I woke up near the end and tried to fall back asleep but just couldn’t 😊 I love how excited the fleet museum guy was at the pencil markings and battery voltage 3:27:51
Love the shirt with hidden archaeological humor... "Possible Ritual Use". At the 32:58 mark in video, that Dr. Stuart Prior is wearing. A term some archaeologists use when they cannot determine the use of an object, and a generic classification. LOL😂
It’s 4:30am been awake since 2am. TH-cam was my last resort to put something on to fall asleep to and this was the first thing that popped up when I opened the app. Im either gonna fall asleep or its gonna be 8:30am when I’ve finished watching it 😅
Yes thank you! I need something like this to fall asleep too, it interests me so much though I’ll watch for hours forcing myself awake lol. Then I’ll pass out and finish it the next day. 😂
When they dig up ancient graves, all I can think is "grave robbers". It's like when they talk about how ancient Egyptian graves having been robbed. They actually mean, "Someone got here before us!"
I worked around the Slapton beach area in Devon last summer. There's another memorial just up the road from the tank that lists all the names of the American soldiers that lost their lives in that attack.
I know there's a bunch of pissed off Ancient Egyptians ...I mean they literally wrote that shit on the walls of their Tombs ...DON,T DIG ME UP..IM HAVING A GREAT AFTERLIFE!!
Unfortunately I know that as long as you aren't protecting someone who has committed a crime, in my state in the US, you can just cover it back up and try to get on with your life. So possibly 50-55 years would eliminate any guilty parties. If you report it, start with local law enforcement even if you are sure the case will go through/to the FBI.
According to google “Digging up bodies becomes archaeology when it's done for the purpose of advancing scientific knowledge and with a permit. This is different from grave robbing, which is illegal” Laws Laws vary by location and context, but in most US states, burials older than 100 years can be excavated. Permits A permit is required to legally excavate a site. Ethical guidelines These guidelines are established by professional associations and include respecting the remains and consulting with affected people. Intent The intent behind the excavation is what most archaeologists use to distinguish between archaeology and grave robbing. Archaeologists study human history and prehistory by exposing, processing, and recording archaeological remains. They must treat the remains with respect and dignity, and screen them from public view.
Unfortunately many of these old buried sites have to be moved elsewhere because business or farmers who purchase the land legally own the area. If the body is left in the land that is not owned by government, it can possibly be destroyed if commercial businesses excavate and destroy the graves. A lot of the times they are found because farmers or construction companies find them when they are digging. This is where archeologists come into play and have to figure out what they need to do next
I was just thinking, if there were Professors half as beautiful as Alice, my hands would have a death grip on a pick axe and shovel during school!😂. All of my science professors looked like Shrek…
I used to listen not watch WW1 and WW2 until I fell asleep it worked for a while until I found myself in 1939 Poland , me hiding the rubble while SS troops March it's d shooting everyone they saw , then I stopped and changed it for yoga and frequencies videos.
I really wish they had limited the number of ads. I am not even 8 minutes in and I have already hit two ads. I want to be able to put this on and fall asleep but the ads really are an annoyance.
If I want some TH-cam video to go to sleep by, I listen to thunder & rain. I watch videos like this one to learn something. Curious as to why they brought the large German Shepherd looking dog on the boat when they were excavating the underwater site off the Isle of Man?
Can they stop disturbing the dead obviously buried. Modern day grave robbing! Scan with fancy equipment and recreate on computer. I don’t care what can be learned. Nobody lays to rest loved ones for someone’s curiosity to dig them up.
I hereby give any archaeologist 1000 years from now permission to study my corpse because I think helping the living to understand history is more important than some long dead bones.
I know it's a tribal burial ground but the local descendants are okay with it. If it can help society in some way, they can have my bones as soon as I'm done with them.
This is fabulous but not conducive to getting you up your far-away tree to sleep Ville. Because quite simply it's far too interesting so with regret I shall have to put on Maigret Murder and Mayhem is easier to sleep too. 😊😊😊😊 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
The idea is nice, but it would be better if the ads were just at the start and end. And not in the middle, startling me while im starting to drift off 😐
My family were British ambassadors and politicians. I was told by my grandmother that one African country we added to the commonwealth was run by 6 civil servants in total not even any soldiers!!?
I am so sick of hearing 'high status' ... so what???...always the archeologists want 'high status' burial...high status...doesn't mean you are high status....I can't listen to this sycophantic profession any more
They found hyenas and rhino bones in that cave in britain. That means at one point Britain was landlocked with Africa and Britain's climate was warmer???
Hey man, there is way too much to explain here, but if you watch the show and the stuff the official team publishes on TH-cam; you can definitely come to some conclusions
Got too invested. It’s now 4am and I’m bawls deep In this.
Up to the nuts with guts 😅
It's three thirty am for me lol
@@liu67407am for me 😂
@@liu6740 2:43 AM for me. Shouldn't had worked out before bedtime. 0-0
I wonder if I ever learn anything in my sleep guided by TH-cam.
If you have to wonder, then no, you didn’t learn anything in your sleep
@ probably not. But it would be cool if we could.
@@jennodineI thing that "sleep learning" experiment was tried in the 1970's(?) but failed.
No. It doesn’t work that way
Volunteer for Elon musk neural link then maybe you can just upload at night like the borg
This makes me debate going back to school for archeology. I'm absolutely fascinated!!! 😂❤
Its never too late! If you love it then do it, I believe in you
@haleighharris8692 you're so sweet! Thank you!!!
You should! I'm in my senior year studying archaeology and it's awesome
What a great idea! I often fall asleep before the movie ends. This way I can learn a little something before dozing off. 😄
Well it is 12:02 a mom 1 Jan 2025 and I just discovered this channel! Happy New Year to all of you!
Why did I Look at this at 12:02 😅
@@jaydontaylor3967 what's a mom 1 ?
Happy new year 👍
A Mon* as in monday im pretty sure@@leeinwis
This was a beautiful watch… wanted to sleep, didn’t sleep at all. I was way too intrigued! Much appreciated ❤🙏
I woke up near the end and tried to fall back asleep but just couldn’t 😊 I love how excited the fleet museum guy was at the pencil markings and battery voltage 3:27:51
You got scared !
Thanks for the upload. Sleep well, all. Night night 😴
You too
Night. Sleep well
Goodnight from Penzance 😁
Love the shirt with hidden archaeological humor... "Possible Ritual Use". At the 32:58 mark in video, that Dr. Stuart Prior is wearing. A term some archaeologists use when they cannot determine the use of an object, and a generic classification. LOL😂
God bless Stuart, I'm happy for you. Thank you for all your work , it is so amazing watching you and your colleagues at work.
It’s 4:30am been awake since 2am. TH-cam was my last resort to put something on to fall asleep to and this was the first thing that popped up when I opened the app. Im either gonna fall asleep or its gonna be 8:30am when I’ve finished watching it 😅
Goodnight unearthed history channel
Goodnight chat
Night nights
Love that I read this in Christopher Walken’s voice.
Love how self aware the title is
Yes thank you! I need something like this to fall asleep too, it interests me so much though I’ll watch for hours forcing myself awake lol. Then I’ll pass out and finish it the next day. 😂
Love these anthologies!!
Goodnight and have a nice sleep.😊
Sleep well ~ Sweet Dreams 🌠
Facinating and interesting on factual Archeological history and its origins .Thanks for sharing these finds .
❤❤❤❤❤ 😊😊😊 Thanks!
This is an amazing presentation. I absolutely loved it!
i tend to focus better when there's sound in the background while doing hw... this did the trick ty! :D
i fell asleep watching this video and i'll fall asleep watching it again
I watch this to watch not to sleep. Beautiful.
You wanna boff ?
This is so soothing that I instantly fall asleep ❤
Said “united kingdom” - instantly fell asleep. Very effective
I would love to fall asleep with Alice Robert’s ❤
Didn't she have blond hair once?
Me too! What a knockout.
Can’t sleep with loud ass commercials every 3 minutes.
I think the title might be especially quirky British humor.
Purchase TH-cam Red.
Purchase TH-cam Red.
Commercials drive me crazy
Pay for TH-cam premium. You'll never go back
I enjoyed Her and Neolithic Bristian Historical History 😮🤠⛏️⚒️🇺🇲👍😎😍🤩🖖✨️🌹
Goodnight yall
Now that’s a title I can live with.
When they dig up ancient graves, all I can think is "grave robbers". It's like when they talk about how ancient Egyptian graves having been robbed. They actually mean, "Someone got here before us!"
😂👍🏽🎄Thank you for my Christmas present!
Perfect for a deep sleep!
The title is hysterical. Nothing like promoting something to fall asleep to.
Fastinating finds. What an amazing place!
My new favorite colors are black and red
It worked! Got in a 1/2hr nap💤
I worked around the Slapton beach area in Devon last summer. There's another memorial just up the road from the tank that lists all the names of the American soldiers that lost their lives in that attack.
Thank you ❤
Goodnight sweet dreams everyone
I slept well until I woke up. The video stopped playing.
I did😂, 4 hours, nonstop.
Why would I NOT be wearing gloves and protecting the artifacts from contamination of open environment???
I can dig it
Jesus H. Christ , that hurts
@leeinwis was a day I thought that was cute to say. :) God bless you, brother. 🙏🏼
Well done and I shared with my father too.
At 2:39:49, that local tribe cup is designed for a left-handed person. Very curious, I wonder if they drew the same conclusion?
Is it? The handle appears to be on the right-hand side when using the strainer.
My last resort at 5:36am to fall asleep to 😭
At what time frame does digging up a buried person become “archeology?”
Well said. I am horrified. Why disturb the graves? Why can they do this? Are there no laws?
I know there's a bunch of pissed off Ancient Egyptians ...I mean they literally wrote that shit on the walls of their Tombs ...DON,T DIG ME UP..IM HAVING A GREAT AFTERLIFE!!
Unfortunately I know that as long as you aren't protecting someone who has committed a crime, in my state in the US, you can just cover it back up and try to get on with your life. So possibly 50-55 years would eliminate any guilty parties.
If you report it, start with local law enforcement even if you are sure the case will go through/to the FBI.
According to google
“Digging up bodies becomes archaeology when it's done for the purpose of advancing scientific knowledge and with a permit. This is different from grave robbing, which is illegal”
Laws vary by location and context, but in most US states, burials older than 100 years can be excavated.
A permit is required to legally excavate a site.
Ethical guidelines
These guidelines are established by professional associations and include respecting the remains and consulting with affected people.
The intent behind the excavation is what most archaeologists use to distinguish between archaeology and grave robbing.
Archaeologists study human history and prehistory by exposing, processing, and recording archaeological remains. They must treat the remains with respect and dignity, and screen them from public view.
Unfortunately many of these old buried sites have to be moved elsewhere because business or farmers who purchase the land legally own the area. If the body is left in the land that is not owned by government, it can possibly be destroyed if commercial businesses excavate and destroy the graves. A lot of the times they are found because farmers or construction companies find them when they are digging. This is where archeologists come into play and have to figure out what they need to do next
Who could sleep through this!?
Rest well and enjoy life
It’s crazy to think that somewhere in the future, an archeologists might dig up your grave without thinking twice about it lol.
You won't mind .
Night boys!
TH-cam knows me a little too well how did they find out I need to listen to something to sleep when my anxiety is terrible
I luv it….. 😊…: why the dye though?
fell asleep .. give it a good 9 out of ten 10 .
The title got me here
I started wishing I could fall asleep with the red head. So, I suppose the title actually worked. Thanks
Alice Robert’s
Tidy 👍🏻
I was just thinking, if there were Professors half as beautiful as Alice, my hands would have a death grip on a pick axe and shovel during school!😂. All of my science professors looked like Shrek…
I don't think she's actually a red head...
Hi all I'm going bed to this and I will tell you if it helped me sleep
Interesting watch, utterly shat on by WAY too many adverts (every 2 minutes)
TH-cam premium will be the best $18 you ever spend a month. Especially if TH-cam is your primary television.
Completely agree I'm going to change to something else they're taking the piss with the amount of adverts
❤❤❤❤❤| gling sa tita mo!
The title is nothing but click bait. Seems to be happening more and more on TH-cam all the time.
I hardly call 3hr56m of an archeology docu-series "click bait"
I used to listen not watch WW1 and WW2 until I fell asleep it worked for a while until I found myself in 1939 Poland , me hiding the rubble while SS troops March it's d shooting everyone they saw , then I stopped and changed it for yoga and frequencies videos.
I had a similar thing happen years ago. And now I’m very careful what I leave on while I sleep.
Cotswolds translates to
"Cots Forests" or "Cots Woods".
Waldo is German for "woodsman"
or "Forester".
I really wish they had limited the number of ads. I am not even 8 minutes in and I have already hit two ads. I want to be able to put this on and fall asleep but the ads really are an annoyance.
If I want some TH-cam video to go to sleep by, I listen to thunder & rain. I watch videos like this one to learn something. Curious as to why they brought the large German Shepherd looking dog on the boat when they were excavating the underwater site off the Isle of Man?
Why not bring a large German shepherd dog? I haven’t seen that part yet though
I don't think some people can understand how old we are.
Americans can't look over 200 year's.
Tribal people have been in America for around 13,000 yrs.
23:15 outlander Jamie's hideaway cave
How will you know if you find the Holy Grail? Looking at the find at 1:29
Alice Roberts kind of bae
Can they stop disturbing the dead obviously buried. Modern day grave robbing! Scan with fancy equipment and recreate on computer. I don’t care what can be learned. Nobody lays to rest loved ones for someone’s curiosity to dig them up.
Lmao it's not that deep. Well the bodies are but that's besides the point.
Well said I totally understand what you mean and totally 💯 agree
I hereby give any archaeologist 1000 years from now permission to study my corpse because I think helping the living to understand history is more important than some long dead bones.
I know it's a tribal burial ground but the local descendants are okay with it. If it can help society in some way, they can have my bones as soon as I'm done with them.
You really think they have loved ones to care hundreds of years later?
15:31 I always find it amusing when they say "its been so hot." Tomorrow will be 30°c by 8am with a top of 43°. Still want to tell me how 25° is hot?
Where are you? In the UK 25 degrees is hot.
When your brain takes a coffee break but your body keeps working
Aborne isn't red ginger is my favorite
If you watch for free,then enjoy the adds,pay a little per month subscription and NO adds, cheapskates😢
They need to purchase TH-cam Red.
How dare you
Fuck I love this
I’ll never understand digging up buried bodies?
Umm soothing
This is fabulous but not conducive to getting you up your far-away tree to sleep Ville. Because quite simply it's far too interesting so with regret I shall have to put on Maigret Murder and Mayhem is easier to sleep too.
😊😊😊😊 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
This better be good, cause I’m tired.
2:42 Joyce Manor shirt representin
The idea is nice, but it would be better if the ads were just at the start and end. And not in the middle, startling me while im starting to drift off 😐
I’m sorry. But kind of hard to fall asleep when there are TH-cam ads every minute and they are loud and obnoxious.
This documentary opens up just like Monty Python. Is this irony or post-irony? An incorrect answer will get you shadowbanned
I kind of liked the show, but I could never get that excited about bits of manky old pot and twisted scraps of metal.
can’t sleep so might as well learn something
My family were British ambassadors and politicians. I was told by my grandmother that one African country we added to the commonwealth was run by 6 civil servants in total not even any soldiers!!?
Likely because the inhabitants didn't know they were now property of the king and went on with their lives until more soldiers came
@@odinymir4274We are all owned. The rich are just owned by the aliens.
Sometimes i think it's better to not know what is actually going on. 🙄
All good stories have pirates.
600 year old doodoo is something I thought I’d never hear. 😂
I am so sick of hearing 'high status' ... so what???...always the archeologists want 'high status' burial...high status...doesn't mean you are high status....I can't listen to this sycophantic profession any more
The reason it matters is because that's where you'll find artifacts. Poor people didn't have the same things buried
Meanwhile in the US we get “Aliens”
Somehow I feel like Philomena is needed here....
Uk has history😂😂😂😂
What could happen to you when you come to Egypt I wonder🤔
No need, we already have all the important artifacts in the British Museum.
They found hyenas and rhino bones in that cave in britain. That means at one point Britain was landlocked with Africa and Britain's climate was warmer???
Hey man, there is way too much to explain here, but if you watch the show and the stuff the official team publishes on TH-cam; you can definitely come to some conclusions
i’m gonna wake up and not remember one fact 😂
The first thing i hear is an old woman say, England has an epic history...... Wtf
Using the word for it's true meaning, instead of slang, is not bizarre. Your reaction is.
Digging ancesters tomb site is not good for anyone. Just let it be.