Hello sir.. sir if we want to have mutiple condition in where clause like --- where deptno = :dept and deptname = : deptn, now i have to write execute immediate command for this, how to use these multiple bind variable in using for execute immediate.
Hi could you show me please in next video how we can use dynamic where condition and some more advanced.thanks
Hello sir.. sir if we want to have mutiple condition in where clause like --- where deptno = :dept and deptname = : deptn, now i have to write execute immediate command for this, how to use these multiple bind variable in using for execute immediate.
Akshay just wait for next videos I have covered all these concepts under that so keep watching
sir, if are getting database error while executing immediate query( lets say user passed wrong Table name) ,then to handle those exception?
Write exception with the help of all_objects and execute emmidiate query