Everyone should pay attention to wherever they live and also stay safe out there. Thanks for sharing these stories with us because we get to learn more about the craziness around us and how we can handle situations like these or what to do to avoid them.
Yeah this is one of the darkest stories you've ever reported. Condolences to that woman's husband/ her parents/ brothers/ cousins/ neighbors/. May those kids rest in peace. What an unfair thing to happen😢💔
for people who think just because he didn’t get a death penalty he deserves it, i disagree because in a life sentence they suffer until they die and with a death sentence they don’t have to rot
People who call for the death penalty do not understand how complex the justice system is. The Death Penalty in itself is a failure of the justice system.
Why sometimes if someone kills 1 person he gets the death sentence (which is a fair judgement) but this guy killed 2 kids and one pregnant woman AFTER he violated her but no death sentence.
I blame the mom for bailing her psycho son out, as well as the stupid ward for allowing it. If he had simply completed the process, maybe he wouldn't have thought to kill an innocent family.
A *severely* insane one... he should've been evaluated in that correctional facility, considering his first attempt. I feel like this could've been prevented.
Why do people like that get to live? How much do we spend a year to keep someone in prison (food, security, bed/blanket, water, etc) with our tax dollars?
This was scarier than most horror movies
FR MY STOMACH HAD BUTTER FLYS (or maybe i’m just easily scared and sensitive)
This was scarier than The Conjuring because it's something that can actually happen in real life 💀
this would make a great horror movie.
How can one be this sick and wicked💔
The devil is real
Genetics and shitty parents
@@SeeYouInTea. no Jesus not da real
@@blackcat-102 Yes like I said lol
My heart sinks for the pregnant lady and her kids☹️ May they all rest in peace💐
this is disgusting
@@Theofficialscythewhat are you referring to?
May they rest peacefully.
This is hands down the creepiest one you've ever done Ray
This one’s a little *too* dark
Fr it felt like a horror movie
You didn’t see the “Satan” one
Fr I’m watching at like 10:15 o’clock and I’m not sleeping tonight!
@@HelixChannel no I did
He kills two kids and a pregnant woman and gets away without the death penalty?
i think life in prison would be worse, but its arguable.
They still die in prison.
It's likely some kind of insanity plee. The dude still shouldn't be breathing though
This one was a bit too dark for me.
Fr... I live above some people feel that watch and listen a little too much for my comfortability 😮😢
Lol try watching it on Mr.ballen he's way more descriptive and tells it more scary than this
Agreed 😢
It's a chilling reminder of the extent of evil and cruelty anyone can demonstrate. May justice forever prevail.
Actually tho poor children and especially the pregnant women 😔
That poor man to come home to his family like that
Cry about it
@@Imastartereditor your 100% a child 😭
What an edgy boy you are
@@Imastartereditorwhat the actual hell do you mean “cry about it.”
that man probably committed suicide to find some thing like that.
blox fruits kid🤡
@@ImastartereditorJump nga
Killing 4 people and NO death penalty?? WTF?!
Life sentence is a death penalty.
Life is worse imo
Life is honestly worse, he’ll probably spend a really long time in solitary as well
@@nevermind342it wastes resources on useless humans
Maybe the state?
The last bit is too sad for me, they seemed like a happy family 😢
I went and hugged my son as tight as I could. This was horrifying.
I too hugged your son
@@void_360 chill dude wtf
The pregnant woman 😢😔
the poor kids..
The poor husbands
This menace
The husband has to live with that for the rest of his life. I hope he is doing ok and doesn’t think about taking his life.
There have been a ton of very disturbing stories, but this one hit really hard. 😢
😢😢😢 it gets worse and worse man it just sad 😭😭
Nothing is better than a cup of coffee and watching ray
I don't drink coffee but I do drink tea while watching him
@@Erikakanimation try coffee
lol I’m doing that rn!
Tea for the win.
Scooby doo and Ray - teaching us that the scary things in life aren’t ghosts or monsters but humans, humans in our lives
Ghosts ain't scary anymore for me, it's really people that scare me..
@@LITTLEPINKYSTINKER yep I don’t believe in ghosts at all. But I do believe in demons not related to humans
Everyone should pay attention to wherever they live and also stay safe out there. Thanks for sharing these stories with us because we get to learn more about the craziness around us and how we can handle situations like these or what to do to avoid them.
Yeah this is one of the darkest stories you've ever reported. Condolences to that woman's husband/ her parents/ brothers/ cousins/ neighbors/. May those kids rest in peace. What an unfair thing to happen😢💔
For real...🕯
My heart goes out to that poor family.
"He's in the walls...HE'S IN THE GODDAMN WALLS!!" 💀
This was probably the darkest one yet.
You know it's serious when ray drops the ''UNTILLLL"
@@DukeNukem0fr I just watched it but this was exactly when it came out so tf
He didn't say that here though...
No one cares, bro.
I feel bad for the father, what wicked things that man had did.
how is bro always so calm telling these creepy stories
Four human beings and no death penalties is crazy
Probably played the mental health card.
People like this need to be publicly made an example of. This is sad man...
This one was just sad
Imagine despite all this they jst gave him life imprisonment not death sentence
Either way he’s off the streets. What they do with him won’t make a difference now
Life is worse
Omg this was heartbreaking 💔 😢
for people who think just because he didn’t get a death penalty he deserves it,
i disagree because in a life sentence they suffer until they die and with a death sentence they don’t have to rot
Man, what made him be this sick and twisted?
He's in the walls... *HE'S IN THE GODDAMN WALLS*
That mother will wish she never paid to bond him out
This was one of the creepiest stories, you've covered. That poor family 💔
Bro watching this at 10 at night in the pitch dark actually scared the hell out of me
Absolute most insane one yet
Ray is the best I couldn’t survive without his crime story’s
That left me just speechless
This was gut wrenching. Lord have mercy on their souls.
Drowning is my worst fear and that got me good I'm creeped!!!!
If you can see this, thank you for helping me in my hospitalized stage your songs and your videos helped me thank you thank you.
Love the videos keep it up ❤
I love your hoodie ray i love that show and im a huge BB fan
They should make a movie about this
Omg i feel so extremely bad for the father
This made me had goosebumps lmao.
I love the better call saul shirt ray is wearing
My mind can't fathom this can be reality
I have no words
Love from India 🇮🇳
He's in the walls he's the goddamn walls!!!!!!
There is a movie named "Within" that is too similar to this case, where a boy lives within the walls.
This made me really really Sad!!!
Man, that went downhill horribly....
This man took ‘im hiding in your walls’ a bit too seriously
Better call saul jumper got me😂
He probably won’t even survive in prison after they found out what he was in for tbh
The face- 0:10
Her(my friend): I'm hiding in ur walls and going to kidnap u >:3
Me: haha, yeah yeah x3
People who call for the death penalty do not understand how complex the justice system is. The Death Penalty in itself is a failure of the justice system.
And this is a sign for women to not always pick the tallest
That’s actually insane…
I waited for the "until" 🥺
Tell me I’m not the only one who saw Jimmy Saville on the TV at the start
"He's in the walls... HE'S IN THE GODDAMN WAAAALLS!"
The poor husband! His life ended with his entire family being tortured and murdered. I would not have wanted to be the only survivor!
Omg ray you’re the best like is the fox we need!!! This is better then the Kardashians lol
Bro hell nah that’s straight out of a horror movie😭
agreed, like-
Someone should make a horror movie about that
2:52 bro took in ur walls too literally 👩🦲 (i feel sorry for the dad tho, poor guy 😢)
No one is talking about the man standing behind the door at 0:28
you know its bad when there is no shoutout
This one was literally so scary I thought it couldn’t be real until he showed Mugshots… This is f*cking frightening
I like the better call Saul hoodie
I’ve seen manyyyyyyyy murder stories but this one makes me just feel sick😔
Well, as Ray's sweatshirt says, better call Saul!
Well, it's 4 AM here, and now I definitely won't be sleeping after that window jump scare. Thanks, editor!
hey vsauce, michael here. im in your walls.
Noo the pregnant woman and the little kids😢💔
The “UNTILL” is iconic❤
the stream didnt even start
but fr
There was no until this time was there?
Has anyone heard of the brazen bull ? Let’s put Danny in one
Bro took "im in your walls" to another level
The SaulGoodman shirt💀
Why sometimes if someone kills 1 person he gets the death sentence (which is a fair judgement) but this guy killed 2 kids and one pregnant woman AFTER he violated her but no death sentence.
Cuz of State laws
Every case will be unfair whether you like it or not its just how it goes
😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢 yoooo. The unborn child. The pregnant woman. The kids. I don't get it
bro took “I’m living in your walls” to the next level.
gotta love the better call saul shirt
Danny was clearly sick!! So disturbing.
This is one of ray’s creepiest videos
I blame the mom for bailing her psycho son out, as well as the stupid ward for allowing it. If he had simply completed the process, maybe he wouldn't have thought to kill an innocent family.
this is actually insane, what kind of person would do this
A *severely* insane one... he should've been evaluated in that correctional facility, considering his first attempt. I feel like this could've been prevented.
@dyawr He ain't insane, he knew exactly what the hell he was doing. Hell I dunno if he had any disorder, I think he just had a obsession with power.
Why do people like that get to live?
How much do we spend a year to keep someone in prison (food, security, bed/blanket, water, etc) with our tax dollars?
Bro took the phrase “I’m in your walls” too seriously 💀
the feelings the husband probably felt when he walked in on that had to be insane
The only man who can say I'm in your walls without lying
This.... Really affected me.
Okay this one made me cry😭😭😭💔
Why did he even have bail?
bro took “i’m inside your walls” too seriously