If you enjoy our stories, please comment, like and subscribe to support to our channel. We appreciate every single one of your comments and we're so glad to help you ease into your deep sleep. 💙
Every other sleep podcast on here fails to help me sleep, but these guys put me out every time. Thank you Thomas for all of the work you put into this.
This was the first GS I ever heard. I just loved the way he says Mesopotamia and Gilgamesh (!) And I was hooked from that moment on. The first time I listened I switched it on and the next thing I knew I was waking up the next morning. I literally couldn't work out what the heck had happened. It just works. Sometimes I listen during a particularly stressful day, I just had it on very quietly in a phone earpiece during a potentially extremely difficult meeting on a building site where everyone was looking to me for answers to avoid a huge £££ loss - it went fine. What can I say - thank you, thank you, thank you!
I love your stories, especially the historical ones. I also love the introductions and urge you to keep them. For me, they are essential for relaxation and getting ready for the stories. Thank you.
I always put your readings on loop so I can fall asleep to you AND wake up the next morning while you're still reading. So pleasant and happy I found you. You are my nighttime ritual. Thank you many times over Thomas. 😊
Love your stories! Love Thomas’s voice! Pacing is perfect! I have always loved bedtime stories, and being read to! Now that my eyes are less than perfect, you read to me! Thank you so much!
There's no story like the Epic of Gilgamesh and, in this Get Sleepy setting, it's even more mesmerizing. Top of my sleep playlist. Thank you SO much, Thomas.
Hi Tomas ! This story was so interesting that is kept me going instead of sleeping , because I enjoyed it so much ! I just started to listen your bedtime stories not long ago ,but this one was my favorite so far! Thank you Thomas !
That was SO GOOD!! So easy to imagine the stories that you choose because of the descriptive detail, and the atmosphere that it’s better than watching a movie. It feels like you’re actually their! Keep up the awe inspiring work! Thank you so much 😊 Blessings! 🙏 🫶⭐️💛⭐️🫶
Thank you for this story as well as all others 🙏🏻. I suppose at the start, the author meant « a city built in the 5th millennia (not centuries) B.C.E.”. 😉
*_LIKES_* 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻❤️🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊✌🏻💯 *Dear Thomas and team, thank you so much again! Warmest regards from Brasil.* *This story may be the precedent mith from which the Bible' Noe's tale has been originated. Humankind had always to deal with innundations, deserts, giant forests etc. Miths and tales are ways to survive to the fear and desespare because they usually point to a "happy end", to a survival. Certainly expertises in Mitholigy etc. can confirm if this is true or not.*
I love this story & keep coming back to it, but my brain snags each time on the slight mistake at the beginning, when Thomas misspeaks and says 5th century bce, when he means 5th millenia bce.
I like this channel, but right off the bat in the same sentence: 5 thousand year old, 5th century BC, and Rome was founded thousands of years later..at least go for something believable
If you enjoy our stories, please comment, like and subscribe to support to our channel. We appreciate every single one of your comments and we're so glad to help you ease into your deep sleep. 💙
Thank you, Thomas. This has been my favorite story after over 2 years of listening. Please do more like this. You and your team are so appreciated.❤
Thank you! Thomas your voice is so calming you were made for this job ❤
This is one of my all time favorite Get Sleepy stories! 💕
Thank you, Thomas you have the softest voice, so relaxing. I could listen to you for hours.
Yes I to love your soothing voice Thomas!! ❤❤😊😊😊😊😊 keep on making these wonderful stories I will always listen! Thank you 😊
gilgamesh.. fantastic. thanku, more like that plzzzzz
I absolutely love Get Sleepy, thank you a million times over for giving me the gift of beautiful sleep ❤
Every other sleep podcast on here fails to help me sleep, but these guys put me out every time. Thank you Thomas for all of the work you put into this.
Try stephen Dalton he's amazing also
I love your stories, and I have to play them over and over because I sleep through 75% of each one. Thank you.
Glad you enjoy it!
This was the first GS I ever heard. I just loved the way he says Mesopotamia and Gilgamesh (!) And I was hooked from that moment on. The first time I listened I switched it on and the next thing I knew I was waking up the next morning. I literally couldn't work out what the heck had happened. It just works. Sometimes I listen during a particularly stressful day, I just had it on very quietly in a phone earpiece during a potentially extremely difficult meeting on a building site where everyone was looking to me for answers to avoid a huge £££ loss - it went fine. What can I say - thank you, thank you, thank you!
I studied The Epic of Gilgamesh in College
@@getsleepypod 99
I loooove these types of get sleepy's the best! And the old Greek and Trojan ones as well!
I love your stories, especially the historical ones. I also love the introductions and urge you to keep them. For me, they are essential for relaxation and getting ready for the stories. Thank you.
I always put your readings on loop so I can fall asleep to you AND wake up the next morning while you're still reading. So pleasant and happy I found you. You are my nighttime ritual. Thank you many times over Thomas. 😊
Love your stories! Love Thomas’s voice! Pacing is perfect! I have always loved bedtime stories, and being read to! Now that my eyes are less than perfect, you read to me! Thank you so much!
By far the best sleep podcast around! Amazing!!
There's no story like the Epic of Gilgamesh and, in this Get Sleepy setting, it's even more mesmerizing.
Top of my sleep playlist. Thank you SO much, Thomas.
This is my favorite. I listen to it every night for a year now. I really hope there will be longer historically different sleep stories
Something so peaceful about the desert and surreally cool. Lowers the blood pressure for sure
Hi Tomas ! This story was so interesting that is kept me going instead of sleeping , because I enjoyed it so much ! I just started to listen your bedtime stories not long ago ,but this one was my favorite so far! Thank you Thomas !
That was SO GOOD!! So easy to imagine the stories that you choose because of the descriptive detail, and the atmosphere that it’s better than watching a movie. It feels like you’re actually their! Keep up the awe inspiring work! Thank you so much 😊
Blessings! 🙏
Always appreciating your comments Maria 💙
Amazing! So kind and comforting!
This is a great tale; It was a joy to listen to.
Gotta love how the oldest recorded story is a bromance.
Gilgamesh x Enkidu 👀
Loved this ancient story. My dad used to speak of Mesopotamia.
I love your stories Tom, love your intro and love your voice. Thank you and goodnight to all from Australia ✨
Wonderful stories, narration, sleep❣️Thank you❣️
Thank you for this story as well as all others 🙏🏻. I suppose at the start, the author meant « a city built in the 5th millennia (not centuries) B.C.E.”. 😉
I came to comments to see if it's only me or it really doesn't add up! Knowing the channel I'm sure the rest is all correct though
I love Gilgamesh. Many thanks -- I shall be listening tonight.
It is a great story! Let us know what you think when you listen :)
@@getsleepypod I fell asleep before the end. I was hoping to hear about him carrying off a tree!
I enjoyed this very much ❤thank you
*_LIKES_* 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻❤️🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊✌🏻💯
*Dear Thomas and team, thank you so much again! Warmest regards from Brasil.*
*This story may be the precedent mith from which the Bible' Noe's tale has been originated. Humankind had always to deal with innundations, deserts, giant forests etc. Miths and tales are ways to survive to the fear and desespare because they usually point to a "happy end", to a survival. Certainly expertises in Mitholigy etc. can confirm if this is true or not.*
My çat and I love your stories we both fall asleep
Good night to both of you! 💙
Goodnight sleepy friends 😴 💤 🌟
I don't know if I enjoyed it. I slept thru it 😂
I love this story & keep coming back to it, but my brain snags each time on the slight mistake at the beginning, when Thomas misspeaks and says 5th century bce, when he means 5th millenia bce.
Yes, ruins it for me too, I hear it then I can’t stop thinking about it lol
Yes I'm sleep
I like this channel, but right off the bat in the same sentence: 5 thousand year old, 5th century BC, and Rome was founded thousands of years later..at least go for something believable
Uhhh can't stand the accent and why did this pop up in the middle of another video.