This man talks about the Christ and the Bible, was attacked and almost killed for his words, lost an eye, forgave, came back and decided to keep preaching. He lives what he believes in. A long time ago, I was also attacked, my own dad stabbed me twice with a really long knife while I was sleeping. I was rescued by the will of God, and have no slightest doubt about that. I'll remember his face and esp. eyes forever, those eyes didn't belong to a human being. After I started screaming at him and he got confused, I grabbed the blade and started pulling, cut my fingers but eventually took the knife away. At that moment my dad literally became a human again, his eyes changed and became normal and tears started running down his face, he said in deep sorrow - I'm sorry, something's here in my head and I don't know what. I left the house in panic, he stabbed himself immediately after that and somehow survived. I never spoke to him again...I know many people struggle to believe in anything these days, and many church bishops and other people do a lot of terrible things, but trust me - the Lord is very real, and Jesus is the way. Read the Bible, pray, ask for forgiveness and wisdom and you'll find the faith.
@harderway8568 can you please pray for your father? He is your ancestral line. I will pray for him because this grieves me and I have love for him same as my deceased father. God Bless and heal your line xxx🙏
I will tell one weird thing about myself, I believe in Jesus, but I turn from Him whenever the pleasures of women, drugs, alcohol and other pleasures are presented to me, and I am ashamed because it's been over 30yrs since i knew the Lord. But one thing is constant, it's never fails is whenever I see anyone on media representing the Lord, I immediately know If they are His or not, and this has caused a divination between my Christian family and I, even though i am around people, i have come to accept i must suffer the life of walking alone with Christ, which seems to be the only way for me, and to trust Him no matterthe outcome, and to measure my success not in resuls or expectations or devastating challengesthatwill come my way, but by my consistency in maintaining my relationship and fellowship with Him... I can tell you this, I don't know this man, even now I don't even know his name cause i am one of those who are lazy when it comes to reading anything, but I can tell you that this man is of Christ Jesus.
So you think you have the wisdom of Solomon who asked God for wisdom, but you also have the stupidity of one destined for hell. The only reason you have any knowledge about who is a follower of Jesus is the same reason the devil does. The devil can remember too what he was like before his fall from heaven and becoming evil. Get on Gods side stop playing around. Jesus, Gods Son is coming back soon. Repent fully to Jesus the one who died for your sins and ask God to deliver you of all demons that have infiltrated you from your ungodly only living for pleasure and the devil lifestyle. You cannot serve both God and the devil. Thank God you have not completely seared your conscience like some have but you sound like a near reprobate. Don’t take advantage of Gods Grace any further and think that he will continue putting up with your willful living for the devil.
Thats exactly what the enemy wants you to do is give in to the worldly pleasure they make a spot in hell for the people that entice in it. Go look up the gang member that was shot twice, died and went to hell it's on a lot of things here now. He can explain it better
I saw the Lord without beard. But has a curly hair till his shoulder. Jesus eyes are a fiery raging fires inside of it. Jesus is a very tall guy who gracefully walked. A very loving n caring man God who open his arms to welcomed me. He rescued me and protected me against evil darkness. He came as a bright light and the devil disappeared. Praised Jesus!
You have touched my soul, you show me what it means to be a true Christian. Little to nothing could make me so emotional. But when I hear your words in the sermons. Get deep under my skin. I thank Jesus that you were able to reach me. It's a blessing and I feel strengthened in my faith, I thank you too.
I’m battling with my head to not stay being a Christian, and after seeing this video I want to become a better person, not so I don’t go to hell, but to love, respect, embrace, etc Jesus and others for what they have done. I love you guys sooo much, no matter what happens in the afterlife to you or me or both, I’ll still love you guys, Jesus, the father, the Holy Spirit, just everyone in general ❤
Heaven is a functioning society. Love allows a society to function, as there is no cheating, theft, killing etc, but instead doing to others what youd have them do to you. Jesus not just a person, but he is love, which holds reality together
Amen ✝️❤️ I Believe and Trust in Jesus Christ of Nazareth ✝️❤️ Thank You God for Everything You Do for Us✝️❤️ Please Lord Bless Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel ✝️❤️
I have had visions ALL GLORY TO GOD!! THE HOLY SPIRIT showed it to me. I saw JESUS YAHOSHUA HAMASIACH but HE was so engulfed with light white light I only saw the outline of our KING. That what I saw matches the description of The Mar Mari Emanuel!! HALLELU'YAH all GLORY TO THE FATHER THE SON AND THE HOLY SPIRIT ONE GOD AMEIN!!☦️🌿🕊️
This man is telling the truth 💯. I have been in Heaven and I met Jesus instantly I knew it was Jesus, he took my hand and said; father wants to talk to you. He is the most beautiful man of the children of men. But before we went to father Jesus show me Heaven, the lakes, trees, birds, flowers, the 12 elders all dressed in withe gowns, when we passed near them they turned around and said; she is not from here. Every flowers we have on earth are in Heaven, but much bigger, Heaven is so alive and beautiful.......
I was praying in my room one day at midnight and God appeared to me on the wall. Instantly I knew he is God the father almighty. Who is who was and who is to come. Everything within me submitted involuntarily and you'll know Instantly that he owns you and the world and everything in it. Father please, I may not be able to tell people how you look because all the words in the world submit to you. And no word can actually describe your majesty because you are far far above every word's description but that the world would believe that you exist please I'll try using words. HIS APPEARANCE His confidence level is like 20 billion times 20 billion of the word confidence. Infact the entire word confidence submit to him. His love is like non other in fact 20 billion times 20 billion of the most loving person ever on this earth. The word love submit to HIM His majestic face is very very ANCIENT ( I understood why he is called the ancient of days. A lot of scriptures started making sense to me) He is age :ageless. Time came from him He is 20 billion x 20 billion times MIGHTY!!!!! His smile 20 billion times 20 billion of the most genuine smile ever recorded on earth. If anybody can picture what I am trying to describe he or she would understand that for God to love and care about man. God needs to have been so merciful. Because he is light light years and billions of infiniti years ahead in power. Glory. Splendor and might than anything that has name both here and the there after ( no wonder the Bible said what is man that thou art mindful of him or the son of man that thou giveth a thought about. From what I saw it would take the greatest of mercies for God to call us his children. No wonder the Bible said that he is not ashamed to call them HIS children because under normal circumstances anyone else would've been but for his mercies. We look so much like HIM.( image) BUT there's certain features of him none can have. Father, Please forgive me for about to describe this last feature. His APPEARANCE is TERRIBLE!!! Oh Father woo unto me for seeing the living GOD!! For I am a man of unclean lips and inpure thoughts. I understood why the Bible said the devil believes GOD exists and even trembles at His existence. And if someone should fall at the wrong side of HIM. From the billions and billions and trillions of trillions of his Majestic power and might and how awful and Terrible he looks. Nobody nothing can stand his wrath for a second. No wonder the devil and fallen angels sort hard for forgiveness but were denied. And no wonder the Bible said it is a fearful thing to fall in the hands of the LORD. And no wonder JESUS kept saying fear the one who can kill both the body and spirit and he kept saying we should fear GOD. I would NEVER wish for that even to the worse of the wicked on this earth. At midnight he appeared at my side and something within a twinkle of an eye said look at your side. I looked and behold my Father who knew if he stood there for more done a second I would have died seeing him for that long. So just within a nano of a second he disappeared. Finally, if we know who our father is, we would trade all that we have just to spend a nano second with him. For it would be worth all the riches. All the pains and the heartaches. Father we submit to your will. Amen This witness is nothing but the whole TRUTH and TRUSTWORTHY!!!
May the Lord Jesus Christ heal you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and may you be covered and protected in the blood of Jesus, be healed in Jesus name. Thankyou Jesus
Bishop you are an enormous blessing in my spiritual walk with our Holy Father. I pray for your healing!! I love you my brother, please remember me (Danielle) in prayer, forever grateful, Amen
very interesting, your physical description matches that of a little girl in India whom Jesus appeared to and healed, how awesome is that? Praise Elohim, be blessed
He matches who I saw many years ago as well. You never forget if you ever get to meet Him face to face. My soul was black and reeked of death when He came. He saved me. I'm 42 and should have been dead nearly 20 years ago. Jesus is King.
The feelings i experience about Jesus for sure is for a very Mighty God, and not any dead man. My Lord, my Saviour, my God, and my Friend, Forever Shalom.
I want to try to be as much like this man as possible. He's the one who led me to finally surrender to the calling of Jesus Christ, who I've been running to then fleeing from for the last 25 years. I've finally realized my error and have vowed to remain as close to Christ as I can. This man speaking is the first man I want to see and thank if I'm worthy of entering heaven, through the grace and love of my lord Jesus Christ
I'm here after encountering my younger sister who's been possessed by demons, After she got deliverance by our uncle who is a pastor, my sister testifies that she went to hell and she saw there's a lot of souls who are suffering on the lake of fire, and praise God because she resisted and defeated those who possessed her.
She did not resist them, Christ did. Because of her faith in Him. Carefull saying it like that cause it wasn't your uncle but Christ did it through your uncle. Keep The Word close Yanna. Put Him first in all you do.
@@Koepex Jesus legit says that with Faith, all is possible. So your answer is wrong. Her uncle could do it because he truly belives in The Lord. Not all can cast out demons, that's because they have not enough faith.
Reading the comments makes people realize how many Satan’s minions are at work. A man stabbed and lost his eye who is he hurting by telling the truth by faith?
Amen. Jesus is the only way to the father and the only way to heaven. I can say this as a child of God that's been walking with the Lord for 7 years now but I've been taking the Lord's word seriously for 4 years out of the 7 years. The only reason that I came to the living God started searching for meaning of life even though I knew who Jesus Christ was and I knew about sin but I didn't pay attention to it. I came to the Lord because of me getting sick with late stage chronic lyme disease and I see how God is working through my suffering changing me and working through his holy spirit producing the fruit of the spirit within me. Now I can't stand watching any horror films and I remember back then when I didn't have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ my favorite movies that I used to watch was any kind of horror film imaginable. I can't stand watching any movies that deals with violence or saying God's name in vain. I can't stand listening to any dirty foul music anymore that has. The only music that I listen to is worship music before the Lord like MercyMe or Zach Williams, King for country, another good worship music. I love watching Bishop Marley from time to time and pastor Billy Graham, pastor Paul washer, pastor Charles Stanley, pastor Voddie Baucham and I love when pastors talked about the famous Street preacher Charles spurgeon and CS Lewis. If there's any brother or sister that comes across my message / testimony I would be really blessed and grateful if you can pray to our heavenly Father for me that the Lord will strengthen me through the trials and tribulations that I'm going through right now. Because I want to be honest and honesty is very important to one another even before God. I've been struggling with masturbation even though I don't look at pornographic images or videos anymore because the Lord delivered me from that 3 1/2 years ago and I threw away any sexual toys that I had and threw them away in the garbage. But I told our heavenly father and talk to him and I said father there are quite a few reasons why I fall into masturbation from time to time into sin and the first one is #1 the pleasure that it gives. #2 loneliness and boredom. #3 demonic wicked spirits that could be tempted me at times 2 in the heavenly places that I cannot see. #4 My flesh can get to me at times. #5 my past and the mistakes that I made. #6 not having a companion in my life and at times having high hormones when you're a single Christian man. I remember when pastor Charles Stanley said through one of his servants he said this. When you're tired lonely and hungry that's when temptation can sneak in more easier or the devil and demonic Spears contempt that person to bring up our past and are mistakes and failures. I have a second prayer request. I live with family in a somewhat big house and I'm the only one in the family that meditates on the Lord's word by myself and has a relationship with Jesus Christ. I have a brother his name is Christian and he's 30 years old. I have a sister named Ashley and she's 31 years old. My mom that lives in the house and it's her house that she owns and her boyfriend lives with her and his name is Tom. Four people living in the house and my family members don't have a close relationship with the Lord for my understanding and when I'm around them I don't see any good fruits in their liveswhat I mean by is their actions and the words that comes out of her mouth that should be righteous and holy and not saying the lord's name in vain all the time or any cuss words. When I go shopping with my family in the car it'll be me my mom my sister and my brother that that sits in the backseat of the car and 99.99% of the time they will argue about something that's very immature and one of them will push each other and one of them can't be the bigger person. So I have to step in the middle of it from time to time and remind them to let them know. Do you guys realize the words that you guys say to each other one of you need to be the bigger person and to step up to be the bigger person in life. I know as a Christian as a child of God the Lord says to let our light shine before many people that don't know him. What I mean by is our actions and our words that should reflect Jesus Christ character and when other people see our faith our actions and the trials and tribulations that we go throughwhen they look at that we pray that they will give glory to our Father who is in heaven through Jesus Christ to the holy Spirit and they will give their life to Jesus as Lord and savior. I know I hear all the time and I believe it that God's timing is perfect and certain people's life and he's always working even if we don't see it at times. Right now I've been working on a letter that have been writing to my older brother Anthony and through this letter I'm explaining everything of the Lord's character about sin and hell about heaven about his love about forgiveness of sins and eternal life. Whoever reads my message last testimony thank you for taking the time out of your day. Much love your brother in Christ Nicholas but I go by Nick...✍️✝️🇺🇲🫶👈
Been there when my mom was in the coma ....i 'f myself to hell ..then god brought me back so did my mother... even she was given time to spend with me for year .... god is glorious
I came home from church a night. Went to sleep and saw a glimpse of the exact image the Bishop spoke about. Christ is Real and he is a Rewarded of those who diligently seek him..🙏❤
Praise be to you Lord Jesus Christ beloved Son of the Most High Living God the lamb of God who has conquered and who has bought us for a great price to whom the Heavenly Father raised from the dead to the glory of God the Father in heaven Amen 🙏🙏🙏🙏
I love you Bishop I never dreamed. Couple weeks ago I was standing like at a funeral talking to someone at the doorway. I turned and looked down the walkway a man sitting in a chair I said Jesus. He had light ash brown hair split down the middle shoulder length. And I woke. Cry like a baby and I thank you. you have changed my life more than you will ever ever know. I don't care what people say about you. I love you and I know Jesus kept you here for US. I seen where the church is bad mouthing you shame on them. Jesus knows you speak the truth. I love you.mar Mari Emmanuelle.
There are many people like this guy but they don’t come out in public because of retaliation or afraid being attacked or killed. Many Christians keep their faith to themselves
I'm glad I have not experience going to hell. God loves me so much that He allowed me to go to a paradise with lots of white big roses. ❤️❤️❤️❤️I hope you won't lose your faith in Jesus because He exist and I saw Him.
No, you'll live in heaven with Jesus Christ because you motivated and inspired people to live in harmomy with full of love and help, justice and compassion. You're chosen by God. Don't think in negative way. You're a good and Godly qualities human. You did your part so now the god will do his part. Amen.
I'm so very sad hearing this has happened to you & I honestly will never never comprehend why our LORD JESUS allowed it to happen to you my dear Bishop Mar Mari 💔💔💔 & I truly admire your unshakable faith in OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST YOU HAVE NEVER WAVERED OR HAVE SHOWN ANY SMALL TRACE OF DOUBT IN. SPITE OF WHAT YOU HAVE ENDURED !! TRULY VERY ADMIRABLE ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Sheila Shaw was dead 18 minutes and met Christ. She said the same thing as he does here. She said she would have to literally go through Him to get to Heaven, and if she did, she could never come back to earth. Look her up. I was there in the hospital with her when she died.
1:35 OMG!!! Bro i asked God a few hours ago like "how tall was you lord" when you where on earth? I wished i saw you next to me. I'm like 5'10. And i just got this right now, i truly felt the lord just answered me, this CAN'T be a coincidence 💯💖🔥
one time i wanted to look for this verse in my bible and when i opened my bible, it was right infront of me. i swear im not lying, god wants me to read. he is real
When I was younger at 5 years old I was attacked by dogs and almost died then was attacked by another dog when I was 12both of these situations caused ptsd and a lot of stress in my mental and created a anger and beef between my mom and the neighbors mom next door who’s son I new since I was three years old when I turned 15 my parents got a Divorce and I had to stay with my mom who was very hurt and in return took a lot of her anger out on me … telling me I would be nothing when I grew up and called me retard and the devil I feel over a million times. Call the police on me for nothing and mess things up around the house to make it seem like I did something to get me arrested but one thing that effected me the most is when she told me she loved my brother more than me and that I didn’t deserve to be happy when my dad was trying to take her to court and get custody of me the sad thing is for a long time though and my dad told me one day god will never put you through something you can’t handle didn’t understand that fully at the time though talented and ambitious I believed her intell I found god right before I went homeless on the streets at at 19 when I went homeless where I met people in all different situations. My fire went dem and I have made a lot of mistakes since then but I know god brings videos like this to bring me as a sight and I thank y’all for sharing this and your stories prays god for life and a chance to get my soul right with him after all we have done because of the hurt we have in us because powered by the hurt people who hurt us we break the cycle with love, time, and forgiveness I forgave my mom since then and even when there are these times she say things that hurt me I understand it’s not her fault it’s my fault for expecting something different and not understanding that life isn’t about getting mad about things you can’t control it’s about loving people for who they are at that time and believing that in due time god will make things right thanks to those who read this and thanks for allowing me to share
I'm a Sunday christian, but I read bible and and now I use to go to shabbath church, Sunday man made church, sabbath is a day of the GOD OF ABRHAM ISAAC AND JACOB holy GOD of Israel.
Read the 10 commandments. Remember the Sabbath day to keep holy, 6 days shall you work but the 7th day is to be kept holy. Not the 1st day of the week.
@@rickroden7666 Romans 10:4 For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth. We are no longer under the law, but of Grace.
When i read these comments , the thought comes to mind,, Judge not least ye be judged. It,s not for us to say who is and who isn,t righteous , better of to keep it to yourself.
he believes in God so much, that having nearly been murdered, and at the cost of his eye, he is back doing his sermons.If you cant love and respect the guy after this, then you're lost...
my question is this, if the rich man died and couldn't comeback because you CANT, so how did this man get out to tell? kinda wierd for people to get to hell then comeback... once your there your there, Jesus was the only one who could do this
I believe some people are given a near death experinece in their spirits. I wish I had. I unfortunately followed God unrepentantly on my terms with my sin on tow for 40 years. I deludedly thought I was saved all my adult life but a most horrible illness and judgement has been sent on me by God and I know I have no place in meeting that beautiful man, Jesus. I stretched his grace, trampled him on the cross all my life. I am absolutely shocked at my sin. My illness is going to bring up hell to meet me on earth. I am quaking at hell for ever and ever. .
*as long as you are alive there is still hope, stop putting this dark cloud upon yourself* Go in prayer and seek God with all of your heart -> Jeremiah 29:13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart
This man talks about the Christ and the Bible, was attacked and almost killed for his words, lost an eye, forgave, came back and decided to keep preaching. He lives what he believes in. A long time ago, I was also attacked, my own dad stabbed me twice with a really long knife while I was sleeping. I was rescued by the will of God, and have no slightest doubt about that. I'll remember his face and esp. eyes forever, those eyes didn't belong to a human being. After I started screaming at him and he got confused, I grabbed the blade and started pulling, cut my fingers but eventually took the knife away. At that moment my dad literally became a human again, his eyes changed and became normal and tears started running down his face, he said in deep sorrow - I'm sorry, something's here in my head and I don't know what. I left the house in panic, he stabbed himself immediately after that and somehow survived. I never spoke to him again...I know many people struggle to believe in anything these days, and many church bishops and other people do a lot of terrible things, but trust me - the Lord is very real, and Jesus is the way. Read the Bible, pray, ask for forgiveness and wisdom and you'll find the faith.
Brother you should talk to you dad about Jesus
@@KishanDass-hb9vltalk about Jesus’s mystical body on earth his holy Catholic Church.
@@KishanDass-hb9vl He died years ago.
@harderway8568 can you please pray for your father? He is your ancestral line. I will pray for him because this grieves me and I have love for him same as my deceased father. God Bless and heal your line xxx🙏
His final statement is a truth that cannot be one goes to heaven without Jesus Christ.
I love my lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth
I will tell one weird thing about myself, I believe in Jesus, but I turn from Him whenever the pleasures of women, drugs, alcohol and other pleasures are presented to me, and I am ashamed because it's been over 30yrs since i knew the Lord. But one thing is constant, it's never fails is whenever I see anyone on media representing the Lord, I immediately know If they are His or not, and this has caused a divination between my Christian family and I, even though i am around people, i have come to accept i must suffer the life of walking alone with Christ, which seems to be the only way for me, and to trust Him no matterthe outcome, and to measure my success not in resuls or expectations or devastating challengesthatwill come my way, but by my consistency in maintaining my relationship and fellowship with Him... I can tell you this, I don't know this man, even now I don't even know his name cause i am one of those who are lazy when it comes to reading anything, but I can tell you that this man is of Christ Jesus.
Call upon the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be Saved! Get a king James Bible and believe. Read John.
Women are people not just a pleasure. What you have is lust. ✝️
I get that feeling about him too
So you think you have the wisdom of Solomon who asked God for wisdom, but you also have the stupidity of one destined for hell. The only reason you have any knowledge about who is a follower of Jesus is the same reason the devil does. The devil can remember too what he was like before his fall from heaven and becoming evil. Get on Gods side stop playing around. Jesus, Gods Son is coming back soon. Repent fully to Jesus the one who died for your sins and ask God to deliver you of all demons that have infiltrated you from your ungodly only living for pleasure and the devil lifestyle. You cannot serve both God and the devil. Thank God you have not completely seared your conscience like some have but you sound like a near reprobate. Don’t take advantage of Gods Grace any further and think that he will continue putting up with your willful living for the devil.
Thats exactly what the enemy wants you to do is give in to the worldly pleasure they make a spot in hell for the people that entice in it. Go look up the gang member that was shot twice, died and went to hell it's on a lot of things here now. He can explain it better
I saw the Lord without beard. But has a curly hair till his shoulder. Jesus eyes are a fiery raging fires inside of it. Jesus is a very tall guy who gracefully walked. A very loving n caring man God who open his arms to welcomed me. He rescued me and protected me against evil darkness. He came as a bright light and the devil disappeared. Praised Jesus!
mar mari loves jesus god bless this man.
I am sorry you had to go through that bishop, praise to the most high JESUS Amen.
He is the lord of lords and king of kings 👑 please Jesus remember me when you get into your kingdom
@@MariseMagdysoliman He is glorious in righteousness. Blessed be his holy name, forever.
I love this man he is a man of God
Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel, please pray for me and for my family
No one deserves to be hurt like that. Before this happened I had never heard of this man. Stay strong in Christ xo God Bless you.
You have touched my soul, you show me what it means to be a true Christian.
Little to nothing could make me so emotional.
But when I hear your words in the sermons.
Get deep under my skin.
I thank Jesus that you were able to reach me.
It's a blessing and I feel strengthened in my faith, I thank you too.
I’m battling with my head to not stay being a Christian, and after seeing this video I want to become a better person, not so I don’t go to hell, but to love, respect, embrace, etc Jesus and others for what they have done. I love you guys sooo much, no matter what happens in the afterlife to you or me or both, I’ll still love you guys, Jesus, the father, the Holy Spirit, just everyone in general ❤
Heaven is a functioning society. Love allows a society to function, as there is no cheating, theft, killing etc, but instead doing to others what youd have them do to you. Jesus not just a person, but he is love, which holds reality together
Amen ✝️❤️
I Believe and Trust in Jesus Christ of Nazareth ✝️❤️ Thank You God for Everything You Do for Us✝️❤️ Please Lord Bless Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel ✝️❤️
God bless bishop mar mari Emmanuel amen✝️❤️
I have had visions ALL GLORY TO GOD!!
THE HOLY SPIRIT showed it to me. I saw JESUS YAHOSHUA HAMASIACH but HE was so engulfed with light white light I only saw the outline of our KING. That what I saw matches the description of The Mar Mari Emanuel!! HALLELU'YAH all GLORY TO THE FATHER THE SON AND THE HOLY SPIRIT ONE GOD AMEIN!!☦️🌿🕊️
What a mighty God we have and he chose awesome preacher in you Bishop Mar mari you are a treasure in his hands
May God heal you Father Mar Mari
This man is telling the truth 💯. I have been in Heaven and I met Jesus instantly I knew it was Jesus, he took my hand and said; father wants to talk to you. He is the most beautiful man of the children of men. But before we went to father Jesus show me Heaven, the lakes, trees, birds, flowers, the 12 elders all dressed in withe gowns, when we passed near them they turned around and said; she is not from here. Every flowers we have on earth are in Heaven, but much bigger, Heaven is so alive and beautiful.......
I was praying in my room one day at midnight and God appeared to me on the wall. Instantly I knew he is God the father almighty. Who is who was and who is to come.
Everything within me submitted involuntarily and you'll know Instantly that he owns you and the world and everything in it.
Father please, I may not be able to tell people how you look because all the words in the world submit to you. And no word can actually describe your majesty because you are far far above every word's description but that the world would believe that you exist please I'll try using words.
His confidence level is like 20 billion times 20 billion of the word confidence. Infact the entire word confidence submit to him.
His love is like non other in fact 20 billion times 20 billion of the most loving person ever on this earth. The word love submit to HIM
His majestic face is very very ANCIENT ( I understood why he is called the ancient of days. A lot of scriptures started making sense to me)
He is age :ageless. Time came from him
He is 20 billion x 20 billion times MIGHTY!!!!!
His smile 20 billion times 20 billion of the most genuine smile ever recorded on earth.
If anybody can picture what I am trying to describe he or she would understand that for God to love and care about man. God needs to have been so merciful. Because he is light light years and billions of infiniti years ahead in power. Glory. Splendor and might than anything that has name both here and the there after ( no wonder the Bible said what is man that thou art mindful of him or the son of man that thou giveth a thought about. From what I saw it would take the greatest of mercies for God to call us his children. No wonder the Bible said that he is not ashamed to call them HIS children because under normal circumstances anyone else would've been but for his mercies.
We look so much like HIM.( image) BUT there's certain features of him none can have. Father, Please forgive me for about to describe this last feature. His APPEARANCE is TERRIBLE!!! Oh Father woo unto me for seeing the living GOD!! For I am a man of unclean lips and inpure thoughts. I understood why the Bible said the devil believes GOD exists and even trembles at His existence. And if someone should fall at the wrong side of HIM. From the billions and billions and trillions of trillions of his Majestic power and might and how awful and Terrible he looks. Nobody nothing can stand his wrath for a second. No wonder the devil and fallen angels sort hard for forgiveness but were denied. And no wonder the Bible said it is a fearful thing to fall in the hands of the LORD. And no wonder JESUS kept saying fear the one who can kill both the body and spirit and he kept saying we should fear GOD. I would NEVER wish for that even to the worse of the wicked on this earth.
At midnight he appeared at my side and something within a twinkle of an eye said look at your side. I looked and behold my Father who knew if he stood there for more done a second I would have died seeing him for that long. So just within a nano of a second he disappeared.
Finally, if we know who our father is, we would trade all that we have just to spend a nano second with him. For it would be worth all the riches. All the pains and the heartaches. Father we submit to your will. Amen
This witness is nothing but the whole TRUTH and TRUSTWORTHY!!!
@@isabelolsson1890 everyone sees Jesus, I'm jealous
This man has no godly reason to lie at all ❤❤❤
May the Lord Jesus Christ heal you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and may you be covered and protected in the blood of Jesus, be healed in Jesus name. Thankyou Jesus
Amen Jesus Christ is saving is from the evil world ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Lord Jesus please have mercy on us
In order to have everlasting life you absolutely must trust in the person and finished work of Christ alone for salvation 💖.
As someone who has seen Jesus in my dreams twice, I confirm the validity of his descriptions of Jesus.
Bishop you are an enormous blessing in my spiritual walk with our Holy Father. I pray for your healing!! I love you my brother, please remember me (Danielle) in prayer, forever grateful, Amen
The Holy Spirit is testifying to me that these words are trustworthy! Remain blessed!
very interesting, your physical description matches that of a little girl in India whom Jesus appeared to and healed, how awesome is that? Praise Elohim, be blessed
He matches who I saw many years ago as well. You never forget if you ever get to meet Him face to face. My soul was black and reeked of death when He came. He saved me. I'm 42 and should have been dead nearly 20 years ago. Jesus is King.
Shows how fake it is or he watched that video of the girl too
☦️ only Jesus Chirst can save us from this cruel world.
I'll be honest ive tòok to this great man like a duck to water my love &.respect for this man has gone through the roof ❤
Thank you Jesus for your servants , May you protect Him and cover Him with the blood of Jesus
The feelings i experience about Jesus for sure is for a very Mighty God, and not any dead man. My Lord, my Saviour, my God, and my Friend, Forever Shalom.
☦AMEN☦ Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us, You are The Soverign Authority☦
Hallelujah!!!thank you for the Testimony Beloved Bishop Mari..God be with you till the end of the world...
Thank you Lord for saving our Bishop.❤
Thank you my Good Lord Jesus for healing me 🙏🙏🙏❤️
How did you get healed?
I want to try to be as much like this man as possible. He's the one who led me to finally surrender to the calling of Jesus Christ, who I've been running to then fleeing from for the last 25 years. I've finally realized my error and have vowed to remain as close to Christ as I can. This man speaking is the first man I want to see and thank if I'm worthy of entering heaven, through the grace and love of my lord Jesus Christ
I'm here after encountering my younger sister who's been possessed by demons, After she got deliverance by our uncle who is a pastor, my sister testifies that she went to hell and she saw there's a lot of souls who are suffering on the lake of fire, and praise God because she resisted and defeated those who possessed her.
She did not resist them, Christ did. Because of her faith in Him.
Carefull saying it like that cause it wasn't your uncle but Christ did it through your uncle.
Keep The Word close Yanna. Put Him first in all you do.
@@Koepex Jesus legit says that with Faith, all is possible. So your answer is wrong. Her uncle could do it because he truly belives in The Lord. Not all can cast out demons, that's because they have not enough faith.
@@Koepexwhile yes, she did not defeat demons, Jesus did.
Praise the Lord Jesus our savior.
😢😢 Lord Jesus have mercy on us
Mar mari Emmanuel has beautiful amazing faith in our lord and savior lord Jesus 🙏 🙏
God bless you bishop!
I almost shared tears when I watched his testimony 😢.
Praise be to GOD ALMIGHTY the LORD of Hosts the KING of GLORY in JESUS name Amen 👑 👑 👑
bless you my loving servent of god amem
Reading the comments makes people realize how many Satan’s minions are at work. A man stabbed and lost his eye who is he hurting by telling the truth by faith?
I Believe In The Father And Son And The Holy Spirit Amen 💜😇🙏
Amen. Jesus is the only way to the father and the only way to heaven. I can say this as a child of God that's been walking with the Lord for 7 years now but I've been taking the Lord's word seriously for 4 years out of the 7 years. The only reason that I came to the living God started searching for meaning of life even though I knew who Jesus Christ was and I knew about sin but I didn't pay attention to it. I came to the Lord because of me getting sick with late stage chronic lyme disease and I see how God is working through my suffering changing me and working through his holy spirit producing the fruit of the spirit within me. Now I can't stand watching any horror films and I remember back then when I didn't have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ my favorite movies that I used to watch was any kind of horror film imaginable. I can't stand watching any movies that deals with violence or saying God's name in vain. I can't stand listening to any dirty foul music anymore that has. The only music that I listen to is worship music before the Lord like MercyMe or Zach Williams, King for country, another good worship music. I love watching Bishop Marley from time to time and pastor Billy Graham, pastor Paul washer, pastor Charles Stanley, pastor Voddie Baucham and I love when pastors talked about the famous Street preacher Charles spurgeon and CS Lewis. If there's any brother or sister that comes across my message / testimony I would be really blessed and grateful if you can pray to our heavenly Father for me that the Lord will strengthen me through the trials and tribulations that I'm going through right now. Because I want to be honest and honesty is very important to one another even before God. I've been struggling with masturbation even though I don't look at pornographic images or videos anymore because the Lord delivered me from that 3 1/2 years ago and I threw away any sexual toys that I had and threw them away in the garbage. But I told our heavenly father and talk to him and I said father there are quite a few reasons why I fall into masturbation from time to time into sin and the first one is #1 the pleasure that it gives. #2 loneliness and boredom. #3 demonic wicked spirits that could be tempted me at times 2 in the heavenly places that I cannot see. #4 My flesh can get to me at times. #5 my past and the mistakes that I made. #6 not having a companion in my life and at times having high hormones when you're a single Christian man. I remember when pastor Charles Stanley said through one of his servants he said this. When you're tired lonely and hungry that's when temptation can sneak in more easier or the devil and demonic Spears contempt that person to bring up our past and are mistakes and failures. I have a second prayer request. I live with family in a somewhat big house and I'm the only one in the family that meditates on the Lord's word by myself and has a relationship with Jesus Christ. I have a brother his name is Christian and he's 30 years old. I have a sister named Ashley and she's 31 years old. My mom that lives in the house and it's her house that she owns and her boyfriend lives with her and his name is Tom. Four people living in the house and my family members don't have a close relationship with the Lord for my understanding and when I'm around them I don't see any good fruits in their liveswhat I mean by is their actions and the words that comes out of her mouth that should be righteous and holy and not saying the lord's name in vain all the time or any cuss words. When I go shopping with my family in the car it'll be me my mom my sister and my brother that that sits in the backseat of the car and 99.99% of the time they will argue about something that's very immature and one of them will push each other and one of them can't be the bigger person. So I have to step in the middle of it from time to time and remind them to let them know. Do you guys realize the words that you guys say to each other one of you need to be the bigger person and to step up to be the bigger person in life. I know as a Christian as a child of God the Lord says to let our light shine before many people that don't know him. What I mean by is our actions and our words that should reflect Jesus Christ character and when other people see our faith our actions and the trials and tribulations that we go throughwhen they look at that we pray that they will give glory to our Father who is in heaven through Jesus Christ to the holy Spirit and they will give their life to Jesus as Lord and savior. I know I hear all the time and I believe it that God's timing is perfect and certain people's life and he's always working even if we don't see it at times. Right now I've been working on a letter that have been writing to my older brother Anthony and through this letter I'm explaining everything of the Lord's character about sin and hell about heaven about his love about forgiveness of sins and eternal life. Whoever reads my message last testimony thank you for taking the time out of your day. Much love your brother in Christ Nicholas but I go by Nick...✍️✝️🇺🇲🫶👈
Lord Jesus Christ is the Mighty God 🙏🏿
Praise the Lord. I will not judge. Thanks for message. Jesus is Real ...Amen
Been there when my mom was in the coma ....i 'f myself to hell ..then god brought me back so did my mother... even she was given time to spend with me for year .... god is glorious
I am blessed to have an angel like my mother thank you God for everything
this man is very close to jesus … god bless and protect him
I came home from church a night. Went to sleep and saw a glimpse of the exact image the Bishop spoke about. Christ is Real and he is a Rewarded of those who diligently seek him..🙏❤
Praise be to you Lord Jesus Christ beloved Son of the Most High Living God the lamb of God who has conquered and who has bought us for a great price to whom the Heavenly Father raised from the dead to the glory of God the Father in heaven Amen 🙏🙏🙏🙏
I love you Bishop I never dreamed. Couple weeks ago I was standing like at a funeral talking to someone at the doorway. I turned and looked down the walkway a man sitting in a chair I said Jesus. He had light ash brown hair split down the middle shoulder length. And I woke. Cry like a baby and I thank you. you have changed my life more than you will ever ever know. I don't care what people say about you. I love you and I know Jesus kept you here for US. I seen where the church is bad mouthing you shame on them. Jesus knows you speak the truth. I love you.mar Mari Emmanuelle.
There are many people like this guy but they don’t come out in public because of retaliation or afraid being attacked or killed. Many Christians keep their faith to themselves
God said NO, his time is not yet come. Bless you Mari Emanuel, pray for me and my family.
I'm glad I have not experience going to hell. God loves me so much that He allowed me to go to a paradise with lots of white big roses. ❤️❤️❤️❤️I hope you won't lose your faith in Jesus because He exist and I saw Him.
Blessed be thank u heavenly Father bless this man and thank u for working through him so I can hear ur words blessed be
I love you so much sir and I love my KING JE'SUS CHRIST is my everything ❤♥💜
beautiful testimony!!!!!! So exquisite!
I pray our Lord Jesus Christ protects you and keep you safe.
Be healed in the name of our Lord jesus christ
No, you'll live in heaven with Jesus Christ because you motivated and inspired people to live in harmomy with full of love and help, justice and compassion. You're chosen by God. Don't think in negative way. You're a good and Godly qualities human. You did your part so now the god will do his part. Amen.
I think the point is God is an almighty God , and we will stand before Him someday soon Amen
God is with you🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️
Blesings to Mar Mari Amen.
You’re no “piece of wreck”, you’re a very wise and special man, please take care😢 of yourself😢
The True God sent Jesus to show us the way to him 🙏
I'm so very sad hearing this has happened to you & I honestly will never never comprehend why our LORD JESUS allowed it to happen to you my dear Bishop Mar Mari 💔💔💔 & I truly admire your unshakable faith in OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST YOU HAVE NEVER WAVERED OR HAVE SHOWN ANY SMALL TRACE OF DOUBT IN. SPITE OF WHAT YOU HAVE ENDURED !! TRULY VERY ADMIRABLE ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Wherent almost all apostles tortured and killed? Why did Lord Jesus allowed it?
@@joeking5215 I suppose only GOD knows 🙏🙏🙏
@@DAJ-y3l I guess the more you suffer for the Lord in this life the better reward you receive in the next!
God bless this man 🙏🏻
Sheila Shaw was dead 18 minutes and met Christ. She said the same thing as he does here. She said she would have to literally go through Him to get to Heaven, and if she did, she could never come back to earth. Look her up. I was there in the hospital with her when she died.
That’s a miracle. Thanks for the message too
Copy paste
Don't follow the anti Christ or anti esus
Amen ilove you my father so im 🇪🇹Ethiopia
Everyone talks about Christ... about the Bible...but not everyone tells the truth about it!!
Y heart cry for you ❤ God bless you
May God protect him
In order to have everlasting life you absolutely must trust in the person and finished work of Christ alone for salvation 💖💖🌹💖💖🌹💖💖
I'm Nimmy Jacob bangalore Indian 5 people taking my gold and money they are not giving back please pray for me brother
Thank you father
Nimmy Jacob. Kruepasanam, Kerala and follow Covenant sincerely
Read the bible sir, your answer is in the new testament. Just let the money go and bless those who took it.
May God help u
Ask the cow 😂
True gospel this man omg wawoooh ❤❤❤❤
Hallelujah Praise The Lord Jesus Christ Amen🙏🙏🙏 💕🌟🌟🌟🌟💝
1:35 OMG!!!
Bro i asked God a few hours ago like "how tall was you lord" when you where on earth? I wished i saw you next to me. I'm like 5'10.
And i just got this right now, i truly felt the lord just answered me, this CAN'T be a coincidence 💯💖🔥
one time i wanted to look for this verse in my bible and when i opened my bible, it was right infront of me. i swear im not lying, god wants me to read. he is real
Out of all the questions Gods height is all you care about ?😂😂😂 this man did not see God he is a false prophet.
When I was younger at 5 years old I was attacked by dogs and almost died then was attacked by another dog when I was 12both of these situations caused ptsd and a lot of stress in my mental and created a anger and beef between my mom and the neighbors mom next door who’s son I new since I was three years old when I turned 15 my parents got a Divorce and I had to stay with my mom who was very hurt and in return took a lot of her anger out on me … telling me I would be nothing when I grew up and called me retard and the devil I feel over a million times. Call the police on me for nothing and mess things up around the house to make it seem like I did something to get me arrested but one thing that effected me the most is when she told me she loved my brother more than me and that I didn’t deserve to be happy when my dad was trying to take her to court and get custody of me the sad thing is for a long time though and my dad told me one day god will never put you through something you can’t handle didn’t understand that fully at the time though talented and ambitious I believed her intell I found god right before I went homeless on the streets at at 19 when I went homeless where I met people in all different situations. My fire went dem and I have made a lot of mistakes since then but I know god brings videos like this to bring me as a sight and I thank y’all for sharing this and your stories prays god for life and a chance to get my soul right with him after all we have done because of the hurt we have in us because powered by the hurt people who hurt us we break the cycle with love, time, and forgiveness I forgave my mom since then and even when there are these times she say things that hurt me I understand it’s not her fault it’s my fault for expecting something different and not understanding that life isn’t about getting mad about things you can’t control it’s about loving people for who they are at that time and believing that in due time god will make things right thanks to those who read this and thanks for allowing me to share
Thank you for sharing! May God bless you even more❤! Lots of hugs 🤗
@@alove5247 thank you so much for the hugs hugs right back at you god bless
So let it be!🙌🙏💯❤️
Thanks GOD you are still alive
Thanks Kingdom Media for sharing this
Ha. How lovely for you. I am so pleased.
I'm a Sunday christian, but I read bible and and now I use to go to shabbath church, Sunday man made church, sabbath is a day of the GOD OF ABRHAM ISAAC AND JACOB holy GOD of Israel.
Just so you know, The Sabbath was a sign by God given to the Jews, NOT the Church.
Read the 10 commandments. Remember the Sabbath day to keep holy, 6 days shall you work but the 7th day is to be kept holy. Not the 1st day of the week.
The 10 commandments were given to the world, didn't Jesus say go and preach to all the world?
Im so sorry ,l have to disagree with you ,The SABBATH was given by God before any jews was@@VincentDavito
@@rickroden7666 Romans 10:4 For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth. We are no longer under the law, but of Grace.
When i read these comments , the thought comes to mind,, Judge not least ye be judged. It,s not for us to say who is and who isn,t righteous , better of to keep it to yourself.
God knows regardless 🙏
Does it ? Please tell me what the Scriptures say about correction & calling out sin for what it is ?
to let deception spread? very Christian view... (not)
People sure love to skip the rest of the verse/chapter. Too lazy to read the rest? Or doesnt it fit your ide of how we should judge?
he believes in God so much, that having nearly been murdered, and at the cost of his eye, he is back doing his sermons.If you cant love and respect the guy after this, then you're lost...
my question is this, if the rich man died and couldn't comeback because you CANT, so how did this man get out to tell? kinda wierd for people to get to hell then comeback... once your there your there, Jesus was the only one who could do this
False title. You should not tarnish a good video about Jesus by making a deceitful title in order to get clicks!
Thanks , I would waste time hearing nothing about the title
I agree with you 100%. It bothers me so much when they do that.
God bless you preacher, 🙏 us we living in such evil times Satan time is nearly up and jesus is coming soon to chain him up ,
I believe some people are given a near death experinece in their spirits. I wish I had.
I unfortunately followed God unrepentantly on my terms with my sin on tow for 40 years. I deludedly thought I was saved all my adult life but a most horrible illness and judgement has been sent on me by God and I know I have no place in meeting that beautiful man, Jesus. I stretched his grace, trampled him on the cross all my life. I am absolutely shocked at my sin. My illness is going to bring up hell to meet me on earth. I am quaking at hell for ever and ever. .
*as long as you are alive there is still hope, stop putting this dark cloud upon yourself*
Go in prayer and seek God with all of your heart -> Jeremiah 29:13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart
Jesus Christ is Father God. He is indeed the I AM.
Many people have had near death experiences with religous experiences associated with them. Its not like he’s claiming to have resurrected like Jesus
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be Saved.
Acts 16:31kjv
great testimony sir, thank you, you will live long 100 years...guarantee....