🙏 Need Prayer? 🙏 We’re here to stand with you in faith! Submit your prayer request through our Ko-Fi page, and we’ll lift your needs up in prayer. 💌 As a token of encouragement, we’ll send you a personalized prayer inspired by scripture, affirmations to strengthen your spirit, and, when possible, a song to uplift your heart. ✨ How It Works: Share your prayer request via the Ko-Fi link below. We will pray for you and respond with a heartfelt, personalized message. Offerings are optional-you can give as you feel led. 💛 This is our way of spreading love, hope, and encouragement in Jesus’ name. Thank you for allowing us to pray for you! 🔗 ko-fi.com/c/71fd6b6f3e “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” - Philippians 4:6
🙏 Need Prayer? 🙏
We’re here to stand with you in faith! Submit your prayer request through our Ko-Fi page, and we’ll lift your needs up in prayer. 💌 As a token of encouragement, we’ll send you a personalized prayer inspired by scripture, affirmations to strengthen your spirit, and, when possible, a song to uplift your heart.
✨ How It Works:
Share your prayer request via the Ko-Fi link below.
We will pray for you and respond with a heartfelt, personalized message.
Offerings are optional-you can give as you feel led.
💛 This is our way of spreading love, hope, and encouragement in Jesus’ name. Thank you for allowing us to pray for you!
🔗 ko-fi.com/c/71fd6b6f3e
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” - Philippians 4:6