I used to run these and other models of Cat Dozier's........There is a another LEVER down by your seat Throw that one forward (down) and it will Stop the Wench and put Hyd. Fluid to the Blade on the dozier. That will Stop the Wench and put Power to the Blade to raise it Up & Down, Wes.
Brings back some fond memories. I spent some time running D6's, D7's and D8's. Your D7 probably has a leaver down by the seat that diverts hydraulic fluid to the winch OR the blade. If not, then there is a good chance to hydraulic fluid is low. My Fiat-Allis 7G has a separate hydraulic tank for the blade. I cannot remember for the D7. If the price was right then you did well!
Canadian viewer who grew up in logging town in Central British Columbia. Jake brakes, low beds and logging trucks were music to my ears, the purr of Cat motors, and the smell of diesel power! What fabulous memories. Hearing this D 7 Cat start brought it all back....thank you.
@@elonmust7470 Thanks for the reply. So true. The crescendo of a chainsaw going through a tree and that smell. The idling of a saw as it burps away, and the rise of revs as you pull the trigger.
@@elonmust7470 I never worked in logging but many family friends did. It provided great long term, well paying work, with massive spin offs to communities and manufacturers. I see that you are left with fond memories of your time in the industry.
Westen, so happy to see this. My dad, Hoot Gibson, had a cat like this in the 70s. I was always excited to ride on it with him. There wasn't much to hang on to. My husband pulled up this video and I immediately had to watch it. Thanks for bringing back some good memories for me.
Bro, I teach industrial arts in a rural high school. We watch your videos all the time, the kids wish you was their teacher! You are Creating excitement about being a tradesman!
I tend to think a "straight or not-straight" Mustang will be the least of Westen's problems when he gets that thing working right. He'll be tearing up a lot of real estate before he becomes a "Skilled Dozer Operator." He'll be scaring hell out of the neighbors!! Oh, this is gonna be fun to watch!! ;^)
When I was LOTS younger we used a couple of dozers in/on rock that ate up the under carriage fast. Fortunately there was an excellent welder down the road. He built up the rails 3/16" or so. Did the sprockets too. The rollers were replaced. He used extra hard rod. Worked well. You shall know when the rails & sprocket need attention, the tracks run out of adjustment. I have seen Cats pull started. Neat project!!
Man! Love you guy's enthusiasm, sense of humor and optimism! RARE quality in today's world to say the least. That said, THAT is what made me Subscribe ! Yinz keep up the great work !
3306 is one of the best workhorse engines Cat ever made. You’ll find it fitted in a multitude of Cat equipment from dozers and wheel loaders to excavators, articulated trucks and everything in between. Sweet little engine and very reliable. The 3304’s a good one too, but avoid the ones fitted with the Sleeve Metering fuel system as any water in the fuel will wear or seize the injection pump. 😉
My mom worked for Caterpillar for over 25 years, I grew up with them. I think they're the best. Made in America, made to be extremely durable and last. Thank you, you're awesome.
@@robertwebb539 same here....he had less than 500 when i found him i liked how he seems so happy about everything and has a decent joke for most everything....that silverado he swapped the motor in was a big factor in him gaining so many subs which is good because youtube needs more upbeat people like him
Nice rig put her to work Cats were designed to Work.. I rent a D6 occasionally up at my Ranch...Eastern Washington . Moves a lot of dirt.. Grease it..Grease it.... Grease it..Most failures are due to poor maintenance.. Have fun.. Nothing like a Cat Three Cross Ranch..Oohrah
Awesome! I just come across a D6 C series that hasn’t been run in about 15 yrs. It’s been sitting up under pines with a really good cab on it and engine covers along with the exhaust being covered. Oil looks new. Going to try and crank it up this Saturday. Super excited!
The steering brakes are locked together there is a switch pedal by your heal to separate them, just like a farm tractor. Oh and a full track job would be upwards of 30k$ labor included. The blade controls may have a safety lock on possibly a lever to the operators right hand around the shifter.
Defo needs all fluids and filters changed ,,,might need a new hydraulic pump or at least a service,,but saw no leaks,,,,also possible with the winch stuck on running it's taking all the power from the hydraulic pump not to sure though?
I agree. Heard the pump whining. And linkage on the left brake seems disconnected. I would make sure the final drives have 140 gear oil. If you run one of them dry, you might as well scrap it. It looks like the undercarriage was done not that many hours ago. Good find !
There's some seals, O-rings I believe, that dry out on the suction side of the pump that makes it take a while to prime. If the fluid level is ok, the hydraulics will likely have to prime each time you start it. Mine does that but after it primes, it's fine. I haven't dug into it but I think you have to drop the belly pans to work on it.
Just put a headset on a 1984 Cat D5B, cleaned out the oil cooler, replaced the water pump, changed the thermostat, changed the oil and filters, and may service the hydraulics also. Good luck with the D7....Lot more CLEARANCE for working on the D7.
@@getchasome6230 I'd be careful giving Westen any new ideas! Ya never know what'll turn up in his yard... but the good part is it'll end up on his TH-cam channel and we can burn up hours watching him messing about in the dirt!!! ;^)
You really scored a jewel with that undercarriage being redone recently. That's thousands of dollars worth of maintenance that has been done. Just turning the pins and bushings is expensive enough. Those look new, so you have both sides still left on them. The rails and rollers look like they were built up as well. Again, great score !
In the 1972 Use to work in a ranch in Imperial Valley , we drive those cats, also the ones that you started with gasoline then switch to diesel, is beautiful to remember by looking at you and your cat, nice , you got a new subscriber. And a like. Thank you.
@@joshuanorris5860 He only checked the engine oil and diesel fuel but failed to check the water in the rad and hydraulic fluid ( might be why the blade wont lift ) ! But the oil dipstick looked pretty black so a new filter and oil will be needed !
@@Justchuck69 i dont see that much leaking out of it while it was sitting. It moved and the winch worked. It could be needing a top up woth hydraulic but i doubt thats whats up with the blade.
Man you livin the Life dude I hope you know how lucky you are. Living out in the wide-open space like that getting to play around an old classic Cat I knew that Beast was going to start before you even asked you're a lucky man
The Cat logo seems to be recent (with the yellow triangle under the "A"). I think that logo was introduced circa 1991. When I worked on Cats, the logo was a "block C". Before attempting to start it, I would have checked for water (from condensation) in the fuel tank; there's a petcock under the tank for draining water.
Western its great to see your projects here in the uk ,we are all in full lockdown. Its great to see your love of the D7F i used to work for CAT here in the UK at the desford plant its one hell of a company to work for.love you man, keep up the great work.its such good fun to watch.
Fix up the dozer and make it fully functional Keep up the great videos. You are quite a character, very intelligent and extremely entertaining. Thank you for these great videos
More on the dozer! Assuming you checked the hydraulic oil tank, most likely low? Check the control rods for the track clutches. No, I'm not a dozer mechanic, just an old motorhead/gearhead common sensing it! Cool rescue!
The first dozer i ran was an old d6 with clutch controls like this. Those old fixed blades will push and give you a workout. The under carriage looks very good with low hours.
I love yalls videos yall are so damn cheerful just some good buds having fun fixing old stuff up I could watch yall fix a toilet and have a good time keep up the good work cats FTW waiting for the day yall fix up a semi
filters, fluids and grab a grease gun and lube everything. The underside looked really good, tracks are in great shape drive sprockets and chain look ok add some tension (grease)
I hired a guy to doze a factory landscape for me, he used this model cat to get it done. He worked 4 days at $100 per hour and man did I get my money's worth! I never saw that much work done in such a short time!
Great dozer, I have a wide track D4d from this era that I bought many many years ago. I bought it for two thousand dollars and it had all new undercarriage but the final drive was out on the right side. I had a guy put that in for me after scouting all over for parts, including some after market and that whole thing cost me another $5500. But this old dozer has been incredible. Last fall I got back to the farm and the dozer had not been started in 6 years and when I got the starter to turn over, there was corrosion in the starter, it fired right up and ran like it always did, i.e. real good. You got to love those old cat dozers from the 1970's, they are incredible, just be sure to have clean fluids and keep them topped up. Mine has glow plugs by the way. It looks like you have the same starter switch. On mine a few seconds to the left warms her up for easier start. Try not to use any either, it does them no good. Best of luck you are in the cat club. Now if you ever get a chance get a hold of an old 70's AutoCar truck with a Cummins and you will be in old junk heaven.
This is why I wouldn't miss one of your videos for nothing ! Now I had to ask myself who else would be able to get their hands on a piece of construction equipment ? And make a video on it both fun/ funny and exciting ! You took the cake on this one ! Keep up the good work !
Hey Westin. I've been farming most of my life..I know a little bit, about machines, like your dozer. My advice about your hydraulic problem, is to check, your fluid, and filters. She's a beauty. Have fun, it.
I've never driven any heavy equipment, but I'm fascinated by those that can work on engines and the like. My Dads father, Grandpa Wade drove dozers and graders from the 1940's to early 1960's in Florida. I really enjoy this channel and Westin, you're a hoot. Looking forward to following your channel.👍👍
currently 1am sat watching a video on a dozer that i have no complete interest in videos like this but im thoroughly enjoying this, TH-cam im watching more on the recommended pages from now on
Westen at the start of the video: "I've been told this thing hasn't started in 6 or 7 years!" Westen in the middle of the video: "This thing hasn't started in 7 or 8 years!" Westen when making the title for his video: "It hadn't started in 10 years!"
Theirs no way it hasnt moved in ten years the grass is cut under the machine. Also the tracks would of sunk a bit after sitting that long. Lastly it started too damn easy
i was worried about coolant, and hydraulic fluid the whole time. nice thing to be able to have use of. after it works , put it on ebay and sell it. Keep it and do work. Dont let it sit years doing zero work. It is really amazing it started that easy. so glad it didnt run away high rpms non stop on first fire up after a long time.
Old fuel and old filter? And it still started wow. I would have changed the water and oil first but you sound like you know what you are doing. I want one. Nice job!
Hey man love seeing what you do. Been over seas on rotation since January and being from Kansas makes it better to since I’m from Kansas as well and you doing all these projects reminds me of when I’m with my friends working on random projects. Thanks for laughs bud keep up the good work
I was amazed, and grinned real big when it started up, in seconds. The engine sounds beautiful, if that is the right word. I don't know what you gave for it, but the, very expensive to replace under carriage, looked real good, except the sprockets appeared to be a little worn, but not too bad, to me anyway. I hope you have good luck with the other issues. The fair little bit of dirt, that it moved, didn't even crack the governors.
Not really any point to it until you find out if it’s going to run. If it runs and operates, then go ahead and change fluids and filters. Why waste the money if it turns out to be junk? And besides that, Diesel fuel lasts a long time. As long as it doesn’t have water or algae growing in it, an engine will run just fine on 10 year old diesel fuel.
Yeah i dont think so. Because the hydralic tank on that baby is huge. I kinda have doubts that it leaked that much in storage. It would go through some as you use it of course.
The military just offered my fire department the identical dozer. I turned it down but after seeing this vid i may have to call them back on monday and see if it is still up for grabs.
Paused, I want to say no, I really want to say no. But you have been really lucky... I've been going back through all of your videos starting from the oldest, to the newest. And I'd say you have at least a 75% chance of it working. So I'm going to say yes.... Now here we go
What do you guys think of the dozer?
Make a killdozer
Best video yet, made me subscribe!
Better than a car video
I could use a piece of machinery like that on my property up here in maine
Hi Westen , I am a Grease Monkey for sum forty years now retired LOVE YOUR VIDEOS am 78 years old you make me VERY HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!
E Roberts That’s Awesome E. Roberts I hope you still tinker around with some stuff.
I used to run these and other models of Cat Dozier's........There is a another LEVER down by your seat Throw that one forward (down) and it will Stop the Wench and put Hyd. Fluid to the Blade on the dozier. That will Stop the Wench and put Power to the Blade to raise it Up & Down, Wes.
Hey westen, did that work? We gotta know.
Might be better to post under his pinned comment
@@archangelspythons yep
Do what this man said!!!
Those Hyster winches had a self contained oil system with it's own oil,had no connection to the main hyd system.
Brings back some fond memories. I spent some time running D6's, D7's and D8's. Your D7 probably has a leaver down by the seat that diverts hydraulic fluid to the winch OR the blade. If not, then there is a good chance to hydraulic fluid is low. My Fiat-Allis 7G has a separate hydraulic tank for the blade. I cannot remember for the D7. If the price was right then you did well!
Wow super informative, god bless.
Canadian viewer who grew up in logging town in Central British Columbia. Jake brakes, low beds and logging trucks were music to my ears, the purr of Cat motors, and the smell of diesel power! What fabulous memories. Hearing this D 7 Cat start brought it all back....thank you.
For me it's the sound of a chainsaw & that sweet 2 stroke smell.
@@elonmust7470 Thanks for the reply. So true. The crescendo of a chainsaw going through a tree and that smell. The idling of a saw as it burps away, and the rise of revs as you pull the trigger.
@@cdpgbc-mw2kz The boom of the tree hitting the deck! I cut timber for 15 years. Would still be doing it but family took priority.
@@elonmust7470 I never worked in logging but many family friends did. It provided great long term, well paying work, with massive spin offs to communities and manufacturers. I see that you are left with fond memories of your time in the industry.
TH-cam randomly showed this on my feed. Here I am at midnight on a Sunday watching a video about a 1970's bulldozer. WTF? LOL - It worked, I subbed.
TheChosen1 exactly the same
@@JD-xf2tn weird how they promote random TH-camrs id love to know the algorithm behind that
Same it’s 2 am Rn and saw it on my recommend why not 🤷♂️
Literally me lol
Word bro
Your pure excitement and positivity is what this world needs more of! Thanks for the video mate!
I didn’t wake up this morning and think I wanted to watch a video about a bulldozer, yet here I am and yet I am entertained
Lane Lakey same
Fucking facts
You my friend have discovered a gold mine!! I'm a Dozer man of 36 years and that F is a fine!!! Ole girl!!
I was a heavy equipment operator in the army. Love old style dozers like this, they're run to run
Westen, so happy to see this. My dad, Hoot Gibson, had a cat like this in the 70s. I was always excited to ride on it with him. There wasn't much to hang on to. My husband pulled up this video and I immediately had to watch it. Thanks for bringing back some good memories for me.
Gary Lucas hoot Gibson???? As in New Mexico Hoot Gibson, Janie gibson ????
Not specifically a bulldozer enthusiast, but I love watching equipment being brought back to life.
Bro, I teach industrial arts in a rural high school. We watch your videos all the time, the kids wish you was their teacher! You are Creating excitement about being a tradesman!
the kids wish you WERE their teacher
That thing will definitely straighten out frame on the mustang.
i was thinking the same thing LOL
Maybe, but mustangs are massive killing machines so idk
@@marksidorov9365 statistically GM sports cars have killed more people than Mustangs... somehow
And then bend it right round the opposite way. There's not much finesse to one of these. Power, yes, finesse, not so much...
I tend to think a "straight or not-straight" Mustang will be the least of Westen's problems when he gets that thing working right. He'll be tearing up a lot of real estate before he becomes a "Skilled Dozer Operator." He'll be scaring hell out of the neighbors!! Oh, this is gonna be fun to watch!! ;^)
When I was LOTS younger we used a couple of dozers in/on rock that ate up the under carriage fast.
Fortunately there was an excellent welder down the road. He built up the rails 3/16" or so. Did the sprockets too. The rollers were replaced. He used extra hard rod. Worked well. You shall know when the rails & sprocket need attention, the tracks run out of adjustment.
I have seen Cats pull started.
Neat project!!
Man! Love you guy's enthusiasm, sense of humor and optimism! RARE quality in today's world to say the least. That said, THAT is what made me Subscribe ! Yinz keep up the great work !
Friday... Almost midnight... Do I wanna see an old dozer ? Hell yes !!!
3306 is one of the best workhorse engines Cat ever made. You’ll find it fitted in a multitude of Cat equipment from dozers and wheel loaders to excavators, articulated trucks and everything in between. Sweet little engine and very reliable. The 3304’s a good one too, but avoid the ones fitted with the Sleeve Metering fuel system as any water in the fuel will wear or seize the injection pump. 😉
Bleed and top up the hydraulic system.Change all the filters, use fresh diesel.change engine oil and filter.
Robert Neild no
Add, check the final drives for oil.
@@HoosierHoosier Come up with a better answer. or STFU
Now here's a guy who knows what he's talking about.
HIS head is as thick as his ass !
Wow, a Dozer!! Love how positive Westen is. Too cool that it started so quickly. Can't wait to see the blade lifting. Great show. Have fun!! Love ya.
My mom worked for Caterpillar for over 25 years, I grew up with them. I think they're the best. Made in America, made to be extremely durable and last. Thank you, you're awesome.
Been here since 5k. Now you’re at 120,000+ subscribers. Amazing how much you’ve blown up. Keep doing what you’re doing Westen.
Same man it was a matter of months and he flew up
Same here. Love the videos!
Lol, I ran across him at 342 subs and joined after one video. This man is so down to earth he has just blown up.... keep it up Westen. Crazy good!
@@robertwebb539 same here....he had less than 500 when i found him i liked how he seems so happy about everything and has a decent joke for most everything....that silverado he swapped the motor in was a big factor in him gaining so many subs which is good because youtube needs more upbeat people like him
its been pretty crazy!!! Never expected but im sure glad it happened. thanks!
"Oh my gosh, this thing is heavier than my last girlfriend" hahahahahhaha
@Rico Suave lol😂
Nice rig put her to work Cats were designed to Work.. I rent a D6 occasionally up at my Ranch...Eastern Washington . Moves a lot of dirt.. Grease it..Grease it.... Grease it..Most failures are due to poor maintenance.. Have fun.. Nothing like a Cat
Three Cross Ranch..Oohrah
Geno Clemans hahahahah
Awesome! I just come across a D6 C series that hasn’t been run in about 15 yrs. It’s been sitting up under pines with a really good cab on it and engine covers along with the exhaust being covered. Oil looks new. Going to try and crank it up this Saturday. Super excited!
Both steering clutches are probably rusted and stuck, could be a big fix job .
The steering brakes are locked together there is a switch pedal by your heal to separate them, just like a farm tractor. Oh and a full track job would be upwards of 30k$ labor included. The blade controls may have a safety lock on possibly a lever to the operators right hand around the shifter.
Lol sometimes you get lucky and can knock em free by dragging it and hitting the brakes and clutches
I'm not even there and I was excited too. Reminded me of my days at grandpa's farm in the '50s.
Love those CATS.
Defo needs all fluids and filters changed ,,,might need a new hydraulic pump or at least a service,,but saw no leaks,,,,also possible with the winch stuck on running it's taking all the power from the hydraulic pump not to sure though?
Low hydraulic fluid is the likely cause of not being able to lift the blade.
I agree. Heard the pump whining. And linkage on the left brake seems disconnected. I would make sure the final drives have 140 gear oil. If you run one of them dry, you might as well scrap it. It looks like the undercarriage was done not that many hours ago. Good find !
Sucking air.
Dont let that hydraulic pump cavitat
There's some seals, O-rings I believe, that dry out on the suction side of the pump that makes it take a while to prime. If the fluid level is ok, the hydraulics will likely have to prime each time you start it. Mine does that but after it primes, it's fine. I haven't dug into it but I think you have to drop the belly pans to work on it.
Zaptor probably burned up
I never thought I’d be watching Luke Combs teach me about dozers at 2am
Average Joe lol
Average Joe true true😂😂
That's him hehr
Just put a headset on a 1984 Cat D5B, cleaned out the oil cooler, replaced the water pump, changed the thermostat, changed the oil and filters, and may service the hydraulics also. Good luck with the D7....Lot more CLEARANCE for working on the D7.
Heck yes!! I’m so excited to see videos about this dozer!! You should do a video on basic controls and such. I’m so pumped!
I think you should drive proudly into town on it for a beer run.
My Name is Gladiator steel tracks would destroy road
@@dantenee1190 He was kidding.
Will_. What hat makes no sense
Will _ not really
Will _ we’ve never risen dozers on asphalt steel track rips it up only places it won’t rip up is highway because it’s a lot thicker
Nothin like watching happy, well fed country folks.
Some TH-camr's get supercars, this guy gets a freaking bulldozer!
Next video: "we bought an excavator!!!!"
@@getchasome6230 I'd be careful giving Westen any new ideas! Ya never know what'll turn up in his yard... but the good part is it'll end up on his TH-cam channel and we can burn up hours watching him messing about in the dirt!!! ;^)
I work on a old D7 that had a gas pony motor starter and a cable lift blade simple and strong
You really scored a jewel with that undercarriage being redone recently. That's thousands of dollars worth of maintenance that has been done. Just turning the pins and bushings is expensive enough. Those look new, so you have both sides still left on them. The rails and rollers look like they were built up as well. Again, great score !
Steering clutches rusted together
There should be a 2 or 3 position lever next to your seat on the floor push it all the way forward for blade control
So how long is it going to take before that caterpillar engine finds itself inside of a truck?
My question exactly 😂😂😂
I say leave it and compound turbo the dozer hahaha
A pickup cant carry the weight of this engine.
@Searb reath I know man it was a joke
@@TheSoloAsylum No like a legit truck, a semi.
In the 1972 Use to work in a ranch in Imperial Valley , we drive those cats, also the ones that you started with gasoline then switch to diesel, is beautiful to remember by looking at you and your cat, nice , you got a new subscriber. And a like. Thank you.
I run a 1972 d8 and even though it's a lil rough is easily one of my favorite pieces of equipment to operate
I spent a lot of time on an 8H and LOVED every second of it!
Change all the fluids and filters in that D-7,before doing anything else.
Hmmmmm well.... I would change the filters. The fluids are fine tho. :p
@@joshuanorris5860 He only checked the engine oil and diesel fuel but failed to check the water in the rad and hydraulic fluid ( might be why the blade wont lift ) ! But the oil dipstick looked pretty black so a new filter and oil will be needed !
@@Justchuck69 i dont see that much leaking out of it while it was sitting. It moved and the winch worked. It could be needing a top up woth hydraulic but i doubt thats whats up with the blade.
@@Justchuck69 Oil in these things runs black in just a couple of days. But I would change it anyway.
@@joshuanorris5860 The winch is run off a maniacal PTO.
"how do i run this thing!" you're shaking hands with danger, hearin the roll of drums, and seeing the color of danger!
"Oh my gosh, this thing is heavier than my last girlfriend" hahahahahhaha
Man you livin the Life dude I hope you know how lucky you are. Living out in the wide-open space like that getting to play around an old classic Cat I knew that Beast was going to start before you even asked you're a lucky man
Two 1000a batteries wired in series to make 24v is not 2000a. It stays the same as the individual batteries. Only the voltage doubles.
As well as the power
I mean twice the voltage will pull twice the current through the same load. Look up ohms law and just imagine 1v can push 1amp through 1 ohm
@anonymous parallel what?
@@hemlocksalad5383 you're completely backwards. Current goes up as voltage goes down on the same load.
The Cat logo seems to be recent (with the yellow triangle under the "A"). I think that logo was introduced circa 1991. When I worked on Cats, the logo was a "block C". Before attempting to start it, I would have checked for water (from condensation) in the fuel tank; there's a petcock under the tank for draining water.
Find the other lever,stop power to winch and you will have power to blade,find op instr on line.
Congrats on getting the bulldozer going ! What's everyone's opinion on the first thing he should crush?
My ex's fancy new car...?
Hey its Stanley
The homes and businesses of those who wronged him
Western its great to see your projects here in the uk ,we are all in full lockdown. Its great to see your love of the D7F i used to work for CAT here in the UK at the desford plant its one hell of a company to work for.love you man, keep up the great work.its such good fun to watch.
Fix up the dozer and make it fully functional Keep up the great videos. You are quite a character, very intelligent and extremely entertaining. Thank you for these great videos
Cat uses an 8-D battery 2 of them on a D7 they are rated at 2500 cold cranking amps per battery.
I hope you charged the batteries.
More on the dozer! Assuming you checked the hydraulic oil tank, most likely low? Check the control rods for the track clutches. No, I'm not a dozer mechanic, just an old motorhead/gearhead common sensing it! Cool rescue!
The first dozer i ran was an old d6 with clutch controls like this. Those old fixed blades will push and give you a workout. The under carriage looks very good with low hours.
Hydraulic fluid change most likely water/moisture in it and needs full service as well.
Mines bigger. ;)
Wow i didn't expect to see you here!
Mines bigger than yours
That's what she said
That’s what he said
as the bishop said to the actress
"If you gotta ask how many Amps, then you don't need to know" lol! Uhh Westin.... I really do, cracked me up
Looks to be an 8D battery. Roughly around 1700 cranking amps. I work on some backup generators at work that take 4 wired in series to 24v
Are they 12v than? Or 6v?
@@joeglenn792 12v. 2 batteries wired in series to 24 then wired in parallel with the other 2
Saw this in FB and came over. Great video and it’s always nice to see people who know their stuff and love what they do. 👊I’m in...
I love yalls videos yall are so damn cheerful just some good buds having fun fixing old stuff up I could watch yall fix a toilet and have a good time keep up the good work cats FTW waiting for the day yall fix up a semi
I guess you never though to check the hydraulic oil!
whatr you doin here frank?
You look like a guy I worked with in Kentucky. Take that as a compliment, he's a damn good operator and mechanic.
D7F was plagued with transmission and torque converter issues. The D7E and D7G were the good ones.
filters, fluids and grab a grease gun and lube everything. The underside looked really good, tracks are in great shape drive sprockets and chain look ok add some tension (grease)
I hired a guy to doze a factory landscape for me, he used this model cat to get it done. He worked 4 days at $100 per hour and man did I get my money's worth! I never saw that much work done in such a short time!
Never did check hydrolic fluid. Prime it either. Stick may be loose or detached.
I was abt to state the same if he had checked and or replaced the hyd filters first thing he might have saved a few thousand dollars on hyd repair LOL
“We bought a dozer”
“Our beautiful yellow dozer”
That’s a Subscriber added to your list
Great dozer, I have a wide track D4d from this era that I bought many many years ago. I bought it for two thousand dollars and it had all new undercarriage but the final drive was out on the right side. I had a guy put that in for me after scouting all over for parts, including some after market and that whole thing cost me another $5500. But this old dozer has been incredible. Last fall I got back to the farm and the dozer had not been started in 6 years and when I got the starter to turn over, there was corrosion in the starter, it fired right up and ran like it always did, i.e. real good. You got to love those old cat dozers from the 1970's, they are incredible, just be sure to have clean fluids and keep them topped up. Mine has glow plugs by the way. It looks like you have the same starter switch. On mine a few seconds to the left warms her up for easier start. Try not to use any either, it does them no good. Best of luck you are in the cat club. Now if you ever get a chance get a hold of an old 70's AutoCar truck
with a Cummins and you will be in old junk heaven.
great find, just needs some TLC, and that's a lot of machine once you get things fixed.
This! This right here! This is what I’m talking about!
This is why I wouldn't miss one of your videos for nothing ! Now I had to ask myself who else would be able to get their hands
on a piece of construction equipment ? And make a video on it both fun/ funny and exciting ! You took the cake on this one !
Keep up the good work !
Hey Westin. I've been farming most of my life..I know a little bit, about machines, like your dozer. My advice about your hydraulic problem, is to check, your fluid, and filters. She's a beauty. Have fun, it.
Bulldozers and Tanks,two of Man's GREATEST creations!!!!!
I've never driven any heavy equipment, but I'm fascinated by those that can work on engines and the like. My Dads father, Grandpa Wade drove dozers and graders from the 1940's to early 1960's in Florida. I really enjoy this channel and Westin, you're a hoot. Looking forward to following your channel.👍👍
Actually in the fuel tank there's a dipstick attached to the screen unless both are missing it'll show you the percentage of the fuel
Uh-oh, I get the feeling that Bob is going to feel a little inadequate when this gets parked down by him
That things tiny compared to the stuff I’ve seen
currently 1am sat watching a video on a dozer that i have no complete interest in videos like this but im thoroughly enjoying this, TH-cam im watching more on the recommended pages from now on
I just watched my first dozer video and she is beautiful...thanks
Westen at the start of the video: "I've been told this thing hasn't started in 6 or 7 years!"
Westen in the middle of the video: "This thing hasn't started in 7 or 8 years!"
Westen when making the title for his video: "It hadn't started in 10 years!"
Theirs no way it hasnt moved in ten years the grass is cut under the machine. Also the tracks would of sunk a bit after sitting that long. Lastly it started too damn easy
@@pat318turbo3 in the beginning of the video, he said his cousin went and picked it up, so it hadn't been sitting there too long
That means it took Westen 2-3 years to make this video.
Pat 318 turbo didn’t you listen to him when he said that they used another dozer to load it on a trailer to move it down to where it is at now.
If it was that easy to start then they wouldn’t have gone through the trouble to “load and unload it on trailer using another dozer”. Just my opinion
i was worried about coolant, and hydraulic fluid the whole time. nice thing to be able to have use of. after it works , put it on ebay and sell it. Keep it and do work. Dont let it sit years doing zero work. It is really amazing it started that easy. so glad it didnt run away high rpms non stop on first fire up after a long time.
Old fuel and old filter? And it still started wow. I would have changed the water and oil first but you sound like you know what you are doing. I want one. Nice job!
Hey man love seeing what you do. Been over seas on rotation since January and being from Kansas makes it better to since I’m from Kansas as well and you doing all these projects reminds me of when I’m with my friends working on random projects. Thanks for laughs bud keep up the good work
Man you crack me up no matter what a crap day I'm having you make me laugh, keep it up.
A dozer is on my bucket list, for sure! I've only ever rode a D6C.
You silly Hill Billy.., you are what has made America great..! God bless you Bro..!
I was amazed, and grinned real big when it started up, in seconds. The engine sounds beautiful, if that is the right word. I don't know what you gave for it, but the, very expensive to replace under carriage, looked real good, except the sprockets appeared to be a little worn, but not too bad, to me anyway. I hope you have good luck with the other issues. The fair little bit of dirt, that it moved, didn't even crack the governors.
How much was the dozer? Suddenly figured out I need an old dozer too. Very inspiring.
Not really any point to it until you find out if it’s going to run. If it runs and operates, then go ahead and change fluids and filters. Why waste the money if it turns out to be junk? And besides that, Diesel fuel lasts a long time. As long as it doesn’t have water or algae growing in it, an engine will run just fine on 10 year old diesel fuel.
It's a cat it will run on cat piss
Started right up on the first pull. Engines were so much better made back then
Absolutely amazing video on the TW 30 Ford tractor. I used to run a TW 20 mfd. They're darn good tractors.
May not be the best place to store your tools on top of the batteries.
I guess you could call it a...shockingly bad idea.
may be not the way i would test a battery, or it may be a good way of warming the tools on a cold day. anyway is she still running?
how much are you calling cheap? i think it will run.....eventually!
Check your hydraulic oil. Check all the control linkage. Love the good attitude
Add hydraulic fluid is the most likely problem with the hydraulics.
Yeah i dont think so. Because the hydralic tank on that baby is huge. I kinda have doubts that it leaked that much in storage.
It would go through some as you use it of course.
Omg Garrett!!! IT RUNS!!! Hallelujah!! Love you guys!!
Get the winch working properly and a cup pile of gate blocks you can make one hell of a motor puller
"Optimistic Dozer" !? Lol!!! That's new country!!!
The military just offered my fire department the identical dozer. I turned it down but after seeing this vid i may have to call them back on monday and see if it is still up for grabs.
Well the fire department will be able to doze things. Sounds like a fun project.
I'm honestly not sure you know how mechanically gifted you are. Seriously impressed mate keep it up.
My father had a CAT and I tell you, getting at the clutches on those things is a nightmare..!!
Check the hydraulic fluid, also check out the valve switch for the doozer blade
Paused, I want to say no, I really want to say no. But you have been really lucky... I've been going back through all of your videos starting from the oldest, to the newest. And I'd say you have at least a 75% chance of it working. So I'm going to say yes.... Now here we go
Chance to drive a D12....wow...pushed over trees like weeds!!! Love cat, back when we put in I 80 90 northern Indiana around South bend...yea buddy
D12’s don’t exist