Out of the over 50 channels I am subscribed to, I definitely look forward to your videos the most! And I especially love the Along For The Ride Series. It makes me feel like I'm a part of your barn family. :D Whenever a new episode comes out, I always save it for the end of the day(if I can wait that long) so I can watch it with my earbuds in and just enjoy every minute. Thank you for being awesome at what you do!
Did anyone else notice that when Dom was hammering the first fence board on it was in time with the music ;)don't no why it was just a really satisfying :)
Hopefully one day you guys can comes to Australia and do a few clinics. You'd get a huge amount of people! I think doms going to end up with 3 cats... Congratulations Stephanie's, Mozart defiantly looks like the horse to take you through the levels 👍
I have an indoor and outdoor cat :) he comes in for meals about three or four times a day then is playing with his kitty friends the rest of e day, and of course comes inside at night.
Huh, I always thought your dog was a Saluki. He's beautiful, warts and all. I've always loved sighthounds with a feathery or wire-haired coat and now I'm going to be looking up long haired whippet breeders all day.
If you do get cats please make sure to spay and neuter them! Especially since they would be inside/outside cats, you wouldn't want unnecessary kitties everywhere!
I would have to agree with dom. Three cats isent really necessary haha. on the plus side, cats are relatively cheap to feed. But they aren't the most social things in the world and usually prefer their own place where they don't have to share so its not like it would affect them either way. Hope Vege gets better soon. Hes still beautiful (:
This is for Steph, I know where your coming from with the sale of your horse. I just recently traded my horse for a better suited home. It;s tough but you gotta know when it;s time to let go for their sake and for you to be able to grow too, glad you shared your story :)
As a sufferer of kyphosis, arthritis and ligament damage in my neck (I only have 2 vertebrae in my neck that work - the very top and very bottom), I can't tell you how important x-rays and physio/chiro is!! You will honestly regret it later on if you don't get it sorted - your neck is not something you want to mess around with!
Oh my goodness, I can relate to the immigration issues! My husband is from the UK and I am a US citizen and we've been married for three years. I want to emigrate to the UK to be with my husband, but, in order to do that he has to make a certain amount in order to support me. At the moment, we cannot even go forward and apply for the visa because of the requirement, so we have been toughing it out apart. In the meanwhile, I work on my riding and save up money in the US, and try to have at least month long visits back and forth.
I have a bad neck injury too that I got from a car accident I was in 2 years ago, I live in pain, but it's been a long process with doctors and medical bills, your neck is fragile part of your body so best to get it sorted. I Know how you feel Dom, it's not nice :(
im looking in to buying new horse would you tell me what I should look for im doing eventing im only 12 I need a good nice breed that will not take off or be to high strung
Most definitely a Quarter Horse. I would also recommend an Appendix Quarter horse to help you in Cross-Country and Show Jumping :) They're a Thoroughbred Quarter horse cross.
thoroughbreds are good, but they generally get quite high strung - or atleast have their hot days. and they are more on the expensive side as they require shooing every eight weeks, and sometimes extra supplements to keep them going through winter. if I was in your position I would buy a Clydesdale cross. perhaps a clyde cross thoroughbred? they make fantastic hunters and eventers. or something with a bit of quarter horse in it. goodluck (:
Thoroughbreds are great! I have one, but alot of the times they are very expensive to keep. They require more feed in winter, they often have bad feet so will require shoes or a hoof suppliment I can agree with clyde cross, they are great horses and they're very well built most of the time!
+Evention TV Can you please make a video on how to convince your parents to get you a horse... I've already done 100 riding lessons, and we defiantly have the money, time and space... but they just won't budge in changing there mind. Ive wanted a horse ever since I was little DD": Please Help!
+Chloe SnowFall 100+ riding lessons doesn't mean you can get a horse. You need to be at least riding for 1-2 years before you can even consider a horse. If you have the money, use it on lessons for a few more months and show your parents that your commited like joining pony-club or 4-H. And try leasing before getting a horse it gets you ready and you dton have to pay all the vet bills etc. Sometimes you do but it depends on barn/trainer.
+Raining Walrus here is some advice. help out at the barn as much as you can. plan out your routine like everything what time you tack up the time you ride. lease horse really put your time and effort into the horse. plan out the cost like vet bill, transport, tack, shows. absouloutly everything
I am looking at a horse to buy at the moment and she is 13.2hh and I am 5.7ft and weigh around 50kg am I too big for the horse. It's a solid horse btw.
No you're not. Ponies, particularly natives (if you're in the UK) are very good at carrying weight. My father is 6ft2, and used to ride a pony that we used to own, a 14.1hh Welsh Cob gelding, and he could easily carry him. I have seen adults riding Shetlands, galloping around on them. So you are fine. Just out of interest, what breed is she?
Olivia Florance OK. If she is 'sturdy', and is happy carrying you that is excellent. However, I would *really* get a experienced just to make sure you're ok to ride her, maybe your trainer or even a vet? Ask her current owners if they think you're ok too.
female cats I have found are better mousers and have a bigger hunt instinct as males tend to be lazier. Some males might be really voracious for hunting and mousing but I find it is harder to fnd. I prefer female cats over males, they bond faster and are more loyal than males hihi
Don't bother with the cat idea just let the dogs take care of the varmint controll my black lab takes care of everything from mice to muskrats so your dogs should be more than capable
yes i literally got so excited when i saw this was up!!!! never ever stop making them.
GallopAway lol even when they're old and rocking in their rocking chairs
I have three cats, and it is the best thing ever!
Had a blast at my clinic with Dom a few weeks ago in MO!!! He is a fantastic teacher!! He gave me a huge boost of confidence!!
Awesome video! I love this series 😃😃
I love how horse people spend practically half their lives forking horse poop, and Jimmie calls a litter box "sick" xD
yayyy!! hes coming to Canada!
Love evention!!
I LOVE Along for the ride eps!!!
love love love these videos!!!
Out of the over 50 channels I am subscribed to, I definitely look forward to your videos the most! And I especially love the Along For The Ride Series. It makes me feel like I'm a part of your barn family. :D Whenever a new episode comes out, I always save it for the end of the day(if I can wait that long) so I can watch it with my earbuds in and just enjoy every minute. Thank you for being awesome at what you do!
I love the Along For the Ride videos!
I really, really like this series! Please continue it!
IKR so cool!!! They should so do more
Love these videos!!
Yes i love along the ride episodes
i love these vids
i hope they do another one next week
Please please please come to South Africa !!!
Did anyone else notice that when Dom was hammering the first fence board on it was in time with the music ;)don't no why it was just a really satisfying :)
ikr I was jamming in my head xD
You're amazing both of you
I love how convincing Jimmie is with the cats 😂🐱🐱🐱
You guys are my OTP. #Jom5ever
You know it!!
I'm like jimmy when it comes to pets xx
I have to get all the animals x
I ♡♥♡ all ur videos :) :)
yes come to SA!
Hopefully one day you guys can comes to Australia and do a few clinics. You'd get a huge amount of people! I think doms going to end up with 3 cats... Congratulations Stephanie's, Mozart defiantly looks like the horse to take you through the levels 👍
Come to NC!!!
I live in Canada!:D
love these, but I hate the end of the video when i realize i have to wait 2 or 3 weeks for another.
"He's not like the typical man, at least he reads the directions" XD
Lol Dom's gonna get 3 caaaats!
Just think of that poor one that gets left behind thinking "why didn't they take me??? I'm so lonely"
Hi you are amazing!!!
South Africa!!!
Hoping they start making videos again soon 🙏🏻🐴
Cara Megan why’d they stop
Dear Evention could u please do a video on how to prepare the barn/ pasture for a new horse arriving. -Midnight dream.
I have an indoor and outdoor cat :) he comes in for meals about three or four times a day then is playing with his kitty friends the rest of e day, and of course comes inside at night.
Africa? wow!
.. Back to that MASSAGE...HAHA
Hey Dom I'm from Australia too
Me too 😀
Huh, I always thought your dog was a Saluki. He's beautiful, warts and all. I've always loved sighthounds with a feathery or wire-haired coat and now I'm going to be looking up long haired whippet breeders all day.
please please come to the uk to do clinics especially west yorkshire :D would love to learn to help bring my 4 yr old on xx
😸😸😸 Get all three kittens c:
I hope they get the trailer
If you do get cats please make sure to spay and neuter them! Especially since they would be inside/outside cats, you wouldn't want unnecessary kitties everywhere!
I would have to agree with dom. Three cats isent really necessary haha. on the plus side, cats are relatively cheap to feed. But they aren't the most social things in the world and usually prefer their own place where they don't have to share so its not like it would affect them either way. Hope Vege gets better soon. Hes still beautiful (:
come to perth aha
This is for Steph, I know where your coming from with the sale of your horse. I just recently traded my horse for a better suited home. It;s tough but you gotta know when it;s time to let go for their sake and for you to be able to grow too, glad you shared your story :)
As a sufferer of kyphosis, arthritis and ligament damage in my neck (I only have 2 vertebrae in my neck that work - the very top and very bottom), I can't tell you how important x-rays and physio/chiro is!!
You will honestly regret it later on if you don't get it sorted - your neck is not something you want to mess around with!
Oh my goodness, I can relate to the immigration issues! My husband is from the UK and I am a US citizen and we've been married for three years. I want to emigrate to the UK to be with my husband, but, in order to do that he has to make a certain amount in order to support me. At the moment, we cannot even go forward and apply for the visa because of the requirement, so we have been toughing it out apart. In the meanwhile, I work on my riding and save up money in the US, and try to have at least month long visits back and forth.
at least she being compassionate about the cats
Please let me know if you will be coming to SA (South Africa) :) Jo'burg doesn't have much Cross Country Facility's though :/
vegemites soooo cute at 6:45
I have a Roomba 😂
I fell off and I have a dis-located wrist. It's in a splint and a sling and it super hurts!!!
Please make more
I have a bad neck injury too that I got from a car accident I was in 2 years ago, I live in pain, but it's been a long process with doctors and medical bills, your neck is fragile part of your body so best to get it sorted. I Know how you feel Dom, it's not nice :(
What is the song in your introduction called??? I love it so much! It gets me excited to ride, lol
im looking in to buying new horse would you tell me what I should look for im doing eventing im only 12 I need a good nice breed that will not take off or be to high strung
Qh are fantastic! Or welshies! They are great all round horses!
yep i agree^^ definitely Quarter horses or welsh or perhaps a thoroughbred :)
Most definitely a Quarter Horse. I would also recommend an Appendix Quarter horse to help you in Cross-Country and Show Jumping :) They're a Thoroughbred Quarter horse cross.
thoroughbreds are good, but they generally get quite high strung - or atleast have their hot days. and they are more on the expensive side as they require shooing every eight weeks, and sometimes extra supplements to keep them going through winter. if I was in your position I would buy a Clydesdale cross. perhaps a clyde cross thoroughbred? they make fantastic hunters and eventers. or something with a bit of quarter horse in it. goodluck (:
Thoroughbreds are great! I have one, but alot of the times they are very expensive to keep. They require more feed in winter, they often have bad feet so will require shoes or a hoof suppliment
I can agree with clyde cross, they are great horses and they're very well built most of the time!
Fencing will be the death of me😑 (my family owns a boarding barn with 45 horses lol)
+Evention TV Can you please make a video on how to convince your parents to get you a horse... I've already done 100 riding lessons, and we defiantly have the money, time and space... but they just won't budge in changing there mind. Ive wanted a horse ever since I was little DD": Please Help!
+Chloe SnowFall 100+ riding lessons doesn't mean you can get a horse. You need to be at least riding for 1-2 years before you can even consider a horse. If you have the money, use it on lessons for a few more months and show your parents that your commited like joining pony-club or 4-H. And try leasing before getting a horse it gets you ready and you dton have to pay all the vet bills etc. Sometimes you do but it depends on barn/trainer.
+Raining Walrus here is some advice. help out at the barn as much as you can. plan out your routine like everything what time you tack up the time you ride. lease horse really put your time and effort into the horse. plan out the cost like vet bill, transport, tack, shows. absouloutly everything
Great idea I think they should make a video about that
Haha I could use that advice I have been rising for 10 years and loan two horses but my parents won't get me my own
+Raining Walrus horses are hella expensive and take a lot of time and effort. Not that easy babe
If you don't mind me asking, how many horses do you guys have right now?
Just a suggestion. Get a heavier hammer for your fencing repairs. Three four hammer swings each nail instead of 30-35 😬
I am looking at a horse to buy at the moment and she is 13.2hh and I am 5.7ft and weigh around 50kg am I too big for the horse. It's a solid horse btw.
No you're not. Ponies, particularly natives (if you're in the UK) are very good at carrying weight. My father is 6ft2, and used to ride a pony that we used to own, a 14.1hh Welsh Cob gelding, and he could easily carry him. I have seen adults riding Shetlands, galloping around on them. So you are fine. Just out of interest, what breed is she?
Um the add says that she is a roan mare and no I am in australia.
Olivia Florance OK. If she is 'sturdy', and is happy carrying you that is excellent.
However, I would *really* get a experienced just to make sure you're ok to ride her, maybe your trainer or even a vet? Ask her current owners if they think you're ok too.
Separateping the cats are fine
You can always put makeup on it
what kind of dog is rege?
Vegemite is a long haired whippet
Find a chiropractor who is licensed in A.R.T. (Active Release Therapy) Does wonders too, Good Luck.
I'm surprised no one said don't go to Africa it has Ebola oh no don don don
Are you guys located in PA?
nether do i jimmy 3 cat no big deal!
Are Dom and Jimmie married?
Come on Dom, three little kittens aren't gonna hurt.
Like sure i don't like cats much
Haha did anyone else hear sexual assault instead of circular saw at 4:35?
Bwahahahah I did
its really sad, that you sold doose, but you she had to move on, she has to go to the higher levels, xx
Wow selling your horse for a better one.. :( poor horse..
female cats I have found are better mousers and have a bigger hunt instinct as males tend to be lazier. Some males might be really voracious for hunting and mousing but I find it is harder to fnd. I prefer female cats over males, they bond faster and are more loyal than males hihi
Don't bother with the cat idea just let the dogs take care of the varmint controll my black lab takes care of everything from mice to muskrats so your dogs should be more than capable