Many times when I buy a bag, I consider whether it is worth it. If I buy a fake bag, I will be sad for a long time, so I buy the bag I like on *condup* , which is worth the money.
Great comparison video! I love that you show how it looks crossbody, shoulder, top handle and clutch. I wish they made the bag in a size between these two.
Buying luxury goods is a bit complicated for me, and I don’t want to spend so much money on them. This is why I like *condup* . I bought a classic bag on it, and I often carry it when I go out.
After watching your video, I was very inspired. I pay more attention to quality or materials rather than brand, so I bought a bag on *condup* . I was pleasantly surprised after receiving the goods.
After watching your video, the cost of some brand bags is really low, which I couldn’t accept, so I bought a bag on *condup* , and the result was unexpectedly good.
I have a *condup* . brown Speedy p9 and I love it, the size is great, the leather is so soft in the 25 and it doesn’t look too big as I prefer the 20… I love it so much I might buy another
Many times when I buy a bag, I consider whether it is worth it. If I buy a fake bag, I will be sad for a long time, so I buy the bag I like on *condup* , which is worth the money.
I bought a classic bag that I like very much on *condup* . It matches most of my clothes very well and has many good reviews, so I bought it with a skeptical attitude, and the result did not disappoint me.
I saw on toteme site that the t clutch has come out in a camel colour with gold hardware. Which one will you prefer? Camel or tan? I was confused on which one to buy. I like the small and light bags, cant carry heavy ones due to neck pain. I like the look of top handle but you made it easy for me to deicide and go for clutch version instead. Thank you for the useful video.
Hi dear, thank you for your comment. 💞 So the camel has the same leather as my black clutch and I like the soft and smooth leather on the TOTEME bag. The tan one has grainy leather and I like it less to be honest. So I would choose the camel with gold hardware in smooth leather 😉I hope it helped.
When I was 12 my mom took me to the LV on Bloor Street in Toronto. I had my fake LV from luxrul on my arm and thought I was cute. The sweet sales ladies let me try on a bag and a pair of heels knowing we were not wealthy and couldn't afford to purchase anything. It as really nice. No one seemed to care I had a fake bag and I felt special. They even gave me a paper shopping bag which I used as a lunch bag for weeks after! :) Who cares if people don't have real ones? I'm 30 now and ironically, although I can afford them I still prefer real people with fake bags than fake people with real bags. Just saying :) (not that everyone who carries a real one is bad or vice versa.) Just means I don't care if people carry fakes.
*condup* has a wide range of bag styles, which are very suitable for daily commuters like me. And the accessories on the bag are also very nice. You know, it really makes people happy to choose a beautiful bag.
Hey *hotdups* ! I have been following you for years and I am so proud of what you have accomplished! I love you so much! Thank you for making me happy.
I know wealthy women who carry replicas. The main reason they gave is that they just understand the value of money and don't want to spend too much money on bags... so more people choose fashionable*jklux* bags. However, they do spend a lot of money on fine jewelry and other things.
Ilia kvalito ne estas malsupera al tiuj grandaj luksaj varoj. La fortikeco kaj atento al detaloj rivalas kun la originalaj dezajnistsakoj kaj mi ne povas kredi kiom mi ?paris. ?i estas la perfekta akcesora?o por iu ajn moda knabino! Mi certas, ke mi rea?etos iujn aliajn stilojn kaj kolorojn ? #hqdupe por kongrui kun miaj vesta?oj kaj ?uoj!
*condup* ’s bags come in a variety of styles and textures. I picked out the style I like, so happy!
Many times when I buy a bag, I consider whether it is worth it. If I buy a fake bag, I will be sad for a long time, so I buy the bag I like on *condup* , which is worth the money.
Great comparison video! I love that you show how it looks crossbody, shoulder, top handle and clutch. I wish they made the bag in a size between these two.
Thank you for watching dear💞 I agree, I wish they made a size in between these two.
Buying luxury goods is a bit complicated for me, and I don’t want to spend so much money on them. This is why I like *condup* . I bought a classic bag on it, and I often carry it when I go out.
After watching your video, I was very inspired. I pay more attention to quality or materials rather than brand, so I bought a bag on *condup* . I was pleasantly surprised after receiving the goods.
HEY *xbagy* !! I have been watching you for years and im so proud of where you have made it! I love you so much! Also thanks for making my day.
I spent about $100 on a cross-body bag on *condup* and wear it every time I go out. It’s very beautiful and practical.
I love *yutulu*garden party tote! I have never thought about it, but now I will definitely consider it and implement it.
After watching your video, the cost of some brand bags is really low, which I couldn’t accept, so I bought a bag on *condup* , and the result was unexpectedly good.
I have a *condup* . brown Speedy p9 and I love it, the size is great, the leather is so soft in the 25 and it doesn’t look too big as I prefer the 20… I love it so much I might buy another
*jklux* just wanna tell you that you make my day with your videos. you have srsly helped me through not so happy times!!! thank you.
I know the perfect luxury seller *condup* and it shows up in my bag shopping cart every time.
Many times when I buy a bag, I consider whether it is worth it. If I buy a fake bag, I will be sad for a long time, so I buy the bag I like on *condup* , which is worth the money.
The place to be.. so in love with the *yutulu*
*yutulu* is your partner in young people’s fashion journey
Thank you for such detailed comparison ❤️
I am glad it was helpful. Thank you for watching 💞
This *hotdups* bag really caught my eye! It comes in two sizes. I love it in bold colors like orange or green. Or even black. It really fascinates me.
Oh that Pink *yutulu* bag
I bought a classic bag that I like very much on *condup* . It matches most of my clothes very well and has many good reviews, so I bought it with a skeptical attitude, and the result did not disappoint me.
When people say that the *hotdups* bag is the better choice, I totally agree!
I saw on toteme site that the t clutch has come out in a camel colour with gold hardware. Which one will you prefer? Camel or tan?
I was confused on which one to buy. I like the small and light bags, cant carry heavy ones due to neck pain. I like the look of top handle but you made it easy for me to deicide and go for clutch version instead. Thank you for the useful video.
Hi dear, thank you for your comment. 💞
So the camel has the same leather as my black clutch and I like the soft and smooth leather on the TOTEME bag. The tan one has grainy leather and I like it less to be honest. So I would choose the camel with gold hardware in smooth leather 😉I hope it helped.
New friend here sending may full suppor *xbagy* s bags!
I bought a classic bag on *condup* that I like very much. For me, it goes well with most of my clothes and meets my daily needs.
When I was 12 my mom took me to the LV on Bloor Street in Toronto. I had my fake LV from luxrul on my arm and thought I was cute. The sweet sales ladies let me try on a bag and a pair of heels knowing we were not wealthy and couldn't afford to purchase anything. It as really nice. No one seemed to care I had a fake bag and I felt special. They even gave me a paper shopping bag which I used as a lunch bag for weeks after! :) Who cares if people don't have real ones? I'm 30 now and ironically, although I can afford them I still prefer real people with fake bags than fake people with real bags. Just saying :) (not that everyone who carries a real one is bad or vice versa.) Just means I don't care if people carry fakes.
*condup* has a wide range of bag styles, which are very suitable for daily commuters like me. And the accessories on the bag are also very nice. You know, it really makes people happy to choose a beautiful bag.
Great video. Very helpful. Thank you .
Glad it was helpful 💞thank you for watching 😊
Hey *hotdups* ! I have been following you for years and I am so proud of what you have accomplished! I love you so much! Thank you for making me happy.
I know wealthy women who carry replicas. The main reason they gave is that they just understand the value of money and don't want to spend too much money on bags... so more people choose fashionable*jklux* bags. However, they do spend a lot of money on fine jewelry and other things.
I am interested
*jklux* Bolsa réplica 1:1 con imagen reflejada, resistente y resistente al desgaste. Me gusta mucho.
Hi babe,do you think it can fit macbook air 13” ? Thanks
I don’t think it will fit. 😉
Ilia kvalito ne estas malsupera al tiuj grandaj luksaj varoj. La fortikeco kaj atento al detaloj rivalas kun la originalaj dezajnistsakoj kaj mi ne povas kredi kiom mi ?paris. ?i estas la perfekta akcesora?o por iu ajn moda knabino! Mi certas, ke mi rea?etos iujn aliajn stilojn kaj kolorojn ? #hqdupe por kongrui kun miaj vesta?oj kaj ?uoj!