Great demonstration Per! I would have thought there would be more than 8.5% difference after temperature differential. Now I won’t be quite as worried about trying to keep the panels as clean as often as I do.
It was not a very hot day and a breeze was moving air over the panels. I have seen solar panels over 130 Fahrenheit in the summer. The output increased slightly during the washing when the panels were cold but not a lot. Modern solar panels are designed to have the lowest possible temperature dependence.
The results are clearly as I assumed. Very little difference. With your battery charged to full buy lunch time I will not waste my siesta time to clean them 😅🤣
Greetings, How are you Tesla batteries holding up? I have a 15 kilowatt Tesla battery bank. I am reinstalling them at new homestead ff grid homestead. I have a heeting system similar to yours. It gets very cold at the new place. -30 F is cold. What do you recommend for maximum battery life. I have the 7s version of the 24 volt modules. I only charge to 4.04 volts per cell. I do not discharge below 3.4 volts per cell. I appreciate any input you can give me.
Great demonstration Per! I would have thought there would be more than 8.5% difference after temperature differential.
Now I won’t be quite as worried about trying to keep the panels as clean as often as I do.
It was not a very hot day and a breeze was moving air over the panels. I have seen solar panels over 130 Fahrenheit in the summer. The output increased slightly during the washing when the panels were cold but not a lot. Modern solar panels are designed to have the lowest possible temperature dependence.
Nice experiment
The results are clearly as I assumed. Very little difference. With your battery charged to full buy lunch time I will not waste my siesta time to clean them 😅🤣
Greetings, How are you Tesla batteries holding up? I have a 15 kilowatt Tesla battery bank.
I am reinstalling them at new homestead ff grid homestead. I have a heeting system similar to yours. It gets very cold at the new place. -30 F is cold. What do you recommend for maximum battery life. I have the 7s version of the 24 volt modules. I only charge to 4.04 volts per cell. I do not discharge below 3.4 volts per cell. I appreciate any input you can give me.