ryandrumcovers - this isn't where tech support is handled. If you need technical support for your templates from The Write Score, you may reach them at their web site.
Thanks for the info. I've placed the files in their appropriate locations but now my buzz rolls are coming out as double strokes. I have Sibelius 7.1.3 now and the most recent update of S7S. Is there any way to resolve this?
ryandrumcovers - this isn't where tech support is handled. If you need technical support for your templates from The Write Score, you may reach them at their web site.
Thanks for the info. I've placed the files in their appropriate locations but now my buzz rolls are coming out as double strokes. I have Sibelius 7.1.3 now and the most recent update of S7S. Is there any way to resolve this?
Hello I was wondering how you woiuld do this with Sibelius 6? PLEASE HELP ME
Does this apply to 5.2.0 as well?
PlushChronicles - no need to SHOUT. You can actually apply most, if not all, of the concepts in this video to Sibelius 6.