महाजनपद काल

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 31 ธ.ค. 2024
  • UPPSC RO ARO 2024 and UPPSC Prelims 2024 | Samiksha Batch | Ghatna Chakra | GS Classes | Vipin Sir
    👨🏻‍🏫In this class, Vipin sir will cover important strategy and tips of General Studies for UPPSC Prelims/CSAT and UPPSC RO ARO Exam. All the key methods/tips and strategies for answering the paper will also be covered along with detailed explanations. This class will benefit all the learners preparing for UPPSC, UPSC and other State Civil Service Examinations.
    📌Join us now and take your Preparations to the next level.
    💫 Follow Vipin Sir on Telegram:
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    #gyanguru #gyangurubyvipinsir #gsclasses #uppsc2024 #roaroexamdate #uppscexamdate #uppcsprelims2024 #examdateannounced #reexam
    GYAN GURU,gyan guru,gyan guru vipin sir,gyan guru by vipin sir,gyan guru vipin gupta,vipin sir gyan guru,gyan guru gs classes,
    ro aro previous year paper,gk gs for uppsc ro aro,uppsc prelims gk gs,ro aro gk gs classes,csat gk gs question,up pcs gk gs previous year questions,pcs gk gs previous year,uppsc gk gs previous year paper,csat gk gs previous paper,UPPSC RO ARO 2024,UPPSC Prelims 2024,Samiksha Batch,Ghatna Chakra,GS Classes by Vipin Sir,guru gyan

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