Fetal development month by month 👶 Embryo And Fetus evolution In Moms Womb| AM

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 28 ส.ค. 2023
  • Month 1 (Weeks 1-4):
    During the first month, something amazing happens. A tiny baby starts to form when a special egg meets a tiny seed from a dad. This tiny baby is called a zygote, and it becomes a little group of cells called a blastocyst. It travels to a cozy spot in the mommy's tummy and sticks to the wall there. The baby's heart starts to form and might even start beating by the end of this month.
    Month 2 (Weeks 5-8):
    In the second month, the tiny baby keeps growing quickly. The baby's main parts, like its heart and brain, start to form. Little arms and legs appear, and the baby's face starts looking more like a real face with eyes, ears, and a nose. The arms and legs grow more and look like tiny versions of arms and legs. By the end of this month, the tiny baby is now called a fetus.
    Month 3 (Weeks 9-12):
    During the third month, the baby's organs keep getting ready. The baby's fingers and toes start to show up, and muscles grow, which helps the baby move a bit. Even though it's still too early to tell if it's a boy or a girl, the baby's private parts start forming. The head is still a bit big compared to the body, but it's starting to straighten out.
    Month 4 (Weeks 13-16):
    By the fourth month, the baby's face becomes more delicate, and it can open and close its eyes. Hair and nails begin to grow, and the skin is really thin and see-through. The baby moves more, and its mommy can feel the movements. Sometimes, the baby's movements might feel like tummy bubbles. The baby's brain keeps growing too.
    Month 5 (Weeks 17-20):
    In the fifth month, the baby keeps growing, and its skin gets a soft hair called lanugo. The baby's fingertips start to make special patterns, like fingerprints. The baby can hear sounds from outside, even its mommy's voice. It practices doing things like sucking its thumb and holding onto things. Its movements get stronger and more regular.
    Month 6 (Weeks 21-24):
    During the sixth month, the baby's eyelids start to open, and it can even blink its eyes. The lungs are still growing, and the baby practices breathing movements, even though it's not really breathing air yet. The baby gets bigger and heavier, so its mommy can feel its movements better. The brain becomes more active, too.
    Month 7 (Weeks 25-28):
    In the seventh month, the baby gains more weight and some fat under its skin. The lungs keep growing, and the baby makes something called surfactant to help its lungs work better after it's born. The baby's eyes open and close regularly now, and it has times when it sleeps and wakes up.
    Month 8 (Weeks 29-32):
    By the eighth month, the baby keeps gaining weight, and most of its organs are almost done growing. Its nervous and immune systems keep getting better. The baby's movements might be a bit restricted because there's not a lot of space in the tummy. The baby usually turns its head down, getting ready to come out.
    Month 9 (Weeks 33-40 and beyond):
    In the ninth month, the baby finishes growing and gets ready to be born. The lungs keep developing, and the skull bones stay flexible to help the baby fit through the birth canal. The baby loses some of the soft hair on its skin, and its body gets ready to work on its own after it's born.
    Please note that the information and advice provided in this video are for informational purposes only and should not replace the guidance of a medical professional. Always consult your doctor for personalized care and advice
    #uterus #fetaldevelopment #shorts

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