Ok, many are having trouble getting the level select code, and idk why. I think I fully explained everything. And because I'm tired of saying the same things over and over, you can have the code (because it was alr leaked by Vecnazak) here: 2013850 NOW STOP ASKING ME PLEASE😭
@@TheBlackFoxDude Sorry for bothering you but when I put 0 it doesn't work or well that happens to me sorry for continuing to bother you about this really
54:08 Sonic:HEY! Are you trying to get yourself in trouble? Are you trying to mess with the game on purpose? Getting Out Of Bounds is no fun! Now you will have to do all over again! Me, who knows how to open the Level Select Screen: *I Am 4 Parallel Universes Ahead Of You*
Sonic looking at tails after he drowned: sonk: how in gods name did you drown in kitty pool water hight??? Tal: who knows maybe there was a emerald sonk: that was the only water in the area
Fun fact there is actually 1 or 2 more game over screens u forgot to show and they both are in the knuckles and eggman duo If u get found as eggman when in the green hills underground caves u get another game over screen where eggman is brutally speared through his body from tails.exe
I think there are only 3 outcomes on this Duo ending: Welcome to hell ending (both survived), left alone ending (Knuckles survived), and the one where only Eggman survives but dies afterwards
Can someone explain what the black ring does? Ive seen multiple playthroughs of this game and i still dont know what they do. Also, does finding the secret cutscenes do anything?
Black rings are being collected automatically after finishing a secret stage. If you get all 3 black rings then you can access the secret cutscenes after getting an ending. (Each character has 1 secret stage) Nothing happens after getting the secret cutscenes. They are extras
I put in the code but it only shows me the routes and not the seprete level for that route for example it shows me the tails solo route but no option to choose the undereater level or the boss fight
You need to play the 3 secret levels. They are the key to unlock secrets. Then, 4 endings hide the numbers at the end after credits (read description). Get all 4 of them to complete the code. I think I gave you the code in another comment btw
@SisifusBuster Did you find the 3 secret levels? If you haven't, then you get no numbers at the end of the game. Again, be aware at the end after credits. Press "z" to exit and then a code Part will appear for 2-3 seconds. At the top right corner is the order and button left corner the numbers) Also, make sure you watch the video and read the instructions CAREFULLY!!
@@TheBlackFoxDude yeah that but it's strange that arch the wolf demon has gotten it but rarely anyone else has got it. If you don't know, Arch did a duo Eggmam and Knuckles run and after the ending was shown a Knuckles continue screen was shown, it's at 15:12
Ei, você está tentando se meter em problemas? Você está tentando mexer no jogo de propósito? Sair dos limites não é divertido! Agora você terá que fazer tudo de novo Tradução do KNUCKLES na Ride palece
Ok, many are having trouble getting the level select code, and idk why. I think I fully explained everything. And because I'm tired of saying the same things over and over, you can have the code (because it was alr leaked by Vecnazak) here: 2013850
İm sorry 😔 im stop watching since im bad
sorry sorry i so sorry
@@simonjacklopeztriana7925 ok yall better chill I'm not mad or sth-
@@TheBlackFoxDude Sorry for bothering you but when I put 0 it doesn't work or well that happens to me sorry for continuing to bother you about this really
@@TheBlackFoxDude the last 0
Sonic:HEY! Are you trying to get yourself in trouble?
Are you trying to mess with the game on purpose?
Getting Out Of Bounds is no fun!
Now you will have to do all over again!
Me, who knows how to open the Level Select Screen: *I Am 4 Parallel Universes Ahead Of You*
Tails getting eaten alive by the animals is definitely the most disturbing one.
Time stamp?
Oh dang nvm 37:50
Every dbz fan will know that sonic continue theme is from fusion reborn charecter that is from dbz dokkan
Sonic looking at tails after he drowned:
sonk: how in gods name did you drown in kitty pool water hight???
Tal: who knows maybe there was a emerald
sonk: that was the only water in the area
I think out of bounds message may be a reference to message in sonic the hedgehog when it detected illegal copy. But it's just theory, a game theory
You mean anti-piracy screens. Those are fanmade - not real. However, their role is quite similar
Cool! I got the Sonic secret intro (1/4)
The anti-cheat messaje too happen in the escape of the Hell (knuckles) if we go up instead of hitting a wall to get throught
Hey! I was just wondering what the Sonic vs Exe give up where all of his friends were cheering for him originated from? (The Soundtrack).
Idk which the original sound is. Sorry
@@TheBlackFoxDudethat’s ok
Fun fact there is actually 1 or 2 more game over screens u forgot to show and they both are in the knuckles and eggman duo
If u get found as eggman when in the green hills underground caves u get another game over screen where eggman is brutally speared through his body from tails.exe
I think there are only 3 outcomes on this Duo ending: Welcome to hell ending (both survived), left alone ending (Knuckles survived), and the one where only Eggman survives but dies afterwards
@@TheBlackFoxDude srry top dawg I meant to say give up/continue screens
@thesussycat3035 oh yes I know lol. But I showed this on the left Alone ending
That looks so cool
Can someone explain what the black ring does? Ive seen multiple playthroughs of this game and i still dont know what they do. Also, does finding the secret cutscenes do anything?
Black rings are being collected automatically after finishing a secret stage. If you get all 3 black rings then you can access the secret cutscenes after getting an ending. (Each character has 1 secret stage)
Nothing happens after getting the secret cutscenes. They are extras
@@TheBlackFoxDude thanks for letting me know.
They misses the chance to put "thats no good!" At the anti-cheat messege
I put in the code but it only shows me the routes and not the seprete level for that route for example it shows me the tails solo route but no option to choose the undereater level or the boss fight
Nvm the reason was because I had an old version of the game
@@maxok3681 exactly lol
I don't know if you already knew but with the r button you can restart the continue
32:47 i am confused about this continue/give up screen
True, I mean Knuckles is not even moving
nice video and can you tell me the code because I coundt find the code in those endings
You need to play the 3 secret levels. They are the key to unlock secrets. Then, 4 endings hide the numbers at the end after credits (read description). Get all 4 of them to complete the code.
I think I gave you the code in another comment btw
@@TheBlackFoxDude oh okay thank you so much
Can someone tell me what is the code to debug menu? I dont understand it.
@@TheBlackFoxDude thx
@@TheBlackFoxDude I can't find any numbers where you said to keep eye.
@SisifusBuster Please read the description. I put instructions😭🙏
@SisifusBuster Did you find the 3 secret levels? If you haven't, then you get no numbers at the end of the game. Again, be aware at the end after credits. Press "z" to exit and then a code Part will appear for 2-3 seconds. At the top right corner is the order and button left corner the numbers)
Also, make sure you watch the video and read the instructions CAREFULLY!!
I think there is a continue in knuckles and eggman duo
I know, but this one I showed it in the "Left Alone" ending video
@@TheBlackFoxDude well thanks for tell me that
I completed the tails solo ending and did all the secret stages, yet didn’t see any numbers for the code. Can you please help out??
@@ZinsGameplay15001 code numbers are hidden in specific endings. Check description
@@TheBlackFoxDudeohh, so I guess tails solo isn’t one of them. Thanks a lot for that!
what is the code for the level selector
İ did it all but i didnt get any codes... İ think my game is bugged can u give me?
You either didn't notice the numbers at the corner or didn't do the steps right
@@TheBlackFoxDude i looked them but its didnt worked
@@TheBlackFoxDude like i was thinking "i think i Got wrong ends" and playes ALL ending again but no codes
@@countryemir anyways just check the pinned comment
what is the code for the save screen?
Read the pinned comment
You might have missed a continue screen here
Try having Knuckles die in hell escape part but have lives
@@rubyred169 You mean in his solo where the lava rises? That stage doesn't have a give up screen. It just resets
@@TheBlackFoxDude yeah that but it's strange that arch the wolf demon has gotten it but rarely anyone else has got it.
If you don't know, Arch did a duo Eggmam and Knuckles run and after the ending was shown a Knuckles continue screen was shown, it's at 15:12
@rubyred169 well thats new. Last time I played it there was no give up screen for knuckles here
Hey guys!Can someone say the code to me?
In Sunfire video there is a code and how to get the code. Maybe I am late maybe not but it is also in extras video I think
Ei, você está tentando se meter em problemas? Você está tentando mexer no jogo de propósito? Sair dos limites não é divertido! Agora você terá que fazer tudo de novo
Tradução do KNUCKLES na Ride palece