearts. They are no longer a list we look at but literally written on our hearts! halleluYaH!!! Living in sin or practicing sin is big difference from occasionally stumbling and repenting. If we are not under Torah(spiritual)(circumcision of our hearts) then we cannot sin and have no need to repent and Yeshua died and rose in vain. Yeshua kept Torah to perfection, both physically and spiritually and therefore qualified as our Savior , our King of Kings, our Husband, our Covering! Yeshua did what we could not and His blood sacrifice was and IS accepted by Abba YeHoVaH. Yeshuas blood sacrifice REnewed the covenant that the "natural branches " broke. This allowed for gentiles (those without covenant) to be "grafted in" as well as the "natural branches" to be REgrafted in. YeHoVaH is soo absolutely amazing in ALL He does. May our lovingly committed Elohim give us all eyes to see and ears to hear and may we all SHEMA. Shalom to you
@@davidneiner2133 Read Hebrews and let go of shadows and cling to its substance. Pharisees and saducees clinged to shadows. Commandment keeping is important but carnal ordinances were IMPOSED UNTIL A TIME OF REFORMATION. Hebrews 9:10
I love Christmas! Everything about it! Years ago my grandmother tried to tell me that Christmas it's not about Christ. I didn't listen. Because I loved Christmas! But, then I realized I love Christmas not Christ. He said if you love me keep my Commandments. The truth that sets you free it feel like you're being murdered. I mourn the loss of Christmas. Fought against it hard. Thank God I lost the battle. It was like one day I woke up and I realized my heart hard. As if I was saying Lord I love you just not that much. I thank you for having the courage and loving us enough to present the truth is such an intelligent and Powerful way that we make our own decisions. Not based on the live petition but on the truth that sets people free. No matter how much people who fight against you on this one and yell and scream at you, don't stop! That's just the Lord convicting their soul. Stand your ground. if they love the Lord, they will come around. Thank you for loving us this much. Excellent job as usual!
Who needs these horrible pagan feasts, when Yehovah has set his own 7 feasts! I’m happy to know the truth! No more sadness, complete happiness in His true feasts. Sukkot is the best!
@@CoquiUnlimitedOfficial Absolutely you speak the truth! There is so much joy in our Father's moeds! The joy and celebration of the fulfilled first Spring feasts, and the excitement and great joy of anticipating His return in the Fall feasts can't be beat by any man made fake pagan holiday - Praise Yeshua - Who Was - Who Is - and, Who Is To Come!!
It's been 10 months, so I hope you receive this: Thank you for sharing your testimony. You spoke my ❤. Truly. I'm anguished over this. I'm realizing this Truth, yet I don't know how to let it go without hurting family. I am aching over the idea of not decorating, planning and preparing festive meals, enjoying traditions with family. But, I could do it if everyone didn't think I was wacko! I do have a largely born- again Christian family, but they think the idea of giving up Christmas, celebrating Shabbat, or any Torah Keeping is ludicrous. But as I read your testimony, I am becoming emboldened to "not be transformed to this world" by ridding my life of pagan holidays as a first start to living a Torah Keeping life, as well as doing everything possible to get my husband to celebrate Shabbat. If he won't, although he truly loves the Lord as is open to learning and I believe this will happen, I still need to find a way to keep Shabbat on my own. I am believing my husband and young adult sons will do this with me, and our lives will be a testimony to extended family. Again, thank you for sharing!
Hope this will reach you... Your story gives me hope for my grandchildren. Your grandmother's wisdom prevailed! I hope today finds you staying the course... It's not for the cowardly!
I accepted Yahushua in 2015. This was the beginning of my walk with Him. I was celebrating Christmas and while praying to Him in my house He said to me, "Get out of those things." I was a bit surprised because I thought Christmas was about Him but I didn't question Him. I immediately took down my tree and all the decorations and then I went up into the attic and took down everything that had to do with all worldly mainstream Christian observance [Christmas, Easter, Birthday, New Year's, Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Halloween, etc.] and I loaded it all up into my vehicle and took them to the dump! While cleaning out the attic, He told me, "Don't look at them" because I would be tempted to make excuses to keep some, especially my nutcracker collection. I did what He said. He took me into the Bible. Of course I couldn't find Christmas or Easter anywhere in the Scriptures and He took me into His Feasts and Commandments. Wow! Praise YAH! Glory to The Most High!
@Child of the Most High. I had a similar experience very close to that same time. But I heard “Come out of her my people.” Same result, no more of celebrating the traditions of men.
You can’t work around this. Christmas and Easter and Halloween are pagan in origin. No matter the date , there involved with these evil gods. 😊it is an abhorrence to our Lord to partake.
@119 Ministries .. this was an excellent presentation!! What an outstanding accurate job!! WELL-DONE!! Thank you for all the hard work you've done to present this truth!! YAH bless your ministry and your families. ❤
Well done. I appreciate how you covered the question without trying to lead viewers in any particular direction. You spoke with a variety of people with varying beliefs, backgrounds and practices. Thank you for covering different time spans and the evolution. Lastly, thank you for touching on the other holidays.
I think this turned out to be a very good documentary. Having so many different “views” should be of great help to those who are questioning. Personally, as of 4 years ago, once this was “shown” to my husband and me, we do not celebrate in Christmas or Easter any more. We even threw away hundreds of dollars worth of ornaments and an expensive tree. I could not even accept the fact of trying to “influence” anyone else by selling or even giving them away. My prayer is that MANY will watch this and understand, because until they are shown “the truth”, they will only reject it. Sadly my two girls and my 8 grandchildren haven’t accepted the truth... at least yet.
I know you have ask Yahweh to show them ( family) the truth as He did you ,& husband, me & so many others like us. Just start thanking Him now for delivering them from all the demonic spirits of christmas,easter,halloween, mayday,etc. that we were taught by tradition. I'm so glad I learned these truths 20 yrs ago. The truth of them has set me so free. Ill be praising Him for all your family & mine to be set free. Ps.107:20 says He sent His Word ( flesh/ Yeshua ) & (written) Word to heal, & Deliver us from all demonic spirits, addictions, sicknesses , generational curses,etc. Praise His precious name, Yahweh & to Him be all glory.
There are some things in this docu that I didn't know about Xmas. It's way more sinister than I thought. This year is my 4th year without Xmas. No stress this time of year! It's awesome.
Watching this video is an amazing resource, but I encourage you all and most especially those who still may be a bit wobbly on the holiday, to get anchored and rooted in what scripture says about this. Knowledge can only do so much but it's important to be in the knowing of your faith and why you sincerely hold this stance. Great place to start seeking: Jeremiah 10 Leveticus 19:2, 23:1-4 Deuteronomy 5:32-33, 7:4-6, 12:1-5, 12:28-32, 16:21-22 Exodus 15:17 Habakkuk 2:18-19 Mark 7:7-9 John 4:22-24, 14:15 Ephesians 2:2-3, 4:17-18 2 Corinthins 6:14-17 1 Thessalonians 4:7, 5:22 1 Peter 1:14-17 1 John 2:6 Update: A thorough look into Sukkot is great a place which mostly revolves around the prophetic time the Messiah and Savior of the world was born ;) God bless you all to return to His Way!
I started questioning this a little over 20 years ago and found in my research of Scripture and history these truths. Once you know the truth, you can no longer deny it. So, as much as I loved Christmas I stopped celebrating. Now, I understand that the biblical holidays that I was always taught were for the Jews, are actually HIS holy days, HIS appointed times as it is clearly written in HIS Word.
Sorry, not very many people know the truth. The whole world has been deceived, especially Christians. I tried to tell some of my friends, they mocked me, so I just keep my mouth shut. I told them that Christmas is not mentioned in the Bible, or any other holidays, her reply’s, she doesn’t believe the Bible. I was saddened that she had said that, I went silent. Blessing to all.
@@gloriahamel2963 Sounds like you decided to not cast your pearls before swine least they turn and devour you. Please be strong and don't let their swinish mockings stop you from sharing the good news of The Truth with others in the future. Not everyone who hears will listen, but those who are looking/searching will be grateful to learn what they have sensed was missing, but couldn't figure it out until you shared it with them. Be of good courage and stand strong - find it all joy to share the good news of the truth of the scriptures!
Excellent! I hope people get it now. My family and I stopped celebrating Christmas about 5 years ago because Savior is more important to us than our own discernment and any traditions around. And we feel great to be faithful to Him and not to traditions of men.
Just watched this with my 8 yr old. He already understands theres no Jesus in Chrsitmas but we need to educate our children early that pleasing God is crucial in our relationship with Him. Be in the world but not OF the world..
What gets me are those who did the research and KNOW better, but they still choose to participate in those pagan traditions, claiming, "well, God knows my heart." Yeah, God knows your heart. Which also means He knows when you've been presented with the truth and choose to go your own way anyway.
@@valerielinares2068 Well those are NEO-Pagans meaning new pagans which are following a religion that think it goes back to Bronze Age forests of Europe but it actually goes back to the 1950s British drawing rooms and to pseudo historians like Margaret Murray, James Frazer, Gerald Gardiner and having no actual ties to ancient pagan religions so I'm skeptical on they say on history. Also in the documentary Dr. Philipp Nothaft said in the documentary "We know that some Christians possibly as early as the second century believed that this episode (Zachariah ministering in the temple and his meeting with angel Gabriel) happened on the Day of Atonement in the Jewish calendar also known as Yom Kippur” And also Dr. Martin Wallraff says this in the documentary regarding the date of Aurelian dedication to the temple of Sol Invictus “Unfortunately there is no direct evidence for the date of that inauguration it would have been inaugurated sometime it's a good guess that it was the date of December 25th but there is no hard evidence for that date." If this were true wouldn't mean that early Christians calculated the date of Jesus birth to December 25th independently from any pagan festivals? Also in the film they said this "there is no record of Christmas observance before Aurelian's temple dedication to Sol in 274 A.D., making this theory improbable." However, a early 3rd century church father Hippolytus of Rome does state that the Nativity had occurred on December 25 in his Commentary on Daniel which is dated around 202-211. Another church Father named Julius Africanus wrote the Chronographiae, the first Christian chronology in 221. In it he says that Jesus had been conceived on March 25 and you add 9 months and you get December 25th.
The lady who said she researched the subject out is representative of many 'Christians'.I want to celebrate this and so I will continue to qualify why I do. Even in the face of what I have researched.
I LOVE THIS VIDEO. We have watched it so many times over the last 4 years and can totally relate. It is hard to come to these conclusions but necessary!
I think it becomes a sin when you KNOW and the Holy Spirit testifies Truth to you....I believe that the closer you come to walking in HIS ways and as you grow closer to living completely in Him, you won't WANT to be a part of celebrations that mock Him and have nothing to do with Him. HE GAVES US FEASTS AND TOLD US TO CELEBRATE THEM.....sigh* The bottom line question isn't what is sin? It's WHAT PLEASES HIM and brings Him glory!!!
Thank you again 119 ministries . I watched this documentary last year and today did it again . Please try to translate it to Spanish so I can share with friends and family members. YHWH bless you all!
Wow, some of those people interviewed give real hope for humanity! Those sisters for example, they absolutely KILLED it, they destroyed all the justifiers with one simple point of logic spoken from God's word just as He told us... Thank you for sharing people that really represent the right Way!
Thank you for the beautiful conclusion at the end from Michelle and Kay. Also, the bible does talk about some elements of Christmas. For example, Jeremiah 10:3-4 KJVAAE "[3] For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. [4] They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not."
Years ago I listened to YAH and we immediately stopped celebrating pagan traditions like easter and christmas. Oh, the verbal Hell and mockery my wife and I recieved from other "Christians" was so hateful... but worth it. So we made a handout to give when we're attacked with these as the paraphrased primary scriptures. 1 John 3:4 sin is transgression of the Torah Leviticus 23 is a entire chapter about Yahs Feasts, the way He wants us to worship Him, all generations, forever. Deuteronomy 12:30 says do not worship Yah like other nations. Deuteronomy 12:31 Yah hates how other nations worship their gods, sacrificing their children. Deuteronomy 14:22-27 is for the Feast tithe, put aside for you, not a church or a pastor, for YOU could enjoy the feast. Jermiah 10:1-2 commands that we do not learn the way of the pagan. Jeremiah 10:3-4 tells us that Christmas trees are the Pagan way. Jeremiah 17:9 Christians often say "He knows my heart" but our hearts are continually wicked. 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 YESHUAH HA'MASHIACH has no part with pagan worship or those that do. YESHUAH is not the reason for the season because he was never in it to begin with. You will NEVER see a true revival in your life or in your church as long as you continue keeping these pagan traditions. Purge your life and your church from SIN and be separated from the world.
Likewise, Sunday is not the biblical sabbath and it is warranted that we do a meticulous study of when, why and by whom this change was made. Someone sought to change “times and laws,” Daniel 7:25, even as they have misled us to christianized these pagan festivals.The question will be asked, “How readest thou?”
Someday minds will explode when they find out that not only Christmas, but Easter, Valentines day, Halloween, and the New Year celebrations are all pagan.
Reminds me of Matthew 7:13-14: "Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it".
Just like the last few minutes of the two ladies saying...we say we will do anything for our Father and yet we hold back. He says one way to Him. However it is not just a simple, here I am
I NEVER want to celebrate christmas again!!! I haven't really for approximately the last 5 years, I knew and believed as the Holy Spirit was leading and guiding me into ALL TRUTH that I shouldn't, but there are some things in this documentary that I hadn't been aware of and all I can say is thank YOU JESUS FOR SHOWING ME THE TRUTH, YOU LORD JESUS ARE THE TRUTH❣❣❣
Thank you 119 Ministries. That is the most in-depth Christmas documentary I have seen yet. The Feast days are all throughout the Tanakh and Brit Chadasha but there is no mention of Christmas. Strong's Concordance does not mention Christmas.
I love the conviction of the two sisters and the white/asian couple. They are standing on God's Word to not celebrate Him in "that way", the way pagans celebrate. As for the other people in the video, it is unfortunate they end up in ambiguity and uncertainty. And even one of the ministers who seems to think Deuteronomy is irrelevant because it is old testament. The Word is not ambiguous but very clear and His Word will not pass away. We are commanded to commemorate Christ's death not his birth.
@@thatwasprettyneat Vs. 31 "which he hates" Deuteronomy 12;28-32 28 Observe and hear all these words which I command you, that it may go well with you, and with your children after you forever, when you do that which is good and right in the eyes of the LORD your God. 29 When the LORD your God shall cut off the nations from before you, where you go in to dispossess them, and you dispossess them, and dwell in their land; 30 take heed to yourself that you not be ensnared to follow them, after that they are destroyed from before you; and that you not inquire after their gods, saying, How do these nations serve their gods? even so will I do likewise. 31 You shall not do so to the LORD your God: for every abomination to the LORD, which he hates, have they done to their gods; for even their sons and their daughters do they burn in the fire to their gods. 32 Whatever thing I command you, that shall you observe to do: you shall not add thereto, nor diminish from it.
"Giving a gift to a child does something to a child"......makes them happy pretty retriever gets really happy when I bring home a new dog toy for her!
Holy crap that last pastor/deacon/preach mocking the words of the bible and asking if he's bordering on heresy? Then saying maybe SO? I'm still struggling with these holidays but the fact that I'm struggling tells me they aren't right. No one will live a sinful life, that was our Savior only, but we HAVE to try to do what God wants on a daily basis. The devil is smart....does he have us celebrating HIM all while we think we're celebrating Jesus?? Most likely, YES👺 So, I personally would rather not and just take the heat from my family and friends. Praise God, ALWAYS🙏❤ Edit: the last 2 women's message was SPOT ON!!!!!! ❤
This is FABULOUS!!! This year I have decided to join a church that does not celebrate Christmas or Easter, (not Jehovah's Witnesses). I told my mom that I didn't want to celebrate Christmas next year. She was mildly annoyed. I hear many of the same excuses from many Christians, "It's what's in the heart that counts, I'm not worshiping satan," etc. etc. I'm searching for reasonable and factual things to say in response. I really haven't liked either Christmas or Easter ( Easter, by the way is the English translation for Ashtarte, goddess of fertility) Why Christians overlook these things.... well maybe they just want to do things their way, which is human nature. God has made it very clear that he doesn't want recycled pagan worship dedicated to Him. It's like polishing a turd. I always remember the golden calf and how God instructed the Israelites to destroy the gold the calf had been made of because it had been soiled by their idolatrous behavior towards it while Moses was on the mountain for 40 days receiving the 10 commandments. We really don't have the right to do things how WE want. Adam and Eve did and look where that got all of us........
I'm very interested in what you think in some Christians who say that Christmas is not pagan and the traditions are most likely recent and the date of December 25th came from complex calculations and possibly Judaism rather than paganism like the Calculation Theory that is mentioned in the documentary starting around @30:11-@33:06
When they say, "God knows my heart " you can say, "Yes He does and He sees that you want to participate in paganism over choosing Him." Or He sees that paganism is your preference over obeying Him. Or What will you say to Him when He asks you why you didn't obey His Word?
Yah is quite clear on how we are to worship Him. He is also quite clear on those things He detests and rejects. We are to be set apart and if that means we root out every pagan thing that has become part of our lives then so be it. I have alienated family, friends, and especially other "Christians" though I've never admonished anyone for continuing in pagan practices. It seems that by simply honoring Him by keeping His Torah infuriates them. Yahweh has given everything for us, where do we get off cutting corners on serving Him??? Especially when what He asks is really so simple. I do not want to be one those Yeshua turns away saying I never knew you, you workers of iniquity (lawlessness). Exactly what laws is He referring to??? Definitely not the local civil law, but His law, His Torah. שלום
THANK YOU for this video and for all of the videos that you make for us. Ultimately, my personal goal is to please Our Father, in all things and to be welcomed into eternity to fellowship with Him!! ❤
Great film ! Very informative. I haven't kept Christmas in over 40 years. Don't miss it. I know when Yeshua was born, during the Feast of Tabernacles because He came to tabernacle or abide amoung us. Hallelujah ! 🕊✝️
Great way to end! “What about loving Him?” Although for me it’s not difficult to say yes celebrating christmas is a sin... and I’m still finding it difficult to break all the traditions! I know that God loves me, does my behavior and speech and thoughts show Him I love Him? Pray for my refinement! I want my love to be brilliant and true and faithful that it may please my Creator and glorify His name among men!
Hallelujah praise God, I love this video! I've been studying this for the last couple of years and this is the best video I have seen! I would love to get with you on the Easter celebration or Ishtar history enveloping all of what we have according to the historical content versus the biblical content and make them all realistic to the Christian faith and expose the lies Express and teach the truth according to scripture. Keep up the good work look forward to contributing and hearing from you soon. Daniel a faithful follower of Jesus Christ Our Lord. Keep On Keepin On until he returns in Jesus name amen.
This is really well made with lots of interesting speakers. Thank you. I am still going to have a Christmas tree and sing carols, but I'll carry on watching this channel I don't like Fr Christmas and things like that, so I do get the point being made here
Michael Kenny the point is that Christmas is not a religious holiday. I suggest you research more because the Bible tells us NOT to follow the ways of man with their traditions.
Matthew 7:13-14: "Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it".
As a Messianic Jew, I know the Church hates everything Jewish which is why the Church never took the holiday of Hannukah and made it a Christian Holiday to celebrate the birth of the LIGHT OF THE WORLD. John 8:12 Jesus/Yeshua is the Light of the world and far exceeds the miracle of Hannukah. Every year when I light my menorah, I think of Jesus who came as light to all of us. He is the suffering servant just as the menorah has a servant candle (Shamash) in the middle at the top of the menorah. Hannukah is a celebration to remember the restored sanctification of the Second Temple. Jesus is my restoration and sanctification because without Him I can't enter into the Kingdome of G-D. Blessed Be His Name Forever.
Nice video, 119!! I understood that the 2 ladies at the end no longer celebrate Christmas, as well as the couple. The street interviewees were the only people who seemed to still celebrate, merely following the traditions passed down to them. It was interesting to listen to mainstream church leaders "sell" the traditional reasoning for celebrating the Christmas season. The video wasn't clear if these church leaders had an opportunity to hear the facts presented here and this was a kind of counter-argument, or not? THAT would be a fantastic follow-up video, though. The video was presented in a way that wasn't judgmental towards those who still celebrate. It is meant to cause folks to think, question and look at the facts and draw their own conclusions. If this video meets an open, seeking heart, God will do His work 100% better than a critical, judgmental, bitter video ever could. If you're disappointed I'm sure there are a few videos of the kind you expected. Look elsewhere, I guess.
We only see one birthday in the Bible which is the birthday of Herodias. This birthday ended up with John the Baptist’s head on the platter.. I don’t celebrate Christmas but I use this time to focus on Jesus and evangelize. We use this time as a family time and a time to catch our rest and prepare for a new year. We celebrate the risen Jesus. For Christ Jesus our Passover lamb has been sacrificed 1 Corinthians 5:7.
I haven't celebrated Christmas in years, I do however celebrated Hanukkah, Hanukkah is called the Feast of dedication and you can find it in John 10:22 It was in Jerusalem the Feast of dedication, and it was winter. 23 And Yeshua walked in Solomon's porch .
Born on Passover? He died on Passover. He was born in the Fall. Study the Scriptures pertaining to when Mary gave birth. Also study the conception and birth pertaining to John the Baptist and Jesus. I would love to know how you conclude Yahushua was BORN on Passover - Scripturally please. Thank you.
The church today is not the same as the early church that is described in Acts. Furthermore people don't read the Bible for God's guidance but rather than what pleases themselves. Paganism alive and breathing in Christianity today.
Shalom, God said, you shall know the truth and the truth will make you free. It is time for people to wake up to the truth. The Messiah was not born on December the 25th but in the Fall. Satan is trying to keep us in bondage, under his power of darkness, so the people need the truth. God bless.
We have to take the "I" (us) out of Adonai's word. Our God is not a God of excuses. We are to obey his Torah. Thank you for the truth that these holidays are pagan.
God tells us exactly the month, the day, and even the time of day we are to celebrate His Holy days… but He gives very few clues as to when His Son was born. That should tell us He doesn’t want us to celebrate Christ’s birth… but He’s very specific about when to celebrate Christ’s death.
Yahuah (God) Never intended us to celebrate Yahshua the Messiah birthday or resurrection. As all the Feasts that Yahuah point to His plan, of Redemption & Restoration... The Wedding Feast of The Lamb is our OFFICIAL celebration for the Victory is His! no one can boast🙂
The Almighty did these things to announce and celebrate His Son's birth among mankind: - Recorded the event in two written testimonies considered inspired - Prophesied his birth among mankind through multiple prophets dating back to Enoch before the flood - Prophesied His birth to Joseph & Mary - Prophesied His birth to Zecharias & Elizabeth - Sent an angel to announce the birth to shepherds who were not immediate family but went to spread the message - Sent a multitude of angels to sing praise to the birth of God's son - Revealed to Simeon that he wouldn't die before seeing the birth of God's son - Assigned a star to designate his birth to those outside of Israel (Judea) Without having the specific date of this event on a calendar, many different Christian communities throughout history have celebrated the birth of God's son among mankind with the same joy as The Almighty God foretold and announced it. It's OK to celebrate and commemorate the human birth of Yeshua of Nazareth, Son of the Most High God. We are to be imitators of God per Scripture. God did it. We can do it. :) 117 137
The Almighty did these things to announce and celebrate His Son's birth among mankind: - Recorded the event in two written testimonies considered inspired - Prophesied his birth among mankind through multiple prophets dating back to Enoch before the flood - Prophesied His birth to Joseph & Mary - Prophesied His birth to Zecharias & Elizabeth - Sent an angel to announce the birth to shepherds who were not immediate family but went to spread the message - Sent a multitude of angels to sing praise to the birth of God's son - Revealed to Simeon that he wouldn't die before seeing the birth of God's son - Assigned a star to designate his birth to those outside of Israel (Judea) Without having the specific date of this event on a calendar, many different Christian communities throughout history have celebrated the birth of God's son among mankind with the same joy as The Almighty God foretold and announced it. It's OK to celebrate and commemorate the human birth of Yeshua of Nazareth, Son of the Most High God. We are to be imitators of God per Scripture. God did it. We can do it. :) 129 154
This was the action of Constantine when he allowed Pagan priests to minister. in the early Church's and gave them special exemptions. You have to look into the origins of these heads that influenced earlier Christian & Catholic beliefs. I was raised Roman Catholic which I left for straight up Christianity after listening to an ex warlock turned Christian that spoke about these holidays and which (entities /lesser gods) tie back too. Very eye opening and uncomfortable but the truth is never easy to digest whether you like it or not. That is the way the real world works.
Excellent Excellent EXCELLENT .. presentation.. thank you 119 Ministries .. as a follower of YESHUAH for 48 years ... I appreciate you guys so much .. Grace and Shalom Blessings 🤍🕊🤍🕊🤍
I grow up in a Catholic tradition, and had been believed for more than 4 decades the Christmas 🎄 tradition, when I found out the real born time of Jesus Christ, I was surprised how It was a lie of the tradition, when I started to studied the scriptures and I found the real time of Jesus birthday; it was a big moment in my life and from that day, I started believe in the real time of Jesus and Christmas like a pagan believe. I don’t celebrate Christmas now like a Christian celebration because is not real, only like any other day off of the year.
You know that the Romans HATED the Jewish peoples and would never allow for a Jewish Messiah , hence the blue eyed Christ . Constantine was a Sun god worshipper to his death . Baptism was of no use to him on his death bed , but he did lay the foundation for the greatest Sun god church to ever exist . This was the Nicolaitan church spoken of in Rev. 2:6 and 2:15
I can't help hearing his words reverberate my head "all things have been redeemed." Really? So many things are taken out of context! It's like when Paul says that 'all things are permissible but not all things are expedient'.... Context context context. Murder is not permissible. Adultery is not permissible. We need to pray for truth and for discernment.
Hosea 4: My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.
..a completely fair presentation of where we all are today on this subject..with our own understanding of whats right in our own eyes. Judges17:6 and Judges21:25. Some believers argue that because we were told that a tree decorated with silver and gold could not do evil or good,..what could it hurt. Jeremiah10:3-5 Verse 2 is ignored has instructions of Deut12. Those raised up today or inspired to warn of the erroneous ways we've adopted are experiencing just what all the prophets did,..e.g. Jer44:16-17, we will not hearken. All has to come to pass as our Creator purposed,.. While those who find nothing wrong with this christmas festival celebration, or those who sub in Hanukkah to feel they still fit in the season,..we need to pray for the kingdom to come. Only then will we all be on the same righteous page.
Thank you so much for sharing this. I have been struggling with the whole thing of Christmas, and this cemented it for me. I even made it facebook official (see below) - I'm out! no more Christmas for me. Some of you may already know this; I have been on a wonderful journey learning/studying the Tanakh (or Old Testament Bible) the original Hebrew Version, for the past 2+ years. It has presented me with many challenges about my life and my perception of 'Christianity & Churchianity' - all welcomed of course because what is the point of learning if you don't learn new things right? I have mostly wrestled with Christmas, its origins, how it is view by Yahweh, and frankly what the hell is it anyway? The Bible teaches us to 'test everything' so I did my research; its pagan, it always has been and always will be pagan. And well, I just don't want to be part of it anymore, I can't justify it in my heart and pretend it is something different than it actually is no matter how hard I try to rationalize it, trust me I have tried. Anywho! point is I'm not doing Christmas anymore. Do I want to see my loved ones - yes! do I want to spoil them with gifts - yes! Do I want to eat an enormous meal until I'm ready to burst or enter a food coma - yes! Will I miss Andy's Mum amazing pudding - yes! Will I feel like I am missing out on the day - yes! Lucky I have the whole rest of the year to do those things with you 🙂 However, my heart says, 'Don't do Christmas because you know better now', I've honestly researched this back to its true origins and know how participating in pagan celebrations is judged by God. So please don't buy me gifts or think I don't love you because I'm not attending the celebration, because I do. Suffices to say, I have grown enough now through my journey to know I need my mind & heart to balance my belief & actions. Thank you for your understanding & Shalom x
The oldest surviving Christian commentary on scripture is by Hippolytus. It was on Daniel and wrote between 202 and 211 AD which is before the 274 AD time frame. This is a quote from it: “For the first advent of our Lord in the flesh, when he was born in Bethlehem, eight days before the kalends of January [December 25th], the 4th day of the week [Wednesday], while Augustus was in his forty-second year, [2 or 3BC] but from Adam five thousand and five hundred years. He suffered in the thirty third year, 8 days before the kalends of April [March 25th], the Day of Preparation, the fifteenth year of Tiberius Caesar [29 or 30 AD], while Rufus and Roubellion and Gaius Caesar, for the 4th time, and Gaius Cestius Saturninus were Consuls.” Now his time frame for the death is off here but it is said to be authentic. Of course Antiochus said the birth of the sun was in 200 AD so we are still at the same roadblock.
Actually some scholars believe that the calendar of Antiochus comes from the 4th century not the 3rd century though and most scholars believe the calendar of Antiochus was purely a astrological calendar not a calendar of festivals and feasts.
Yes! I was disappointed there was no mention of this in this documentary. It doesn't seem to be very well-researched in that regard, and there's also some questionable stuff like implying Jesus as the "Son" is really "sun" when those are, well, English words!
@@williamwalker8201 i just realized that he probably was talking about the blonde lady. I thought he was talking about one of the sisters but then realized they were all sitting on a couch. Lol. Jim's right.
The dates don't quite line up due to the fact of calendar changes such as the change from the Julian then Gregorian. Date change from solstice date to 25th on the Gregorian.
I see a lot of comments where this information was helpful... and for that, I'd recommend it. However, there seemed to be a bit more into an 'opinion' based acceptance, of you 'should or should not' celebrate, depending on how you feel, or whatever works for you. The format is not what I'd consider a true 119 video, where scriptures are posted, examples are given, and at the conclusion, you're confident in the message that is trying to be conveyed. I'd much prefer to see a return of an updated 'Sunburned' video.
Law means the laws of love that are in the ten commandments: loving God and loving others.... And remembering who the Creator is and worshiping the Creator not the created.
What if the Passover Lamb that was buried on Unleavened Bread, and rose on the Feast of Firstfruits. The same CHRIST that poured out HIS SPIRIT on man on Feast of Weeks (Pentacost) to fulfill the Spring Feasts,in perfect in timing, laid out in Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. The same KING that has yet to fulfill Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement (Great White Throne Judgement) and Tabernacles (Reign on Earth). HIS NAME? YESHUA, JESUS, ISA, YESU.......THE LAMB OF GOD. What if HE wasn't born on the pagan day of Yule, or the commemoration of the birth of sun gods, or celebration of Saturnalia? What if the Book of Acts shows a Church that honored the LORDS Feasts (Passover, Pentacost, Tabernacles) but never mentioned the birth of JESUS or celebration of the fertility goddess Easter? What if Believers started to party like YESHUA and not traditions handed down from an anti-semitic ruler named Constantine. What if this is not a conspiracy theory, but can be found in your Bibles and in history books? What if HE'S WORTHY
I saw this last year and just now again. My only complaint is that the background music is too loud. I can hardly hear the people speak and if I want to turn it up the music would be too distracting. Maybe for next year you can tweak it a bit.
But we have several hints and writings that point to the Nativity and the Resurrection being celebrated in some way well before 354AD...I think those Holy Days were already in common practice is several of the Christian communities...
let's not worship Him the way that the nations worship their gods. let's obey the last verses of deuteronomy 12. let's not celebrate His birthday. He didn't record His birthday in the Scripture, and i propose there is a very good reason for that.. because He hates when we worship Him the way that the pagans worship their gods. (see deut 12)
At first, i was shocked. My husband was immediately ready to cancel Christmas and said we had to get rid of our nice artificial tree with LED lights that wasn't even a year old. I, hesitated. Then God spoke to my heart: Get rid of your idols. 😳 I don't worship those could they be idols? Then God said, "do you love me more than them?"😳 Then I began to do further research into the origins of Christmas. I did know it had pagan roots, but i didn't know the details. And I also knew Yeshua wasn't born that day, but i guess I just trusted my pastors should know and Should be leading us in truth, so i partook of this Tradition. In fact, i was often on stage at church as a Worship Leader! 🤦🤦🤦 The more that I dug into the history...the more horrified I became..... horrified with MYSELF! And in a few days, i committed to cleanse my home of idols as my act of Repentance. Each item i put in the trash bin, i declared out loud, "I love YAH more!" And honestly, i feel liberated! The Torah is His Perfect Law of Liberty! I also begun to observe God's Holidays (Feast Days). I know that this Tradition has so entangled the people of God...we were duped by Satan. But i don't know how we can claim to love Him and not be immediately horrified at the truth. How do people NOT Repent? I am trying to share the Truth because I don't want people to be told Matthew 7:21-23...
I guess your pastors n church are still duped by satan. Same as so many other "churches". No wonder Yeshua's not returning soon because many are still not be saved!
A few years back we finally faced up to the truth about Easter! We were shocked. Yah designed and established Passover and man decided to change it, add to it and "improve " it! How were we so blind? We believed the lies. We started digging into all our pagan holidays. As we tossed each one, we were declaring we love Yah more.
@@eder2153 Matthew 22, the parable of the wedding feast.
Came to this realization this year... Yah truly convicted my heart... did you receive backlash from family?
His name is Yahusha not Yeshua because He came in His fathers name
10 years of no Christmas is way better than any gift out there! Praise Yahweh!
the commercialism is getting unbearable. and i don’t celebrate it either.
Uh, Yahweh was a wicked demi-god. May want to research further. Paul Wallis will get you started.
get off this channel.
@@TolkienBird8May people know that you, whose name is Jehovah, You alone are the Most High over all the earth.
-psalms 83:18
1 John 5:3 “And this is how we know we love Him, we keep His commandments.”
Only be very careful to observe the commandment and the law that Moses the servant of the Lord commanded you, to love the Lord your God, and to walk in all his ways and to keep his commandments and to cling to him and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul.”
Joshua 22:5
John 14
This is my favorite Xmas documentary. I watch it every year and share it will all. Many... actually most don't or won't watch it. I love celebrating YAH'S feasts!!!
How do you celebrate the feasts? The way you feel like? Do you offer food and drinks to God? Do you go to the temple since the feasts were very much all tied to the temple? Do you also keep new moons, 7th year and 50th year sabbaths?
Commandments and ORDINANCES are 2 SEPARATE things! Eg: Luke 1:6 “And they were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments AND ordinances of the Lord blameless.”
Ephesians 2:15
- by abolishing the law of commandments expressed IN ORDINANCES, that he might create in himself one new man in place of the two, so making peace,
(Colossians 2:14) "Blotting out the handwriting of ORDINANCES that was AGAINST US, which was CONTRARY to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;"
(Hebrews 7:15-16) "And it is yet far more clear, that according to the likeness of Melchisedek there arises another priest,
Who has not come according to a law of a fleshly commandment, but according to the power of an endless life.
Hebrews 9:1 “Then verily the first covenant had also 👉ordinances of divine service👈, and a worldly sanctuary.”
(Hebrews 9:9-10) "Which was 👉symbolic👈 for the time then present, in which were 👉offered both 👉gifts👈 and sacrifices👈, that could not make him who did the 👉service perfect👈, as pertaining to the conscience;
Which stood only in 👉meat and drink offerings👈, and various washings, and 👉carnal ordinances👈, imposed until the time of reformation."
Now if we meditate on these scriptures, we can see what Jesus nailed to the cross, and what was contrary to him;
(Ephesians 2:15) "the law of commandments contained in ordinances;"
(Colossians 2:14) "the handwriting of ordinances;"
(Hebrews 7:16) "the law of a fleshly commandment;"
(Hebrews 9:10) "carnal ordinances;"
What Jesus abolished was carnal (or fleshly) commandments and ordinances, and hand written ordinances. Carnality was what defeated people in the Old Testament, and prevented them from keeping the law. Because the blood of bulls and goats did not remove the sin from the heart (Hebrews 10:4), people were often stuck in bondage to sin (Romans 7:14-24)
@@godloves9163 Easy-Go read your Bible. G-d gave us 7 appointed feasts to celebrate. He makes it very clear on when and how it should be celebrated. You do not need the Temple to celebrate G-d's Feasts, neither do you have to incorporate pagan rituals. The Temple were meant for sacrifices. New moon is not a feast, neither is the 7th year Shemitah or the 50th year Jubilee. You would be amazed by how messianic believers celebrate these appointed feast in a Godly and Biblically sound way today in modern times, just go visit 119 ministries' website.
@@theswagmaestro1681 Who said only feasts are still required but not the sabbaths that go along with it? I did read the bible and it says the ordinances which were against us were nailed to the cross.
“Take this 👉Book of the Law👈 and place it 👉beside👈 the ark of the covenant of the LORD your God. There it will remain as a 👉WITNESS AGAINST YOU👈.” Deuteronomy 31:26
Hebrews 9:1 “Then verily the first covenant had also 👉ordinances of divine service👈, and a worldly sanctuary.”
(Hebrews 9:9-10) "Which was 👉symbolic👈 for the time then present, in which were 👉offered both 👉gifts👈 and sacrifices👈, that could not make him who did the 👉service perfect👈, as pertaining to the conscience;
Which stood only in 👉meat and drink offerings👈, and various washings, and 👉carnal ordinances👈, 👉imposed until the time of reformation."
@@godloves9163 so what you are saying is I can now commit adultery, or dishonor my parents, or covet, or not keep shABBAt, or steal, etc...?
You have freewill to do what you want, as for me and my house we will serve YeHoVaH.
I'm not saved because I guard YaHs commands, I keep them BECASUE I'm saved. It's the evidence of my salvation. Rev. 14:12 says here is the patience or endurance of the saints(elect, set apart) , those who guard the commandments AND have the testimony or BELIEF in Yeshua.
Belief in hebrew is SHEMA. Shema means literally to hear AND obey. It is a verb and requires action. Same as faith. True faith will always be evidenced by action(works), just like Abraham's faith was evidenced by him almost sacrificing his son. Otherwise it is dead.
Yeshua took away the penalty of the law but never did away with any of it.
Please take note of what Yeshua did(his example). If He knew the law would be done away with why did he command us to keep it? And why did the apostles as well as the early church(gentles too) keep shABBAt and keep the commandments?
We must reconcile what Yeshua taught WITH what He DID. They must both line up, otherwise it is our understanding and interpretation that is lacking.
Modern xianity is really no different then ancient phariseeism, where manmade commands are elevated to the level of YeHoVaHs commands. Big difference and big mistake.
Sin is bondage, NOT YeHoVaHs commandments. YeHoVaHs commandments are NOT a burden, but a delight. I am honored to be able to know, understand, and keep them. I do realize I cant keep them all perfectly, including the Feast Days/Holy days(moedim) and that is where Yeshua, my covering, come in. It is His perfect blood sacrifice that Abba sees when he looks on me.
If you love your husband Yeshua and ABBA YeHoVaH, wouldn't you want to please Him and do what He asks, what He commands?
Yeshua didnt abolish the Torah as many xians preach, He fulfilled it or completed it. He magnified it. Now we live according to the Spirit or intent of the Torah and no longer just the letter. Emphasis is now on love which must accompany every command. No longer is eye for an eye tolerated. We must have love(also a verb that must have action). Yeshua actually elevated the Torah to the spiritual level as evidenced when He said if we lust after a woman in our hearts we are guilty of adultery. Same holds true for all the commands.
Those same commandments will be written on our(belivers) hearts.
They are no longer a list we look at but literally written on our hearts! halleluYaH!!!
Living in sin or practicing sin is big difference from occasionally stumbling and repenting.
If we are not under Torah(spiritual)(circumcision of our hearts) then we cannot sin and have no need to repent and Yeshua died and rose in vain.
Yeshua kept Torah to perfection, both physically and spiritually and therefore qualified as our Savior , our King of Kings, our Husband, our Covering!
Yeshua did what we could not and His blood sacrifice was and IS accepted by Abba YeHoVaH.
Yeshuas blood sacrifice REnewed the covenant that the "natural branches " broke.
This allowed for gentiles (those without covenant) to be "grafted in" as well as the "natural branches" to be REgrafted in.
YeHoVaH is soo absolutely amazing in ALL He does.
May our lovingly committed Elohim give us all eyes to see and ears to hear and may we all SHEMA.
Shalom to you
@@davidneiner2133 Read Hebrews and let go of shadows and cling to its substance. Pharisees and saducees clinged to shadows. Commandment keeping is important but carnal ordinances were IMPOSED UNTIL A TIME OF REFORMATION. Hebrews 9:10
I love Christmas! Everything about it! Years ago my grandmother tried to tell me that Christmas it's not about Christ. I didn't listen. Because I loved Christmas! But, then I realized I love Christmas not Christ. He said if you love me keep my Commandments. The truth that sets you free it feel like you're being murdered. I mourn the loss of Christmas. Fought against it hard. Thank God I lost the battle. It was like one day I woke up and I realized my heart hard. As if I was saying Lord I love you just not that much. I thank you for having the courage and loving us enough to present the truth is such an intelligent and Powerful way that we make our own decisions. Not based on the live petition but on the truth that sets people free. No matter how much people who fight against you on this one and yell and scream at you, don't stop! That's just the Lord convicting their soul. Stand your ground. if they love the Lord, they will come around. Thank you for loving us this much. Excellent job as usual!
Who needs these horrible pagan feasts, when Yehovah has set his own 7 feasts! I’m happy to know the truth! No more sadness, complete happiness in His true feasts. Sukkot is the best!
Check out the antichrist for dummies series on TH-cam
@@CoquiUnlimitedOfficial Absolutely you speak the truth! There is so much joy in our Father's moeds! The joy and celebration of the fulfilled first Spring feasts, and the excitement and great joy of anticipating His return in the Fall feasts can't be beat by any man made fake pagan holiday - Praise Yeshua - Who Was - Who Is - and, Who Is To Come!!
It's been 10 months, so I hope you receive this: Thank you for sharing your testimony. You spoke my ❤. Truly. I'm anguished over this. I'm realizing this Truth, yet I don't know how to let it go without hurting family. I am aching over the idea of not decorating, planning and preparing festive meals, enjoying traditions with family. But, I could do it if everyone didn't think I was wacko! I do have a largely born- again Christian family, but they think the idea of giving up Christmas, celebrating Shabbat, or any Torah Keeping is ludicrous. But as I read your testimony, I am becoming emboldened to "not be transformed to this world" by ridding my life of pagan holidays as a first start to living a Torah Keeping life, as well as doing everything possible to get my husband to celebrate Shabbat. If he won't, although he truly loves the Lord as is open to learning and I believe this will happen, I still need to find a way to keep Shabbat on my own. I am believing my husband and young adult sons will do this with me, and our lives will be a testimony to extended family. Again, thank you for sharing!
Hope this will reach you... Your story gives me hope for my grandchildren. Your grandmother's wisdom prevailed!
I hope today finds you staying the course... It's not for the cowardly!
This documentary is just what I've been looking for to share with my family. Thanks 119 Ministeries for your work. Bless y'all
Jim Brown grace and truth ministries for much more truth of the bible
Praying for them to see the truth 👏
It was originally the godculture had the first documentary about this.
I accepted Yahushua in 2015. This was the beginning of my walk with Him. I was celebrating Christmas and while praying to Him in my house He said to me, "Get out of those things." I was a bit surprised because I thought Christmas was about Him but I didn't question Him. I immediately took down my tree and all the decorations and then I went up into the attic and took down everything that had to do with all worldly mainstream Christian observance [Christmas, Easter, Birthday, New Year's, Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Halloween, etc.] and I loaded it all up into my vehicle and took them to the dump! While cleaning out the attic, He told me, "Don't look at them" because I would be tempted to make excuses to keep some, especially my nutcracker collection. I did what He said. He took me into the Bible. Of course I couldn't find Christmas or Easter anywhere in the Scriptures and He took me into His Feasts and Commandments. Wow! Praise YAH! Glory to The Most High!
@Child of the Most High. I had a similar experience very close to that same time. But I heard “Come out of her my people.” Same result, no more of celebrating the traditions of men.
Praise Yah!🌈
You can’t work around this. Christmas and Easter and Halloween are pagan in origin. No matter the date , there involved with these evil gods. 😊it is an abhorrence to our Lord to partake.
I found Easter in Acts today.
God bless.
@119 Ministries .. this was an excellent presentation!! What an outstanding accurate job!! WELL-DONE!! Thank you for all the hard work you've done to present this truth!! YAH bless your ministry and your families. ❤
This should have billions of views. It shows that we worship him how we want to not how HE wants us to.
Well done. I appreciate how you covered the question without trying to lead viewers in any particular direction. You spoke with a variety of people with varying beliefs, backgrounds and practices. Thank you for covering different time spans and the evolution. Lastly, thank you for touching on the other holidays.
I think this turned out to be a very good documentary. Having so many different “views” should be of great help to those who are questioning. Personally, as of 4 years ago, once this was “shown” to my husband and me, we do not celebrate in Christmas or Easter any more. We even threw away hundreds of dollars worth of ornaments and an expensive tree. I could not even accept the fact of trying to “influence” anyone else by selling or even giving them away. My prayer is that MANY will watch this and understand, because until they are shown “the truth”, they will only reject it. Sadly my two girls and my 8 grandchildren haven’t accepted the truth... at least yet.
Check out antichrist for dummies series on TH-cam. MARANATHA
Sadly the Lord is not with them.
Some time when you get a chance study NEW WORLD ORDER .
I know you have ask Yahweh to show them ( family) the truth as He did you ,& husband, me & so many others like us. Just start thanking Him now for delivering them from all the demonic spirits of christmas,easter,halloween, mayday,etc. that we were taught by tradition. I'm so glad I learned these truths 20 yrs ago. The truth of them has set me so free. Ill be praising Him for all your family & mine to be set free. Ps.107:20 says He sent His Word ( flesh/ Yeshua ) & (written) Word to heal, & Deliver us from all demonic spirits, addictions, sicknesses , generational curses,etc. Praise His precious name, Yahweh & to Him be all glory.
i almost turned it off in the first three minutes... but then the Holy Spirit delayed my hand... thank you YHVH for your precious Holy Spirit.
There are some things in this docu that I didn't know about Xmas. It's way more sinister than I thought. This year is my 4th year without Xmas. No stress this time of year! It's awesome.
Watching this video is an amazing resource, but I encourage you all and most especially those who still may be a bit wobbly on the holiday, to get anchored and rooted in what scripture says about this. Knowledge can only do so much but it's important to be in the knowing of your faith and why you sincerely hold this stance. Great place to start seeking:
Jeremiah 10
Leveticus 19:2, 23:1-4
Deuteronomy 5:32-33, 7:4-6, 12:1-5, 12:28-32, 16:21-22
Exodus 15:17
Habakkuk 2:18-19
Mark 7:7-9
John 4:22-24, 14:15
Ephesians 2:2-3, 4:17-18
2 Corinthins 6:14-17
1 Thessalonians 4:7, 5:22
1 Peter 1:14-17
1 John 2:6
Update: A thorough look into Sukkot is great a place which mostly revolves around the prophetic time the Messiah and Savior of the world was born ;)
God bless you all to return to His Way!
I'm glad that this Idol is out of my life..
Thank you for your balanced, well researched presentation. I pray that you are blessed for presenting the truth.
He didnt actually presented the truth.
@@eder2153 he presented the origins of the holidays. In that he presented truth
@@JaieKeller nope. there was no truth. Who is he and those people that anyone sane should listen and accept what they said?
I started questioning this a little over 20 years ago and found in my research of Scripture and history these truths. Once you know the truth, you can no longer deny it. So, as much as I loved Christmas I stopped celebrating. Now, I understand that the biblical holidays that I was always taught were for the Jews, are actually HIS holy days, HIS appointed times as it is clearly written in HIS Word.
Sadly, many know it, but they dont care.
With their mouth they say they love Jesus but their actions fallow their desires.
Messianic Rabbi Zev Porat has a Hannakuh you tube video out that he just posted. He's an excellent teacher!
@Eric Haddix Sadly, you speak the truth.
So true I see that in many Catholics they know but dont care
Sorry, not very many people know the truth. The whole world has been deceived, especially Christians. I tried to tell some of my friends, they mocked me, so I just keep my mouth shut. I told them that Christmas is not mentioned in the Bible, or any other holidays, her reply’s, she doesn’t believe the Bible. I was saddened that she had said that, I went silent. Blessing to all.
@@gloriahamel2963 Sounds like you decided to not cast your pearls before swine least they turn and devour you. Please be strong and don't let their swinish mockings stop you from sharing the good news of The Truth with others in the future. Not everyone who hears will listen, but those who are looking/searching will be grateful to learn what they have sensed was missing, but couldn't figure it out until you shared it with them. Be of good courage and stand strong - find it all joy to share the good news of the truth of the scriptures!
Excellent! I hope people get it now. My family and I stopped celebrating Christmas about 5 years ago because Savior is more important to us than our own discernment and any traditions around. And we feel great to be faithful to Him and not to traditions of men.
Just watched this with my 8 yr old. He already understands theres no Jesus in Chrsitmas but we need to educate our children early that pleasing God is crucial in our relationship with Him.
Be in the world but not OF the world..
If only my parents had done the same! Hence, the reason for our video entitled:
*_Video 11: "I like Santa Claus, more than God"_*
What gets me are those who did the research and KNOW better, but they still choose to participate in those pagan traditions, claiming, "well, God knows my heart." Yeah, God knows your heart. Which also means He knows when you've been presented with the truth and choose to go your own way anyway.
But i thought Christmas is not a pagan tradition and its much complicated
@@albertohernandez8721 no, it is pagan. There are actual pagans in this video explaining Christmas's pagan origins.
@@valerielinares2068 Well those are NEO-Pagans meaning new pagans which are following a religion that think it goes back to Bronze Age forests of Europe but it actually goes back to the 1950s British drawing rooms and to pseudo historians like Margaret Murray, James Frazer, Gerald Gardiner and having no actual ties to ancient pagan religions so I'm skeptical on they say on history. Also in the documentary Dr. Philipp Nothaft said in the documentary "We know that some Christians possibly as early as the second century believed that this episode (Zachariah ministering in the temple and his meeting with angel Gabriel) happened on the Day of Atonement in the Jewish calendar also known as Yom Kippur” And also Dr. Martin Wallraff says this in the documentary regarding the date of Aurelian dedication to the temple of Sol Invictus “Unfortunately there is no direct evidence for the date of that inauguration it would have been inaugurated sometime it's a good guess that it was the date of December 25th but there is no hard evidence for that date." If this were true wouldn't mean that early Christians calculated the date of Jesus birth to December 25th independently from any pagan festivals? Also in the film they said this "there is no record of Christmas observance before Aurelian's temple dedication to Sol in 274 A.D., making this theory improbable." However, a early 3rd century church father Hippolytus of Rome does state that the Nativity had occurred on December 25 in his Commentary on Daniel which is dated around 202-211. Another church Father named Julius Africanus wrote the Chronographiae, the first Christian chronology in 221. In it he says that Jesus had been conceived on March 25 and you add 9 months and you get December 25th.
I am totally using this as a reply! Well said!
The lady who said she researched the subject out is representative of many 'Christians'.I want to celebrate this and so I will continue to qualify why I do. Even in the face of what I have researched.
I LOVE THIS VIDEO. We have watched it so many times over the last 4 years and can totally relate. It is hard to come to these conclusions but necessary!
I think it becomes a sin when you KNOW and the Holy Spirit testifies Truth to you....I believe that the closer you come to walking in HIS ways and as you grow closer to living completely in Him, you won't WANT to be a part of celebrations that mock Him and have nothing to do with Him. HE GAVES US FEASTS AND TOLD US TO CELEBRATE THEM.....sigh* The bottom line question isn't what is sin? It's WHAT PLEASES HIM and brings Him glory!!!
Thank you again 119 ministries . I watched this documentary last year and today did it again . Please try to translate it to Spanish so I can share with friends and family members.
YHWH bless you all!
Shalom Aleichem from West Virginia near Pittsburgh
The DVD includes Spanish.
I recommend this documentary, it’s very interesting.
Wow, some of those people interviewed give real hope for humanity! Those sisters for example, they absolutely KILLED it, they destroyed all the justifiers with one simple point of logic spoken from God's word just as He told us...
Thank you for sharing people that really represent the right Way!
Thank you for the beautiful conclusion at the end from Michelle and Kay.
Also, the bible does talk about some elements of Christmas.
For example, Jeremiah 10:3-4 KJVAAE
"[3] For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. [4] They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not."
These sisters are goals.
Thank you for putting this together. I appreciate the work that went into trying to get people to think!
Years ago I listened to YAH and we immediately stopped celebrating pagan traditions like easter and christmas. Oh, the verbal Hell and mockery my wife and I recieved from other "Christians" was so hateful... but worth it.
So we made a handout to give when we're attacked with these as the paraphrased primary scriptures.
1 John 3:4 sin is transgression of the Torah
Leviticus 23 is a entire chapter about Yahs Feasts, the way He wants us to worship Him, all generations, forever.
Deuteronomy 12:30 says do not worship Yah like other nations.
Deuteronomy 12:31 Yah hates how other nations worship their gods, sacrificing their children.
Deuteronomy 14:22-27 is for the Feast tithe, put aside for you, not a church or a pastor, for YOU could enjoy the feast.
Jermiah 10:1-2 commands that we do not learn the way of the pagan.
Jeremiah 10:3-4 tells us that Christmas trees are the Pagan way.
Jeremiah 17:9 Christians often say "He knows my heart" but our hearts are continually wicked.
2 Corinthians 6:14-18 YESHUAH HA'MASHIACH has no part with pagan worship or those that do.
YESHUAH is not the reason for the season because he was never in it to begin with.
You will NEVER see a true revival in your life or in your church as long as you continue keeping these pagan traditions. Purge your life and your church from SIN and be separated from the world.
Thank you for that list of scripture. It’s so helpful!
Likewise, Sunday is not the biblical sabbath and it is warranted that we do a meticulous study of when, why and by whom this change was made. Someone sought to change “times and laws,” Daniel 7:25, even as they have misled us to christianized these pagan festivals.The question will be asked, “How readest thou?”
Someday minds will explode when they find out that not only Christmas, but Easter, Valentines day, Halloween, and the New Year celebrations are all pagan.
Reminds me of
Matthew 7:13-14: "Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it".
Just like the last few minutes of the two ladies saying...we say we will do anything for our Father and yet we hold back. He says one way to Him. However it is not just a simple, here I am
Yes. Do WE love Him. They summed it up for me. Do we love Him, is He our Authority.
I NEVER want to celebrate christmas again!!!
I haven't really for approximately the last 5 years, I knew and believed as the Holy Spirit was leading and guiding me into ALL TRUTH that I shouldn't, but there are some things in this documentary that I hadn't been aware of and all I can say is thank YOU JESUS FOR SHOWING ME THE TRUTH, YOU LORD JESUS ARE THE TRUTH❣❣❣
Thank you 119 Ministries. That is the most in-depth Christmas documentary I have seen yet. The Feast days are all throughout the Tanakh and Brit Chadasha but there is no mention of Christmas. Strong's Concordance does not mention Christmas.
Excellent resource and commitment to further making us good Berean.
I love the conviction of the two sisters and the white/asian couple. They are standing on God's Word to not celebrate Him in "that way", the way pagans celebrate.
As for the other people in the video, it is unfortunate they end up in ambiguity and uncertainty. And even one of the ministers who seems to think Deuteronomy is irrelevant because it is old testament. The Word is not ambiguous but very clear and His Word will not pass away.
We are commanded to commemorate Christ's death not his birth.
Praise the name of Yeshua for opening my eyes to the things he hates. Do not worship Him like a pagan. Amen
i don't think God hates anything or anyone
@@thatwasprettyneat Then you better think again...
Psalm 5:5
The boastful shall not stand in Your sight;
You hate all workers of iniquity.
@@thatwasprettyneat Vs. 31 "which he hates"
Deuteronomy 12;28-32
28 Observe and hear all these words which I command you, that it may go well with you, and with your children after you forever, when you do that which is good and right in the eyes of the LORD your God.
29 When the LORD your God shall cut off the nations from before you, where you go in to dispossess them, and you dispossess them, and dwell in their land;
30 take heed to yourself that you not be ensnared to follow them, after that they are destroyed from before you; and that you not inquire after their gods, saying, How do these nations serve their gods? even so will I do likewise.
31 You shall not do so to the LORD your God: for every abomination to the LORD, which he hates, have they done to their gods; for even their sons and their daughters do they burn in the fire to their gods.
32 Whatever thing I command you, that shall you observe to do: you shall not add thereto, nor diminish from it.
"Giving a gift to a child does something to a child"......makes them happy pretty retriever gets really happy when I bring home a new dog toy for her!
I stand on His Word.
Excellent video! This is something that will be great to share with family and friends
Very Well Done!!! Even if you disagree it’s insightful and very well presented!
It's basically a one world holiday for a one world religion.
Its says in do not add or take away from my instructions . Learn the lords feasts only . And do his commandments
Holy crap that last pastor/deacon/preach mocking the words of the bible and asking if he's bordering on heresy? Then saying maybe SO? I'm still struggling with these holidays but the fact that I'm struggling tells me they aren't right. No one will live a sinful life, that was our Savior only, but we HAVE to try to do what God wants on a daily basis. The devil is smart....does he have us celebrating HIM all while we think we're celebrating Jesus?? Most likely, YES👺 So, I personally would rather not and just take the heat from my family and friends. Praise God, ALWAYS🙏❤ Edit: the last 2 women's message was SPOT ON!!!!!! ❤
This is FABULOUS!!! This year I have decided to join a church that does not celebrate Christmas or Easter, (not Jehovah's Witnesses). I told my mom that I didn't want to celebrate Christmas next year. She was mildly annoyed. I hear many of the same excuses from many Christians, "It's what's in the heart that counts, I'm not worshiping satan," etc. etc. I'm searching for reasonable and factual things to say in response. I really haven't liked either Christmas or Easter ( Easter, by the way is the English translation for Ashtarte, goddess of fertility) Why Christians overlook these things.... well maybe they just want to do things their way, which is human nature. God has made it very clear that he doesn't want recycled pagan worship dedicated to Him. It's like polishing a turd. I always remember the golden calf and how God instructed the Israelites to destroy the gold the calf had been made of because it had been soiled by their idolatrous behavior towards it while Moses was on the mountain for 40 days receiving the 10 commandments. We really don't have the right to do things how WE want. Adam and Eve did and look where that got all of us........
I'm very interested in what you think in some Christians who say that Christmas is not pagan and the traditions are most likely recent and the date of December 25th came from complex calculations and possibly Judaism rather than paganism like the Calculation Theory that is mentioned in the documentary starting around @30:11-@33:06
Notice they also called the golden calf YHWH, claiming they were worshipping him with their orgy/dance of sensuality.
When they say, "God knows my heart " you can say, "Yes He does and He sees that you want to participate in paganism over choosing Him."
Or He sees that paganism is your preference over obeying Him.
Or What will you say to Him when He asks you why you didn't obey His Word?
@@theturgeons wow an incredibly Pharisaic response. Do you read hearts or something? 🤦🏻♀️
Yah is quite clear on how we are to worship Him. He is also quite clear on those things He detests and rejects. We are to be set apart and if that means we root out every pagan thing that has become part of our lives then so be it. I have alienated family, friends, and especially other "Christians" though I've never admonished anyone for continuing in pagan practices. It seems that by simply honoring Him by keeping His Torah infuriates them. Yahweh has given everything for us, where do we get off cutting corners on serving Him??? Especially when what He asks is really so simple. I do not want to be one those Yeshua turns away saying I never knew you, you workers of iniquity (lawlessness). Exactly what laws is He referring to??? Definitely not the local civil law, but His law, His Torah. שלום
Wholly agree with you 🔥
Truth... Amen
THANK YOU for this video and for all of the videos that you make for us. Ultimately, my personal goal is to please Our Father, in all things and to be welcomed into eternity to fellowship with Him!! ❤
Perfect ending with the twins conversation....
I felt the same. Perfect way to summarize what this is REALLY about! What about HIM!
Agreed. Let them who have eyes to see and ears to hear speak of such things....
Great film ! Very informative.
I haven't kept Christmas in over 40 years. Don't miss it. I know when Yeshua was born, during the Feast of Tabernacles because He came to tabernacle or abide amoung us. Hallelujah ! 🕊✝️
Sukkot, such a wonderful, happy celebration out dwelling in booths. Commanded to be happy and spend part of your tithes doing so. His holidays.
Homerun, y'all! Great work, as usual!
Great way to end!
“What about loving Him?”
Although for me it’s not difficult to say yes celebrating christmas is a sin... and I’m still finding it difficult to break all the traditions! I know that God loves me, does my behavior and speech and thoughts show Him I love Him? Pray for my refinement! I want my love to be brilliant and true and faithful that it may please my Creator and glorify His name among men!
Hallelujah praise God, I love this video! I've been studying this for the last couple of years and this is the best video I have seen! I would love to get with you on the Easter celebration or Ishtar history enveloping all of what we have according to the historical content versus the biblical content and make them all realistic to the Christian faith and expose the lies Express and teach the truth according to scripture. Keep up the good work look forward to contributing and hearing from you soon. Daniel a faithful follower of Jesus Christ Our Lord. Keep On Keepin On until he returns in Jesus name amen.
So happy Yah burst my delusion bubble and showed me his holy days.
This is really well made with lots of interesting speakers. Thank you.
I am still going to have a Christmas tree and sing carols, but I'll carry on watching this channel
I don't like Fr Christmas and things like that, so I do get the point being made here
Michael Kenny the point is that Christmas is not a religious holiday. I suggest you research more because the Bible tells us NOT to follow the ways of man with their traditions.
@@pamelagage3991 research what exactly?
It's time to come back to the ways of the Father and set aside the traditions of men.
Matthew 7:13-14: "Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it".
The source
5.6 billion years old.
Great video thanks!
As a Messianic Jew, I know the Church hates everything Jewish which is why the Church never took the holiday of Hannukah and made it a Christian Holiday to celebrate the birth of the LIGHT OF THE WORLD. John 8:12 Jesus/Yeshua is the Light of the world and far exceeds the miracle of Hannukah. Every year when I light my menorah, I think of Jesus who came as light to all of us. He is the suffering servant just as the menorah has a servant candle (Shamash) in the middle at the top of the menorah. Hannukah is a celebration to remember the restored sanctification of the Second Temple. Jesus is my restoration and sanctification because without Him I can't enter into the Kingdome of G-D. Blessed Be His Name Forever.
Nice video, 119!!
I understood that the 2 ladies at the end no longer celebrate Christmas, as well as the couple. The street interviewees were the only people who seemed to still celebrate, merely following the traditions passed down to them. It was interesting to listen to mainstream church leaders "sell" the traditional reasoning for celebrating the Christmas season. The video wasn't clear if these church leaders had an opportunity to hear the facts presented here and this was a kind of counter-argument, or not? THAT would be a fantastic follow-up video, though.
The video was presented in a way that wasn't judgmental towards those who still celebrate. It is meant to cause folks to think, question and look at the facts and draw their own conclusions. If this video meets an open, seeking heart, God will do His work 100% better than a critical, judgmental, bitter video ever could.
If you're disappointed I'm sure there are a few videos of the kind you expected. Look elsewhere, I guess.
Church leaders still gather easter eggs, why wouldn't they try to justify Christmas.
Find a new pastor.
Awesome job guy’s! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
We only see one birthday in the Bible which is the birthday of Herodias. This birthday ended up with John the Baptist’s head on the platter.. I don’t celebrate Christmas but I use this time to focus on Jesus and evangelize. We use this time as a family time and a time to catch our rest and prepare for a new year. We celebrate the risen Jesus. For Christ Jesus our Passover lamb has been sacrificed 1 Corinthians 5:7.
I haven't celebrated Christmas in years, I do however celebrated Hanukkah, Hanukkah is called the Feast of dedication and you can find it in John 10:22 It was in Jerusalem the Feast of dedication, and it was winter. 23 And Yeshua walked in Solomon's porch .
Yes, we here in Israel, celebrate Hanukkah. But Jesus was born at Pesach.( Passover )
@@patriciabarron7707 -- How do you know He was born at Pesach? (Where does it say that in the Bible. I mean.)
Thanks sister.
Born on Passover? He died on Passover. He was born in the Fall. Study the Scriptures pertaining to when Mary gave birth. Also study the conception and birth pertaining to John the Baptist and Jesus. I would love to know how you conclude Yahushua was BORN on Passover - Scripturally please. Thank you.
I was told Jesus was likely born around sukkot in the fall when the Shephards were with their sheep in the fields.
Those two African American sisters totally understand what's going on.
The church today is not the same as the early church that is described in Acts. Furthermore people don't read the Bible for God's guidance but rather than what pleases themselves. Paganism alive and breathing in Christianity today.
All what we do and say should be honouring and glorifying to ~God
Shalom, God said, you shall know the truth and the truth will make you free. It is time for people to wake up to the truth. The Messiah was not born on December the 25th but in the Fall. Satan is trying to keep us in bondage, under his power of darkness, so the people need the truth. God bless.
Excellent and to end it in the manner you did, summed it up in a nutshell.
We have to take the "I" (us) out of Adonai's word. Our God is not a God of excuses. We are to obey his Torah. Thank you for the truth that these holidays are pagan.
It seems (I pray that I am mistaken) I am the only person in my family who recognizes the pagan holidays of xmas and easter
God tells us exactly the month, the day, and even the time of day we are to celebrate His Holy days… but He gives very few clues as to when His Son was born. That should tell us He doesn’t want us to celebrate Christ’s birth… but He’s very specific about when to celebrate Christ’s death.
Yahuah (God) Never intended us to celebrate Yahshua the Messiah birthday or resurrection. As all the Feasts that Yahuah point to His plan, of Redemption & Restoration... The Wedding Feast of The Lamb is our OFFICIAL celebration for the Victory is His! no one can boast🙂
The Almighty did these things to announce and celebrate His Son's birth among mankind:
- Recorded the event in two written testimonies considered inspired
- Prophesied his birth among mankind through multiple prophets dating back to Enoch before the flood
- Prophesied His birth to Joseph & Mary
- Prophesied His birth to Zecharias & Elizabeth
- Sent an angel to announce the birth to shepherds who were not immediate family but went to spread the message
- Sent a multitude of angels to sing praise to the birth of God's son
- Revealed to Simeon that he wouldn't die before seeing the birth of God's son
- Assigned a star to designate his birth to those outside of Israel (Judea)
Without having the specific date of this event on a calendar, many different Christian communities throughout history have celebrated the birth of God's son among mankind with the same joy as The Almighty God foretold and announced it.
It's OK to celebrate and commemorate the human birth of Yeshua of Nazareth, Son of the Most High God. We are to be imitators of God per Scripture. God did it. We can do it. :)
His ressurection is first fruits, and we are to celebrate it. He is the first fruit 1 Cor 15:20.
The Almighty did these things to announce and celebrate His Son's birth among mankind:
- Recorded the event in two written testimonies considered inspired
- Prophesied his birth among mankind through multiple prophets dating back to Enoch before the flood
- Prophesied His birth to Joseph & Mary
- Prophesied His birth to Zecharias & Elizabeth
- Sent an angel to announce the birth to shepherds who were not immediate family but went to spread the message
- Sent a multitude of angels to sing praise to the birth of God's son
- Revealed to Simeon that he wouldn't die before seeing the birth of God's son
- Assigned a star to designate his birth to those outside of Israel (Judea)
Without having the specific date of this event on a calendar, many different Christian communities throughout history have celebrated the birth of God's son among mankind with the same joy as The Almighty God foretold and announced it.
It's OK to celebrate and commemorate the human birth of Yeshua of Nazareth, Son of the Most High God. We are to be imitators of God per Scripture. God did it. We can do it. :)
This was the action of Constantine when he allowed Pagan priests to minister. in the early Church's and gave them special exemptions. You have to look into the origins of these heads that influenced earlier Christian & Catholic beliefs. I was raised Roman Catholic which I left for straight up Christianity after listening to an ex warlock turned Christian that spoke about these holidays and which (entities /lesser gods) tie back too. Very eye opening and uncomfortable but the truth is never easy to digest whether you like it or not. That is the way the real world works.
Excellent Excellent EXCELLENT .. presentation.. thank you 119 Ministries .. as a follower of YESHUAH for 48 years ... I appreciate you guys so much .. Grace and Shalom Blessings 🤍🕊🤍🕊🤍
God is great. we are saved
If your eyes were opened, would you not share it to everyone?
Why shout
I grow up in a Catholic tradition, and had been believed for more than 4 decades the Christmas 🎄 tradition, when I found out the real born time of Jesus Christ, I was surprised how It was a lie of the tradition, when I started to studied the scriptures and I found the real time of Jesus birthday; it was a big moment in my life and from that day, I started believe in the real time of Jesus and Christmas like a pagan believe. I don’t celebrate Christmas now like a Christian celebration because is not real, only like any other day off of the year.
Have learning a Lot!!
Wow! This is very powerful!
12/25/22 12:50 am temp in Bethlehem is 57 F, wind at 8 mph, 0 chance of snow, light rain from 2 am to 4 am for a total of 0.03 inches.
You know that the Romans HATED the Jewish peoples and would never allow for a Jewish Messiah , hence the blue eyed Christ . Constantine was a Sun god worshipper to his death . Baptism was of no use to him on his death bed , but he did lay the foundation for the greatest Sun god church to ever exist . This was the Nicolaitan church spoken of in Rev. 2:6 and 2:15
I can't help hearing his words reverberate my head "all things have been redeemed." Really? So many things are taken out of context! It's like when Paul says that 'all things are permissible but not all things are expedient'.... Context context context. Murder is not permissible. Adultery is not permissible.
We need to pray for truth and for discernment.
Hosea 4: My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.
..a completely fair presentation of where we all are today on this subject..with our own understanding of whats right in our own eyes. Judges17:6 and Judges21:25.
Some believers argue that because we were told that a tree decorated with silver and gold could not do evil or good,..what could it hurt. Jeremiah10:3-5 Verse 2 is ignored has instructions of Deut12.
Those raised up today or inspired to warn of the erroneous ways we've adopted are experiencing just what all the prophets did,..e.g. Jer44:16-17, we will not hearken.
All has to come to pass as our Creator purposed,..
While those who find nothing wrong with this christmas festival celebration, or those who sub in Hanukkah to feel they still fit in the season,..we need to pray for the kingdom to come.
Only then will we all be on the same righteous page.
Thank you so much for sharing this. I have been struggling with the whole thing of Christmas, and this cemented it for me. I even made it facebook official (see below) - I'm out! no more Christmas for me.
Some of you may already know this; I have been on a wonderful journey learning/studying the Tanakh (or Old Testament Bible) the original Hebrew Version, for the past 2+ years. It has presented me with many challenges about my life and my perception of 'Christianity & Churchianity' - all welcomed of course because what is the point of learning if you don't learn new things right?
I have mostly wrestled with Christmas, its origins, how it is view by Yahweh, and frankly what the hell is it anyway? The Bible teaches us to 'test everything' so I did my research; its pagan, it always has been and always will be pagan. And well, I just don't want to be part of it anymore, I can't justify it in my heart and pretend it is something different than it actually is no matter how hard I try to rationalize it, trust me I have tried.
Anywho! point is I'm not doing Christmas anymore. Do I want to see my loved ones - yes! do I want to spoil them with gifts - yes! Do I want to eat an enormous meal until I'm ready to burst or enter a food coma - yes! Will I miss Andy's Mum amazing pudding - yes! Will I feel like I am missing out on the day - yes! Lucky I have the whole rest of the year to do those things with you 🙂
However, my heart says, 'Don't do Christmas because you know better now', I've honestly researched this back to its true origins and know how participating in pagan celebrations is judged by God. So please don't buy me gifts or think I don't love you because I'm not attending the celebration, because I do.
Suffices to say, I have grown enough now through my journey to know I need my mind & heart to balance my belief & actions.
Thank you for your understanding & Shalom x
The oldest surviving Christian commentary on scripture is by Hippolytus. It was on Daniel and wrote between 202
and 211 AD which is before the 274 AD time frame.
This is a quote from it:
“For the first advent of our Lord in the flesh, when he was born in Bethlehem, eight days before the kalends of January [December 25th], the 4th day of the week [Wednesday], while Augustus was in his forty-second year, [2 or 3BC] but from Adam five thousand and five hundred years. He suffered in the thirty third year, 8 days before the kalends of April [March 25th], the Day of Preparation, the fifteenth year of Tiberius Caesar [29 or 30 AD], while Rufus and Roubellion and Gaius Caesar, for the 4th time, and Gaius Cestius Saturninus were Consuls.”
Now his time frame for the death is off here but it is said to be authentic. Of course Antiochus said the birth of the sun was in 200 AD so we are still at the same roadblock.
Actually some scholars believe that the calendar of Antiochus comes from the 4th century not the 3rd century though and most scholars believe the calendar of Antiochus was purely a astrological calendar not a calendar of festivals and feasts.
Yes! I was disappointed there was no mention of this in this documentary. It doesn't seem to be very well-researched in that regard, and there's also some questionable stuff like implying Jesus as the "Son" is really "sun" when those are, well, English words!
lady on the couch was making excuses for what she wanted and not to do what He wants
You have to watch until the end. She's sharing her thoughts before she decided not to keep Christmas
@@Nottalottacents who? the blond lady?
@@williamwalker8201 i just realized that he probably was talking about the blonde lady. I thought he was talking about one of the sisters but then realized they were all sitting on a couch. Lol. Jim's right.
The dates don't quite line up due to the fact of calendar changes such as the change from the Julian then Gregorian. Date change from solstice date to 25th on the Gregorian.
I see a lot of comments where this information was helpful... and for that, I'd recommend it. However, there seemed to be a bit more into an 'opinion' based acceptance, of you 'should or should not' celebrate, depending on how you feel, or whatever works for you. The format is not what I'd consider a true 119 video, where scriptures are posted, examples are given, and at the conclusion, you're confident in the message that is trying to be conveyed.
I'd much prefer to see a return of an updated 'Sunburned' video.
Law means the laws of love that are in the ten commandments: loving God and loving others.... And remembering who the Creator is and worshiping the Creator not the created.
What if the Passover Lamb that was buried on Unleavened Bread, and rose on the Feast of Firstfruits. The same CHRIST that poured out HIS SPIRIT on man on Feast of Weeks (Pentacost) to fulfill the Spring Feasts,in perfect in timing, laid out in Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. The same KING that has yet to fulfill Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement (Great White Throne Judgement) and Tabernacles (Reign on Earth). HIS NAME? YESHUA, JESUS, ISA, YESU.......THE LAMB OF GOD.
What if HE wasn't born on the pagan day of Yule, or the commemoration of the birth of sun gods, or celebration of Saturnalia?
What if the Book of Acts shows a Church that honored the LORDS Feasts (Passover, Pentacost, Tabernacles) but never mentioned the birth of JESUS or celebration of the fertility goddess Easter?
What if Believers started to party like YESHUA and not traditions handed down from an anti-semitic ruler named Constantine.
What if this is not a conspiracy theory, but can be found in your Bibles and in history books?
Well said!
Excellent documentary!!
Brothers sisters I put a tree out for new years next year I wont do this I love the lord more.
I saw this last year and just now again. My only complaint is that the background music is too loud. I can hardly hear the people speak and if I want to turn it up the music would be too distracting. Maybe for next year you can tweak it a bit.
The audio mix is actually fine... are you using headphones to listen?
Fine to u
But we have several hints and writings that point to the Nativity and the Resurrection being celebrated in some way well before 354AD...I think those Holy Days were already in common practice is several of the Christian communities...
Shalom, thanks for sharing, when will you share the documentary The Way?
Sukkot/feast of tabernacles is a wonderful time to celebrate the birth of Yeshua! Play the songs, feast and celebrate. 🙏🏼🙌🏻🤗❤️
let's not worship Him the way that the nations worship their gods. let's obey the last verses of deuteronomy 12. let's not celebrate His birthday. He didn't record His birthday in the Scripture, and i propose there is a very good reason for that.. because He hates when we worship Him the way that the pagans worship their gods. (see deut 12)