This is truly astonishing. Great work on you presentation. My friends, this is A.I.; how much longer then will it become impossible to tell what is real and what is artificial? Should there be anyone who has yet to receive the FREE GIFT of eternal salvation that comes across this comment, please read this full message and pull up these scriptures and get saved today! For tomorrow isn't promised and every day we see more and more evidence that normal isn't coming back! Jesus Christ is! Read 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 3:22-28, Romans 5:8-9, Romans 10:9-10, Ephesians 1:13-14. Rapture any day now! Should you refuse Christ now, then don't believe the alien abduction lie or whatever the world tries to force upon you to explain away the rapture. Run to Jesus the moment you see millions of people suddenly vanish and tell everyone you can how to come to Christ; and whatever you do, DO NOT take the Mark of the Beast (Revelation 13). Jesus loves you all! Come Lord Jesus! Amen!
This is truly astonishing. Great work on you presentation. My friends, this is A.I.; how much longer then will it become impossible to tell what is real and what is artificial? Should there be anyone who has yet to receive the FREE GIFT of eternal salvation that comes across this comment, please read this full message and pull up these scriptures and get saved today! For tomorrow isn't promised and every day we see more and more evidence that normal isn't coming back! Jesus Christ is! Read 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 3:22-28, Romans 5:8-9, Romans 10:9-10, Ephesians 1:13-14. Rapture any day now! Should you refuse Christ now, then don't believe the alien abduction lie or whatever the world tries to force upon you to explain away the rapture. Run to Jesus the moment you see millions of people suddenly vanish and tell everyone you can how to come to Christ; and whatever you do, DO NOT take the Mark of the Beast (Revelation 13). Jesus loves you all! Come Lord Jesus! Amen!