I ordered from them once before, a hat and a shirt. The shirt was too small so they let me return it. I ordered a 2nd time with them on a Friday and I paid extra for express shipping and had it shipped to my hotel in Orange County. I got an email on Thursday the following saying my item has been shipped. I paid for express shipping that says 3-7 days. I will not be receiving my items in on time and then ship from Northern California. I’m not gonna receive my items in on time. I’m asking for my money back!
I ordered from them once before, a hat and a shirt. The shirt was too small so they let me return it. I ordered a 2nd time with them on a Friday and I paid extra for express shipping and had it shipped to my hotel in Orange County. I got an email on Thursday the following saying my item has been shipped. I paid for express shipping that says 3-7 days. I will not be receiving my items in on time and then ship from Northern California. I’m not gonna receive my items in on time. I’m asking for my money back!
If that is the case, I would ask for my money back in that situation. All the times I have ordered from them I have had no problems.
Nice, thanks.
No problem!
That’s crazy I ordered 500.00 worth of merch from them never received it so serious
Did you ever reach out to customer service
you know any other good quality christian brands?
If I do find any new brands I will be doing a review