7:32 How did I know it'd be Sero lmao 20:48 Okayu recognizes the power of Hololive's strongest tsukkomi 23:21 Extremely blessed Mio laugh This was a hilarious one as always, I always love when Towa shows just how much she finds toilet humor hilarious. Thanks for the subs!
Hiya dude, thanks for the TL. Do you have a chronological playlist up? I dont remember a dome episode or I might just be forgetting. Or did you timeskipped it?
So, the Raft playlist that's on the channel _is_ in chronological order, and they found the dome on the previous episode, technically. I wasn't intending for this to be a series at first, so I didn't include the stuff that's at the beginning of this video on that episode. Hope that made sense 😅
Great content although the channel name is a bit miss leading should be vtuber chunks lmao. Ether way thanks for the hard work. I really liked this video. One of my favorites is still the Subaru titan fall
And we're all caught up! Remember to subscribe to the 常MOS members so you can catch their next Raft stream, whenever that is😅
See you around!
And barely 12 days later they stream raft
This series has been a blast so far. Hopefully they don't take another 5 month break. Thanks a lot!
Hanta Sero finally had some love
7:32 How did I know it'd be Sero lmao
20:48 Okayu recognizes the power of Hololive's strongest tsukkomi
23:21 Extremely blessed Mio laugh
This was a hilarious one as always, I always love when Towa shows just how much she finds toilet humor hilarious.
Thanks for the subs!
One of the most blessed Mio laughs.
Holy shit it’s a giga episode LETS GOOOOOOO!!
It feels like yesterday when i watch this series from your channel, thanks again for translating the stream
18:07 they're so immature with this sign all the time lmfao.they jus like me fr
thank you for all your hard work 🙏
this series convinced me to get the game and play with friends
Nice! Have a good one!
thanks for the clip 🫡
Okayu really seems to like toilet humor lmao
Also, did we just witness the end of the farty-poopy war?
Turns out, everyone poops 🤷♂️
wooooOoooooooo top tier clip again!
Really loves the series😂❤❤ tq tq
Love these movies!
Your dedication into this series is really amazing!
Thanks you for you hardworking for this whole time!
more cute tsunemos raft moments!
23:17 piece: gymnopedie
Okayu is just ruthless to subaru lol.
22:17 - 22:46 I died laughing 😂
"I'm just good at sitting down"
All the people who watched the short of her just sitting down: You don't say.
Thanks again👍, hearing Subaru talking about Yu-Gi-oh always reminds me that I'm not done watching Zexal yet.
Hiya dude, thanks for the TL. Do you have a chronological playlist up? I dont remember a dome episode or I might just be forgetting. Or did you timeskipped it?
So, the Raft playlist that's on the channel _is_ in chronological order, and they found the dome on the previous episode, technically. I wasn't intending for this to be a series at first, so I didn't include the stuff that's at the beginning of this video on that episode.
Hope that made sense 😅
Great content although the channel name is a bit miss leading should be vtuber chunks lmao.
Ether way thanks for the hard work. I really liked this video.
One of my favorites is still the Subaru titan fall
can't find the video on the five month earlier clip
can you paste the link?