【4K 渡嘉敷島】阿波連ビーチでシュノーケリング Snorkeling on Aharen Beach, Tokashiki Island

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 21 ต.ค. 2024
  • 「名犬ラッキーの絵日記」より
    00:17 とまりんでお弁当を買って、マスターぴょんたと僕は朝10時発のフェリーとかしきに乗り込んだ。
    00:55 カーブの向こうに、白い浜に縁取られ宝石のように輝く海が見えた。
    渡嘉敷ビーチだ。 昔そこで巨大なオサガメさんと出会ったことを思い出した。
    01:58 阿波連ビーチには10分ほどで到着した。
    02:24 僕は、新調したシュノーケルセットを身に着け、身支度の遅いマスターぴょんたに「先にいってるワン」と声をかけて、一足先にきらきら輝く海に前足を浸した。そうして、透明な水の中を泳ぎ始めた。
    06:10 真夏の太陽の光がシャンデリアのように水の中を照らしている。
    09:23 しばらく海藻のように海を漂っていると、思いがけず、姉(河童)の古い友人の一族、ウミガメさんと出会った。
    16:59 ウミガメさんは、サンゴの小島で一生懸命ごはんを食べていた。
    20:21 縄張りを守るために、黒い小さいお魚さんがウミガメさんをつつくので、ウミガメさんは可愛い手で顔をブロックしている。
    21:52 そんなウミガメさんの様子を飽きる事なく眺めていたら、小島の周りを回遊している、つがいのチョウチョウウオさんと何度も行き会った。
    22:11 時々、空にそのまま飛んでいくのかな?という感じで羽ばたくように泳ぎ、鼻先をちょっと水面に出して息継ぎをしていた。
    23:01 鮮やかな紫枝サンゴや立派なテーブルサンゴの上を、色とりどりのお魚さんが仲良く泳いでいる。まるで海の舞踏会のようだ。
    24:59 ギロリとこちらを睨む巨大なゴマモンガラ君。
    Great Adventure from "Lucky's Picture Diary”
    After buying two Obento (boxed lunch) at Tomarine Ferry Terminal, Master Pyonta and I boarded the ferry "Takashiki" departing at 10 o'clock in the morning.
    We were already hungry, so we ate our Obento before the departure.
    The Obento was delicious, and I especially enjoyed GOYA-CHAMPURU (stir-fried Bitter-Gourd with Pork, Tofu, and Egg).
    After a one-hour ferry ride, we arrived at Tokashiki Port.
    00:28 As soon as we got off the ferry, we boarded a bus bound for Aharen Beach.
    The bus headed up the mountain road.
    00:55 Beyond a curved road, we saw the shining jewel-like sea bordered by a white beach. It was Tokashiki Beach. I remembered meeting a giant leatherback turtle at Tokashiki Beach a long time ago.
    01:58 We arrived at Aharen Beach in 10 minutes.
    02:24 I put on my new snorkel set, called out to Master Pyonta, who was late getting ready, "Bow-wow! I'll be going first" and dipped my paws into the sparkling water.
    06:10 In the water, the midsummer sun shines through like a chandelier.
    I swam back to the beachside to pick up Master Pyonta after confirming that he had prepared himself and entered the water.
    Master Pyonta passed a huge snapper as soon as he entered the water and said, "I'm so startled!"
    09:23 After drifting in the sea like seaweed for a while, we unexpectedly met a family member of my sister's (Water Goblin) old friend, Mr. Sea Turtle.
    A long time ago, my sis was invited to the Dragon's Palace, though she didn't help a turtle (helping a sea turtle is a fixed cue of an old Japanese fairly tale).
    16:59 Mr. Sea Turtle was concentrating himself eating lunch on a coral islet.
    Putting himself in the crevices of the coral islets, he was munching the short seaweed. He floated up for a little and then go back to his munching.
    20:21 To protect the territory, small black fish were pecking at Mr. Sea Turtle, and he was blocking his face with the cute forehands.
    21:52 While tirelessly watching Mr. Sea Turtle, we repeatedly encountered a pair of butterfly fish touring around the islet.
    22:11 He was swimming as if flapping his wings to fly up into the sky, and holding his breath with his snout slightly above the water.
    23:01 The colorful fish were swimming together on the beautiful purple branch corals and magnificent table corals. It was like a ball in the sea.
    The blue color of the IRABUCHA (Japanese parrotfish) seemed to reflect the KERAMA blue.
    24:59 I saw a titan triggerfish glaring at me from the bottom of the sea.
    We also met vividly striped anemonefish and small Moorish idol.
    We floated on the water until it was almost time for the return ferry.
    The bus for the return trip was so crowded that we could not get on it, but luckily a shared cab happened to be available and we were able to ride on it to the port.
    On the ferry ride back to Naha, we reminisced about the sea friends we had met today.
    It was like a gem of a time.
    When I close my eyelids, I feel as if I am still floating on the sparkling water.
    #沖縄 #阿波連ビーチ #ウミガメ #那覇から日帰り #ビーチシュノーケル #AharenBeach #seaturtle #daytrip #snorkeling #powerdirector #goprohero10

ความคิดเห็น • 2

  • @brianwong4321
    @brianwong4321 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Music is too loud

    • @kappanotamatebako
      @kappanotamatebako  8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you for your advise and patience! I will be careful when I upload next movie.