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[UNCUT] The Loyal Pin ปิ่นภักดิ์ EP.16 (5/5)
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.พ. 2025
- หากใคร่รักย่อมได้รักจนปักจิต
ติดตามรับชม ปิ่นภักดิ์ ได้ทุกคืนวันอาทิตย์ เวลา 22.15 ทาง ช่อง Workpoint หมายเลข 23 เริ่มตอนแรก 4 สิงหาคมนี้ และสามารถรับชมย้อนหลังแบบ UNCUT ได้ฟรีทาง TH-cam : IDOLFACTORY OFFICIAL
You can watch The Loyal Pin every Sunday night at 10:15 PM ICT on WorkpointTV, starting 1st episode on August 4th and you can watch reruns of UNCUT for free on TH-cam: IDOLFACTORY OFFICIAL.
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นักแสดงนำ (Main role)
เบ็คกี้ - รีเบคก้า แพทรีเซีย อาร์มสตรอง รับบท ท่านหญิงอนิลภัทร
Instagram : / beccca
Twitter : / angelssbecky
ฟรีน -สโรชา จันทร์กิมฮะ รับบท คุณหญิงปิลันธิตา
Instagram : / srchafreen
Twitter : / srchafreen
ติดต่อโฆษณา : sale@idolfactory.studio
/ @idolfactory
#Beckysangels #srchafreen
#TheLoyalPin #ปิ่นภักดิ์
Finally a series where the characters are not homophobic but more inked in the tradition of marrying a princess to a prince. And it feels really good that a series breaks the codes thanks to all the actors and to freen and becky
Finally I feel so honored to watch it..❤🥰
@@inevitably_gifted ❤
Freenbeck fueron divinas al interpreta a las princesas anil y pin éxito siempre princesas freenbeck ❤
@The best Thai couple. I hope they will always be together to play and as a couple 👍❤️
Me dieron ganas de ver gap the serie nuevamente 😊😅❤
I have to say thank you from Canada for The Loyal Pin! I am 48 years old and when I was Becky or Freen’s age there was hardly any lesbian content. To think that the world got to watch a princess fall in love with a lady, and have all the romance over 16 episodes, the young woman in me is blown away. To have a GL show exist, where women loving women is the main storyline still makes me giggle and feel such gratitude. Thank you for all your hard work, the amazing production, writing, and acting and everything that created such a beautiful show. ❤
Gran verdad.....que bueno..para nuestra generación que fue tan maltratada😢...
same. I am in my early 40s. oh yes I used to watch WLW shows but the western ones and alwaysssss alwayss one of the partners will die, or they get married, or not cannon, or whatever but not be together...hahahaha... Thai GL Series is the best! and they set a standard in many aspects.
Tocaya 48 too
Thanks to all Characters FreenBecky,The channel and Admen especially the writers to Shown Us This Series and Hoping more Chapter's Coming ❤❤❤❤❤
Another fellow Canadian 🫠🫠🫠🫠
The Loyal Pin will forever hold a place in my heart. This truly portrayed how hard a woman struggled with their rights. It’s easy to form an opinion in a privileged reality. I thank all the women that had to undergo humiliation and hardship but stayed true to themselves and to what they loved the most. Anin and Pins love is a lesson for all of us in this present .How important it is to communicate with each other and be openly to each other’s vulnerability.
Love is respectful,understanding,consistency but most importantly a safe home. I was so immersed in a society where this world has lost its meaning to it and misused the word a lot .Thank you Freen and Becky for embodying these characters and giving me hope that there is still this type of love in today’s world.
I sincerely thank the channel and the entire team that made this production possible, it has been fascinating to have enjoyed such wonderful work. My respects and great admiration for Freen and Becky, I wish you all the success in the world and that you always stay together in every project they are involved in as well as in that beautiful friendship that unites them. A huge greeting full of love from a distance, from my beautiful Colombia 🇨🇴 congratulations.
This series is going to be my unforgettable ❤
May we all find a love like this 🙏🫶🥹♥️
When Prik told "you're already a family of 3.".we're crying ❤
Que final tan hermoso definitivamente valió la pena la espera de cada capitulo, la historia de amor de AnilPin es muy preciosa, estoy agradecida de que hayan sido Freenbecky quienes le hayan dado vida a los personajes de Anil y Pin porque su actuación fue maravillosa, me hizo sentir que estaba siendo espectadora de una historia real y lo más importante es el mensaje que nos deja esta bonita historia de amor, el amor siempre vence al final, no importa las dificultades que se puedan presentar cuando dos personas se aman de verdad nada ni nadie podrá separarlas. Gracias Freenbecky por regalarnos otra historia de amor tan bonita como esta, siempre las estaré apoyando y espero que logren mucho éxito en todo lo que se propongan, Freenbecky ustedes se merecen lo mejor del mundo.
🇧🇷😭🧡A mi me gusta sus palabras, me encantó ese GL...No tengo palabras para explicar... Las chicas estuvieron maravillosas, radiantes en este último episodio. 🧡😭🇧🇷
Me encantó todo de la serie y me hizo llorar de lo hermosa que es😿❤️🩹
Hermoso final, pero a mi me quedo la duda quien era el amor del que hablo el príncipe Anan?
the last flashback really did something to my heart, it makes me remember all the silly memories and emotions that i went through while watching the series. thank you to freen and becky for bringing anin and pin to live, they were the perfect cast for this character! i find it amazing how freenbecky literally played anin and pin in different ages - from innocent teenagers to fully grown-up adults. i also had fun watching while seeing everyone's comment on the scene, even though we are all from different places it felt like we were together watching it side by side. i hope to see you guys again in the next series cranium, love freenbecky and y'all!!!!
Agreed and thank you for posting this.
cranium? is it another freenbecky series!??
@@YR-dv9rpanother project they’re going to have together comes out 2025
@@danidoesntloveu omggg that's awesomeee I'm soo exciteddd
@@YR-dv9rp yeahhh! and its an enemy to lovers trope so top freen is back!
To say that this is a SHOW is not enough. It's a masterpiece - right from the 1st episode. Every episode is important, every scene beautiful. It's been woven so beautifully. I knew from GAP that Freen is on par but with this one... I bow to Becky. Every minute expression of all the cast member, the cinematography, the direction, the way every scene is connected. I'm honestly blown away. I usually have a way of skipping scenes but with this series, I just couldn't. It's a beauty in itself. This is what happens when you don't think of budget but of art. There are amazing shows out there in GL world, but the one thing that makes The Loyal Pin the best show made so far is the fact that there are no shortcuts. Nothing was cut or just made to happen to suit the timings. The episodes were well thought through. There was no restrictions on the timings, there was no sudden change in scenes which is quite common in other GL shows. This show is not just a masterpiece in GL world, but rather on par with every show. It's beautiful, thoughtful, emotional, dramatic and makes you fall in love with the story. Regardless of the fact that the main characters are both female, no.. the story is about two people in love. I don't have enough words to express how grateful I am for this show. It heals a part I didn't know was broken. Thank you everyone who made this amazing show possible.
Everything you say is right, the big problem with GL shows is that their budgets are low and you can see it in the performance of scenes, locations and they usually hire very amateur directors to save money. IDF is not a big company but it left us by far the best drama in THAILAND in a long time and it gave a good lesson to those big companies that only produce simple GL shows with very stereotypical characters, I think TLP took its industry to higher levels, I hope it gets a lot of recognition next year.
I finished this series in one sitting because it’s just that damn good to watch! The story, the characters, and the pacing had me completely hooked from start to finish. Highly recommend it! 💯
Best Couple
Best Series
Best Performances
Best Everything
Freen and Becky keep smiling and growing ❤
And best Music ;-)
Facts 👌
Absolutely ❤
Nao achei melhor Serie, desculpa, achei outras melhores, achei um dos melhores casais mas a Serie não, achei muito foco em dinheiro,o pulblico em massa do mundo que estava esperando p assistir a duas semanas anciosos so pode ver ontem, por isso vc olha,as vizualizaçoes,a 23 horas quase 600 mil pessoas,sendo que antes em 1 hora depois da serie era quase 1 milhão de visualizações,que sirva de exemplo para novas series da Idol Factory,uma serie com um casal tao amado assim nao pode decepcionar tanto os fans do mundo inteiro,sim pq freembacky e amado no mundo inteiro to errada?
The Loyal Pin will always be that show i will never forget. I'll always consider this as one of the best shows not just as a GL but in general. Everything about this show is so beautiful and the best thing about this show is that there is no toxicity. If one ever feels depressed, they can definitely consider watching this show and they will smile for sure. Thank you to freen becky for bringing anil and pin to life by playing the roles so beautifully. Their acting, chemistry, romance, it all looked so beautiful onscreen. And lastly i will miss anilpin so much but I'll always come back here to watch them again and again. 😭❤️
As will I. This series is as Iconic as ever.
i'm honestly amazed that they managed a drama without the same level of toxicity, it really is a testament to the whole team that worked on this series 💜
I feel like Princess Anil (4:19) and Khun Pin (9:56) literally have a glow up after being basically married for 5 years. Happiness looks good on them🥰
They really do! Somehow they seem more mature and happier than ever before. Love seeing it 🥹😍😍
The storyline has so much depth, and it’s refreshing to see a strong, supportive family dynamic in a love story
Idol factory is giving us quality contents, from gap the series, sign the series, and now the loyal pin. Idol factory is setting up new standards for GLs and BLs.
The loyal pin is so exceptionally crafted from the theme music, songs, the antique visuals, dresses, cars, and the entire background including traditional Thai foods.
This shows how much effort the team has put in, to give us this series.
Hats off to the entire cast and crew for giving us this wonderful experience. This will be a masterpiece forever.
Being a rather small company, it is showing more production quality than some out there that dominate the media, it is shameful but it is the reality. TLP is without a doubt the best drama in a long time and 2025 will be a successful year for them to receive many awards.
I came out in the 80s, and it wasn't easy. My family were against it. So I fought for the right to love someone who made me happy. In 2000 they accepted me and my 1st true love. But it taught me to fight for love and my choice of person. This series is a true inspiration that love comes when you least expect it. Love doesn't choose which gender,age , size or colour. You fall in love and when it feels right... hold on tight. Fight for love.❤❤
When I read something like this, it gives me hope for better times. thank you
Thanks for never giving up and fight for happiness. Hope you feel complete and happy. Reading something like this is VERY important, thanks for sharing
Llore reí me moleste , me emocione me dio ansiedad estos 16 capítulos ❤❤❤ gracias 🙏🏻 simplemente
😢 yo llore por el final pero ame todo
Yo realmente sentí de todo cin está serie ❤
@@JessicaDuarte-l4v es increíble el vacío que deja, ósea estamos felices orgullosas pero es inexplicable la sensación que dejo ! Estoy feliz pero no verlas más y falta para la otra! Esta serie es mucho amor es tantas cosas!
@@JULI_JL_VKOOK así es 🥺🥺🥺 esta serie es la más linda , mucho amor desde el momento 0 hasta el último momento ! Tenemos que seguir viéndola y seguir deleitándonos y dándole más apoyo hasta que tengan millones de vistas y sentirse orgullosa 😍😭🥺
Bạn xinh đẹp 😊
I can’t get enough of the Loyal Pin series! The emotional journeys of the characters remind
I deeply thank you for 'The Loyal Pin', a series that touched my heart. Anin and Pin's journey teaches love, respect, vulnerability and resilience. Their emotional story made me reflect on women's rights, communication's importance and true love's power. Thank you for 16 captivating episodes that made me cry, smile and ponder. Kudos to the creators!
Now, eagerly awaiting 'Cranium'! The new series set to revolutionize 2026.
Everyone just give a Big Round of Applause to TLP and it's cast & crew👏👏To Freenbecky you both did a great job💯😌👏👏 I love you and always support both of you🥹🫶💖✨
👏 👏 👏 👏 👏
Now I have seen all of The Loyal Pin. I’ve not watched a better series. Freen and Becky have grown in their skills and as ladies. I’m so proud of them both. Thank you to all the cast and crew for making this magnificent story come to life❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Thank you The Loyal Pin, Freenbecky and all of the casts. This is such a beautiful series
I hope that everyone who has worked on this series is proud. You have made an amazing story. Thank you to the staff, supporting actors and of course Freen and Becky. Sending love to everyone. See you in Cranium!
The Loyal Pin made me a FreenBecky fan. This series really challenged them to push their acting more. TLP was beautifully written and I love how the directors executed every scenes. Because of TLP, I became more interested about Thailand's culture. I love how they did not just focus about FreenBecky but also showcased the Thailand's culture. Cinematography is on TOP. Congratulations to the whole cast & crew.
Same! I ofc liked GAP (especially for all it did launching the GL genre), but TLP was next level. Absolutely cannot wait to see what's next for FreenBecky
Thank you Thailand
Since August to December 1st you kept us entertained ❤ I love you IDOL FACTORY ❤❤❤
Indeed - the fact that it was Government funded is deep!! Totally appreciate that!
This keeps my hope alive.❤
In complete agreement with you.
Real talk❤
El mejor final en una historia sáfica. TLP tiene una gran producción y dirección, además de una excelente banda sonora, sino que su historia se basa principalmente en los valores familiares, la aceptación, la mujer empoderada como Anil y la que no se queda sujeta a las normas sociales como Lady Pin. La temática estilo desconstrucción de la princesa la represento muy bien Utena en su momento para quienes ven anime pero aquí vemos que se centra en mostrar más el foco de la mujer de la época y sus luchas por alcanzar sus propios sueños sin justificarse ante nadie, eso lo hizo muy bien Becky con Anil. El foco realista, los diálogos maduros y la añoranza de los amores bohemios pero encarnados en dos mujeres es muy wow y poético, algo que no verás en los GL que se producen actualmente que buscan la audiencia y su inmediatez. Es una gran serie que merece ser valorada no como un GL sino como drama cultura, social. Espero reciba muchos honores este 2025.
MUCHÍSIMAS GRACIAS POR HABERNOS DADO ESTA JOYITA DE SERIE💖, gracias por dejarnos tantas enseñanzas pero sobretodo por enseñarnos que debemos amar a quien nos haga feliz sin importar el género💕, muy orgullosa de FreenBecky por su gran trabajo y por siempre transmitirnos tanto💞, LAS AMOOO MUCHOOOO Y GRACIAS A TODOS POR HABER CREADO ESTA OBRA DE ARTE💗✨
Gracias por esta inolvidable serie extrañare a AnilPin es una historia que me llegó al corazón. Su final es perfecto el amor es lo más importante. Nadie es nadie para juzgar Amor es Amor. Que hermosa familia de Anil y Pin una serie con un mensaje de tolerancia y amor. Por siempre amaré esta serie. Gracias FreenBecky su talento es único éxitos reinas.❤❤🥰🥰👏👏
Let me just say... Prik is a Vampire 😂 From Princess Anin's childhood up to the birth of Princess Alin, she still look the same 😅😂
I watch this movie series 4 time and I’m still moved by their performance. Just want to let them know that their hard Works paid off. Loyal audience for life. Wow…wow. 💕 love it
ส่งปิ่นภักดิ์กลับสู่นิยายแล้ว ใจหายเหมือนกันเพราะอยู่กับเรื่องนี้มา 4เดือน ตั้งตารอทุกคืนวันอาทิตย์ส่วนวันจันทร์ก็จะเป็นหมีแพนด้าไปทำงาน ขอบคุณดองแฟคที่ผลิตผลงานคุณภาพออกมาไม่ดูถูกคนดู ขอบคุณทีมเบื้องหลังทุกคน และขอบคุณฟรีนเบคที่พัฒนาการแสดง คงคิดถึงปิ่นภักดิ์ไปอีกนานแน่ๆ จะวนกลับมาดูอีกบ่อยๆค่ะ
รอดูซากปริศนามรณะนะ คะ
What an amazing next step from Gap this show has been, and a real level-up for Thai GL as a whole. The show has been visually stunning in terms of sets, costumes, props, and photography too, with a story that is deep, complex but grounded, but still has the level of romance and drama that we love from GLs.
On top of that, the music has been an absolute revelation. I feel like Gap really suffered from bad music/sound engineering, so to go so far to the other end of the spectrum has been mind-blowing. All of the music is *incredibly* beautiful. It tugs at my heart every time, it's romantic, it can be epic or gentle, and matches the show so perfectly, both culturally and thematically and the vocals are absolutely to die for. I would listen to the soundtrack on repeat.
And of course, at the heart of it all has been our beloved Freen and Becky. Their hard work, as well as their love for their work, each other, and their fans , is palpable in every second of the show. And i'm sure that it reflects that same love and hard work from everyone else who was involved in creating it and getting it to the fans.
Thank you for this show 🙏. It really feels like it has been a gift to all of us. I am filled with so much gratitude and love that there are people in the world making shows like this, with the viewers first in their minds. While i will always have constructive criticism to offer when watching any show, ultimately it is through love, gratitude, and admiration, and this show has all three of those things from me ❤
USA here: ditto!!
Muchas gracias a todos los que hicieron posible esta serie, a freen y becky por todo el esfuerzo que pusieron siendo anin y pin, amé y amaré siempre esta serie 😢, voy a extrañar los domingos.
(No dejo de chillar 😢😢)
Starting a family with blessings felt so pure and genuine.
Saya laki2 yg sdh punya anak dan istri, dan saya sangat kagum dengan series THE LOYAL PIN. Dari eps 1 sampai episode yg sangat membahagiakan ini, mengajarkan kita arti sebuah kesetiaan, ketulusan Pin dan perjuangan pantang menyerah dan kejujuran dari seorang Anin.
Sarocha, Rebecca kalian Amazing, terus lah berkarya dan saling menguatkan satu sama lain. The Best Couple 💯%
Halo from Indonesia
Tuve de todas las emociones con the loyal pin ❤
That sweet goodbye kiss before leaving for university..and Pin's " are you forgetting something?" Too sweet ❤
Loyalty is such a beautiful theme, and the Loyal Pin series
ไม่ผิดหวังเลยตั้งแต่ต้นจนจบทุกคนทำได้ดีมาก แสดงออกมาได้สมบทบาท ทุกความรู้สึกส่งถึงคนดู ผู้คนมากมายรักเรื่องนี้มาก ขอบคุณที่ตีแผ่ความรักทุกรูปแบบออกมาให้คนเห็น ว่าโลกนี้มีอะไรมากมายเกินกว่าจะบรรยายได้ทั้งหมด ขอบคุณทุกคนที่เปิดกว้างอยู่เคียงข้างความเท่าเทียมมาตลอด ขอให้มีแต่ความสุขความเจริญ🎉❤😊
This entire series was impeccable. The storylines the photography the acting and I'm not talking about only of the the performances delivered by Freen and Becky. We can see that the entire cast and crew put their souls into it. Thank you Idol factory for the amazing gift that is The Loyal Pin thank you for all the cast and crew who worked hard in this beautiful project and thank you Freen and Becky for never letting us down. I wish you both a lot of love, success, good health and above all that you can always be your true and authentic self without fear. We will be here to support you both no matter what, so thank you for your hard work and generosity with us ❤🇧🇷
Con este Gl llore uvieron muchas risas felicidad enojo pero la verdad fue el mejor Gl que eh visto me enseño muchas cosas lindas y q el amor entre dos chicas también puede ser hermoso gracias Idol factory por esta sería tan hermosa❤👏🏻
This show was a masterpiece. I have not watched anything like this before. 16 episodes of joyful (mostly) gl content with amazing cinematography, screenplay, phenomenal performances by both protagonists with unmatched chemistry. Thank you to everyone who made this possible.
The first five years later, Anil has her birthday in previous ep making her 21 so she would be 26 now and Pin 27 because i think she is supposed to be a year older. The second five year gap, 31 and 32 respectively.
At the start of the series according to what Anil said about her being in love with Pin since she was 14(ep 16.3) she was 14 at the beginning of the series but turned 15 a few months or year later since she left for England to study at that age.
Rebecca and Sarocha (Freen) did such a phenomenal job conveying their emotions, feelings and actions of their characters. Let's not forget the side characters like Prik(absolutely loved her) Pia and so many more. This story would not have been half of what it was if they all didn't work together to bring everything together and be such marvelous actors.
Those ending scenes with that such lovely song was so beautiful.
Thank you to everyone who was involved in bringing this breathtaking story to screen.
Это было потрясающе👍. С первой и до последней серии, смотрела с огромным удовольствием., этот чудесный и трогательный фильм. . Очень хочется отметить блестящую игру актёров, они просто бомбические, фантастические,шикарные,Спасибо огромное всем, кто создавал и участвовал в этом фильме. ВЫ ЛУЧШИЕ!!!!👍❤️
i watched gap the series randomly. From that day it became my fvrt series. I now watch all gl series because of freen and becky. No matter how many gl series come, they can never beat the series of both of them. after watching gap the series, I came to know that there can be love, love and everything between two women. It may have been anything that became famous in Thailand then, but now the first thing that comes to mind is Freen and Becky. Gap the series is the first gl series in my life where I forgot myself and enjoyed it. No matter how many GL series come, I will wait for Freen and Becky's series. My biggest dream is to meet both of them at least once in my life. I am sure to meet one day 🤗🤲. thinking that the loyal pin series is going to end now makes me worried😓😞, but when I see the promo of their new series coming in 2026, my heart is happy😍❤. But when I think that I won't be able to see them on screen next year, my mind is worried😞. however, I will be watching their serials as long as I am alive😘❤. Freen and Becky are the ones who laid the foundation for any number of GL series. the loyal pin A beautiful love epic created by both of them❤. it's going to end now😞but it ended happily and is even happier when I think about it😍😍🤲. When I start watching their series, I pray for a happy ending, like every series has a happy ending, when I think about it, I feel happy without realizing it❤🤗😸😻. my biggest dream is to see them at least once in my life, I am sure I will meet them one day 🤲❤. .I will always pray for the safety and health of both of you who have made us happy through every series 🤲❤. I pray that you will not only succeed in your life but also your dreams and go to a great place 🤲❤. WISH YOU ALL THE BEST FOR YOUR FUTURE, STAY SAFE❤ HAPPY JOURNEY😍❤.
Agree because of them I now watch Thai gl and bl, These ladies make me remember what love is and how I wish I could start over and find me a Freen, she is just stunning and Becky is sweet and together they are electric, can't wait for their next project in 2025
Totally agree with you.. i'm also sri lankan fan
@@__ticky__ haaa haaa nice meet you
This is the best movie about GL that i have ever seen before. No matter how many time seeing, it always make me crying and touching my heart alots. The movie content is very good and humane. Freen and Becky are really great actors. The royal pin is in my heart now
La mejor historia de amor que he visto❤❤❤
Y que termina bonito y felices todos ❤
Okay this is and will be the best GL SERIES ever in whatever way you see it as in it's thai but you can compare this to whole world's shows and know that NO-ONE can beat them i repeat NO-ONE i am saying not bcz of bais i have for them but it's truth. This level of chemistry between characters lead and the supporting, direction, story, location, set everything was so on point and perfect no one can beat this.
This show has shown pure love not just two girls kissing and making out if you're an open-minded person you'll just see two people loving each other so passionately the gender n all you'll not even think bcz they act without any obscenity in ut with such perfection.. My words aren't enough but i have to say it's the best SAPPHIC SERIES... ❤
Borrenme la memoria quiero verme the loyal pin como si fuera la primera vez 🤧😭💗✨
Simplesmente incrível❤❤❤ Amei demais. Que venha mais projetos como esse!!!!❤❤❤❤🎉
literally the BESTTTT GL series ending I've ever seen?? You even see their lives play out years after their "happy ending" which could have been left open for interpretation. So so good. I only have compliments for this series! Deserves all the awards
Saying goodbye happily with tears in my eyes ❤🥹
Me too😊😊
😢Is this the end of the series?
@abeerissa9724 yeah 😫
@@Lachhmi-g2h Will they have a series in the coming days?
@abeerissa9724 yup, cranium will gonna be their new project for 2025 ✅ I am so excited for that 😍
La mejor serie de Tailandia que he visto! Que países tan hermosos y que química de Becky y Freen ❤️ las actuación de tofo el elenco fue perfecta. Gracias a todos ❤❤❤
Anil and Pin’s love story is one for the ages-so beautifully done.
From an International Fan in Hollywood, I really love these two girls. They have embraced these GL stories with the importance and respect they deserve. The fact that these two girls have been catapulted into the GL universe they both could never have imagined makes them unique. Even so, they are friends too! Let’s hope this friendship never changes as time goes on both in their professional and private lives. The LGBT+ community and the World applauses you both. Best of Luck my darling girls! ❤❤
How many international fans here to support freenbecky 🖐🏻❤
We are from Sri 🇱🇰 Lanka
California is here🌞🌴🌈💋
@@j.pdayawathi1419hey me too😂❤❤
India ❤
Лучший сериал❤ TLP заставлял плакать и улыбаться. Спасибо за такую искреннюю любовь. В наше время в моей стране также запрещена такая любовь, поэтому этот сериал очень близок мне и попал в самое сердечко❤ FreenBecky лучшие, проделали колоссальную работу, браво👏🏻
Their love story feels timeless, all thanks to Freen and Becky’s brilliance
The Loyal Pin sempre vai ter um lugar no meu coração. Estou muito orgulhosa das nossas meninas, vocês se saíram muito bem. Obrigada por se dedicarem tanto, amo vocês FreenBecky ❤🇧🇷
What a beautiful ending to an epic love story.💕 I can never thank Freen and Becky and Idol Factory and P’Fuse and P’Nam and Charm and every other skilled and wonderful person who worked on this production. It has been such a wonderful journey. While it is bittersweet to see it come to an end, I am so, so grateful for the treasure you all have created for us. It will remain in my heart forever. Thank You! 🙏 ❤
Gracias IDF por esta obra de arte qué hiciste posible👏🏻.
Gracias FreenBecky por no rendirse y seguir adelante a pensar de que en el tiempo de las grabaciones no la estaban pasando nada bien, son un ejemplo a seguir👏🏻 ❤.
Gracias a todas las espectadoras👀 que junto conmigo esperaban ansiosas cada domingo para ver TLP😊.
No es un adiós, es una hasta pronto TLP. Espero seguir con vida para ver Cranium... Hasta pronto Freen y Becky 🎉💕
What an amazing series. The entire cast was excellent & the chemistry between Freen & Becky is so strong that their characters are always convincing as lovers. I have not felt that way about any other two GL actresses or actresses in any other movie or TV show w/ Sapphic content. All of that being said, I know that I am going to feel empty & bored next Sunday w/o Pin & Anin to make the day meaningful. But all good things have to come to an end & I am sad that this is finis. I look forward to binge watching it eventually. And I can't wait to watch Cranium. I'm reading the book right now, & the two main characters are inclined at the beginning to hit each other in the head w/ a shovel. It will be interesting to watch their enemies to lovers relationship develop. Thank you Thailand for being so open-minded & supportive of the LGBT community.
The chemistry between Pin and Anil is undeniable! They’re truly the heart of this series. ❤️
Freenbecky son las mejores 😍 gracias por todo , gracias por esta maravillosa serie ❤
Nao erraram em nada nessa produção. Até o flashback foi na medida certa.. no momento certo... trilha sonora maravilhos. Pqp PERFEITO.❤❤❤
No se que decir ni por donde empezar! Fue una serie increíble, con unas actuaciones fenomenales.. la química de las chicas los sentimientos que transmiten es algo que no muchos actores y actrices logran conseguir.. felicidades freenbecky y a todos los que participaron en esta hermosa serie ❤ de verdad sin más palabras para describir todo lo que nos hicieron sentir en cada capítulo y el final de la serie.. las amamos chicas ❤❤
Simplemente hermoso, esta fue mi primera vez viendo la serie y no me arrepiento, gracias por tremenda actuación, guión, es mas superó mis expectativas, un aplauso para cada actor porque lo transmitieron todo a la perfección, sentí con ellos, lloré, rei demasiado, un sin fin de emociones. Me encantó ver como reflejaron a la perfección esos problemas que son tan reales en la vida real aún, la dificultades que atravesaron, el miedo... Y cómo a pesar de todo pudieron enfrentarlo, simplemente CINE. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻💗💗
TLP 😢 I really Miss you so so much 😭😭 And Thank you for giving us such a beautiful Series 😭😭❤️ And story is absolutely outstanding 🤩 So Freenbecky Love you too 😍🥺 miss you too Baby 😢 Thank you 🙏 The Loyal Pin 🥰
Congratulations on this beautiful novel Tlp, Becky and Freen are always the best, Becky I congratulate you for your leading role too, you did great, keep growing I adore you 💓
This is the best gl series i have ever seen now in my time we aer always remember the beautiful series😭❤ after that my Sundays with out you omgg it feels like so heard miss u😢❤ thanks for 5 part sir.😌❤
Simplesmente incrível, parabéns de verdade por essa série maravilhosa... muito melhor que as séries dos outros aplicativos de filmes e etc, e ainda por cima de graça... uma raridade que deve ser apreciada e deve sevir de inspiração pra outras produtoras que busquem espalhar o amor de todas as formas... pq o amor não é um erro ❤️🩹👏🥹
핀팍 최고 프린베키야 정말 고생 많았어
아닌핀이 벌써부터 그립지만 마음속에 잘 간직하고 보고 싶을 때마다 꺼내볼게
덕분에 그동안 정말 행복했어 다음 작품으로 또 만나자 사랑해❤
Muchos Exitos y Gracias Mil por tan excelente serie TLP los actores también 👏 maravillosos 🎉 fue un sin fin de emociones pero que trasmite un mensaje muy bello ❤ en verdad la mejor serie!❤
Es el final😢, gracias por esta increíble serie❤, gracias a todo el equipo que hizo esto posible ❤, muchas felicidades también por todo el éxito de la serie ❤🎉
Llegue un poco tarde pero llegue a terminar de ver este hermoso proyecto y quiero felicitar no solo a FB, sino también a idolfactory y a todos los q estuvieron detrás de este proyecto, es muy lindo y emocionante ver como las chicas crecieron profecionalmen tras GAP, y también una mención para los escritores de esta obra de arte q lograron plasmar no solo la cultura de Tailandia, sino también como hera vista las relaciones del mismo género en ese época, The Loyal Pin tendrá un lugar en mí corazón como GAP, no solo recordándolo como otro trabajo de FB después de GAP, sino también como una historia q cuenta como hera ser mujer en ese época y el como se veía a las parejas homosexuales, cada sonrisa, cada lágrima, cada abrazo, cada escena 🔥 demuestra pq son las 1 FB y pq a pesar de los nuevos GL se las elige 1 y 1000 veces, no solo por su actuación sino por la química q desprenden y finalizando, me puso muy feliz el ver cuant@s fans internacionales tiene FB y ver como las apayan, aunque aún no encuentro comentarios en mí lengua (español) 😅 a pesar de eso felicidades y espero el nuevo GL q se estrena en el 2026, saludos desde Argentina 🇦🇷.
What a perfect ending. I can't believe it is done . My Sunday's will be so sad now. Congratulations Freen and Becky and all the crew you were all amazing. I'm sure this series will win many awards .
Obrigada por tudo! Foi incrível e estará sempre nos nossos corações 💕Amo vocês Freen e Becky ❤.❤
Honestly (set aside that I'm saying this because I'm a fb stan) this series deserve an Award, which this series gave such a good advice for people at the back, for showcasing the amazing thai; its traditions, cultures and many more. And if I'm not wrong mostly of inter fans watching this got the idea from here, and it's easy for them to visit thai country from the said location put in this series.
The important nominations will come next year. And I think it is by far the best drama of the year, it set the bar high in terms of production, direction, script and acting.
@doublethink5241 Exactly! this series deserve more than just a nominations but an exact award! when it comes to soft powers, TLP is no. 1, and that's the truth!
The Loyal Pin deserves all the awards-it’s a masterpiece.
Finally the era is end 😅 why I'm crying 😭💔 we miss you freenbecky 😭🫂
Todos lloramos por el final 😭😭😭 pero estoy feliz por qué no es el último proyecto de ellas dos 😊
Yes me too😭💔💔💔
Ang sarap magmahal..😇❤️Mahirap sa iba tangapin ang ganitong relasyon pero maiksi ang buhay piliin ang maging masaya as long as wala tinatapakan na ibang tao.Maging malawak sana mga isip natin sa mga ganitong bagay.Respect each in everyone feelings..Congratulations Freen and Becky for another blockbuster series..I just want to thank everyone-To our Director,writer,staff and crew and to all the artists of this beautiful series.👏👏.If it wasn’t for you,there wouldn’t be a good series.Thank you guys.😇
Thank you for this beautiful story IdolFactory 🥰
Everything about The Loyal Pin, the cinematography, the actors, actresses, especially Freen and Becky was phenomenal! Sending lots of greetings and love from 🇺🇸 to Thailand 🇹🇭 Can’t wait to visit one day ❤️
Will forever have The Loyal Pin in a special place in my heart ♥️
É, sem dúvidas, a série mais linda que eu já vi. Assisti pela segunda vez e cada detalhe é encantador ❤
ขอบคุณ FREEN ที่เป็นหญิงปิ่นอย่างสมบูรณ์แบบ ขอบคุณ BECKY ที่เป็นท่านหญิงอนิลได้อย่างไม่ขาดตกบกพร่อง ขอบคุณม่อนแมวที่สร้างนิยายปิ่นภักดิ์ The Loyal Pin เรื่องนี้ขึ้นมา มันสละสลวย ละมุนละไม หวาน ขม อบอุ่น เหน็บหนาว ขอบคุณคนเบื้องหน้าเบื้องหลังทุก ๆ คน
คำว่าหลุดออกมาจากนิยาย ไม่เกินจริง เธอคือความสุขของฉัน ❤️ รักปิ่นภักดิ์ ทั้งซีรีส์ และนิยาย ขอบคุณค่ะ ❤️
รักปิ่นภักดิ์มาก เดินทางมาด้วยกันจนถึงตอนจบแล้ว ขอให้อนิลปิ่นรักกันไปนานๆเลยนะคะ ปิ่นภักดิ์จะอยู่ในหัวใจคนดูตลอดไป 🩷
So sad that all things come to an end. Thank everyone that helped make TLP come to life. Becky and Freen should be very proud of themselves. My heart is softer after watching this series. AMAZING.
Freen and Becky’s performances make the story feel incredibly authentic
I will never forget this series.
Such an inspiring one. Congratulations to the TLP team👏.
13:48 Those literal chills down the spine watching the last family photo with those background vocals.💖💖TLP will miss you 😢💖
this series is a "work of art" a "masterpiece" indeed.the best GL series that will remain in my heart for the rest of my life. Thank you Freenbecky for your hardwork and dedication,for bringing the lovestory of anilpin for us to see,and as long as I live,you two will always be loved❤.
No matter how many times i watched this, tears still come out at how beautiful this series is. Thank you so much for this wonderful masterpiece. I'm cherishing this deep in my heart ❤
вот как теперь жить без них.я каждую неделю ждала воскресенья...очень жду их новый проект.буду пересматривать с большим наслаждением.ФринБеки навсегда в моём сердце.Любые их роли,актерская игра вызывают восхищение.Спасибо большое что подарили нам такую любовь❤❤❤
Полностью с вами согласна, реву...
Congratulations to the most beautiful GL period drama in Thailand. Both Becky and Freen did a beautiful job. Becky, I congratulate you on your leading role, you did great, a unique and brave Princess Anin, for more Anin in this world, Becky, I want to continue watching you grow, I love you so much 💕
Hey we have same name 😌😃
Can I get your instagram username
I had surgery and put to bed rest for six weeks and TLP was one of my best companions during that time. I looked forward to it every week and throughly enjoyed every moment and emotion potrayed in the series. Thank you Idolfactory and the entire production team for bringing out this masterpiece. Freenbecky will always remain close to my heart. I will look forward to all their future works. Congratulations everyone🫶🏻♥️🥳
Aí vou sentir saudade desse gl 😢, amei muito meu preferido , perfeito do começo ao fim 🎉parabéns as atrizes Becky e Freen por interpretarem seus personagens tão bem e parabéns a todos que participaram e a equipe toda do elenco 👏👏👏👏🎊🎊🎊
The journey of TLP is over after a year and half .
Thank you for such beautiful portrayal of love 😊
FreenBecky acting and chemistry is so good i love this two so much ❤
Thank you for this series ❤ Sending love from Spain, everything including the actors are amazing. Can’t wait for CRANIUM
Y se llego el fin. Muchas gracias por traernos esta serie, fue increíble cada capitulo. Me encantaron las actuaciones de FreenBecky como hicieron sus versiones adolescentes, jóvenes, adultas, cada comportamiento que tuvieron con su crecimiento de acuerdo a su etapa y todo el equipo estuvo increíble. Espero que vengan mas proyectos para ellas, les deseo todo el éxito del mundo se lo merecen.
Idol thank you so much for making this series with such quality, not only Freen and Becky were perfect but all the actors. I loved Anin and Pin so intensely that it's hard to say goodbye ❤🇧🇷
Congratulations to TLP, the most beautiful novel in Thailand, Congratulations Becky for your leading role, the unforgettable Princess Anin, and that together with Freen you made the most beautiful and romantic novel 💖
TLP is such a wholesome GL series! Thanks to everyone’s hard work, we got to enjoy this wonderful adaptation of the love story between Anil and Pin.
I will miss you ❤
Every episode feels like a gift, thanks to Freen and Becky’s incredible performances.