This was such a great conversation! Lol every time I share this channel with someone I have to tell them to not judge the content based on the thumb nails 🤣🤣
I knew a man - forty years in the faith - who thought that he could never be fully free despite being a preacher. He was caught up in NAR stuff, literally up to his neck, so was BIG on soul ties. Because he wandered off when young in the faith and slept with hundreds of women (and had homosexual relations) when it came to the 'magic key' of breaking off 'soul ties' he had to identify every single soul tie but did not even know the names of the vast majority of these people. Therefore, because he could not name them (according to the form of deliverance he was taught) he could never be free. Surely: If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. There is a convoluted, man centred form of deliverance, and there is the Gospel where repentance is key.
24 years ago I participated in the laughter and drunkenness in the spirit. Jill Austin was the visiting teacher who brought it to us. I now look back and cannot pick out the fruit or the growth that came from it. Yes, it was fun. Was it God, I don’t know.
I went to my first "fire tunnel" recently and many people were laughing uncontrollably. It honestly looked scary to me, but my own reaction doesn't mean it was demonic. Everyone there seemed to love Jesus to me. I actually felt very let down afterwards because no manifestations of the Spirit happened to me but I guess God just doesn't want me to have those particular gifts. I'm still going to walk with Christ as long as God will let me.
I was fully convinced that holy laughter was unbiblical and sensual, and during one service I was actively attempting to resist laughing in church while everyone else was going for it. I didn’t find what everyone else was doing to be funny, I was asking God for a revelation of the Gospel and the Lord struck me with joy that was so full I couldn’t stop laughing for 45 minutes. When I tested that manifestation against 1 Corinthians 12 and 1 John 4 I noticed my devotion to Jesus as Lord increased and my awe of the sovereignty of God and of the power of God increased as well, and so I accept it as one of the ways the Holy Spirit reveals the truth about Jesus to us.
Simply, I'd call a soul tie being as though a person being YOKED yes, tied to another. (It could refer to a person and a business partner) I love the rawness and transparency of the conversation as always. Thanks.
The word soul tie gives off the idea that it can't be helped to an extent. Especially if people bring the demonic into it. But James is clear we can, Submit to God, resist the devil, he will flee. The teaching of soul ties needs things "broken" off, I disagree, it needs repentance and submission and discipleship etc. The language of these teachings often takes away from personal responsibility. Also there is the danger of spiritual abuse through that teaching I have witnessed. Ex - I went to a camp and they used the anyone you have slept with inc ex husbands and you need to rid anything you shared with them, people burnt photos etc. Hard to get rid of kids though huh!?
"For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife" I believe this scripture from Genesis 2:24 indicates the importance of a severance of parent relations when the individual leaves the family home to get married and start their own family. To continue to cleave to your parents after marriage is an ungodly tie. Shoutout Remant Radio from the uk 🇬🇧
I’ve never been around people using “incantations” when dealing with so called “soul ties.”It always centers around repentance. Sexual sin is serious and deep repentance is needed. The language can be changed to an unhealthy relationship. But, unhealthy relationships can open up ourselves to the demonic. It’s a sin issue. Parents unhealthy control over adult children is sin. The scripture says to leave your parents and cleave to your spouse. This seems to be all about semantics.
I think a good thing to discuss in part two would be those who desire to be free to date/get married again, from healthy soul ties. I'm thinking of a widow who was in a great and godly marriage, a long marriage, but now find it difficult to feel free to pursue a new mate/spouse ~ or who find it difficult to be completely free with with a potential new mate ~ afraid or incapable of going all in.
Whenever I hear the NAR doesn’t exist, I wonder what fever dream I’m living in where I literally own a copy of the book: “Systematic theology for the New Apostolic Reformation”, which was sold to me at my former Bethel affiliated church, which is also a book on the reading list at Bethel’s School of Supernatural Ministry. - That being said, I hope that perhaps in the future episodes about the NAR you guys will look into this book! It’s authored by Dr. Harold Eberle.
As I've listened so far about half way in and thru my own experiences battling with maturation/lust since being a Christian it will always boil down to repentance submitting to God and Obeying his will for our life. Un repenting sin will always oppress Christians walk with Jesus, now the Holy Spirit is perfecting patience with his Children but I don't wanna push him to find out how long he will tolerate input sin in one's life. Repent submitt and obey qre the 3 basics to overcome any sin, easy said hard for us as humans to carry out that is why we need desperately to seek God and listen to the Holy Spirit. Hope this helps anyone struggling.
I wonder , In the case of the marriage that Basement Michael mentioned, if the correct term would not be breaking of soul ties, but a breaking or severing of the covenant.
I also think it's super important to look back through history, and see that the beginning of the charismatic movement was much less extreme. and I think, the reason that it's like that is because people would not have accepted all of this wholesale in the beginning. It's slowly becomes more and more spectacular over time, more and more magical in abilities. it seems to evolve into occult-like witchcraft type mentality. that leads into this idea that these spiritual powers are the norm. Then it becomes only if you can do these outward things does this prove that you have any spiritual worth. Slowly your ability to manipulate reality in a way that is beneficial to your Christianity determines whether or not your Christian at all. I've been told that if I can't speak in tongues and can't heal people that I'm not saved, So people then seek this type of thing because they think it's proof that they are Christians, when scriptures very clear that this type of behavior is witchcraft occult practice. You're looking for outward signs that prove that you have this ability, when it's clear in scripture that Jesus said that you're asking for a sign and the only sign you'll get is that he would be in the grave for 3 days and be risen. I mean really, you don't see any of the apostles doing this stuff, you don't see Jesus doing any of this stuff, none of this stuff was a practice during the time of the Jews and the Roman era. This is all 19th century 20th century 21st century stuff slowly evolving through the course of people accepting small increments of movement in this direction.
It sounds like Spiritual Attachments is what should be used. Biblical Hebrew does use this word: חָשַׁק chashaq to be attached to or cling to or longs for. 1 Samuel 18:1 uses a form of this word
My experience and explanation is when I was ministering to others and I become the “savior” instead of Jesus. I need to point them back to Jesus and THEIR relationship with Him. They continue to hold onto me, actually say I want to be like you and want their walk with Jesus to be theirs. That is an ungodly soul tie. They need to yoke themselves to Jesus not me. Scripture says “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”” Matthew 11:29-30 NIV Not to have anyone yoke to ourselves. It’s spiritual.
I am watching this video because God revealed an idol I was making of a close person in my life and I repented. Later someone said to me, "that sounds like soul ties". I didn't really know what that was so I was interested in this video. We don't build doctrine on experience, but, if we are asking if God can reveal and heal "soul tie" type things without the term or teaching. That was my direct experience.
Much of what some charismatics identify as the consequences of soul ties are, I believe, simply the mechanisms of pair bonding in humans and its consequences on forming and maintaining relationships in a sexually promiscuous culture (my personal experience with the notion of soul ties have been with Christians discussing former relationships or with attachment issues). If you look at the statistics, the more partners one has had before marriage the higher likelihood of divorce. This would seem to be the result of a diminished ability to bond with subsequent partners. While I'm not denying there might be a spiritual component as well, it certainly seems that there are natural mechanisms at work too, which likely can't be repaired by a few simple Christianese incantations as some would like to believe.
I do believe that there is a “soul tie” in marriage where there is a covenant between two people established by God and union physically and emotional. It is not a “sinful” or idolized sin, but the purpose of the Lord to make us “one”.
Colossians 2 seems to use the idiom "knit together" as a function of love. That chapter also details and warns about a number of hyper-charismatic practices in how these practices disjoint and pull body parts away from Christ, the Head.
I think a lot of these practices emerge(d) from the doctrine of "entire sanctification" that has kinda held over from Wesleyan holiness movements. These are attempts at explaining why people aren't manifesting moral perfection (Wesley) or greater miracles (Pentecostals) or dominion (NAR).
I'd like to hear about what your thoughts are on the finished work of Christ in relation to this. What comes to mind for me is "Old things have passed away behold all things have become new" for a believer through Christ's accomplishment. But then I can't reconcile that verse with these very real struggles people continue to go through. Some have said that Isaiah 53:4-5 is talking not about physical healing but about spiritual healing. If that's true then "soul ties" are exempt for some reason.
The term “soul tie” has recently started to be used in charismatic and pentecostal churches, but these guys are trying to look at the biblical basis and discuss if it is helpful terminology. If you haven’t come across it before, then I wouldn’t worry, because it’s not very biblical, but I like this episode and how they evaluate it.
@@IndianaJoe0321 I don't know when people started to use it. I only heard it about five years ago. It's certainly recent in terms of church history though
Sorry young people, sin is sin, missing the mark of one’s relationship with God. Soul ties? Really? All this churchy crappie lingo is doing nothing but confusing young Christians. Keep it simple.
People who preach this to me say I have to break soul ties even to my parents because they’re Catholic. I think this is nuts and just follow Scripture as a Christian.
Re: Dichotomy and Trichotomy: The Bible has three terms for soul: Nefesh, Ruah, and Neshamah. There are various definitions and ramifications of these. Kabbalah adds Hayah and Yehidah. This is five "souls", each more essential than the other. So you have the "guf" or body, then Nefesh, Ruah, and Neshamah (and possibly Hayah and Yehidah). Another element you have to add is the Image and Likeness of God (Tzelem and Demut in Hebrew). Spiritual anthropology is complex.
I must’ve dodged a bullet 5 years ago. I had sex with a woman several times I bought her gifts gave her money exchange for sex. The reason I wanted too see what’s so great about sex everybody is bragging about? Like people bragging about a restaurant in town with the best burgers ever! I wanted too try it after I had sex I was like I don’t feel no connections other than the thought of I can’t believe I had sex last night weird feeling. So I told God I’m not having sex again till I’m married it’s been 5 years since I had sex.
If I was a pastor and was preaching about Chinese traditional medicine, cultivation, fung shui, and karma, you would look at me like I completely lost the plot. Modern Christians have adopted beliefs and practices that are alien to Christianity. Charismatic Christianity is the worst. It's a combination of new age teachings, Hinduism, and shamanism. There is nothing spiritual about an emotional or psychological attachment. That is normal behavior. I get it, traditional Christianity is just a tad bit boring and Charismatic Christianity provides a constant flow of dopamine into your TikTok brain. It's easy to mistake emotional stimulation for the presence of God.
I find that sometimes there is difference between the Biblical source and the phenomenological. The Bible may not refer to it but phenomenologically it is true. There may not be a specific term in the Bible for "soul ties" but phenomenologically it is true. Such as "soul ties."
Your soul is the seat of your affection so what have you attached tied your soul to? Is it Yeshua Hamassiach or is it something else. Is your soul tied /attached to something else that stops you from worshipping God.
Good content! There's been so much new age that has slowly crept into the charismatic. Church & it's unfortunately been a part of the movement for too long. We have a generation of Christians who will say they can relate to a word like 'soul ties" yet it's not biblical in a sense. No, it's not a souls tie, you need to repent, examine yourself to see if you're in the faith...get back to the gospel ...truth. I do think however people need to be aware of these unhealthy Tues with people & things ..idolatry. ministry at the ultra is very helpful ...when others are praying for that person but first repent...
Sometimes I think you guys are mixing the Spirit of God with your carnal thinking like so many community churches do. It is sad. Football is not mentioned in the Bible but it is a huge idol etc. If your mind, your will and your emotions are attached to an object like a billboard of a woman in a bikini, porn image etc. this is a soul tie/attachment. The soul is attached. The Bible talks about that, mentioning cords of sin.....behind every sinful attachment/soul tie is a demon that's why people are not getting free immediately from this stuff because they don't know how to break soul ties, curses etc. An idol is totally different than a soul tie. Completely different. If a guy sleeps with ten women committing fornication, he will have a hard time when he is married. Why? Because when he has sex with his new wife, he gets bombarded with thoughts of the other women he slept with. He starts comparing and judging in his mind his new wife because of illegal attachments called soul ties to the other women. Do remember what the Bible says and they shall become one flesh. That means the soul/spirit is tied to the other person. It is an invisible cord. Look up cords in the Bible. The Spirit of God bypasses our mind, we were warned not to lean on our own understanding you guys do this lot. Learn to cast out demons, learn to stop generational curses, how to break soul ties.....if you join a prostitute, well, you become one flesh. So how do you get free from it? We are not wrestling against flesh and blood period. Behind every bondage, every lie, every attachment, every bad habit is a demon. Ask the Lord, please I mean it. Do I have religious spirits in my life? Many people that I met who don't pray a lot or don't even pray in the Spirit/Tongues filtering everything through an religious spirit. That's concerning. A traumatic experience could generate images of a very bad car accident. Those images are tied to the soul. When the person goes behind the wheel again images flooding their minds on which the demons ride producing fear, anxiety etc. because their soul is tied to the accident, the bad experience. Satan uses soul ties to establish tracks in the human soul on which he rides in, tormenting and harassing the person. There is so much more. Isaiah 5:18 18 Woe to those who draw iniquity with cords of vanity, And sin as if with a cart rope; Proverbs 5:22 22 His own iniquities entrap the wicked man, And he is caught in the cords of his sin. Jesus had a Healing ministry, Deliverance ministry and preached the Gospel. Nowadays the Churches only preach the Gospel, the Healing ministry and Deliverance ministry totally disappeared. Christians are not getting taught the basics of Christianity that's why there will be a great fall away from Christ.
This was such a great conversation! Lol every time I share this channel with someone I have to tell them to not judge the content based on the thumb nails 🤣🤣
I knew a man - forty years in the faith - who thought that he could never be fully free despite being a preacher. He was caught up in NAR stuff, literally up to his neck, so was BIG on soul ties. Because he wandered off when young in the faith and slept with hundreds of women (and had homosexual relations) when it came to the 'magic key' of breaking off 'soul ties' he had to identify every single soul tie but did not even know the names of the vast majority of these people. Therefore, because he could not name them (according to the form of deliverance he was taught) he could never be free.
Surely: If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.
There is a convoluted, man centred form of deliverance, and there is the Gospel where repentance is key.
Idolatry is a very good analogy of soul ties. Repentance is key. Great wisdom
So cool y’all went here .. I’ve been wondering about this for so long! Thank you! ☺️
Finally somebody covering this topic. Thank you I first heard about Soul Ties from the Cleansing Stream Program,
Regrettably, Cleansing Streams introduced me to a load of false teachings.
@@antoniettegonzales I understand
Thanks for this program. Listening a year late. It is a helpful term used to describe sinful practice needing repentance. Thank you 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻✝️🙌🏻
U guys should talk on “holy laughter” or “drunk in the spirit”
They have actually. I believe it's in one of their "To be continued" episodes.
@Revelations and Visions the experiences are real. The question is whether they are desirable or not
24 years ago I participated in the laughter and drunkenness in the spirit. Jill Austin was the visiting teacher who brought it to us. I now look back and cannot pick out the fruit or the growth that came from it. Yes, it was fun. Was it God, I don’t know.
I went to my first "fire tunnel" recently and many people were laughing uncontrollably. It honestly looked scary to me, but my own reaction doesn't mean it was demonic. Everyone there seemed to love Jesus to me. I actually felt very let down afterwards because no manifestations of the Spirit happened to me but I guess God just doesn't want me to have those particular gifts. I'm still going to walk with Christ as long as God will let me.
I was fully convinced that holy laughter was unbiblical and sensual, and during one service I was actively attempting to resist laughing in church while everyone else was going for it. I didn’t find what everyone else was doing to be funny, I was asking God for a revelation of the Gospel and the Lord struck me with joy that was so full I couldn’t stop laughing for 45 minutes. When I tested that manifestation against 1 Corinthians 12 and 1 John 4 I noticed my devotion to Jesus as Lord increased and my awe of the sovereignty of God and of the power of God increased as well, and so I accept it as one of the ways the Holy Spirit reveals the truth about Jesus to us.
This was one of the best conversations on this topic!!! 👏🏽👏🏽🔥
Rewatched this episode and enjoyed it very much; I like the idea of incorporating the Psalms in daily prayer.
Simply, I'd call a soul tie being as though a person being YOKED yes, tied to another. (It could refer to a person and a business partner) I love the rawness and transparency of the conversation as always. Thanks.
I agree. Having some responsibility oath between you and that person
This show was such a blessing. Thank you!
This is a great episode gentlemen.
Great episode!!! God bless!!!
26:34 trichotomy/dichotomy!! Yes, please. This goes around and around for me.
Awesome episode, guys! 😀
The word soul tie gives off the idea that it can't be helped to an extent. Especially if people bring the demonic into it. But James is clear we can, Submit to God, resist the devil, he will flee. The teaching of soul ties needs things "broken" off, I disagree, it needs repentance and submission and discipleship etc. The language of these teachings often takes away from personal responsibility.
Also there is the danger of spiritual abuse through that teaching I have witnessed. Ex - I went to a camp and they used the anyone you have slept with inc ex husbands and you need to rid anything you shared with them, people burnt photos etc. Hard to get rid of kids though huh!?
I agree
"For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife" I believe this scripture from Genesis 2:24 indicates the importance of a severance of parent relations when the individual leaves the family home to get married and start their own family. To continue to cleave to your parents after marriage is an ungodly tie. Shoutout Remant Radio from the uk 🇬🇧
So very true
That praying in the spirit reference was spot on!
I’ve never been around people using “incantations” when dealing with so called “soul ties.”It always centers around repentance. Sexual sin is serious and deep repentance is needed. The language can be changed to an unhealthy relationship. But, unhealthy relationships can open up ourselves to the demonic. It’s a sin issue. Parents unhealthy control over adult children is sin. The scripture says to leave your parents and cleave to your spouse. This seems to be all about semantics.
Thank you so very much 😊!!
This was really good. I enjoyed it.
I think a good thing to discuss in part two would be those who desire to be free to date/get married again, from healthy soul ties.
I'm thinking of a widow who was in a great and godly marriage, a long marriage, but now find it difficult to feel free to pursue a new mate/spouse ~ or who find it difficult to be completely free with with a potential new mate ~ afraid or incapable of going all in.
I've always understood "soul tie" to be an 'emotional attachment' to something -- usually a person.
Whenever I hear the NAR doesn’t exist, I wonder what fever dream I’m living in where I literally own a copy of the book: “Systematic theology for the New Apostolic Reformation”, which was sold to me at my former Bethel affiliated church, which is also a book on the reading list at Bethel’s School of Supernatural Ministry. - That being said, I hope that perhaps in the future episodes about the NAR you guys will look into this book! It’s authored by Dr. Harold Eberle.
As I've listened so far about half way in and thru my own experiences battling with maturation/lust since being a Christian it will always boil down to repentance submitting to God and Obeying his will for our life. Un repenting sin will always oppress Christians walk with Jesus, now the Holy Spirit is perfecting patience with his Children but I don't wanna push him to find out how long he will tolerate input sin in one's life. Repent submitt and obey qre the 3 basics to overcome any sin, easy said hard for us as humans to carry out that is why we need desperately to seek God and listen to the Holy Spirit. Hope this helps anyone struggling.
I wonder , In the case of the marriage that Basement Michael mentioned, if the correct term would not be breaking of soul ties, but a breaking or severing of the covenant.
Happy Birthday Mikel Rowntree. 🎉🎉🎉🎉
I also think it's super important to look back through history, and see that the beginning of the charismatic movement was much less extreme. and I think, the reason that it's like that is because people would not have accepted all of this wholesale in the beginning. It's slowly becomes more and more spectacular over time, more and more magical in abilities. it seems to evolve into occult-like witchcraft type mentality. that leads into this idea that these spiritual powers are the norm. Then it becomes only if you can do these outward things does this prove that you have any spiritual worth. Slowly your ability to manipulate reality in a way that is beneficial to your Christianity determines whether or not your Christian at all. I've been told that if I can't speak in tongues and can't heal people that I'm not saved, So people then seek this type of thing because they think it's proof that they are Christians, when scriptures very clear that this type of behavior is witchcraft occult practice. You're looking for outward signs that prove that you have this ability, when it's clear in scripture that Jesus said that you're asking for a sign and the only sign you'll get is that he would be in the grave for 3 days and be risen. I mean really, you don't see any of the apostles doing this stuff, you don't see Jesus doing any of this stuff, none of this stuff was a practice during the time of the Jews and the Roman era. This is all 19th century 20th century 21st century stuff slowly evolving through the course of people accepting small increments of movement in this direction.
It sounds like Spiritual Attachments is what should be used. Biblical Hebrew does use this word: חָשַׁק chashaq to be attached to or cling to or longs for. 1 Samuel 18:1 uses a form of this word
My experience and explanation is when I was ministering to others and I become the “savior” instead of Jesus. I need to point them back to Jesus and THEIR relationship with Him. They continue to hold onto me, actually say I want to be like you and want their walk with Jesus to be theirs. That is an ungodly soul tie. They need to yoke themselves to Jesus not me. Scripture says “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.””
Matthew 11:29-30 NIV
Not to have anyone yoke to ourselves. It’s spiritual.
I was told to throw away all the items I had in my house that were gifted by my ex as part of breaking the soul tie.
I am watching this video because God revealed an idol I was making of a close person in my life and I repented. Later someone said to me, "that sounds like soul ties". I didn't really know what that was so I was interested in this video.
We don't build doctrine on experience, but, if we are asking if God can reveal and heal "soul tie" type things without the term or teaching. That was my direct experience.
You are soul, you don’t have a separate soul that lives on. When you die you return to dust. The resurrection of the dead comes at messiahs return.
Happy birthday, Michael Rowntree! 🥳🥳
1 Corinthians 6:16 sexual union I believe causes a ‘“soul tie.” You become one flesh. It requires repentance.
Much of what some charismatics identify as the consequences of soul ties are, I believe, simply the mechanisms of pair bonding in humans and its consequences on forming and maintaining relationships in a sexually promiscuous culture (my personal experience with the notion of soul ties have been with Christians discussing former relationships or with attachment issues). If you look at the statistics, the more partners one has had before marriage the higher likelihood of divorce. This would seem to be the result of a diminished ability to bond with subsequent partners. While I'm not denying there might be a spiritual component as well, it certainly seems that there are natural mechanisms at work too, which likely can't be repaired by a few simple Christianese incantations as some would like to believe.
First of all, who is Jack 😆 JK .. this was a quite liberating discussion ❤️
I do believe that there is a “soul tie” in marriage where there is a covenant between two people established by God and union physically and emotional. It is not a “sinful” or idolized sin, but the purpose of the Lord to make us “one”.
I haven’t finished the video yet, but the biblical word that immediately comes to my mind is “entanglements.”
Colossians 2 seems to use the idiom "knit together" as a function of love. That chapter also details and warns about a number of hyper-charismatic practices in how these practices disjoint and pull body parts away from Christ, the Head.
I think a lot of these practices emerge(d) from the doctrine of "entire sanctification" that has kinda held over from Wesleyan holiness movements. These are attempts at explaining why people aren't manifesting moral perfection (Wesley) or greater miracles (Pentecostals) or dominion (NAR).
15:15 yeah! hurry up with the definition!
I'd like to hear about what your thoughts are on the finished work of Christ in relation to this.
What comes to mind for me is "Old things have passed away behold all things have become new" for a believer through Christ's accomplishment. But then I can't reconcile that verse with these very real struggles people continue to go through.
Some have said that Isaiah 53:4-5 is talking not about physical healing but about spiritual healing. If that's true then "soul ties" are exempt for some reason.
18:30 (Don’t mind me I’m just timestamping for my own personal notes)
**Reads title**
No, but I'mma listen anyways lol
Is the oneness we are said to have with the church in Christ a call to have soul ties with those in our congregation?
15 minutes into this episode and I have no clue what you guys are talking about
The term “soul tie” has recently started to be used in charismatic and pentecostal churches, but these guys are trying to look at the biblical basis and discuss if it is helpful terminology. If you haven’t come across it before, then I wouldn’t worry, because it’s not very biblical, but I like this episode and how they evaluate it.
Recently, @@stuarthys9879 ? I was hearing this phrase back in 1997, so it's been around for awhile.
I don't know when people started to use it. I only heard it about five years ago. It's certainly recent in terms of church history though
That's because it's New Age psychobabble and actually just fantasy, heresy and stupidity.
I’ve been told I have to break soul ties but can’t anything in scripture that even mentions it. Sadly, my family members believe it.
Sorry young people, sin is sin, missing the mark of one’s relationship with God. Soul ties? Really? All this churchy crappie lingo is doing nothing but confusing young Christians. Keep it simple.
People who preach this to me say I have to break soul ties even to my parents because they’re Catholic. I think this is nuts and just follow Scripture as a Christian.
The only time I see a soul-tie is between Johnathan and David. 1 Samuel 18:1. The soul of Johnathan was knit to the soul of David.
Oh, Michael, (the other Michael) you are a Jew. Shalom, Haver! In the Name of Jesus! Shalom ha-Mashiah!
Nearly Everybody is selling something
Re: Dichotomy and Trichotomy: The Bible has three terms for soul: Nefesh, Ruah, and Neshamah. There are various definitions and ramifications of these. Kabbalah adds Hayah and Yehidah. This is five "souls", each more essential than the other. So you have the "guf" or body, then Nefesh, Ruah, and Neshamah (and possibly Hayah and Yehidah). Another element you have to add is the Image and Likeness of God (Tzelem and Demut in Hebrew). Spiritual anthropology is complex.
I must’ve dodged a bullet 5 years ago. I had sex with a woman several times I bought her gifts gave her money exchange for sex. The reason I wanted too see what’s so great about sex everybody is bragging about? Like people bragging about a restaurant in town with the best burgers ever! I wanted too try it after I had sex I was like I don’t feel no connections other than the thought of I can’t believe I had sex last night weird feeling. So I told God I’m not having sex again till I’m married it’s been 5 years since I had sex.
If I was a pastor and was preaching about Chinese traditional medicine, cultivation, fung shui, and karma, you would look at me like I completely lost the plot.
Modern Christians have adopted beliefs and practices that are alien to Christianity. Charismatic Christianity is the worst. It's a combination of new age teachings, Hinduism, and shamanism. There is nothing spiritual about an emotional or psychological attachment. That is normal behavior.
I get it, traditional Christianity is just a tad bit boring and Charismatic Christianity provides a constant flow of dopamine into your TikTok brain. It's easy to mistake emotional stimulation for the presence of God.
I find that sometimes there is difference between the Biblical source and the phenomenological. The Bible may not refer to it but phenomenologically it is true. There may not be a specific term in the Bible for "soul ties" but phenomenologically it is true. Such as "soul ties."
This is adding works to salvation and is wrong.
Your soul is the seat of your affection so what have you attached tied your soul to? Is it Yeshua Hamassiach or is it something else. Is your soul tied /attached to something else that stops you from worshipping God.
Good content! There's been so much new age that has slowly crept into the charismatic. Church & it's unfortunately been a part of the movement for too long. We have a generation of Christians who will say they can relate to a word like 'soul ties" yet it's not biblical in a sense. No, it's not a souls tie, you need to repent, examine yourself to see if you're in the faith...get back to the gospel ...truth. I do think however people need to be aware of these unhealthy Tues with people & things ..idolatry. ministry at the ultra is very helpful ...when others are praying for that person but first repent...
Spell check. 🙄 You get my drift lol. Altar ...ties...
No. not biblical
Sometimes I think you guys are mixing the Spirit of God with your carnal thinking like so many community churches do. It is sad. Football is not mentioned in the Bible but it is a huge idol etc. If your mind, your will and your emotions are attached to an object like a billboard of a woman in a bikini, porn image etc. this is a soul tie/attachment. The soul is attached. The Bible talks about that, mentioning cords of sin.....behind every sinful attachment/soul tie is a demon that's why people are not getting free immediately from this stuff because they don't know how to break soul ties, curses etc. An idol is totally different than a soul tie. Completely different. If a guy sleeps with ten women committing fornication, he will have a hard time when he is married.
Why? Because when he has sex with his new wife, he gets bombarded with thoughts of the other women he slept with. He starts comparing and judging in his mind his new wife because of illegal attachments called soul ties to the other women. Do remember what the Bible says and they shall become one flesh. That means the soul/spirit is tied to the other person. It is an invisible cord.
Look up cords in the Bible. The Spirit of God bypasses our mind, we were warned not to lean on our own understanding you guys do this lot. Learn to cast out demons, learn to stop generational curses, how to break soul ties.....if you join a prostitute, well, you become one flesh. So how do you get free from it?
We are not wrestling against flesh and blood period. Behind every bondage, every lie, every attachment, every bad habit is a demon. Ask the Lord, please I mean it. Do I have religious spirits in my life? Many people that I met who don't pray a lot or don't even pray in the Spirit/Tongues filtering everything through an religious spirit. That's concerning.
A traumatic experience could generate images of a very bad car accident. Those images are tied to the soul. When the person goes behind the wheel again images flooding their minds on which the demons ride producing fear, anxiety etc. because their soul is tied to the accident, the bad experience. Satan uses soul ties to establish tracks in the human soul on which he rides in, tormenting and harassing the person.
There is so much more.
Isaiah 5:18
18 Woe to those who draw iniquity with cords of vanity, And sin as if with a cart rope;
Proverbs 5:22
22 His own iniquities entrap the wicked man, And he is caught in the cords of his sin.
Jesus had a Healing ministry, Deliverance ministry and preached the Gospel. Nowadays the Churches only preach the Gospel, the Healing ministry and Deliverance ministry totally disappeared. Christians are not getting taught the basics of Christianity that's why there will be a great fall away from Christ.
Mind will emotion tie , soul tie
The soul is a religious term with no ties to anything that is real.