this was one of the greatest moments in Austrian pop history, all the big stars on one stage singing in English-Ethiopian... what a great performance , lyrics... love this so much 🧡💙💚💜🤎
I just heard about this song bc there was a show about austro pop. Had to check people's reaction on youtube. I was amazed how critical and thought provoking these lyrics were. They probably let them play that song since most people don't understand german/austrian. I'm in awe.
verdient mehr Aufmerksamkeit, guade Nummer mit der Creme de la Creme der damaligen österreichischen Musikszene. Und das Konzert von Opus insgesamt damals war sensationell, so btw!
"Famine is a useful tool, keeps the masters in power" It appears the writer of the song had a better grasp of what was really going on in Ethiopia circa 1984-86 than anyone at the Band Aid/USA for Africa Trusts.
Ich war damals als Jugendlicher live dabei in der "Gruam" in Graz. Beim Eingang wurden uns trotz 30 Grad die Getränkedosen abgenommen. Trotzdem das wohl beste Konzert meines Lebens
This concert was released as "Opus And Friends - Graz Liebenau 1985". This song is in the album along "Live is Life", hit single by Opus and "Rock Me Amadeus" by Falco , among other songs from other groups.
@@haba3000 yes, at the Opus and Friends concert in Graz-Leibenau (probably spelt that wrong). Basicall a mixture of Opus songs with both just them and another Austrian artists mixed with some songs from these other artists, for example they did Rock Me Amadaeus with Falco and Go Karli Go with EAV.
Sowohl textlich als auch musikalisch um Klassen besser und treffender als "Do they know it's Christmas", "We are the World" und das bundesdeutsche Betroffenheitsgedudel "Nackt im Wind"
Lo siento pero Do they know it's Christmas?, llegó hasta mi México en aquel 1984 y se quedó en nuestro corazón. Está canción apenas la escucho hoy en 2024.
Some contries also did songs to collect money for Africa. Austria was one of them, and some songs were shown in breaks during the show. This was the song of all the top national acts of Austria, and (of course?) the song is in German - well actually more a mixture of Austrian dialects ;-). The chorus was taken from an Ethiopian folk song in Amharic language.
this was one of the greatest moments in Austrian pop history, all the big stars on one stage singing in English-Ethiopian... what a great performance , lyrics... love this so much 🧡💙💚💜🤎
I just heard about this song bc there was a show about austro pop. Had to check people's reaction on youtube. I was amazed how critical and thought provoking these lyrics were. They probably let them play that song since most people don't understand german/austrian. I'm in awe.
verdient mehr Aufmerksamkeit, guade Nummer mit der Creme de la Creme der damaligen österreichischen Musikszene. Und das Konzert von Opus insgesamt damals war sensationell, so btw!
Ein Gänsehautlied! Das einzige Benefizlied für Afrika, das auch afrikanische Rhythmen und afrikanischen Gesang verwendet und so Bezug zu Afrika hat.
"We're sending money so we don't feel so bad" love it
that's a wrong translation, i am from germany and they are saying more like that they send money that the world(we) don't feel so bad.
@@derarken73 Cool, thank you.
@@SpeccyHorace Your Translation was correct "Wir senden Göd (Geld),damits UNS besser geht..." We are sending Money,that WE are feeling better...."
Thank you very much for the reminder of the small support my country did for the project.
"Famine is a useful tool, keeps the masters in power" It appears the writer of the song had a better grasp of what was really going on in Ethiopia circa 1984-86 than anyone at the Band Aid/USA for Africa Trusts.
However, this concert did not take place in Vienna, but in Graz-Liebenau and was recorded before the Live Aid event.
I'm Puerto Rican and I love this song. 🇵🇷🇵🇷🇵🇷🇵🇷🇵🇷
You also seem to love commenting on every video that has to do with Live Aid.
@@thephantomoftheparadise5666 is it because I’m Puerto Rican? Do you have an issue with me being Hispanic and liking things outside of my race?
Nach fast 40 Jahren hat sich NICHTS an der Problematik geändert 😢 Das Lied ist altueller denn je.
Du sagst es
Ich war damals als Jugendlicher live dabei in der "Gruam" in Graz. Beim Eingang wurden uns trotz 30 Grad die Getränkedosen abgenommen. Trotzdem das wohl beste Konzert meines Lebens
Where is Falco?
This concert was released as "Opus And Friends - Graz Liebenau 1985". This song is in the album along "Live is Life", hit single by Opus and "Rock Me Amadeus" by Falco , among other songs from other groups.
I dont remember one. Was this performed live at one of the stadiums or was it a separate taped performance/video like Bowie/Jagger & Prince's videos?
This was most likely taped live performance.
@@haba3000 yes, at the Opus and Friends concert in Graz-Leibenau (probably spelt that wrong).
Basicall a mixture of Opus songs with both just them and another Austrian artists mixed with some songs from these other artists, for example they did Rock Me Amadaeus with Falco and Go Karli Go with EAV.
Great, I love them! What's the lineup? Don't know any of these singers
I recognise Opus, Wilfried, Maria Bill, Wolfgang Ambross, Stefan Eberhartinger, Hansi Djumic, Peter Cornelius, Uli Baer…but there are still others
Sowohl textlich als auch musikalisch um Klassen besser und treffender als "Do they know it's Christmas", "We are the World" und das bundesdeutsche Betroffenheitsgedudel "Nackt im Wind"
Lo siento pero Do they know it's Christmas?, llegó hasta mi México en aquel 1984 y se quedó en nuestro corazón.
Está canción apenas la escucho hoy en 2024.
Das ist es nämlich, exakt! Hätte den Kommentar zur deutschen Version 1:1 gleich verfasst!
Peak 80s
Legal !!!
I'm mad that van halen and Michael jackson didn't show up on live aid
Michael Jackson was asked to perform but due to other commitments felt he didn't have time to properly rehears a band and dancers.
Even if I understand German very well, I understand nothing
Cause its austrian
Ich betäube meine Sinne sinne
I'm austrian and I didn't fully understand the lyrics at first, so no worries, we don't even understand each other xD
leckmi am oasch... de ham dort a gspüt??
Hob i a ned gwusst.
bom dia
Present guys its good 👍👍 don't my channel om
Some contries also did songs to collect money for Africa. Austria was one of them, and some songs were shown in breaks during the show. This was the song of all the top national acts of Austria, and (of course?) the song is in German - well actually more a mixture of Austrian dialects ;-). The chorus was taken from an Ethiopian folk song in Amharic language.
@@max__p1765 thanks
Now it needs to call: Africa for Austria (and Germany)! You see, the time changes everything 😒