痛心!到底是什么原因导致这只狗专门咬自己的主人\Pain! What caused this dog to bite his owner?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 ก.ย. 2024
  • 这只狗是拉布拉多混罗威纳犬。他从小就被主人宠坏,有严重的护食和咬人问题。主人的父母会来探望,主人决定送狗给我们寄宿和训练,以避免进一步的问题,比如不小心伤害了主人的父母。\This dog is Labrador mixed Rottweiler. He has been spoiled by his owner since puppy and has serious food aggression and biting issues. Owner’s parents would come for visiting and owner decided to send dog to us for boarding and training to avoid further issues. Such as accidentally hurt owner’s parents

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