- a new macross anime - a new Sousei no Aquarion anime. - Gundam is bigger than ever. -Armored core is back - A new Daemon x machina game - front mission games remakes/remasters. We're eating good boys. It's a good time to be a mecha fan.
I think it's important to realize that Macross as a franchise has always been seen as a competitor to Gundam due to the shared mecha theme. For Macross to go to Sunrise (which does Gundam) is absolutely huge and can be seen as a merger of the two franchise into one.
I wouldn't say it's a competitor since their themes and demographic are different. They may both have mecha but that doesn't mean they're directly competing with each other. A Gundam series is produced every few while Macross once a decade. I wouldn't put my hopes up that both franchises will merge just because Sunrise will produce the next Macross. Shoji Kawamori likely chose them because his own animation studio Satelight is already working on the next Aquarion series and they don't have the manpower and resources to work on another Macross at the same time.
And main story writer as well. Macross has always been his baby, outside of the 10th anniversary where Big West wanted to do something to commemorate it and Kawamori said he was done with it. We get Macross II, which was written by the SAME storywriter, Tomida Sukehiro, as the OG tv series AND DYRL. It was also the last macross to feature Mikimoto's artwork animated. Tomida also wrote most of the episodes for 7 and also Dynamite 7.
in some aspect is funny that sunrise is doing a Macross anime since Sunrise is more synonymous with Gundam that is the long life rival of Macross. is like putting 2 kids that don't like each other on the same room.
Macross should be as big as Transformers and Power Rangers if Harmony Gold were not such A-holes over the license. The first Macross Animated movie is as legendary as Akira. Macross 7 was a spectacular series that I first could only see on bootleg.
1. Still waiting for "Macross" stuff being released on DVD/BR, not just "Robotech" again! 2. They should remake the original "Macross" like they did with "Space Battleship Yamato", which looks quite good! 3. New videogame & boardgame/tabletop, but BIG, not just small indie-like things! 4. Waiting for a live-action movie since the 1st "Transformers" movie, Starscream swooping in & kicking ass proved a Valkyrie can be done! 5. More comics, that don't get canceled...
Love Macross. But a return to older Macross would be most welcome. Not that new stuff is bad but the Valkyries are getting more and more flashy. And the multiple canons every time they do a movie is annoying too. I think we are overdo for a revamp of the original Macross, ala Macross the First manga (since canon is already a mess, whatever). Or a PROPER conclusion to Frontier, or followup/conclusion on that one plot thread that's been ongoing since Flashback...
I highly recommend the robotech videos by Secret Galaxy for the history behind its creation and the legal hell it has created (another franchise caught up in it is Battletech, which borrowed a number of robot designs that harmony golds has claimed) I genuinely would love a new Macross, heck I'd be all for even a remake of the original series. Just...please... not another Macross Delta...
Macross is the only anime I love more than Gundam. I pray Sunrise says "fuck you" to Harmony Gold and Publishes to the west regardless of copyrights. Harmony Gold is the hurdle, and always has been... a Real Estate company.
If you want to understand even a fraction of the pain of western Macross fans, imagine if back in the day, Toho acquired Japanese distribution rights to Star Wars Episode IV, the original Battlestar Galactica, and Flash Gordon... narratively butchered them into a single timeline... and not only never, ever, released another entry in the Star Wars series, but engaged in a decades-long legal war to prevent anyone else from ever acquiring the rights. So, yesterday, today, and forever: fuck Harmony Gold.
I’m glad to hear something is happening, I don’t want the material to die and forgotten. Watching Robotech/Macross before walking to elementary school was a big part of my childhood so I’ll keep an open mind and hope for good things :)
It’s not gonna “die” or be forgotten just because a bunch of weebs want to jerk their shit over stupid trendy show-of-the-moment shows- in all reality Japan had the best sci fi anime scene when it wasn’t thinking about international audiences and I kinda wanna keep it that way
Rival mecha franchise become allies. Yes it was good that Sunrise pick the new Macross anime maybe they will back the space opera drama at same time with idol aspect on it since Macross and Kawamori's direction doing that and it's GREAT pick up since Sunrise got the most experience mecha designer as well the experience staff from Love Live! And fun fact: Kawamori was impressed by the Rina-chan Board's expression which Rinari used in lives in Love Live! Nijigasaki anime and lives
The last delta movie essentially confirmed that Megaroad , the colony ship Misa, Hikaru and Minmay left eart on, still exists. Add in the mention of Lady "M" on it and its safe to say we may see the original crew make an appearance outside of Max and Milia from Macross 7
I'm a big Macross fan and I'm excited for this announcement though I'll be much more excited once I see who all is actually involved and how they are handling presenting the mechs. I did want to mention a few things though: Studio Nue no longer exists, and Macross has been developed by Satelight for the past 20 years. Personally, Satelight's cgi style has really grown on me over the years and they manage to pull of some incredible action sequences thanks to the use of cgi mechs, but I'm totally open to seeing how Sunrise does things. As far as who should be in charge of the story I think the average Macross fan is gonna say that Shouji Kawamori should remain in charge of things. He's been a hugely influential part of Macross from the beginning working on the script for the original series as well as designing the original Valkyrie mech. Since then he's directed every Macross entry sans Macross II, and has continued to be the designer of the new iterations of Valkyrie. He does work collaboratively with creators though so if he wants to do an outline and let someone from Sunrise fill in the details while Kawamori provides direction that would be fine too. Kawamori simply has to be involved though I'll be very concerned if he isn't.
@@jayfink2199Kawamori actually used to work with Sunrise on some projects: Gundam he worked on Stadust Memory GP01 and GP02 and Cyber formula. This is now gone full circle ironically when u consider Kawamori history with Sunrise.
Doesn’t matter. Lol I actually think Macross has had a bigger influence on Gundam than the other way around, even tho all the creators except for old farts like Ishiguro wanted to work on Gundam when they grew up- and Mikimoto & Kawamori both did on 0080 & 0083 coincidentally. And I somehow feel like that god-awful twist at the third-to-last episode was a homage to Macross lolol Anyway I don’t care. Sunrise is a juggernaut; the less I hear names like “Sunrise” and “Disney” the better. Also it reminds me to guard my own intellectual properties with lawyers that are more ferocious than barracudas if I ever make it somewhere - fuck Harmony Gold!
I would point out the change of tone in the first episode of Zeta Gundam (airing long after Macross did) with the elevator music as Fa & Camille are floating around - Fa has an unmistakeable vibe as if Minmay & Frau Bow were smooshed together to get Fa lol
@@jayfink2199 Sunrise is less in your face than Disney. You sound like Sunrise is throwing godawful shit even though Sunrise has never really done god awful recent failures compared to Disney. They seem more respectful to the creator than Disney. Even Kawamori has worked with them multiple years and on multiple projects so I don't think Sunrise is that disrespectful. Nothing compared to Disney.
Im an old school fan and watched macross in latin america as Robotech. The fact that they are making another macross is a blessing on itself so I'm taking this as a positive and Sunrise does make good quality shows, say whatever you want about "AMAIM Warrior at the Borderline" in terms of story, character, coherance, consistency, writing, engagement, setting, enviroment or enjoyment but the production value was really good.
Just in case some don't realize- CGI mecha must also be designed in 2D before it can be modeled in any 3D software such as Maya, Cinema 4D or Blender. CGI isn't just some kind of "easy" method of working.
Macross is probably my favorite anime franchise. When I was a kid in Asia my mom took me to watch do you remember love in the theaters. Bryan Cranston voices one of my favorite anime characters in macross plus. When we move to America friends kept asking me where I got my robotech fighters...I didn't know they were talking about my valkyries . As a kid before we moved to the states each of my friends had valkyries and I had skull leader ..we were just a bunch of kids running super fast making noises with valkyries in our hands lol.
If they keep to their 8 year cycle, we are due for a new series in 2024. I hope it leans more toward the mecha/warfare vertex of the triangle. I'd love to see more types of Variable-fighters, ground attack, bombers, helicopters.. and more Destroids. As for the rights issues, I hope Harmony Gold loses the brand forever, so that us fans can finally get all off the merch that immediately sells out because they only make enough for the Japanese market. (Like Bandai DX Chogokin)
5:03 studio khara could’ve done Macross better specially since they have the best cgi. They can handle mature themes better. Specially the Macross franchise derailed since delta
I love macross. I’m a avid fan of anime.I have loved this show since it aired on toonami. I’ve seen multiple mecha anime’s, from Gundam, to full metal panic to garsaraki. Macross has been my favorite “giant robot” anime of them all. I’m happy to see its coming back on the scene.
I've seen frontier, do you remember love? And the original. From my point of view, the time is ripe. Idol culture is bigger than ever even in the west due to vtubers. And having a big budget action series with this as a focus i can see doing really well. Just a modern version of a series like macross frontier i think could be a big hit. You just need a good artstyle that is modern sinplistic and flashy. I'm think kind of darling in the franxx kind of but more colourful.
They should bring back the Macross were it was emphazing on Military rather than magical songs. They should get inspiration from the video game Macross VFX 2... but I'm speaking base on my preference only
The official macross site had job listings for the 45th anniversary project on the top page of the damn website months ago, we KNEW there was gonna be new macross for months already. The only thing surprising about this news is that Sunrise is animating it because Satelite is losing massive amounts of money. And, just in case you didnt know because youre just some weeb who cant speak japanese, Sunrise was listed in the Credits of DYRL. Sunrise has been owned by Bandai since 1993, and BANDAI helped with Macross II as well.
I can’t wait for the new show. Hopefully it has some of the same all characters. Thanks for the info dude have a nice day. Good night depending on where you at.
The only Matcross I have watched was the entire 1st Matcross series, half of the 2nd series and some of Matcross Plus. My brother owns the entire 1st series of Matcross and owns 2 Vera Tech fighters models.
Agree with this. I'm a fan of the OG right up to Frontier, what came after... not a fan. And yes, to the un-initiated and to those who 80s animation is a turn-off then Macross Frontier hits all the right notes while still looking modern.
I'm an animation fan .... I don't discriminate......, But the truth is ..... we'll see. In my opinion the best animation comes from Ghibli studios .... japan😊
I think many of your ideas would shift if you read up on the production of Macross since its inception and all its iterations. Start with the man behind it all for better or for worse. Shōji Kawamori.
I enjoy Macross, recently was able to watch some of the later series. I like Macross7, MacrossFrontier and Delta. Really enjoed the music a lot. Macross Plus kinda threw me off tho
Lets hope that if/when they bring macross to the west, it doesn't get stolen again and get caught up in copyright issues. With "Robotech" they really Frankenstein the show as you say. They cobbled together 3 different anime shows and made their own plot lines. The two other shows being Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross and Genesis Climber Mospeada. Macross wasn't changed much, but there were cuts and additions to make additional unrelated stories flow as well as cuts to make the show PG. Other properties stole designes from the show when it came here as well. Mechwarrior, Battletech, and even transformers stole the Variable Fighter Jet and other mecha designs and made toys and other merchandise with all different names. The west really had a field day pillaging.
Robotech was a necesary "evil" to break through the network restrictions and lets not forget that Harmony Gold wanted to distribute Macross "as-is" in the west but weren't capable of doing it thru television. On a side note while the massive clusterfuck between Big West and HG litteraly forbid the distribution of other Macross products on the western side (in one occasion BG over charged the licensing price of Macross 7 makin it impossible ot be brought in) in my perspective two things came good: 1) While Macross is good on its own (the original screw Macross 2) mixing it with Southern Cross and Mospeada ended up been like catching lighting in a bottle because each season (so to speak) presented different shades on humanity, i.e: in the first one (Macross) they are the victims and fight to avoid extinction, the second (Southern Cross) has them firing first then trying to understand the mess in wich they put themselves, the third one (Mospeada) shows how corrupted their society became due to the Protoculture Energy Source to the point that by the last rites of the final battle, the Expeditionary Force that came down to earth as "saviors" ended up been not much different than the Zentraedi forces that obliterated the planet decades prior (a perfect yuxtaposition with humans and aliens in Macross). 2) It fixed the dissaster that was Southern Cross and gave it one hell of a monumental ending, probably one of the biggest cliff hangers and "we are sooo fucked right now" moment in animation history. But I digress, let's hope that this new project ends up as something SERIOUS and ADULT instead of the loli, neko, ecchi, blue balls we have had in the past 20 years of anime. I mean, fanservice is one thing but flashing breast pysics every 24 frames is beyond stupid, let alone doing it while presenting a plotline that is supposed to be serious.
between them cowtowing to HG's copyright trolling and all their focus on selling "idol" tickets (that's literally all delta was), i wouldn't hold my breath.
It's it's gonna be just another idol anime, no, thank you. But seeing is another studio that will make this new Macross, maybe there's hope? What are the chances that this new production will remember that offer forms of art and culture (btw, "idol" is not art nor culture) exist to explore?
I'm of the cynical opinion that Big West thinks Harmony Gold is gonna pull some shenanigans and invited Bandai Namco to tag-team the coming litigation.
All we need is remake of Gal Force and we will have full 80s Sci Fi fantasy back in action. And next decade in the 2030s, they could remake Irresponsible Captain Tylor for some Sci Fi fantasy with Mr Bean like comedy.
I'm gonna be a bit reserved on the new Macross project, sure the shift to Sunrise making it is a big deal, but we have to look at today's market for Macross and not the past. As we all know Sunrise' bread and butter is mecha, but as of late, they've added idol shows in the roster, and that part is making a lot of bank. With that in mind, it makes sense to merge the Macross franchise with Sunrise as the studio is basically the premier studio for both genres. Sure the new Gundam is better than ever, but notice the main 'theme' is cute girls doing gundam things, nothing bad per se but when you insert it in context of the adding Macross in the roster.. There's a huge chance we get another bigger and better Delta, which is a very polarizing mecha show, where on one hand it performed quite well as a show, but it divides the pure Macross mecha leaning fan, to the more numerous fans who are mostly there for the idol aspect of the show. In-short I feel like we're getting a bigger and better iteration of Delta, and many mecha fans would probably not like it. As Gigguk said about Delta on his mecha vid, "No mecha here only idols"..
Here's the thing with Delta...and about the only thing I liked about it.... They expanded the setting... You can say frontier did too but they went all out in delta. We get to learn about all the other 'children of the protoculture' and it expanded the vajra thing. It was just to...poppy?...for the story it was telling thus making it not as relatable. Sheryl Nome wasn't going on clandestine spy missions for the private military contractors. I don't know why they just can't Dub Frontier and release it here on TV. That can be a really good jumping point to start with.
The problem for me is if they bring Macross out you have to hit the floor running for example Battle cry back in the day was ok for its time but did did not really wow anybody I have played some PS 3 Macross games and they blew my mine and that two generation ago console. give up the mech battles with Roy Folker and Rick hunter with the 3d veri-techs that do all the modes and space battles, and planet battles that's what we need to spark the fire plus in my opinion we have not had any real good Mech games since front mission which in the west we did not get front mission 5 a waste. The game being releast is not really the game we are looking plus you have to call it robotech because some folks do not know Macross.
i really hope sunrise tones down a bit the music cause delta was too weird. The one i liked was frontier. And the valkyries in delta were too much with all that art on them.
Macross Started out as a Space Opera that happened to have idols in it, evolved over time into an anime about space/ mechs and idols and eventually degenerated into an idol anime that happened to have some space opera elements in it and finally arrived at it's inevitable end point: A pure idol show that has NOTHING to do with what it originally was, at all. The promo pictures released so far look like garbage! And I really, really liked the OG Macross, as well as the movie/s based on it.
If this new project isnt about the "Deciples of Zore" then i dont want to know about it! How did the first zore die! Why did he run from the Robotech masters & what were the secrets of his society and where did the "Agents of Shadow" or the third opposition that scared even the Envid come in to all of this! This time, dont hold back, I need my questions answered!!!
Bandai has been doing macross model kits for decades, its just that Hasegawa is more well known for it. The old 1/144 and 1/100 kits from Macross 7 were ALL bandai, and bandai was making toys for macross back in that era too. God you claim to like Macross and know so goddamn little about it.
Like also means to enjoy the anime too, not that i know of the merchandise, you probably have a hard time understanding the difference. Money doesnt equal being a fan, I watched the show robotech part 1(macross), watched frontier, zero, plus, some of Seven and delta...yeah, im like the show.
@@pilotamurorei i forgot to mention, your comment looked sad. When you pointed those details in that matter, it made look petty, try to enjoy life instead of being bitter on whatever merchandise came out from whoever.But yes, bandai does make model kits of macross, I was wrong
@@Hook2099 and yet you ignore the chronologically the last series in the timeline, Macross II. Yeah keep up the facade. As for the toys, It doesnt take a deep knowledge to know that bandai has been making toys and models for Macross for decades, because they are everywhere. Jeez.
@@Hook2099 Look sad? How dumb are you? I was pointing out your lack of knowledge of macross, and you think I'm sad? I'd rather not be associated with someone like you, being that ive been a fan of the franchise for nearly 4 decades.
Its not gross Sunrise can do Mecha well just hope they dont try to do a Gundam seed songstess macoss version....plus macross usally is a bit less tragic and upbeet storrywise.
There really are not that many Macross series out there (unlike MS Gundam), and Macross Plus is alrady a worldwide release, so I would say Frontier is the only 'good' one missing. Delta, 7, and even Zero do not quite live up to the original imo.
I don't think Macross will ever explode again in the Mainstream. Bandai will milk the crap out of it so they will focus on idol otakus instead and their moe-moe crap. I prefer something like Macross Plus with mature themes and non-traditional idol pop music but I'm aware that they will never outdo something like that again. Gundam TV series pretty blows too. Both IBO and WFM have a terrible second season. Hathaway's Flash was pretty good though, as was Thunderbolt (need season 3)
- a new macross anime
- a new Sousei no Aquarion anime.
- Gundam is bigger than ever.
-Armored core is back
- A new Daemon x machina game
- front mission games remakes/remasters.
We're eating good boys. It's a good time to be a mecha fan.
now i just need a new Zone of the enders game.
If we can get a new Mechwarrior and Titanfall. Mecha in Japan and the west would have the best year ever.
I wasn’t aware of about half of that stuff, those are great news!
@Orca22 it's a good t8me to be a mecha fan. I happy for you and I hope you enjoy your time. Have a wonderful day.
@Krenless a man can dream. ZOE is my favourite mecha game. Its a shame that its stuck under Konami.
I missed the good old days when i had to sail the seven seas just to watch Macross Frontier due to obvious reasons.
Yo ho ho🏴☠️🏴☠️
I think it's important to realize that Macross as a franchise has always been seen as a competitor to Gundam due to the shared mecha theme. For Macross to go to Sunrise (which does Gundam) is absolutely huge and can be seen as a merger of the two franchise into one.
I wouldn't say it's a competitor since their themes and demographic are different. They may both have mecha but that doesn't mean they're directly competing with each other. A Gundam series is produced every few while Macross once a decade. I wouldn't put my hopes up that both franchises will merge just because Sunrise will produce the next Macross. Shoji Kawamori likely chose them because his own animation studio Satelight is already working on the next Aquarion series and they don't have the manpower and resources to work on another Macross at the same time.
Shoji Kawamori is still Macross' Mechanical designer til this day.
And main story writer as well. Macross has always been his baby, outside of the 10th anniversary where Big West wanted to do something to commemorate it and Kawamori said he was done with it. We get Macross II, which was written by the SAME storywriter, Tomida Sukehiro, as the OG tv series AND DYRL. It was also the last macross to feature Mikimoto's artwork animated. Tomida also wrote most of the episodes for 7 and also Dynamite 7.
@@pilotamurorei Macross 2 Sunrise also worked on lol. Check credits
in some aspect is funny that sunrise is doing a Macross anime since Sunrise is more synonymous with Gundam that is the long life rival of Macross. is like putting 2 kids that don't like each other on the same room.
You have never bothered reading the credits to either DYRL or Macross II, have you?
@@pilotamurorei Or Escaflowne.
Macross should be as big as Transformers and Power Rangers if Harmony Gold were not such A-holes over the license. The first Macross Animated movie is as legendary as Akira. Macross 7 was a spectacular series that I first could only see on bootleg.
Bring back minmei and misa and hikaru
1. Still waiting for "Macross" stuff being released on DVD/BR, not just "Robotech" again!
2. They should remake the original "Macross" like they did with "Space Battleship Yamato", which looks quite good!
3. New videogame & boardgame/tabletop, but BIG, not just small indie-like things!
4. Waiting for a live-action movie since the 1st "Transformers" movie, Starscream swooping in & kicking ass proved a Valkyrie can be done!
5. More comics, that don't get canceled...
The original Macross deserves to be redone like yamato got in 2013.
Didn't was it redone in 2012 already?
Love Macross. But a return to older Macross would be most welcome. Not that new stuff is bad but the Valkyries are getting more and more flashy. And the multiple canons every time they do a movie is annoying too.
I think we are overdo for a revamp of the original Macross, ala Macross the First manga (since canon is already a mess, whatever).
Or a PROPER conclusion to Frontier, or followup/conclusion on that one plot thread that's been ongoing since Flashback...
There are a few other casualties in the whole Harmony Gold rampage, Jetfire on Transformers G1, Exosquad, and FASA who also did themselves in as well.
Back in the 90s I always thought it kinda weird that "Battletech" had mecha-designs taken from "Robotech", even to this day
I highly recommend the robotech videos by Secret Galaxy for the history behind its creation and the legal hell it has created (another franchise caught up in it is Battletech, which borrowed a number of robot designs that harmony golds has claimed)
I genuinely would love a new Macross, heck I'd be all for even a remake of the original series. Just...please... not another Macross Delta...
Macross is the only anime I love more than Gundam. I pray Sunrise says "fuck you" to Harmony Gold and Publishes to the west regardless of copyrights. Harmony Gold is the hurdle, and always has been... a Real Estate company.
If you want to understand even a fraction of the pain of western Macross fans, imagine if back in the day, Toho acquired Japanese distribution rights to Star Wars Episode IV, the original Battlestar Galactica, and Flash Gordon... narratively butchered them into a single timeline... and not only never, ever, released another entry in the Star Wars series, but engaged in a decades-long legal war to prevent anyone else from ever acquiring the rights.
So, yesterday, today, and forever: fuck Harmony Gold.
I’m glad to hear something is happening, I don’t want the material to die and forgotten. Watching Robotech/Macross before walking to elementary school was a big part of my childhood so I’ll keep an open mind and hope for good things :)
It’s not gonna “die” or be forgotten just because a bunch of weebs want to jerk their shit over stupid trendy show-of-the-moment shows- in all reality Japan had the best sci fi anime scene when it wasn’t thinking about international audiences and I kinda wanna keep it that way
Rival mecha franchise become allies. Yes it was good that Sunrise pick the new Macross anime maybe they will back the space opera drama at same time with idol aspect on it since Macross and Kawamori's direction doing that and it's GREAT pick up since Sunrise got the most experience mecha designer as well the experience staff from Love Live!
And fun fact: Kawamori was impressed by the Rina-chan Board's expression which Rinari used in lives in Love Live! Nijigasaki anime and lives
The last delta movie essentially confirmed that Megaroad , the colony ship Misa, Hikaru and Minmay left eart on, still exists. Add in the mention of Lady "M" on it and its safe to say we may see the original crew make an appearance outside of Max and Milia from Macross 7
Just getting into the Gundam franchise with Iron blooded Orphans. Looking forward to hearing more about this project with Macross!
I'm a big Macross fan and I'm excited for this announcement though I'll be much more excited once I see who all is actually involved and how they are handling presenting the mechs.
I did want to mention a few things though: Studio Nue no longer exists, and Macross has been developed by Satelight for the past 20 years. Personally, Satelight's cgi style has really grown on me over the years and they manage to pull of some incredible action sequences thanks to the use of cgi mechs, but I'm totally open to seeing how Sunrise does things. As far as who should be in charge of the story I think the average Macross fan is gonna say that Shouji Kawamori should remain in charge of things. He's been a hugely influential part of Macross from the beginning working on the script for the original series as well as designing the original Valkyrie mech. Since then he's directed every Macross entry sans Macross II, and has continued to be the designer of the new iterations of Valkyrie. He does work collaboratively with creators though so if he wants to do an outline and let someone from Sunrise fill in the details while Kawamori provides direction that would be fine too. Kawamori simply has to be involved though I'll be very concerned if he isn't.
Yea I could totally see them faffing this shit up
@@jayfink2199Kawamori actually used to work with Sunrise on some projects: Gundam he worked on Stadust Memory GP01 and GP02 and Cyber formula. This is now gone full circle ironically when u consider Kawamori history with Sunrise.
Doesn’t matter. Lol I actually think Macross has had a bigger influence on Gundam than the other way around, even tho all the creators except for old farts like Ishiguro wanted to work on Gundam when they grew up- and Mikimoto & Kawamori both did on 0080 & 0083 coincidentally. And I somehow feel like that god-awful twist at the third-to-last episode was a homage to Macross lolol
Anyway I don’t care. Sunrise is a juggernaut; the less I hear names like “Sunrise” and “Disney” the better.
Also it reminds me to guard my own intellectual properties with lawyers that are more ferocious than barracudas if I ever make it somewhere - fuck Harmony Gold!
I would point out the change of tone in the first episode of Zeta Gundam (airing long after Macross did) with the elevator music as Fa & Camille are floating around - Fa has an unmistakeable vibe as if Minmay & Frau Bow were smooshed together to get Fa lol
@@jayfink2199 Sunrise is less in your face than Disney. You sound like Sunrise is throwing godawful shit even though Sunrise has never really done god awful recent failures compared to Disney. They seem more respectful to the creator than Disney. Even Kawamori has worked with them multiple years and on multiple projects so I don't think Sunrise is that disrespectful. Nothing compared to Disney.
I would love to see a story about the disappearance of the Megaroad 1 fleet
Im an old school fan and watched macross in latin america as Robotech. The fact that they are making another macross is a blessing on itself so I'm taking this as a positive and Sunrise does make good quality shows, say whatever you want about "AMAIM Warrior at the Borderline" in terms of story, character, coherance, consistency, writing, engagement, setting, enviroment or enjoyment but the production value was really good.
Sunrise is only animating it, the story will still be done by Kawamori.
I wonder if they'll do to Macross what Yamato 2199 did.
I'm hoping the same, a remake looking like that would be sweet
Just in case some don't realize- CGI mecha must also be designed in 2D before it can be modeled in any 3D software such as Maya, Cinema 4D or Blender. CGI isn't just some kind of "easy" method of working.
They saw gundam coming back and wants a piece of the mecha action.
Macross is probably my favorite anime franchise. When I was a kid in Asia my mom took me to watch do you remember love in the theaters. Bryan Cranston voices one of my favorite anime characters in macross plus. When we move to America friends kept asking me where I got my robotech fighters...I didn't know they were talking about my valkyries . As a kid before we moved to the states each of my friends had valkyries and I had skull leader ..we were just a bunch of kids running super fast making noises with valkyries in our hands lol.
Macross: we need someone that can make mecha and idol show
*Sunrise and Bandai enter room with big dick energy*
I wish there was an animated story of a Megaroad/Megaload...
And the whole history of the Protoculture
If they keep to their 8 year cycle, we are due for a new series in 2024. I hope it leans more toward the mecha/warfare vertex of the triangle. I'd love to see more types of Variable-fighters, ground attack, bombers, helicopters.. and more Destroids. As for the rights issues, I hope Harmony Gold loses the brand forever, so that us fans can finally get all off the merch that immediately sells out because they only make enough for the Japanese market. (Like Bandai DX Chogokin)
5:03 studio khara could’ve done Macross better specially since they have the best cgi. They can handle mature themes better. Specially the Macross franchise derailed since delta
I love macross. I’m a avid fan of anime.I have loved this show since it aired on toonami. I’ve seen multiple mecha anime’s, from Gundam, to full metal panic to garsaraki. Macross has been my favorite “giant robot” anime of them all. I’m happy to see its coming back on the scene.
You said one thing that makes me afraid: a full remake of the original series? I hope they're doing something new.
i hope minmay is in it
I've seen frontier, do you remember love? And the original.
From my point of view, the time is ripe. Idol culture is bigger than ever even in the west due to vtubers. And having a big budget action series with this as a focus i can see doing really well.
Just a modern version of a series like macross frontier i think could be a big hit. You just need a good artstyle that is modern sinplistic and flashy. I'm think kind of darling in the franxx kind of but more colourful.
Ain't it bloody time for a new Macross TV series
They should bring back the Macross were it was emphazing on Military rather than magical songs. They should get inspiration from the video game Macross VFX 2... but I'm speaking base on my preference only
dude, nobody does Macross other than Satelite.
It has freaking Shoji Kawamori, the guy who pioneered transforming mechs.
Man, imagine a movie starring the vf-4.
The official macross site had job listings for the 45th anniversary project on the top page of the damn website months ago, we KNEW there was gonna be new macross for months already. The only thing surprising about this news is that Sunrise is animating it because Satelite is losing massive amounts of money. And, just in case you didnt know because youre just some weeb who cant speak japanese, Sunrise was listed in the Credits of DYRL.
Sunrise has been owned by Bandai since 1993, and BANDAI helped with Macross II as well.
I hope they go back to the roots of Macross and focus on the war aspect and the cool Zentraedi aliens and less on the wifu singing popstar aspect.
I find myself wondering how this came to Sunrise, rather than any of the Tatsunoko "family tree" (such as Pierrot or Production IG)
*sees Ranka in the thumbnail*
I see you are a man of deculture as well!
Man of *Protoculture*
I can’t wait for the new show. Hopefully it has some of the same all characters. Thanks for the info dude have a nice day. Good night depending on where you at.
The only Matcross I have watched was the entire 1st Matcross series, half of the 2nd series and some of Matcross Plus.
My brother owns the entire 1st series of Matcross and owns 2 Vera Tech fighters models.
I need the old macross to be dubbed
strongly recommend Macross Frontier if you want to watch one (that is not the original)
Agree with this. I'm a fan of the OG right up to Frontier, what came after... not a fan.
And yes, to the un-initiated and to those who 80s animation is a turn-off then Macross Frontier hits all the right notes while still looking modern.
With showing more skin and a banger OST hopefully🥺
I'm an animation fan .... I don't discriminate......, But the truth is ..... we'll see. In my opinion the best animation comes from Ghibli studios .... japan😊
I think many of your ideas would shift if you read up on the production of Macross since its inception and all its iterations. Start with the man behind it all for better or for worse. Shōji Kawamori.
Just want to know when this stuff is releasing.
I enjoy Macross, recently was able to watch some of the later series. I like Macross7, MacrossFrontier and Delta. Really enjoed the music a lot. Macross Plus kinda threw me off tho
Lets hope that if/when they bring macross to the west, it doesn't get stolen again and get caught up in copyright issues. With "Robotech" they really Frankenstein the show as you say. They cobbled together 3 different anime shows and made their own plot lines. The two other shows being Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross and Genesis Climber Mospeada. Macross wasn't changed much, but there were cuts and additions to make additional unrelated stories flow as well as cuts to make the show PG. Other properties stole designes from the show when it came here as well. Mechwarrior, Battletech, and even transformers stole the Variable Fighter Jet and other mecha designs and made toys and other merchandise with all different names. The west really had a field day pillaging.
Robotech was a necesary "evil" to break through the network restrictions and lets not forget that Harmony Gold wanted to distribute Macross "as-is" in the west but weren't capable of doing it thru television.
On a side note while the massive clusterfuck between Big West and HG litteraly forbid the distribution of other Macross products on the western side (in one occasion BG over charged the licensing price of Macross 7 makin it impossible ot be brought in) in my perspective two things came good:
1) While Macross is good on its own (the original screw Macross 2) mixing it with Southern Cross and Mospeada ended up been like catching lighting in a bottle because each season (so to speak) presented different shades on humanity, i.e: in the first one (Macross) they are the victims and fight to avoid extinction, the second (Southern Cross) has them firing first then trying to understand the mess in wich they put themselves, the third one (Mospeada) shows how corrupted their society became due to the Protoculture Energy Source to the point that by the last rites of the final battle, the Expeditionary Force that came down to earth as "saviors" ended up been not much different than the Zentraedi forces that obliterated the planet decades prior (a perfect yuxtaposition with humans and aliens in Macross).
2) It fixed the dissaster that was Southern Cross and gave it one hell of a monumental ending, probably one of the biggest cliff hangers and "we are sooo fucked right now" moment in animation history.
But I digress, let's hope that this new project ends up as something SERIOUS and ADULT instead of the loli, neko, ecchi, blue balls we have had in the past 20 years of anime. I mean, fanservice is one thing but flashing breast pysics every 24 frames is beyond stupid, let alone doing it while presenting a plotline that is supposed to be serious.
I loved all macross but delta, but even Delta wasn't terrible, it just wasn't special as all the others.
between them cowtowing to HG's copyright trolling and all their focus on selling "idol" tickets (that's literally all delta was), i wouldn't hold my breath.
What will they call it? Shin-Macross?
Sunrise does great but I'd prefer Satelight to continue doing Macross animations.
It's it's gonna be just another idol anime, no, thank you.
But seeing is another studio that will make this new Macross, maybe there's hope?
What are the chances that this new production will remember that offer forms of art and culture (btw, "idol" is not art nor culture) exist to explore?
I'm of the cynical opinion that Big West thinks Harmony Gold is gonna pull some shenanigans and invited Bandai Namco to tag-team the coming litigation.
Harmony gold hates macross. They will block it. It is a personal vendetta
All we need is remake of Gal Force and we will have full 80s Sci Fi fantasy back in action.
And next decade in the 2030s, they could remake Irresponsible Captain Tylor for some Sci Fi fantasy with Mr Bean like comedy.
Yup that was childhood use to be, those unfinished and frankenstein stuff kinda series. I like macross, robotech s***k!
Gundam anime studio is making macross?
What! Why isn't 'Harmony Gold' involved?!?
Screw Harmony Gold. They're the reason we've not been able to see Macross (legally) til just recently. Involving them would be an absolute sin.
I was just thinking today what would happen first, a Love Live series set in space or I could finally watch Macross. I really hope this is good.
I'm gonna be a bit reserved on the new Macross project, sure the shift to Sunrise making it is a big deal, but we have to look at today's market for Macross and not the past.
As we all know Sunrise' bread and butter is mecha, but as of late, they've added idol shows in the roster, and that part is making a lot of bank.
With that in mind, it makes sense to merge the Macross franchise with Sunrise as the studio is basically the premier studio for both genres.
Sure the new Gundam is better than ever, but notice the main 'theme' is cute girls doing gundam things, nothing bad per se but when you insert it in context of the adding Macross in the roster..
There's a huge chance we get another bigger and better Delta, which is a very polarizing mecha show, where on one hand it performed quite well as a show, but it divides the pure Macross mecha leaning fan, to the more numerous fans who are mostly there for the idol aspect of the show.
In-short I feel like we're getting a bigger and better iteration of Delta, and many mecha fans would probably not like it.
As Gigguk said about Delta on his mecha vid, "No mecha here only idols"..
Here's the thing with Delta...and about the only thing I liked about it....
They expanded the setting...
You can say frontier did too but they went all out in delta. We get to learn about all the other 'children of the protoculture' and it expanded the vajra thing. It was just to...poppy?...for the story it was telling thus making it not as relatable. Sheryl Nome wasn't going on clandestine spy missions for the private military contractors.
I don't know why they just can't Dub Frontier and release it here on TV. That can be a really good jumping point to start with.
I need sunrise to go and fetch Yoko Kanno for a new soundtrack....again...or Sawano...hes already doing Gundam...
The problem for me is if they bring Macross out you have to hit the floor running for example Battle cry back in the day was ok for its time but did did not really wow anybody I have played some PS 3 Macross games and they blew my mine and that two generation ago console. give up the mech battles with Roy Folker and Rick hunter with the 3d veri-techs that do all the modes and space battles, and planet battles that's what we need to spark the fire plus in my opinion we have not had any real good Mech games since front mission which in the west we did not get front mission 5 a waste. The game being releast is not really the game we are looking plus you have to call it robotech because some folks do not know Macross.
The only one I didt care for was macross 7
i really hope sunrise tones down a bit the music cause delta was too weird. The one i liked was frontier. And the valkyries in delta were too much with all that art on them.
Disney will ruin it and it will be worse than Delta. It will be like flying on Delta… in the 1930’s.
Disney got the right, YEAH!!!
Macross Started out as a Space Opera that happened to have idols in it, evolved over time into an anime about space/ mechs and idols and eventually degenerated into an idol anime that happened to have some space opera elements in it and finally arrived at it's inevitable end point: A pure idol show that has NOTHING to do with what it originally was, at all.
The promo pictures released so far look like garbage!
And I really, really liked the OG Macross, as well as the movie/s based on it.
If this new project isnt about the "Deciples of Zore" then i dont want to know about it! How did the first zore die! Why did he run from the Robotech masters & what were the secrets of his society and where did the "Agents of Shadow" or the third opposition that scared even the Envid come in to all of this! This time, dont hold back, I need my questions answered!!!
Makes sense that bandai started doing macross model kits recentely. After the macross delta anime, i'll take anything macross from any studio
Bandai has been doing macross model kits for decades, its just that Hasegawa is more well known for it. The old 1/144 and 1/100 kits from Macross 7 were ALL bandai, and bandai was making toys for macross back in that era too. God you claim to like Macross and know so goddamn little about it.
Like also means to enjoy the anime too, not that i know of the merchandise, you probably have a hard time understanding the difference. Money doesnt equal being a fan, I watched the show robotech part 1(macross), watched frontier, zero, plus, some of Seven and delta...yeah, im like the show.
@@pilotamurorei i forgot to mention, your comment looked sad. When you pointed those details in that matter, it made look petty, try to enjoy life instead of being bitter on whatever merchandise came out from whoever.But yes, bandai does make model kits of macross, I was wrong
@@Hook2099 and yet you ignore the chronologically the last series in the timeline, Macross II. Yeah keep up the facade.
As for the toys, It doesnt take a deep knowledge to know that bandai has been making toys and models for Macross for decades, because they are everywhere. Jeez.
Look sad? How dumb are you? I was pointing out your lack of knowledge of macross, and you think I'm sad? I'd rather not be associated with someone like you, being that ive been a fan of the franchise for nearly 4 decades.
Wth it’s coming back
Its not gross Sunrise can do Mecha well just hope they dont try to do a Gundam seed songstess macoss version....plus macross usally is a bit less tragic and upbeet storrywise.
There really are not that many Macross series out there (unlike MS Gundam), and Macross Plus is alrady a worldwide release, so I would say Frontier is the only 'good' one missing. Delta, 7, and even Zero do not quite live up to the original imo.
I don't think Macross will ever explode again in the Mainstream. Bandai will milk the crap out of it so they will focus on idol otakus instead and their moe-moe crap. I prefer something like Macross Plus with mature themes and non-traditional idol pop music but I'm aware that they will never outdo something like that again.
Gundam TV series pretty blows too. Both IBO and WFM have a terrible second season. Hathaway's Flash was pretty good though, as was Thunderbolt (need season 3)
You mean the first season of Robotec from the 80s?
Hope is not Delta