Bhagavad Geeta 07 | Ch13 V2 Shankara Bhasya; V7 Cultivating Kshanti (Forgiveness)
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 12 ธ.ค. 2024
- Bhagavad Geeta 07 | Ch13 V2 Shankara Bhasya; V7 Cultivating Kshanti (Forgiveness)
In response to the opponent (Poorva Pakshi), who questions the role of scriptures in Advaita Vedanta, (since in Adavaita Vedanta bondage is seen as mithya (illusory or unreal)), whereas in Dualistic schools of thought, both Bondage and Liberation are considered real. If Bondage is unreal, what would the scriptures be addressing?
Bhagavan Shankaracharya explains that bondage and liberation are not real states of the Atma.
-If bondage and liberation were real states, we would need to determine whether they are simultaneous or successive.
-Simultaneous States: If bondage and liberation were to exist simultaneously, it would be akin to wanting to walk and stand still at the same time-an impossibility, as these states are mutually contradictory.
-Successive States: If they were to occur one after the other, we must ask if they are caused or uncaused.
-Uncaused: If bondage is uncaused, it would be eternal, meaning liberation could never be achieved.
-Caused: If bondage has a cause, liberation would be temporary, dependent on that cause, which contradicts that liberation is eternal.
Moreover, if we try to determine the order of their occurrence, bondage would have to come first. This implies bondage is beginningless yet has an end, while liberation has a beginning but no end. This contradicts logic and is unsupported by any pramana (valid means of knowledge).
-Therefore, Bhagavan concludes, bondage is not a real state but a false notion, and scriptures serve to dispel this ignorance, guiding one toward the realization of the one's own true nature, which is ever-free.
-Bhagavan Shankaracharya explains that the injunctions of the scriptures/shastras are meant for those who are ignorant (Agyanis), not for a person of knowledge (Gyani). The opponent then raises an objection, asking whether the scriptural injunctions should apply to a Gyani in the same way they apply to a father and son. For example, if an instruction like performing Sandhyavandanam is given to the son, wouldn’t it also apply to the father, since both are part of the same family?
Bhagavan Shankaracharya Ji explains that Gyani sees himself beyond all cause and effects, and all conditionings, and desires and doesn't see himself any different from an Agyani, therefore he is free from all injunctions of the scriptures.
Scriptural injunctions are meant of those Dharmic people that have heard of the vows in the Shastras and have seen the efficacy of them, those that understand that they are jeevas, those that have strong desires, those that don't have clear Knowledge of the Truth yet, and those that are endowed with Faith.
Verse 7:
Cultivating Kshanti
The ability to forbear brings the quality of forgiveness.
The ability to not be revengeful even when someone has wronged us, is Kshanti
It is a very beautiful value for a Sadhaka, as it will save us from going into several things and wasting our time there.
Nov 9, 2024)
Br. Soham Chaitanya,
Resident spiritual teacher, Chinmaya Sandeepany San Jose