That is a sweet bike. I love red and I'm not a gold guy but that combination looks awesome, very retro. I think that 26ers are a lost size but still needed. I commute with either a 27.5 mountain bike or a 700c gravel/road bike and I look at the 26er I've had for 20 years now and say, "why don't I ride that?" Don't think I'll every get rid of it and I need to just get out and ride it.
Smaller diameter wheels ride rougher, all other things equal (air pressure, tire casing construction, suspension settings, etc) because of tge smaller diameter. More of the wheel falls into a hole and when uou roll over a bumo, the larger wheel has a shallower angle of attack to roll over the bump. Also, a 29er tire has a larger contact patch, so therr is more material to absorb shock.
Not just flawless but better than the AdventX derailleur. The Advent X derailleur uses a ratchet clutch that allows some movement before engagement of the clutch which makes it noisy on every small bump. Acolyte derailleur clutch engages instantly and is much quieter.
29" has an easier angle of attack for obstacles which rolls easier. Think of it like running over a pebble with a skateboard wheel vs a 20" wheel. The pebble will be more jarring to the skateboard than the bike
Looks amazing tbh 1 really really big problem tho. No derailleur hanger is unacceptable lol. Apart from that it does look really nice 👌. I'd of risked those parts on a different red frame tbh with the derailleur hanger so I could actually ride it. Sweet bike tho
Could be TH-cam your chat monitor. but I'm not going to stay if you can't nicely comment freely why would I do that just a break maybe it's TH-cam💥💥🍔🍻🐿️🎃
One of your coolest builds hands down
Kind of looks like Ironman armor.
Awesome...from a guy who grew up with the original Mongoose brand.
good looking machine, colours work well, the forks really set it off, thanks Kev
That is a sweet bike. I love red and I'm not a gold guy but that combination looks awesome, very retro. I think that 26ers are a lost size but still needed. I commute with either a 27.5 mountain bike or a 700c gravel/road bike and I look at the 26er I've had for 20 years now and say, "why don't I ride that?" Don't think I'll every get rid of it and I need to just get out and ride it.
Really good looking bike, beautiful build congrats
That is a nice budget build for sure. Nice color schemes. Hits correct
Have always loved this build,Kev. Ali Express or not. Great choice of colors.
Beautiful build! Keep 'em coming!
Smaller diameter wheels ride rougher, all other things equal (air pressure, tire casing construction, suspension settings, etc) because of tge smaller diameter. More of the wheel falls into a hole and when uou roll over a bumo, the larger wheel has a shallower angle of attack to roll over the bump. Also, a 29er tire has a larger contact patch, so therr is more material to absorb shock.
Thank you, I was one of the folks asking about this dream machine. Great build! Can you put double crown forks on any mtb? Love that look.
That beautiful golden chicken 😊🎉
The gold and red is such a vibe, makes me think of a honda CBR
Looks amazing 👏 unbelievable
Kev, get the Advent X 11-48T cassette and Trail Pro shifter for that Acolyte. It works flawlessly
Thanks for sharing
Not just flawless but better than the AdventX derailleur. The Advent X derailleur uses a ratchet clutch that allows some movement before engagement of the clutch which makes it noisy on every small bump. Acolyte derailleur clutch engages instantly and is much quieter.
@@theshonen8899 Acolyte also shifts better with the clutch engaged. Crisper per se.
Omg I finally get to watch an up to date video🎉🎉🎉❤
Don’t get notifications?
That thing is badass
I remember that bike that looks good
it looks my custom built hyper explorer! all gold and red!
kev, you need to level out the suspension stancions. the compression stancion is lower than the air stancion
Really nice bike
Looks sharp. However I think the valve stem caps should be red! 😀
My only problem is it being an aluminium frame with an integrated derailleur hanger! That is always a deal killer for me.
Yeah. Never a good thing
its like a real hardcore hardtail
6:44 that's actually a hexagon. 😁
Didn’t realize I said octagon 😂
29" has an easier angle of attack for obstacles which rolls easier.
Think of it like running over a pebble with a skateboard wheel vs a 20" wheel. The pebble will be more jarring to the skateboard than the bike
Looks cool. But to flashy for me 😊. Roadnado roadnado roadnado. A new drinking game?
Looks ready for rampage!
Looks amazing tbh 1 really really big problem tho. No derailleur hanger is unacceptable lol. Apart from that it does look really nice 👌. I'd of risked those parts on a different red frame tbh with the derailleur hanger so I could actually ride it. Sweet bike tho
When are you going to do your next Bike Barn live video
I’ve had a few people ask that recently, so I guess it better be soon 😁. I usually wait until there are compelling topics.
@@KevCentral it's all good
All that is missing is King Charles riding it!
Needs to be a 69er mullet !!!
The hta with a mullet setup would be extreme for sure
Its called a 'Triple Crown Fork''.....You should know that..ha!!
IF I had that bike.... I'd ride it till the frame broke....cuz it might not ever! 😊
Triggered by unevenly clamped fork on upper clamp 😅
Hexagon shaped grips 😜
Surprisingly comfy
@@KevCentral I bet, was just trying to razz you a bit for calling them octagon.
lol. I didn’t even realize I said that 😂
Yes comments are not showing up I said the bike is out of stock
See you kev I'll take a break for a while by the way your voice doppelganger is a TH-camr that built a 5 acre pond
Wow. That’s a feat. Who is that…I feel sorry for them getting stuck with this voice?
Is that a bmx😊
Maybe it's when I say store names because another one didn't get posted I need a new tablet maybe it's on my end
Oh i guess those comments are both wrong i dont see them in chat 💥💥🍔🍻🐿️🎃
One of them responded to this video 😂
Could be TH-cam your chat monitor. but I'm not going to stay if you can't nicely comment freely why would I do that just a break maybe it's TH-cam💥💥🍔🍻🐿️🎃
I’m confused. Are some of your comments getting deleted?