Michelle Yeoh is undeniably incredible! I enjoy learning English with Austin. For one, I have learned a lot vocabulary and expressions through the article. Second I like the way Austin always try to perfect this channel by including the reading by native speaker, this is exactly what I want . You're awesome! 😊😊😊
Thanks for your compliment, Van. Glad it helps💓💓 and I'm thrilled to see everyone's feedback here, which makes me want to do more for my supporters. Thanks again, Van.🙏🙏🙏💗💗💗
Thanks a lot, Austin.☕️☕️🍺🍺
有被最後一句激勵到,不要放棄就有可能抓住機會,我會繼續學習英文。^O^ 預祝老師新年快樂!
新年快樂Sammy, 不放棄才是最困難的,一起努力💪💪
謝謝newnew大大 🙏🙏🤗🤗 💓💓
Thank you, Austin, that’s excellent article , thanks for your explanation and I am pound of Michelle Yeah . See you next film.
Same here, the whole Asia is proud of Michelle Yeoh🤗🤗 💓💓. Thanks Betty🙏🙏
Thank you Austin 👍👍👍
🙏🙏🙏 thank you Emily💗💗
Thank you so much, I learned a lot!
glad it helps🤓🤓🤓🤗🤗💓💓
🤗🤗🤗💗💗💗🙏🙏thanks a lot, hope it helps👍👍
Thank you Austin
thank you Kerry💗💗🤗🤗🙏🙏🙏
Michelle Yeoh is undeniably incredible!
I enjoy learning English with Austin. For one, I have learned a lot vocabulary and expressions through the article. Second I like the way Austin always try to perfect this channel by including the reading by native speaker, this is exactly what I want . You're awesome! 😊😊😊
Thanks for your compliment, Van. Glad it helps💓💓 and I'm thrilled to see everyone's feedback here, which makes me want to do more for my supporters. Thanks again, Van.🙏🙏🙏💗💗💗
Austin老師,“her victory still had the power to surprise and thrill an audience whom Hollywood recognition has long eluded.”這句子即使翻譯了感覺怪怪的,到底這句是什麼意思,要如何理解
儘管大家都覺得她最有可能獲獎 但她的得獎 讓底下這些長期一直無法理解好萊塢認同點的觀眾感到訝異
非常感謝老師的認真教學~~我好久沒來了………這陣子也一直在忙………感覺我英文也退步了……唉………真的不能隔太久聽英文啊! 想不到老師还請了外師來發音呢, 很棒!😊😊😊
沒關係啦 假日有空來補一下也好 學習英文不能荒廢阿 畢竟是慢慢累積起來的東西 可以利用忙碌的空檔學一些 加油啦fang💪💪💪💪💪💓💓
@@austinenglish 學習英文不能荒廢............嗚........感覺我很容易因為忙碌就會延後或是沒做某些事了.......真的是要督促自己.......所以今天下午都在聽英文及重聽老師的英文........對了跟老師分享一下,不知老師您看了沒........就是 這部電影,真的很好看啊,我己經二刷了,若老師還沒看的話真的很推薦您去看喔~~~🤗🤗🤗
@@fang6768 哈哈我好久沒進電影院看電影了 不過你說的這部我有聽過 謝謝分享阿 有機會我會去看看到底有多好看哈哈🤗🤗
繼續加油喔 學習每天一點點就好 堅持下去才是不容易的 我工作之餘每週要上兩部影片也是挺累 但就是習慣了時間一到就得作 是給自己及頻道觀眾的一個交代🤓🤓 一起加油喔🤜🤛💪💪💪💓💓
dominate (v.) 統治;佔優勢
dazzling (a.)炫目的:精彩的
trophy (n.) 獎盃;戰利品
comedy (m.) 喜劇
biased (a.) 有偏見的
Thank you Austin 👍👍👍
Thank you Claire, long time no see🤗🤗💓💓🙏🙏