I wish I could show all of you the wonderful collection of weird knock off and badly spelled shirts I have bought in Japan, its glorious. Like Joiner says, buy it, don't just take a picture. My entire wardrobe is strange and eclectic and I love it
An old friend of mine took me to Subway once years ago and it was too big of an introvert shock to me. When the lady making the sandwich started asking me what I want on it I froze and was like "uhh... nothing" and ended paying like 5€ (or however much they cost) for a bare sandwich. Haven't been to any place like that after that.
My shoes always wear out on one side more than the other, I think I just put more weight on one side or something like that, so the supereme slides look normal to me
11:44 Hello Internet, welcome to TH-cam Theory. The show that as usual is joinen the party just on time. (haha, bad pun, just as intended). Love to see some other people enjoying The Game Theorists too :)
@PestoMayo Yeah if I remember correctly he was...not having fun. As you said, sometimes movies can be bad, but you're still having a good time laughing at it
My friend has one of those bull terries! The thing is agressive and coldhearted af, and our group of friends likes joking about that dog's appearance a lot
@@kallaen I know there are sweet dogs, just talking about this very specific dog my friend own By "aggressive and coldhearted" I meant the dog really enjoys hunting for smaller animals around the house (like mice and lizards) and is not friendly with stranger, and that's normal for dogs sorry if I described it too extreme, it's kind of like a running joke in our friend group bc we loce this dog a lot and we just like joking around about it
My favorite off brand Swedish fish is “Scandinavian swimmers”
Didn’t know they existed lol
"European Water Creatures", coming soon to all stores.
@@Peeps-sg8il Swedish Fish are traditionally all red
@@PixelatedH2O Not here in Sweden. Here they come in different colours and we don't call them "Swedish". We call them fiskjävlar!
not sure if I should laugh or cry at the fact that this is the most normal Joinen intro in weeks
You don't know how hard i had to stifle my laughter in the middle of my school library after seeing that intro
I haven't watched in a while... man the intro got FUNKY
Didn't know how much I needed to hear Joinen trying to say mmm while holding back laughter
Off brand Joinen would be like... orange carton merch!
Strawberry cartoon mercy, but it’s yellow
Pikachu's eyes look awful if they are even a little bit off
I wish I could show all of you the wonderful collection of weird knock off and badly spelled shirts I have bought in Japan, its glorious. Like Joiner says, buy it, don't just take a picture. My entire wardrobe is strange and eclectic and I love it
Post it to Twitter my man
'Would you trust a duck to make your coffee?'
I mean, yeah honestly. Duck branded loyalty is kinda my thing.
I love when you try to speak spanish, now if you excuse me, I'm going to buy some Polo frito.
El polo norte, el polo sur y el polo frito
That intro is 4 year olds at 3 in the morning, standing in the doorway of the bedroom.
i know joinen was trying to be off brand in the intro but tbh that intro was one of the most on brand intros ever for our boi
Hopefully some day we can see the final confrontation between Harry Pollo and his terrible enemy Puercomort
NO one made the joke that those “Pikachus” and “Raichus” look like Dittos? NO ONE? Disappointed
Yeah, I was thinking that too! Well, now we know what a Ditto Pikachu looks like in 3D, lol... nightmare fuel XD
9:36 actually has *NOTHING* to do with Coraline
An old friend of mine took me to Subway once years ago and it was too big of an introvert shock to me. When the lady making the sandwich started asking me what I want on it I froze and was like "uhh... nothing" and ended paying like 5€ (or however much they cost) for a bare sandwich.
Haven't been to any place like that after that.
That intro was everything I've ever wanted
10:16, oh damn, The Nroth Eace collaborated with Gocei?
So... nobody in the chat was going to tell him that the double L in "pollo" makes a Y sound??? Y'all just let him fail 🤦🏾♀️😂
i was crying in cuban over him everytime with the double L pfft absolute gold
9:18 Poor Pikachu , He has SEEN stuff.
this feels like it was recorded very late in the night
VERY late in the night after drinking WAAAAYYYY too many Red Bulls . 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Lmao perfect intro! Those are certainly words… what words, I’m not sure… but words.
The beginning made my day tbh
14:00 🎶Where did you come from? Where did you go? Where did you come from Sharp hand Joe? 🎶 😂😂😂
That’s the funniest intro I’ve seen in a WHILE
‘Eat my shortened leg wear, Male member of society that has grown into adulthood and now is legally identified as a man
After watching a horror movie at 3am, I am GLAD your new video is up. Great eyebleach before bed 👻
i was looking up Coraline on my tv and got Caroline and the Magic Potion suggested to me-
5:54 sssniperwolf realised it would be too expensive to give everyone a PS4 so she compromised now everyone gets a sniper
Joinen: *cuts hair* I am..... OFFBRAND JOINEN!!
My shoes always wear out on one side more than the other, I think I just put more weight on one side or something like that, so the supereme slides look normal to me
Food theory when joinen brings up food knock-offs: I’m about to ruin this man’s whole career.
Ok but why are joinen intros always the best
11:44 Hello Internet, welcome to TH-cam Theory. The show that as usual is joinen the party just on time. (haha, bad pun, just as intended).
Love to see some other people enjoying The Game Theorists too :)
I literally love this topic so much
4:53 scared the crap out of me and i cant even explain why
Waiting for Joinens off brand brother Jason reviews
Please! Make your music from the twitch concert an offical thing! You have an amazing voice!!!
4:48 it like if Ditto saw a Bulbasuar and a Pikachu and didn't know what to change into, so we got this
Joinen just trying to say the "brand" names is amazing.
Whenever I see Ben Ten I just think "Benjamin Tenjamin"
10:58 can't wait to get some goci slides
2:23 heyyy that is pennywise and nicelsmart
Your intros just get better and better
mo boi, doinen!
I always called English Bull Terriers "Shark Dogs". 🤣
Why is there squid game TOYS to begin with???!!
that intro...XD was perfect
16:40 is Fiddlesticks after a meeting with Pikachu
The chair squeaks in the intro though
3:29 I would wait for when the entire stores supply of garlic aioli is gone. The mass nsw garlic aioli shortage of November 2021 would take place.
6:37 a better name would have been n&n
Pikachus talking to a short person in that stance and I'm offended
that is a jeff the killer pikachu if i ever saw one
@PestoMayo me too! it was the first thing that i thought of lol!
😂😂😂 polo means p#nis in my language so hairy polo means hairy p#nis I couldn't stop laughing
Are you from Botswana? 🤣🤣
@@amarisnikini hahahahaha yes
That Pikachu looks like he is into BDSM. 😅🤣😂
Is.. Joinen high as a kite 👀
It’s just a hypothesis a playing hypothesis. Appreciation for viewing.
Maybe it's squid burger because they have the sea creature squid?
I think Saberspark did a review of that 'Caroline' movie. It was...bad
@PestoMayo Yeah if I remember correctly he was...not having fun. As you said, sometimes movies can be bad, but you're still having a good time laughing at it
6:00 it's an off brand snikers
This intro made me so uncomfortable but I died laughing xDD
10:13 Is that a Gucci logo?
Me : oh Joinen did a new vid
Me 5 seconds in: ...
Fun fact: Did YOU know , Dhar Man has an app?
Please be lying
for those who didn’t know, and want context, go to Joinen’s “sisters fight over iphone 13” from abouuut a week or so ago iirc
offbrand joinen is my sleep paralsys demon
On the box for the strechy wrestler they have a regular strech armstrong, So they have the thing they are trying to knockoff on the box
*intense Spanish shouting*
Here for joinen pronouncing Spanish "pollo" as "polo"
The first Pikachus look like the "it is Wednesday my dudes" toad or frog or whatever it is.
My friend has one of those bull terries! The thing is agressive and coldhearted af, and our group of friends likes joking about that dog's appearance a lot
Idk, i know a few and they were always sweet dogs.
Your friend probably just didnt socialize and train his dog properly.
@@kallaen I know there are sweet dogs, just talking about this very specific dog my friend own
By "aggressive and coldhearted" I meant the dog really enjoys hunting for smaller animals around the house (like mice and lizards) and is not friendly with stranger, and that's normal for dogs
sorry if I described it too extreme, it's kind of like a running joke in our friend group bc we loce this dog a lot and we just like joking around about it
Omg love the intro
Gucci Slides? Nah. Come see me when you get those Supereme Fashion Slides.
Off brand Chewbacca lookin like muffie’s (from Arthur) older brother.
Chocolate mmmm the new mcdonalds mascot
ok but like, spartan darthvader instead of samurai darthvader. neat
Momos are NOT Indian, they're Nepali dumplings.
The 3 dislikes(of time of comment) are from the owners of the companies that made these.
I would have done W&W for the M&M dupe
Amazing video as always!👍
Bruh me only just realising that you had a hair cut even though you have had it for 2 weeks anyway I like your cut g
I was just watching spongebob and then joinene comes at me with that spongebob music
No joi, its ya moi Boinen.
not the Paw Concentration Camp
Hey! We call fish moi in here!
11:37 OMG Joinen speaking German...
Came here for my daily "no moi", and what did I get...
Wourld wOurLd WOuRRRlD
i wanted to kiss pikachu too oddly enough
how do you even come up with these intros
Give us real joinen back now
This genuinely made me think I was so drunk I needed to vomit, turns out it’s just these are so wrong it’s wrong 😂
Momo? Those are Nepalese dumplings. 🤔
You cut your beautiful hair!
Brooo that face on the intro though
Joinen.... we're gonna practice our Spanish one of these days. Just for kicks.
Dude when did ya become Eddie Brok again ?