I really like your summoning videos man. Been watching for a long time now. Thank you for all your content man. Its nice to see how you've grown as a person so much. I appreciate you man. GL
I just love the summoning videos even though I've stopped playing summoners war for 4 years now because sometimes you talk about random things about life that I find interesting or informative. :))
Nice video, i really liked the programming language discussion, you should start a programming channel of some kind, maybe sharing your views and experience, as someone who is learning to code right now, it would be interesting.
I summoned 393 scrolls the other day and I got many nat 4s and one nat 5. Guildies said my rates were trash 😂 I got 4 nat 5s from 210 10th anniversary though so maybe evens out??
I won't keep a dupe because I'm trying to complete the nat 5 collection water, wind, fire, and I have most of the water and wind nat 5s but fire is half. LD collection, dark dragon knight and dark demon, I just want any Light nat 5 now.
For post Summoners War, obviously you'll want to get into things that folks are into. To that point I don't think you could go wrong with music? Wondering if you would be down to show us all what you used to do? (barring any kind of medical issue that might prevent that ((Idk your life LOL)))
I really like your summoning videos man. Been watching for a long time now. Thank you for all your content man. Its nice to see how you've grown as a person so much. I appreciate you man. GL
I just love the summoning videos even though I've stopped playing summoners war for 4 years now because sometimes you talk about random things about life that I find interesting or informative. :))
Bagel, are you ever interested in making a video on some of your code or teaching how some code works? I think that might be interesting
I’m always interested in your summoners war videos and I’m sure there’s plenty of people who can agree, trust me.
Nice video, i really liked the programming language discussion, you should start a programming channel of some kind, maybe sharing your views and experience, as someone who is learning to code right now, it would be interesting.
Solid Session's for Sneakys Account!
At 33:06 why does the summon hedge shake when mermaid is summoned but literally the next lighting it doesn’t shake anyone kno why this happens?
thats the animation for the 10 pull lightning when you dont press skip
@@NoBody-hl3kq Thank you so much!
This game is wild. 730 scrolls total between ms and 10 year I got 1 dupe nat 5 and maybe 4 ld nat 4s all hoh. I want my scrolls back! Lol
bagel 10 year event has be back at it again, can you point me to your latest beginners grind?
I summoned 393 scrolls the other day and I got many nat 4s and one nat 5. Guildies said my rates were trash 😂 I got 4 nat 5s from 210 10th anniversary though so maybe evens out??
I won't keep a dupe because I'm trying to complete the nat 5 collection water, wind, fire, and I have most of the water and wind nat 5s but fire is half. LD collection, dark dragon knight and dark demon, I just want any Light nat 5 now.
You should look at runes like Gordon Ramsey looks at food
Geesh is this that guy Thor's channel?
i love bagels tech "rants"
Start a learn Go channel and teach us JB
Assembler maybe you searched for? It's like lego of language
There is a slavic version of c++, called Ћ++ using Serbian language and cyrillic alphabet xD
@schizophrenic gamer can you make a video about the dark cyborg!
Love you videos and your rants :)
Okay I'll be watching you before the hoh
QA here and I think you are right!
What’s the tiktok account name?
What a name
Meanwhile i got my third Hanwul Yesterday 😢
22 second gang
3hr gnag
For post Summoners War, obviously you'll want to get into things that folks are into. To that point I don't think you could go wrong with music? Wondering if you would be down to show us all what you used to do? (barring any kind of medical issue that might prevent that ((Idk your life LOL)))
gme moon