Peace be with you. Pray LORD JESUS Christ Loves all of you+ Repent to Holy Bible ( Rev. 22:20+21) Christ Jesus said that I AM coming soon! Amen. Lord Jesus please come! May the GRACE of LORD Jesus be with all the saints. ( Rev.22-20+21). Peace be with you all........... 1 Reply
Peace? Prays LORD Christ Jesus: Amen. Hallelujah worships Holy Son of Father+ Serve+ Obey Holy Bible: the promises words : of KING of kings + Faith + Hope+ Love the LORD of lords + the LAMB who was slain! Peace? Prays Jesus Christ today?
Peace? Prays today? REPENT! For the Kingdom of God is near! Peace Repent? to that - KING of kings + LORD of lords ? Our Savior - LORD Christ Jesus' ( Holy One Son ) Holy Bible 1189 Chapters : The Promises word of ( Holy Son ) HOLY FATHER words: ( Book Matthew 3:1+4:17 + Rev.22:20 + 21) ; Christ Jesus said: Yes, I AM coming soon....... Amen. LORD JESUS ! Please
Amen. Hallelujah.......Holy Bible ( Rev. 19:4-22-21). Peace?
求神让我喜乐, 摆脱抑郁症!
Peace be with you. Pray LORD JESUS Christ Loves all of you+ Repent to Holy Bible ( Rev. 22:20+21) Christ Jesus said that I AM coming soon! Amen. Lord Jesus please come! May the GRACE of LORD Jesus be with all the saints. ( Rev.22-20+21). Peace be with you all...........
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大先知但以理智慧過人!明異象,解夢兆,事奉 神最為長久!
Peace? Prays LORD Christ Jesus: Amen. Hallelujah worships Holy Son of Father+
Serve+ Obey Holy Bible: the promises words : of KING of kings + Faith + Hope+ Love the LORD of lords + the LAMB who was slain! Peace? Prays Jesus Christ today?
Peace? Prays today? REPENT! For the Kingdom of God is near! Peace Repent? to that - KING of kings + LORD of lords ? Our Savior - LORD Christ Jesus' ( Holy One Son ) Holy Bible 1189 Chapters : The Promises word of ( Holy Son ) HOLY FATHER words: ( Book Matthew 3:1+4:17 + Rev.22:20 + 21) ; Christ Jesus said: Yes, I AM coming soon....... Amen. LORD JESUS ! Please