Juniorski vicešampion 8. regiona GSS 2021.- Dejan Lukić GSS 108

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 22 ม.ค. 2025
  • Podunavsko-Braničevski region ( 8. region) Golubarskog Saveza Srbije predstavlja svoje najuspešnije takmičare u 2021. godini. Juniorski vicešampion regiona je Lukić Dejan GSS 108 iz Radinca kod Smedereva , čije je jato postiglo prosek od 8 časova 39 minuta i 12 sekundi.
    Stories about Serbian high-flying pigeons.
    The Danube-Braničevo region (8th region) of the Pigeon Association of Serbia presents its most successful competitors in 2021. The junior vice-champion of the region is Lukić Dejan GSS 108 from Radinac near Smederevo, whose flock achieved an average of 8 hours 39 minutes and 12 seconds.

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