thank you for this i've been resting for 11 hours edited: it's been a year. i used this last week when i was reviewing for my exams. i'm not resting anymore folks i really studied for 11 hours!
Randomly popped up in my TH-cam recommended and I love it! Really helped me be more productive :D To everyone: Good luck studying for your exams/ tests and lets push on!!!
My solution is to study ahead of time, such as 3 weeks before and do about 5 hours each day with intervals of 5 minute breaks and go to bed on time still. And I also try to squeeze in 2 more hours in school during my spare time.
To everyone who's studying with this timer: Checklist: 1) A bottle of water, at least 1liter. Your brain works better if it has enough water and drinking helps you to concentrate💧 2)Your charger. You sometimes don't even notice that your device's battery is going down, so better have it plugged in all the time🔋 3)Your headphones. You will be able to focus more with headphones because it blocks background noises. Also, if it's a late night study session, you won't wake anyone up🎧 3) A tea or coffee. Coffee keeps you awake(I usaully prefer coffee), green or black tea can make you feel more awake as well.☕ 4) Your study/work stuff: your laptop/tablet/phone, a few pens, paper, or whatever you need.⌨ 5) Anything else you could need, what about a heating pad, keeping yourself warm all the time isn't bad! a blanket, a good lamp, your pet so you have a study buddy!!! 🐈 6) Remember you'll be hungry so grab some snack too! Reminder: After an hour, you should stand up and walk a bit around. Better stop the music or put on different music for the break. Open your window, even if it's cold outside. Fresh air will make it better, trust me. yup You could also lay your head down on your desk for ten minutes and listen to a podcast. Or, if you have to read a book, listen to the audiobook of it. You can also listen to the audiobook while doing another thing, that's even better than listening to music while reading the book. +plus dont overwork yourself! I hope y'all had a good day, if not, that's okay too. Remember to take care of yourself and try to get some sleep tonight ( This comment isn't originally mine, but I think it can help a lot of people :D )
This video helped me pass my exams and now I'm on my 2nd year of Medical Studies (I study in France) and aiming to become a cardiologist. Remember to rest, and thank you so much for this video !
I have 28 days to my exam and I will come and study here every day, let's get this thing done. Day1: 12 hours 44 min Day2: 12 hours 18 min Day3: 11 hours 23 min Day4: 10 hours 50 min Day5: 11 hours 26 min Day6: 10 hours 45 min Day6: 9 hours 36 min Day7: 10 hours 18 min Day8: 12 hours 24 min Day9: 7 hours 45 min 🤒 Day10: 8 hours 25 min Day11: 9 hours 43 min Day12: 10 hours 30 min Day13: 10 hours 53 min Day14: 10 hours 45 min Day15: 10 hours 15 min Day16: 6 hours 😬 Day17: 8 hours 35 min Day18: 8 hours 50 min Day19: 8 hours 30 min Day20: 9 hours 40 min Day21: 7 ours 25 min Day22: 6 hours 10 min Day23: 9 hours 35 min Day24: 8 hours 48 min Day25: 10 hours 32 min Day26: 9 hours 26 min Day27: 11 hours 45 min finished✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️ WAR IS OVERR
since I found this in the middle of the night, I'll try this later in the morning! I hope I'll also find myself productive tomorrow with my studies^^. Thank you
@@jeogiyonoonahogshinamjachi4759 I have finished 4 subjects and have 3 subjects left! I started at 8 this morning and I will continue my other subjects tomorrow ^•^. It's really helpful and I am happy cuz it's been a while when I found myself really productive! I hope to continue using this cuz it is really helping me a lot and I hope it is to everyone too!♡
@@The666Fuzz that's also what I expected I would do lol, but I set my alarm so that I can really start my day by waking up early, I'm surprised I woke up early this time😆♡
In 2 months i‘ll be taking my biggest exam that will determine my future and i‘ll finally graduate from highschool i want to pursue a career in medicine inshallah so i‘ll be using your videos🤞🏽🌺🤲🏼❤️
All the "rest" time stamps: 1:00:00 2:10:00 3:20:00 4:30:00 5:40:00 6:50:00 8:00:00 9:10:00 10:20:00 11:30:00 This way you can rest for 1 hour and 40 minutes and study nothing. You can thank me later
Hello~ guys😁 Thank you for watching this video and saying that it helps you a lot🙏🏻 I hope all you guys accomplish what you want❤️ Good luck👍🏻 안녕하세요 여러분~! 오랜만에 인사드립니다😃 그동안 활동을 못했었는데, 이렇게 많은 관심과 사랑주셔서 감사합니다🙏🏻 이 영상을 시청해주신 모든 분께 좋은 일만 가득했으면 좋겠습니다~! 감사합니다❤️ ------------------------------------------------------------- 안녕하세요 여러분~ 시험기간이 거의 끝나가는데요😱 남은 시간, 그리고 방학 때 공부 계획을 세우신 분들을 위해 10시간 공부 타이머⏱ + asmr☔️🔥을 만들어 보았습니다! 이 영상이 조금이라도 도움 되었으면 좋겠습니다❤️ 감사합니다💪👍
this is so useful! i have 9 days to study a book of 900 pages, but this is helping me be productive!! lets hope i pass after all. thank you for uploading! Edit: I passed!! :D Thank you all for the good wishes
this actually randomly appeared on my home page but im grateful for that. it’s so helpful for me who usuallu study for 11 hours+ and forgot to take breaks, then i always felt burn out. NOW because of this video, it reminds me to take breaks and get some rest. im a student preparing for Medical college admission exam. i hope i will get admit into the number one top Medical college in my country. keep me in your prayer.
this popped up on my recommended and i do not regret clicking it. i use it everyday with my friend and we take out 10 minute breaks together to just talk. it really helps me focus and get my work done :)
been studying for 12 hours at a stretch w this (i have my psych exam tomorrow😭) and this has helped me focus so much! helps me remain mindful of the amount of time i spend on every chapter
@@nepptune466 Yep! The exam I was appearing for while listening to this 4months ago went pretty well, and I used this even for my recent finals! That went pretty great too. I hope you ace your finals!
@@lilmint761 i usually watch ted-ed videos concerning the specific topic I'm studying :) and reading books written by the psychologists whose theories are in your syllabus can help you get a deeper understanding of their work so that you dont have to mug anything up. Use techniques like pomodoro and active recall to study! Best of luck for your entrance, I hope you ace it
I've been using this video to study and it helped me focus on my assignment!! I had concentration issues and was unable to work properly but now I'm more productive. Thanks a lot and good luck to everyone studying :3 Happy New Year!!
Timestamp (Just want\ed to comment something 🙃) 1. Study - 0:00 Rest - 1:00:00 2. Study - 1:10:00 Rest - 2:10:00 3. Study - 2:20:00 Rest - 3:20:00 4. Study - 3:30:00 Rest - 4:30:00 5. Study - 4:40:00 Rest - 5:40:00 6. Study - 5:50:00 Rest - 6:50:00 7. Study - 7:00:00 Rest - 8:00:00 8. Study - 8:10:00 Rest - 9:10:00 9. Study - 9:20:00 Rest - 10:20:00 10. Study - 10:30:00 Rest - 11:30:00 I hope this helps me do my school work more, ty in advance for whoever made the vid 🤗❤
Such a good timer. I can really use this for studying, coding, and much more. So now I will study more, be more independent, and develop good habits. Thanks, 하자Do and all the other people who inspired me so much. Thank you, everyone!
I'm on my first ten minute break in the vid and I wanted to take time thank you so much for this. This is definitely keeping me focused and on the right track when finishing assignment's
I was supposed to be studying but instead I opened TH-cam to find this and not gonna lie this helped a lot it encouraged me to study I don't know why lol but thanks for the creator of the video
Thank U for Watching this Vedeo ❤️I wish you achieve EVERYTHING you want👍🏻 There are other Videos like this📼 1. 🔥and ☔️ sound 2. 📖 and ✍️ sound 3. 💧and 🕊 sound
days ago أركان الإسلام الخمسة بالترتيب: 1) الشهادتان 2) إقامة الصلاة 3) إيتاء الزكاة 4) صوم رمضان 5) حج البيت لمن استطاع إليه سبيلا.. أركان الإيمان وهي: 1-الإيمان بالله 2-الإيمان بملائكته 3-الإيمان بكتبه 4-الإيمان برسله 5-الإيمان باليوم الآخر 6-الإيمان بالقدر خيره وشره شروط الصلاة وهي تسعة: 1_الإسلام 2_والعقل 3_والتمييز 4_ورفع الحدث 5_و إزالة النجاسة 6_وستر العورة 7_ودخول الوقت 8_واستقبال القبلة 9_والنية.. اركان الصلاة وهي أربعة عشر: 1-القيام مع القدرة 2_وتكبيرة الإحرام 3_وقراءة الفاتحة 4_والركوع 5_والاعتدال بعد الركوع 6_والسجود على الأعضاء السبعة 7 _والرفع منه 8_والجلسة بين السجدتين 9_والطمأنينة في جميع الأفعال 10_ والترتيب بين الأركان 11_والتشهد الأخير 12_ والجلوس له 13_والصلاة على النبي صل الله عليه وسلم 14_ والتسليمتان.. واجبات الصلاة وهي ثمانيه: 1_جميع التكبيرات غير تكبيرة الأحرام 2_وقول: سمع الله لمن حمده للإمام والمنفرد 3_وقول :ربنا ولك الحمد للكل 4- وقول: سبحان ربي العظيم في الركوع 5- وقول: سبحان ربي الأعلى في السجود 6_وقول : ربي اغفر لي، بين السجدتين 7_والتشهد الأول 8_والجلوس له.. بيان التشهد : وهوأن يقول : التحيات لله والصلوات والطيبات ، السلام عليك أيها النبي ورحمه الله وبركاته ، السلام علينا وعلى عباد الله الصالحين ، اشهد ان لا اله الا الله وحده لا شريك له وأشهد أن محمدا عبده ورسوله. ثم يصلي على النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ويبارك عليه فيقول : اللهم صل على محمد ، وعلى آل محمد ، كما صليت على إبراهيم وعلى آل إبراهيم ، إنك حميد مجيد ، وبارك على محمد وعلى آل محمد ، كما باركت على إبراهيم وعلى آل إبراهيم ، إنك حميد مجيد. ثم يستعيذ بالله في التشهد الأخير من عذاب جهنم ، ومن عذاب القبر ، ومن فتنة المحيا والممات؛، ومن فتنة المسيح الدجال ، ثم يتخير من الدعاء ماشاء ولاسيما المأثور من ذلك ومنه : اللهم أعني علي ذكرك وشكرك وحسن عبادتك ، اللهم إني ظلمت نفسي ظلما كثيرا ، ولايغفر الذنوب إلا أنت ، فاغفر لي مغفرة من عندك ، وارحمني إنك أنت الغفور الرحيم. مبطلات الصلاة وهي ثمانية: 1- الكلام العمد مع الذكر والعلم أما الناسي والجاهل فلا تبطل صلاته بذلك 2- الضحك 3- الأكل 4- الشرب 5- انكشاف العورة 6- الإنحراف الكثير عن جهة القبلة 7- العبث الكثير المتوالي في الصلاة 8- انتقاض الطهارة.. لابد من حفظ هذه الواجبات والشروط والسنن والأركان...والله ولي التوفيق اطلب من كل مسلم يتعلمها ويعلمها اهل بيته وجيرانه و
my finals is in two days and i am super stressed but this helped me a lot thank youu and if ur reading this and ur stressed too because of exams i think ur gonna do a really good job sending virtual hugs ♡
I litterally have my final exam tomorrow and i'm soo stressed, but I hope to do a good job, because I have tried so hard to get great marks in all my subjects! Anyway, how was your exam? Did you do good? I hope and think so
@@nepptune466 yes I did! I was stressed about forgetting things in the exam but that's just a feeling. I am sure you'll do an excellent job in your finals because you worked hard for it . thank you for asking
اللهم اني اسالك ان ترزق فرحة النجاح لكل طالب وتلميذ لكل سائل علم لكل مقدم على امتحان وهمه ان ينجح بقدراته لا ان يغش اللهم ارزقنا فرحة النجاح والتفوق لننل فخر والدينا ونجازيهم بابسط ما نملك الا وهو تعبنا علامتنا شهادتنا معدلنا اللهم اني اسالك ان ترشدني للاجابات الصحيحة وتدلني عليها اللهم ارزقني الطمأنينة واجعل قلبي مرتاح حيث اجيب على الاسئلة بكل ثقة ودقة اللهم لا تجعلني اتسرع باجاباتي فاخطأ او انسى سؤال او فرع دون اجابة اللهم سهله علي اللهم وفقني اللهم ارزقني تلك الفرحة التي لطالما رايتها في عيون تلامذة اكبر مني اللهم وفقهم في الجامعة ونجحهم كما وفقتهم في الثانوي اللهم اني اسالك معدل عالي وطريق ميسروسهل لاحقق حلمي وانال عملي الذي اريد فاصنع التغيير الذي لطالما حلمت به اللهم ارزقني خير ما كتب لي الله يا عليم يا خبير ارزقني طمأنينة في القلب وراحة بال اللهم اني استودعتك ما حفظت اللهم اني استودعتك نفسي اللهم اني استودعتك ما درست اللهم اني استودعتك ذاكرتي اللهم اني استودعتك عقلي الله اني استودعتك مستقبلي اللهم ارزقني نوما هانئا دون تفكير زائد وقلق متهالك مستمرطويل الامد اللهم اني وكلتك امري اللهم اني توكلت عليك فيا ربي وفقني ونجحني والحمد لك والشك لك حتى يبلغ الحمد منتهاه
@BRISA YARELI ESTRADA - ROBLES cada qué pasa una hora en el cronómetro te dan 10 minutos de descanso (para ir al baño, comer algún aperitivo, una pequeña siesta, etcétera) y después de que termina el tiempo vuelves al estudio de nuevo Espero y te haya servido mi explicación ☺️
day1: 5:09:55 day2 : 1:22:03 day3: 4:07:51 ( i know i should study more and pick up the pace but it's really hard🥲🥲) day4: 4:40:09 Day5: 10:19:30 i am proud of my self😭
woah wtf 10 hours how? i can onyl revise for 6 hours max on a good day, but on average i revise for 4-5 hours per day with my fully focus and attention bc i have my a levels coming up
@@justaracoonchillinginatoilet69 honestly 10 hours it's not that much since i dont have classes so the whole day for me to study and next week i have a very important exam and for the so little time that is left i tried using it . and i am kinda of failling since people that are in the same place as me have done more. so you can say that desperation to at least no be at bottom of the list and to also prove to my family that i can do it and i am not stupid.
as a 12th grader who has her finals coming up in a month,i study more than 12 hours a day but that was so unhealthy because i barely ate anything or got breaks in between my study sessions which caused me severe exhaustion and not to mention all the times when my head just stopped working because of all the pressures,revising,thousands of different formulas etc. but this has truly helped me more than i can express. those 10 minutes of breaks in between help me to calm down my head and take in more informations in the next hour. i just wanted to thank you so much for this,it is really helping me to focus more,i really need a great result and i will keep using this even after my finals for college entrance and all. TYSM
I watched this on my grade 12 before UNI exams and now I go to law school It helped me to pass those hard days with comfort feelings and not got stressed Now I'm watching this for my UNI exam...Thank you ❤❤❤
esto me sirve mucho, gracias TH-cam por agregar a este video en mi para ti, yo queriendo estudiar y tu queriendo que yo estudio muchas gracias, relaja demasiado y asi no me quedo dormida jijiji
I hope everyone who watches this video for learning or working will get a good result and hope you won't overwork yourself, have a healthy sleep A big love from Vietnam:33
it really helped me...i never thought i would able to study this long..... but yeah with the practice of 1 month today i finally sat for 11 hr straight thank you so much
I'm gonna have 2 harsh working months (November and December) with lots of assigments and exams, so I think I will use this and update my process to get motivation, thank you! 4/11: 2:53:37 5/11: 6:28:20 6/11: 7:34:32
Exactly 2 months left for my exams - I'll be writing here how much I studied! Day 1 - 8h 25 minutes (。•̀ᴗ-)✧ Day 2- 10h 33 minutes Day 3- 4h 46 minutes Day 4 - 6h 18 minutes Day 5- 7h 54 minutes Day 6- 9h 3 minutes Day 7 - 11h 04 minutes Day 8- 11h 2 minutes Day 9- 12h 7 minutes Day 10- 10h 2 minutes Day 11- 3 h 2 minutes Day 12 - 6h 24 minutes Day 13 - DAY OFF Day 14 - 6h 18minutes Day 15-8h 16 minutes Day 16- 7h 51 minutes Day 17- 5h 51 minutes .·´¯`(>▂
thank you for this i've been resting for 11 hours
edited: it's been a year. i used this last week when i was reviewing for my exams. i'm not resting anymore folks i really studied for 11 hours!
lol underrated comment
This comment deserves as much likes as the bald guy one
lol get out of here!
Randomly popped up in my TH-cam recommended and I love it! Really helped me be more productive :D
To everyone: Good luck studying for your exams/ tests and lets push on!!!
Same here 😅
But I´m so thankful, it really helps me to organize my study plan ❤
We're only on the 2nd day of our exam week haha hope everyone's doing well with their schoolworks!
thank you. to you too.
Ty good luck u too!
I use this one that helps me with my studies;
﴿رَّبَّنَا عَلَيْكَ تَوَكَّلْنَا وَإِلَيْكَ أَنَبْنَا وَإِلَيْكَ الْمَصِيرُ﴾.
بارك الله فيك وفي عائلتك وبارك الله فيك في كل ما تفعله وبارك الله في حياتك
for people who study for 11 hours :
Don't overwork yourself, and remember to sleep as well.
Hope you pass your exams or whatever you're doing!💖
nks bro
thanks god bless you😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
My solution is to study ahead of time, such as 3 weeks before and do about 5 hours each day with intervals of 5 minute breaks and go to bed on time still. And I also try to squeeze in 2 more hours in school during my spare time.
Sleep is huge
Aww that's so sweet, thanks
{لَا يُكَلِّفُ اللَّهُ نَفْسًا إِلَّا وُسْعَهَا}
شكرا لمثل تعليقاتك❤❤
صدق الله العلي العظيم
ارجو الدعاء لوالدي بالشفاء بدون زحمه
@@Idktbh-bro بشر ان شاء الله يكون تشافا
@@Tarig078 اي الحمدالله شكرا على سؤالك
وَكُلُّ سعيٍ سَيَجزي اللهُ ساعِيَهُ هَيهاتَ يَذهَبُ سعيَ المُحسِنينَ هَبا🩵🥹.
guys ive been studying for 11 hours ,this is sick
x2. I´m tired of this
oh my god... please make sure to eat, drink and go to the bathroom during all of this. sending love✨
@yo sólo amo a choi jinri y mitski miyawaki. I think that's why her name is Isabela Gentile LOL
@@IsabellaGentile +1
i study 12 h every day lol
"وَآخِرُ دَعْوَاهُمْ أَنِ الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِين"
I'm really happy that a lot of people like me, watch this and study for their exam. Good luck to everyone. YOU CAN DO IT!
❤I also have general exams after 55 days. Good luck
You too, good luck!
This is the latest comment I've seen so far, I also have an exam coming this week. Thank you and good luck!
well tomarowis my examm
To everyone who's studying with this timer:
1) A bottle of water, at least 1liter. Your brain works better if it has enough water and drinking helps you to concentrate💧
2)Your charger. You sometimes don't even notice that your device's battery is going down, so better have it plugged in all the time🔋
3)Your headphones. You will be able to focus more with headphones because it blocks background noises. Also, if it's a late night study session, you won't wake anyone up🎧
3) A tea or coffee. Coffee keeps you awake(I usaully prefer coffee), green or black tea can make you feel more awake as well.☕
4) Your study/work stuff: your laptop/tablet/phone, a few pens, paper, or whatever you need.⌨
5) Anything else you could need, what about a heating pad, keeping yourself warm all the time isn't bad! a blanket, a good lamp, your pet so you have a study buddy!!! 🐈
6) Remember you'll be hungry so grab some snack too!
Reminder: After an hour, you should stand up and walk a bit around. Better stop the music or put on different music for the break. Open your window, even if it's cold outside. Fresh air will make it better, trust me. yup
You could also lay your head down on your desk for ten minutes and listen to a podcast. Or, if you have to read a book, listen to the audiobook of it. You can also listen to the audiobook while doing another thing, that's even better than listening to music while reading the book.
+plus dont overwork yourself! I hope y'all had a good day, if not, that's okay too. Remember to take care of yourself and try to get some sleep tonight
( This comment isn't originally mine, but I think it can help a lot of people :D )
thank you so much for these tips it is gives me more motivation to work harder ❤
@@wwhinyouareajin5105 welcome !
Omgg thankyouuu !!
i agree to all of the above :) thanks for sharing this with us
@@胡詠瑄 hi
This video helped me pass my exams and now I'm on my 2nd year of Medical Studies (I study in France) and aiming to become a cardiologist.
Remember to rest, and thank you so much for this video !
did you study for the whole 11 hours? i know med school can be brutal
@@Type_Shyt he put it on loop 💀
Bravo !! 👏👏
@@theoldschoolwolf6345 no way bruh 😭
I have 28 days to my exam and I will come and study here every day, let's get this thing done.
Day1: 12 hours 44 min
Day2: 12 hours 18 min
Day3: 11 hours 23 min
Day4: 10 hours 50 min
Day5: 11 hours 26 min
Day6: 10 hours 45 min
Day6: 9 hours 36 min
Day7: 10 hours 18 min
Day8: 12 hours 24 min
Day9: 7 hours 45 min 🤒
Day10: 8 hours 25 min
Day11: 9 hours 43 min
Day12: 10 hours 30 min
Day13: 10 hours 53 min
Day14: 10 hours 45 min
Day15: 10 hours 15 min
Day16: 6 hours 😬
Day17: 8 hours 35 min
Day18: 8 hours 50 min
Day19: 8 hours 30 min
Day20: 9 hours 40 min
Day21: 7 ours 25 min
Day22: 6 hours 10 min
Day23: 9 hours 35 min
Day24: 8 hours 48 min
Day25: 10 hours 32 min
Day26: 9 hours 26 min
Day27: 11 hours 45 min
mashallah keep it up ✌❤🔥
@@rawan8829 thanks, let's work hard 👊
sry but i think u die with this shedule
mashallah whats your work
@@shahenhassan-l7f I am a senior high school student, I am preparing for the university entrance exam.
이거 노트북으로 켜놓고 아이패드로 공부하는데 이 동영상이 타이머 디자인도 그렇고 제일 깔끔한거같아요! 다른 분들은 장작소리가 살짝 아쉽다고 그러시는데 저는 개인적으로 장작소리가 은은하게(?) 타는 느낌이라 활활타오르는 장작소리보다 더 좋아욤 >_< 감사합니당
영상이 조금이나마 도움이 된 것 같아 저도 기쁘네요ㅎㅎ
자주 들어주시고 공부하시는 거, 꼭 성취하셨으면 합니다👍🏻
since I found this in the middle of the night, I'll try this later in the morning! I hope I'll also find myself productive tomorrow with my studies^^. Thank you
Same and good luck!
how is it going?
@@jeogiyonoonahogshinamjachi4759 i don't think he will do it xd people change after one night sleep
@@jeogiyonoonahogshinamjachi4759 I have finished 4 subjects and have 3 subjects left! I started at 8 this morning and I will continue my other subjects tomorrow ^•^. It's really helpful and I am happy cuz it's been a while when I found myself really productive! I hope to continue using this cuz it is really helping me a lot and I hope it is to everyone too!♡
@@The666Fuzz that's also what I expected I would do lol, but I set my alarm so that I can really start my day by waking up early, I'm surprised I woke up early this time😆♡
- للأبد ✨:
لا أؤمن بالحَظ . .
أؤمن أنَّ التوفيق مِن الله وحدهُ
وأنَّ سَعينا سَوف يُرىٰ
وأنَّ الله لا يُضيع عَمل عاملٍ مِنا
ويُجزينا الجَزاء الأوفىٰ .
In 2 months i‘ll be taking my biggest exam that will determine my future and i‘ll finally graduate from highschool i want to pursue a career in medicine inshallah so i‘ll be using your videos🤞🏽🌺🤲🏼❤️
good luck
Amin, thank you u too🙏🏼💕
How ur doing?
Rooting for your success
everyone : **talking about how they've been studying for hours**
meanwhile me : **studies for 5 minutes, gives up and then falls asleep**
that's me
how did you know my favorite thing?
Like i study 16 hours ehm ;-;
@@alissar_ HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHA AHHAHAHAHAH 🤣 count me in -.-
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا إِذَا قِيلَ لَكُمْ تَفَسَّحُوا فِي الْمَجَالِسِ فَافْسَحُوا يَفْسَحِ اللَّهُ لَكُمْ ۖ وَإِذَا قِيلَ انشُزُوا فَانشُزُوا يَرْفَعِ اللَّهُ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا مِنكُمْ وَالَّذِينَ أُوتُوا الْعِلْمَ دَرَجَاتٍ ۚ وَاللَّهُ بِمَا تَعْمَلُونَ خَبِيرٌ
YT's best recommendation, is like finding gold, thank you.
All the "rest" time stamps: 1:00:00 2:10:00 3:20:00 4:30:00 5:40:00 6:50:00 8:00:00 9:10:00 10:20:00 11:30:00
This way you can rest for 1 hour and 40 minutes and study nothing. You can thank me later
Thanks for the help
WTF lmao
love u))
@@Morgoth__Bauglir LMAO
Let’s gooooooo
جدمريح للاعصاب ويجعلك تدرس باسترخاء ❤
نعم ويرتب وقتك بالطريقة خيالية 💓💓
People saying thank you for the video:
Me after 20 minutes of studying: That's it. i am done with this shit and i am out.
tbh it's better to do 20mins of studying with a five min break. it's more sustainable and you don't set unattainable standards
@@user-ms2bl4gg7h yup TvT
only 20 i gave up in 2 min XD
@@breadfam9602 XD
Nah bruh I am using right now and I am commenting this while 10 min rest
Tysm!! It helped me a lot in having a productive day! Also, good luck everyone for their exams FIGHTING!! :)
Man, thank you, having a rough week because of school, hate it.
@@alexiagomezhidalgo4625 how was your week?? i hope you're doing alright now
I hope to pass my exams, tysm
@@wlcav Better now that I finished, how was yours? :)
this is like the only thing that’s made me study for hours god bless you
The algorithm knows me so well that it knows that I have to study and it shows me this video to help me, nobody has been so interested in me😭
This is how artificial intelligence expresses their love
@@sf9amena Very considerate
Yo, I'm interested. Hope you're doing well sis.
@@nawr494 it didn't worked and I only studied the first five days👍
i rest for an hour and study for 10 minutes, thanks!
why are you scrolling the comment section? Go study, now!
Why are you writing comment go study NOW
@@abhay22555 Why do you respond to it!? Go study now
@@user-my_incir ok mam on my way😅😁
@@abhay22555good 🌚😂
@@user-my_incir why you reply a reply,comeon I am seriously serious go to study NOW 🤣
I completed an assignment thanks to this!! and I honestly didn't know how 2 hours went by~~ this is actually so helpful!!
(وَمَا لَنَا أَلَّا نَتَوَكَّلَ عَلَى اللَّهِ وَقَدْ هَدَانَا سُبُلَنَا) 🩷!
توكلتو على الله
صورة حسابك حرام
the algorithm of YT is so good huh... this is such a good recommend vid. so far , im motivated to answer my schoolworks
No se como TH-cam me ha recomendado este video coreano pero me ha salvado la noche de estudio👍
A mi tambien, que bueno toparse con alguien q habla español xd
All nighter ?
@@vanshikagoswami1298 You are damn right
@@jontxunf7344 oooh , I am pulling an all nighter right now. Trying atleast.
@@vanshikagoswami1298 Hope you the best, good luck💪
حرفيا عدت فديو مرتين وبدون استراحه بس اخذت استراحه اكل وهسه راسي راح ينفجر بس لازم اكمل
@@qaisadnan9970اكيد 😂
الله يوفقكم 🌼
Hello~ guys😁
Thank you for watching this video and saying that it helps you a lot🙏🏻
I hope all you guys accomplish what you want❤️
Good luck👍🏻
안녕하세요 여러분~!
오랜만에 인사드립니다😃
그동안 활동을 못했었는데, 이렇게 많은 관심과 사랑주셔서 감사합니다🙏🏻
이 영상을 시청해주신 모든 분께 좋은 일만 가득했으면 좋겠습니다~!
안녕하세요 여러분~
시험기간이 거의 끝나가는데요😱 남은 시간, 그리고 방학 때 공부 계획을 세우신 분들을 위해 10시간 공부 타이머⏱ + asmr☔️🔥을 만들어 보았습니다!
이 영상이 조금이라도 도움 되었으면 좋겠습니다❤️ 감사합니다💪👍
얼른 돌아오세요!
@선샤인 댓글감사합니다^^ 갑자기 개인 사정이 생겨서 영상업로드가 늦어지고 있습니다ㅠ 이번주안에 올릴 예정이니 조금만 더 기다려주세요~ 감사해요♥♥♥
하자님 혹시 이 장작소리가 느무나 좋아서 그런데,, 출처나 하자님 출처이시면 업로드 해주실수 있을까요오??
안녕하세요 이지후님😄
죄송하게도 장작타는소리는 제가 어디서 구했는지 기억이 안납니다ㅠㅠ
제꺼 부분녹화하셔서 늘려들이셔야할것같습니다ㅠ
하자Do 아하 감사합니다
this is so useful! i have 9 days to study a book of 900 pages, but this is helping me be productive!! lets hope i pass after all. thank you for uploading!
Edit: I passed!! :D Thank you all for the good wishes
Don't forget to let us know if you passed or not! I'm curious :)
Wishing you the best! Good luck from England 🇬🇧
2 days to go let us know how it went
Good luck!!
Aight im entering this comment section to see if you passed it
this actually randomly appeared on my home page but im grateful for that. it’s so helpful for me who usuallu study for 11 hours+ and forgot to take breaks, then i always felt burn out. NOW because of this video, it reminds me to take breaks and get some rest. im a student preparing for Medical college admission exam. i hope i will get admit into the number one top Medical college in my country. keep me in your prayer.
which college did u get into??
اي كليه داخلت بليزززز
So youtube knows that my final exams are coming up.
I managed to finish 2 reports and a project in 5hrs...thank you so much!!!!! I feel so productive.
Hey, well done!!! Keep it up :)
لا تفكر بـ باچر
لا تفكر بـ الوزاري
فكر بس بـ يومك
حقق من يومك أستفادة 100% ومبروك عليك *المعدل*
إن شاء الله☹️🤲
عبالي بس اني طالب سادس هنا
سوال هذا فديو ساعتين لو 11 ساعه؟؟
@@BasmMasan 11 ساعة واضح.
@@Pleiades15 إن شاء الله.
this popped up on my recommended and i do not regret clicking it. i use it everyday with my friend and we take out 10 minute breaks together to just talk. it really helps me focus and get my work done :)
been studying for 12 hours at a stretch w this (i have my psych exam tomorrow😭) and this has helped me focus so much! helps me remain mindful of the amount of time i spend on every chapter
you're doing such a great job! i have my final exam tomorrow and i hope to do good. Anyway, how was your exam? Did you do a good job? I think so
@@nepptune466 Yep! The exam I was appearing for while listening to this 4months ago went pretty well, and I used this even for my recent finals! That went pretty great too. I hope you ace your finals!
hi! i have a psych exam for college entrance - can you recommend me some channels or books or anything that could help?
@@lilmint761 i usually watch ted-ed videos concerning the specific topic I'm studying :) and reading books written by the psychologists whose theories are in your syllabus can help you get a deeper understanding of their work so that you dont have to mug anything up. Use techniques like pomodoro and active recall to study! Best of luck for your entrance, I hope you ace it
ayo guys, pray for me too! I have my physics tmrw and I am not fully prepared!😮💨🥲
I am an Arab student. I loved this time to complete the lessons. I am an Arab from Iraq. Thank you for your help ❤
بشر شطلعت ؟؟؟
نجحت بمعدل 94 نعفيت من رابع وهسه اني خامس
@@suha-w3f ماشاء تبارك الله ربي يوفقك يارب ويوصلك الى ما تتوق اليه 🤍🤍
I've been using this video to study and it helped me focus on my assignment!! I had concentration issues and was unable to work properly but now I'm more productive. Thanks a lot and good luck to everyone studying :3
Happy New Year!!
Timestamp (Just want\ed to comment something 🙃)
1. Study - 0:00
Rest - 1:00:00
2. Study - 1:10:00
Rest - 2:10:00
3. Study - 2:20:00
Rest - 3:20:00
4. Study - 3:30:00
Rest - 4:30:00
5. Study - 4:40:00
Rest - 5:40:00
6. Study - 5:50:00
Rest - 6:50:00
7. Study - 7:00:00
Rest - 8:00:00
8. Study - 8:10:00
Rest - 9:10:00
9. Study - 9:20:00
Rest - 10:20:00
10. Study - 10:30:00
Rest - 11:30:00
I hope this helps me do my school work more, ty in advance for whoever made the vid 🤗❤
Thanks, this is a big help!
Great thanks! Now I can skip my breaks without any issues. :D
Such a good timer. I can really use this for studying, coding, and much more. So now I will study more, be more independent, and develop good habits. Thanks, 하자Do and all the other people who inspired me so much. Thank you, everyone!
I don't know how I got here but I had a very productive day, thank you very much :) by the way, love from Turkey.
as bayrakları assss
~1H 00:00:00
~2H 01:10:00
~3H 02:20:00
~4H 03:30:00
~5H 04:40:00
~6H 05:50:00
~7H 07:00:00
~8H 08:10:00
~9H 09:20:00
~10H 10:30:00
طالبه سادس اللهم استودعتك حلمي فحققهُ لي🤍✨👩⚕️
Believe here on the channel too.
مثلج 😂
اشوه لكيت عراقين 😭🥲💔
@@user-lonly_ 😂اي وعلي تحس نفسك غريب
@@opop-qp3jc بنين كافي تسخيت لو ترحين تقرين لو تغسلين مواعين 😒😒
지금까지 올라온 뽀모도로 영상 중에 가장 좋은 것 같아요 편집도 완전 깔끔하게 하셨고 장작 소리도 듣기 좋아요 언제 이걸 끝까지 볼 수 있을지는 모르겠지만 지우지 말아주세요 ㅠㅠㅠ !!
지우지 않을께요!ㅎㅎ
I'm on my first ten minute break in the vid and I wanted to take time thank you so much for this. This is definitely keeping me focused and on the right track when finishing assignment's
التعليقات عبارة عن طلاب السادس😂
رح ابدي ادرس واذا كملت ارجع اعلق
@@Pleiades15عادت سنه
been using this to start my semester strong and it's working! thank you for this video its literally a procrastinator killer
اجمل شيء في الفيديو هو صوت الحطب جميل جداً عندما ادرس واستمع الى هذا الصوت احس انني في مكان هادئ ولا يوجد شخص غيري والجو شتاء وبارد....動画主様ありがとうございます
I've been productive because of this.
اللهم شعور هذة الاية
(فَرِحِينَ بِمَا آتَاهُمُ اللَّهُ مِنْ فَضْلِهِ)🤍
이 영상 틀어 놓고 공부하면, 내가 얼마만큼 공부하였고 집중하였는지 바로 바로 확인할 수 있어서 너무 좋은 것 같아요 ㅎㅎ 저번 학기 시험기간 때부터 사용 한 것 같은데, 항상 유용하게 사용하고 있어요 감사합니다 !
طالب سادس مر من هنا
يدرس ادب والان في استراحة الساعة الثانية 😄
احنه كــــدها
نفسج قلبي بالتوفيق يارب
بشروا شطلعتوا؟؟🗿
معدل 88.7 صيدلة اهلية الحمدلله ❤🩹@@en.__.x237
@@ياربأيمانتنجحبمعدل99 ٨٨.٧
I was supposed to be studying but instead I opened TH-cam to find this and not gonna lie this helped a lot it encouraged me to study I don't know why lol but thanks for the creator of the video
Thank U for Watching this Vedeo
❤️I wish you achieve EVERYTHING you want👍🏻
There are other Videos like this📼
1. 🔥and ☔️ sound
2. 📖 and ✍️ sound
3. 💧and 🕊 sound
adorei, ficou perfeito. Obrigada!❤❤❤❤❤❤
광고 작작 넣어 ㅂㅅ들아
공부하다가 광고나와서 흐름끊길 때마다 개킹받는데 어떻게 하면 좋을까요
Can u stop putting advertisements??
@@dainkim739 use another video
thank you, rested for an hour and studied for 10 minutes. An absolute win!
days ago
أركان الإسلام الخمسة بالترتيب:
1) الشهادتان
2) إقامة الصلاة
3) إيتاء الزكاة
4) صوم رمضان
5) حج البيت لمن استطاع إليه سبيلا..
أركان الإيمان وهي:
1-الإيمان بالله
2-الإيمان بملائكته
3-الإيمان بكتبه
4-الإيمان برسله
5-الإيمان باليوم الآخر
6-الإيمان بالقدر خيره وشره
شروط الصلاة وهي تسعة:
4_ورفع الحدث
5_و إزالة النجاسة
6_وستر العورة
7_ودخول الوقت
8_واستقبال القبلة
اركان الصلاة وهي أربعة عشر:
1-القيام مع القدرة
2_وتكبيرة الإحرام
3_وقراءة الفاتحة
5_والاعتدال بعد الركوع
6_والسجود على الأعضاء السبعة
7 _والرفع منه
8_والجلسة بين السجدتين
9_والطمأنينة في جميع الأفعال
10_ والترتيب بين الأركان
11_والتشهد الأخير
12_ والجلوس له
13_والصلاة على النبي صل الله عليه وسلم
14_ والتسليمتان..
واجبات الصلاة وهي ثمانيه:
1_جميع التكبيرات غير تكبيرة الأحرام
2_وقول: سمع الله لمن حمده للإمام والمنفرد
3_وقول :ربنا ولك الحمد للكل
4- وقول: سبحان ربي العظيم في الركوع
5- وقول: سبحان ربي الأعلى في السجود
6_وقول : ربي اغفر لي، بين السجدتين
7_والتشهد الأول
8_والجلوس له..
بيان التشهد :
وهوأن يقول : التحيات لله والصلوات والطيبات ، السلام عليك أيها النبي ورحمه الله وبركاته ، السلام علينا وعلى عباد الله الصالحين ، اشهد ان لا اله الا الله وحده لا شريك له وأشهد أن محمدا عبده ورسوله. ثم يصلي على النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ويبارك عليه فيقول : اللهم صل على محمد ، وعلى آل محمد ، كما صليت على إبراهيم وعلى آل إبراهيم ، إنك حميد مجيد ، وبارك على محمد وعلى آل محمد ، كما باركت على إبراهيم وعلى آل إبراهيم ، إنك حميد مجيد. ثم يستعيذ بالله في التشهد الأخير من عذاب جهنم ، ومن عذاب القبر ، ومن فتنة المحيا والممات؛، ومن فتنة المسيح الدجال ، ثم يتخير من الدعاء ماشاء ولاسيما المأثور من ذلك ومنه : اللهم أعني علي ذكرك وشكرك وحسن عبادتك ، اللهم إني ظلمت نفسي ظلما كثيرا ، ولايغفر الذنوب إلا أنت ، فاغفر لي مغفرة من عندك ، وارحمني إنك أنت الغفور الرحيم.
مبطلات الصلاة وهي ثمانية:
1- الكلام العمد مع الذكر والعلم أما الناسي والجاهل فلا تبطل صلاته بذلك
2- الضحك
3- الأكل
4- الشرب
5- انكشاف العورة
6- الإنحراف الكثير عن جهة القبلة
7- العبث الكثير المتوالي في الصلاة
8- انتقاض الطهارة..
لابد من حفظ هذه الواجبات والشروط والسنن والأركان...والله ولي التوفيق
اطلب من كل مسلم
يتعلمها ويعلمها اهل بيته وجيرانه
ما شاء الله ربنا يبارك فيكي يا حبيبتي جزاكِ الله كل خير❤
my finals is in two days and i am super stressed but this helped me a lot thank youu
and if ur reading this and ur stressed too because of exams i think ur gonna do a really good job
sending virtual hugs ♡
I litterally have my final exam tomorrow and i'm soo stressed, but I hope to do a good job, because I have tried so hard to get great marks in all my subjects! Anyway, how was your exam? Did you do good? I hope and think so
@@nepptune466 yes I did! I was stressed about forgetting things in the exam but that's just a feeling. I am sure you'll do an excellent job in your finals because you worked hard for it . thank you for asking
I have exam tomorrow ...
r u guy's still following this??
이걸 잠잘떄 쓰는 우리 언니는 참,,,,,,,,,,,,.....:::::::
﴿وَأَنَّ سَعْيَهُ سَوْفَ يُرَى﴾
감사합니다. 저는 아랍인입니다. 그 시간이 놀랍도록 유익했습니다. ❤
اللهم اني اسالك ان ترزق فرحة النجاح لكل طالب وتلميذ لكل سائل علم لكل مقدم على امتحان وهمه ان ينجح بقدراته لا ان يغش اللهم ارزقنا فرحة النجاح والتفوق لننل فخر والدينا ونجازيهم بابسط ما نملك الا وهو تعبنا علامتنا شهادتنا معدلنا اللهم اني اسالك ان ترشدني للاجابات الصحيحة وتدلني عليها اللهم ارزقني الطمأنينة واجعل قلبي مرتاح حيث اجيب على الاسئلة بكل ثقة ودقة اللهم لا تجعلني اتسرع باجاباتي فاخطأ او انسى سؤال او فرع دون اجابة اللهم سهله علي اللهم وفقني اللهم ارزقني تلك الفرحة التي لطالما رايتها في عيون تلامذة اكبر مني اللهم وفقهم في الجامعة ونجحهم كما وفقتهم في الثانوي اللهم اني اسالك معدل عالي وطريق ميسروسهل لاحقق حلمي وانال عملي الذي اريد فاصنع التغيير الذي لطالما حلمت به اللهم ارزقني خير ما كتب لي الله يا عليم يا خبير ارزقني طمأنينة في القلب وراحة بال اللهم اني استودعتك ما حفظت اللهم اني استودعتك نفسي اللهم اني استودعتك ما درست اللهم اني استودعتك ذاكرتي اللهم اني استودعتك عقلي الله اني استودعتك مستقبلي اللهم ارزقني نوما هانئا دون تفكير زائد وقلق متهالك مستمرطويل الامد اللهم اني وكلتك امري اللهم اني توكلت عليك فيا ربي وفقني ونجحني والحمد لك والشك لك حتى يبلغ الحمد منتهاه
Este video de verdad me fue de mucha ayuda, me ayuda a concentrarme y poner mas atención a mis estudios. Gracias!
@BRISA YARELI ESTRADA - ROBLES cada qué pasa una hora en el cronómetro te dan 10 minutos de descanso (para ir al baño, comer algún aperitivo, una pequeña siesta, etcétera) y después de que termina el tiempo vuelves al estudio de nuevo
Espero y te haya servido mi explicación ☺️
@@grs6198 muy buena explicación gracias
الحمد لله كملته في نفس اليوم 🤍🤍 I Finished it in the same day
I just found this timer and I am so thankful... I hope I stay consistent and achieve A's in these modules I am taking during summer.
это видео появилось у меня в рекомендациях как раз когда я закончила учиться 👍
ну в плане на сегодня
@@omlet9334 хахахха, иди опять учись
@@СофіяГорпинич-х5к учусь
Woo qué relajante
TH-cam queriendo que yo estudié jijiji
올만에 공부하러 왔는ㄷㅔ... 이게 벌써 4년전꺼...ㅋㅋ
좋은 타이머 4년 후에 감사드립니다 ㅎㅋㅎㅋ
حبيت هاذا الفيديو لان يطلع الوقت وندرك شكد الوقت ثمين عدنه
#طالبه سادس يارب نخلص بمعدل يفرحنا🤍✨
اي والله هل شي كلش يفيد
@@abod3995 اي والله
انشاء الله💗💗
day1: 5:09:55
day2 : 1:22:03
day3: 4:07:51 ( i know i should study more and pick up the pace but it's really hard🥲🥲)
day4: 4:40:09
Day5: 10:19:30 i am proud of my self😭
woah wtf 10 hours how? i can onyl revise for 6 hours max on a good day, but on average i revise for 4-5 hours per day with my fully focus and attention bc i have my a levels coming up
@@justaracoonchillinginatoilet69 honestly 10 hours it's not that much since i dont have classes so the whole day for me to study and next week i have a very important exam and for the so little time that is left i tried using it . and i am kinda of failling since people that are in the same place as me have done more. so you can say that desperation to at least no be at bottom of the list and to also prove to my family that i can do it and i am not stupid.
@@justaracoonchillinginatoilet69I study for 11 hours 🤡
@@saga6208 lol same i did that yesterday for my a level today
سادس احيائي ادعولي الكم بالمثل يارب❤
﴿فَرِحِينَ بِمَا آتَاهُمُ اللَّهُ مِنْ فَضْلِهِ﴾
이거 진짜 너무 조흠 !
as a 12th grader who has her finals coming up in a month,i study more than 12 hours a day but that was so unhealthy because i barely ate anything or got breaks in between my study sessions which caused me severe exhaustion and not to mention all the times when my head just stopped working because of all the pressures,revising,thousands of different formulas etc. but this has truly helped me more than i can express. those 10 minutes of breaks in between help me to calm down my head and take in more informations in the next hour. i just wanted to thank you so much for this,it is really helping me to focus more,i really need a great result and i will keep using this even after my finals for college entrance and all. TYSM
aw that’s amazing i wish i could be like u
Thank you for making this video, which helps me a lot. Hope everyone gets a good grade on their test.
너무 좋아요! 공부시간도 부담되지 않고 딱이고 쉬는시간도 너무 길지 않아 집중력이 흐려지지 않네요!
최고예요! 앞으로도 이런 영상 많이많이 제작해 주세요! 감사합니다
앞으로 수능날까지 이거 들을게요 다들 파이팅
진짜 너무 좋아요ㅜㅜ절대 지우지 말아주세요 정말 감사합니다
안녕하세요 빈님😁
절대 지우지 않겠습니다👍🏻
제가 진짜 찾던 영상 이였는데 찾게 돼서 기쁘네요
또한 체계적으로 공부할 수 있도록 해주셔서 감사합니다. 좋은 주말 보내세요
구독 좋아요 꾹꾹 눌렀습니당.
I'm not using this video for studying but for working. It's helping me a lot.
If you're reading this, good luck with your exams ❤
شكرا ذلك شجعني الدرس وانجز دروسي
I watched this on my grade 12 before UNI exams and now I go to law school
It helped me to pass those hard days with comfort feelings and not got stressed
Now I'm watching this for my UNI exam...Thank you ❤❤❤
This is actually really nice, it helped me focus a lot, maybe I should start a bonfire and just burn all my tasks, same vibes.
왠지 모르게 집중력을 엄청 높여주네
yes 🙂
امتحان الرياضيات
الجلسة الاولى :العمليات على الاعداد المركبة ✅
esto me sirve mucho, gracias TH-cam por agregar a este video en mi para ti, yo queriendo estudiar y tu queriendo que yo estudio muchas
gracias, relaja demasiado y asi no me quedo dormida jijiji
I hope everyone who watches this video for learning or working will get a good result and hope you won't overwork yourself, have a healthy sleep
A big love from Vietnam:33
انا طالبة سادس من العراق 🇮🇶 (اخر مرحله قبل دخول الجامعه) اتمنا ان يكون معدلي يسمح ان يتم قبولي تقنيات بصريات في بغداد 💗🙏
كاعد ادرس مره ثانيه للكيماء
넘 조아요 공부하다가 띵! 하면 딱 스트레칭 할 수 있어서요 절대 지우지말고 시험까지 계속 갑시다~~
댓글 감사합니다~
자주자주 이용해주세요😍
اليوم الخامس ٢٩-١١-٢٠٢١
اللهم آتني في الدنيا حسنة وفي الآخرة حسنة 🤍.
it really helped me...i never thought i would able to study this long..... but yeah with the practice of 1 month today i finally sat for 11 hr straight thank you so much
I'm gonna have 2 harsh working months (November and December) with lots of assigments and exams, so I think I will use this and update my process to get motivation, thank you!
4/11: 2:53:37
5/11: 6:28:20
6/11: 7:34:32
저는 초등학생인데요! 이런 asmr이 있어서 공부가 정말 잘됩니다 앞으로도 이런영상 계속 만들어주세요!!!!!♡♡
힘이되는 응원 감사합니다~
Exactly 2 months left for my exams - I'll be writing here how much I studied!
Day 1 - 8h 25 minutes (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
Day 2- 10h 33 minutes
Day 3- 4h 46 minutes
Day 4 - 6h 18 minutes
Day 5- 7h 54 minutes
Day 6- 9h 3 minutes
Day 7 - 11h 04 minutes
Day 8- 11h 2 minutes
Day 9- 12h 7 minutes
Day 10- 10h 2 minutes
Day 11- 3 h 2 minutes
Day 12 - 6h 24 minutes
Day 13 - DAY OFF
Day 14 - 6h 18minutes
Day 15-8h 16 minutes
Day 16- 7h 51 minutes
Day 17- 5h 51 minutes .·´¯`(>▂
some of the time is off 12 hours avergly can get sleep deprived
@@vincently2k tbh I'm sleeping a lot , 8h + . I hate it anyway
wow you really are hard working!! may you get the best grades and everything you wish to achieve in life :D you got this
@@rgeor81 thank you :) needed these words 🥺
@@afiya_r how did it go?
Ok, this is exactly what I need for writing my book. Hopefully I can get it done soon thanks to you
what book is it?
is it done now ?
i want to read it... :D
let as know about your book update, im seriously curious & a book lover
انطلق وراء حلمك لا تجعله حلمًا بل واقعًا يعاش ،من قال أنك لا تستطيع؟
بل تستطيع أن تصنع مستحيلًا
ومن يقولها لك اصفعه باستطاعتك.
Thank you for 11 hours of fun 🥺🖤🦋