Mom, I’m 61 and I really appreciate you. I don’t know if it similar age (you’re younger) but your responses are exactly how I’d comment on this! I have 3 sons 22-23-24 yrs and we have same rapport.🤗
I read a comment about matilda either coming over and leaving or sticking around about abusing him and sadly i think it would be the 2nd and thats very scary for him
I hope Matilda’s family step in and stop this. She’ll tear him apart
Poor Ingrid, he’s a creep. You don’t need to take the measures he said to put on catheter and so gross. I would have left immediately!
You’re funny and glad I found this!
I like you two.
we like you too!
Mom, I’m 61 and I really appreciate you. I don’t know if it similar age (you’re younger) but your responses are exactly how I’d comment on this! I have 3 sons 22-23-24 yrs and we have same rapport.🤗
Drag show guys/gals said they gave him a week long job out of pity and he never left.
I read a comment about matilda either coming over and leaving or sticking around about abusing him and sadly i think it would be the 2nd and thats very scary for him
Also, Loren is an even bigger creep in real life. He did an interview moving Max posted, and it was so disturbing
@@sarahh8596 oh I gotta go watch that I bet it’s good
@@sarahh8596 super curious how it unfolds he def seems scared of her
I’m glad they didn’t kiss!
Hairdresser is married to the lady there. He’s been doing her hair since he was 4yrs old. Whatever
After the tell all Brian is HIV positive
She’s seems like she’s on something.
Hairdresser is married to the lady there. He’s been doing her hair since he was 4yrs old. Whatever