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The ACE Family Deserve Their Failure
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.พ. 2025
- It was only going to be so long before The Ace Family came to financial ruin. Austin & Catherine McBroom paraded around on social media, marketing themselves as the greatest "ground up" success story since the website's inception, before being completely and utterly exposed. Their $10 million dollar mega-mansion is currently facing foreclosure, they are going through approximately $130 million worth of lawsuit's, all while their TH-cam channel has been in freefall, barely able to crack 10 million views over the last 30 days. The Ace Families fake façade has finally dissolved. Time is up. Tick Tock, keep an eye on the clock.
This is, Why The ACE Family Deserve Their Failure.
Thank you guys for watching, like and sub if you enjoyed, SunnyV2 XO ❤
Their children could have grown up in a wealthy affluent environment, could have had a secure financial background. But all of that got taken away because of their parents incompetence. Sad
Most kids with parents who are that rich are literal animals
@@Abldishabsmaj26193 for real. Spoiled little brats.
@@xthewhitewolf correct, anyone knows that lel
_especially_ on online games, god
@@xthewhitewolf but there are some deviant from that prejudice tho... and those deviants literally a surprise in a good way.
Their kids will for ever judge them for that don’t worry
Renting a $17000 mansion instead of buying a modest yet decent house that would probably cost the same amount of money per month is a massive red flag
Because ego and a need to appear successful is destructive.
Being secure of who you are is an important trait to develop
They're buying the whole circus.
@@terasgarme2834 thats like an equivalent to renting a whole circus
I honestly am just absolutely speechless at their financial decisions when it came to renting that 17k/monthly place and buying the 10M home that wasn’t worth shit. Like anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together had to know those were horrible ideas/investments. . Just speechless.
@Drew Scrivers right! And that’s just 1 year. Imagine what kind of home they could have gotten with a 15 year mortgage, it’s honestly just mind blowing anyone could make such horrible financial decisions 😬
A happy family doesn't revolve around materialism, but communication and sharing experiences together.
Fucking preach man
A happy family doesn’t post to social media constantly in order to show how happy they are. Fake af
yes, sharing experiences, Mc Broom had some courses about successful success and how to become rich
Word my ninja
“I don’t have any beef with, like, their one-year-old son.”
-Drew Gooden
I love Drew 😭
I havent seen that but that sounds like drew, HE HE HE Who are their fans This is one family who everyone seems to hate the crap out of them, but they still are not shooting tips for how to be homeless. So whats up with that?
Look up “Ace family Drew Gooden”, and you’ll know the facts.
I remember that vid I love Drew/Danny/Kurtis
Let's be real, a true rich family will never ever flaunt their lifestyle, let alone in social media.
They create those videos for kids and single mothers , they believe all those rentals all real life
Having done close protection for wealthy families I can confirm this.
facts. magazines and talk shows will do that for them
@@Alokiarpiro facts. My BM ate all their content up smh
Not only that, they are way too busy to use social media.
I'd honestly like to see a study done on children raised by parents obsessed with social media. I'm very curious about how this affects kids, sadly I think it'll have bad results
Oh that would be very interesting, sort of like a 7 up series with kids that are obsessed with influencers and the actual kids of influencers too growing up over the years. Anyone got a camera?
Id be willing to pay his living wages after the study to find out through my taxes of course
The only problem I think would be the sampling process of determining who is social media obsessed. Assuming that they’re going to base “social media obsessed” according to hours spent per day, I can see at least two ways. The parents can declare the amount of hours they spend on social media daily through a survey (which can be falsified). the other option is for researchers to do an entirely new study to find out the number of hours they spend and then classify their participants. There’s another option but it’s not feasible as it would break data and personal privacy laws.
>implying all social media doesn’t record your data and sell it to advertisers
>implying scientists can’t buy the data
@@All-due-respect-I-disagree I know you're trying to act smart but that's not how you find the pyscholgical affects on kids
Any time somebody says “I’m drama free” or “I can’t stand drama”, they’re basically telling you to grab some popcorn to sit and watch the shot show unfold
Shot show
@@itsericsfault I think he meant "Shots fired".
@@mcdonnell-douglasdc-1056 I think he meant "Shit show".
Reminds me of that one couple who constantly said they were drama free and happy and then cut to the dude straight up killing his girl
@@C_D_Productions I'm interested
My dad always told me, "never take a loan to buy luxuries, take a loan to invest it and make more money".
invest in what?
@@lordfreezer2786 nfts clearly
@@lordfreezer2786 real state, if you get a loan buy land
@@owyemen9367 nfts are scams
@@lordfreezer2786 probably real estate or reliable stocks
Happy to see highly manipulative fools getting what they deserve. Feel really bad for the kids.
nice pfp
I saw a clip of him driving his kid to school with a Lambo. And he was trying so hard to get something out of his kid like asking something along the line of "what do you think will happen when your friends sees you dropped off by a Lambo?" The child seems confused and doesn't know how to answer to that question and then he goes on and on how the kids at school will be impressed by the Lambo. Cringe
@@shinqqing5161 This is why I hate family channels😬
Yeah, not the kids...
My worst fear is ending up on this channel 💀
@@Unsubscribbled when has he ever been a "news channel" he makes video essays
Looking at your sub count i highly strongly doubt that
I don’t even know who you are
SunnyV2 2025: "The SHOCKING reason for Cindy Athams DESERVED failure.
One of my fears is making a new account, suddenly getting a massive amount of popularity, remain relatively stable for a few years, and then I get harassed for having a porn addiction and being an edgy little shithead 10 years ago.
Not the "family", the parents. Those kids have been exploited, and don't deserve this shit.
Maaan i feel poor for that kid
Hmm, the ace parents doesn’t roll of the tongue as well
you said it king
Exactly every kid needs an education and friends not This shit
Don’t hate on the family
But the parents
The kids did nothing to deserve this
I swear most "influencers" have to be miserable. Their whole self esteem Is based on likes and views. They live a life completely void of genuine moments.
It sounds like actual hell
Imagine not doing things because you want to, but because it will make a bunch of *people that you will more than likely never meet happy*
Jesus, I just got chills
@@Werewolf.with.Internet.Access it's a sad existence that I would never want. I may not have much, but it's real.
And yet apparently 80% of kids in school want to be influencers
@@ludrixte1938 “Those who look like they have the best lives, best families, best holidays, etc, etc, probably have some of the worst lives.” SunnyV2, 2021
To be honest it's like that for only the 15 minutes it takes to film a video, the rest of the day I assume to be pretty normal
>I'm the most laid back, chill,drama free,overly calculated person you'll ever meet
>Tells people to F-off, efectively destroying every single claim she tried to make in the very same tweet she claims herself to be a saint with
Bruh you can't make this up.
1 minute ago lol
Average "Influencer"
Are you a furry?
I love your content! Also I agree
Good thing austin isn't very relevant to begin with.
Just to reiterate, if you see a seemingly perfect family on social media or in real life, something is definitely wrong. Real couples argue, real friends argue and life is hard. Social media is basically a place to fake your own happiness, it's actually really sad☹️
That's my relative's family 😬
I agree
That ain't true about what you said at the end
"Money does not change people, it reveals who they truly are"
Wow fr
That’s some Monte Cristo shit
@@AverageAlobamaEnjoyer i got that reference lmaooo
My mom was gossiping left and right a couple days ago with a friend and she stated several points all relating to wealth and public presentation.
For example, you should not always boast your wealth and high-pay job, a big home, etc. It may/will cause others to dislike you (‘red-eye’ was the term she used). ‘We know you are very successful but please do not shove your success and thought of being a high rank in people’s faces’.
Also behave humbly regardless of your wealth and such. Wealth status should not mean you are better/lower ranked than one another….
(Sorry for the bad explanation lol, I kinda rushed it)
The only question I have right now is this: what about their kids?!?
I can't imagine having parents who are scammers and for everything to go crumbling down. I can't even imagine the bullying they'll go through.
Hey don’t give the parents too much credit, they aren’t THAT memorable.
@@CallForGrandPappy Forget the parents, I'm asking about the kids.
@@warlis4767 well, let’s hope the parents never drop em and pick em up at school while vlogging and shoving cameras at their faces or screaming ACE FAM LEEEEEEEEEEEH
Do you fellas think that the kids are gonna be given away?
@@hoppuro *Sold
If you're that stupid with your money, yeah, deserve to lose it. I do feel sorry for the kids and it's unfortunate they have parents that aren't more responsible or intelligent
i'd hate to be the kids here it'd be like I'm traped by my parents lies
im just hopeing their relatives may take custody of the kids
@@Unsubscribbled sigh
SMH they could’ve just brought a nice decent house why buy a expensive ass house if u can’t afford to keep up with taxes and rent they let all that money get to they head
@@Miz_Velvet because they didn’t do a deep dive on owning a mansion they thought oh buy the house and will be fine etc etc
The children don't deserve this, I can't imagine being in their shoes. I only wish the best for them later in life.
Yes. They dont deserve it
all children deserve parents but not all parents deserve a child
@@Dirdy1998 oh Austin McDouche's alter ego? Get a life
@@AiSyYoo I wonder whose quote that is
Everywhere i go i see you…
It is extremely dangerous to fake perfection. To put out on the internet that you can 'live a perfect life' with no stress, no financial burdens, no relationship problems is beyond words for me
And you care?
The Ace Family represent what I hate about influencers or just these kinds of influencers. Vapid, self-absorbed, greedy, and egotistical. Hopefully they’ll continue to get what’s coming to them and hopefully their children are okay
Aren't like 99% of these influencers on social media are like that??
@@OldFantasy ye but there are exceptions like Keanu reeves
@@dudesayshi2191 I didn't know that Mr. Breathtaking was an influencer
@@robotictophat8331 he doesn’t really count himself as an influencer as much as someone who likes to help other people, wholesome man.
@@dudesayshi2191 Keanu isn't a social media influencer. He's a talented actor and philanthropist. Big difference.
I will never understand why Influencers think their fame will be eternal
If your whole character, or “career”, is just bragging your family/house or your looks (lookin at you tiktokers) then your fame will die with time
this is why people need to branch out and put their money into other ventures as well as try different things until something sticks, take the temporary hype you have and use it to give you a quick career boost in something you actually care about.
Yes they can the Kardashians and so much more
His and her look is average nothing special
@@T-ontop Kardashians are famous for a lot of reasons besides just their "looks" lmao but I get what your saying
@@HoboAKAHottFuzz plz list why
I feel sorry for the kids. Growing up like this. It's crazy...
Same 😞
Same, must be a horrible way to grow up
Same here man.I think this kids deserve a different but more happier family in a good way and dont exploit them for fame purposes.
At least they can say creativity runs through their veins
3:53 "The happy rich problem-free life that you see on Instagram does not exist. it's a facade usually put up by misrable people looking to mask their own uninteresting personality" truer words were never spoken.
Not really to be honest
You're just making lies
Yes. I’m insanely happy but why would I leak any things about it. I may live in a shack I may live in a tree I may live in a mansion. I ain’t leak in more than happiness
Hopefully this will be a humbling experience for them.
Exactly bro.
My guess is they will (as always) find a way to act like it isn't their fault and they are just being treated unfairly or someone else is somehow to blame.
@@ST.a_VR machine
Can you sing super idol?
The most confusing part, to me, is that if they were making around a million PER MONTH, then why would they even bother lending money? Save half the income for a year, lay low, and you've basically paid the whole thing in cash. It just doesn't make any financial sense to me.
Taking “rich people use other peoples money to make more money” way too far.
Bc their egos wouldn’t let them lay low
Based on the type of people they are, they'll find a way to spread their budget to use all the amount of money they make, if not more than that.
Even people who have the money don't tend to do that, because they can usually use that money to make significantly more than the interest on a loan. Also, depending on the circumstances, it can save a lot on taxes
When you're making that kind of money you never think it'll end
Even though they deserve their downfall, it's also quite depressing to see to be honest. I feel even sadder for their children now.
I agree. I feel so bad for their kids. I can't even imagine how they'll handle knowing how scummy their parents are.
Dont worry too much about the kids, they will be happy in a 50k-100k house, its the parents who loves the luxury lifestyle
Idrc they deserve it their kids were in it too so
@@wizswizzy2211 how
@@Turdeez there kids were in the click bait too so they deserve it
Came back to this after finding out that this couple divorced.
I feel bad for the kids
Imagine having your whole life revolving around social media from the age of 0.3 years, then having your whole life, family and school, fall apart in front of your eyes
I hope they get a better, caring family that doesn't use their children for social media clout or doesn't dump their entire bank account for afforementioned social media clout
that'd make a good short film now that I think about it
That's right
"Won't somebody please think of the children" they're going to be fine, and if they aren't, it was likely to be that way anyways.
@@blastortoise true
To people like them, kids are nothing more than another cute little accessory to flaunt around in expensive designer crap for money and views. They're gonna need a lotta therapy.
This case is a great example of why many people don’t believe in social media being a job. The fate of your job is in the hands of public with every upload and so many things can go wrong so quickly
It's like a job in television, but without the support of producers, agents, or managers. You know, the people who filter celebrities to remain relevant and beloved
I think it's a bad example personally. Their downfall was based on their own decisions. Social media is a volatile job but here it was simply them making bad choices
@@fizzybossyt8675 I see your point but i feel that when you work in the media in any sense you’re more likely to lose your job through bad decisions because your job can make your life very public, for the average joe like me my mistakes are easier to miss (of course that is not to say the average joe should not be held accountable for bad decisions at all)
@@Biffting93 yeah, it just sort of amplifies your mistakes and people are willing to tear you apart for it. And it's almost like you have one chance to make a name for yourself on TH-cam and if you end up tainting your name it can't be lived down
Japanese are smart.
i love seeing these new "influencers" who are thieves, liars, and scammers fall down is very satisfying. Reason being is these influencers are only fabricating a lifestyle that is unobtainable by the average viewer. Some people will try and absolutely fail because the lifestyle is fabricated.
I watch them burn with a smile on my face
Cry on others and some day you would be in the same place . Karma
Haha they have their PR bots writing these lame ass quotes ⬆️⬆️⬆️
@@roseserrano7662 I dont get it lol
@@chinoyomaji288 I’m talking sh!t but I just think the name of the person who commented that karma quote is sus… especially since the Ace family is known for hiring a company to sift through negative comments and remove them. In this case, I wonder if it’s that company or even them writing this kind of stuff to make people feel bad for stating the truth about them and their downfall lol
This is the most dangerous level of narcissism. They even involved the police! Crazy!
I just feel bad for the kids, imagine having parents as scammers
The kids are fine they are privileged. Their parents are rich and famous. The Ace family will never be poor. Worst case scenario the kids have to grow up middle class instead of rich. The horror I know. Why don't we use that energy to help poor kids.
@@snapchatsnacks3154 hm. Ok
@@snapchatsnacks3154 Bro stop spamming this message.
The kids were used for clickbait and money which ONCE AGAIN is toxic parenting.
@@snapchatsnacks3154 will you stop spamming this god damn message
@@snapchatsnacks3154 why don't we use our energy to help both? I NEVER blame the child in any situation. Especially children not even old enough to be in 1st grade. Every child deserves stability and I live in an area where kids don't have that.
They realistically went from about $100,000 a month in ad revenue with their videos, to about $5000 a month with their loss in viewership. Something almost everyone here reading this right now would feel absolutely blessed for. I hope everyone that sees this comment has a beautiful start to next year.
hi hi inside
@@muddyfingers9582 enter oblivion
@@muddyfingers9582 are you Habesha?
@@Tsukiko.97 What the dog doing?
I would just about die if i made $5000 in ad revenue. That's the difference between me and the ACE family, I have humility.
"I am the most laid back, chill, drama free and calculated person you will ever met" famous last word's
Laid back and overly calculated don't even go together 🤣 irl
Am sorry am against ace family but its meet not met am sry i had to
@@ilyes8000 🤣
@@pysq8 god i had to it was painful
Who else is here after the divorce announcement??
These guys got divorced? What about their kid, what’s happening to him?
@@leviathan69420 He's getting 2 Christmases but half his toys get repossessed so its still the same amount of gifts 🤣
@@sierrapeakswho do you think is getting custody of the kid?
@@leviathan69420 They both seem awful, but usually the mom wins if if there is not joint custody between both parents.
@@sierrapeaksneither of them deserve their kid.
Okay but when Austin said "we're about to sign our lives away" and Catherine asked "our lives?" .... that shit right there was the biggest example of foreshadowing I've seen all year.
No surprise. Shallow woman being shallow
It was actually pretty chilling and a little eerie, considering how everything unfolded.
This is why I keep trying to tell people that being a "TH-camr" "Tiktoker" whatever, is not a sustainable "Career". These are incredibly fragile things that can go as quickly as they came.
If they were earning a million a month at one point, they could be set up for life, the problem here is financial irresponsibility rather than the short term for such career. It's clear that those people could waste literally any amount of money simply to flex on strangers on the internet.
Both of you are 100% correct. People like the Ace family get in over their head, because they have the thought that their careers could never possibly collapse, only for it to blow up in their faces. On top of that, because they've gained a following, more people know there faces, so it'll be difficult to hide their past.
Exactly. Work is a means to gain wealth but people lack basic financial literacy. I really hope they have some money stashed somewhere for their children.
I bet you typed this on a lunch break or after you got off your job. if not then you're retired and old and don't understand how sustainable the internet is lol. L comment
Being able to mortgage nearly the whole price of ur house is actually amazing as long as u invest that money ur saving in order to make more then ur paying in interest. Doubt they did anything near that
He brought like 6 Lambos it was probably 2 or 3 all the same model plus 2 Rolls Royce, 2 Jeeps, 2 Range Rovers and I think a Tesla doubt he actually had any money to invest wisely.
@@lorddarlo6194 yah... cars lose value fast... I feel like they are fucked
Lol no. Probably just spent it on luxury cars and the jet ski that we see that idiot riding in the pool.
@@duckerino5691 he didn't even have a rare Lambo he had 3 of the same model being the Aventador
@@stanmoroncini8825 and all of the clothes and presumably expensive cosmetic surgery and body accessories for his wife
9:06 Installing two PERFECTLY fine and finished house by ripping off some parts to make it connect is like Sawing a Ferarri and a Lamborghini in half and glue the two sides together as a new car.
A very dumb idea
They literally tried to flex on their own neighbors by having a catastrophically overpriced house, in a suburb that was already filled with million dollar houses. Doesn't get any more petty and delusional than that!
Imagine being one of their neighbors. They're were probably a little salty that these scum bags were living in the biggest house in their neighborhood. They're probably feeling pretty smug right now lol.
@scomo's maccas adventure fun time. bingo. The house was officially reclaimed by the bank in October and allegedly was purchased by a third party recently for a fraction of what they owed on it. Not sure if that is confirmed or not. But. Regardless, the custom build on TOP of being in a $1M neighborhood squashed any resale value out of the GATE.
They just bit off way more than they could chew, had they stayed humble I bet they could've given their kids pretty damn comfortable lives. There's gotta be something in the air that makes people in LA shoe size IQ.
"They had these tiny flashlights" is what convinced me they faked it. For something to be considered a security camera, they have to be able to see in the dark.
Because security camera have night vision.
Right I live in a townhouse and my security camera from amazon can give me footage in the dark 🤨
for people like this id assume everything is faked unless proven real.
Yes!! Besides if anyone could take technology they would because they are expensive. Especially anything Mac related
@@littlesparrow303 it would have made more sense to state that a lot of tech was stolen, then you’d get MORE money from bleeding hearts. Maybe even film the thing on your phone for realism and take a break off filming for the channel while you “buy” more tech.
Seriously, not only are these people parasites, they aren’t even GOOD parasites!
I feel bad for the daughter honestly like imagine how she must feel in this
poor girl probably thinks some of it is real
Just to think later in their kids lives they will figure out that they were created for money
I don't get this personally. The ace family kids are rich and famous. Even if Austin looses some of his money he will never be poor. I grew up poor I would have given anything for these kid's childhood.
@@snapchatsnacks3154 i would not wish for anybody to be filmed 24/7 while growing up, Imagine everything you do as a kid, if it has any sort of entertainment value, your parentes tell you to do it again and again untill it is perfekt, to be put on line,have you seen how other familie channels treat the older kids, everything is put out, it is disgusting, and do not sound like a good childhood to me. With money comes other problems.
@@user-xc9fj6vz9v Problems we wont know how to deal with because this is so new
Kids who grow up with camera shoved in their faces 24/7 are, without wanting to, the forefront of a new type of child psychology :/
I’m binge watching you’re videos 😂. It’s so addictive even though I don’t know who most of the people you talk about are.
Same here. 👌😁
Watching these while I draw a fursona lol
interesting tis
it really sucks for the kids, they're were used and forced to deal with mom and dad's lies and now their being dragged because they wanted to flex their wealth instead of saving it for their futures
Didn't read it all. But here's a like
@@judgestonks3868 I'm so hard
@@RedLancerMoto ??
@@RedLancerMoto cool
@@dimitri7615 thank you
Never understood why people would throw so much money at a already built house, with that money they could build a fortress on some cheaper zone.
Exactly, build a customized, lovely house in North Carolina. As someone who grew up there, I can tell you the scenery is beautiful and the land is as cheap as the dirt it’s made of.
Don’t go for mansions in expensive areas.
I mean not everyone wants to wait months or even sometimes years for their places to be built. I definitely want to have my future home built but I also am willing to accept the time it’ll take. But I’m also not a hugely materialistic person like the ones that buy mansions with like 3 people living there.
@@stingerjohnny9951 noted! I’m going to save this information for my future.
Austin is the type of person that would hide your wallet and then help you look for it.
I just laughed out loud so hard in fkn public. Thanks a lot. Lmao
And he’d steal your last $20 when you already told him you needed it for gas
Plus he would make a video about it and make money from it.
only for you after realise that he prob took 100 dollars out of it
I can't, for the life of me, think about a reasonable single reason someone would watch those rich families videos. Didn't even know it was a thing until watching Sunny exposing them
Now I hate it when everybody drags only Austin but barely drags Catherine. She’s is the same as him. They both deserve this hatred
I feel like there's a problem in society where for some reason women get away with a lot of things that men don't.
@@doritodorito492 women don’t get as much criticism because guys are just hornier so they don’t really bother to hate on them as much
me too she is the same its cause shes a woman idc shes fake af adn i always thought she was shes just as terrible as him they perfect for each other i only feel bad for thier kids
he positioned himself as the patriach and leader of the family, so he takes most of the heat. plus i generally think catherine cares more about how she will look to the public so she tries harder to not seem stupid and obnoxious like austin is. his personality is easier for people to bash, but you're right they both deserve blame. idc about catherine, i only feel bad for the kids
No it’s not cuz she’s a women, it’s because everyone thinks she’s trapped when she obviously ain’t. She just wants the money
Imagine being their oldest daughter? You’re born into a life of luxury and fun, it lasts for a few years, you get siblings; suddenly it’s ripped from you and your left wondering what happened to all the fun with mommy and daddy? I bet there’ll be countless times when she tells stories to her little sister and brother about when her, mom and dad had everything
I don’t think she’ll have to tell her anything all she has to do is watch these videos
@@bikerboy72 I’m getting the feeling the kids are gonna legally change their names REAL quick.
I'm feeling so bad for thier future, knowing they have shit parents and picking up the pieces will be so so hard.
Not to mention, the child might even put the blame to themselves. Or the Ace family blames it on them by manipulating. We don't know how it's like behind the scenes.
It'll be like the song "Dollhouse" from Melanie Martinez
They'll still live a luxurious life but just a lesser scale
This is a great point
This is exactly why you should never follow an “influencer”. Be your own person and enjoy what really matters, family and friends. The events in life that truly make yourself happy doesn’t come from money or things, it comes from the people that care about you. I had never heard of the “Ace family” before this and I hope this will be the last I ever hear of them as well.
I don’t have any family or friends. I’m thinking of just fucking ending it all.
Let me get this straight: You comment something that is unrelated to the fact that I have two HEAVENLY HANDSOME girlfriends? Considering that I am the unprettiest TH-camr ever, having two handsome girlfriends is really incredible. Yet you did not mention that at all. I am quite disappointed, dear les
@@AxxLAfriku I can tell you’re lying. Girlfriends aren’t handsome. Men are handsome. Women are either pretty, hot, attractive, beautiful, or good looking. Not handsome. That word is for men exclusively.
My conclusion is that you are in fact gay.
You NAILED IT. People who follow "social media influencers" are among some of the most brain dead individuals out there. "Influencer's" lives are entirely fake and staged in order to put out the image they want to. Following after them and their dreams will only leave you miserable and heavily disappointed. I wish people in today's world would stop being such brainless sheep and start living their own unique individual lives. The world would be so much better then.
Catherine: I’m drama free and chill
Also Catherine: Tells people to piss off in the same tweet
This is wut happens when people hold money over everything else
@@pickleodessey8452 now this is what happen when people fake their entire life
Im broke and this hurts, knowing what they had and how the squandered it, they could have actually been happy
I feel so bad for the kids they are still so young and don’t need this stress
Maybe they need this to live a normal life .
their kids are in it too. they manage the finances since the only 2 adults are idiots
Kinda sucks tho kids have no control and cause of their dumbass parents are affected as well
Yeah, they're going to grow up and learn about what their parents did and won't be able to do a thing about it because it's all over the internet. And even worse, other kids and eventually teens will definitely make sure to remind them of it because bad news travels fast.
Those kids need to be given away to a lovely gay couple.
Their whole channel is basically a visual representation of what happens when you make a small lie, stick to it, and it ends up building into a huge lie, becoming an issue where you are now to deep to admit the truth, and finding new lies to follow becomes difficult and paranoia and anxiety inducing
Right?! They never had it. They were never anything more than a one night stand turned into a toxic relationship with a baby on the way.. and it snowballed. They made lame hats and juice… cash grabs… and this is still who they really are. No talent or moral or strong foundation to even stand on.
@@roseserrano7662 - Yup. Spot on, Rose! Beautifully articulated! 👏🏽
Breaking bad
It sucks that they did all this and are now “paying for it” and still live better then most people will ever get to it’s disgusting
what the fuck are you even trying to talk about??? how is a failed marriage, credit score in the toilet, and living the rest of your existence in debt "living better than most"????? 😅😅😅
Austin and his dad were accused of sexual abuse. These ppl are more disturbing than people give them credit for....
They will be bankrupt soon and will have to settle in a shed 🥰
they ain't payin for the house tho 🤣
@@bdsmgaming3627 What about the kids? Hopefully they find a new house and family.
Bro was right about everything damn
They divorced never saw that coming😅💔
There's one thing about this family that I have sympathy for....the children. They will receive so much unwarranted hatred from the actions of their parents. We won't ever know the true impact of their parent's selfish actions. But those kids will undoubtedly be impacted negatively. So sad.
hopefully they will grow up and be better people by learning from their parents mistakes
@Izzy I don't think they deserve life in jail for anything in this video, little extreme don't you think?
They'll also live in a household under massive debt. ie. a stressful household. Their parents can lie all they want, but behind closed doors and cameras turned off, I can only imagine the despair they will experience. Much more so when they get older and understand their situation.
I completely forgot that the Ace Family even existed.
I never knew they existed, heck nor have I ever heard of them.
Me too
I don't even know what is ACE Family??
Don't read my name!"+"+#";!@;";"
“If you were a religious person, you’d say the Ace family are currently paying for their sins.”
As a spiritual and irreligious person, I’d say karma’s biting them in the ass.
I feel so bad for the kids though, I really do.
karma is literally a religious concept...
karma is religious
@@the_ofa true, but I’m think an irreligious person can believe in it without following the religion it’s based in.
Kind of like how some atheists still follow some Buddhist teachings as many of them do help with mental and emotional health.
@@stingerjohnny9951 i can see the argument you could make but if we take this specific example its a clear cut contradiction. you cant say you're spirituality irreligious and claim belief in a supernatural agent.
@@the_ofa They didn’t say they were spiritually irreligious, they said they were spiritual AND irreligious, as in they held no strong religious beliefs but believes in spiritual concepts.
SunnyV2 is the master of drama, he knows all, owns all.
Just imagine what the kids are going to go through. Them being as famous as they are, leaving behind their problematic past isn't going to be easy. The kids did nothing to deserve this.
They probably won't have normal lives Austin will want to force them to continue his legacy. If Catherine does dump him and changes her ways then she may lead them to having normal lives. If not family members or Some Child services maybe needed surely exposing your children on the Internet and making them do stuff that may be seen as Sexual like voting on outfits isn't normal.
Those kids are doomed no matter what as long as they are the parents.
“No matter how strong the Ace is, it will always fall to the 2”
Poker reference Nice🤙
Or the 12 depending on what card game ur playing
@@LucyGoosey4636 Blackjack works too👍
@@victorcharles27 Solitaire works too, I believe.
@@blackops3thebest I've played it
It's not as good as Blackjack 😏
If they would have invested like 1% of their earnings from the start they could have set themselves up for life.
Instead they spent it all.
well they kinda did, with Austin trying to do that boxing thing while his wife doing a makeup line but both crumble down because of them trying to squeeze money out of it.
They could have lived in one house and loan/sell the other one, thats a no brainer man, unfortunately these people have no brain
To get an 8.85mm hard money loan they must have convinced that lender their house was worth like 14mm lol
I was telling my Wife: "No one should buy house and become House Poor" this is a good example of that statement.
Just think why did they need a house that big? The electric the taxes, the air conditioning will drain the pockets by itself. Plus, why buy a house in a area where there is not at least 6 house at the same value. They were token for a ride.
Well said my friend, well said.
10% rule, buy something if your savings is 10x of the price.
Well, I would buy a house like that if i was worth millions and millions, believe me.
@@novalovan that’s not how buying a house works since (generally) property values go up over time. It would be like saying a business is stupid for taking out a loan in order to grow their business.
It's because they have the money to burn and they don't care. To everyone else it's obviously absurd. But to millionaires? It's about buying whatever is fun at the moment.
Name one rich celebrity that hasn't done the same.
This could’ve easily been remedied if they would’ve bought a simpler house and kept the expenses low but everybody’s mind is so warped from social media to stuck on trying to appear like they really got it like that
They had a chance at securing generational wealth for their family, but instead they lied, and cheated their way into insane amounts of debt. I'm really happy to see they got what they deserved.
this video aged really well
i was looking for this comment
I remember stumbling on their TH-cam when they bought that house. I was trying to figure out who they were and why they had money, but couldn't. This makes so much sense.
the funny thing is, they couldve been the perfect couple with the perfect life
if they just got a 1 million dollar mansion, paid the fighters on the event, didnt do shady business, dont promote some bs
do good merch
its just that the greed eats the brain, they could have lived the multi million dollar lifestyle
Yep greed and arrogance.
And don't forget, if they wouldn't have stolen other people's business ideas
There's no such thing as a perfect couple or a perfect life.
@@24flyingcats84 sure of course, i was just adding some sauce to it
lets say they could have lived a great life if they would have been modest
@@joediditde Absolutely. So many bad decisions made!
"How good can your life be if all you're trying to do is make other people envious of you"?
Fucking God man. That's a good line
They announced they’re getting a divorce so you were 100% right
Just like the saying goes: "behind every great man there is a great woman", I think it is also accurate to say that "behind every monumentally idiotic/criminal man is an equally idiotic woman ".
That’s basically the Malaysian Ex-Prime Minister
I think she's just not smart enough. It's very obvious that her husband treats her as a display puppet.
I feel so bad for the kids because you know their parents are gonna blow through all that money by the time they’re grown up. I’d be surprised if there was even a college fund in place for them.
if it makes you feel better im sure nepotism will help those kids find a life for themselves, for better or for worse
I believe both Austin and Catherine's families were super wealthy before the two started their channel, so the money will always be there
they all will pass away
@@wahoo. The hell are you on about?
I can't imagine living a life where my only purpose is to go around telling everyone how rich and perfect I am. They are the most vapid people I have seen. Whenever their fans defend them, all they can say is, "You're jealous because they're richer than you". No one can say a good thing about them or mention a single personality trait they have.
clearly not that rich, they’re losing their home. lmao.
Is scammer a personality trait?
Is stupidity a gene in the family?
1:40 I love the intense COD MW2 music in the background lol
We really need to do something about the role models young people look up to these days. It’s creating a broken generation.
@Kyzbeast 011 thats even worse
@@idfk2348 😂
It's always been this way throughout history. From the days of Crassus of Rome in the 1st century BC (he formed the world's first dodgy fire service) to the '419' boys of Nigeria in the 1990s, to the current Tiktok craze in the US, people have always been easily impressed by people of nebulous wealth. The only difference is that it's more visible now due to the internet.
Yeah! Be your own children’s role models!!
@@idfk2348 bruh lol
It’s sad and kinda hard for me to talk about someone, who even have young children, but I have to realize… I’m not blaming family, I’m only blaming the parents.
So let us all hope at least their children get a better future then this
i hope their kids are ok honestly, going through financial troubles will affect them. Even if we don’t want it to
@@TTTNeptune last night, a Utuber went live to show that they've been evicted. They posted that they are on holiday and blamed the construction company and every other person who worked on the property. They've never had gas in the house so couldn't cook or have hot water. They have posted lots of the furnishings for sale. They never got final approval for the build, so couldn't remortgage when their first loan expired. I've never heard anything so unprofessional and they didn't have anybody overseeing the build. They are flat broke now. I've never followed them but seem to know far too much about them. Their story should be shown, in full, to all youngsters who want to be successful on Utube.
@@elizabethgrogan8553 can u give the link?
I'm reminded of the phrase "If something is too good to be true, it probably is". That phrase applies directly to the family and plenty of other families like them on TH-cam.
So true
They're all fake a f...🤣
Yeah, the actual rich ones don't do shit like this.
Sunny’s vids always make me feel better as a person
Dude hearing how much money they wasted hurts me so much, I know it isn't the key to everything but it is still a good tool. I feel rich making 50 dollars off of mowing.
As someone else commented, if they had invested even 1-2% of what they'd made their children could have been totally financially secure for life.
Apparently they spent nearly $50k for their FRONT DOOR. That is just under my yearly salary working as a clinician in an ER during a pandemic……their door….
@@cutlass2523 How and Why??
@@cutlass2523 Was it like covered in gold? thats so much money wasted.
@@jacksonspitsfax4526 knowing them, probably a custom door with a Febreze spray built in with their fart scent.
I feel sympathy for their children. It’s unfortunate those kids will never see a dime of the money that their parents exploited them to make.
The stupidest part is that they make so much money and would have been fine if they didn't waste it all on some stupid shit
This reminds me of those stories about how most lottery winners end up in a worse situation than before they get the money
"The number are cursed!"
--Hurley, LOST
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. The whole lottery analogy fits perfectly!
A fool and his money are quickly separated. There are so many cartoons where a character gets a ton of money and returns to being broke the next episode.
As a kid, I found that kind of silly, but now that I have experience with people, I realize how depressingly realistic that setup actually is.
Exactly this. Why didn't they buy things in cash that would've been assets
@@KeketsoN01 in cash? Lol come on
Celebrating "subscription goals", is what I find extremely cringe in life
I don't watch ACE family.
But Austin represents everything i hate.
@@hoppuro vapid, materialistic, greedy, vain, etc. Austin is all these things and more.
They represent everything I hate about egoistic materialistic influencers.
Ace family will always hold a special place in the TH-cam community and how a family can turn into a nightmare
This video perfectly sums up why I'm not a materialistic guy and am not jealous of rich people. This type of lifestyle is scientifically proven to make you more irresponsible with your life decisions, decisions that can result in you getting sued for the stupidest reasons, and turn the public against you for your clown behavior, especially if you also have large followings.
I'm not saying no one should support this lifestyle. If people want rich material life, then by all means, go for it. But don't let the wealth get to your head like Austin here and end up costing you everything.
Learn to control yourself, be smart with your wealth, and practice good family values (in other words, don't cheat on your lover or use your kids for clout) no matter what your economic status is.
There's a difference between using money that you earned to enjoy nice things and have a comfortable life, and whatever the fck these youtube and tiktok people are
@@johnr797 this. Of course I'm going to be jealous of a millionaire. He can buy anything he bloody wants and he never has to worry about funding in his life. These idiots already have everything they need regarding money but they're still scumbaggy enough to try and scam people for even more money
@@rocketbunny9347 Mo money, mo problems.
Lol these people aren't rich though. Don't compasre these clowns to a successful person that can actually afford the life.
@@beauchamphuberville1355 yup, the rich compete with the rich. They all have but they need more to out do the other
Amazing narrative. Completely had me hooked and at the end I just had to think about their poor kids. My heart goes out to them. Great video!
I agree
If there's one thing I can say about the 2020s is that social media's most toxic people are finally getting what they deserve. I just hope the kids are okay.
The kids are fine they are privileged. Their parents are rich and famous. The Ace family will never be poor. Worst case scenario the kids have to grow up middle class instead of rich. The horror I know. Why don't we use that energy to help poor kids.
They sure have horrible money management skills and I doubt they will stay "rich". I smell a bankruptcy coming soon.
@@snapchatsnacks3154 quit virtue signaling in every comment that expresses slight worry for the kids. people are still allowed to worry abt them. if you really wanna help poor children then donate to a charity instead of sitting on your ass and virtue signaling on the internet
@@snapchatsnacks3154 brought why you spamming the same message to every comment by the kids only to get proven wrong
@@somerandomperson5473 theres no point in even commenting on the guys comment he wont respond
I like how in the clip when they hit one million subscribers someone decided to unsubscribe and the counter went back briefly, like the person knew they were making a mistake by subscribing and they realized it.
Actually that was me😂
I didn't notice that at first, great catch!
“If you were a religious person, you’d say that the Ace Family are currently paying for their sins”
Hit the nail on the head with that one 💯
You don’t even have to be religious to agree with that line.
Never heard that line before.
I love it👍
There's something called "evil eye" it varies in cultures and religions. But very interesting that you made that comment, it reminded of that.
Actually, if you’re a religious person you’d say that you hoped that the Ace family had realised that what they were doing was wrong, confessed it and truly repented (changed their minds and actively tried to change their behaviour” )…
Our teachings tell us not to wish the worst on people , only to try to help them see when they are in error, as we would wish for others to do the same to us, according to scripture .
Not out of hate, malice etc
I love this channel. You talk about people ive never heard about. Gotta love train wrecks.
I love that I don't see ANYONE supporting them and It's great to see that people are seeing through their lies and deception. You know it's bad when your own damn fans are even turning against you 🤦🏿♂️
just go to the big comments, even in this video. not many, but a few people are still trying to defend them. it's somewhat funny lol
Well to be fair the only ones that need support and defense are def the kids. Their parents aren't the best and thanks to all the bad things that they've done and have happened are gonna have wuite the consequences that their kids will unfortunately be a part of.
My cousin was a huge fan of theirs and i would literally clown on her for it even before they came under fire😭😂😂
@@fenrirsrage4609 I agree. I feel sorry for the kids honestly. I hope they have a good life.
Maybe not in this video but there are definitely still tons of supportive comments on their videos. I think most of their previous following just want them to be happy and back on their feet.
It’s always a good day when Sunny posts
Damn right
For surr
His posts shine bright enough to get ris of my boredom.
As the saying goes...
You can run from your problems, but your never outlive them
I just don’t understand why people think it’s entertainment to watch people be “successful” if you can just do it yourself
You can’t.
@@elijahfordsidioticvarietys8770 no you
@@ItsWuLx success is a myth. There’s only misery.
@@elijahfordsidioticvarietys8770 based
@Lt. JoeAnimatez We have different perceptions of success.
Just like my dad said, why would you try to have a life that you can’t have or afford? Happiness doesn’t revolve around a mansion in California, but around family and people who care for you, not your money.
Never been a fan of the whole "when somebody says they're [x], they're actually the opposite" thing. People can reflect on/be aware of their own positive traits.
This, however, is not one of those times.
yeah sure but its safer to think this until you get to know the person
It’s easy to think that because you don’t say your positive traits just point blank to show the haters. It doesn’t show humility and humbleness. Saying “I’m the chillest person you’ll ever meet, and then calling someone a wack job and telling them to *fuck off* in the same breath… well it just writes itself.
The thing is, if you're authentic then why do you need to spell it out for people? People will see if you're chill, smart, etc., in the way that you act, speak, or in this case, post on social media.
@@tkraid2575 That's just it: you don't. Not unless you're doing some introspection and ask others' opinions, feel like you're truly, honestly being misrepresented, or are specifically asked about your positive traits.
... Or, I guess some saccharine positivity post. "People need to appreciate themselves more" type stuff.
@@tkraid2575 I can see talking about your qualities when you're trying to convey a point with some flare, like "I'm usually a pretty chill live and let live kind of guy but this is kinda fucked up", but obviously when you're just spouting said qualities to no benefit outside of letting people know that you're cool and tell them to fuckoff in the sane breath they're clearly lying.
I feel so bad for their kids. Not the parents, only their kids.
I love what Katherine said to the paparazzi -- "Don't believe everything you see on the internet!" I couldn't agree more Katherine. Ironic...
Wait, wasn't that the post that Austin made?