Stalin honestly speaking i am no disappointed the program has been distracted by luck off internet connection but wed meresa is not wise or not matured he like to criticized anyone other than himself so i have stopped listening such interview.
The only solution for the problem is by holding accountable TPLF and PP leadership for all the atrocities committed in the country. There’s no need for any conflict amongst the people. B/c of idiot leaders innocent people have suffered.
ነዛ ካልአይቲ ቻነልና subscribe ብምግባር ሓግዙና። zelle/cash app -571-622-8891
I wish all Tegaru would listen and understand to what this intelligent person is saying.
Thanks, Stalin for bringing him to your show.
Heartbreaking fact. Thanks Amanual for teaching our people.
Thank you for inviting me Amanuel 🤗
ኣማኒኤል ብሱል ብሉፅ ተንታኒ ኩነታት ትግራይ
Definitely Tigray deserves exemplary democracy but we are not lucky of these opposition parties in Tigray
Excellent analysis, thanks Amanuel
Amanuel jegina
The game is truly over juntino 😊
Mersa chaham kola
እዙ ተንታኒ ብስሚዒት ተደፊኡ ብጣዕሚ ሚዛናውነት ዝጎደሎ ሓሳብ ሒዙ ዝቐረበ ይመስል ሕጂ ብሰንኪ ፀላትና አብልዕሌና ዘካየድዎ ፅንተታዊ ኩናት ንድሕራት ተመሊስና ምባል ትኽክል ኢዩ ቅድሚ 83ን ብ2010ን ዝነበረት ትግራይ ተመሳሳሊ ኢያ ኔራ ግን አይብሃልን
Le political mehayemant zekon discussion ayekonen. Emuq political analysts eyuu.
Do You think Tigray was doing good during the 27 years of colonial rule by pro Ethiopia TPLF leaders from Menelik palace?
We didn't have strategic leadership- why wasn't created this. And how do we expect this incompetent leadership will save Tigray?
Le political mehayemant zekon discussion ayekonen. Emuq political analysts eyuu.
ወዲ መረሳ ጎበዝ ተንታኒ ንበረልና
so think only about your self!
ወዲ መሪሳ ከም ቢንያም ስጋ ኣድጊ ምስበልዐ ጭሕሚ ኣንዊሑ ብኤርትራ ፖለቲካ ይመሃር ኣሎ።
መችም ንተጋሩ ከም አብይ ዘተጫወተልኩም የለን አስልጢንኩሞ ገምጢሎ ንተንቤን በረሃን ንመቀሌን ደርብዮ ገዲፎኩ አሰይ ጽቡቅ ገይሮ ህጅ ሱቅ ኢልኩም በበሚድያ ወጺሁም አጠው ቀጠው ዝቀይሮ ነገር የለን ባይ ባይ ተጋሩ ድህር ህጅ ናይ ኢትዮ ስልጣን ክትርዕይዋ አይትክዕሉን ብቻ ሰርቅሁም ሰራሪቅሁም ዘተከልኩወ ሚድያታት አለኩም ዋይዋይ እንዳበልኩም ክትዛረቡ ጥራህ ተርፉኩም
Tigrai us a small, poor, desolate, dirty, landlocked, feudal, and violent region in the northern part of Ethiopia 🇪🇹
You should challenge him strongly question please
Le political mehayemant zekon discussion ayekonen. Emuq political analysts eyuu.
ባይባይብይ ተጋሩ
Fantastic job
ድህር ህጅ ተጋሩ በዚ 27 አመት ካብ መላው ኢትዮ ዝዘረፍኩወም ንብረት ክትበሉ ጥራህ እዩ ተጋሩ ዘለኩም ዕድል አራት ነጥብ
ብዛዕባ’ቲ ቀለብ ዓሳ ኮይኑ ዝንሄ ህዝብኻ ሕሰብ ኣብ ዘይውራይካ ኣይትሓምዙቕ ዓንጓር ተረፍ ተስዓን ሸሞንተን ተረፍ መለስ ዜናዊ ሕብሪ ዓይንኹም ክፀሪ ኣለዎ ቅድሚ ገዛና ምምፃእኹም።
Le political mehayemant zekon discussion ayekonen. Emuq political analysts eyuu.
ምሁራት ኢና ናይ ዓለም ጥዕና ፕረዚዳንት ትግራዋይ እዩ ። ኸማኻ አብ ሳዋ አይደንቆርናን😂።
you don't know TPLF!#
how are you? are you avatar?
Stalin honestly speaking i am no disappointed the program has been distracted by luck off internet connection but wed meresa is not wise or not matured he like to criticized anyone other than himself so i have stopped listening such interview.
Keep dreaming kondafat agame cenewuti
The only solution for the problem is by holding accountable TPLF and PP leadership for all the atrocities committed in the country. There’s no need for any conflict amongst the people. B/c of idiot leaders innocent people have suffered.
አይ ተጋሩ ህዝቢ ኢትዮ ሃገር ክትመሩ ዕድል ሂቦኩም ነይሮ ግን ንስኩም ጽጋብ አይክዕሉን ጸጊብኩም ዘየለ ግፍን መከራን ብህዝብ ኢትዮ ፈጺምኩም ሳሉ ኦሮማራ ካብ4 ኪሎ በካልቾ ኢሎ ንተንቤን በርሃ ደርብዮምኩም ተመስገን እዩ ህጅ ሱቅ ኢልኩም ጫውጫውን ብካያትን ልመናን ጥራህ ኮይንኩም ድህር ህጅ ከምዝዮም ትህት 5 ሚልዮን ዘለወም ነአሽቱ ብሄራት ግቡሁም አብይ ዝደርብየልኩም ባጀትን ፍርፋሪ ስልጣንን ተቀቢልኩም ክትነብሩ ግድ እዩ ኦሮማይ ጌም ኦቨር ኢሎ ወዲ አፈወርቂ
ኢትዮ ዕድል አይሃበትናን። ብስረና ደርጊ አብ 17 ዓመት አሸኒፍናዮ ። ሻዕብያ 30 ዓመት ወሲድሉ። አዲስአበባ ዩኒቨርስቲን አስመራ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ጥራሕ ነይረን። ተጋሩ ሻላ ጎበዛት ዝኾንና 35 ዩኒቨርሲቲ ወሲኽና ሰሪሕና። ሻዕቢያ አስመራ ዩኒቨርስቲ አጥፊእዋ😂
ግድባት ግልገል ግቤ ቁፅሪ 1&2&3 ተከዜ፣ አዋሽ፣ ቆቃ ፣አባይ ወዘተ ብፍልጠትነ ሰሪሕና። ባቡር ፣ፅርግያ፣ ኮብልሰቶን ፅርግያ ፣ ኮንዶሚኒየም ፣ ሪልስቴት፣ ባንክታት፣ ኮሌጃት፣ ጥዕና ጣብያታት፣ ሆስፒታል ፣ ትምህርት ቤታት ፣ መዓት ብዙሓት ሰሪሕና። መከላከያ ዩኒቨርስቲ ሰሪሕና። ሻዕብያ ግን ኤርትራ አደንቁራትኹም😂😂😂
ዕድል ዝሃበና የለን። ንሕና ዕድል ወሃብቲ እምበር ተቐበልቲ ኣይኮንናን። ኣቦታትና ልዕሊ 160,000 ስውኣትን ስንኩላትን ከፊሎም ዘግሃድዎ መስተንክራዊ ዓወት ንዓኹም ከዳዓት ኣሚኖም ናይ ነፃነት ዕድል ሂቦምኹም። ነዞም ፖለቲካውን ወተሃደራውን ጉዳያት ኢትዮጵያ ዝዝውሩ ዘለው ደናቑር ከይተረፈ ካብ ህይወት ምርኮ ኣናጊፉ ናብ ስልጣን ኣደይብዎም። እልፊ ብቑዓት ተጋሩ እናሃለዉስ ባንክን ታንክን ንብሄር ብሄረሰባት ዘረከበ: ከምኡ ‘ውን ሓላፍነቱ ንኢትዮጵያን ኢትዮጵያውያንን ምምራሕ ከሎስ ንሕቶ ኤርትራ ቀዳምነት ዝሃበ ህዝብን ውድብን ዶ እዚ ምተገበኦ?
😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
no tigray is rigon not nation?
Zara media, your guest important topic needs thorough discussion.
why don't you talk befor the war?
Good Great man
A. G. A. M. E.
Proud Agame ❤
that is not your business?
Le political mehayemant zekon discussion ayekonen. Emuq political analysts eyuu.
This guy is always complaining
Le political mehayemant zekon discussion ayekonen. Emuq political analysts eyuu.
This guy has great potential
tigray people don't know anything !
We'd meresa is great fighters of tplf but Beniam s beniam,boreko sheabia,
We Tigreans have already stopped identifying our selves with Ethiopia due to the genocidal war
wrong knowledge?
I think Tigreans should prepare for the inevitable break up of the country and should see the future ahead
Ema chukor
Excellent analysis Thank you Amanuel❤❤