this set melted my face off, rearranged my organs, and scrambled my brain. Incredible. Thank you so much for letting me relive this, the sound quality is A1.
dude i fuckn love you, i didnt expect to see this uploaded so quickly. Stoked!!!!! im only ever gona see Tipper live if he does a gig here in the UK so you dropping these videos with quality audio is priceless to me. God bless you buddy
Thank you! I know some folks get upset about these being available, but being able to re-experience these moments means so much to me and I am absolutely grateful for you providing the opportunity for me to do so!!
I know personally I can't make it to the T&F gatherings, but still really want to be able to experience some of the sets. I am grateful when they release. I mean, I'd happily pay for streaming if that was available
I think I've finally settled on: I respect Tipper and his team's wishes in so far that I agree, you can't experience it anyway but live. However, I think if you can show proof of a ticket purchase, you should be allowed to relive that show.... Somehow.... Maybe
@@DownloadNewpipeFuckTH-camAds the production team who values the live experience and recognizes no matter how hard you try to create a home media package of the show it just pales in comparison
@@AuntJemimaCakes Probably a little from column A, a little from column B 😅 that's why I love this mans music and the beings he attracts extraterrestrial or otherwise lol
Sir, May God Bless your soul forever more for dropping this on the tube. It’s the best damn thing I can ask for here plampin it with my lady here in California wishing we were home under the Spanish moss! I fucking love you. Thank you 🙏🏽❤️
You’re a goddamn hero Mr Shake. Perfect level shot throughout and sounds awesome. Take my virtual hug. Onward into the weekend I can wait to see what else you capture 💜
Yew! My daughter is down there! Y'all have fun and think SAFE... my son is in the memorial video because he was given a "Hotshot" of fentanyl.... Second 49 🥲 Thanks for including him. Y'all have a blast! 🎉
So sorry that happened, thank you for still holding love in your heart after experiencing such tragedy. You are an amazing person for being able to do that. Thankful for families such as yours existing in this world
Thanks y'all. I'm going next year 😂 cause I saw this past weekend's videos. What an amazing show! My daughter said, "Mom, It will change your life." ❤️ Glad y'all had a good time
Gave me the most intense chills n I'm listening to this taking a shit sober AF. Dave never disappoints with his complex mixtures of audio and visual textures his music creates the most intensely creative and unique mindspace for tripping absolute sack or even taking a dump.
@@kalebdye4378 LMAO dude forreal though, the intricate layering of sounds and details is otherwordly and seemingly unmatched. we’re witnessing a master at work, a wizard of sound, even… manipulating air particles to his liking, crafting a precise sonic atmosphere to effect the finest music one may ever hear.
Thanks loads for sharing this mate. It's the only chance I get to see and hear his live sets. I'm off to roll a fatty and enjoy. Cheers, all the way from the UK. 🕺🎶🕺🎶❓
@@PinkFloydFreak55 it happens to me when I’m at a mind blowing show, I just have to stand there taking it all in and vocalising or dancing seems out of the question
I didn't know about Tipper till I saw him at same same and goddamn. Hard to compare him to anyone. DJ Shadow.. Tool.. I dont know enough about EDM to say but seriously amazing. Won't ever miss a show. Come to same same in socal in september its amazing. Bless this man!
tipper is truely one of a kind when it comes to production/visuals. very forward thinking in sound design. he’s been ahead of his time for a while now imo
aye straight up, you lucked out that ssbd set was by far one of the best ones he did that was also the loudest i've ever heard him.. you got a great first experience!!! ssbd set a standard for tipper shows for me now
Same same was an entire vibe. Flew from Texas and snagged a day pass to see tipper saturday and kinda wish I had just gone all weekend. Vibes were so on point there, love so cal
This was by far the best festival and experience I've had in my entire life. Tipper slaps so fucking nasty. I hope there's another TnF at the spirit of the Suwannee real soon. Thank you Dave for all that you do. ❤
I’ve been purposefully avoiding tipper since I got into EDM because I knew it’d be the best shit ever. I was hoping to catch him live with 0 expectations lol. I ended up watching this video tho. Goddamn this shit is so insane and cool. It’s the best. I cannot wait to see him live
My favorite set I've ever seen! Thank you for posting this bro! You're always coming in clutch posting the best sets! Much appreciated bro!🙌 I can't wait to rewatch this set🤯
looks nuts. I've never seen Tipper live, but will someday. The visuals are absolutely out of this world, the sound is crazy. Like holy cow, this is the type of sound that makes me happy.
1:03:19 “ Hey, this might be a bad time, but you might not have heard me down there. I was asking if you would mind playing a little bit of Lynyrd Skynyrd.”
@@thomaslowry7410 I actually found out that it is NOT released, but fans have been naming it "Starkers" or “Streaking Ramsey” or “Splitting Amoeba” There is a really good video of it on this channel actually from the Tipper + The Void @ SSBD 2022 at about 35 minute in :)
@Ryan secret dreams lineup is turning out to be an amazing one. My wife and I are doing Costa Rica in October so I'm kinda skipping a lot of music events this year lol
Yoooo. Thanks so much for recording this! I was posted right next to you and your camera on the stand during this set, and wanted to say thanks for being great and doing this! Is there a way to get ahold of you for a chat in dms?
holy smokes, thanks for posting! It sounds like soooo much love and effort was put into this set uuunnngggg. Wish i was there with ya'll Did someone really jump on stage at 1:03:30??
Tipper still smashing it I see
this set melted my face off, rearranged my organs, and scrambled my brain. Incredible. Thank you so much for letting me relive this, the sound quality is A1.
im melting through the screen, cant imagine what it was like being their. his scratching live adds another level!
one of my favorite sets to date, lots of new reworks and new tracks 🎉 enjoy everyone 🫶
Thank you so much! Your awesome
Thank you Shanke n Bake! You are sharing love!
The tiphip vips were immaculate
dude i fuckn love you, i didnt expect to see this uploaded so quickly. Stoked!!!!! im only ever gona see Tipper live if he does a gig here in the UK so you dropping these videos with quality audio is priceless to me. God bless you buddy
When I say this I say it with my whole chest, THANK YOU FOR THE UPLOAD SIR
One of Tipper's best sets to date IMO
Easily one of the most unique sets he’s ever done, imo
This set was my 9th time seeing him live and I would have to totally agree
it was a first and was never the same after in an amazing way
Approaching the 20 mark and this top 3
Was just thinking this the other day. This one was ridiculous
Thank you! I know some folks get upset about these being available, but being able to re-experience these moments means so much to me and I am absolutely grateful for you providing the opportunity for me to do so!!
I know personally I can't make it to the T&F gatherings, but still really want to be able to experience some of the sets. I am grateful when they release. I mean, I'd happily pay for streaming if that was available
Who gets upset about these being available?
Just here to listen to Tipper, can't afford to be a groupie who travels the country chasing concerts
I think I've finally settled on: I respect Tipper and his team's wishes in so far that I agree, you can't experience it anyway but live. However, I think if you can show proof of a ticket purchase, you should be allowed to relive that show.... Somehow.... Maybe
@@DownloadNewpipeFuckTH-camAds the production team who values the live experience and recognizes no matter how hard you try to create a home media package of the show it just pales in comparison
When he plays, I believe aliens come to earth and watch.
I was in the back… there were definitely aliens 😂 could’ve been the k tho lmfao
I think he is the alien. 👽
literally thought exactly this at texas eclipse, sensed the aliens among us
@@AuntJemimaCakes Probably a little from column A, a little from column B 😅 that's why I love this mans music and the beings he attracts extraterrestrial or otherwise lol
Sir, May God Bless your soul forever more for dropping this on the tube. It’s the best damn thing I can ask for here plampin it with my lady here in California wishing we were home under the Spanish moss! I fucking love you. Thank you 🙏🏽❤️
Merry plampin comrade
You’re a goddamn hero Mr Shake. Perfect level shot throughout and sounds awesome. Take my virtual hug. Onward into the weekend I can wait to see what else you capture 💜
i wouldnt say PERFECTLY level...
Thank you for your commitment to capturing and spreading the magic.
Yew! My daughter is down there! Y'all have fun and think SAFE... my son is in the memorial video because he was given a "Hotshot" of fentanyl.... Second 49 🥲 Thanks for including him.
Y'all have a blast! 🎉
fuck fentanyl
my condolences to you and your family, sending love and energy your way! Going to boogie hard for ya this weekend ❤️
So sorry that happened, thank you for still holding love in your heart after experiencing such tragedy. You are an amazing person for being able to do that. Thankful for families such as yours existing in this world
Thanks y'all. I'm going next year 😂 cause I saw this past weekend's videos. What an amazing show! My daughter said, "Mom, It will change your life." ❤️ Glad y'all had a good time
7:40 the most incredible vibrations my body had ever experienced. Totally opened me into up to new realm of possibilities sonically.
the part from 7:40 - 9:20 melted my mind irl, turning around to see the lasers projected onto the canopies of the trees was absolutely bonkers
Gave me the most intense chills n I'm listening to this taking a shit sober AF. Dave never disappoints with his complex mixtures of audio and visual textures his music creates the most intensely creative and unique mindspace for tripping absolute sack or even taking a dump.
@@kalebdye4378 LMAO dude forreal though, the intricate layering of sounds and details is otherwordly and seemingly unmatched. we’re witnessing a master at work, a wizard of sound, even… manipulating air particles to his liking, crafting a precise sonic atmosphere to effect the finest music one may ever hear.
Being serenaded too i want to cry
Poets Thank You
All Universe Blessings to Dave Tipper
Oh somebody gets me ❤️
Thanks loads for sharing this mate. It's the only chance I get to see and hear his live sets. I'm off to roll a fatty and enjoy. Cheers, all the way from the UK. 🕺🎶🕺🎶❓
me too buddy.. wish he`d paly here in the UK
@@glyn5385 It's a cracking set. Fantastic light show too! 👌
@@glyn5385Is the audience just not there or what's the deal?
@@PinkFloydFreak55 it happens to me when I’m at a mind blowing show, I just have to stand there taking it all in and vocalising or dancing seems out of the question
@@liambenz6889 I mean why doesn't he do shows in the UK, im guessing he just doesn't have a ton of fans there
I didn't know about Tipper till I saw him at same same and goddamn. Hard to compare him to anyone. DJ Shadow.. Tool.. I dont know enough about EDM to say but seriously amazing. Won't ever miss a show. Come to same same in socal in september its amazing. Bless this man!
tipper is truely one of a kind when it comes to production/visuals. very forward thinking in sound design. he’s been ahead of his time for a while now imo
aye straight up, you lucked out that ssbd set was by far one of the best ones he did that was also the loudest i've ever heard him.. you got a great first experience!!! ssbd set a standard for tipper shows for me now
@@TroubledHITMAN agreed, small festival vibes but with big festival production. the wide open space on the shore made for some amazing acoustics
Same same was an entire vibe. Flew from Texas and snagged a day pass to see tipper saturday and kinda wish I had just gone all weekend. Vibes were so on point there, love so cal
@@SAELIOSMUSIC as a house/tech/bass DJ myself I agree, he is truly one of a kind!!!
This was by far the best festival and experience I've had in my entire life. Tipper slaps so fucking nasty. I hope there's another TnF at the spirit of the Suwannee real soon. Thank you Dave for all that you do. ❤
Thank you SO much. The sound quality on this was amazing. Please please please record Somatoast tonight.
There have been multiple points of me literally jumping around at home by now lol
😂 I feel the same way. Waking up to this, when I'm not able to make it, had me jumping for joy. 🎉
So happy this was my first tipper set. It was amazing. Such a great birthday present. I’ll be vibing on this for years to come.
Brooooo, this Mason VIP IS SO DOWP! My fabe on the bew album.
craziest set i have been to. thanks for doing the lord's work and letting others see it
I’ve been purposefully avoiding tipper since I got into EDM because I knew it’d be the best shit ever. I was hoping to catch him live with 0 expectations lol. I ended up watching this video tho. Goddamn this shit is so insane and cool. It’s the best. I cannot wait to see him live
omg same!!! i purposefully avoided diving thru his mixes and discography to make my first TnF that much better :))) what a life changing weekend
It was amazing man.
Go to Secret Dreams, you won't regret it. Tipper live shows are becoming rare, that's his only announced performance right now.
@@N1xZer0where is this?
@@N1xZer0they just announced it's the last show this year
thank you for ur service 🫡
My favorite set I've ever seen! Thank you for posting this bro! You're always coming in clutch posting the best sets! Much appreciated bro!🙌 I can't wait to rewatch this set🤯
you are doing amazing work thank you
I got so hungry fighting my way out to take piss from the pit, I ate like 4 samosas
those higher taste samosas fucking slap though, I love the fruit pops too- absolutely banging when all your senses are just blasted at the same time
So sad I couldn't make it this year, thank you for posting!!!!!!!!!!!! I cried twice lol
The myth, the man, the legend, he did a similar opening at Hula 2024, was the best night of my life!🎉
looks nuts. I've never seen Tipper live, but will someday.
The visuals are absolutely out of this world, the sound is crazy. Like holy cow, this is the type of sound that makes me happy.
Go experience man, it’s worth it I promise
should try to catch him at Rendezvous in May 2024, Dave has a heart condition. Who know how much longer he'll be doin live shows
Thank you! Just pure nastiness from Sir Davidson Tiptoe
17 min mark hit me in my freaking soul like im infatuated with this sound.
Pulled me right out of my spreadsheets at work 👹
Yeah, this ID is unreal
Okee’ 2020 opener
thank you for recording like always for those of us who cannot travel out there
Does this set qualify as ' juicy goodness'? I sure think so! Thanks again for posting these sets! LOVE TO ALL!!!
This was nothing but magical, glad we got it recorded on video and audio, cuz this whole set lives in my memories forever! 🔥❤️🍄👏🏾🌈 Much love!
been traveling to see every tipper set the last two yearrrsss this was one of my favorites
this is beautiful... thank you.
Good god that Mason VIP is so nasty. You’re a legend to those of us who couldn’t attend
shakenbake, you are a goddamn treasure. i love knowing I'll be able to relive these sets thanks to you
You're doing God's work, thank you and much love 🫶
You continue to be a hero. Thanks for sharing as always
Dayuuuuum 🙏 thanks daddy dave 💕💕💕
Best set and weekend ever!!!
best hour.25 of music I have ever witnessed
seen Dave so many times in so many places, this one was something very special. Favorite forsure.
this was my first fest and i’m forever grateful, absolutely lost it at 23:58 hadda be one of my fav moments of the whole weekend.
Thanks for Filming for everyone that couldn't be there ❤
Wasted no time!! Thank you my brotha!
Thanks! So much scratching it's making me itch!
Woah, thank you! That was quick! ❤❤❤
So happy I get to rewatch this
Hell yeah thanks for capturing both of these!!! That twilight set is up there with all time favorite from 4321! 🎉❤
Bro this new laser set up is killing me
Unbelievably dope
Thank you!
Right on time!!!
Beautiful opener
such a treat my good man!!!! Blessings
best angle shooting 😻
Night time Tipper Suwannee sets are the fuckin BEST
Thank you fam!
Oh shit he's center of the visuals? And at the amp of course. Wowww
1:03:19 “ Hey, this might be a bad time, but you might not have heard me down there. I was asking if you would mind playing a little bit of Lynyrd Skynyrd.”
Thank you so much !!!
Greatest DJ on the planet
Maybe even further.
YOO thanks for capturing this in such high quality, fuck yeah.
what a night . my absolute favorite set to date thank you dave !¿
Probably the greatest feat of human creation.
Thank you!!!!
I'd love to buy you a beer at the next event were both at together as a token of gratitude for all your recordings
The wolf visual for Goner has lived rent free inside my head ever since Snowta
He did it at Okee 2020 too
@@buckeyewaxalso RRX
great use of those crowd scanning lasers
🫶 Thank you
I literally cannot believe this set. At a total loss for words
Thank you so much for this!
That was quick af
Every fucking time...
god bless you
9:01 im surprised i dont see more people gushing over this specific 1 minute section, from 9 thru 10mins....
Thank you! i fell asleep and missed it :(
leave it to tipper to completely rearrange you in the best way possible 🤤 ty sir shake n bakey
sound is really good
Jesus wiggley Christ, the section from 14 min - 25 min is absolute bliss.
Let’s take a trip…Dave and Kieth, what a combo⁉️😊
absolute gas
51:20 is there an ID for this song yet? i feel like ive been chasing a studio version of it for years
Following, I also need this ID
If it's been released, someone will know 🤞
@@thomaslowry7410 I actually found out that it is NOT released, but fans have been naming it "Starkers" or “Streaking Ramsey” or “Splitting Amoeba” There is a really good video of it on this channel actually from the Tipper + The Void @ SSBD 2022 at about 35 minute in :)
49:55 will always be one of my most favorite unreleased tracks ever.,
cause as soon as you hear it youre either about to hear some weird squacnhy noises or some sick af scratch 100 % of the time all the time
and then this mother fucker pulls out this shit at 1:08:54
What a fucking masterpiece. Thank you ❤
man I'm 2 min in and I can already tell this is my kind of tipper. Fug wish I could have made it to this one.
nunu at 22:45 got me going crazy
"Puzzle dust in reverse or some shit" lol so glad he played a track with a vibe that very glitchy era.
😢 my man, thank you. I could t make it this year ❤
me neither, secret dreams maybe tho
@Ryan secret dreams lineup is turning out to be an amazing one. My wife and I are doing Costa Rica in October so I'm kinda skipping a lot of music events this year lol
@@taylorstutz1904 Costa Rica should be fun, have a good time! I am gonna try to see Tipper if I can
Yoooo. Thanks so much for recording this!
I was posted right next to you and your camera on the stand during this set, and wanted to say thanks for being great and doing this!
Is there a way to get ahold of you for a chat in dms?
Thanks again shake n bake.
YES YES & yes
Best ever. ❤
@seedling 19:00 ID is NOLA 2022 Downtempo closer ;) (for it's first ever debut)
holy smokes, thanks for posting! It sounds like soooo much love and effort was put into this set uuunnngggg. Wish i was there with ya'll
Did someone really jump on stage at 1:03:30??
we are the goon squad and we're coming to town - beep beep