The Biggest Tallest Building in the History Burj Dubai UAE 5

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 22 ก.ย. 2024
  • MSN : المسنجر

ความคิดเห็น • 38

  • @IbnulHossain
    @IbnulHossain 16 ปีที่แล้ว

    Many many thanks for unloading those amazing videos. Those help me for adding valuable knowledge. Please keep it up.

  • @mickdow2003
    @mickdow2003 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    This subsequently caused lower trusses to fail because of the increased load. This then resulted in a pancake collapse where each floor collapsed onto the floor below.
    I have spent not one or two but four years in university studying structural engineering but I'm sure your 3 docs prob give you just as much knowledge about structural steel work as the last four years have given me.

  • @elmo11259
    @elmo11259 16 ปีที่แล้ว

    yea they are building a BIGGER one in Dubai again

  • @alfredpidoy2k7
    @alfredpidoy2k7 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    people should put a parachute in high altitude buildings.. easier to jump than to suffer the fall :)

  • @lettreocean
    @lettreocean 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    very beautiful next 'Titanic'

  • @BlindMango
    @BlindMango 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    really cool tower

  • @theDyrectawr
    @theDyrectawr 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    "The burj dubai will be the biggest sky scraper ever built...............until someone, makes a bigger one."

  • @mickdow2003
    @mickdow2003 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    Once the plane struck the buildings significant parts of the fire protection which surrounded the structural steel were removed. The fuel in the planes ignited and produced temperatures which exceeded the critical temperature of the steel. Once the critical temperature was reached the truss connections failed or the trusses sagged (floor units). Once the truss connections broke, or sagging began, this caused the columns to buckle.

  • @mickdow2003
    @mickdow2003 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    Due to many tests including the standard time/temperature test, anti-isothermal test and the section factor tests (depending on exposure) structural steels behaviour in a fire situation can be determined.
    These tests can show that the higher the exposure and the heat on the steel the greater the strain on the steel. It is found in mild steel that the critical temperature is approx 550˚ Celsius and steel begins to fail around this temperature.

  • @Beatle214
    @Beatle214 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    Am I a little weird or this video is making other people tear up as well? XD

  • @tippo747
    @tippo747 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    you could put a water slide in the stairwell.......then the people would be evacuated quickly..............
    ....water slide........for the entire building....
    ..that would be cool...

  • @KyuuAA
    @KyuuAA 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hmm... building fire is one thing; yet, those "safety rooms" would still be worthless against a 9/11-type scenario.

  • @taotaosland
    @taotaosland 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    I am still not sure if the building on fire. God bless these people. There are still lots of significant problems. Pressurization system!!!!!!!

  • @cc1sportingtorver
    @cc1sportingtorver 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    LooooooooL, yes :D and how ab make it like a Water Park for the summer? LoL

  • @cc1sportingtorver
    @cc1sportingtorver 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    True that, Zbaz.

  • @sunshineunc
    @sunshineunc 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    because they were talking about the Burj dubai but they are in Chicago.

  • @1curt12
    @1curt12 16 ปีที่แล้ว

    polymiers isnt that what makes synthetic threads

  • @tomvars
    @tomvars 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    yes, but if the world trade center would have had the strong fire-resistant pillars holding it up that the burj Dubai has then it would have never collapsed, and people in the safe rooms would have survived. Ofcourse this would still not save those directly hit by the planes, but then again the majority of the people who died in the WTC died from the collapse of the building or fire

  • @nfsmohpsp
    @nfsmohpsp 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    what channel is ?????

  • @cc1sportingtorver
    @cc1sportingtorver 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    Depends... people don't usually find objects sexy... lol

  • @akm169mm
    @akm169mm 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    wtf why is the sears tower standing in backgrand at 1:36?

  • @klatu6969
    @klatu6969 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    how tall is it?

  • @gembol
    @gembol 16 ปีที่แล้ว

    Really? It's American company which developed a blueprints and Asian company (Samsung) which is doing all the construction. Arabs give the money, so we can say that Arab people rules while it comes to astonishing rest of world, no matter the costs :)

  • @Nathan_Breeze
    @Nathan_Breeze 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    thad'd help put out any possible fires!

  • @cc1sportingtorver
    @cc1sportingtorver 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hmmm, I see. Well, you make me go through some details and I'll get back to you! Anyway, you are wrong when you say that steel begins to fail around 550º Celsius! Meantime and taking the opportunity, maybe you could explain us all, concerning the airplane crash (flight 93) why it just disappeard !! No parts of the airplane were foumd, nor a simple drop of blood... just a big whole in the ground, or the Pentagon attack. Do you agree that an Airbus collided with the building???

  • @joeguitargod
    @joeguitargod 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    Just think what great things could be done with OUR money here in the good ol' U.S.of A.?! But instead, we're forced to be dependent on foreign oil when there are numerous alternative energy sources and technologies that could drastically reduce or even eliminate our government created dependency on it! I truly believe that these technologies will be effectively suppressed until the planet is wrung dry of ALL it can produce! Ecology or future generations be damned! Amazing building, though.

  • @cc1sportingtorver
    @cc1sportingtorver 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    Just finishing (for now)..
    The final flight attendant's words were: "We're much too low... I see buildings" So, she could be at Dubai, right? I've never been to New York and I could tell I was there, but she's looking out the window and... wow, she said "I see buildings".. Shall I go on or maybe you prefer to discuss flight 93? I didn't think so...
    In this case, of course it was an inside job and a very POOR one, I must say...

  • @cc1sportingtorver
    @cc1sportingtorver 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    (cont.) all. The chance of a successful cell phone call from an Airbus at those locations is less than 1% !! Also, you just could NOT understand someone who's at the phone in case the call goes through. Further more, while you listen to the so called "true" calls, even from the flight attendant, around you DON'T hear people screaming/shouting... just total silence! How can that be? But you don't have a single doubt, haha, that's all true, in'it? Wake up, man!

  • @cc1sportingtorver
    @cc1sportingtorver 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    Of course not, tone4624. That was exaclty was I was telling mickdow2003 further to his sad comment just above yours!
    It's good to be a Patriot - I am! But that does NOT have anything to do with it. People want the truth, instead of "Bin Laden did it" boolshit.

  • @cc1sportingtorver
    @cc1sportingtorver 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    Yes, my boy.. this discussion is a waste of time.. you're just a stubborn kid who doesn't have a clue about what really happened here..
    200 bodies were fould from flight 93 and from the plain crash at the Pentagon??? You should NOT make jokes about this. That's not funny!!