Actually, i think the Smuggler really met Kaden. If I recall correctly, in some side dialogue he mentions that the gyrocycle is sort of absurdly modified with a boost, just like Ratchet likes to do things, tieing into them being similiar or relatives. Also (and also from memorie) Azimuth said that Kaden had those kind of creative ideas when Ratchet first met him. Pretty reasonable guess, that Kaden is hiding and still alive. All based on Kaden not able to defeat Tachyon on his own and also not letting down this dimension with Tachyon as an emperor, thus not taking Ratchet and the Dimensionator with him.
What if Kaden is in Plumber’s disguise like Qwark was in Fizzwidget’s (expect that the real Plumber doesn’t exist or something)? Because Ratchet was a talented mechanic, and so is Plumber, so it could make sense that Kaden is also, because it’s confirmed that Lombaxes are. And no need to mention that Plumber is the most mysterious character ever, always helping and keeping eye on Ratchet.
If kaden were alive, he would've never gotten the news that tachyon is dead. Ps, somebody encourage tj fixmann to make another r&c game I want to see if ratchet at least finds his dad. Like if you agree.
Think about this really hard guys, this is why Kaden doesn't have to go after Ratchet, he already knows he's doing just fine, after all the info the Sewer Guy gathers for him, every time he meets or bump into Ratchet. Sure Kaden would like to see his son but that would only blow his cover, after with the information he's learned over Ratchet and Clanks past adventures, he knows that he can handle things himself, I mean after all, Ratchet is Kaden's Son. This is conclusion to if Kaden's still alive though.
Now what if Kaden is Slim Cognito, the illegal weapons vendor that never shows his face? He always pops up randomly and sells Ratchet rare weapons and upgrades that he will need in his quest to save the galaxy. This is how Kaden can still assist Ratchet without exposing his identity. Another possibility to think about lol
However do you know what's really weird VTNVIVI, the Sewer Guy, the one that's always working on the sewers, and if you really think about it, he's always around to bail or help Ratchet in Clank out whenever they need help the most. He's appeared in almost every game, helping, giving hints on how Ratchet should defeat his enemies. He's probably a friend of Kaden, sent to watch over his son while he's in hiding.
This is something that didn't even cross my mind when I came up with this theory. Dude, that would be totally cool... this whole time Kaden has been watching over Ratchet in secret through the plumber. It always seemed like he knew more than he was letting on. It would be awesome if that was the reason why!
Yeah, and the Plumber just so happened to have a very specific spare part for the Dimensionator, something that the KEEPER OF THE DIMENSIONATOR would also carry on him.
0:30 - All the more reason I watch these. :) 1:19 - Can we really blame him? I mean we don't even know how it went down in reality, only what we've been told. 1:46 - Why do I get the feeling that I see where this is going? 2:17 - Actually to my knowledge, Angela's place on Grelbin was part of a very generous bonus package by Megacorp back when she was still working there. 2:23 - To the Bogon galaxy or Grelbin in particular? 2:33 - I doubt that's the case, but then again coincidences can happen. :P 3:12 - You make a good point there but what if it's on a different reason? Like maybe Lorna had no husband to take care of both her and Angela so perhaps the best thing to do was to send her to Bogon or maybe her husband was around but he wasn't a good man to her and instead kept harassing her, maybe more so if he wasn't the father so because of which he forced Lorna to send Angela far away so he can never see her again,, and who is her actual old man? I'd say Azimuth. 4:47 - For some reason, I feel I shouldn't trust his words over it. -_- 5:06 - I believe that he tried to at least help him since all the other Lombaxes had fled to another dimension but maybe perhaps he was too guilty to do anything and still was forbidden to help anyone so all he could do was watch, but then again he claimed that he had no idea how long Kaden lasted until Tachyon had caught up to him so maybe he asked to help but on account of him helping Tachyon, Kaden had forbidden him to help him. 6:03 - One likely reason would be that they only wanted him out of harms way. 6:33 - Maybe Tachyon was too frustrated on the Dimensionator stopping in the middle of the fight and ended up damaging it to a point where it could make it through the wormhole but wouldn't work to go back? 8:03 - I remember talking about that in that updated video of Angela and Max. 9:12 - It even states on the wikia that the Smuggler was in fact talking about Kaden. 12:05 - I'd say he is hiding but not from Tachyon, instead he's hiding from Ratchet, he most likely would believe his appearance would break Ratchet or anger him. 12:11 - I'm a bit confused here and there but I'll get the whole thing if I re-watch the whole thing. ;) 12:33 - And as always, we are all happy to watch. :)
I thought of the scenario where Angela's father isn't a good father. But why still send your daughter to another galaxy, you're her mother. Question still remains how is he so sure that Tachyon got to him? Leaves room for speculation. Hmm... I think the dimensionator can still be taken, it's a device after all. Think of how Ratchet had his weapons on that dying star. Yes, I saw that on Wikia, but we're not sure, anyone writes on wikia. Again, these videos in my opinion need a second watch. Thanks Tabreez!
I believe Lorna may have done so as to ensure that her husband doesn't get her or if he found out that she isn't her daughter. But that's just my opinion. ☺ Well he did make Tachyon's weapons so I can see why he believes that but maybe there's more to this story. 😒 Heck I say these videos need more than a second time to watch. 😁
I have a Theory on where Kaden can be after being assumed dead by tachyon : I think that Kaden INTENTANALLY got shot down (I think this because aphelion can maneuver around anything based off of the ship missions in TOD and aphelion is a Lombaxs ship) so he can get tackyon off his back. This allows Kaden to find the other Lombaxs that might be alive. Kaden didn't want to bring ratchet because tachyon is also looking for any remaining Lombaxs , and Kaden probably didn't want to be tracked so he probably didn't want to have anything like radios, phones, or anything that can communicate. Kaden might also make a group of the remaining Lombaxs to go and defeat tachyon, so he trusted max Apogie with the dimmesionator and ask the smuggler for things like weapons and armor in exchange for Lombax tech. Kaden would probably start to find ratchet after defeating tachyon So that's my theory
I personally believe Ratchet’s Mother was the one who sent him away to Planet Veldin, since it was pretty established that his father was killed because of the information told by Ratchet By Azimuth, in A Crack of Time, plus Ratchet’s Father could’ve met The Smuggler many years ago as the Smuggler is pretty old. Either way his parents are dead since Azimuth was the only one of the remaining Lombaxes that’s kept after what happened during tachyon’s rain. And then there’s the fact that Ratchet (and I guess Angela since she is considered a female lombax that has no tale like all other female lombaxes but yet again Insomniac wants us to forget who she is and shove it to our throats) (at this time of recording) is the last Lombax remaining. Besides Rift Apart hasn’t even come out yet and this video was made 9 months ago.
Then if Kaden isn't alive...Then having the Sewer Guy pop up every time Ratchet and Clank are in trouble would be very weird don't you think, I wouldn't take him for comedy relief right? Or am I wrong?
remember how azimuth first saw ratchet and he told him he looks just like kaden maybe the smugler meant that. lol im really bad with theory's thats the only thing I could think of I hope they dont forget about the ratchet and clank series I mean the original then they can explore the back story a little more
The probability of Kaden being alive is (I'd say) 75%. So many things are just too much to be a coincidence! But what is he doing? I have an idea! So, he sent Ratchet to the Solana Galaxy for his son's protection. He didn't want Ratchet killed. So, he decided to take Tachyon on a wild goose chase, for, like, ever. Doing things to keep Tachyon guessing if there were any Lombaxes left, playing cons, showing up for split seconds, stuff like that. He moved from place to place (possible having the plumber watch Ratchet), but stayed away from Ratchet to keep him safe. And Tachyon never knew it was Kaden who was keeping this up. But Kaden's plan to keep Ratchet safe backfires as Tachyon finds Ratchet and tries to kill him, maybe thinking Ratchet is the Lombax that has been tricking him or part of a small group he already killed. Of course, Ratchet is now a warrior and defeats him. Where is he now? Maybe Kaden doesn't know Tachyon is dead and is still running. Or his game to keep Tachyon busy has taken him far away from Ratchet, and he's trying to come back. Or maybe some stray cragmites are following him now. Or maybe he thinks that Ratchet was killed by Tachyon after the cragmite stopped following Kaden. Who knows since the original series is now done. Maybe they'll explain more in the new series (video game or movie), if they ever make more. I guess we'll all be guessing for a while.
GUYS! I KNOW WHERE KADEN IS! Okay so, following his escape from Fastoon, he met up with Max and handed off both Ratchet and the Dimensionator to him, then at some point got shot down by Tachyon. Tachyon doesn't bother to check for a body, allowing Kaden to crawl from the burning wreckage, cross paths with Sinõr Plot Convenience, sell his Gyro Cycle, then procure a new ship with the bolts he got for it. Couldn't have been big, as that Gyro Cycle was probly worth chump change, but it was good enough to get him to Jasindu, which is where I believe he was hiding out for most of the saga. Meanwhile, Max burns gel to Solana and arrives on Veldin. He evacuates the Lombax settlement there through the Dimensionator, and leaves Ratchet so he can take the Dimensionator back to his space station in Polaris, along with the Lombax wayfinder. He would closely guard the dimensionator for years until the space pirates raided the base and took the wayfinder. He would bring the Dimensionator with him as he gave chase, not feeling confident with leaving it in the hands of Cronk and Zephyr. (Yet he does let them look after his daughter?) Anyway, one thing leads to another, he crosses paths with Angela who is being pursued by Tachyon. They both race towards Jasindu where Max knows Kaden is, and since Kaden has been living there and has built up trust with the Ketchu, he is able to convince the normally territorial species to allow sanctuary for Max and Angela just long enough for the three of them to escape to the Lombax dimension. Kaden's probly the one who arranged for the Dimensionator to be guarded by the giant mech thing that his son would eventually destroy. Just before escaping, Max launches his ship into space on auto pilot as a decoy to throw the Drophyds off their trail so they can get out of dodge without Tachyon knowing what the hell happened. It's perfect!
@@VtnVivi It's not that he doesn't want to see Ratchet, but that he fears that if he goes looking for him, he may risk leading Tachyon to him. Imperial checkpoints all over the galaxy, drophyd patrols everywhere. All it would take is one squadron to pass by, recognize him, and report it to Tachyon. Then he'd be able to follow Kaden all the way back to Solana and nail him, AND his son, which, at this point, Tachyon was on the verge of finding out about anyway.
Hell, they wouldn't even have to recognize him as Kaden. The sight of a Lombax alone would be enough to draw the attention of the entire imperial fleet, just as the good citizens of Kerwan could attest.
What if Kaden got some sort of clue or lost connection with ratchet, and at some point just gave up looking and thought he was dead. Like what if Kaden sent ratchet away on a ship with auto pilot, and it got off course and landed on veldin
'Sup folks. I'm actually working on a fan fic in which this is a major plot point. I don't have any parts of it posted anywhere yet, but it's going to be a rather epic conclusion which will tie off a lot of loose ends.
oh here another good fan fic i really find here the link i really cried in this one and trust me its so sad its right after crack in time
You know what would be an EPIC! New little patch of ratchet and clank games? So, insomniac makes a prequel were you play as Kaden a few years before Tacyon ran out the lombaxes, and you basically live out his active lombax life, like how vivi said in his rnc prequel game video but at the end of the game, it shows you a first person cutscene trough Kaden' s eyes, right after e found out that his wife died, and then you hear a stomping noise from behind you, Kaden (still in 1st person) turns around to see Tachyon walking towards him in his mech suit thingy, and then the screen goes black and the credits start rolling. Next, Insomniac makes another rnc game but it's not a prequel, it takes place a few months after into the nexus, ratchet and clank tell Talwin that they will help her find her father without using the deminsionator. (bc r.a.c. would have noticed that Talwin is more sad with her father AND Cronk and Zepher gone) So they start searching for leads, eventually, they talk to a few zoni bc they know where the great clock is, the zoni wouldn't be very cooperative to tell them anything bc to find Talwin's father, they have to do interdimensional travel to find him, and they destroyed the dimensionator bc interdimensional travel is dangerous for the universe. But clank probably as access to the orvus chamber so they go in there, get some information from the computers there, and that lead them to a lombax planet with a vault in it that could hold a stable, interdimensional portal. They head to the planet and you would work with Talwin, fighting off some new enemy, making your way to the vault. (When you land you would see the vault far from aphelion, sticking out into the sky, similar to going commando when you land on yeedle) You make it near the vault, but you accidentally activate some ancient but high tech lombax security defenses that you have to fight, you fight them for a little bit, but they manage to capture you in a small cage, when they're walking back to the vault, clank (with a razor sharp spinning blade upgrade that ratchet installed about 1 month after into the nexus) cuts through the bars, and the security defense robot hears the sound, and it starts shaking the cage trying to get clank to stop. (The pathway to the vault when your near it is a narrow platue) clank already cut a hole in the cage , so when the robot shook it, Talwin, ratchet, and clank fell out of the cage and off the platue. Clank uses his helepack to keep ratchet from falling, and Talwin grabbed onto ratchets legs, but clanks helepack couldn't support them all so they were slowly gliding into the depths of darkness and unknown. Ratchet swingshots back onto the platue while clank is contacting aphelion. R.a.c. and Talwin reach the platue to see that robot again, but aphelion flys in and shoots the robot, then it circles back around towards the vault and shoots the door down. But Cragmites come crawling out of the vault, and not the ones from TOD, these were bigger and deadlier. Aphelion shot at the Cragmites but it didn't seem to do a thing. Then aphelion picked up r.a.c and Talwin and flew them back to the appoggee space station. Some other CRAP happens in later games, they get Dr. Nefarious' help, Kaden comes out of hiding along with an army of high tech lombaxes, the next game is basically a war between the lombaxes and Cragmites (oh how history repeats itself) at the end, they defeat all the Cragmites in that deminsion, the biggest secrets of the serise is revealed, the lombaxes move back into that deminsion, (I forgot to mention that the Cragmites destroyed the galactic government) the galactic government is restored, ratchet gets a wife, qwark actually helped this time around, Talwin's dad was in the lombax deminsion and he comes back, and everybody lives happily ever after, ending the R.A.C. serise. OH and Dan Johnson shows up at the end bc apparently he was in the lombax deminsion too. Doesn't that sound like a great ending to the serise? I'm tired of writing a R.A.C. fan fiction, bye!
My guess is that he was trying to find something like the diminsionator so he could round up the Lombaxes to repopulate the galaxy with them and take down any high-level threats with their advanced Lombax technology.
Okay, let me get this straight. First, Tachyon invaid Fastoon, killing the hundreds of Lombaxes Ratchet's mother included, and Kaden sent all the Lombaxes to different dimension, came back too late to save his wife but be able to save Ratchet. After Kaden sent his son to Solona Galaxy, he flee from Fastoon with the Dimensionator and Tachyon behind him. Tachyon shot down Kaden and thought that he was dead. Kaden met and deal with the Smuggler to trade the Gyro Cycle with the ship. I'm gonna assume that Kaden hide the Dimensionator in some kind of the room where Max Apogee and Angela will soon discover it and went off somewhere.
Well, the majority of Lombaxes escaped, we can say a few including Kaden and his wife died. I believe he hid the dimensionator in that special room, which only a Lombax can open. How did Apogee get in, Angela ;) Question is, where is Kaden, is he really dead?
VTNVIVI That I do not know. He just went off without any traces and let Tachyon think that he killed him. If we happen to see Kaden right in front of our eyes in the next game this year (which I'm not certain if they'll do it or not), we would've spit whatever we're drinking right out of our mouths.
II have a interestin theorygto share with you: In the movie, Cora said that Ratchet had corrupt the space time. Think if she means the great clock. Alister said that if someone goes back in time, they will not remember nothing as had happened before p...
If Kaden is alive all this time then how come he didn't look for Ratchet all these years. Do u know how long Ratchet was sad and depressed without parents to take care of. Ratchet need to do some catching up with father and son time. I don't know if he alive or not. He stayed behind to stop Tacion and he couldn't survived of his attacks without weapons. Tacion have the advantage to kill him. The reason why he sent Ratchet away because he is the chosen one that can hopefully defeat Tacion on his own and be the galaxy greatest hero because of that. Just like how Goku was raised to be earths greatest defender of all time even though he was a sayian on planet Vegeta that he was born before it got destroyed by Frieza. He didn't knew his real father until Vegeta told him and the origins of planet Vegeta to get to know where he actually came from. Goku know he was the hope of the universe and he was determined to defeat Frieza for what he did to innocent people across the galaxy. It's almost the same comparison to Ratchet but a bit different. Ratchet is almost compared to Goku how he went through without a father which is very sad.
Speaking of the Dimensionator... If the Dimensionator can find a race of Lombaxes, can it find Kaden? If Kaden was alive, the Dimensionator should see his current location. But since it gotten broken in Into the Nexus and the ending did show Clank taking it, it seems that Clank might be planning to fix the Dimensionator at one point. If Clank did that, could it be possible that he'll used the Dimensionator to find Ratchet's Father?
Well the dimensionator does send you to the location which you say out loud. As for Kaden specifically I don't think so. The dimensionator sends one to another dimension, that's its primary function. Saying find Kaden or find a Lombax, I think it'll just send Ratchet to their dimension or maybe not. It could send them to the dimension where Kaden is at. But, how would Kaden leave this dimension without it? He hid it, Apogee found it and relocated it.
VTNVIVI: I was saying that if Clank fixed the dimensionator, that Ratchet could use it to back the Lomboxes back to Fastoon since the cragmits are ancient history like in the story in the link: I think that this story would make a good ending to the future games with an add in about A. Cross and Max Apogee. The story already has a General Cross in it!
I always wondered if most Lombaxes entered the portal to flee the dimension and Kaden had decided to stay behind to protect the Dimensionator why didn't he ask the rest of them to take care of his child? I doubt they'd refuse to protect an infant and take Ratchet with them. I'm assuming Kaden had found Ratchet before the portal closed as Alister said Kaden refused to find refuge in the Court to find his wife. Assuming the Lombaxes tried to defend their city and Fastoon before giving up, Kaden had enough time to get back home, find out his wife was dead and save Ratchet. So by the time the Lombaxes decided to use the Dimensionator Kaden _already_ had Ratchet. So why not send him directly to safety with the rest of his race? Maybe Kaden quickly sent Ratchet to Solana out of pure desperation, before he knew the Lombaxes had decided to flee the dimension? Who knows... What if Ratchet _did_ stay behind because Kaden had a special role for him? My heart stands still everytime I watch the cutscene with Ratchet asking questions to the IRIS. The despair in which he asks "Where did the Lombaxes go? Why did they leave me behind?" is heartbreaking. And he never, _ever_ gets and answer. I think he was left behind for a _very_ specific purpose. Maybe it will be revealed in a future game? I don't know. Sorry for the very long comment. I really felt like sharing. Great video! Please make more vids about the R&C lore. xD
The fact that Ratchet wasn't sent to the other dimension bothers me. Ratchet does have a purpose, something Tachyon had pointed out. But Clank told Ratchet his purpose was to be a hero the galaxy needs. I think Kaden went back to try and save his wife and son in the hopes of them not being apart. Kaden probably thought that Ratchet being raised without his mom would be too hard for him, I mean he could've still sent Ratchet to the other dimension, Kaden could've gone as well, you can take the dimensionator with you. Something tells me Kaden was injured, and thought he should sent Ratchet to Solana hoping that he would be the rising hero. If he is alive, where is he? Is he guiding him somehow? Why is he afraid to see his son? Glad you enjoyed the video and yes more will be coming!
That is a very good point you put out Vtnvivi Why didn't Kaden take Ratchet to the other dimension with the other lombaxes i mean he would have been safe with them there, But maybe he was hurt or couldn't make it all the way so he had to take Ratchet some where safe. But how did Kaden know Ratchet would be a hero? Uhh so many questions Insomince needs to give us more answers, like bring back T.J. Fixman he does know everything about the lombaxe stroy line it seems so bring him back.
Didn't azimuth tell ratchet that kaden was the fist outsider to know about the clock? Maybe he thought that if orvuses son(clank) would be there, ratchet could help him and thats why he sent him away
Ratchet not going with the other Lombaxes to their new dimension must have been caused by something that made it impossible. Not by decision of his father to stay behind because of some hero stuff. Doesn't make sense. Not only from the parent standpoint, as parent wouldn't want to part with his child for some self devised prophecy... But also from the standpoint that if they both left, they could just return in the future. It would be safer for Ratchet to grow up with the other Lombaxes and then go back with an army to attack Tachyon. In fact, I don't get why Lombaxes never returned. They created the dimensionator. Why can't they create another one? Kind of weird they never returned for 17 or 18 years or for however long.
If kaden is indeed alive and hiding, i would rip my hair out at the fact he hasn't yet gone out of his way to find his only son. It barely had made sense when Alister met ratchet and we realized they both had no idea the other existed/was alive, even despite the apparent fact Alister was a recluse and didn't go out much (which is a weird assumption im making anyways, since he seemed pretty adamant in being a rebel and accidentally make himself known as such... He definitely seemed to go out!). Alister still had technology available to him in torren iv (a radio for instance, or a television perhaps), so he should have at least heard of a young lombax wrecking havok all throughout the galaxies we've known thus far. What with defeating Drek, Nefarious, Vox, tachion... We see it in a crack in time itself, how up to date the radio hosts are, talking and theorizing about lombaxes and other current events and catastrophies. In my opinion, it is borderline comical how skillfully Alister missed any news about ratchet. And the same goes the other way around, with how much he likes watching tv and listening to the radio. How did he never hear about this seemingly super known lombax rebel, who even nefarious had known about? Sometimes i simply dare think its lousy writing, but then again, the guy in charge of this creative writing had a lot in his plate and had to try to tie it all together seamlessly, and it would have been unfair to ask of him a completely plot hole-free turn of events... At least thats what i think, but I digress. Unless kaden locked himself inside a cave with no communication to the outside world, its unlikely he hasn't heard about ratchet, or even heard about Alister! He was his friend despite the horrible mistake he made, he could have gone after him to male peace, or cut his throat. Unless of course he left for an even farther away galaxy where such news simply are irrelevant, in which case, why? Why purposefully drift even farther away from his ONLY son, one of the reasons why he didn't join the lombaxes? There's another possibility, and that is that he is being held captive. Its unlikely, Because I can't think of anyone that would hold hatred towards the lombaxes more than tachion did, but it just occurred to me that maybe he has heard, and wants to go to him, but is UNABLE to in some way or another... Anyway, great video Vivi, i super enjoyed it and made me think a whole lot!!
@@VtnVivi if i had known you would literally see my 4 am sleep deprived rant i would have probably tried making a bit more sense LMFAO my shame.... but, nah, thanks to u vivi, keep up the good work, ur content is awesome :^)
Vivi, nice video, your theory videos are some of my favorites. I don't know if you'll read this comment, but there is a platformer called Psyconauts that is getting a sequel next year and it would be cool if you could create some news for it. You might not enjoy this game or you might not have any hype, but there is a HUGE devoted fanbase for it and you could get some attention by reporting it, there is a lot of news that is coming out too. Thanks and keep up the great vids!
I'm gonna say Kaden is alive. We could say Tachyon "so called destroyed him in a plane match, then Kaden crash landed, making Tachyon believe that Kaden died in the crash. But Kaden survived and then just lived his life under the radar from Tachyon. I hope in the future games, they go with something like that, and it could make up a story line that took place after Tools of Destruction where Kaden heard news of a Lombax killing Tachyon, and now he's looking for that Lombax to see if it's his Lombax is his long lost son, and then Kaden finally finds Ratchet, and then they set out for a journey to find the Lombaxes after the Dimensionator gets stolen or whatever happens. MAKE THIS HAPPEN INSOMNIAC!!!!!! I don't care what you do, just make it turn out that Kaden's alive and Ratchet can finally have a happy ending!
another thing: i listen to you video (6th minute). It is possible that Azimuth lies when he's on Lumos... but if the Ratchet's parents are still alive, they have not search to his son maybe because was Azimuth that send Ratchet to Solana and After this he say to Kaden that Ratchet was dead...and so Kaden trust in his Best Friend... but It is hard to think so, this could chance the Azimuth's character.
If Azimuth were the one who sent Ratchet, wouldn't he have looked for him this whole time? Alister was kicked out, I think Kaden was really the one who sent his son.
ever think that Lorna Cross and ratchet' s mother put both Angela and ratchet in some sort of life boat. however, somewhere in space ratchets pod got got... And he ends up alone in veldin
to conclude to this I think they should create an Angela Cross or Max Apogee game from. ratchet 2 to crank in time. because I feel say there add Angela and drop her like that... maybe mega Corp has something to do with with the lombax or help angela with some research into her history. And that why she knew something was up with fizzwigit
I mean, my theory is that no R&C games (series continuations, not remakes) are going to release for a few years. After a few remakes release, though. I'm guessing some finale game may release ok ACTUAL THEORY: Personally, it doesn't make sense that Kaden would abandon his son, and call it helping. But classic twist here: Kaden might of felt guilt, similar to Azimuth. The comment by +Shonen Jumpboy was that the plumber was sent to watch over Ratchet. This cannot be a coincidence, as Insomniac actually put emphasis on it at the end of game 3. So, Kaden, feeling bad about accidentally destroying the family, probably sent the Plumber, a possible friend of Kaden, to be sent to watch Ratchet. Kaden must of felt that "If I go back, he'll hate me forever." feeling. What I don't see is why Kaden would actually leave his son all alone forever like that. Also the other comment you posted, and I'm taking this from another video you posted, there likely were other Lombaxes. It doesn't make sense that an entire race would be on a planet. Keep in mind that this is the future. Everyone has their own spaceships. So, Lombaxes probably are alive that didn't get back in time to leave. But remember, that's just a theory. A GAME THEORY
oh Angela Cross is the biggest mistery of the Insomniac 😁. When i finished "a crack in time" (After hearding about Angela disappearing in the Max Apogee's ship), i started to suppose.... I believe that Angela was send into another Galaxy for 2 reason: 1: so Tachyon could not find the 2 baby in the same Place, and so this is harder for him. 2: Angela's mother is in another Place on the Planet Fastoon during the Attack and so she could not organise with Kaden for sending the 2 babies in the same Place. IMPORTANT: i believe (and i want to see this in a possible sequel ti the re-imagining) that Angela could be RATCHET'S SISTER. it Will be EPIC! Because we don't know the Name of Ratchet'mom and also we don't know the Ratchet's surname... in a possible re-imagining or also in a new game, if they put Angela again, i want to see that she is Ratchet's sister!
but that wouldn't make any since, I don't think ratchet's mother got married to another lombax and dumb him and then got with Kaden. And i do believe Ratchet's parents only had 1 baby, and that was probably Ratchet. Thou she could be his close relative, because Ratchet's mother was friends with maybe Angela's parents.
1. That could explain it I guess. Perhaps Lorna knew Ratchet was sent to Solana. 2. Then again, why did Lorna decide to stay behind and send her daughter to another galaxy? They could've both escaped. Angela I believe is not related to Ratchet at all. Lorna simply married someone else and had Angela :)
So I have a question. You said in the Angela Cross video that female Lombaxes don't have tails, but in the newest game Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart, Rivet, the newest Lombax to the game series, has a bushy tail. Is she just someone using a hologeize pretending to be a Lombax or what?
@@VtnVivi That is kinda what I was thinking too, but the news in the game has also stated that female Lombaxes do not have tails. Did they just say that because Lombaxes have not been around for a little while?
@@victoriaallen9443 They could go with the idea of assumption. Pepper Fairbanks could've assumed that female Lombaxes don't have tails, but she was wrong or misinformed.
Did Tachyon not say, "I took great pleasure in killing your father Lombax." The question is time. While I do think its odd writing, I do think the smuggler was talking about Kaden, yet how do we not know this meeting wasn't before the Lombax exodus? Also, Kaden did not have to take Ratchet to Solana personally, perhaps an old friend owed him a favor, or he payed someone his last bolt to take his son. While I do not like it the movie describes Ratchets arrival on Veldin as a crash when he was a baby, perhaps it was an automated escape pod.
I ain't 80% of I didn't keep buying me the other linebacks and the multiverse plus his five game maybe the one bags girl of ratchet & clank will meet each other and sell the game until probably a preview of seeing a little casino scene her father or ratchet's father to be to be a good mean to each other but in a different dimension colleague meets his father and then soon enough they all team up to find to find a way to for wretched he can go see him or you know the portals if at another riff some of him somehow he could see him or talk to him saying I don't have my dad he's not in my timeline in the multiverse at least I have another one has a same concept another lumbax would I say I have another family in the multiverse
I have alot of questions and the lombax and ratchet finding his father and we don't know anything about ratchet mother, dude there is alot of thing that I want to said but u know
I think that Ratchet's father IS still alive because Alister Azimuth could be lying about his father's death... Kaden could still be alive for someday Ratchet would find him in the next Ratchet and Clank game... I agree to Flying V.
Good theory Vivi. Unfortunately, it is impossible. At the end of Tools of Destruction, when Ratchets confronts Tachyon, Tachyon specifically said that he took great pleasure in destroying Kaden, i.e killing him.
That's what he thinks dun dun dun. Judging by what the Smuggler said, it could be possible that Kaden survived. After all, Tachyon could've simply used that phrase to worry Ratchet just so he would lose focus.
VTNVIVI That could be a possibility, but the wiki states that Kaden is deceased. He sold the Smuggler the gyro gycle, before confronting Tachyon, where he was killed. But I could be wrong. Now is the question. If Kaden is alive, where is he? Maybe chilling on Pokitaru?
Also, Clank did say he had detected no lie in Tachyon's voice when he spoke about Kaden's demise. Then again, if he _thought_ he had killed him, he wasn't technically lying. :P (I personally think Kaden's dead, just wanted to expand on the mystery!)
Well, the wiki is only going to say what's publically known, and most people accept Kaden is dead. Just like how some character's wiki will say "Alive" and then "Deceased" after a game comes out where they die, for example. So wiki could still be wrong.
I have awsome theory why kaden stay in this univarse with ratchet and he is the plumber if you want to hear it contact me on steam Goris the deathclow profil pic deathclow with minigun
Me theory lock like this (Sory for any problems im from poland) After activation the dimensionator and help escape lombaxes kaden go back to his family he ses the hom was alredy destroyed by tachion but he heard ratchet craing he find him but he know that 2 lombaxes cannot escape durning invasion so kaden sennd ratxhet to escape pod and send to other planet far away from tachion kaden stay on his home planet to help ramaining lombaxes that cannot meet with the frist grop thenafter kaden now evry lombax on planet escape or is dead he try to get of the planet becose he now thers any other lombaxes in univers that cannot escape but he was shoted and crashd he meet the smugler and give him holobicka for ship from this moment kaden travel true galaxy and help escape lombaxes
When ratchet was in bogon galaxy kaden was scherching for angela cros he now that she will be anther tachion target so he must act qicly so after the protopet was defeted he contackt her and tel her true about lombaxes she stay for some time in bogon galaxy but when tachion arived she imidently contact with kaden and go to mett with him when she escaping her ship was shoted and fall down then she mett adventerer and with his help angela mett with kaden. He activate the dimensionator and hide him but first dameged on of parts so nobody can youse it then he go to find ratchet rest of thesteoy is told in futre saga of ratchet and clank
Actually, i think the Smuggler really met Kaden. If I recall correctly, in some side dialogue he mentions that the gyrocycle is sort of absurdly modified with a boost, just like Ratchet likes to do things, tieing into them being similiar or relatives. Also (and also from memorie) Azimuth said that Kaden had those kind of creative ideas when Ratchet first met him. Pretty reasonable guess, that Kaden is hiding and still alive. All based on Kaden not able to defeat Tachyon on his own and also not letting down this dimension with Tachyon as an emperor, thus not taking Ratchet and the Dimensionator with him.
Please be my friend
What if Kaden is in Plumber’s disguise like Qwark was in Fizzwidget’s (expect that the real Plumber doesn’t exist or something)? Because Ratchet was a talented mechanic, and so is Plumber, so it could make sense that Kaden is also, because it’s confirmed that Lombaxes are. And no need to mention that Plumber is the most mysterious character ever, always helping and keeping eye on Ratchet.
That'd be one heck of a twist.
I wouldn't put it that way, but I actually think that the plumber could be an easter egg or a secret that Ratchet doesn't take note of.
Or he could be a spy for Kaden to keep an eye on ratchet
If kaden were alive, he would've never gotten the news that tachyon is dead. Ps, somebody encourage tj fixmann to make another r&c game I want to see if ratchet at least finds his dad. Like if you agree.
Think about this really hard guys, this is why Kaden doesn't have to go after Ratchet, he already knows he's doing just fine, after all the info the Sewer Guy gathers for him, every time he meets or bump into Ratchet. Sure Kaden would like to see his son but that would only blow his cover, after with the information he's learned over Ratchet and Clanks past adventures, he knows that he can handle things himself, I mean after all, Ratchet is Kaden's Son. This is conclusion to if Kaden's still alive though.
That sounds possible. Then again, the plumber has always been a running joke in the series haha. Interesting indeed.
Kaden didn't abandoned his son he protect him he sacrifice his life to protect his son and the device
Now what if Kaden is Slim Cognito, the illegal weapons vendor that never shows his face?
He always pops up randomly and sells Ratchet rare weapons and upgrades that he will need in his quest to save the galaxy. This is how Kaden can still assist Ratchet without exposing his identity.
Another possibility to think about lol
Imagine that :P
It could possibly be him
I believe Kaden's still alive, he's just hiding for some reason.
Dun dun dun. I love your comments!
Thanks Vivi.
Shonen Jumpboy The writers are probably done with the original r&c universe's story, but maybe they'll show kaden at some point in the new storyline.
However do you know what's really weird VTNVIVI, the Sewer Guy, the one that's always working on the sewers, and if you really think about it, he's always around to bail or help Ratchet in Clank out whenever they need help the most. He's appeared in almost every game, helping, giving hints on how Ratchet should defeat his enemies. He's probably a friend of Kaden, sent to watch over his son while he's in hiding.
This is something that didn't even cross my mind when I came up with this theory. Dude, that would be totally cool... this whole time Kaden has been watching over Ratchet in secret through the plumber. It always seemed like he knew more than he was letting on. It would be awesome if that was the reason why!
TJ Fixman is The Plumber. That's why he appears anywhere he wants in the story (even in Clank's memory bank) and knows everything about everything..
Now you understand, if you think really hard. It just has to be true man. The Plumber is always watching y'know.
Mind blown right? Still weird to think that his father remained in the shadows.
Yeah, and the Plumber just so happened to have a very specific spare part for the Dimensionator, something that the KEEPER OF THE DIMENSIONATOR would also carry on him.
Man Sly and Ratchet have it pretty bad when it comes to their family😂
So true. And most people think these games are only for kids...
Sooper Cooper link from legend of Zelda has it bad too. And samus. And Nathan drake.
Link? You mean the Hero of Time Link, right?
0:30 - All the more reason I watch these. :)
1:19 - Can we really blame him? I mean we don't even know how it went down in reality, only what we've been told.
1:46 - Why do I get the feeling that I see where this is going?
2:17 - Actually to my knowledge, Angela's place on Grelbin was part of a very generous bonus package by Megacorp back when she was still working there.
2:23 - To the Bogon galaxy or Grelbin in particular?
2:33 - I doubt that's the case, but then again coincidences can happen. :P
3:12 - You make a good point there but what if it's on a different reason? Like maybe Lorna had no husband to take care of both her and Angela so perhaps the best thing to do was to send her to Bogon or maybe her husband was around but he wasn't a good man to her and instead kept harassing her, maybe more so if he wasn't the father so because of which he forced Lorna to send Angela far away so he can never see her again,, and who is her actual old man? I'd say Azimuth.
4:47 - For some reason, I feel I shouldn't trust his words over it. -_-
5:06 - I believe that he tried to at least help him since all the other Lombaxes had fled to another dimension but maybe perhaps he was too guilty to do anything and still was forbidden to help anyone so all he could do was watch, but then again he claimed that he had no idea how long Kaden lasted until Tachyon had caught up to him so maybe he asked to help but on account of him helping Tachyon, Kaden had forbidden him to help him.
6:03 - One likely reason would be that they only wanted him out of harms way.
6:33 - Maybe Tachyon was too frustrated on the Dimensionator stopping in the middle of the fight and ended up damaging it to a point where it could make it through the wormhole but wouldn't work to go back?
8:03 - I remember talking about that in that updated video of Angela and Max.
9:12 - It even states on the wikia that the Smuggler was in fact talking about Kaden.
12:05 - I'd say he is hiding but not from Tachyon, instead he's hiding from Ratchet, he most likely would believe his appearance would break Ratchet or anger him.
12:11 - I'm a bit confused here and there but I'll get the whole thing if I re-watch the whole thing. ;)
12:33 - And as always, we are all happy to watch. :)
I thought of the scenario where Angela's father isn't a good father. But why still send your daughter to another galaxy, you're her mother. Question still remains how is he so sure that Tachyon got to him? Leaves room for speculation. Hmm... I think the dimensionator can still be taken, it's a device after all. Think of how Ratchet had his weapons on that dying star. Yes, I saw that on Wikia, but we're not sure, anyone writes on wikia. Again, these videos in my opinion need a second watch. Thanks Tabreez!
I believe Lorna may have done so as to ensure that her husband doesn't get her or if he found out that she isn't her daughter. But that's just my opinion. ☺
Well he did make Tachyon's weapons so I can see why he believes that but maybe there's more to this story. 😒
Heck I say these videos need more than a second time to watch. 😁
I have a Theory on where Kaden can be after being assumed dead by tachyon :
I think that Kaden INTENTANALLY got shot down (I think this because aphelion can maneuver around anything based off of the ship missions in TOD and aphelion is a Lombaxs ship) so he can get tackyon off his back. This allows Kaden to find the other Lombaxs that might be alive. Kaden didn't want to bring ratchet because tachyon is also looking for any remaining Lombaxs , and Kaden probably didn't want to be tracked so he probably didn't want to have anything like radios, phones, or anything that can communicate. Kaden might also make a group of the remaining Lombaxs to go and defeat tachyon, so he trusted max Apogie with the dimmesionator and ask the smuggler for things like weapons and armor in exchange for Lombax tech. Kaden would probably start to find ratchet after defeating tachyon
So that's my theory
It would be great if he was in the series but alive that would be freaking cool
They'd have to come up with one very good reason.
I personally believe Ratchet’s Mother was the one who sent him away to Planet Veldin, since it was pretty established that his father was killed because of the information told by Ratchet By Azimuth, in A Crack of Time, plus Ratchet’s Father could’ve met The Smuggler many years ago as the Smuggler is pretty old. Either way his parents are dead since Azimuth was the only one of the remaining Lombaxes that’s kept after what happened during tachyon’s rain. And then there’s the fact that Ratchet (and I guess Angela since she is considered a female lombax that has no tale like all other female lombaxes but yet again Insomniac wants us to forget who she is and shove it to our throats) (at this time of recording) is the last Lombax remaining. Besides Rift Apart hasn’t even come out yet and this video was made 9 months ago.
Any moment
6:55 or unless the lombax from rift apart is his mother. Alive and looking for her son with a mechanical arm from the war.
Then if Kaden isn't alive...Then having the Sewer Guy pop up every time Ratchet and Clank are in trouble would be very weird don't you think, I wouldn't take him for comedy relief right? Or am I wrong?
I will talk about the plumber, very good point...
Thanks for listening Vivi, you just gotta do a video on the Plunber lol. On how he's connected to Kaden.
remember how azimuth first saw ratchet and he told him he looks just like kaden maybe the smugler meant that. lol im really bad with theory's thats the only thing I could think of
I hope they dont forget about the ratchet and clank series I mean the original then they can explore the back story a little more
Ohhh that too!!!! And I agree with you!
The probability of Kaden being alive is (I'd say) 75%. So many things are just too much to be a coincidence! But what is he doing? I have an idea!
So, he sent Ratchet to the Solana Galaxy for his son's protection. He didn't want Ratchet killed. So, he decided to take Tachyon on a wild goose chase, for, like, ever. Doing things to keep Tachyon guessing if there were any Lombaxes left, playing cons, showing up for split seconds, stuff like that. He moved from place to place (possible having the plumber watch Ratchet), but stayed away from Ratchet to keep him safe. And Tachyon never knew it was Kaden who was keeping this up. But Kaden's plan to keep Ratchet safe backfires as Tachyon finds Ratchet and tries to kill him, maybe thinking Ratchet is the Lombax that has been tricking him or part of a small group he already killed. Of course, Ratchet is now a warrior and defeats him.
Where is he now? Maybe Kaden doesn't know Tachyon is dead and is still running. Or his game to keep Tachyon busy has taken him far away from Ratchet, and he's trying to come back. Or maybe some stray cragmites are following him now. Or maybe he thinks that Ratchet was killed by Tachyon after the cragmite stopped following Kaden. Who knows since the original series is now done. Maybe they'll explain more in the new series (video game or movie), if they ever make more. I guess we'll all be guessing for a while.
Am I the only one where at the beginning he said "ratchets parents" I heard "today we will be talking about ratchets pants"
Ratchet's pants hahaha!
It's possible that Kaden could be alive, but I'm going with what Clank said at the end of Tools of Destruction, he was killed by Tachyon.
Disguised as the Plumber BOOM
I'm not jumping to any conclusions just yet, but I would be rather surprised if that was the case.
Okay so, following his escape from Fastoon, he met up with Max and handed off both Ratchet and the Dimensionator to him, then at some point got shot down by Tachyon. Tachyon doesn't bother to check for a body, allowing Kaden to crawl from the burning wreckage, cross paths with Sinõr Plot Convenience, sell his Gyro Cycle, then procure a new ship with the bolts he got for it. Couldn't have been big, as that Gyro Cycle was probly worth chump change, but it was good enough to get him to Jasindu, which is where I believe he was hiding out for most of the saga.
Meanwhile, Max burns gel to Solana and arrives on Veldin. He evacuates the Lombax settlement there through the Dimensionator, and leaves Ratchet so he can take the Dimensionator back to his space station in Polaris, along with the Lombax wayfinder. He would closely guard the dimensionator for years until the space pirates raided the base and took the wayfinder. He would bring the Dimensionator with him as he gave chase, not feeling confident with leaving it in the hands of Cronk and Zephyr. (Yet he does let them look after his daughter?) Anyway, one thing leads to another, he crosses paths with Angela who is being pursued by Tachyon. They both race towards Jasindu where Max knows Kaden is, and since Kaden has been living there and has built up trust with the Ketchu, he is able to convince the normally territorial species to allow sanctuary for Max and Angela just long enough for the three of them to escape to the Lombax dimension. Kaden's probly the one who arranged for the Dimensionator to be guarded by the giant mech thing that his son would eventually destroy. Just before escaping, Max launches his ship into space on auto pilot as a decoy to throw the Drophyds off their trail so they can get out of dodge without Tachyon knowing what the hell happened. It's perfect!
Question is, why would Kaden NOT want to see Ratchet after all those years? Interesting.
@@VtnVivi It's not that he doesn't want to see Ratchet, but that he fears that if he goes looking for him, he may risk leading Tachyon to him. Imperial checkpoints all over the galaxy, drophyd patrols everywhere. All it would take is one squadron to pass by, recognize him, and report it to Tachyon. Then he'd be able to follow Kaden all the way back to Solana and nail him, AND his son, which, at this point, Tachyon was on the verge of finding out about anyway.
Hell, they wouldn't even have to recognize him as Kaden. The sight of a Lombax alone would be enough to draw the attention of the entire imperial fleet, just as the good citizens of Kerwan could attest.
i want a game about kaden
Yes a prequel!!!!
What if Kaden got some sort of clue or lost connection with ratchet, and at some point just gave up looking and thought he was dead. Like what if Kaden sent ratchet away on a ship with auto pilot, and it got off course and landed on veldin
I'm sure the ship got off course and landed on Veldin. But, if he is alive, where is he? That's something I'd like to understand.
What if the plumber is his dad but with a disguise? Constantly intervening in his sons plots securing his saftey
If that were to be the case, then I wonder how he felt behind a mask this whole time.
No matter what happened to Ratchet's parents are still there.
If Kaden was alive he watched Ratchet did like his father someday Ratchet meets Kaden one day about his mother too
I really hope that insomniac will make a Rachet and Clank on Rachet finding his father and even game about his father’s past. That would be awesome.
A flashback would be so cool!
@@VtnVivi I would like a side game like maybe a 5-7 hour game playing as kaden and to see the lombax history and events that took place.
Awesome video as always man!
I appreciate it!
'Sup folks. I'm actually working on a fan fic in which this is a major plot point. I don't have any parts of it posted anywhere yet, but it's going to be a rather epic conclusion which will tie off a lot of loose ends.
oh here another good fan fic i really find here the link i really cried in this one and trust me its so sad its right after crack in time
Tim Dinh I read the fanfic..
I love this fanfic..
The feelings men the feelings :,3
@@thehealingwordswriter yeah the feelings man it really rough you know how long Ratchet seeing his father
Tim Dinh I KNOW RIGHT!! Now I need a scene like that in the canon games!
I just need ratchet say goodbye to his dad in the way it has to be.
@@thehealingwordswriter sorry about that didn't know
Ratchet said that he is the last of the Lombax's in the Solana Galaxy in the movie and a lot of the games
Ratchet believed he was the only Lombax left yes as he hasn't seen any other.
That's not true. You have forgotten Angela Cross and Alister Azimuth.
You know what would be an EPIC! New little patch of ratchet and clank games? So, insomniac makes a prequel were you play as Kaden a few years before Tacyon ran out the lombaxes, and you basically live out his active lombax life, like how vivi said in his rnc prequel game video but at the end of the game, it shows you a first person cutscene trough Kaden' s eyes, right after e found out that his wife died, and then you hear a stomping noise from behind you, Kaden (still in 1st person) turns around to see Tachyon walking towards him in his mech suit thingy, and then the screen goes black and the credits start rolling. Next, Insomniac makes another rnc game but it's not a prequel, it takes place a few months after into the nexus, ratchet and clank tell Talwin that they will help her find her father without using the deminsionator. (bc r.a.c. would have noticed that Talwin is more sad with her father AND Cronk and Zepher gone) So they start searching for leads, eventually, they talk to a few zoni bc they know where the great clock is, the zoni wouldn't be very cooperative to tell them anything bc to find Talwin's father, they have to do interdimensional travel to find him, and they destroyed the dimensionator bc interdimensional travel is dangerous for the universe. But clank probably as access to the orvus chamber so they go in there, get some information from the computers there, and that lead them to a lombax planet with a vault in it that could hold a stable, interdimensional portal. They head to the planet and you would work with Talwin, fighting off some new enemy, making your way to the vault. (When you land you would see the vault far from aphelion, sticking out into the sky, similar to going commando when you land on yeedle) You make it near the vault, but you accidentally activate some ancient but high tech lombax security defenses that you have to fight, you fight them for a little bit, but they manage to capture you in a small cage, when they're walking back to the vault, clank (with a razor sharp spinning blade upgrade that ratchet installed about 1 month after into the nexus) cuts through the bars, and the security defense robot hears the sound, and it starts shaking the cage trying to get clank to stop. (The pathway to the vault when your near it is a narrow platue) clank already cut a hole in the cage , so when the robot shook it, Talwin, ratchet, and clank fell out of the cage and off the platue. Clank uses his helepack to keep ratchet from falling, and Talwin grabbed onto ratchets legs, but clanks helepack couldn't support them all so they were slowly gliding into the depths of darkness and unknown. Ratchet swingshots back onto the platue while clank is contacting aphelion. R.a.c. and Talwin reach the platue to see that robot again, but aphelion flys in and shoots the robot, then it circles back around towards the vault and shoots the door down. But Cragmites come crawling out of the vault, and not the ones from TOD, these were bigger and deadlier. Aphelion shot at the Cragmites but it didn't seem to do a thing. Then aphelion picked up r.a.c and Talwin and flew them back to the appoggee space station. Some other CRAP happens in later games, they get Dr. Nefarious' help, Kaden comes out of hiding along with an army of high tech lombaxes, the next game is basically a war between the lombaxes and Cragmites (oh how history repeats itself) at the end, they defeat all the Cragmites in that deminsion, the biggest secrets of the serise is revealed, the lombaxes move back into that deminsion, (I forgot to mention that the Cragmites destroyed the galactic government) the galactic government is restored, ratchet gets a wife, qwark actually helped this time around, Talwin's dad was in the lombax deminsion and he comes back, and everybody lives happily ever after, ending the R.A.C. serise. OH and Dan Johnson shows up at the end bc apparently he was in the lombax deminsion too. Doesn't that sound like a great ending to the serise? I'm tired of writing a R.A.C. fan fiction, bye!
Why would Kaden be into hiding for so long, I wonder!
My guess is that he was trying to find something like the diminsionator so he could round up the Lombaxes to repopulate the galaxy with them and take down any high-level threats with their advanced Lombax technology.
This is a great idea you have, one of the best I've seen so far!
When I see stuff like this it always gets me excited!
The lobmax dimension is where you fight tachyon in tools of destructions
Okay, let me get this straight. First, Tachyon invaid Fastoon, killing the hundreds of Lombaxes Ratchet's mother included, and Kaden sent all the Lombaxes to different dimension, came back too late to save his wife but be able to save Ratchet. After Kaden sent his son to Solona Galaxy, he flee from Fastoon with the Dimensionator and Tachyon behind him. Tachyon shot down Kaden and thought that he was dead. Kaden met and deal with the Smuggler to trade the Gyro Cycle with the ship. I'm gonna assume that Kaden hide the Dimensionator in some kind of the room where Max Apogee and Angela will soon discover it and went off somewhere.
Well, the majority of Lombaxes escaped, we can say a few including Kaden and his wife died. I believe he hid the dimensionator in that special room, which only a Lombax can open. How did Apogee get in, Angela ;) Question is, where is Kaden, is he really dead?
VTNVIVI That I do not know. He just went off without any traces and let Tachyon think that he killed him. If we happen to see Kaden right in front of our eyes in the next game this year (which I'm not certain if they'll do it or not), we would've spit whatever we're drinking right out of our mouths.
II have a interestin theorygto share with you: In the movie, Cora said that Ratchet had corrupt the space time. Think if she means the great clock. Alister said that if someone goes back in time, they will not remember nothing as had happened before p...
That was just a reference to a Crack in Time. How would they know if he disrupted the space time continuum, wouldn't we see this different universe?
If Kaden is alive all this time then how come he didn't look for Ratchet all these years. Do u know how long Ratchet was sad and depressed without parents to take care of. Ratchet need to do some catching up with father and son time. I don't know if he alive or not. He stayed behind to stop Tacion and he couldn't survived of his attacks without weapons. Tacion have the advantage to kill him. The reason why he sent Ratchet away because he is the chosen one that can hopefully defeat Tacion on his own and be the galaxy greatest hero because of that. Just like how Goku was raised to be earths greatest defender of all time even though he was a sayian on planet Vegeta that he was born before it got destroyed by Frieza. He didn't knew his real father until Vegeta told him and the origins of planet Vegeta to get to know where he actually came from. Goku know he was the hope of the universe and he was determined to defeat Frieza for what he did to innocent people across the galaxy. It's almost the same comparison to Ratchet but a bit different. Ratchet is almost compared to Goku how he went through without a father which is very sad.
Speaking of the Dimensionator... If the Dimensionator can find a race of Lombaxes, can it find Kaden? If Kaden was alive, the Dimensionator should see his current location. But since it gotten broken in Into the Nexus and the ending did show Clank taking it, it seems that Clank might be planning to fix the Dimensionator at one point.
If Clank did that, could it be possible that he'll used the Dimensionator to find Ratchet's Father?
ShadowDragon23: I say yes it could!!!
Well the dimensionator does send you to the location which you say out loud. As for Kaden specifically I don't think so. The dimensionator sends one to another dimension, that's its primary function. Saying find Kaden or find a Lombax, I think it'll just send Ratchet to their dimension or maybe not. It could send them to the dimension where Kaden is at. But, how would Kaden leave this dimension without it? He hid it, Apogee found it and relocated it.
VTNVIVI: I was saying that if Clank fixed the dimensionator, that Ratchet could use it to back the Lomboxes back to Fastoon since the cragmits are ancient history like in the story in the link:
I think that this story would make a good ending to the future games with an add in about A. Cross and Max Apogee. The story already has a General Cross in it!
I always wondered if most Lombaxes entered the portal to flee the dimension and Kaden had decided to stay behind to protect the Dimensionator why didn't he ask the rest of them to take care of his child? I doubt they'd refuse to protect an infant and take Ratchet with them. I'm assuming Kaden had found Ratchet before the portal closed as Alister said Kaden refused to find refuge in the Court to find his wife. Assuming the Lombaxes tried to defend their city and Fastoon before giving up, Kaden had enough time to get back home, find out his wife was dead and save Ratchet. So by the time the Lombaxes decided to use the Dimensionator Kaden _already_ had Ratchet. So why not send him directly to safety with the rest of his race? Maybe Kaden quickly sent Ratchet to Solana out of pure desperation, before he knew the Lombaxes had decided to flee the dimension? Who knows... What if Ratchet _did_ stay behind because Kaden had a special role for him? My heart stands still everytime I watch the cutscene with Ratchet asking questions to the IRIS. The despair in which he asks "Where did the Lombaxes go? Why did they leave me behind?" is heartbreaking. And he never, _ever_ gets and answer.
I think he was left behind for a _very_ specific purpose. Maybe it will be revealed in a future game? I don't know.
Sorry for the very long comment. I really felt like sharing. Great video! Please make more vids about the R&C lore. xD
The fact that Ratchet wasn't sent to the other dimension bothers me. Ratchet does have a purpose, something Tachyon had pointed out. But Clank told Ratchet his purpose was to be a hero the galaxy needs. I think Kaden went back to try and save his wife and son in the hopes of them not being apart. Kaden probably thought that Ratchet being raised without his mom would be too hard for him, I mean he could've still sent Ratchet to the other dimension, Kaden could've gone as well, you can take the dimensionator with you. Something tells me Kaden was injured, and thought he should sent Ratchet to Solana hoping that he would be the rising hero. If he is alive, where is he? Is he guiding him somehow? Why is he afraid to see his son? Glad you enjoyed the video and yes more will be coming!
That is a very good point you put out Vtnvivi Why didn't Kaden take Ratchet to the other dimension with the other lombaxes i mean he would have been safe with them there, But maybe he was hurt or couldn't make it all the way so he had to take Ratchet some where safe. But how did Kaden know Ratchet would be a hero? Uhh so many questions Insomince needs to give us more answers, like bring back T.J. Fixman he does know everything about the lombaxe stroy line it seems so bring him back.
Take a shot every time he says 'Kaden'
I can't move, too many shots send help.
“They went to school on vapedia”
Wait, isn’t that the Valkyrie colony? So the lombaxes were in good relations with the valkyries or something?
This would make an amazing game! Finding kaden! Bot will he be upset about azimuth!
Indeed he will, after what he tried to attempt with the Clock.
I hope Ratchet will find his father since his father gave him to Grimroth. I said that for the reboot version.
I wonder how Ratchet was raised in the original, especially now that we're continuing after Into The Nexus with Rift Apart.
@@VtnVivi Yeah, I hope Ratchet will find his father in a different dimension, neither he's alive... or dead... (Sniffed) Sorry. I can't help myself.😔
Didn't azimuth tell ratchet that kaden was the fist outsider to know about the clock? Maybe he thought that if orvuses son(clank) would be there, ratchet could help him and thats why he sent him away
This makes me think...
A small group of lombaxes alive in solana?
I think they all left except 3, the majority lived on Fastoon. As for others, maybe they got hunted down by Tachyon.
Ratchet not going with the other Lombaxes to their new dimension must have been caused by something that made it impossible. Not by decision of his father to stay behind because of some hero stuff. Doesn't make sense. Not only from the parent standpoint, as parent wouldn't want to part with his child for some self devised prophecy... But also from the standpoint that if they both left, they could just return in the future. It would be safer for Ratchet to grow up with the other Lombaxes and then go back with an army to attack Tachyon.
In fact, I don't get why Lombaxes never returned. They created the dimensionator. Why can't they create another one? Kind of weird they never returned for 17 or 18 years or for however long.
You bring up a good question.
rewatching some old videos to get me exited for rift apart maybe we get some questions answered ? we can only wait
If kaden is indeed alive and hiding, i would rip my hair out at the fact he hasn't yet gone out of his way to find his only son. It barely had made sense when Alister met ratchet and we realized they both had no idea the other existed/was alive, even despite the apparent fact Alister was a recluse and didn't go out much (which is a weird assumption im making anyways, since he seemed pretty adamant in being a rebel and accidentally make himself known as such... He definitely seemed to go out!). Alister still had technology available to him in torren iv (a radio for instance, or a television perhaps), so he should have at least heard of a young lombax wrecking havok all throughout the galaxies we've known thus far. What with defeating Drek, Nefarious, Vox, tachion... We see it in a crack in time itself, how up to date the radio hosts are, talking and theorizing about lombaxes and other current events and catastrophies. In my opinion, it is borderline comical how skillfully Alister missed any news about ratchet. And the same goes the other way around, with how much he likes watching tv and listening to the radio. How did he never hear about this seemingly super known lombax rebel, who even nefarious had known about? Sometimes i simply dare think its lousy writing, but then again, the guy in charge of this creative writing had a lot in his plate and had to try to tie it all together seamlessly, and it would have been unfair to ask of him a completely plot hole-free turn of events... At least thats what i think, but I digress.
Unless kaden locked himself inside a cave with no communication to the outside world, its unlikely he hasn't heard about ratchet, or even heard about Alister! He was his friend despite the horrible mistake he made, he could have gone after him to male peace, or cut his throat.
Unless of course he left for an even farther away galaxy where such news simply are irrelevant, in which case, why? Why purposefully drift even farther away from his ONLY son, one of the reasons why he didn't join the lombaxes?
There's another possibility, and that is that he is being held captive. Its unlikely, Because I can't think of anyone that would hold hatred towards the lombaxes more than tachion did, but it just occurred to me that maybe he has heard, and wants to go to him, but is UNABLE to in some way or another...
Anyway, great video Vivi, i super enjoyed it and made me think a whole lot!!
You do bring up very good points I have to admit! Thanks so much for watching and sharing!
@@VtnVivi if i had known you would literally see my 4 am sleep deprived rant i would have probably tried making a bit more sense LMFAO my shame.... but, nah, thanks to u vivi, keep up the good work, ur content is awesome :^)
so, where doea that name VTNVIVI come from?
VTN is my family name initials. Vivi is a nick name I came up with.
Doesn't one of the characters from Kingdom Hearts II have the same name?
VTNVIVI vivi you asked how old the chromsepter it is over 1000 years old
@@tabreezsiddique Final Fantasy IX ;)
Vivi, nice video, your theory videos are some of my favorites. I don't know if you'll read this comment, but there is a platformer called Psyconauts that is getting a sequel next year and it would be cool if you could create some news for it. You might not enjoy this game or you might not have any hype, but there is a HUGE devoted fanbase for it and you could get some attention by reporting it, there is a lot of news that is coming out too. Thanks and keep up the great vids!
Glad you enjoy them! I'm not familiar with the Psyconauts series but I appreciate the idea! And thank you.
I'm gonna say Kaden is alive. We could say Tachyon "so called destroyed him in a plane match, then Kaden crash landed, making Tachyon believe that Kaden died in the crash. But Kaden survived and then just lived his life under the radar from Tachyon. I hope in the future games, they go with something like that, and it could make up a story line that took place after Tools of Destruction where Kaden heard news of a Lombax killing Tachyon, and now he's looking for that Lombax to see if it's his Lombax is his long lost son, and then Kaden finally finds Ratchet, and then they set out for a journey to find the Lombaxes after the Dimensionator gets stolen or whatever happens. MAKE THIS HAPPEN INSOMNIAC!!!!!! I don't care what you do, just make it turn out that Kaden's alive and Ratchet can finally have a happy ending!
another thing: i listen to you video (6th minute). It is possible that Azimuth lies when he's on Lumos... but if the Ratchet's parents are still alive, they have not search to his son maybe because was Azimuth that send Ratchet to Solana and After this he say to Kaden that Ratchet was dead...and so Kaden trust in his Best Friend... but It is hard to think so, this could chance the Azimuth's character.
If Azimuth were the one who sent Ratchet, wouldn't he have looked for him this whole time? Alister was kicked out, I think Kaden was really the one who sent his son.
ever think that Lorna Cross and ratchet' s mother put both Angela and ratchet in some sort of life boat. however, somewhere in space ratchets pod got got... And he ends up alone in veldin
to conclude to this I think they should create an Angela Cross or Max Apogee game from. ratchet 2 to crank in time.
because I feel say there add Angela and drop her like that...
maybe mega Corp has something to do with with the lombax or help angela with some research into her history. And that why she knew something was up with fizzwigit
That I am wondering, we can say Ratchet and Angela were too young to remember each other. One ended up in Solana, and the other Bogon.
Spin-offs, prequels with Kaden and Azimuth is something Insomniac should definitely consider!!!!
What I don't understand is.. WHY is, if he's alive.. Kaden hiding?
Exactly what I'm thinking!!!!!!
I mean, my theory is that no R&C games (series continuations, not remakes) are going to release for a few years. After a few remakes release, though. I'm guessing some finale game may release
Personally, it doesn't make sense that Kaden would abandon his son, and call it helping. But classic twist here:
Kaden might of felt guilt, similar to Azimuth. The comment by +Shonen Jumpboy was that the plumber was sent to watch over Ratchet. This cannot be a coincidence, as Insomniac actually put emphasis on it at the end of game 3. So, Kaden, feeling bad about accidentally destroying the family, probably sent the Plumber, a possible friend of Kaden, to be sent to watch Ratchet. Kaden must of felt that "If I go back, he'll hate me forever." feeling. What I don't see is why Kaden would actually leave his son all alone forever like that.
Also the other comment you posted, and I'm taking this from another video you posted, there likely were other Lombaxes. It doesn't make sense that an entire race would be on a planet. Keep in mind that this is the future. Everyone has their own spaceships. So, Lombaxes probably are alive that didn't get back in time to leave.
But remember, that's just a theory. A GAME THEORY
oh Angela Cross is the biggest mistery of the Insomniac 😁. When i finished "a crack in time" (After hearding about Angela disappearing in the Max Apogee's ship), i started to suppose....
I believe that Angela was send into another Galaxy for 2 reason:
1: so Tachyon could not find the 2 baby in the same Place, and so this is harder for him.
2: Angela's mother is in another Place on the Planet Fastoon during the Attack and so she could not organise with Kaden for sending the 2 babies in the same Place.
IMPORTANT: i believe (and i want to see this in a possible sequel ti the re-imagining) that Angela could be RATCHET'S SISTER. it Will be EPIC!
Because we don't know the Name of Ratchet'mom and also we don't know the Ratchet's surname... in a possible re-imagining or also in a new game, if they put Angela again, i want to see that she is Ratchet's sister!
but that wouldn't make any since, I don't think ratchet's mother got married to another lombax and dumb him and then got with Kaden. And i do believe Ratchet's parents only had 1 baby, and that was probably Ratchet. Thou she could be his close relative, because Ratchet's mother was friends with maybe Angela's parents.
1. That could explain it I guess. Perhaps Lorna knew Ratchet was sent to Solana.
2. Then again, why did Lorna decide to stay behind and send her daughter to another galaxy? They could've both escaped.
Angela I believe is not related to Ratchet at all. Lorna simply married someone else and had Angela :)
from what you say on 02:30 Imagine Angela is Ratchet's older sister... I don,t want it!
So I have a question. You said in the Angela Cross video that female Lombaxes don't have tails, but in the newest game Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart, Rivet, the newest Lombax to the game series, has a bushy tail. Is she just someone using a hologeize pretending to be a Lombax or what?
Now that Rift Apart is a thing, I'd imagine Angela lost her tail like how Rivet lost her arm. Just my guess...
@@VtnVivi That is kinda what I was thinking too, but the news in the game has also stated that female Lombaxes do not have tails. Did they just say that because Lombaxes have not been around for a little while?
@@victoriaallen9443 They could go with the idea of assumption. Pepper Fairbanks could've assumed that female Lombaxes don't have tails, but she was wrong or misinformed.
Did Tachyon not say, "I took great pleasure in killing your father Lombax." The question is time. While I do think its odd writing, I do think the smuggler was talking about Kaden, yet how do we not know this meeting wasn't before the Lombax exodus? Also, Kaden did not have to take Ratchet to Solana personally, perhaps an old friend owed him a favor, or he payed someone his last bolt to take his son. While I do not like it the movie describes Ratchets arrival on Veldin as a crash when he was a baby, perhaps it was an automated escape pod.
The Plumber... I wouldn't be surprised.
@@VtnVivi Perhaps, yet I don't hope for it; I'm someone who thinks the plumber should have been left in the PS2 era.
One thing ratchet mom is named ria
the lombax aren't technical extinct right?
They aren't extinct, they still live in another dimension.
It is possible. If Kaden appears in Rifts Apart then that would be cool!
As in alternate Kaden or time travel? Or Kaden alive O_O
I wonder if the Plumber is Kaden wearing a hologuise. I personally don't think this is the case, but I thought it was an interesting theory.
If that were true, I wonder why he kept hiding from his son.
VTNVIVI Maybe Kaden was with Angela and Max Apogee on Jasindu...but that still doesn't explain why Kaden would not seek out his son.
what if smuggler bought the girosicle from Angela?
Angela was a baby at that time.
That, and the smuggler also said "he"
what if Cora's dad is takyon sorry if I spelled it wrong
and what if Cora will take over her dad and kills ratchet
Ok one question who’s Cora
I'm calling it now, Kaden's gonna appear in rift apart
If alternate, I can already imagine the look on Ratchet's face.
The plant of Valkyries inthe billnillous sector
When I play ratchet & clank 1 when I was little I thought veldin was his race homeland lol
I thought that too :)
Ivo Konstantinidis Same man
One of the best video games ever.
For sure!
VTNVIVI this is a really cool theory
Glad you think so!
Que alguien me lo traduzca al español porfavor gracias!
I ain't 80% of I didn't keep buying me the other linebacks and the multiverse plus his five game maybe the one bags girl of ratchet & clank will meet each other and sell the game until probably a preview of seeing a little casino scene her father or ratchet's father to be to be a good mean to each other but in a different dimension colleague meets his father and then soon enough they all team up to find to find a way to for wretched he can go see him or you know the portals if at another riff some of him somehow he could see him or talk to him saying I don't have my dad he's not in my timeline in the multiverse at least I have another one has a same concept another lumbax would I say I have another family in the multiverse
I have alot of questions and the lombax and ratchet finding his father and we don't know anything about ratchet mother, dude there is alot of thing that I want to said but u know
but maybe she could be alive
That is why I'd love IG to continue the future saga!
I think that Ratchet's father IS still alive because Alister Azimuth could be lying about his father's death... Kaden could still be alive for someday Ratchet would find him in the next Ratchet and Clank game... I agree to Flying V.
If Kaden were alive, I take it Azimuth thought he was dead.
Good theory Vivi. Unfortunately, it is impossible. At the end of Tools of Destruction, when Ratchets confronts Tachyon, Tachyon specifically said that he took great pleasure in destroying Kaden, i.e killing him.
yes but, vivi did say when tachyon shot the ship he may of thought he killed him
That's what he thinks dun dun dun. Judging by what the Smuggler said, it could be possible that Kaden survived. After all, Tachyon could've simply used that phrase to worry Ratchet just so he would lose focus.
VTNVIVI That could be a possibility, but the wiki states that Kaden is deceased. He sold the Smuggler the gyro gycle, before confronting Tachyon, where he was killed. But I could be wrong. Now is the question. If Kaden is alive, where is he? Maybe chilling on Pokitaru?
Also, Clank did say he had detected no lie in Tachyon's voice when he spoke about Kaden's demise. Then again, if he _thought_ he had killed him, he wasn't technically lying. :P
(I personally think Kaden's dead, just wanted to expand on the mystery!)
Well, the wiki is only going to say what's publically known, and most people accept Kaden is dead. Just like how some character's wiki will say "Alive" and then "Deceased" after a game comes out where they die, for example. So wiki could still be wrong.
Um... excuse me. Do i have a say in anything
Who does this reminds me of Order 66?
great video
kaden got the demenchenayter of tackeyon and then askaypt
If so, is he alive? Where is he?
It could be possible that kaden is still alive...Somewhere in a galaxy that Ratchet never explored before......Just which planet?
Could be!
Thanks for the suggestion :3 also i love your videos
He dead Vivi
Well we will never actually know :(
I mean who knows :P
I have awsome theory why kaden stay in this univarse with ratchet and he is the plumber if you want to hear it contact me on steam
Goris the deathclow profil pic deathclow with minigun
Him being the plumber is something I've quite a handful of times actually, it would be CRAZY O_O
Me theory lock like this
(Sory for any problems im from poland)
After activation the dimensionator and help escape lombaxes kaden go back to his family he ses the hom was alredy destroyed by tachion but he heard ratchet craing he find him but he know that 2 lombaxes cannot escape durning invasion so kaden sennd ratxhet to escape pod and send to other planet far away from tachion kaden stay on his home planet to help ramaining lombaxes that cannot meet with the frist grop thenafter kaden now evry lombax on planet escape or is dead he try to get of the planet becose he now thers any other lombaxes in univers that cannot escape but he was shoted and crashd he meet the smugler and give him holobicka for ship from this moment kaden travel true galaxy and help escape lombaxes
When ratchet was in bogon galaxy kaden was scherching for angela cros he now that she will be anther tachion target so he must act qicly so after the protopet was defeted he contackt her and tel her true about lombaxes she stay for some time in bogon galaxy but when tachion arived she imidently contact with kaden and go to mett with him when she escaping her ship was shoted and fall down then she mett adventerer and with his help angela mett with kaden.
He activate the dimensionator and hide him but first dameged on of parts so nobody can youse it then he go to find ratchet rest of thesteoy is told in futre saga of ratchet and clank
Play crack in time after credits lord volslon said I am your father to ratchet but then quick said something esle
Alumlovescake Accountant
yes but he said that because he changed his mind about letting ratchet know i play the game 4 times
still could be though
Alumlovescake iplayed thousands of times
Exactly, we don't even know if that is true.
what's a thoery? LOL, good thing you fixed that
i pooped my pants
Oh no :O
2016 was a better game then the old one
Your smart
You're too kind!
wow im so stupid i should now he was talking about kade omg Thank you explain better 😅😅😅😄😄
Thanks for watching!