@@Matthew-Anthony The built density of industrial cities discourages building modern factories. Many people are still upset when GM and the City of Detroit used eminent domain to condemn properties to build the Poletown plant in the 1980s. Due to land restrictions the old automobile factories were multi-story and inefficient, but undeveloped sprawling sites were at a premium. There weren't good highways outside of the city, so factories operated within the constraints of the day. Many of the workers didn't have automobiles and walked to the factory jobs. With better roads factories were best constructed in a site that wasn't hemmed by residential neighborhoods. I believe the DeSoto plant in the late 1930s on Wyoming Ave was the last auto factory that was built in Detroit for several decades, part of that factory was outside the city limits. Its not simply black/white etc, the economics also dictated the form and function of the modern city. The massive scope of aging industrial development in Detroit created land use scenarios that were not attractive to the emerging economies of the 1970s and beyond. Most of the aging factory buildings were still useful for something, but no longer practical for what had once been the economically viable roles that built the former wealth of the city of Detroit. The world is more complex than skin color.
@@Matthew-Anthony Theft! Yeah instead of paying proper wages or taxes for the maintenance of the socioeconomic structure, upon which commerce and industry is based & reliant, that money should have gone to a very small amount of millionaires and billionaires as profits, more and more every year until globalization opens up access to cheaper labour in the far east (then you can jettison the remaining local workers & move the business to exploit the cheapest workers anywhere on Earth!)!!!
Anytime an NYU professor of history gives a talk like this, it calls for skepticism. He avoids the effect of labor unions on the city. His talk about racism is leftist clichés.
Yes, because NO OTHER CITY HAD LABOR-UNIONS, right? These prigs just talk about how "Detroit skimped education--" as if it would MATTER; no proof is required. These teapot-snouted academics are NEVER QUESTIONED. Never mind that all studies show, that higher education-spending brings LOWER returns. No, let's just keep CLAIMING that public education is the answer to everything.... who are you gonna believe, the Ivy-tower intellectuals or your own eyes?
In 1961 the Democrat mayor Cavanaugh was able to get a city income tax which had three categories : (1) those who lived and worked in Detroit, (2) Those who worked in Detroit and lived outside of Detroit, (3) Those who lived in Detroit and and worked in a suburb. That caused many businesses and residents to consider leaving Detroit - the city was already full and new suburbs were rapidly developing. The lack of effective policing in the 1967 riots caused many to finally leave. The Detroit police were ordered to stand down and only observe the looting and rioting, eventually the violence got so bad that the National Guard was called in - similar to the "summer of love rhetoric" that was used in the looting of Democrat run cities in 2020. Observing the inept (rather politically shackled) police caused many businesses and homeowners to lose confidence in the city government - that this would toleration of violence would become the "new normal". Property values plummeted. Everyone knew that the city government would not act to protect private property. Kids came home from school and told their parents that they had been beaten and that nothing was done to stop it, property crimes began to become common - automobile windows broken and items stolen etc. People would be robbed outside of a grocery store. Everybody knew that these crimes previously were infrequent - and had been dealt with appropriately. With declining property values and ineffective city government people began to feel that selling a home or closing a business now was better than waiting until later. What would you do? Build a tall fence around your neighborhood and hire private security like wealthy people do today ? The Obama's would not have sent their kids to a school where the students were often beaten up. When a white protestant family puts their kids in a Catholic school they are called "racist", but that's exactly what I would have done. Detroit once had a large number of Jewish shop owners : grocers, pharmacists, physicians and so forth. Their loss created a vacuum that was never filled. LBJ's Model Cities agenda was a top down planning agenda that actually closed some grocers based on the theory that there was too much competition and that limited competition would lead to larger supermarkets with lower prices. The federal Utopian agendas were heavy with highly paid administrators and big government payrolls - but did almost nothing to help the people. It would have been more effective just to block grant the spending and send checks directly to business owners - build new sidewalks, new streetlights, fill potholes in the streets, rehab buildings for new uses etc. The big government administrators were like termites that ate up the federal funding on themselves.
@@damfst23 Detroit evolved from a cosmopolitan city with people from all over the world to one that wasn't very diverse at all. You can see relics from Detroit's artistic past at museums.
It wasn't just African Americans, the FHA discriminated against all "undesirables" as they put it. They also made it very difficult for poor whites (probably immigrants) to get a home loan.
This is a very interesting read and by the looks of this comment thread no one actually read the book. Fear and hate breeds more ignorance and no social change or growth occurs. If people actually read the book they would know that African Americans inherited a deindustrialized and depopulated city. Corruption, racism and pain all are factors in the city's decline.
The NYU professor's ideas are BS. Blacks in Detroit earned the highest incomes compared with others while working entirely in the private sector. Prior to 1967, blacks in Detroit had the highest percentage of home ownership while owning two cars. They worked in an auto industry that is global an innovative. Blacks in Detroit has many opportunities to develop a future. And yet, it was all thrown away. The auto industry largely disbanded from Detroit and moved to other areas around the nation and the world.
I was there. The main reason for Detroit's demise was bussing. When it passed most of the families that were able to move out of Detroit did, simply because they didn't want their kids sent half way across town everyday to go to a school miles away from where they lived.. These are the last people you want to see leave and what happened afterwards was pretty predictable..
How dare you not stay and accept having your businesses burned and willing sacrifice your own children’s well being with a smile👨🏻🎤 You are just cogs in our social engineering wheel, learn your place.
@@1984a-g9f out standing one. I guess I am in big trouble for leaving the detroit area and Michigan in 1996. How dare i more to a better state with no income taxes 80% lower property taxes better roads better weather a lot lower cost of living home owener ship. Could never afford a home in Michigan
dknowles60 Fortunately us New Yorkers and Californians are following you and bringing our Marxist beliefs to your new state. Where we are sure they will finally work👨🏻🎤 Don’t ask why they didn’t work in the states we are fleeing that’s irrelevant. Vote blue no matter who.
I was there, too. In 1943 at Fitzgerald ( now Bethune) Elementary when kids were bussed in for three years during WW2. My early schooling was integrated. The anti-bussing movement in Detroit and Pontiac was driven by the underground KKK of Michigan in cahoots with the Christian White Evangelicals that have reared their heads again with Trumpism.
First things first: we are Americans. American culture is still being built up. We must remember: we are not Europe, Asia, Africa. This is a separate continent with its own development. I'm a Detroiter, born and raised and educated ( right on through a university education). I feel like a Detroiter. I'm a Michiganian and I understand and live in its geographics. I share a lake culture with other states and with Canadians. I like our Canadian neighbor and I share some of its heritages. I also shop for food and clothes in Detroit and I party in Detroit at night. I don't feel no insecurities. I feel at home in Detroit and I'm a white mama. Americans must understand, we are not Europeans anymore. We also share a heritage with our North American Aborigines. The country needs to be built on the minds and shoulders of those who claim they are citizens of the United States of America.
#1 Cavanaughs City Tax, immediately drove business like AAA out of the city. #2 school bussing: immediately drove wealthy citizens out of the city, #3 riots: drove the rest of the taxpaying citizens out of the city, #4 entrenched Democrats and unions: forced a lack of business diversity favoring a few large businesses while stifling competition, then bleeding the Big 3 dry to the point of bankruptcy, to the point of Ford abandoning car production completely while non-union small car companies like Toyota, Honda, Kia, and Hyundai flourish manufacturing in the US. Detroit was a largely republican run city from the 1880s to 1962 and it had the highest standard of living in the Midwest. It's been run exclusively by Democrats since 1962, run right into the ground.
I can’t stand the way the interviewer talks! I just have to listen to the authors answers to even know wtf they’re talking about. Interviewer is the guy who puts the gas pump in the car and doesn’t start it and just stands there for five minutes before noticing.
tribulation138 I was thinking this , but the people who are left get pushed into one area , then bam rich people buy up all the cheap land and houses for $10,000 make a fortune out of it and the next thing you know Detroit is on the up and rich people move back pricing out the original home owners !! It’s happening in the UK also !
It has been going down in population. Now you can get a good home for 10k and if you have a AK-47 it can be good just be ready for high auto and home 🏠 insurance
A historian sites correlation of issue as causation or lumps correlation into causation. The neighborhoods were always segregated, some out of policy, but most was due to a desire to be around others who look like you. Today, we have Mexicantown and Greektown as distinct neighborhoods in Detroit. And, law enforcement can overuse force. But, Detroit was very populated and people wanted to move out. No one in these videos talks about the beautiful lakes in the surrounding towns. When people wanted to get out of a cramped city to have property in Bloomfield Hills or Birmingham or Troy, Clarkston, Rochester, Orchard Lake... it is not completely racial. Michigan is full of lakes and with the freeway, I could like in Bloomfield Hills and drive to work in Detroit. Southeastern Michigan is beautiful country.
@@jeromewade4110 its not, except to those who need you buying their bull shit for their power. As a customer, peddlers of anything from goods and services to agenda need customers to buy their products. Racism is a product that has zero initial investment, but makes them hoards of money.
This can't be right from an economic or financial perspective since it was not so in comparable cities. It fails the test of like comparison with other cities that have not had the same problems yet have thrived in those towns and cities. There is no explanation given as to why it only occurred in Detroit. the mention of attacks , all 200 of them and some petty crimes is totally insignificant in terms of the total number of such "attacks" and petty crimes that occur in just a few months or even weeks in large cities elsewhere. Why should it be significant in Detroit? Where are his facts in terms of like comparison with similar cities which did not have the same financial problems ? Answer - Not offered and that may well be because they are purely concocted. No mention of the fact that the Model cities program was funded by the central government in the 1960's and paid for by taxing other cities. It was a total failure. No mention of the school failure rates with more than double the high school drop out rates and Detroit having one of the lowest levels of academic achievement of any city in the US despite comparatively massively greater education funding for public schools. There is also no mention of the fact the democratic party has been in power in that city for over 40 years so there is little balance of power. No mention of the fact that Detroit has overall nearly double the funding of many of the 100 or so school districts yet is the lowest in school literacy and numeracy. No mention of the excessive property taxes that Detroit already has and that has contributed to the exodus of businesses and workers to other cities. . I conclude from his scant offerings of facts this video this guy is just trying to sell a popularism style book that appeals to people like those who want to jump on a bandwagon of popular myth and ride the segregation argument.
@@polarisjustdothework2258 Not Surprized . It will happen everywhere if the authorites start "fixing" things based on their wrongly conceived and applied policies of that ignore facts.
He puts all the emphasis on race, which is probably aimed at his intended progressive audience, but he also touches on industry fleeing to cheaper labor markets, which is a very big part of the equation; if your have the most well paid workers in the country, that's another way of saying that you have the most expensive labor in the country. There was also the matter of a little known federal program, created after the riots, to finance the movement of industry from the city to the suburbs. The Fed did not like having such vital industries located in such a volatile city. I heard about it from someone who was connected with one of the banks.
Segregation of Education is not a problem. In San Fransisco Bay area, there are many school that are 70% Asians, and less than 20% are White. Does it Create a Problem? No, these Racially Segregated Schools are Top Rated. SO if a 70% Asian School doesn't create a problem, but a 70% Black School does create a problem, the root cause is not Segregation itself. The simple fact is Black Students doesn't work as hard as White or Asian Students, even at a young age. Too many black student come from broken families living with thier mom, and lack the Iron-Fist Discipline a father can enforce. Less than 5% of Asian lives in single parent family, and more than 85% of Black student lives in single parent family, this is the real cause of the demise of Detroit (with this root cause, any city will fall, if there are too many blacks)
2:15 said it all. To these people it about equal results not equal opportunity. Many inner city school, ie Chicago, have the highest per student cost in their states with very poor outcomes. I'd rather see a video about a cit, predominantly black, with a high success rate.
Detroit died because it was uncompetitive in the globalized world. Democrats high taxes forced many auto companies to move out of state. Resulting in Detroit being what it is today.
No auto comanies have left the state the last Detroit assembly plant to close was the Chrysler Mack Avenue facility thirty years ago. Michigan is still the largest concentration of of automotive research and production capacity in the world.
Brennt Raoutarius "Detroit died because it was uncompetitive in the globalized world." Yeah, yeah that's it. Because it CAN'T be the blacks, since that would be RACIST! And the truth CAN'T be politically-incorrect, because--- well, BECAUSE!.
@@SovereignStatesman I am a white, lifelong resident of the city of Detroit. I am a card carrying Republican and a Engineering manager at GM. 2 things. Detroit is far from dead. People who say that it is are either ignorant or have not spent any time in the city core in the last ten years. It is fashionable to bash the city while ignoring the boom in construction, renovation and housing. Second. The world seems to be full of experts on the decline of Detroit. The fact is that the decline was due to a combination of factors that built up over fifty years. Blaming only black people is the philosophy of the weak and feeble minded most of who never spent fifteen minutes inside the city. Trust me. There is plenty of blame to go around.
this guy really has no clue. I lived in Detroit from the 50s to 60s. Jerome Cavanaugh sold a program of social improvement that required property and income taxes. This drove the middle class out. These were the manufacturing jobs. What was left? the unskilled, the people who did not pay taxes.
Was there a specific reason why he promoted the income tax? Was it supposed to achieve some kind of goal? Because it seemed like Detroit was in good shape in 1960 and didn't need new taxes to fix anything.
wow this guy has the amazing ability to speak endlessly in circles.... a true gift of gab. He spent 20 minutes twirling like a dervish. The simple answer to Detroit falling apart is crime. Corruption at the top ... lawlessness at the bottom. Most people don’t like it so they move. If the crime issue was at a low level Detroit would still be vibrant.
So were cali and illinois. Go figure. Hey Dems, when are you going to learn. Is it that hard to connect the dots? The definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over again but expecting a different result.
That because we live in a world of white supremacy before you open your mouth read a book there have been black towns doing very well but because of jealous racist white people couldn't stand black people having anything of their own they destroy black neighborhoods just like they hung us from trees because they could without no protection from the law, they were able to build something out of nothing without no hand out it amazes me the level ignorant as people in this country white and black just the 20th of century we deserve reparations
Relying on one industry, and GM? And not moving ahead with a real electric car, and suppressing innovations. This is what killed Detroit, and this country.
GOOD Commentary but half way in I’ve been aware and have stated everyone of these issues in conversations with associates , one thing I didn’t hear ( to that point ) was that further exacerbating Detroit’s decline was the loss of political power in Lansing that brought about laws that enabled police , firefighters and other city workers to MOVE OUT OF THE CITY LIMITS taking there financial power with them dwindling further Detroit’s tax base and political clout as I stated b4 , Also the strategic plan ( which was years in the making b4 the actual demise of the flagship store happened to build malls ( JL Hudson ) and leave Downtown Detroit even before sales began to suffer at that location.
San Francisco has been able to benefit from the the tech industry because of the relatively high level of educated and skilled people that are able to work in that industry. Detroit, on the other hand, has very little in the way of a skilled/technologically advanced candidates to fill job vacancies. Furthermore, it is tough to get these types of people to move there to take the positions. So why would any tech company see Detroit as a viable option?
Bad weather, bad weather, bad weather! Have you been to Detroit or Chicago? It's freezing cold! Many people move to warmer states. This causes the population to fall and GDP to collapse. It's economics. It's not close to any ports like NYC so it's obvious that people wont stay.
All you have to do is to Google how Detroit got broke and don't blame Coleman Young. Detroit been going down hill since the 1950. So why are you blame Coleman Young?
Wrong I live in michigan you did not cole man young made it go broke a lot faster and told any body that said anything don't let the door hit you in the butt when you cross 8 mile
Planned obsolescence also caused the auto makers Togo under. The Japanese were building cars to last while we were building cars to break after a certain time. This is because of American greed.
Yeah this guy knows no one will vote democrat ever again if they just took the facts into consideration. So he theorises about what he thinks will get people to be distracted by race baiting and group pitting ideas that could bring voters to their side.
I grew up in Detroit and thank god moved when I could to a more prosperous area and received a MUCH better education. Progressivism destroyed Detroit, that and imcome tax. Government mismanaged it to death
The auto companies got lazy and left themselves vulnerable to foreign competition Detroit now produces 1/3 of the cars it used to in its peak. With automation each car requires 1/3 of the workers it used to 90% of the manufacturing jobs disappeared Each manufacturing job supported three to four jobs in the service industry. No jobs people moved Detroit lost a lot of tax revenue Don't forget Ronald Reagan's tax cuts, they gave the Auto industry the illusion of profits which slowed down there desire to modernize, that hurt
Tax revenue was and still is the problem. Leftist can't see that poor people can't make others rich. Mentally, spiritually and financially poor people have ran Detroit for more than 70 years.
"ONCE AGAIN, here we have an individual, who shift the blame of Detroit's demise towards Rioting Blacks"! He starts of his explanation by stating: it's because of The Racial tensions\the rise of the Black power movement"! And also The 1967 Riot (" A Rebellion "). That that's the reason that the City of Detroit fell short to ruins"! But the reality of it is this: " People don't rebel, unless there is unjust or unwanted pressure being applied "! And 2, There would be no need of a Black power (" Organized Blacks, fighting to gain equal just under the Law. the same as white & everyone else"), if there wasn't a unjust system set in place to keep Blacks disenfranchised & on the bottom"! So, this guy is totally wrong for Blaming Blacks for Detroit's demise"! When in fact with the unjust system set in place wasn't right with Detroit from the get go"! Whenever Justice is excluded from a system, that system will eventually collapse"! And there lies the problem"!
And this is all the result of terrible white bigotry and poor leadership.....sure. This is total mid sixties garbage thinking..which had damages/destroyed a lot more places than just Detroit....
Black or White. If you can’t get a job, how can you own a home? Maybe it was just like some of the old mining towns in the west. The mines dried up, work dried up, people had to leave. Give a man a fish, he will eat. Teach a man to fish, he will eat for the rest of his life.
Lot of verbiage , little said! Detroit’s demise was indeed racial. Congress passed a bill #235 ( as I recall) Which provided assistance to Black families to move into white neighborhoods. Thus, fearful whites started moving to the suburbs. This continued for years. Ultimately, Black low income families move to homes that they were not equipped to maintain. Which, was an endless cycle! Ultimately, poor maintained neighborhoods became undesirable. Thereafter, worthless and abandoned!
#1 Liberal Democrat leaders, #2 globalism, #3 poor management of the major auto manufacturers, #4 Strict emission and fuel standards that can't be enforced in the time-frame given, #5 Corrupt auto union management.
Generally speaking society sees people with dark pigment as a threat, but when you really learn the stories, or even just open your eyes and pay attention, you see it has always been the other way around 💔💔💔
I love listening to this theoretical conversation, stop spending, start growing. You didn't have a revenue problem, you had a spending problem. It was the thinking that you had a revenue problem that taxed the people away, just like Illinois and California today.
The reason detroit fell from what i think im hearing is because they stop discriminating at the ballet box back in the 60s due to the end of segregation movements and the overwhelming black population in area ran to ballet box to vote for Democrats that put in well fair systems that destroyed detroit.
@@jamesricker3997 I'm just summarizing what I understood from this video about the cause of Detroit's fall. As I looked this video up because my grandparents used to tell me how nice a place Detroit used to be to live and I got curious as to why It turned into such a s***** place as I live in an area near Detroit and what happened in Detroit seem to have a fallout effect for many other surrounding counties making them terrible places to live as well.
@@pistongreg Keep fooling yourself . So hows your IRA doing with another democrat President ? Didn't that same thing happen last time we had a democrat President ? Oh wait a minute ! Your a democrat . You expect everything for free ! Paid for by the tax payers and you don't even have a job . Never mind .
@@randyscott3386 typical of Republicans once they mess up stuff they want to leave the Democrats to blame them for everything if you only listen to the facts but then again you don't want to hear the truth typical of a republican vote.
The population of Detroit today is roughly the same as it was in 1910 just prior to the auto manufacturing boom. Detroit would probably be far better off today if it had run Henry Ford and other uber-industrialists out of town on a rail.
Mr Baker, might I suggest you check your history. First , the auto industry is what brought people to Detroit, for opportunity. Ford, was never in Detroit. Those that arrived, were able to enhance their economic position. Naturally, with better economics a desire for improved housing became the order of the day for many black families. Which set in motion, with the help of Congress #235, white flight. Suburbs grew, Detroit diminished.Naturally no one issue caused the downturn of the City. However, White flight was a major factor.
Not the worst; - most prejudiced against Whitey. Whitey, being racist too, felt threatened by a black mayor. I personally never felt threatened by a black mayor. We must also remember: people see blackness as completely different than white. Being different is a sin in the eyes of a reactionary. I wish people would stop identifying black and white as different. Maybe if we opened our veins we would see the color red.
The demise of Detroit can be summed up in a few words: "Too Many Black People".... if they have not went to Detroit during the 1940s, Detroit would not have a problem in the first place
Local governments are mainly funded by property taxes. Wealthy areas have more property taxes to fund schools. This is not immoral inequality it is just reality. Alaska state government has oil wealth to fund schools, Washington state has State owned forest timber. Is this inequality bad?
The Planning and Orchestration of the destruction of the United States has it roots in WWII United States and post WWII, the success of Detroit as the Arsenal of Democracy, the power of industrial America that just supplied the greatest military power able to beat two fascist powers, in two different hemispheres, at the same time. This American Super Power scared the international power. The deindustrialization of the United States started in the auto industry, which was, after the USPS, the biggest employer of blue collar workers and agency for upward mobility into the middle class. Racism, discrimination policy, competition in the society were orchestrated, however the elitist, globalist, international, planned deindustrialization of America was the first cause of Detroit's destruction, Everything else, the subsequent, unrecognized divide and conquer offensives, the fear of a declining standard of living, then the actual decline of the national standard of living, within the population, is powerful but subordinate to the United States submission to Globalization. 100 million Americans are driven into poverty caused by the Wall St. system. The US Treasury is being looted, $Trillions of dollars distributed through the Fed to the TBTF banker-speculator facilities and their appendages and there is no indication this is going to change under the Wall St. owned political system. The unemployment rate is over 22%. The economy has been offshored. This is the present, actual national security crisis.
I think the income and property tax increases pushed a lot of people out. I know my father experienced that and it was one of the reasons he left
"History is a burden that the present bears." Ain't that the truth!
I've lived in the metropolitan Detroit area for 57 of my 62 years and I think this has a lot of mischaracterizations in it.
Yea it’s two stuffy white guys who eat dinner alone at chili’s while reading a book past closing time
Sounds like you play your role in having accountability issues within the machine also.
The auto industry moved to find cheap labor that's the biggest reason Detroit fell
@Steve Pretty easy to use racial slurs when you are safe behind a keyboard. I am a white ex-marine. I find you to be a sad and despicable person.
Yes, because labor unions and high taxes drove up costs. You are partly right.
@@Matthew-Anthony The built density of industrial cities discourages building modern factories. Many people are still upset when GM and the City of Detroit used eminent domain to condemn properties to build the Poletown plant in the 1980s. Due to land restrictions the old automobile factories were multi-story and inefficient, but undeveloped sprawling sites were at a premium. There weren't good highways outside of the city, so factories operated within the constraints of the day. Many of the workers didn't have automobiles and walked to the factory jobs. With better roads factories were best constructed in a site that wasn't hemmed by residential neighborhoods. I believe the DeSoto plant in the late 1930s on Wyoming Ave was the last auto factory that was built in Detroit for several decades, part of that factory was outside the city limits. Its not simply black/white etc, the economics also dictated the form and function of the modern city. The massive scope of aging industrial development in Detroit created land use scenarios that were not attractive to the emerging economies of the 1970s and beyond. Most of the aging factory buildings were still useful for something, but no longer practical for what had once been the economically viable roles that built the former wealth of the city of Detroit. The world is more complex than skin color.
Cus unions made it impossible to make any money
@@Matthew-Anthony Theft! Yeah instead of paying proper wages or taxes for the maintenance of the socioeconomic structure, upon which commerce and industry is based & reliant, that money should have gone to a very small amount of millionaires and billionaires as profits, more and more every year until globalization opens up access to cheaper labour in the far east (then you can jettison the remaining local workers & move the business to exploit the cheapest workers anywhere on Earth!)!!!
Anytime an NYU professor of history gives a talk like this, it calls for skepticism. He avoids the effect of labor unions on the city. His talk about racism is leftist clichés.
These prigs just talk about how "Detroit skimped education--" as if it would MATTER; no proof is required.
These teapot-snouted academics are NEVER QUESTIONED.
Never mind that all studies show, that higher education-spending brings LOWER returns.
No, let's just keep CLAIMING that public education is the answer to everything.... who are you gonna believe, the Ivy-tower intellectuals or your own eyes?
Yeah i know white peoples just do the right thing all the time everything is about the left and not white people
In 1961 the Democrat mayor Cavanaugh was able to get a city income tax which had three categories : (1) those who lived and worked in Detroit, (2) Those who worked in Detroit and lived outside of Detroit, (3) Those who lived in Detroit and and worked in a suburb. That caused many businesses and residents to consider leaving Detroit - the city was already full and new suburbs were rapidly developing.
The lack of effective policing in the 1967 riots caused many to finally leave. The Detroit police were ordered to stand down and only observe the looting and rioting, eventually the violence got so bad that the National Guard was called in - similar to the "summer of love rhetoric" that was used in the looting of Democrat run cities in 2020. Observing the inept (rather politically shackled) police caused many businesses and homeowners to lose confidence in the city government - that this would toleration of violence would become the "new normal". Property values plummeted. Everyone knew that the city government would not act to protect private property.
Kids came home from school and told their parents that they had been beaten and that nothing was done to stop it, property crimes began to become common - automobile windows broken and items stolen etc. People would be robbed outside of a grocery store. Everybody knew that these crimes previously were infrequent - and had been dealt with appropriately. With declining property values and ineffective city government people began to feel that selling a home or closing a business now was better than waiting until later. What would you do? Build a tall
fence around your neighborhood and hire private security like wealthy people do today ? The Obama's would not have sent their kids to a school where the students were often beaten up. When a white protestant family puts their kids in a Catholic school they are called "racist", but that's exactly what I would have done.
Detroit once had a large number of Jewish shop owners : grocers, pharmacists, physicians and so forth. Their loss created a vacuum that was never filled. LBJ's Model Cities agenda was a top down planning agenda that actually closed some grocers based on the theory that there was too much competition and that limited competition would lead to larger supermarkets with lower prices. The federal Utopian agendas were heavy with highly paid administrators and big government payrolls - but did almost nothing to help the people. It would have been more effective just to block grant the spending and send checks directly to business owners - build new sidewalks, new streetlights, fill potholes in the streets, rehab buildings for new uses etc. The big government administrators were like termites that ate up the federal funding on themselves.
All made possible by fiat currency, private central banking and the desire to go from neo liberalism to corporatism.
@@damfst23 Detroit evolved from a cosmopolitan city with people from all over the world to one that wasn't very diverse at all. You can see relics from Detroit's artistic past at museums.
You should make a video stating this. I've heard about the war on poverty but never the Model Cities aspect of LBJ.
After summer of love in 2020 we see mass migration too. Democrats were stupid from Andrew Jackson days and never stopped.
It wasn't just African Americans, the FHA discriminated against all "undesirables" as they put it. They also made it very difficult for poor whites (probably immigrants) to get a home loan.
This is a very interesting read and by the looks of this comment thread no one actually read the book. Fear and hate breeds more ignorance and no social change or growth occurs. If people actually read the book they would know that African Americans inherited a deindustrialized and depopulated city. Corruption, racism and pain all are factors in the city's decline.
So if there are no white people around anywhere - who are the racist?
This doesn't explain the demise of cities and towns across the country. Detroit is just the canary in the coal mine imo
The NYU professor's ideas are BS. Blacks in Detroit earned the highest incomes compared with others while working entirely in the private sector. Prior to 1967, blacks in Detroit had the highest percentage of home ownership while owning two cars. They worked in an auto industry that is global an innovative. Blacks in Detroit has many opportunities to develop a future. And yet, it was all thrown away. The auto industry largely disbanded from Detroit and moved to other areas around the nation and the world.
I was there. The main reason for Detroit's demise was bussing. When it passed most of the families that were able to move out of Detroit did,
simply because they didn't want their kids sent half way across town everyday to go to a school miles away from where they lived.. These are the last people you want to see leave and what happened afterwards was pretty predictable..
A lot were leaving after the 1967 roit but 🚌 busing made a lot more leave
How dare you not stay and accept having your businesses burned and willing sacrifice your own children’s well being with a smile👨🏻🎤
You are just cogs in our social engineering wheel,
learn your place.
@@1984a-g9f out standing one. I guess I am in big trouble for leaving the detroit area and Michigan in 1996. How dare i more to a better state with no income taxes 80% lower property taxes better roads better weather a lot lower cost of living home owener ship. Could never afford a home in Michigan
Fortunately us New Yorkers and Californians are following you and bringing our Marxist beliefs to your new state.
Where we are sure they will finally work👨🏻🎤
Don’t ask why they didn’t work in the states we are fleeing that’s irrelevant.
Vote blue no matter who.
I was there, too. In 1943 at Fitzgerald ( now Bethune) Elementary when kids were bussed in for three years during WW2. My early schooling was integrated. The anti-bussing movement in Detroit and Pontiac was driven by the underground KKK of Michigan in cahoots with the Christian White Evangelicals that have reared their heads again with Trumpism.
First things first: we are Americans. American culture is still being built up. We must remember: we are not Europe, Asia, Africa. This is a separate continent with its own development. I'm a Detroiter, born and raised and educated ( right on through a university education). I feel like a Detroiter. I'm a Michiganian and I understand and live in its geographics. I share a lake culture with other states and with Canadians. I like our Canadian neighbor and I share some of its heritages. I also shop for food and clothes in Detroit and I party in Detroit at night. I don't feel no insecurities. I feel at home in Detroit and I'm a white mama. Americans must understand, we are not Europeans anymore. We also share a heritage with our North American Aborigines. The country needs to be built on the minds and shoulders of those who claim they are citizens of the United States of America.
#1 Cavanaughs City Tax, immediately drove business like AAA out of the city. #2 school bussing: immediately drove wealthy citizens out of the city, #3 riots: drove the rest of the taxpaying citizens out of the city, #4 entrenched Democrats and unions: forced a lack of business diversity favoring a few large businesses while stifling competition, then bleeding the Big 3 dry to the point of bankruptcy, to the point of Ford abandoning car production completely while non-union small car companies like Toyota, Honda, Kia, and Hyundai flourish manufacturing in the US. Detroit was a largely republican run city from the 1880s to 1962 and it had the highest standard of living in the Midwest. It's been run exclusively by Democrats since 1962, run right into the ground.
Shhh its coz racism
Orks did to Detroit what A-bomb could not have done to Hiroshima.
I can’t stand the way the interviewer talks! I just have to listen to the authors answers to even know wtf they’re talking about. Interviewer is the guy who puts the gas pump in the car and doesn’t start it and just stands there for five minutes before noticing.
How and why do people Continue to live in Detroit? Wouldn't the population decrease every year?
tribulation138 I was thinking this , but the people who are left get pushed into one area , then bam rich people buy up all the cheap land and houses for $10,000 make a fortune out of it and the next thing you know Detroit is on the up and rich people move back pricing out the original home owners !! It’s happening in the UK also !
It has been going down in population. Now you can get a good home for 10k and if you have a AK-47 it can be good just be ready for high auto and home 🏠 insurance
In the city, yes. The suburbs are thriving.
How bout you two love birds just move to Detroit hand in hand- make sure you do all your shopping at night lol
A historian sites correlation of issue as causation or lumps correlation into causation. The neighborhoods were always segregated, some out of policy, but most was due to a desire to be around others who look like you. Today, we have Mexicantown and Greektown as distinct neighborhoods in Detroit. And, law enforcement can overuse force. But, Detroit was very populated and people wanted to move out. No one in these videos talks about the beautiful lakes in the surrounding towns. When people wanted to get out of a cramped city to have property in Bloomfield Hills or Birmingham or Troy, Clarkston, Rochester, Orchard Lake... it is not completely racial. Michigan is full of lakes and with the freeway, I could like in Bloomfield Hills and drive to work in Detroit. Southeastern Michigan is beautiful country.
When wasn't it completely racial,Mike?
@@jeromewade4110 its not, except to those who need you buying their bull shit for their power.
As a customer, peddlers of anything from goods and services to agenda need customers to buy their products.
Racism is a product that has zero initial investment, but makes them hoards of money.
@@jeromewade4110 It was never racial. Businesses got out because of the taxation. Only after that the riots began.
This can't be right from an economic or financial perspective since it was not so in comparable cities. It fails the test of like comparison with other cities that have not had the same problems yet have thrived in those towns and cities.
There is no explanation given as to why it only occurred in Detroit. the mention of attacks , all 200 of them and some petty crimes is totally insignificant in terms of the total number of such "attacks" and petty crimes that occur in just a few months or even weeks in large cities elsewhere. Why should it be significant in Detroit?
Where are his facts in terms of like comparison with similar cities which did not have the same financial problems ? Answer - Not offered and that may well be because they are purely concocted.
No mention of the fact that the Model cities program was funded by the central government in the 1960's and paid for by taxing other cities.
It was a total failure.
No mention of the school failure rates with more than double the high school drop out rates and Detroit having one of the lowest levels of academic achievement of any city in the US despite comparatively massively greater education funding for public schools.
There is also no mention of the fact the democratic party has been in power in that city for over 40 years so there is little balance of power.
No mention of the fact that Detroit has overall nearly double the funding of many of the 100 or so school districts yet is the lowest in school literacy and numeracy.
No mention of the excessive property taxes that Detroit already has and that has contributed to the exodus of businesses and workers to other cities. .
I conclude from his scant offerings of facts this video this guy is just trying to sell a popularism style book that appeals to people like those who want to jump on a bandwagon of popular myth and ride the segregation argument.
It’s not just Detroit
@@polarisjustdothework2258 Not Surprized . It will happen everywhere if the authorites start "fixing" things based on their wrongly conceived and applied policies of that ignore facts.
Here is a summary: it all Mr Whitey fault. I just saved you 20 mins.
Could you be a little more specific ? I'm listening .
Wrong the loss of jobs is far and a way the main problem
this was one of the most intellectually dishonest things I've ever heard. shame on both of them
cry more
He puts all the emphasis on race, which is probably aimed at his intended progressive audience, but he also touches on industry fleeing to cheaper labor markets, which is a very big part of the equation; if your have the most well paid workers in the country, that's another way of saying that you have the most expensive labor in the country.
There was also the matter of a little known federal program, created after the riots, to finance the movement of industry from the city to the suburbs. The Fed did not like having such vital industries located in such a volatile city. I heard about it from someone who was connected with one of the banks.
Segregation of Education is not a problem. In San Fransisco Bay area, there are many school that are 70% Asians, and less than 20% are White.
Does it Create a Problem? No, these Racially Segregated Schools are Top Rated.
SO if a 70% Asian School doesn't create a problem, but a 70% Black School does create a problem, the root cause is not Segregation itself.
The simple fact is Black Students doesn't work as hard as White or Asian Students, even at a young age. Too many black student come from broken families living with thier mom, and lack the Iron-Fist Discipline a father can enforce.
Less than 5% of Asian lives in single parent family, and more than 85% of Black student lives in single parent family, this is the real cause of the demise of Detroit (with this root cause, any city will fall, if there are too many blacks)
2:15 said it all. To these people it about equal results not equal opportunity. Many inner city school, ie Chicago, have the highest per student cost in their states with very poor outcomes. I'd rather see a video about a cit, predominantly black, with a high success rate.
View Park Windsor Hills, CA?
Baldwin Hills, CA?
Mitchellville, MD?
Ever heard of Black Wall Street?
You are misinformed
Atlanta, Ga is in good shape for a major city with a Black majority.
Detroit died because it was uncompetitive in the globalized world. Democrats high taxes forced many auto companies to move out of state. Resulting in Detroit being what it is today.
No auto comanies have left the state the last Detroit assembly plant to close was the Chrysler Mack Avenue facility thirty years ago. Michigan is still the largest concentration of of automotive research and production capacity in the world.
Brennt Raoutarius "Detroit died because it was uncompetitive in the globalized world."
Yeah, yeah that's it. Because it CAN'T be the blacks, since that would be RACIST!
And the truth CAN'T be politically-incorrect, because--- well, BECAUSE!.
@@SovereignStatesman I am a white, lifelong resident of the city of Detroit. I am a card carrying Republican and a Engineering manager at GM. 2 things. Detroit is far from dead. People who say that it is are either ignorant or have not spent any time in the city core in the last ten years. It is fashionable to bash the city while ignoring the boom in construction, renovation and housing. Second. The world seems to be full of experts on the decline of Detroit. The fact is that the decline was due to a combination of factors that built up over fifty years. Blaming only black people is the philosophy of the weak and feeble minded most of who never spent fifteen minutes inside the city. Trust me. There is plenty of blame to go around.
@@sixmile2360 we know the riots brought buisness back
Christopher Stevens What?
this guy really has no clue. I lived in Detroit from the 50s to 60s. Jerome Cavanaugh sold a program of social improvement that required property and income taxes. This drove the middle class out. These were the manufacturing jobs. What was left? the unskilled, the people who did not pay taxes.
Was there a specific reason why he promoted the income tax? Was it supposed to achieve some kind of goal? Because it seemed like Detroit was in good shape in 1960 and didn't need new taxes to fix anything.
wow this guy has the amazing ability to speak endlessly in circles.... a true gift of gab. He spent 20 minutes twirling like a dervish. The simple answer to Detroit falling apart is crime. Corruption at the top ... lawlessness at the bottom. Most people don’t like it so they move. If the crime issue was at a low level Detroit would still be vibrant.
Was the richest state until democrats took it over .
Michigan has a Republican governor and has many times in the last fifty years.
And Detroit hasn't had a Republican mayor since the 60's. And look at the results.
So were cali and illinois. Go figure. Hey Dems, when are you going to learn. Is it that hard to connect the dots? The definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over again but expecting a different result.
@mister Verde all products of democratic policies.
That because we live in a world of white supremacy before you open your mouth read a book there have been black towns doing very well but because of jealous racist white people couldn't stand black people having anything of their own they destroy black neighborhoods just like they hung us from trees because they could without no protection from the law, they were able to build something out of nothing without no hand out it amazes me the level ignorant as people in this country white and black just the 20th of century we deserve reparations
Relying on one industry, and GM? And not moving ahead with a real electric car, and suppressing innovations. This is what killed Detroit, and this country.
GOOD Commentary but half way in I’ve been aware and have stated everyone of these issues in conversations with associates , one thing I didn’t hear ( to that point ) was that further exacerbating Detroit’s decline was the loss of political power in Lansing that brought about laws that enabled police , firefighters and other city workers to MOVE OUT OF THE CITY LIMITS taking there financial power with them dwindling further Detroit’s tax base and political clout as I stated b4 , Also the strategic plan ( which was years in the making b4 the actual demise of the flagship store happened to build malls ( JL Hudson ) and leave Downtown Detroit even before sales began to suffer at that location.
dont you believe people should be able to live where they wish? If not, then you cant possibly understand freedom.
Detroit becoming tax base for leftists was the demise. They play race card to cover their asses.
Why is it that San Francisco, a city that also has not had a republican mayor since the 60's, has not also been run in to the ground?
Because the ground is full of feces and needles
San Francisco has been able to benefit from the the tech industry because of the relatively high level of educated and skilled people that are able to work in that industry. Detroit, on the other hand, has very little in the way of a skilled/technologically advanced candidates to fill job vacancies. Furthermore, it is tough to get these types of people to move there to take the positions. So why would any tech company see Detroit as a viable option?
It has an effective public transit system, but with rising homelessness, skyrocketing housing prices, SF is in big trouble.
Bad weather, bad weather, bad weather! Have you been to Detroit or Chicago? It's freezing cold! Many people move to warmer states. This causes the population to fall and GDP to collapse. It's economics. It's not close to any ports like NYC so it's obvious that people wont stay.
All you have to do is to Google how Detroit got broke and don't blame Coleman Young. Detroit been going down hill since the 1950. So why are you blame Coleman Young?
Wrong I live in michigan you did not cole man young made it go broke a lot faster and told any body that said anything don't let the door hit you in the butt when you cross 8 mile
Planned obsolescence also caused the auto makers Togo under. The Japanese were building cars to last while we were building cars to break after a certain time. This is because of American greed.
Can you smell that? .......... Ahh yes, propaganda.
I smell "Blame Whitey"
Yeah this guy knows no one will vote democrat ever again if they just took the facts into consideration. So he theorises about what he thinks will get people to be distracted by race baiting and group pitting ideas that could bring voters to their side.
Government neglect and Economic decline caused the demise of Detroit!
When do the excuses stop?
When they are forced to live in a diverse neighborhood.
When accountability starts. Never.
those chairs look very uncomfortable...
automakers did not expand in detroit due to unions
I grew up in Detroit and thank god moved when I could to a more prosperous area and received a MUCH better education. Progressivism destroyed Detroit, that and imcome tax. Government mismanaged it to death
So the human divide.. Not money and greed. So now i have to find a non political video to really find out what happened.
The auto companies got lazy and left themselves vulnerable to foreign competition
Detroit now produces 1/3 of the cars it used to in its peak. With automation each car requires 1/3 of the workers it used to
90% of the manufacturing jobs disappeared
Each manufacturing job supported three to four jobs in the service industry.
No jobs people moved
Detroit lost a lot of tax revenue
Don't forget Ronald Reagan's tax cuts, they gave the Auto industry the illusion of profits which slowed down there desire to modernize, that hurt
blaming auto industry on Reagan?
Tax revenue was and still is the problem. Leftist can't see that poor people can't make others rich. Mentally, spiritually and financially poor people have ran Detroit for more than 70 years.
"ONCE AGAIN, here we have an individual, who shift the blame of Detroit's demise towards Rioting Blacks"! He starts of his explanation by stating: it's because of The Racial tensions\the rise of the Black power movement"! And also The 1967 Riot (" A Rebellion "). That that's the reason that the City of Detroit fell short to ruins"! But the reality of it is this: " People don't rebel, unless there is unjust or unwanted pressure being applied "! And 2, There would be no need of a Black power (" Organized Blacks, fighting to gain equal just under the Law. the same as white & everyone else"), if there wasn't a unjust system set in place to keep Blacks disenfranchised & on the bottom"! So, this guy is totally wrong for Blaming Blacks for Detroit's demise"! When in fact with the unjust system set in place wasn't right with Detroit from the get go"! Whenever Justice is excluded from a system, that system will eventually collapse"! And there lies the problem"!
Tyler Ayers give me the name of one city or country in the world with black population that's not a shithole!
Tyler Ayers BLM is a terrorist group, not a peacefull group of protestors. They aren't fighting for equality.
Tyler Ayers you are right.
And this is all the result of terrible white bigotry and poor leadership.....sure. This is total mid sixties garbage thinking..which had damages/destroyed a lot more places than just Detroit....
And when the city had a terrible bigoted social system...... the city was clean, functional, safe and productive.....
Only one word, and you know what it is.
Black or White. If you can’t get a job, how can you own a home? Maybe it was just like some of the old mining towns in the west. The mines dried up, work dried up, people had to leave. Give a man a fish, he will eat. Teach a man to fish, he will eat for the rest of his life.
Teach a man to fish and he'll sit in a boat all day and drink beer.
It seems to me that not everybody agrees with you Professor.
Lot of verbiage , little said! Detroit’s demise was indeed racial. Congress passed a bill #235 ( as I recall) Which provided assistance to Black families to move into white neighborhoods. Thus, fearful whites started moving to the suburbs. This continued for years. Ultimately, Black low income families move to homes that they were not equipped to maintain. Which, was an endless cycle! Ultimately, poor maintained neighborhoods became undesirable. Thereafter, worthless and abandoned!
#1 Liberal Democrat leaders, #2 globalism, #3 poor management of the major auto manufacturers, #4 Strict emission and fuel standards that can't be enforced in the time-frame given, #5 Corrupt auto union management.
Generally speaking society sees people with dark pigment as a threat, but when you really learn the stories, or even just open your eyes and pay attention, you see it has always been the other way around 💔💔💔
Caution. This channel has deleted comments, cancel culture censorship. Tell advertisers. Time to rumble.
Don't blame Racism on the demise of Detroit!.... The end result may give racist actually grounds from which to argue their point!..... Just saying...
@7:17 And look at Detroit now.
I love listening to this theoretical conversation, stop spending, start growing. You didn't have a revenue problem, you had a spending problem. It was the thinking that you had a revenue problem that taxed the people away, just like Illinois and California today.
I know a white person who lives in Detroit
Three things caused Detroit’s demise, Blacks, Blacks and Blacks.
It rhymes with snacks...
Cave dwellers?
Systemic Structured Inequality in America.
That is very important sounding, but what precisely does it mean?
Systematic culture problems in America.
why are they sitting so close lol
You know who f all that stuff up! Don't you?
All the white people left!
Cliff notes version: Detroit declined because Honda & Toyota prospered.
"The only reason I ever became mayor was because noboby else wanted the God-damned thing!"
----Coleman Alexander Young
That is a big lie from coleman young he keep on running. He could have quit after 1 term
Some honesty finally. Goes to show what happens when real hard working people are shunned & segregated.
Far east and south east Asia has billions of exceptionally hard working people. Businesses went there. You are welcome to follow them.
The reason detroit fell from what i think im hearing is because they stop discriminating at the ballet box back in the 60s due to the end of segregation movements and the overwhelming black population in area ran to ballet box to vote for Democrats that put in well fair systems that destroyed detroit.
Are you being paid by the Auto industry to deflect away from their stupid decisions it cost them 2/3 of their business?
@@jamesricker3997 no
@@jamesricker3997 I'm just summarizing what I understood from this video about the cause of Detroit's fall. As I looked this video up because my grandparents used to tell me how nice a place Detroit used to be to live and I got curious as to why It turned into such a s***** place as I live in an area near Detroit and what happened in Detroit seem to have a fallout effect for many other surrounding counties making them terrible places to live as well.
Failed democrat social policies . What else do you need to know ?
Actually it has more to do with Reagan and his failed economic policies
@@jamesricker3997 Please continue .
The next to last two Republican mayor of Detroit is responsible for the decline of Detroit. Albert Cobo and Louis Mariani
@@pistongreg Keep fooling yourself . So hows your IRA doing with another democrat President ? Didn't that same thing happen last time we had a democrat President ? Oh wait a minute ! Your a democrat . You expect everything for free ! Paid for by the tax payers and you don't even have a job . Never mind .
@@randyscott3386 typical of Republicans once they mess up stuff they want to leave the Democrats to blame them for everything if you only listen to the facts but then again you don't want to hear the truth typical of a republican vote.
The population of Detroit today is roughly the same as it was in 1910 just prior to the auto manufacturing boom. Detroit would probably be far better off today if it had run Henry Ford and other uber-industrialists out of town on a rail.
Mr Baker, might I suggest you check your history. First , the auto industry is what brought people to Detroit, for opportunity. Ford, was never in Detroit. Those that arrived, were able to enhance their economic position. Naturally, with better economics a desire for improved housing became the order of the day for many black families. Which set in motion, with the help of Congress #235, white flight. Suburbs grew, Detroit diminished.Naturally no one issue caused the downturn of the City. However, White flight was a major factor.
You’re the dumbest fucker on this entire app.
very interesting
Good vid. Thank you.
This is BS.. every other economist has given a completely different reasons. Someone call Thomas Sowell.
superlyger He’s not a credible source either
Educated into idiocy! He’s a fool.
Thanks to Coleman Young.
A bad transit system, to dependent on motor city, riots of 1967
I blame Coleman Young. Worst Detroit Mayor ever.
Not the worst; - most prejudiced against Whitey. Whitey, being racist too, felt threatened by a black mayor. I personally never felt threatened by a black mayor. We must also remember: people see blackness as completely different than white. Being different is a sin in the eyes of a reactionary. I wish people would stop identifying black and white as different. Maybe if we opened our veins we would see the color red.
Tell that to BLM. 😂
The demise of Detroit can be summed up in a few words: "Too Many Black People".... if they have not went to Detroit during the 1940s, Detroit would not have a problem in the first place
Sounds about white.
Local governments are mainly funded by property taxes. Wealthy areas have more property taxes to fund schools. This is not immoral inequality it is just reality. Alaska state government has oil wealth to fund schools, Washington state has State owned forest timber. Is this inequality bad?
DNA deficiency.
Must be referring to the inbred MAGA, Q'Anon, southern white evangelicals, and other inbred troglodytes that don't believe in our common humanity.
When there is no poverty people fare better.
146 people dont like this narrative.
this is crap.the union is what destroyed those companies.
This guy clueless.
The Planning and Orchestration of the destruction of the United States has it roots in WWII United States and post WWII, the success of Detroit as the Arsenal of Democracy, the power of industrial America that just supplied the greatest military power able to beat two fascist powers, in two different hemispheres, at the same time. This American Super Power scared the international power. The deindustrialization of the United States started in the auto industry, which was, after the USPS, the biggest employer of blue collar workers and agency for upward mobility into the middle class. Racism, discrimination policy, competition in the society were orchestrated, however the elitist, globalist, international, planned deindustrialization of America was the first cause of Detroit's destruction, Everything else, the subsequent, unrecognized divide and conquer offensives, the fear of a declining standard of living, then the actual decline of the national standard of living, within the population, is powerful but subordinate to the United States submission to Globalization. 100 million Americans are driven into poverty caused by the Wall St. system. The US Treasury is being looted, $Trillions of dollars distributed through the Fed to the TBTF banker-speculator facilities and their appendages and there is no indication this is going to change under the Wall St. owned political system. The unemployment rate is over 22%. The economy has been offshored. This is the present, actual national security crisis.
He's just a damn lie
Simple .... Democrats.
Short Answer: democrats