Filip in Mia - Lady Gaga, Bradley Cooper - Shallow COVER
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 3 ธ.ค. 2024
- 4. video posnetek v studiu Mars v Trebnjem, kjer je Filip zapel v duetu z Mio Koritnik, ki je prav tako slepa, kot on. Mia je ena izmed štirih, s katerimi je Filip odpel duet za svoj novi CD. (3.) Čudovit izdelek Filipa in Mie, Filipove prijateljice. Hvala studiu Mars, hvala Andreju Mežanu, hvala Mii in seveda Filipu...
4th video in the Mars studio in Trebnje, where Filip sang in a duet with Mio Koritnik, who is just as blind as he is. Mia is one of four with whom Filip sang a duet for his new CD. (3.) A wonderful product by Philip and Mia, Philip's friend. Thanks to the Mars studio, thanks to Andrej Mežan, thanks to Mia and of course Filip ...
Filip je mlad 22 leten fant...ima nekaj težav s katerimi se uspešno slep, s cerebralno paralizo in avtist asperger...ampak zmore in je kralj...tudi v našem svetu...
Filip is young 22 years old boy with some special needs...he is blind, with cerebral paralyze and autistic with asperger syndrome. he is a fighter and he can do almost everything, especially with his voice and playing the instrument...perfect...he is a king...even in our world...