Another great video and another one that brings back memories. I took a bus trip across the country with the Scouts in 1960 and remember riding along the RR tracks , probably in Oklahoma, and seeing riders sitting in the door of a boxcar. Enjoy and be safe.
Like 821, Awesome footage capturing the beautiful alluring scenery along the road as the gift of the mother nature that entice some of the viewers to keep on watching your channel, enjoy the ride, thanks for sharing and bringing us to this wonderful relaxing place and stay safe always.
The photography is amazing on these films and for those of us living overseas is a real insight into the USA. There is something spiritually uplifting about these videos. Thank you so much. 🙏
I cant even count how many times I have peeked my head out of freight cars literally right as an oncoming train is about to pass. it sucks getting spotted and then waiting to see if the train will stop in the next 15 mins. and then even if it slows down just a little bit, I get paranoid lol.
@@Jumpingoffthecliff It makes me wanna buy a periscope and bring it train hopping to look out the side and make sure its clear before I actually look with my own eyes.
I'm curious, can't you listen in on that on the Radio frequency they use? Sadly here in Europe they use GSM and much more modern tech so we can't listen in, but we also don't get any boxcars anymore.
@@AstralJaeger I generally only listen to the scanner if we're stopped or I think I was spotted. It's too loud at normal speeds to hear much on a handheld scanner.
Thanx for the ride George, maybe sometime when you come through Point again give me a shout and we'll have a few Pointers and a meal. Safe travels ahead!!!
Another fun video! I am so glad you made it ok! Ghosts Of The Rail felt so poignant this time. It is such a wonderful piece of music, and it made me think of Shoestring. So, thank you for that!
Nice footage. You mentioned the heat in a boxcar. I know a gazebo tin roof can be hot a heck, so a steel boxcar? Hell yeah! Lol..Albeit okay when it's moving I trust. You also talk about industry which I enjoy. Is Mercury (boat engines) still in Fond Du Lac? That's where my engine was built. Funny thing is that in French that means "Bottom of Lake" A bit of a paradox for a boat related
Great ride and great video as always. Right through my home town of Neenah, again. I know of at least a half-dozen railcams you avoided. Thanks for letting us ride along.
It's so sad that there are people out there, who have nothing better to do with their lives, than to try to ruin someone else's good time by calling them in.
After years of watching videos like these, when I'm waiting for trains at crossings I now watch for riders and cars I would choose. I think I spotted a rider once but I would never report someone.
No cell phones back then, no one’s going to speed down the road to the nearest gas station, look through the Yellow Pages to find the number of the train company, and then spend a dime of their own money, just to be a good Samaritan for a train that’s already 20 miles away. I suppose they could call the police, but now the trains in the next county. Someone else’s problem. I miss the 70s.
ha Great video. Every year we go to Beaver Wisconsin for the Moto GP Super Bike Race and we stay in Wausaukee and know right where that rail is located next to that Little Wausaukee Creek. Wisconsin is a beautiful area plenty of farms and everything is so green
George, every consider getting a magnetic mounted camera to put in the doorway to capture the great scenery? I know you gave your GoPro away, but then you would not have to stand out and get caught! Yeah, I get it, its not the same because your not seeing it as you go. Funny thing is, for me, I would focus on an open box car versus looking at the end of a hopper. That would even work on a hopper as well. 😁😁
I kept waiting, when you were sided at Steven's Pt. for the cop with the big cigar ,some will catch that, to pull you off. Glad you survived the mad elephant run !
Those tie-down straps are remind me of the ones on the old school subway cars. Riders of the cars were nicknamed 'strap hangers.' So, inside of 'steel surfer,' you can be a strap hanger!
Hi George, Another great video in this series. There was some great scenery along your trip. CN crews must be more forgiving then CPKC so they didn’t bother to call you in. Thanks.
That’s certainly possible. The camera has a little different angle too than my actual body so it’s possible I was harder to see than it appears, but either way, I’m glad it all worked out!
There's a _very_ good chance the engineer didn't see him. It's harder to see things in the shadows than you imagine. But, also, he should have been concentrating on driving his train. When you're concentrating on one thing, you tend not to notice other stuff.
The Other issue with Box Cars is you Rarely see the Doors Open because the Railroads have made it a point for Crews on Ground to make sure they’re Closed.
George, surely you remember the Great Weyauwega Train Wreck of 1996- I lived in New London and saw the smoke from there. You rode right over that spot . Next time you should stop in Neenah and say hi!!
@@Jumpingoffthecliff Google has the details. Made national news- involved cars full of propane on fire. Whole town evacuated 2 weeks. Nice area around there and Waupaca. Thanks for the adventures!!
Good video I used to watch Hobo Shoestrings videos all the time now that I found your channel I will be watching yours, question for you ever worry about being involved in a derailment
That would be a amazing way to see America. I swear I've got to do it. I retired this year and I still work. I definitely could afford to. I'm thinking. LOL 🤣
whew,that was a close one mr G a thought most cars are metal the use of strong compact magnets would be key u can find them rig up holder to cam wih magnet base so u can stay out sight .just a thought be safe brother
Thanks for the video as usual I very much enjoyed it But I have 1 question for you never seening the inside of a box car what are the floors made out of What type material that there made of That last long Seems every box cars very old nowadays Thanks thanks again for the video setting here in the Ozarks enjoying your ride.
Hi Matt. I hope you're staying cool down there! The floors are steel so they stand up to the rigors of forklifts in and out and the stresses of carrying cargo over the rails.
Dream house on the shores of Waupaca River. Boat ramp with a little day cruiser fishing boat, train tracks running down one side of your yard. Could you ask for more in life.😃😃
Yes, it certainly does fit. TH-cam does not allow the use of commercial music without a proper license. I pay a monthly fee to license the music that I do use. The mathematics behind their detection system is fascinating, but as soon as you upload a video with more than a few seconds of copyrighted music it detects it!
@@Jumpingoffthecliff Sounds as though you've heard it and that's good enough. I was raised in Colorado Springs in the '50's and was blessed to see the ATSF War Bonnets, The Mopac Eagles, the D&RGW Prospector, The CB&Q (Colorado Southern) Zephyrs, and my favorite, the CRI&P Rocket, come through regularly. And that was when their livery was beautiful. Be safe out there and know when it's time to ride Amtrack, so you can still tell us your stories.
I am enjoying your recent northern excursions although there are so many folk around it can't be that relaxing for you. Any plans to do the BNSF Transcon or any western roads? I guess you're less likely to be seen out in the wilds of Arizona or northern California. Oregon and Idaho/Wyoming.
Riding freights in the 70s/80s was the most fun time for me, not as much anymore. Back then, no cell phones, no 911, if someone spotted and wanted to rat you out, they'd have to find a payphone, find a dime, know what jurisdiction you are in, call 411 to get phone number for that police department, call them. Well, I am certain none of that ever happened when I rode. Hell, you didn't hide, you waved to the people at crossings. They'd usually wave back. Might seem crazy to some, but by12 years old, I was hooked. The world was a big place and I had little legs. Trains fixed that problem. Rails crews were great back then. If they knew you were riding, they would try and look after you as you passed through their territory. The Anthracite Roads were bankrupt, bulls were first to be let go. Railroads were a giant playground. Good times. Planning a Buffalo trip now just because the railroads go there. NS Buffalo line out, come back CSX Waterlevel Route. Glad you had fun and stay safe.
Is that what happened to Stobe, was he crossing a bridge? I had heard that a passing train snagged his backpack, but I didn't get why he was so close to the tracks when there was a train passing by him.
never liked boxcars - don't see much except out the door and they shake side ta side - not just that me dont like - everyone and they kinfolk go looking for a boxcar - also do not like be if ya can not slide the door almost closed then pin it ta sleep other folk can make way to ya and me find that unsafe - also problem be if only one door be open then that's the only way out and ya only get ta see out of one door - love watching ya videos - keep on keeping on with what ya be doing - ride hard but ride safe - much love and respect to ya -PS wish me had ya smarts regarding how ta make videos and record music on them videos or how ta stack videos together ta make bunch videos into one -
@@Jumpingoffthecliff much love and respect for ya - posted a short video of a straw bed on a hopper deck - few understand term dirty face be rider with dirty face from all the dust and shit that sticks ta ya perspirations when ya ride junkers in the heat or don't wash for bunch of days when hopping junkers - see if someone be saiya be dirty face - did find a comfy straw bed ta rest on for ton hrs - had good sleep -
I don’t understand why people can’t just mind their own damn business? It’s nothing to them if somebody is on a passing train and yet they feel that they just have to call the authorities. These are the kind of people that would tell the teacher every time someone did something wrong or run and tell mommy that their brother or sister is doing something wrong. Usually people like that are miserable in their own existence and they just want other people to be down where they are. smh
I'll keep my eyes peeled for you next time I'me waiting for a train in Oshkosh!! What does happen if you're caught? They pull you off and give you a fine? Arrested? My friend always told me the workers had guns that shoot tin foil balls with rocksalt. Is that true? 7:24 Highway 41 heading into Neenah!!
I don't think the workers have had fire arms of any kind in my lifetime. I've only had the cops called once. After they determined I wasn't wanted the conductor told me to get back on and we continued. I did get a ticket once, but it was dismissed. Most of the time you just get a ticket, but sometimes they'll send you to jail until bail is set, etc. I've been lucky, at least, so far, no convictions.
Box cars not as good fora ride as it seems (Summer too hot and winter too cold. Also Restricted views and air flow and problems I imagine with abolutions.
Thanks for all your videos. It makes sitting in this wheelchair a little more bearable. God Bless. Safe travels.
Dang, sorry you are in a wheelchair. Here's hoping that's a short term deal!
Yeah ,sorry your in a wheelchair
I'm glad his video cheered you up😊
Riding the rails hobo-style allows you to view the country from an angle unseen by most Americans. That is intriguing to me, George.
You actually made it all the way up there in that boxcar. Never had to switch trains. One of the best rides ever.
Good ride George. Toward the end when you compressing yourself into the corner so to not be seen, so was I, almost fell off the stool. LOL!
This is so much fun to watch, thanks Mr. George
Another great episode....Thank you George !
Another great video and another one that brings back memories. I took a bus trip across the country with the Scouts in 1960 and remember riding along the RR tracks , probably in Oklahoma, and seeing riders sitting in the door of a boxcar. Enjoy and be safe.
Great video, the music fit. The night light was just right. Hope the trip goes well.
Like 821, Awesome footage capturing the beautiful alluring scenery along the road as the gift of the mother nature that entice some of the viewers to keep on watching your channel, enjoy the ride, thanks for sharing and bringing us to this wonderful relaxing place and stay safe always.
The photography is amazing on these films and for those of us living overseas is a real insight into the USA. There is something spiritually uplifting about these videos. Thank you so much. 🙏
Another great video G man. Thanks for sharing and safe travels!
Love these videos and rides. Glad ya made it safely! I was just at 141 Speedway outside of Green Bay, we do have a spectacular country to see!!
You, sir, are blessed with a watchful guardian angel or natural powers of invisibility...or both! Thanks again for letting us ride along with you.
Thanks for another ride-a-long. I enjoy the music also.
When we were flipping trains in Chicago in the 70's, we sat by the door waving at the cars as we went through the crossing.
Yeah, I remember riding in the door with our legs hanging out, lol.
I cant even count how many times I have peeked my head out of freight cars literally right as an oncoming train is about to pass. it sucks getting spotted and then waiting to see if the train will stop in the next 15 mins. and then even if it slows down just a little bit, I get paranoid lol.
It is amazing how often that happens!
@@Jumpingoffthecliff It makes me wanna buy a periscope and bring it train hopping to look out the side and make sure its clear before I actually look with my own eyes.
@@Jumpingoffthecliffan oncoming train or overgrown tree limb😂
I'm curious, can't you listen in on that on the Radio frequency they use? Sadly here in Europe they use GSM and much more modern tech so we can't listen in, but we also don't get any boxcars anymore.
@@AstralJaeger I generally only listen to the scanner if we're stopped or I think I was spotted. It's too loud at normal speeds to hear much on a handheld scanner.
Great ride, George. Thank you for taking us along. Safe travels, my friend. ☮️
Thanx for the ride George, maybe sometime when you come through Point again give me a shout and we'll have a few Pointers and a meal. Safe travels ahead!!!
Thanks George on the video Wisconsin train ride look like the train was a little slower than the cars on the highway looking forward on the next video
Another fun video! I am so glad you made it ok!
Ghosts Of The Rail felt so poignant this time. It is such a wonderful piece of music, and it made me think of Shoestring. So, thank you for that!
Very nice song I like 👍
Fascinating can't wait to see how things turned out. Thanks for the show From New York
George is out getting in those rail miles and seeing the country in the best way possible. Cant beat that!
Fondy! My old stomping grounds. Great to see you doing your thing George 👍
Lol i liked that demented elephant box car! :)
Nice footage. You mentioned the heat in a boxcar. I know a gazebo tin roof can be hot a heck, so a steel boxcar? Hell yeah! Lol..Albeit okay when it's moving I trust. You also talk about industry which I enjoy. Is Mercury (boat engines) still in Fond Du Lac? That's where my engine was built. Funny thing is that in French that means "Bottom of Lake" A bit of a paradox for a boat related
Haha, yes, Fond du Lac is ironic. It got its name because on the map it is down at the bottom. I think Mercury still has operations there.
The music and scenery is very beautiful joyful❤
Great choice in music in your video as well as great video overall.
Great ride and great video as always. Right through my home town of Neenah, again. I know of at least a half-dozen railcams you avoided. Thanks for letting us ride along.
It's so sad that there are people out there, who have nothing better to do with their lives, than to try to ruin someone else's good time by calling them in.
Always enjoy Your rides,glad the CN crew didn't spot You,noticed the old SRR style whistle post signs. Looks like everything went well!🛤🚂
Welcome to Minnesota. Watching from Detroit Lakes. Bnsf and Cp rail both cross through our town. Love visiting Duluth.
Hey man remain keeping cool for us old guys 😊
After years of watching videos like these, when I'm waiting for trains at crossings I now watch for riders and cars I would choose. I think I spotted a rider once but I would never report someone.
No cell phones back then, no one’s going to speed down the road to the nearest gas station, look through the Yellow Pages to find the number of the train company, and then spend a dime of their own money, just to be a good Samaritan for a train that’s already 20 miles away. I suppose they could call the police, but now the trains in the next county. Someone else’s problem. I miss the 70s.
That's so nice of you
@@WD-41469the 70s,,so wonderful
ha Great video. Every year we go to Beaver Wisconsin for the Moto GP Super Bike Race and we stay in Wausaukee and know right where that rail is located next to that Little Wausaukee Creek. Wisconsin is a beautiful area plenty of farms and everything is so green
Super !!!!!!!!!!!
A new ride while watching the Olympics win gold tonight can’t get much better then this.
First. :) Glad to see you riding back on our turf.
It is so nice here in the summer!
Thank you for your other comment replys i did get them love your comments i appreciate your reply backs and glad you had another adventure😊
Wisconsin is pretty country. Thanks stay safe
@@davegoodridge8352 it truly is gorgeous this time of year. Such an explosion of life!
George, every consider getting a magnetic mounted camera to put in the doorway to capture the great scenery? I know you gave your GoPro away, but then you would not have to stand out and get caught! Yeah, I get it, its not the same because your not seeing it as you go. Funny thing is, for me, I would focus on an open box car versus looking at the end of a hopper. That would even work on a hopper as well. 😁😁
Very peaceful and beautiful ride
5:15 you're going right past my folks house:)
I kept waiting, when you were sided at Steven's Pt. for the cop with the big cigar ,some will catch that, to pull you off. Glad you survived the mad elephant run !
I was worried there for a bit. I'm not sure what exactly was making that noise, lol.
Those tie-down straps are remind me of the ones on the old school subway cars. Riders of the cars were nicknamed 'strap hangers.' So, inside of 'steel surfer,' you can be a strap hanger!
Thank you for sharing another great video. Is there a way to write to you .stay safe my friend. Glenn.
@@terrirush925 hi Glenn. My contact details are in the video descriptions. Email is
Hi George, Another great video in this series. There was some great scenery along your trip. CN crews must be more forgiving then CPKC so they didn’t bother to call you in. Thanks.
That’s certainly possible. The camera has a little different angle too than my actual body so it’s possible I was harder to see than it appears, but either way, I’m glad it all worked out!
There's a _very_ good chance the engineer didn't see him. It's harder to see things in the shadows than you imagine. But, also, he should have been concentrating on driving his train. When you're concentrating on one thing, you tend not to notice other stuff.
dang it I want to ride a cargo train before I die
The Other issue with Box Cars is you Rarely see the Doors Open because the Railroads have made it a point for Crews on Ground to make sure they’re Closed.
CSX yes, CN not so much
Damn it, you got me cussing you out, things like, get your ass moving off that bridge, and hey _ _ _ _ _ train on other track coming, move.😂
George, surely you remember the Great Weyauwega Train Wreck of 1996- I lived in New London and saw the smoke from there. You rode right over that spot . Next time you should stop in Neenah and say hi!!
Wow! I wasn't aware of that wreck. I didn't move to Wisconsin until 2008.
@@Jumpingoffthecliff Google has the details. Made national news- involved cars full of propane on fire. Whole town evacuated 2 weeks. Nice area around there and Waupaca. Thanks for the adventures!!
The train hopping world needs a George documentary
OMG yes we do, the things this man has seen and done so a documentary would be awsome to watch.
Would be interesting
Good video I used to watch Hobo Shoestrings videos all the time now that I found your channel I will be watching yours, question for you ever worry about being involved in a derailment
I haven't worried about it too much, but it has crossed my mind.
That would be a amazing way to see America. I swear I've got to do it. I retired this year and I still work. I definitely could afford to. I'm thinking. LOL 🤣
Very interesting
whew,that was a close one mr G a thought most cars are metal the use of strong compact magnets would be key u can find them rig up holder to cam wih magnet base so u can stay out sight .just a thought be safe brother
Be happy, healthy and safe.
(RIP) Hobo Shoestring, a National Treasure ❤❤❤
Well at least this wasn’t a informative video of what happens when the bulls get you 😅. Great video as usual
I was worried for a bit there for sure.
Thank you George for another adventure! I can never understand why boxcars never have an inside latch so someone can exit if they are locked in.
Hey John. That would be handy!
@@Jumpingoffthecliff Agree!
3:14 Yard air supply tank, but where does the compressor reside?
That is a great question. Now you have me wondering.
Great video George, what are Boxcars used for what type of freight do they carry.🏴
All kinds of stuff. Big rolls of news print used to be common.
Wisconsin in the kept secret...
If I saw a person riding in/on any rail cars passing by....I would NOT call any attention to it. I'd wave and wish them a safe trip.
Thanks for the video as usual I very much enjoyed it But I have 1 question for you never seening the inside of a box car what are the floors made out of What type material that there made of That last long Seems every box cars very old nowadays Thanks thanks again for the video setting here in the Ozarks enjoying your ride.
Hi Matt. I hope you're staying cool down there! The floors are steel so they stand up to the rigors of forklifts in and out and the stresses of carrying cargo over the rails.
Music is great!!
Hello . Very cool your Travels on trains 😂 l think is a very experienced thing to do Allways love to do that 👍🏻😎keep it up Be safe 👍🏻😎Robin out
You may want to hang on to one of those cargo straps. It might come in handy .
Dream house on the shores of Waupaca River. Boat ramp with a little day cruiser fishing boat, train tracks running down one side of your yard. Could you ask for more in life.😃😃
Yes, that was a really cool spot, at least in the summer, lol.
17:26 sequence, Blenker Wisconsin
George, I'm surprised you haven't played "Boomer's Story" by Ry Cooder on one of your videos. It sure fits what you're doing!
Yes, it certainly does fit. TH-cam does not allow the use of commercial music without a proper license. I pay a monthly fee to license the music that I do use. The mathematics behind their detection system is fascinating, but as soon as you upload a video with more than a few seconds of copyrighted music it detects it!
@@Jumpingoffthecliff Sounds as though you've heard it and that's good enough. I was raised in Colorado Springs in the '50's and was blessed to see the ATSF War Bonnets, The Mopac Eagles, the D&RGW Prospector, The CB&Q (Colorado Southern) Zephyrs, and my favorite, the CRI&P Rocket, come through regularly. And that was when their livery was beautiful.
Be safe out there and know when it's time to ride Amtrack, so you can still tell us your stories.
I am enjoying your recent northern excursions although there are so many folk around it can't be that relaxing for you.
Any plans to do the BNSF Transcon or any western roads? I guess you're less likely to be seen out in the wilds of Arizona or northern California. Oregon and Idaho/Wyoming.
I'm thinking of running west once more this year. We'll see if I get time.
How do you download the music you put in your videos? I’ve always wondered how TH-camrs did that.
I license the music through a service called Epidemic Sound. My subscription allows me to use their music royalty free on my TH-cam channel.
@@Jumpingoffthecliff Ok Thank you
Wisconsin’s mosquito and other insects seem to be in a record number this year with the wet Summer so far. Wonder if they creep into the open car.
I didn't notice them.
Did you ever catch out of fond du lac I just rode IM from chi-pokegama i have a bicycle it’s rough getting out of that yard
It's a looong walk out of pokegema. I have gotten off in Gond du Lac but never caught out of there. It seems pretty doable though.
Boxcar door made for a good framing for the video.
Riding freights in the 70s/80s was the most fun time for me, not as much anymore. Back then, no cell phones, no 911, if someone spotted and wanted to rat you out, they'd have to find a payphone, find a dime, know what jurisdiction you are in, call 411 to get phone number for that police department, call them. Well, I am certain none of that ever happened when I rode. Hell, you didn't hide, you waved to the people at crossings. They'd usually wave back.
Might seem crazy to some, but by12 years old, I was hooked. The world was a big place and I had little legs. Trains fixed that problem. Rails crews were great back then. If they knew you were riding, they would try and look after you as you passed through their territory. The Anthracite Roads were bankrupt, bulls were first to be let go. Railroads were a giant playground. Good times.
Planning a Buffalo trip now just because the railroads go there. NS Buffalo line out, come back CSX Waterlevel Route. Glad you had fun and stay safe.
Have a good trip!
Amazing I could only imagine how good it all was
Sent many of morning hook on bridge running over wolf river
I have hop train my entire Life
Is that what happened to Stobe, was he crossing a bridge? I had heard that a passing train snagged his backpack, but I didn't get why he was so close to the tracks when there was a train passing by him.
@@flapjack413 I don't think anyone knows 100% for certain, but it was my understanding he was on a bridge when it happened.
@@Jumpingoffthecliff That makes a lot more sense now, thanks.
Do you go through the Neenah yard first?
Yes, the split to Stevens Point happens just north of the yard I think.
@@Jumpingoffthecliff I wonder if you can catch there?
@@shawnlarock9159 yes, a person could catchout for Green Bay or Fond du Lac from there.
never liked boxcars - don't see much except out the door and they shake side ta side - not just that me dont like - everyone and they kinfolk go looking for a boxcar - also do not like be if ya can not slide the door almost closed then pin it ta sleep other folk can make way to ya and me find that unsafe - also problem be if only one door be open then that's the only way out and ya only get ta see out of one door - love watching ya videos - keep on keeping on with what ya be doing - ride hard but ride safe - much love and respect to ya -PS wish me had ya smarts regarding how ta make videos and record music on them videos or how ta stack videos together ta make bunch videos into one -
I'm with you on box cars. I don't like not being able to see out both sides and when you get one that hunts it can be an awful ride!
@@Jumpingoffthecliff much love and respect for ya - posted a short video of a straw bed on a hopper deck - few understand term dirty face be rider with dirty face from all the dust and shit that sticks ta ya perspirations when ya ride junkers in the heat or don't wash for bunch of days when hopping junkers - see if someone be saiya be dirty face - did find a comfy straw bed ta rest on for ton hrs - had good sleep -
This may be a silly question, I'm no expert at this sort of thing but, what is the purpose of the radio you carry? Just out of curiosity 🤔
It's a scanner to listen in on train communications. Sometimes there's a problem ahead and you'll get wind of it over the scanner.
@@Jumpingoffthecliff That's interesting. You always seem very well prepared and organised. Keep up the great content, it's much appreciated.
What would you do if you were asleep in a box car and somebody locked the door and you could not get out?
That would be a problem. Fortunately, those doors are really hard to close.
Good times
I don’t understand why people can’t just mind their own damn business? It’s nothing to them if somebody is on a passing train and yet they feel that they just have to call the authorities.
These are the kind of people that would tell the teacher every time someone did something wrong or run and tell mommy that their brother or sister is doing something wrong. Usually people like that are miserable in their own existence and they just want other people to be down where they are. smh
I'll keep my eyes peeled for you next time I'me waiting for a train in Oshkosh!! What does happen if you're caught? They pull you off and give you a fine? Arrested? My friend always told me the workers had guns that shoot tin foil balls with rocksalt. Is that true? 7:24 Highway 41 heading into Neenah!!
I don't think the workers have had fire arms of any kind in my lifetime. I've only had the cops called once. After they determined I wasn't wanted the conductor told me to get back on and we continued. I did get a ticket once, but it was dismissed. Most of the time you just get a ticket, but sometimes they'll send you to jail until bail is set, etc. I've been lucky, at least, so far, no convictions.
@@Jumpingoffthecliff You got caught and they let you back on?
I have just read an interesting article on the internet “What is a railroad boxcar and why are their numbers declining?” By Steve Raetz
That was a very interesting article! 👍 🍕
So are you going to go on to Duluth?
Or did I miss something?
Yes, it's about six miles to Superior/Duluth from that yard!
Box cars not as good fora ride as it seems (Summer too hot and winter too cold. Also Restricted views and air flow and problems I imagine with abolutions.
Why can’t people just mind their own business?
Still haven't learned. Your not out there to make content. Your safety and stealth come first.
@@feminazislayer it’s a juggling of priorities.
People need to mind their own business.
I suppose I'm lucky that most do!