All people of peace! Can the awakened and enlightened use their abilities to harm people, constantly impose any ideas on them, convince them of their rightness, use their faith, expectations and love to achieve their goals, and approaching them lead a person to ideas about suicide, or do only those who are the source of Samskaras, vassanas and other negative qualities of the mind do this? I actually encountered such a phenomenon. What to think of such people when their actions have such manifestations? And what to wish for and how to help the victims?
Это - самая совершенная практика обнаружения своего истинного Я. Благодарю Муджи, канал и всех, благодаря кому эта запись приходит к людям! Намасте!
All people of peace! Can the awakened and enlightened use their abilities to harm people, constantly impose any ideas on them, convince them of their rightness, use their faith, expectations and love to achieve their goals, and approaching them lead a person to ideas about suicide, or do only those who are the source of Samskaras, vassanas and other negative qualities of the mind do this? I actually encountered such a phenomenon. What to think of such people when their actions have such manifestations? And what to wish for and how to help the victims?