+Joseph Karl So close. They didn't exactly 'deserve' to win but they were ahead for some of it and I liked them, it would be nice to see them go further.
LeGrand and Reynolds are easily the best-looking female team leaders, although intellectually they can't hold a candle to Gabriel Trueblood of St. Peter's-Oxford and Fred Harvey of Durham.
Legrand is always so surprised of her answers. It's adorable.
Lon...London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine?! That's the best name ever!
2:30 A simple "PhD in Geology" would have done, thanks.
I'm as gay as they come, but if Legrand proposed marriage, I would accept in a heartbeat. I'm totally smitten and beguiled by her.
Ms. Bapat's expression at 17:00 is priceless.
You mean LeGrand?
I very much liked LSHTM. Shame for them.
Glover's maths skills offended me. "The square root of 10 is 2 something."
***** To be fair, Greenland is not part of Canada.
+Joseph Karl So close. They didn't exactly 'deserve' to win but they were ahead for some of it and I liked them, it would be nice to see them go further.
Legrand oozes money.
why is no one talking about mr. rendell? most aesthetically pleasing gentleman of the season...
Reynolds' earrings!
Reynolds' everything...
Paxman irritated by ignorance of the Battle of M Cassino
Tone of voice and expression no different from at any other unanswered question.
*Bapat pronounced the word **_medicine_** properly.*
Bapat fudged up
Too many useless arts questions.
LeGrand and Reynolds are easily the best-looking female team leaders, although intellectually they can't hold a candle to Gabriel Trueblood of St. Peter's-Oxford and Fred Harvey of Durham.