I wish he mentioned Sheekh Muhammad Abdullah Hassan who fought the British for more than 20 years. The British got so fed up and offered him trunks full of gold and precious gems but he refused it so they called him the mad Mullah. He was a Sufi of the Saalihiya tariqa. By the way he was Somali.
Imam Junaid [ra] was one of the greatest Muslim sufi scholars in Islamic history and taught a true pure sufism which was none other than Islamic spirituality in depth . Nice video this thank you for sharing
+Anubhav Srivastava Man wahabis are those people who say that they don't love prophet.....haha....There are no regular sunnis....sunni is branch or cult of Islam...which follows Allah and his prophet and the awliyas (saints)....its sad that today many Muslims around world are being influence by hypocrite wahabis....They are those people who raped killed and massacred the people living in mecca and medina....King saud made deal with British and killed and destroyed ottoman empire....which followed pure sufism.....
+Anubhav Srivastava don't ever say Saudi Arabia people are good....They have hands stained with blood...Arabs are misguided....except Arabs living in Iraq Yemen Syria Oman where they follow sufism....Turkey is best country where sufism arose....khudahafiz means Allah take care of u...ok...If u wanna ask more on sufism ill tell u
At least good to hear that this scholar gives credit to early Sufis but I can assure you he have not red one single page of Ibni Arabi. "There is not any Muslim scholar who is loved more by people who red him, and there is not any Muslim scholar who is hated most by people who never red him. " This is the reality about Ibni Arabi..Unfortunately this is the situation of Muslims today; even so called scholars are the same. They criticize without even reading about the person they criticize..Why he is critical to Ibni Arabi? Bc Ibni Taymiya is critical on him. I can give you hundreds of critics on Ibni Taymiya himself. Pantheism is a label given by Ibni Taymiya on Ibni Arabi's view which is not true at all. Ibni Arabi is not a Pantheist, he does not believe in Wahdedi Wucud, he never used the term in any of his books. Coming back to Sufism...The word Sufism does not belong in our Islamic tradiiton. Sufism is used by the Orientalist, by western scholars. The original word is tasawwuf. And tasawwuf is one of the Islamic sciences...Dr. Muhammed Musa says its an Islamic SECT. But its not a SECT! Tasaffuw is the deeper aspect of Islam. Very shortly if Sharia corresponds to Islam, if Kalam corresponds to Iman, Tasavvuf corresponds to Ihsan. (referring to the famous Hadith between the Prophet sav and Angel Jebrail.) Therefore, we cannot say that early generations of Mutasavvuf (not Sufi) were on the right path but later ones were not. Like with any Islamic Science and their Scholars, like Muhaddit in ilmul Hadith, or Mutaqellimin in Ilmul Kalam there are ones who deviated from the right path and those who were not...Same is valid with Tasawwuf. Its true that there are lots of Sharlatans who claim they are members of a Tarika in Tasawwuf but dont forget that only precious things have imitations...Gold and Diamonds have imitations..a simple stone does not have imitation.
Mehmed Ali Why in the world u r supporting Sufism Can’t you be on Islam given by Allah to PBUH and practiced by Shaba This is the problem with people of Bidha and Tasawuf that they can’t stop arguing to prove their beliefs. In my eyes Sufis and Tablighi Jamat are the worst enemies of Islam.
@SFAvfx What innovations are you refering to and who exactly of todays sufis do you consider innovators? What do you think of Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi?
Mashaa Allah-May Allah bless this Shaykh.A very good exposItion of a great man,Imam Junaid,May Allah be pleased with him and a sound critique of the sufi movement,without any vulgarity.Shukran
"Verily, your Lord knows better, who (among men) has gone astray from His Path, and He knows better those who are guided." [Quran 68:7] Your arrogance and foolishness in sentencing Muslims to hell has forced me to block you. "A fool’s mind is at the mercy of his tongue and a wise man’s tongue is under the control of his mind." - Ali ibn Abi Talib (ra)
İmam ghazali says if music reminds you allah that kind of music is mustehab.. Excample.. Looking at the wall is not about religion. İf you look at the wall with desire that one is not halal for you if the wall makes you horny then you have to stop looking at the wall... İf the looking at the wall makes you thinking about Allah's mercy or power.. then looking at the wall is mustehab too.. But never forget one think is Everything Created by god for a reason..
The translation has many inaccuracies. For instance, he said the sanousi tareqa is the "closest" to Quran and Sunnah, and it was translated to "adhering to Quran and Sunnah". He also in many instances said "the case was so and so except in a few things" and the translator would leave out the exceptions. The sheikh was clearly trying not to use absolute terms. The inaccuracies don't change much of the meaning but thought id just point it out.
@purposefilms why are you only quoting one sentence! he is talking about early muslims who practiced extreme zuhd which is fine, not the deviant innovators who celebrate birthdays, group dhikr, etc.
Just follow your heart, I was going down the salafi path but sufism captivated me. I love doing zikr of Allah st, just remember one thing sufis all have a golden chain which shows their heritage. my teacher was taught by..., he was taught by..., he was taught by, he was taught by Imam Jafir Sadiq, He was taught by Abu Bakr Sadiq (ra) and He was taught by Rasool saws. This chain proves that whatever my teacher does has been passed down to him through example. So how can it possibly be wrong?
I dont understand how someone can be naqshbandi and upon the sunnah because my uncles naqshbandi but their whole tariqah seems to be innovation to the point if someone rejected the innovation from the tariqah their would be nothing left
I'm a Muslim simple forget the politics some do things different don't judge other people's takva be firm on tauheed and have tawakal may ALLAH make us amongst the righteous Ameen
check out the wikipedia page on the "history of hadith" i believe here you will read about Hadith during and after the life of the Prophet salla allah alayhi wasallam the verse you mentioned is taken out of context and out of meaning. it basically means that if you don't believe the words of God what words will you believe in? can't attach a link but its in the ibn kathir's tafseer
yea, i was in to that back in the day. i admit it. way into it. realized that islam is better. dhikr is like mantras but instead of a sacred sound its remembering god. sins dirty up the chakras reciting quran, prayer, dhikr, cleans the chakras i didn't know what i had, and consider my ventures into hinduism and a little bit of shamanism a learning experience. as a result i respect my religion even more.
Alhamdulillah, now i understd why the Sufism are rejected at our present time now but was accepted by many ulamak at 1st & 2nd phase of Sufi on 300yrs early Islam. May Allah bless forever on Imam Al Junaid ibn Muhd Al abu Qasim.
oh my friends don't trick your followers. I am saudi and I am sufi also. You said the prophet said that the najd"" is the horn of the evil , but in reality najd is divided into alot of areas, so the interpretation of this hadith and applying it on Muhammad ibn Abdulwahab is wrong" in reality the prophet meant that the generation Alkowaisira are tameem tribes and muhammad ibn Abdulwahab from this tribe and the prophet didn't say a man will come out from the east from Alkowaisira's generation no in reality he said people will come out from Alkowaisira's generation and people plural and this achieved. look to Al Shaik tribe which is belonging to Abdulwahab and look to ibn Othaimeen he also from this tribe even the last Mufti of Saudi is from Bani Tameem.The prophet said emerging if these people will happen in the last times of the life and you have to shoot your brain if you didn't believe that we are living in last times of life because mohmed ibn Abdulwahab emerged before two hundred years. And the prophet said in the hadith alot of signs of these people and one of them that they will described as shaving their hair. And in the book of (رسائل الائمه النجديه ) the group of Najed sheikh s massages the muhammad ibn Abdulwahab claim that shaving their heads is their habit to be different from the other Muslims which they described them as nonbelievers. there is a book from Shafi Sheiks who lived in that times and his book describes the muhammad bin Abdulwahab and you can find many details about the shaving signs and more. we as sufi we forbidden the prostate for the graves , but we couldn't say and describe any body prostate for the graves as nonbeliever because if we say that that means the prophet Jacob pease be upon him is non believer bacouse he prostrated for his son Jusif pease be upon him after finding him and that is mentioned in Quraan. In reality , we as Sufi don't allow to any body to prostate to any thing , but the prostration is two kind one for honours and another for worshiping. The prostration of honours was not forbidden in Christian , Jewish and the prophets before prophet muhammad peace be upon him emerging and the Evidences of that the prostration prophet Jacob to his Son Jusif peace be upon him and that was mention in Jusif Soraa in Holy book so was the prophet Jacob non believer because he prostrated to his son ? and Also The god forced the Angles to prostrate to Adam peace be upon him as an honour was the Angles nonbelievers ? make shur that as sufi we forbidden the prostration for anything except the god even the honour prostration , but who did that he isn't nonbeliever he is a Muslim but he did a very risky mistake as the same degree of the adultery because the things which were allowed for the prophets before emerging of the prophet muhammad peace be upon him and the legalization of the last prophet muhammad peace be upon him forbidden this that mean doing this thing after Islam is in guilt degree not nonbelieving degree. for example, the wines were allowed before the holy sentence of Quraan which claim that the wines are prohibited on wards so any person drinks the wines now isn't nonbeliever. And this is the same situation of prostration of honour which the prophet mohmed peace be upon him forbidden in Albukhari hadith that the prophet muhammad peace upon him said that if I force any body to prostrate to any bidy , I will ask the wife to prostrate to her husband) and all Muslims kniw that this prostration is regarding the honour not for worshiping have you got my idea oh man ? so when you find any body prostrate to any thing you have first ti ask him is this your god ? he will say no . then ask him why you prostrated to him ? he will say because I respect him and my prostration as honour not as worshiping did you got my point ? do know know why Al kawarige are the most evil people in life As Abdullah bin Aomar said ? because they apply the holy sentence which talks about nonbeliever on the believer situation and Al kawarige describe the Muslim who did the risky guilt as nonbeliever and this is the situation of muhammad bin Abdulwahab and your idelogy because you describe the Muslims who prostrate for honour as nonbeliever despite the prostration of honour is forbidden and isn't pushing the person to out of Islam circle. and we aren't asking the dead to achieve for us which we like because this what takes a person out of Islam circle if he know that , but if he has misunderstanding he won't be nonbeliever. in reality , we go to the good people graves to visit them and ask them to pray for us and ask the god to achieve our needs and I think it isn't fordibben to go to any live person to ask him to pray for you. For example, your friend is really good person and you ask him to pray and ask Allah for you because have chronic disease is this job taking you out of I.Oh Whahabi you are riding a tiger which will push you to the hill and this is really one of the prophet's miracles because in same hadith of describing the people who comes from Najed the prophet siad they will read the holy book which they will they he see eye to eye with him , but he didn't) don't believe this man please.
أدهم الادهم please friend keep yourself safe don't let them arrest you for you have the knowledge and they have nothing but hellfire insallah...inshallah a real khalifa will return and the knowledge of god and true islam (such as qader jilani and imam ghazali) will be again the mainstream of our knowledge and of course the quran above all but unfortunately america want all knowledge and power to be in her own hand so this is why saudi is exist in order to shit on islam by making it to be look like the people of ignorance but actually this is what all of these leaders are (ibn saud ibn wahab and of course khomeini the rat sucker) all are agents of usa that are leading us to chaos and ignorance...only saddam was the real muslim leader of our time...insallah erdogan will help true islam to re emerge again and we will have the golden age back but without the errors of leadership that occurred back then...
people stop arguing if you know what what you practice is correct then carry on with that you all will get your results at the end who are we too judge only allah has that. simple love allah worship him follow the way of the prophet (saw) and prayer ask for help and right path from allah (swt)
As SaLaamu`ALayykoum, Wa Rahmatullahi Wa BarakaatiLLali I perfectly agree with You as the Sufis understand " Tariqa`at " better than We,the Ordinary people !
Yes thanks to you,now muslim are not just been divided by 4 mazhab, but into 20 or more salafi into many sect,neo salafi into many sect,wahabies into many sect,ahli hadis into many sect,their scholar from jordan ,syria,madina,pakistan all are fighting each other.
Don't belong to a sect or anything like that and politically don't agree with Saudi state. You may not agree with this scholar but he provides an unbiased history. I think Islamic scholars need to move above thier sect and provide an unbiased view of Islamic history. This person talks that way so i appreciate it. Disagreements will always be there but talks about history and theology are not to be dealt with emotions but with a calm mind👍
What about Uwais al Karni of Yamen who lived during the period of prophet Muhammed Rasulullah (S), who is a well known Sufi...He got his islamic guidance directly from Rasulullah, History teaches us that , Rasulullah and Uwais al Karni have never met Physically..But they had a soul connection.You can refer the hadeeth written about Uwaiz al Karni.
well that is the truth sometimes we can hear abuut Islam as well about teasawuf dark side. All this depend what is in speaker heart and depend who say and for waht purpose (niyeh). MashaAllah may Allah reward this speaker with Jannah and to be companion of his Prophits and trully servents for saying the truth about tesawuf..
He is not but he is a great scholar who has great lectures on Islamic history. He is Shaykh Muhammad Musa ash Shareef and he is currently imprisoned. May Allah hasten his release.
The prophet taught us isthighatha in the saheeh hadith quoted in Tirmidhi, Tabari and Nasai and others. The famous hadith of the blind man in which he says "O muhammed i turn to Allah through". The sahaba used it and taught after the prophet (saw) had passed away and the Imaams put it in their book such as al-Nawwawis Adhkaar under "the prayer of need"... ponder over THAT! :)
Akhi I don't mean any disrespect, we're all brothers in Deen, but seriously you need to listen to the lecture attentively, eg @ 04:28 (Sufism is a sect), I watched the whole lecture. Shaykh ibn Baaz (Rahimahullaah) was a great Salafi Scholar, May Allaah (Subhaanahu wa ta 'Ala) Grant him Jannatul-Firdaws. Ameen! Dr. Muhammad Musa Al-Shareef sat with him on many occassions, he's not a Sufi akhi, nor was Ibn Taymiyyaah (Rahimahullaah)- he was a firm Salafi & I fully agree with what was said @ 04:18
Sometimes I'm confused about Sufism. Some say Sufism is wrong and some say it's right. In fact, I have some books about Sufism. But I have to learn more and ask "the learned men " about this. Any way, thank you for comment.
No one forces you to be a sufi. Hundreds of millions of muslims entered Islam by Sufis (eg Indonesia, West and East Africa and most new converts today) but a minority of those converted because of Sufis became Sufis. It is a hardline way of living by doing all sunnah and avoiding all makrouh, which can be hardly done by reading books alone So you follow a Tariqa to get this pious state. It can take 20+ years to reach that state of truly following the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم
@purposefilms Yes brother, there were many great Sufi Imams during and before the time of Ibn Taymiyyah (ra), but in current times there are many innovations amongst those who call themselves sufi. Insha'Allah, try to listen to the entire lecture, the speaker presents the topic in a balanced way.
Allaah Says in the Qur'an: '..This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My Favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.(Al-Ma'idah, V3) That's it, the religion is perfect that day, and will be perfect until the day of Judgement and if someone innovates something with the Qur'an and the sound Sunnah then they are saying that the religion is still not perfect, that they can take it up with Allaah(swt).
Sahih Bukhari Volume 1, Book 12, Number 802: Narrated Abu Ma’bad: (the freed slave of Ibn ‘Abbas) Ibn ‘Abbas told me, “In the lifetime of the Prophet it was the custom to celebrate Allah’s praises aloud after the compulsory congregational prayers.” Ibn ‘Abbas further said, “When I heard the Dhikr, I would learn that the compulsory congregational prayer had ended.” Dhikr is found in the Sunnah as seen above and can be said loud but it doesn't involve shouting or dancing as many Sufis do today.
"Those who remember their Lord standing, and sitting, and lying on their sides" (3:191) "O you who believe! Celebrate the praises of Allah, and do SO OFTEN; and glorify Him morning and evening." (33:41-42) "Remember me, I shall remember you." (2:152) "O Believers, make abundant mention of ALLAH!" (33:41) "And keep yourself patient [by being] with those who call upon their Lord in the morning and the evening,...." (18:28, Al Kahf)
Which Muslims worship graves they must be a minority though, the Sunnis who follow the 4 Imams that make up most of the Ummah do not do such things, can you tell me which Muslims exactly worship graves iv never heard of any.
@hammadalqadri: Just ask yourself one question, did the prophet Muhammad (saw) practice any of what the sufi of today practice? If you can't say yes to this one question, then you know that the practices of today's sufis is wrong. ;)
I like this VDO, it means all salafi are not Extremists, many of them do not have anything to do because of "oil money" so engaged to attack others. I like also AbuMuslimKhorasani and his all posts.
You are still saying "in this world they are dead" ...NO.. the Qur'an is prohibiting from saying that they are dead. It really is that simple. The Qur'an doesn'tsay that the prophet (saw) is dead. It says "you will die" difference between die and dead. We all die but we don't all remain dead. You give your life for Allah, He gives you a new one in the Barzakh. He(saw) "the prophets are alive in their graves praying". Ask a creation because Allah commands it. Simple
depends on which sufis.. because if u look back at the 1st sufis they were part of the salaf anyways they were as good as others.. but im talking about the sufis that claim to be sufis these days adding new things n saying things..
Rasoolullaah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) taught us everything we need to know in order to be successful. He never taught us about Sufism, therefore I am not a Sufi. If Rasoolullaah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) & the Sahaabah (RadiAllaahu-'anhum) did not teach Sufi practices or call themselves Sufi's, then I refrain. {Indeed in the Messenger of Allaah (Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم) you have the best example to follow for him who hopes for (the Meeting with) Allah & the Last Day & remembers Allaah much.} (33.21)
He explained in all the khutba that Sufism is not a sect but a procedure, the Sufis were so called because of the cotton clothes they wore, nobody said to become sufi, but to practice al ihsan and it is a concept repeated thousands of times in the quran and ahadith, and one of the tactics to practice ihsan and reach it is through tasawuf or purification of the soul through dikr, nobody says to become Sufis, but to follow the prophetic path of Ihsan , Islam, and Iman.
what nonesense... if someone asks you: are you a shia or sunni? will you say "i'm just a muslim brother" ??? even if you say that after you've answered a few questions (like: should Ali have been the first Caliph?) and people know your ideas... THEY will label you
Sufism nothing new...or invented. It's just Ihsan which is the passionate pursuit of excellence in every sphere of our existence which ultimately ends with perfect worship or union with Allah Azza wa Jal. It is nothing more or nothing less.
Why do people look at extremist Salafis and extremist Sufis and think that thats how all of them are like? Meaning, an average non Muslim isn't going to look at a terrorist whos a Muslim and think all of them are like that. You know what I'm saying?
Asalamualaikum brothers of Islam. This will not end. How much longer is this subject going be debated. Will this solve the Muslim problem. Sorry to say this but so many ignorance by the coz of heedless. Remember Allah as much as u can. Is that such a big issue. Yes it is coz most people are heedless, their tounge are like blades but their hearts are like rotten bread. Have we look at ourselves lately ? Pls dont comment back. Just look around and C. Than look at yourselfagainandagain... lol
to distinguish themselfs from the majority of people who didn't focus on Zuhd and worship... in the same way the muhaditheen and fuqaha called themselves these things... why are you getting so worked up over names?
Sufism is Islam like the brother above said, we just like to make the distinction that we love spirituality. Just like we should all seek knowledge but when a person identifies himself as a scholar, you know his life is seeking knowledge, but hes still muslim. As for the 'dark side' and 'innovations' this is just pure conjecture. People post videos of random groups doing crazy things and accuse sufism. Everything mainstream sufis do is backed by hadith an example of Sahabah. Sufism is Islam
I watched all of it. One thing I do not understand. Dhikr and zuhd was already part of islam. There were of the salaf who choose simpler life and concentrated on preparing for the life hereafter but they never call themself sufi. Moreover, a word sufi was never used by Muhammad (SAWS) and the rightly guided khulafa rashideen. Emphasis on dhikr and worship is already mentioned there in Quran and sunnaah.. Why call yourself sufi
that was the point of sarcasm brother, i knew who he was pointing to my Sufi brothers, i guess the brother does not understand the concept of Tawasuff.
there are many cases of people coming from maliki shaf'e hanbali and hanafi madhab claiming that all sufis are deviants and condemning dhikr. these men are the ulema e soo mentioned in ahadith who love the world position comfort status and fame and who despise the dhikr of Allah and ahlul dhikr. Allah hardened there hearts and destracted them from his remembrance. May allah save us all from this dangerous disease.
Why are you laughing? Is everything a joke to you? Everything you said in that comment was false. No one self-claims to be a "Wahabi" or "Najdi" - these are but mockery statements, to say we worship Shaykh al-Albaanee is to say you worship Hamza Yusuf - which would also be mockery. Ibn Taymiyyah (Rahimahullaah) and Ahmad ibn Hanbal (Rahimahullaah) were not Sufi's - they followed the straight teachings of the Salaf, which is what we intend to do Inshaa Allaah! Control your tongue akhi.
Ya Ikhwaan, no racism or generalisations please. Warn against actions and certain individuals, but don't warn against nationalities or 'all' pakistaani's or whatever.
mmm well lets look at the most important Sufi practices. 1-Shahadah 2- Salat 3- Zakat 4- Fast Ramadan 5- Hajj 6-Praying at night 7-constant Zikr and presence with Allah 8-Receiting Qur'an 9-Improving Character etc etc and generally trying to follow his (saw) sunna inwardly and not just outwardly... so... yep... pretty sure these are things the Beloved Rasulullah did and commanded to do... if you think thats a lie... well you finish the rest.
Brother, you lot are the ones claiming it is shirk, haraam, kufr. We just celebrate the life of our Prophet saws, and we NEVER tell you lot that you must celebrate it. It is the salafi movement that goes around saying DON'T celebrate it. Our religion is things you must do and things you mustn't do. Salah? Must do. Eat chicken? No hadith saying you can eat chicken but it's halal so it's okay. Showing love towards the Prophet saws? Unless you have anything that says we can't, we can. Salam
that's an ignorant comment. count of dhikr is not bidah. many sahaba had daily routines of dhikr. u critisize daily routines of dhikr but not daily routines of qur'an not mentioned as sunnah. every action done doesn't have to be sunnah. that's another bid'ah. it has to be in line with sunnah. there is no limit to dhikr or a prohibition of group or loud zikr. these opinions aren't even held by ibn taymiyya.
After reading all the comments all I can say is surely there is no intellectual here who has studied under a sheikh no disrespect please don't abuse each other don't u see divide and conquer that all I see here may allah guide us all including me in'sha'allah
Also, those hadith you claim that I missed, please direct me to them. Give me your sources. And please don't use the old cope out, "I'm not going to do any work on your behalf." BS. If you really want to show me that what you say is truth, then produce the evidence.
The you have missed some hadith (does that shock? that there are some hadiths that you have never seen?). Ja'far ibn Abi Talib danced around the prophet when he said to him "you resemble me in looks and character"... go look it up. So did Zayd ibn Haritha and one other. The Habasha danced in the prophets mosque singing "Muhammad is a rightouse man" and he encouraged them. YOU need to prove that dancing is haram. Thats how the deen works. Haram and and Fard by daleel/evidence.
I wish he mentioned Sheekh Muhammad Abdullah Hassan who fought the British for more than 20 years.
The British got so fed up and offered him trunks full of gold and precious gems but he refused it so they called him the mad Mullah. He was a Sufi of the Saalihiya tariqa.
By the way he was Somali.
May Allah (SWT) reward this sheikh
Beautiful and fair assessment of Sufism. May Allah (SWT) bless this Sheikh and guide our Sufi brothers who have gone to extremes
If only we could ALL be Sufis like Junaid Al Baghdadi...
Masha'Allah an eye opening lecture,jazak'Allah for uploading.
Imam Junaid [ra] was one of the greatest Muslim sufi scholars in Islamic history and taught a true pure sufism which was none other than Islamic spirituality in depth . Nice video this thank you for sharing
hehe :)
sufism can get a sinner muslim,christian,jew or hindu guy to paradise ,sufism is guided sect of ahle bayt ie.. family of muhammad peace be upon him.
+Anubhav Srivastava Man wahabis are those people who say that they don't love prophet.....haha....There are no regular sunnis....sunni is branch or cult of Islam...which follows Allah and his prophet and the awliyas (saints)....its sad that today many Muslims around world are being influence by hypocrite wahabis....They are those people who raped killed and massacred the people living in mecca and medina....King saud made deal with British and killed and destroyed ottoman empire....which followed pure sufism.....
+Anubhav Srivastava don't ever say Saudi Arabia people are good....They have hands stained with blood...Arabs are misguided....except Arabs living in Iraq Yemen Syria Oman where they follow sufism....Turkey is best country where sufism arose....khudahafiz means Allah take care of u...ok...If u wanna ask more on sufism ill tell u
sufism rocks wahabism sucks
Subhan beautifully explained, zazak Allah khairan
Thank you for advising me. Jazaki Allah khair.
At least good to hear that this scholar gives credit to early Sufis but I can assure you he have not red one single page of Ibni Arabi. "There is not any Muslim scholar who is loved more by people who red him, and there is not any Muslim scholar who is hated most by people who never red him. " This is the reality about Ibni Arabi..Unfortunately this is the situation of Muslims today; even so called scholars are the same. They criticize without even reading about the person they criticize..Why he is critical to Ibni Arabi? Bc Ibni Taymiya is critical on him. I can give you hundreds of critics on Ibni Taymiya himself. Pantheism is a label given by Ibni Taymiya on Ibni Arabi's view which is not true at all. Ibni Arabi is not a Pantheist, he does not believe in Wahdedi Wucud, he never used the term in any of his books.
Coming back to Sufism...The word Sufism does not belong in our Islamic tradiiton. Sufism is used by the Orientalist, by western scholars. The original word is tasawwuf. And tasawwuf is one of the Islamic sciences...Dr. Muhammed Musa says its an Islamic SECT. But its not a SECT! Tasaffuw is the deeper aspect of Islam.
Very shortly if Sharia corresponds to Islam, if Kalam corresponds to Iman, Tasavvuf corresponds to Ihsan. (referring to the famous Hadith between the Prophet sav and Angel Jebrail.)
Therefore, we cannot say that early generations of Mutasavvuf (not Sufi) were on the right path but later ones were not. Like with any Islamic Science and their Scholars, like Muhaddit in ilmul Hadith, or Mutaqellimin in Ilmul Kalam there are ones who deviated from the right path and those who were not...Same is valid with Tasawwuf.
Its true that there are lots of Sharlatans who claim they are members of a Tarika in Tasawwuf but dont forget that only precious things have imitations...Gold and Diamonds have imitations..a simple stone does not have imitation.
Mehmed Ali well said you took the words right outta my heart bro, peace be upon you
Tajbiul Rawol right outta my heart too
where can i find this islamic history any books?i want to know how islam evolved after the caliphate e raashideen.
Mehmed Ali
Why in the world u r supporting Sufism
Can’t you be on Islam given by Allah to PBUH and practiced by Shaba
This is the problem with people of Bidha and Tasawuf that they can’t stop arguing to prove their beliefs. In my eyes Sufis and Tablighi Jamat are the worst enemies of Islam.
@SFAvfx What innovations are you refering to and who exactly of todays sufis do you consider innovators? What do you think of Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi?
Mashaa Allah-May Allah bless this Shaykh.A very good exposItion of a great man,Imam Junaid,May Allah be pleased with him and a sound critique of the sufi movement,without any vulgarity.Shukran
Alhamdulellah. Thanks for liking my posts, I'm glad to hear this.
"Verily, your Lord knows better, who (among men) has gone astray from His Path, and He knows better those who are guided."
[Quran 68:7]
Your arrogance and foolishness in sentencing Muslims to hell has forced me to block you.
"A fool’s mind is at the mercy of his tongue and a wise man’s tongue is under the control of his mind." - Ali ibn Abi Talib (ra)
What a beautiful lecture, May Allah reward the sheikh.
Very balanced and insightful view into Sufism, mashaAllah
Mashallah nice lecture , Sheikh is from KSA ? where we can find more of his lectures ?
The extremist Sufis and extremist Salafees should watch this well-explained video.
May Allah unite the Muslims.
JazakAllah Khair.
İmam ghazali says if music reminds you allah that kind of music is mustehab..
Looking at the wall is not about religion.
İf you look at the wall with desire that one is not halal for you if the wall makes you horny then you have to stop looking at the wall...
İf the looking at the wall makes you thinking about Allah's mercy or power..
then looking at the wall is mustehab too..
But never forget one think is Everything Created by god for a reason..
Al Ghazzali was mistaken with regards to music. He contradicted all 4 madhaahib
MashaAllah, nice lecture.
barakalahufik sheikhyna el an fahmt mahoa soufiya
may Allah SWT reward sheikh
The translation has many inaccuracies. For instance, he said the sanousi tareqa is the "closest" to Quran and Sunnah, and it was translated to "adhering to Quran and Sunnah". He also in many instances said "the case was so and so except in a few things" and the translator would leave out the exceptions. The sheikh was clearly trying not to use absolute terms. The inaccuracies don't change much of the meaning but thought id just point it out.
May Allah swt swiftly released our beloved Sheikh Musa!
AlhamdulilLah. It's a very interesting topic. It makes me understand more about "Sufsm". Because I sometimes heard the dark side of sufism.
why are you only quoting one sentence! he is talking about early muslims who practiced extreme zuhd which is fine, not the deviant innovators who celebrate birthdays, group dhikr, etc.
What is the name of this Channel?
Just follow your heart, I was going down the salafi path but sufism captivated me.
I love doing zikr of Allah st, just remember one thing sufis all have a golden chain which shows their heritage.
my teacher was taught by..., he was taught by..., he was taught by, he was taught by Imam Jafir Sadiq, He was taught by Abu Bakr Sadiq (ra) and He was taught by Rasool saws.
This chain proves that whatever my teacher does has been passed down to him through example. So how can it possibly be wrong?
Where can I get my hands on the whole series?
very informative talk
so is this brother in favor of the bidah fo sufism?
I dont understand how someone can be naqshbandi and upon the sunnah because my uncles naqshbandi but their whole tariqah seems to be innovation to the point if someone rejected the innovation from the tariqah their would be nothing left
why you did not talk about Mashayakh chist of india........like usman Harooni....moin uddin chisti.....RA.........
besaq Allah knows best..............
I'm a Muslim simple forget the politics some do things different don't judge other people's takva be firm on tauheed and have tawakal may ALLAH make us amongst the righteous Ameen
Abbas Zayd, you are doing good on this video.
check out the wikipedia page on the "history of hadith"
i believe here you will read about Hadith during and after the life of the Prophet salla allah alayhi wasallam
the verse you mentioned is taken out of context and out of meaning.
it basically means that if you don't believe the words of God what words will you believe in?
can't attach a link but its in the ibn kathir's tafseer
@SFAvfx Assalaamualaikum,There are innovations, but you make it sound like there are only innovations now.
yea, i was in to that back in the day. i admit it.
way into it.
realized that islam is better.
dhikr is like mantras but instead of a sacred sound its remembering god.
sins dirty up the chakras
reciting quran, prayer, dhikr, cleans the chakras
i didn't know what i had, and consider my ventures into hinduism and a little bit of shamanism a learning experience. as a result i respect my religion even more.
the real sufis are light years ahead of you in deen.
Alhamdulillah, now i understd why the Sufism are rejected at our present time now but was accepted by many ulamak at 1st & 2nd phase of Sufi on 300yrs early Islam. May Allah bless forever on Imam Al Junaid ibn Muhd Al abu Qasim.
Ibn Tamiyah never labelled himself as a Sufi did he? Did he practice Sufism as what is practiced today?
If your not a Muslim then how would you know that exactly?
well xplained brother. im a sufi, i dont worship graves. who got this concept out?
oh my friends don't trick your followers. I am saudi and I am sufi also. You said the prophet said that the najd"" is the horn of the evil , but in reality najd is divided into alot of areas, so the interpretation of this hadith and applying it on Muhammad ibn Abdulwahab is wrong"
in reality the prophet meant that the generation Alkowaisira are tameem tribes and muhammad ibn Abdulwahab from this tribe and the prophet didn't say a man will come out from the east from Alkowaisira's generation no in reality he said people will come out from Alkowaisira's generation and people plural and this achieved. look to Al Shaik tribe which is belonging to Abdulwahab and look to ibn Othaimeen he also from this tribe even the last Mufti of Saudi is from Bani Tameem.The prophet said emerging if these people will happen in the last times of the life and you have to shoot your brain if you didn't believe that we are living in last times of life because mohmed ibn Abdulwahab emerged before two hundred years. And the prophet said in the hadith alot of signs of these people and one of them that they will described as shaving their hair. And in the book of (رسائل الائمه النجديه ) the group of Najed sheikh s massages the muhammad ibn Abdulwahab claim that shaving their heads is their habit to be different from the other Muslims which they described them as nonbelievers. there is a book from Shafi Sheiks who lived in that times and his book describes the muhammad bin Abdulwahab and you can find many details about the shaving signs and more. we as sufi we forbidden the prostate for the graves , but we couldn't say and describe any body prostate for the graves as nonbeliever because if we say that that means the prophet Jacob pease be upon him is non believer bacouse he prostrated for his son Jusif pease be upon him after finding him and that is mentioned in Quraan. In reality , we as Sufi don't allow to any body to prostate to any thing , but the prostration is two kind one for honours and another for worshiping. The prostration of honours was not forbidden in Christian , Jewish and the prophets before prophet muhammad peace be upon him emerging and the Evidences of that the prostration prophet Jacob to his Son Jusif peace be upon him and that was mention in Jusif Soraa in Holy book so was the prophet Jacob non believer because he prostrated to his son ? and Also The god forced the Angles to prostrate to Adam peace be upon him as an honour was the Angles nonbelievers ?
make shur that as sufi we forbidden the prostration for anything except the god even the honour prostration , but who did that he isn't nonbeliever he is a Muslim but he did a very risky mistake as the same degree of the adultery because the things which were allowed for the prophets before emerging of the prophet muhammad peace be upon him and the legalization of the last prophet muhammad peace be upon him forbidden this that mean doing this thing after Islam is in guilt degree not nonbelieving degree. for example, the wines were allowed before the holy sentence of Quraan which claim that the wines are prohibited on wards so any person drinks the wines now isn't nonbeliever. And this is the same situation of prostration of honour which the prophet mohmed peace be upon him forbidden in Albukhari hadith that the prophet muhammad peace upon him said that if I force any body to prostrate to any bidy , I will ask the wife to prostrate to her husband) and all Muslims kniw that this prostration is regarding the honour not for worshiping have you got my idea oh man ? so when you find any body prostrate to any thing you have first ti ask him is this your god ? he will say no . then ask him why you prostrated to him ? he will say because I respect him and my prostration as honour not as worshiping did you got my point ? do know know why Al kawarige are the most evil people in life As Abdullah bin Aomar said ? because they apply the holy sentence which talks about nonbeliever on the believer situation and Al kawarige describe the Muslim who did the risky guilt as nonbeliever and this is the situation of muhammad bin Abdulwahab and your idelogy because you describe the Muslims who prostrate for honour as nonbeliever despite the prostration of honour is forbidden and isn't pushing the person to out of Islam circle.
and we aren't asking the dead to achieve for us which we like because this what takes a person out of Islam circle if he know that , but if he has misunderstanding he won't be nonbeliever. in reality , we go to the good people graves to visit them and ask them to pray for us and ask the god to achieve our needs and I think it isn't fordibben to go to any live person to ask him to pray for you. For example, your friend is really good person and you ask him to pray and ask Allah for you because have chronic disease is this job taking you out of I.Oh Whahabi you are riding a tiger which will push you to the hill and this is really one of the prophet's miracles because in same hadith of describing the people who comes from Najed the prophet siad they will read the holy book which they will they he see eye to eye with him , but he didn't) don't believe this man please.
أدهم الادهم
please friend keep yourself safe don't let them arrest you for you have the knowledge and they have nothing but hellfire insallah...inshallah a real khalifa will return and the knowledge of god and true islam (such as qader jilani and imam ghazali) will be again the mainstream of our knowledge and of course the quran above all but unfortunately america want all knowledge and power to be in her own hand so this is why saudi is exist in order to shit on islam by making it to be look like the people of ignorance but actually this is what all of these leaders are (ibn saud ibn wahab and of course khomeini the rat sucker) all are agents of usa that are leading us to chaos and ignorance...only saddam was the real muslim leader of our time...insallah erdogan will help true islam to re emerge again and we will have the golden age back but without the errors of leadership that occurred back then...
people stop arguing if you know what what you practice is correct then carry on with that you all will get your results at the end who are we too judge only allah has that. simple love allah worship him follow the way of the prophet (saw) and prayer ask for help and right path from allah (swt)
Wahabi imam ur wrong Sufi word came from Tasawwuf
Hes satan
As SaLaamu`ALayykoum, Wa Rahmatullahi Wa BarakaatiLLali
I perfectly agree with You as the Sufis understand " Tariqa`at " better than We,the Ordinary people !
Yes thanks to you,now muslim are not just been divided by 4 mazhab, but into 20 or more salafi into many sect,neo salafi into many sect,wahabies into many sect,ahli hadis into many sect,their scholar from jordan ,syria,madina,pakistan all are fighting each other.
@islamummah Ibn tamiyyah said to follow the soennah by the teachings of the sahabas, not sufi what is a mixed religion with shia and christianity
Don't belong to a sect or anything like that and politically don't agree with Saudi state. You may not agree with this scholar but he provides an unbiased history. I think Islamic scholars need to move above thier sect and provide an unbiased view of Islamic history. This person talks that way so i appreciate it. Disagreements will always be there but talks about history and theology are not to be dealt with emotions but with a calm mind👍
What about Uwais al Karni of Yamen who lived during the period of prophet Muhammed Rasulullah (S), who is a well known Sufi...He got his islamic guidance directly from Rasulullah, History teaches us that , Rasulullah and Uwais al Karni have never met Physically..But they had a soul connection.You can refer the hadeeth written about Uwaiz al Karni.
well that is the truth sometimes we can hear abuut Islam as well about teasawuf dark side. All this depend what is in speaker heart and depend who say and for waht purpose (niyeh). MashaAllah may Allah reward this speaker with Jannah and to be companion of his Prophits and trully servents for saying the truth about tesawuf..
Is this Sheikh a Sufi?
What is his name?
He is not but he is a great scholar who has great lectures on Islamic history. He is Shaykh Muhammad Musa ash Shareef and he is currently imprisoned. May Allah hasten his release.
The prophet taught us isthighatha in the saheeh hadith quoted in Tirmidhi, Tabari and Nasai and others. The famous hadith of the blind man in which he says "O muhammed i turn to Allah through". The sahaba used it and taught after the prophet (saw) had passed away and the Imaams put it in their book such as al-Nawwawis Adhkaar under "the prayer of need"... ponder over THAT! :)
Akhi I don't mean any disrespect, we're all brothers in Deen, but seriously you need to listen to the lecture attentively, eg @ 04:28 (Sufism is a sect), I watched the whole lecture. Shaykh ibn Baaz (Rahimahullaah) was a great Salafi Scholar, May Allaah (Subhaanahu wa ta 'Ala) Grant him Jannatul-Firdaws. Ameen! Dr. Muhammad Musa Al-Shareef sat with him on many occassions, he's not a Sufi akhi, nor was Ibn Taymiyyaah (Rahimahullaah)- he was a firm Salafi & I fully agree with what was said @ 04:18
I 100% Agree with You.
Sometimes I'm confused about Sufism. Some say Sufism is wrong and some say it's right. In fact, I have some books about Sufism. But I have to learn more and ask "the learned men " about this. Any way, thank you for comment.
Hadis Jibrail AS ask prophet Muhammad SAW about Islam,Iman and Ihsan, Islam=Feqah,Iman=Tauhid and Ihsan=Tasauf.
IMAM MAHDI will speak good of SUFIS the best ULAMA have been from amongst the SUFIS!
الجمال دليل الحق. و ال سوفي حرام. و الحب قريب. و الامن وجب. و ال تلج منير. و الحال سعيد. و الخير لطيف. اين وسل عبد الله.
No one forces you to be a sufi. Hundreds of millions of muslims entered Islam by Sufis (eg Indonesia, West and East Africa and most new converts today) but a minority of those converted because of Sufis became Sufis.
It is a hardline way of living by doing all sunnah and avoiding all makrouh, which can be hardly done by reading books alone
So you follow a Tariqa to get this pious state. It can take 20+ years to reach that state of truly following the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم
Yes brother, there were many great Sufi Imams during and before the time of Ibn Taymiyyah (ra), but in current times there are many innovations amongst those who call themselves sufi. Insha'Allah, try to listen to the entire lecture, the speaker presents the topic in a balanced way.
Allaah Says in the Qur'an:
'..This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My Favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.(Al-Ma'idah, V3)
That's it, the religion is perfect that day, and will be perfect until the day of Judgement and if someone innovates something with the Qur'an and the sound Sunnah then they are saying that the religion is still not perfect, that they can take it up with Allaah(swt).
Sahih Bukhari
Volume 1, Book 12, Number 802:
Narrated Abu Ma’bad:
(the freed slave of Ibn ‘Abbas) Ibn ‘Abbas told me, “In the lifetime of the Prophet it was the custom to celebrate Allah’s praises aloud after the compulsory congregational prayers.” Ibn ‘Abbas further said, “When I heard the Dhikr, I would learn that the compulsory congregational prayer had ended.”
Dhikr is found in the Sunnah as seen above and can be said loud but it doesn't involve shouting or dancing as many Sufis do today.
"Those who remember their Lord standing, and sitting, and lying on their sides" (3:191)
"O you who believe! Celebrate the praises of Allah, and do SO OFTEN; and glorify Him morning and evening." (33:41-42)
"Remember me, I shall remember you." (2:152)
"O Believers, make abundant mention of ALLAH!" (33:41)
"And keep yourself patient [by being] with those who call upon their Lord in the morning and the evening,...." (18:28, Al Kahf)
Mashallah !!!! All my life till date Naki's should to Junaid Al Bagdadi Ra Amin !!!
Which Muslims worship graves they must be a minority though, the Sunnis who follow the 4 Imams that make up most of the Ummah do not do such things, can you tell me which Muslims exactly worship graves iv never heard of any.
@salmanhs93 forgive my directness it was unintended
@hammadalqadri: Just ask yourself one question, did the prophet Muhammad (saw) practice any of what the sufi of today practice? If you can't say yes to this one question, then you know that the practices of today's sufis is wrong. ;)
I like this VDO, it means all salafi are not Extremists, many of them do not have anything to do because of "oil money" so engaged to attack others.
I like also AbuMuslimKhorasani and his all posts.
You are still saying "in this world they are dead" ...NO.. the Qur'an is prohibiting from saying that they are dead. It really is that simple. The Qur'an doesn'tsay that the prophet (saw) is dead. It says "you will die" difference between die and dead. We all die but we don't all remain dead. You give your life for Allah, He gives you a new one in the Barzakh. He(saw) "the prophets are alive in their graves praying". Ask a creation because Allah commands it. Simple
But we have to follow sunnah and Qur
an, but don´t forget that islam have a 1500 old history witch we have to learn and understand.
JazakAllah Khair Shaikh.. 👌👍👍👍
It would be fair sheikh explained the Sufi the same way Salafi term he explained .
depends on which sufis.. because if u look back at the 1st sufis they were part of the salaf anyways they were as good as others.. but im talking about the sufis that claim to be sufis these days adding new things n saying things..
did the prophet peace and blessings be upon him say this???if so then produce your evidence from the qur'an and the authentic ahadith
Ja that is what Im Talking about, And Muslims has to know about their own historie
Rasoolullaah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) taught us everything we need to know in order to be successful. He never taught us about Sufism, therefore I am not a Sufi. If Rasoolullaah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) & the Sahaabah (RadiAllaahu-'anhum) did not teach Sufi practices or call themselves Sufi's, then I refrain.
{Indeed in the Messenger of Allaah (Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم) you have the best example to follow for him who hopes for (the Meeting with) Allah & the Last Day & remembers Allaah much.} (33.21)
He explained in all the khutba that Sufism is not a sect but a procedure, the Sufis were so called because of the cotton clothes they wore,
nobody said to become sufi, but to practice al ihsan and it is a concept repeated thousands of times in the quran and ahadith, and one of the tactics to practice ihsan and reach it is through tasawuf or purification of the soul through dikr,
nobody says to become Sufis, but to follow the prophetic path of Ihsan , Islam, and Iman.
Juynaid al Baghdadi (ra) was a balanced scholar, unlike the deviants of today.
sufisum is the great way.......
+prs0812 M-R how come? where is the prove of that from sunnah?
+ProudMuslimS there are many, even from the Qur'an
There are many! Give me one
what nonesense... if someone asks you: are you a shia or sunni? will you say "i'm just a muslim brother" ??? even if you say that after you've answered a few questions (like: should Ali have been the first Caliph?) and people know your ideas... THEY will label you
Sufism nothing new...or invented. It's just Ihsan which is the passionate pursuit of excellence in every sphere of our existence which ultimately ends with perfect worship or union with Allah Azza wa Jal. It is nothing more or nothing less.
Why do people look at extremist Salafis and extremist Sufis and think that thats how all of them are like? Meaning, an average non Muslim isn't going to look at a terrorist whos a Muslim and think all of them are like that. You know what I'm saying?
Asalamualaikum brothers of Islam. This will not end. How much longer is this subject going be debated. Will this solve the Muslim problem. Sorry to say this but so many ignorance by the coz of heedless. Remember Allah as much as u can. Is that such a big issue. Yes it is coz most people are heedless, their tounge are like blades but their hearts are like rotten bread. Have we look at ourselves lately ? Pls dont comment back. Just look around and C. Than look at yourselfagainandagain... lol
to distinguish themselfs from the majority of people who didn't focus on Zuhd and worship... in the same way the muhaditheen and fuqaha called themselves these things... why are you getting so worked up over names?
لا أدري يا أخي
Sufism is Islam like the brother above said, we just like to make the distinction that we love spirituality. Just like we should all seek knowledge but when a person identifies himself as a scholar, you know his life is seeking knowledge, but hes still muslim.
As for the 'dark side' and 'innovations' this is just pure conjecture. People post videos of random groups doing crazy things and accuse sufism.
Everything mainstream sufis do is backed by hadith an example of Sahabah. Sufism is Islam
I watched all of it. One thing I do not understand. Dhikr and zuhd was already part of islam. There were of the salaf who choose simpler life and concentrated on preparing for the life hereafter but they never call themself sufi. Moreover, a word sufi was never used by Muhammad (SAWS) and the rightly guided khulafa rashideen. Emphasis on dhikr and worship is already mentioned there in Quran and sunnaah.. Why call yourself sufi
that was the point of sarcasm brother, i knew who he was pointing to my Sufi brothers, i guess the brother does not understand the concept of Tawasuff.
there are many cases of people coming from maliki shaf'e hanbali and hanafi madhab claiming that all sufis are deviants and condemning dhikr. these men are the ulema e soo mentioned in ahadith who love the world position comfort status and fame and who despise the dhikr of Allah and ahlul dhikr. Allah hardened there hearts and destracted them from his remembrance. May allah save us all from this dangerous disease.
Why are you laughing? Is everything a joke to you? Everything you said in that comment was false. No one self-claims to be a "Wahabi" or "Najdi" - these are but mockery statements, to say we worship Shaykh al-Albaanee is to say you worship Hamza Yusuf - which would also be mockery. Ibn Taymiyyah (Rahimahullaah) and Ahmad ibn Hanbal (Rahimahullaah) were not Sufi's - they followed the straight teachings of the Salaf, which is what we intend to do Inshaa Allaah! Control your tongue akhi.
21:01 naqshbandiya 💪 💯
Ya Ikhwaan, no racism or generalisations please. Warn against actions and certain individuals, but don't warn against nationalities or 'all' pakistaani's or whatever.
mmm well lets look at the most important Sufi practices. 1-Shahadah 2- Salat 3- Zakat 4- Fast Ramadan 5- Hajj 6-Praying at night 7-constant Zikr and presence with Allah 8-Receiting Qur'an 9-Improving Character etc etc and generally trying to follow his (saw) sunna inwardly and not just outwardly... so... yep... pretty sure these are things the Beloved Rasulullah did and commanded to do... if you think thats a lie... well you finish the rest.
Brother, you lot are the ones claiming it is shirk, haraam, kufr.
We just celebrate the life of our Prophet saws, and we NEVER tell you lot that you must celebrate it. It is the salafi movement that goes around saying DON'T celebrate it.
Our religion is things you must do and things you mustn't do.
Salah? Must do. Eat chicken? No hadith saying you can eat chicken but it's halal so it's okay.
Showing love towards the Prophet saws? Unless you have anything that says we can't, we can. Salam
that's an ignorant comment. count of dhikr is not bidah. many sahaba had daily routines of dhikr. u critisize daily routines of dhikr but not daily routines of qur'an not mentioned as sunnah. every action done doesn't have to be sunnah. that's another bid'ah. it has to be in line with sunnah. there is no limit to dhikr or a prohibition of group or loud zikr. these opinions aren't even held by ibn taymiyya.
People in their Graves cannot ask forgiveness for their sins, let alone your sins
After reading all the comments all I can say is surely there is no intellectual here who has studied under a sheikh no disrespect please don't abuse each other don't u see divide and conquer that all I see here may allah guide us all including me in'sha'allah
Also, those hadith you claim that I missed, please direct me to them. Give me your sources. And please don't use the old cope out, "I'm not going to do any work on your behalf." BS. If you really want to show me that what you say is truth, then produce the evidence.
The you have missed some hadith (does that shock? that there are some hadiths that you have never seen?). Ja'far ibn Abi Talib danced around the prophet when he said to him "you resemble me in looks and character"... go look it up. So did Zayd ibn Haritha and one other. The Habasha danced in the prophets mosque singing "Muhammad is a rightouse man" and he encouraged them. YOU need to prove that dancing is haram. Thats how the deen works. Haram and and Fard by daleel/evidence.