Miami Dolphins, San Francisco 49ers Brace For A "For The Love Of The Game" Showdown

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 14

  • @aaronmdjohnson1116
    @aaronmdjohnson1116 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

    Fin fan here and an every dayer. Thank you Kyle for all you do. It’s so hard to keep watching. This team sucks the joy out of football. I’m so sick of this team. So tired of being positive hoping for change.

  • @nmb5588
    @nmb5588 4 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +3

    Everytime its 49ers vs Dolphins, you know Marino thinks of his only Superbowl, which was a loss in '85. I still do. LOL

    • @UlisesS-t4l
      @UlisesS-t4l ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      A second string defense against Joe Montana and Roger Craig...that wasn't even fair. I recall that game well.

  • @dundeedolphin
    @dundeedolphin 3 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

    Re the Grier decision - let's talk about the impact of Ross's age. He's 84. What is his appetite for a front office rebuild that offers no greater certainty of success, beyond the almost certainty of delaying that success. We can analyse Grier's performance but, ultimately, this may be the #1 element in determining Grier's future in Miami.

    • @UlisesS-t4l
      @UlisesS-t4l 53 นาทีที่ผ่านมา

      I'm convinced that Ross makes so much money with the leasing of the stadium alone and from all the people of questionable sanity that still fill the seats on Sunday and buy merch, to care not if they win or lose. There will never be another Robbie family. Heck at this point I'm even missing Mr. Huizenga. Call me crazy, but Ross is not passionate about this's just another page in his portfolio.

    • @dundeedolphin
      @dundeedolphin 42 นาทีที่ผ่านมา

      @@UlisesS-t4l I think the evidence against that position is overwhelming. It is undoubtedly part of his calculation. But it is counter-indicated by many lf his actions.

  • @murphy7239
    @murphy7239 3 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2

    I wish Tyreek would retire! Fire Grier and Mcdaniel!

    • @dundeedolphin
      @dundeedolphin 3 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      I hear your pain. And feel it too. But breaking it down every three years is not the behaviour of a successful franchise. Does your professional life involve complex strategic decision-making? Success is a product of building, not destruction. 👍🏻
      P.S. Having said that, eff Grier. Get him out of there. 😂

    • @joeblog2672
      @joeblog2672 2 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      @@dundeedolphin I think McDaniel is the main problem not Grier. McD thinks he can run his coveted (ie: grossly overrated) Shannahan offense with the crap we have at the guard spots. Putting out this lateral dink and dunk offense into his third year with the club? Not nearly good enough IMO! Grier however, can hit a lot on getting the right players for the team. Problem with him is that he relied too much on who and what McD wanted and just went along with that. IDK whether he or McD drafted our last two horrific picks at CB (Igbohene and Cam Smith) but that has to change. Most of all Grier MUST get TWO punishing stud guards and maybe another tackle to turn our OL into a punishing, dominant OL. Robert Jones can compete for a backup role and Eichenberg has to find another league or career for himself. If Grier refuses to properly address the OL then he should get the boot as well.

    • @UlisesS-t4l
      @UlisesS-t4l ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      Grier has been a middle of the pack GM at best. The Dolphins are too legendary of an organization to settle for mediocrity. If he is retained...get ready for the sucking to continue. It's bad enough that we will be anchored down by Tyreek's & Tua's contracts for years to come. We don't need Grier making anymore genius roster decisions. For those afraid of tearing all down... That's like staying with a deadbeat spouse who drinks and beats you, for the sake of not having the children change schools mid year. C'mon man!

    • @dundeedolphin
      @dundeedolphin ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      @UlisesS-t4l if you had to make the case against this pov, what would it be?

    • @dundeedolphin
      @dundeedolphin 45 นาทีที่ผ่านมา

      @@joeblog2672 Respectfully, this thread is a microcosm of the challenging nature of underatanding the problem. In truth, none of us has nearly the required information to even have an informed opinion about something as obscure as GM performance, or about the complex inter-dependencies and responsibilities of GM and HC. And yet, right here, we have a "keep grier, shed McD" faction, a "shed grier, keep McD" faction, and a "blow it all up" faction", when none of us has any clue AT ALL. And, unfortunately, th3 picture is probably not much more clear from within the organisation.

  • @joeblog2672
    @joeblog2672 2 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

    NFL should be the NEL (National Ego League). It's gone brain dead as everyone tries to copy someone else instead of using their own common sense with the players they have to work with. Kyle Shannahan's offensive scheme sucks for Miami. I would be fine with seeing McD and Grier being 4th downed out the door. They have wasted this year on pathetic guard play that has killed our offensive foundation and sent Tua running out of the pocket and giving him no rhythm / chemistry. Even a health Austin Jackson could not have saved this line. Yet the brain trust duo was content to build upon last year with two guards as starters who CANNOT start in this league! Robert Jones at LG is a backup only. The less he plays the better for your team. Liam Eichenberg has tried. I'll give him that but this is not the league for him. Both players are useless against average defensive fronts and down right deplorable against the better fronts.
    Having seen Mike McDaniel for three years now, I don't think he is much of an upgrade over Adam Gase or Joe Philbin. I would be fine with going a new direction at this point. But if McD comes back next year., he MUST get a functioning OL to run his offense! Personally I would opt for a new HC who operates on a power type scheme. I'm sick of this sideways passing offense that relies on 80% YAC and 20% air. Grier I'd prefer being kept. I think he can get the players that his team needs although he should have pushed harder for better OL talent. So I guess I'm in a weird minority who wants McD out and Grier retained!

    • @UlisesS-t4l
      @UlisesS-t4l ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      If you are complaining about lack of offensive line talent and want to keep Grier...yeah, you are in a very rare, tiny majority. I will meet you Grier! and let the new GM assess and grade Mickey D's (along with the whole roster) and decide if he is the best fit for the organization. I doubt that any GM worth a dime would keep him as ahead coach. Just like Flores, Mc Daniel needed more seasoning as an assistant before being given a HC job. Leave it to the Dolphins to stubb their toe on the same stone multiple times!🤪