Never really was a PvP guy in Sea of Thieves, but if someone decides to try and sink my ship, I will not hesitate to make them wish they hadn't. Usually ends up with me manning the cannons, someone taking the wheel & managing repairs (with both of us bucketing water periodically & checking ladders when necessary), and our 3rd member usually attempts to board with a Stronghold Keg that we leave in the back most part of the ship (where it's safe from anyone trying to shoot it with a flintlock/eye of reach, and to do the least damage to us in the event it does get shot or hit by a cannonball). The payoff though when you have a successful keg boarding is so beautiful to witness though.
Never really was a PvP guy in Sea of Thieves, but if someone decides to try and sink my ship, I will not hesitate to make them wish they hadn't. Usually ends up with me manning the cannons, someone taking the wheel & managing repairs (with both of us bucketing water periodically & checking ladders when necessary), and our 3rd member usually attempts to board with a Stronghold Keg that we leave in the back most part of the ship (where it's safe from anyone trying to shoot it with a flintlock/eye of reach, and to do the least damage to us in the event it does get shot or hit by a cannonball). The payoff though when you have a successful keg boarding is so beautiful to witness though.