I actually amazes me how you dealt with the situation. You and your family are such classy people. You were so kind, calm and polite. You are so brave and composed & mature. Literally you're such an inspiring person. We are the same age but I would react like I'm 10 Years Younger if that happened to me I would literally be screaming at him 🤣🤣
Thank you so much! I genuinely think it’s because I grew up with parents that NEVER argued and I’ve always been encouraged to explain my feelings by talking, not shouting. I’m grateful for that now!
o̶n̶l̶i̶n̶e̶a̶n̶n̶a̶ completely agree, i’m just saying she is beautiful and has such a kind soul, i’m not saying that’s why she doesn’t deserve to be cheated on xx
You’re probably one of the only people I’ve sat and fully watched that has done s story time! sorry you had to go through this but you have came back stronger ❤️
kudos to you for staying so strong throughout all of this - he was never worth your attention, time and effort! I honestly feel like I'm having a chat with my bestie when I'm watching your videos xx
good on that girl, I was also lucky enough to have had a girl like that she also told me everything about my ex, respect to all ladies who stand up for other ladies
heya hun, theres so much people who can relate to this, thank you for being the person you are and uploading this, as its gave alot of people some time to think about their self-worth and how to be strong and handle the situation, as well as you did, love you x
Once a cheater always a cheater baby girl! Now you are stronger then ever! You’re such in a better healthy lovely relationship now! You are GLOWING!!!!! F HIM HE LOST NOT YOU!! XXXX YOU WON and we will support you ❤️❤️❤️
Omg I was when she was saying about Emily’s bday and she talked about him having loads of girl friends I pictured him on a sofa messaging people and Emily doing a video
Once your dude cheats on you, in my eyes, I will never trust you again. Emotional and/or physical cheating is terrible and it for sure shows someone’s character. That’s why I’m nervous to get into a relationship.
Omg what the hell never thought a girl so caring, true, real, kind nd a gorgeous heart could be treated so awful, hope your OK now your so strong and such a role model 😍❤️💜😘
So inspiring to see you being so strong after dealing with this, glad you’re happy now you deserve it. A true role model to other women, you have taught people to know their worth 💖
My dad and mum were together for 17 years and had me and my brother. I recently found it about 4 months ago that my dad cheated on my mum for 8 weeks and i didnt know. My mum and dad are now dating new people (my dad is not with the person he cheated with) and my mum and dad are friends and being happy. I went into a stage of depression were i was miserable and i am starting to feel happier now and even tho my dad did break up our family, i am lucky my mum and dad are still friends and life is good now. Im so sorry you had to go through this emily❤️
I love you’re story times so much ... I could watch them for hours !! I loved how you are different to other youtuber and you’re laughing about this situation haha xxx
Honestly, you are TOO kind. The fact that you helped him pack all of his things up, drop it off at his dad's and also the second time around, you actually gave him a lift home is absolutely another level of kindness and patience. I'm glad you are alright :)
i’ll never understand how people can cheat on their partner, let alone cheat when they’re dating someone who is a SOLID 10/10😍 (ps, you and james are the cutest💗)
Em, gotta say that when you vlogged with him, I really didn't like him tbh, he wanted to show off (?) and you deserve so much better than that. I am so happy that you have found love and that you are being treated like a queen 👑💛✨ Ps. It would be lovely a story time of how you and james ended up together. X :)
I think it’s so amazing that you can share this! Other girls will appreciate this n I hope all the young viewers look up to you! Love your content babe x
i completely agree, dont settle for less, make sure you both have as much as commitment and effort as each other, as thats how relationships would work smoothly! x
@@EmilyCanham stay the independent women you are, because your strong and you dont have to rely on a man, like i know for a fact there will be someone out there, for you and they will love and support you no matter what! x
Normally I would have had absolutely no interest whatsoever in listening for twenty-four minutes to a story about a girl and her cheating boyfriend. But you are so cute and English and the way you told it was so enchanting I couldn't leave the page. The videos of you and your family are so awesome to watch. So consider me an American fan of your English life. Grace to you Emily!
I love that you were so mature about that whole situation. I’m so sorry that happened to you but clearly you are the bigger person between the two of you and you deserve so much better than that. Thankyou for sharing, I think the message you put across through this video was amazing and very eye opening for fellow teenage girls. You’re amazing ❤️❤️
screaming bc this is sooo relatable!! I looked through my exes phone and found him flirting with other girls and rather than admit/deny it, he flipped the story on me and was like "why are you looking through my phone you crazy bitch" like ??? Manipulative/gas lighting boys are the worst and I'm so glad u found someone better bc I have too :))
honestly being cheated on is the worst thing, so glad you've moved on to be a happier person and that you had such supportive people around you during it
You treated him better than I would have, since I wouldn’t have let him in the house after all that happened. He could have become violent! I would definitely not have helped with moving his belongings to his Dad’s house either. I hope you won’t ever let anyone treat you like this again. We all deserve better than this.
You are so gorgeous, Emily. Would it be possible for you to do an updated hair routine - which products do you use? It’s always so perfect 💘. You also explained this situation so well, you are such a mature, and inspiring person 💕 you are someone that everyone wants to be around because you’re so sweet 🥰 I’m so glad that you are in a nice place now :) ilysm xx
You are such a nice girl.probably are too giving....sometimes we fall into a pattern that repeats itself by choosing the same type of people..i hope not ...
Super spooky. Im watching this at work and sure my ex who (among other things) did this to me over 2 ish years, drives past my work. It still hurts now a year on but im getting to the point like you where im seeing the value in myself and im just doing my thing. I dont even want to be with anyone any time soon im just living my self trying to do better for me ! Guys like this are literally trash. Regardless of how old you are or they are. You need to know right from wrong and how to treat people. I love story times ! I hope you do make more. They do help people to see they arent the only one going through something or just to cheer them up xx
Being cheated on once is hard enough, to regain somebody else’s trust is hard but to then be cheated on a 2nd time after a 3year gap of being single is totally heart break all over again! It doesn’t just effect you it’s your family too! It always happens to the people with the hearts of gold that would do anything for anybody! Karma.. it will bite them in the bum one day. X
Wow this exact thing has just happened to me, I also tried to rebuild it and he basically acted like he didn’t care!!! You’re honestly the biggest motivation to focus on myself and wait until someone better walks into my life
*I was just talking about how sad it is that so many ppl can't commit and be faithful! And i just gotta say.....girllll...CELEBRATE!! Congrats on walking away from am insecure boy!! Sorry for him, but he did you a favor!*
So so proud of you for the way you deal with these things, it shows how strong you are. No one deserves to be cheated on, especially an amazing person like you ❤❤❤❤❤
i haven’t even seen the video yet, but wtf. you do not deserve to 1. be cheated on or 2. be treated like shit in general. im glad you’ve found someone better though♥️
I bet he spends his days regretting what he has done because u are so pretty and kind-hearted and the way u handled the situation was so brave and strong and those are such good qualities to have xxxxx
I know exactly how you feel! I was with my first crush last year and he was not nice to me and broke my heart. Your mum is 100% right about it being an itch that needed to be scratched xx
You deserve soooo much better! And never feel like you have to cancel your plans just cause someone has some issue with guys coming! Girl you should of had that birthday dinner you were so excited for!! Also invite those guy friends, and then it will be his loss of not coming!!
Had a major panic at the thumbnail thinking OMG but then breathed a big sigh of relief thank goodness you and James are amazing! happiness finds us in the end ❤️
Emily, you never deserve to be cheated on, you are beautiful and amazing person and also Emily you have a such kind caring soul, be strong, you deserve way better. I love your vlogs its soo beautiful.
Hey em, I can’t believe that this actually happened to you but you dealt with it in the best way being calm and mature about it. My mum is the same as yours in the aspect of staying up and waiting up for you even though you say not to. I find it funny the way he was trying to act dumb to not be caught out like you wouldn’t know how to work snapchat or anything. Your such a genuine and caring person and that’s what makes you amazing em, keep it up girl x
The part we’re you said he phones your mum for a lift was hilarious! Cheat on my girlfriend but need a lift to her house so I’ll get her mum to drive me 😂😂nobody deserves to be cheated on though 💖
Please do a storytime on how you ended up dating James ☺️
Ahaha I might do one day
its what the people want
Yes please that will be amazing
And intresting
Lauren Chloe Wilson why would she do that
I actually amazes me how you dealt with the situation. You and your family are such classy people. You were so kind, calm and polite. You are so brave and composed & mature. Literally you're such an inspiring person. We are the same age but I would react like I'm 10 Years Younger if that happened to me I would literally be screaming at him 🤣🤣
Thank you so much! I genuinely think it’s because I grew up with parents that NEVER argued and I’ve always been encouraged to explain my feelings by talking, not shouting. I’m grateful for that now!
@@EmilyCanham inspirational! 😍🌸🌸🌸 I should behave like you more haha
Same here, I would probably threw his stuff out of window 🙈
@@Saragury same sis 🌸
never deserve to be cheated on, you’re so beautiful and have such a kind soul !!! 💗
Thanks so much Mia
o̶n̶l̶i̶n̶e̶a̶n̶n̶a̶ completely agree, i’m just saying she is beautiful and has such a kind soul, i’m not saying that’s why she doesn’t deserve to be cheated on xx
mia you’re beautiful everyone is beautiful
So right
You’re probably one of the only people I’ve sat and fully watched that has done s story time! sorry you had to go through this but you have came back stronger ❤️
There’s never a valid reason to cheat. Glad you’re happy with James now x
Thanks soo much cait
kudos to you for staying so strong throughout all of this - he was never worth your attention, time and effort! I honestly feel like I'm having a chat with my bestie when I'm watching your videos xx
awww thank you, lovely!!
You deal with it like no man ever would! So mature and kind.
(Respect for the girl that told you about him texting her).
good on that girl, I was also lucky enough to have had a girl like that she also told me everything about my ex, respect to all ladies who stand up for other ladies
You still were so nice after his awful behavior , helping him with his stuff and all
This speaks volumes about your character ❤️
LMFAO! I just can't with this story.... he cheats on his girlfriend then calls up her mother for a ride??? 🤣🤣🤣
I was absolutely mind blown then it happened 🤣
666 likes lol
And look where you are now... with JAMES BOURNE... I think we know who the real winner is here🥳💗
Ahaha! Never been happier
If someone is a cheater they are the loser regardless of where the two people end up because they are morally flawed and that never ends well
Bartosz Maj couldn’t have said it better myself!
We need a James storytime! So glad you are happy now 😍
Ahaha maybe one day
It was very sad
@@EmilyCanham i dont know what i would have done tbh u were so strong i'd show no mercy XD
@o̶n̶l̶i̶n̶e̶a̶n̶n̶a̶ exactly proven my point know one deserves to be cheated, i just listed a bonus to her that she is beautiful and so kind
@@EmilyCanham some people just don't appreciate what they have
Because ... it’s not about being pretty or nice it’s about that individual
Nobody deserves to be cheated on. Glad to see you are now happy with James 💕
Thanks a ton babes!
You are so mature Emily, sorry you had to go through that but you handled it like a champ! You go girllll
Thank you so so much!!!
heya hun, theres so much people who can relate to this, thank you for being the person you are and uploading this, as its gave alot of people some time to think about their self-worth and how to be strong and handle the situation, as well as you did, love you x
Thank you so much! Glad it will hopefully help some people
Once a cheater always a cheater baby girl! Now you are stronger then ever! You’re such in a better healthy lovely relationship now! You are GLOWING!!!!! F HIM HE LOST NOT YOU!! XXXX
YOU WON and we will support you ❤️❤️❤️
Lol thank you my love!!!
Was anyone picturing the whole thing in their head😂x
Omg I was when she was saying about Emily’s bday and she talked about him having loads of girl friends I pictured him on a sofa messaging people and Emily doing a video
Honestly don’t know how anyone could ever cheat! So glad you’re in a happy relationship now ❤️
I could NEVER it's so weird
Men always cheat on gorgeous girls with absolute trolls! His loss! You’re gorgeous z
Thanks for watching babes
@@EmilyCanham love you and your videos as always ♥️♥️♥️
no one deserves to be cheated on, glad you called it quits! love your content lately 💖
Thanks a ton babes!
Once your dude cheats on you, in my eyes, I will never trust you again. Emotional and/or physical cheating is terrible and it for sure shows someone’s character. That’s why I’m nervous to get into a relationship.
Omg what the hell never thought a girl so caring, true, real, kind nd a gorgeous heart could be treated so awful, hope your OK now your so strong and such a role model 😍❤️💜😘
The fact he blocked you! Not worth it girl ur killing it now with James! X
Love how Emily's jumper says "not sorry"😂🤷🏼♀️
ashley .x Ikr 😂
Omg I didn’t even notice until now!
Pleaseeee do a ‘how you met James’ storytime!!!!!
a big YES to you for remaining so classy against his horrendous behaviour
It’s good to hear that this happens to many people and that you stood up for yourself
So inspiring to see you being so strong after dealing with this, glad you’re happy now you deserve it. A true role model to other women, you have taught people to know their worth 💖
My dad and mum were together for 17 years and had me and my brother. I recently found it about 4 months ago that my dad cheated on my mum for 8 weeks and i didnt know. My mum and dad are now dating new people (my dad is not with the person he cheated with) and my mum and dad are friends and being happy. I went into a stage of depression were i was miserable and i am starting to feel happier now and even tho my dad did break up our family, i am lucky my mum and dad are still friends and life is good now. Im so sorry you had to go through this emily❤️
I love you’re story times so much ... I could watch them for hours !! I loved how you are different to other youtuber and you’re laughing about this situation haha xxx
awww thank you, lovely!!
My mum cheated on my dad for a few months and is now still with the guy she used to cheat. It broke my whole family's hearts
Omg I’m so sorry about that
Emily Canham thanks i hope you were ok too x
My mum did that she got married to the guy
Honestly, you are TOO kind. The fact that you helped him pack all of his things up, drop it off at his dad's and also the second time around, you actually gave him a lift home is absolutely another level of kindness and patience. I'm glad you are alright :)
i’ll never understand how people can cheat on their partner, let alone cheat when they’re dating someone who is a SOLID 10/10😍
(ps, you and james are the cutest💗)
I don't think I would have handled it with as much class as you Emily. So glad you're in a happy, healthy relationship now 💚
Thanks a lot, hun
Em, gotta say that when you vlogged with him, I really didn't like him tbh, he wanted to show off (?) and you deserve so much better than that. I am so happy that you have found love and that you are being treated like a queen 👑💛✨
Ps. It would be lovely a story time of how you and james ended up together. X :)
I can’t believe somebody could do this to you I’m so so glad you saw your worth thankyou for being such an inspiration to young girls x
Thank you so much!
I think it’s so amazing that you can share this! Other girls will appreciate this n I hope all the young viewers look up to you! Love your content babe x
your hair is INCREDIBLE!!!! You deserve so much more 💗
Thanks a lot, hun
“Women marry men hoping they will change, and men marry women hoping they will not. So each is inevitably disappointed.” - Albert Einstein
You are actually AMAZING! So brave and confident to have shared this personal story to you
It baffles me that someone could even find it in them to cheat on you 🤦🏼♀️
I could never cheat on ANYONE
I couldn't put someone through that. I would never even consider it!
Imagine cheating on the most amazing woman ever❤️ he loss really xxx
Sorry but who tf would want to cheat on Emily ?!😭😍
Ahaha not cool right?!
ikkkkkkkk, was thinking the same💓
i completely agree, dont settle for less, make sure you both have as much as commitment and effort as each other, as thats how relationships would work smoothly! x
Yeah how true is it
@@EmilyCanham stay the independent women you are, because your strong and you dont have to rely on a man, like i know for a fact there will be someone out there, for you and they will love and support you no matter what! x
love how she pics up the cup but didn’t even drink from it, feeling cute haha😂
Normally I would have had absolutely no interest whatsoever in listening for twenty-four minutes to a story about a girl and her cheating boyfriend. But you are so cute and English and the way you told it was so enchanting I couldn't leave the page. The videos of you and your family are so awesome to watch. So consider me an American fan of your English life. Grace to you Emily!
I had a bad feeling about the boy anyway!! So glad you’re happy living the dream with James 😘 xxx
Thank you so much!
it’s so interesting to see how different people cope with relationship
So proud of how you handled the situation!
Thanks a lot, hun
I love that you were so mature about that whole situation. I’m so sorry that happened to you but clearly you are the bigger person between the two of you and you deserve so much better than that. Thankyou for sharing, I think the message you put across through this video was amazing and very eye opening for fellow teenage girls. You’re amazing ❤️❤️
Thank you so much! Always gotta be the bigger person
screaming bc this is sooo relatable!! I looked through my exes phone and found him flirting with other girls and rather than admit/deny it, he flipped the story on me and was like "why are you looking through my phone you crazy bitch" like ??? Manipulative/gas lighting boys are the worst and I'm so glad u found someone better bc I have too :))
You’re the strongest you tuber I’ve ever watched!! I feel terrible for you hope you’re okay em! X
never seen someone more deserving of a million subs💕
You honestly did the right thing with this guy you don’t deserve to be treat like this at all 😭❤️
Thanks a lot, hun
i can literally RELATE to this, same thing happened to me recently :(
Omg I’m so sorry
honestly being cheated on is the worst thing, so glad you've moved on to be a happier person and that you had such supportive people around you during it
Thanks a lot Bethany
Aw never put up with cheaters. Glad you’ve found someone better!
Thanks a lot Mika
nobody deserves to be cheated on & treated unfairly. you’re such a beautiful and kind soul! love you 💜💙💛💚❤️
title scared me about james ngl
You treated him better than I would have, since I wouldn’t have let him in the house after all that happened. He could have become violent! I would definitely not have helped with moving his belongings to his Dad’s house either. I hope you won’t ever let anyone treat you like this again. We all deserve better than this.
Love that your jumper says not sorry lmao queen love u
AHAHAH I didn't even realise lmao
You are so gorgeous, Emily. Would it be possible for you to do an updated hair routine - which products do you use? It’s always so perfect 💘. You also explained this situation so well, you are such a mature, and inspiring person 💕 you are someone that everyone wants to be around because you’re so sweet 🥰 I’m so glad that you are in a nice place now :) ilysm xx
Thanks so much! I'd love to do that video for ya
Can we just appreciate the not sorry on her top😂 Love you Emily xx
Your so close to one million subscribers my fingers are crossed for you 🤞❤️ btw this is such a heart breakin story 💔
Ahhhh so crazy isn’t it
Aha thanks so much
You are such a nice girl.probably are too giving....sometimes we fall into a pattern that repeats itself by choosing the same type of people..i hope not ...
you handled it so well.. love your videos !!! glad you're happier now xxx
Thanks a lot, hun
Super spooky. Im watching this at work and sure my ex who (among other things) did this to me over 2 ish years, drives past my work. It still hurts now a year on but im getting to the point like you where im seeing the value in myself and im just doing my thing. I dont even want to be with anyone any time soon im just living my self trying to do better for me ! Guys like this are literally trash. Regardless of how old you are or they are. You need to know right from wrong and how to treat people. I love story times ! I hope you do make more. They do help people to see they arent the only one going through something or just to cheer them up xx
This is brilliant em! So proud of you for opening up into your personal life... but this deffo did make a great video🤯😂 xx
Thanks a lot Sian
I love storytime storytelling
No one deserves to be cheated on, you’re so lovely 😘
Thanks a ton babes
Being cheated on once is hard enough, to regain somebody else’s trust is hard but to then be cheated on a 2nd time after a 3year gap of being single is totally heart break all over again! It doesn’t just effect you it’s your family too! It always happens to the people with the hearts of gold that would do anything for anybody! Karma.. it will bite them in the bum one day. X
Such a shame isn’t it
You did NOT deserve that at all! UPGRADED 1000X
Thank you so much!
Wow this exact thing has just happened to me, I also tried to rebuild it and he basically acted like he didn’t care!!! You’re honestly the biggest motivation to focus on myself and wait until someone better walks into my life
You got this Kate! Honestly just gotta remember how AMAZING you are xx
@@EmilyCanham Appreciate this a lot! x
I literally felt like I was drinking tea and having a gossip with you in your glam room! 😂
I am so sorry for you and I love your hair
You need to do the boyfriend tag with James!
*I was just talking about how sad it is that so many ppl can't commit and be faithful! And i just gotta say.....girllll...CELEBRATE!! Congrats on walking away from am insecure boy!! Sorry for him, but he did you a favor!*
Is this about Charlie ?? 😲
So so proud of you for the way you deal with these things, it shows how strong you are. No one deserves to be cheated on, especially an amazing person like you ❤❤❤❤❤
Thank you for taking the time to watch Izzy
i haven’t even seen the video yet, but wtf. you do not deserve to 1. be cheated on or 2. be treated like shit in general.
im glad you’ve found someone better though♥️
Thank you so so much Ebony
I bet he spends his days regretting what he has done because u are so pretty and kind-hearted and the way u handled the situation was so brave and strong and those are such good qualities to have xxxxx
Nah I hope he’s moved on and is happy!
New subscriber! Binge watched almost all of your whole channel! Such a lovely girl! Keep it up xxxx
Thanks a lot, hun!!
I know exactly how you feel! I was with my first crush last year and he was not nice to me and broke my heart. Your mum is 100% right about it being an itch that needed to be scratched xx
Your so strong em you really are an inspiration for young teens like myself 😘 I am so proud of you !! Keep doing what you do your amazing 💕✨
Thanks so much Brooke
You deserve soooo much better! And never feel like you have to cancel your plans just cause someone has some issue with guys coming! Girl you should of had that birthday dinner you were so excited for!! Also invite those guy friends, and then it will be his loss of not coming!!
Actually loved watching this, felt like I was chatting for ages 😂😂😂
Had a major panic at the thumbnail thinking OMG but then breathed a big sigh of relief thank goodness you and James are amazing! happiness finds us in the end ❤️
Emily, you never deserve to be cheated on, you are beautiful and amazing person and also Emily you have a such kind caring soul, be strong, you deserve way better.
I love your vlogs its soo beautiful.
Thank you for watching☺️
So pleased with how you dealt with the whole situation. You don't deserve to be cheated on! So good to see you happy with james now x
Emily!! Can I know what lens you’re using!! I love the look and quality of this video. Thanks!
I've been through the exact situation, its the worst but I'm glad you found someone better xxxx
Sorry you had to deal with that :(
lõis d honestly same girl it was awful x
Strong independent woman 🌹❤️
DASSS MEEEEE!!! Aha finally
Hey em, I can’t believe that this actually happened to you but you dealt with it in the best way being calm and mature about it. My mum is the same as yours in the aspect of staying up and waiting up for you even though you say not to. I find it funny the way he was trying to act dumb to not be caught out like you wouldn’t know how to work snapchat or anything. Your such a genuine and caring person and that’s what makes you amazing em, keep it up girl x
Thank you so much Leah!
You know you’re early, when the video has 3 views and 20 comments
can't wait for you to hit 1 million!!
Ahhh it’s so soon
The part we’re you said he phones your mum for a lift was hilarious! Cheat on my girlfriend but need a lift to her house so I’ll get her mum to drive me 😂😂nobody deserves to be cheated on though 💖
No one deserves to be cheated on! You’re absolutely stunning 💜💜
Thanks a lot, hun
I am so sorry
you are amazing
stay strong
Thanks so much Kellsie